Palin: Carrier-Trump deal smells like 'crony capitalism'
Trump surrogate Sarah Palin argued in a Friday op-ed that President-elect Trump's negotiations with the Carrier company may be nothing else than "crony capitalism."
Palin: Carrier-Trump deal smells like 'crony capitalism'
Trump surrogate Sarah Palin argued in a Friday op-ed that President-elect Trump's negotiations with the Carrier company may be nothing else than "crony capitalism."
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Stupid bitch and here brainwashing, "The invisible hand". If it leaves the Nation, then it no longer has our Nation's property rights and we can fuck it up as an enemy corporation any way we fucking choose to.
Shut up and be a grandma!
BTW tariffs built America up until 1913.
These people are not going to like fascism one bit.
Remember that USA only dropped tarrifs after they and the Soviets bombed the shit out of Europe, removing all competition.
Can someone gas this bitch already?
this was what totally turned me off from her. she fucking quit in the middle of her term because she couldn't take the heat.
also, reminder that sarah palin liked to fuck niggers before he shacked up with her husband.
She's totally incapable of handling negative media. Palin is the anti-Trump.
I have faith in Trump to not be stupid about this an let every American company saber-rattle and threaten to outsource to blackmail the government into concessions. He's been doing business for as long as he has, he's not an idiot.
Please stop these lies,you people are obsessed with this cuck shit way too much.
While I'm tired of how the media keep trying to do that huuurr she's so dum guises shit like they did with Bush to insufferable levels and she was right about Ukraine and Russia, she's still a bumbler. I also don't see the appeal of her looks like peoplel keep talking about. She looks like an oldhag SJW with problem glasses.
might as well ask your goldfish
As Mark Twain once said, it's better to remain silent and be assumed an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it. Say what you want about goldfish, but a fish has never torpedoed a presidential campaign. That pretty much makes the fish more qualified than Palin.
That's normal. kicks out that domain sometimes, I think it is some sort of improper load balancing or something.
Stop posting your degenerate fantasies as if they were facts, cuck.
Sounds like someone is mad that she didn't get a cabinet position. That and she is too stupid to see that Trump is softening companies up for when he becomes president and making them less likely to rally together and pull some bullshit before he gets inaugurated. Now companies will look terrible if they send more jobs than the others since each deal has the potential to become a public thing. Trump has saved all the jobs with mere threats with other companies before but he played this one up for the public for some reason. This is actually 88D chess and Palin is proving how stupid she is.
Palin is just butthurt she won't get a job in Trump's administration.
No, free enterprise did. Tariffs were just a good way to fund the government. Literally a tax on foreign businesses. Also stops a government from growing beyond about 4-5% of GDP.
This is an interesting way for a politician to make it 100% clear that they are never getting a cabinet position from the God Emperor.
Trump knows very well which people are not to be trusted.
Palin is probably an MKUltra victim or a dumbfuck CIA agent. That's how she got into the nomination.
No cabinet post for you.
I guess Trump should have stuck to muh cuckservative principals and let 1000+ American workers lose their jobs as Carrier moved their plant to Beaner Land.
Stupid whore.
My invisible hand is going to grab you by the fucking pussy, you dumb MILF.
Do cuckservatives ever wonder if principles that are injurious to victory might be bad?
Tariffs are not just about funding the government. The more important function that they serve is to keep production jobs in the country.
It's cheaper to produce goods with what amounts to slave labor in foreign countries and then ship those goods back into the country. Over time this has been bleeding our country dry.
Tariffs make it cheaper to produce goods in the country than to ship foreign goods into the country. That is what we need.
More pathetic than Jeb Bush, and that is saying a lot.
Shes right on this bit…
But in terms of using both the carrot and the stick to incentivize companies its not such a simple situation that can be viewed in black and white.
For example, when a company is thinking about setting up in China, do you think China worries about the ideology of free enterprise? No. Of course not. China will subsidize a foreign business with a 10 year tax break. They will build the company a road to the highway and a housing block for its workers.
On the opposite end of the scale, here in the UK if a new company wants to set up a factory the government puts up as many barriers as it can to prevent them from doing so. There are huge environmental, infrastructure, planning, laywers and bureaucratic costs and most importantly financial barriers (tax) aimed at squeezing as much money out of the company as possible.
No sane company would want to set up in the UK where they have to work against the government when they can set up in China and have the government working on their side.
The US has to be somewhere in the middle if they want to keep any manufacturing.
maybe she should worry about her degenerate family instead of running her dick hole to the press
why does this lady keep showing up in the news?
No. Free market everything is what led to globalism in the first place. Jewish corporations that want to make everything in China or Mexico, sell it in the US, and if you have a problem with their shoddily-made product, you have to call India to get it fixed.
