hey bros, i was at work today and got into a conversation with a friendly merchant, who liked me so much she invited me to 'kabbal' at a kabbalah centre.

i like to think of myself as redpilled, but i guess i still don't understand. What do these people really believe? i know its mostly merchants, i've seen ariana grande reference it in her music videos, many other pop stars wearing their gay little red bracelet, wtf?

She gave me a copy of the 'Zohar' and told me about its magic powers, and insisted i joined the kabbalah centre.
Can this book hear my thoughts?
Should i go drink their kool aide?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kabbalah is the "tree of life"
Man moves through the sephira on his path to apotheosis. The inversion of tree of life is Qliphoth.

It's some anime-tier brainfuck

interesting note: the picture that wikipedia shows is the Qliphoth.
Notice the pentigram and that the single sephirot is at the bottom.

this didnt help

are you saying that is some sort of diversion? …….or should i say, inversion?

inversion diversion

Zohar is Zohan reloaded

This, it's a diversion via inversion.

Because you need to lurk moar.
Start here, the symol as a whole represent the tree of life, the circles are sephira, and the paths between them are the 22 paths.
There are two ways of navigating the paths the right hand "good" path and the left-hand "evil" path because "left" means sinister in latin. Tree of life is right hand path Qliphoth is left hand path.

isn't the kabalah to jews what meme magic and kek is to us? except ours is a more defined and realized magic compared to theirs and ours is stronger and technically a "good" force?

Holy shit no. Stop before you get someone hurt with your ignorance.

uh no, that's the proper tree of life.

thank you, i will lurk moar.

why did you say i shouldnt go drink their kool aide if you seem so into it?
what is there to benefit from this cult?

yea im not sure if i know what is and isnt considered evil to a kabbalist

Kabbalism is kike magic. Why must you /fringe/ niggers come and ruin Holla Forums?

its just a form of jewish magic and the jewish's charka system

just like the asians with their chi/energies practices and more superior 13 chakras

ooooooook buddy,

we all know about the jews/talmud, i'm just trying to figure out how this "non-jewish" ==CULT== ""church"" down my street fits into all this. this is fine content for /pol.

Pleb tier tbh.


Its just a jewified version of Neoplatonic and Pythagorean wisdom.

If Xenosaga is any guide, the Zohar is something you shouldn't touch.

I'd stay away… you should know the history of kabbalists, hell the etymology of the word 'cabal' is 'Cabala'

Something like this, btw, death (the only and the best movie evangelion ever had) is based on that, this is why nobody can explain evangelion, is hitler on steroids, shinji was manipulated for that single moment, the destruction of all humanity at the hands of them because they cant control the world.

Pretty interesting to read into, a great way to store and categorize any experience if you need somewhere to start. Undoubtedly it's been completely subverted over the centuries, as the esoterics of Judaism is Jewing itself alive.

Zohar was the first Talmudic Kike. His religion was invented in the 2nd century making modern day Judaism younger than Cucktianity.

Close but wrong. They don't want control, they want to revert everything back to a physically unconditioned state. They want to kill physics to "kill death." Literally the the Thalmor, more or less.

i dont feel like i got any