I don't believe in the "free market" anymore. There has to be some kind of government to stop the Jews from enslaving everyone.
Ye, free enterprise within the USA. Tariffs are not only a source of income, they also protect the domestic market from outside competition.
Look at the bright side, at least is not John Kasich.
twitter . com/archiveis/status/761225577672105984
Reifags are the worst.
Tax breaks are fine, they just make a point that government should take less from everybod. Subsidies imply redistribution and we should be concerned about those.
governments don't stop jews. nationalist militia do. or a Dark Brotherhood-esque merry band of problem solvers who end the Emperor on the Katariah. aim high negro.
Palin: Anybody who believed I was based was ruse real hard
Free market inside the country is different from "free market" accross the border. Do not confuse the two.
"Free Trade" doesn't always mean best for the nation.
How does that even follow?
Your completely right and that is a perfect description of what happens here in the UK.
Taxes are so incredibly high that the rich put huge resources in to avoiding them and the poor are too poor to pay them. Its the people in the middle who get squeezed beyond breaking point.
But what happens in an international market when some countries provide not just tax breaks but subsidies for companies wanting to move there?
The concept that if we play fair in the west everyone else will follow is one of the biggest failures of liberal politics in the last 20 years. We need a bit more nuance than that.
These people are relentless how much longer do we have to wait for them to finish dying?
Shes right, the money spent by the state on Carrier is going to return significantly less then the workers are going to pay in taxes
Leftist argument.
Did you factor in the cost of 1000 unemployed Americans who would not only be paying zero taxes but also be collecting unemployment benefits?
Welcome to Cuckservatism 101.
All in all, I can't be upset at anything this dumb bitch says. She's already given birth to a litter of literally retarded children which is the greatest stamp of cosmic disapproval there ever was, if such a thing even exists.
This has already been debunked as false.
+tax from income spent within country
+tax on income alone
= your wrong
He's baiting politicians like Palin to sperg out and make themselves even more unqualified for any position. It makes the job of sorting them out easier for the day the'll be flung over the wall.
I've tried to cut her some slack in the past but she's dumb as a fucking post.
I know that she looks like man with tits but i'd fuck the everloving shit out of Lisa Ann.
This must be the new kill shot narrative cuckservatives have dreamed up for the upcoming week's news cycle. These niggers are going learn the hard way that identically scripted bullshit across multiple media platforms doesn't work anymore. They still think it's 1992.
Forbes: Donald Trump's Carrier Jobs Deal - Baby Steps To Killing The US Economy
These people are setting themselves up so Trump can come down on businesses by enacting all kinds of taxes and tariffs for leaving. In the end, people will see jobs being kept here and anyone saying otherwise wanting jobs to leave. Even more so, with such an issue, it is not hard for people to put them to task and ask them what they would do, making them look foolish since they don't have any plan, just kvetching.
This does prove the level of collusion and bullshit cuckservatives are up to and outs them out as clear as day.
It seems to be working wonderfully too.
Hyperbole aside, you can make the argument that the tariff and the across the board tax reforms Trump was campaigning on should be all the inducement needed, without coming up with company and state specific tax arrangements to stay.
Keep propping private business up with the tax base and see what happens to that national debt
He's not in office. As it stands now, he can only make deals as he has been doing to keep companies here. He has thrown some threats around but there is only so much that can do when the electors haven't even voted yet.
Butthurt she didn't get a cabinet position. Suddenly all of the left loves her.
He made the deal, he's making speeches taking credit for the deal, you're not disputing that he's making the deal. So, in office or not, there's some pull.
The deal is what it is. I think what I wrote is very straightforward and simple. Tariff if you leave, no tariff if you don't. That's the deal. It looks to me like this was a face-saving deal for everyone involved. Trump and Pence get to say the company kept the jobs here, United Technologies gets tax breaks for Carrier in Indiana and their defense contracts don't come into question.
Just from where I'm looking at it, once the tariff came into play and noise was made about reviewing/canceling UT's defense contracts, I'm not really sure what else needs to be done to placate the company. I imagine they called somebody's bluff behind the scenes.
WTF I hate trump now
She's so cute! You show them you have brains, honey.
Literally leftist tier idiot who just happens to be on the right. Ignore her annoying fucking voice and move on.
Didn't she give her kids special snowflake names like Basket and Apple or something like that? Only hippy degenerate do that shit.
whoops forgot the link
Reminder that the only flag she flew in her office when she was governor of Alaska was the Israel one, not the Alaskan or American.
Lol, this botchnis fucking retarded. "Crony capitalism" refers to rent seeking companies getting favorable treatment from the government. Harsh tariffs on companies that try to profit from global labor arbitrage at the expense of American workers is the exact opposite of crony capitalism. In fact, free trade is crony capitalism, enacted by rent seekers (USA historically had many tariffs until government got bought).
He's made this threat before and has had better results in regards to making deals with these companies, something Palin, the media and various others have made a point to ignore. All the more reason why I feel like this instance is being played up for other purposes other than Trump trying to show off the strength of his deal-making.
Not surprising.
I find it funny she is complaining about this shit when I'm sure she did something similar in office with the oil companies.
Funny how now the Neo-cons are starting to use the term to attack trump when they're the epitome of the term.
>Lez from Ballbusters
I'd love to dump some ectoplasm in her containment unit without engaging the safety protocols, if you know what I mean.
Call me crazy, but she seems like the type to dyke out as a career move more than because she actually enjoys it.
Uh.. yeah, I know. That's the entire point I'm making. Instead of following through on it, United Technologies received additional tax incentives specific to their firm.
I'm not aware of any other deal apart from this one we could use to judge that. The Lincoln plant in Kentucky was never going to leave in the first place. The upcoming Ford Bronco production was never going to made outside of the country anyway, considering the entire reason why light trucks are made in the US is because we have a specific tariff against foreign-made light trucks.
Because Palin was just a loud cucksertive who is trying to stay relevant during CY by being a loud obnoxious cunt. Glad to see she is at least consistent about her stupidity.
If we're just letting the market decide and other countries are leveraging every move they have in the book to keep their country ahead it's not a true meritocracy. America can't be this impartial global ref, we're supposed to "cheat" like everybody else.
It's not crony capitalism either because they're not getting perks for being pro-trump or pro-democrat or pro-republican. They're getting perks for favoring America over Mexico which they fucking should.
Sadly, you can see that in a lot of actors. Of course there are plenty that fall for the sjw and kike memes but you can also see others that are doing it for the paycheck to the point they "accidentally" call out the jew.
It isn't a lie you dump ape. She is a christcuck and likes to fuck niggers.
Where do I sign up?
You're a retard.
According to Ford when they got called out on it in a fit of damage control. He got Apple to consider coming back as well, something most of the media ignored as well. There are some others, which is why in another thread I suggested a scorecard for them. In the end, I don't see anything wrong with what he is doing since he has done as much as he could for someone not in office and much more than most people. Unless you have a better idea on how to fix things, then I'm sure we would all love to hear it.
True. Palin proved how useless she was during the primaries being unable to deliver her home state to Trump and doing little to really help Trump bring votes in.
Indeed satan. Furthermore, this is consistent with a lot of what he has suggested in the past too. Anyone acting surprised by any of this is full of it.
It's not even that, look at her track record. She fell for the tea party meme, she proudly became the strawman the DNC wanted during 2008, and now she is running her retarded mouth on issues she has no idea about. She is nothing more than a failure of white genes.
Why aren't those who shipped out the jobs in the first place forced to resign or shot?
Because anyone can shoot a man. It takes a special kind of talent to demoralize a man to the point they leave the nation on their own accord.
Does this woman into Canaan?
neocons betrayed our country as much as any libshit has
Free market in the border is what led to NAFTA in the first place.
Actually more.
Are you purposely just reading past every post I make in this thread, even though every single one of them is nothing but a rephrasing of the very first one I made, the one you responded to?
Do precisely what he campaigned on. Tax cuts across the board and a tariff on imports, not specifically tailored deals for individual firms. Like I said here it looks like a face saving deal.
the people currently in positions of power won't, that's for sure. The common man? They will, because they won't know what's happening besides things getting better. "Golly gee, things sure have been on the up and up this past decade. What's that? Fascism? Nah, couldn't be. But what about- no? Well surely- eh? Well, I guess fascism is ok so long as it works."
What money spent by the state, retard?
Feels good winning for once.
She isn't on the right. She is a leftist.
I don't see what you're so mad about.
He's said he would do that. He's commented on this many times and laid this threat out many times before as well. Even Michael Moore applauded him for doing that. So beyond that, what do you expect him to do then? You never commented on this or answered this question.
He has always made clear he would do this. In each debate he commented on this and has been commenting on doing this long before he ran for office, so I don't understand why this is a shock or even a terrible thing. In the end, he didn't even have to make a deal since he hasn't even been inaugurated yet and his stance on businesses leaving is well known.
I'm shocked people can't seem to realize that preserving bridges is a better alternative than burning them when dealing with various nations. That said, burning bridging is always an option but you need to make sure you will never need that bridge in the future.
Okay. At this point I'm just going to filter you. I made my point, you made yours. I'm not intereted in continuing a back and forth with someone who is going to continue to be disingenuous.
the sad thing is that not all neo-cohens are jewish
That's true, some are just plain ol' greedy and need those shekels. Fact remains that removing all sin and vice in humanity is going to be an uphill battle, kike influence or not.
This bitch is terminally stupid.
Oh, this is it?
This is the START?!
I'm not being disingenuous. It sounds like you're mad that you cannot defend your point and answer the question. You said he should do XYZ. I said he has already done that and has commented on doing that many times. You yourself admitted that it is part of his known campaign promises and thus is out there known to all companies. So having done that, what else should he do? That question you cannot or refuse to answer. Trump deiced to make a deal further which is something very consistent with his ideology and something he has been talking about the government should be doing for years, so nothing he has done in this situation is a shock to anyone since he has talked about it longer than most issues. Again, I don't know what you're angry about since all I've done is invite you to explain what else he should do. But it is becoming more obvious, you have no answer for that question or are triggered by anyone doing anything more than merely agreeing with you.
Vid related is one of the many instances where he alludes to or outright indicates a more incentive-based approach to things while at the same time admitting that we should come down hard on businesses trying to leave. He's been saying the same thing for a long time now.
This. Trump is not in office yet too so I feel as if there is more to what he is doing here than meets the eye.
This is why we need to stop feeding the stray animals.
Does anyone else remember the copypasta where Ron Paul sits on his hand until it falls asleep, then pretends it's the "invisible hand" jerking him off?
Not at all. You can see it in her fucked up upside down eyes. She's also got that "lesbian jaw" going on slightly. You know, where they always look like they have a dip of chew in?
I was about to call you cucks for defending a miscegenist twat, but upon investigation, it seems you're probably right: The only source making such claims is a book written by a guy who blatantly hated Palin and wanted to destroy her to keep her out of running for president or the like, in which he cited exactly zero credible named sources.
The nigger said he got some action off her, apparently, but what NBA nigger isn't going to be all 'yea nigga, muh dik' when asked if he bedded a milfy white politician lady?
The fact that left-wing media jumped all over it and started just treating it as though it were full-blown truth is particularly disgusting.
… Then again, I gotta admit: Young Palin DOES kinda look like the sort of sleazy 80's hoser who'd fuck a nigger. Not saying she did, but her appearance in those days definitely has a stink of the coalburner aesthetic to it, I tell you hwat.
That bitch has had miles of nigger cock in her. She is proud of being a "nigger cock queen".
You're a fucking retard. Tariffs are what built America; without them everyone would have just bought manufactured goods from England and Germany and America would never have developed industry of its own.
Yes, yes, your mother didn't love you enough and now you have a fetish for smell old cooters.
We get it.
She did play basketball so make of that what you will. I generally don't thinks she did but wouldn't be surprised if she did.
What? Please, Ford, don't fuck this up. Look to the original 1968 for influence.
There are some concept renders out that you can look at. I don't know if they are official or not.
I just saw those. They're all fan made, but the one that's a mix of the 60's and 80's looks nice, though I think the Raptor based one is more likely. I just hope Ford doesn't go overboard with all the bells and whistles and jack the price up. It's a Bronco, ffs.
muh (((invisible hand)))
Are you going to repost the "hilarious" Obama-Biden sitcom posts next?
Surprise: 0
So now she talks about crony capitalism? What real crony capitalism is that American companies pay nearly zero in taxes, move their factories outside the US, then have 3rd world shitskins build their products, but STIL KEEP THE SAME PRICE FOR THEIR PRODUCTS.
Also Trump can't whip up tarrifs with or without congressional approval?
If we get rid of corporate welfare, it would behoove the corps to keep business here, assuming the labor unions don't fuck everything up (most likely they will though). Think about it, how often do we hear higher ups in management complaining about economic espionage from the chinks or incredibly tardy and incompetent behavior from the dotheads? If we can have an American workmanship spirit like we used to, then every American Citizen can grow and prosper again.
be specific, you're not for tariffs on all imports, just American businesses building plants in shitholes like India and China right? That makes more sense than putting tariffs on say, Are Nige British goods.
I am sick of you low IQ normalfags trying to pretend you belong here
This. Hardcore pornstars are absolutely disgusting.
they ended up giving that kid even more cancer
Gas yourself, kike. I was actually in AK when all this shit I mentioned went down. She sucks. She is a failure. Her tits are the only reason she has a job. Her daughter Bristol learned well from her, and I even got to see the after effects of that while going to school.
Are you saying you went to school with her daughter and are you possibly implying that you had sexual relations with that daughter and may have even been impressed with the aforementioned daughter's skills?
Uh no. How'd you get that idea?
In any case she's beyond saving at this point. The whole clan is.
shut up, you stupid bitch
you gave us obama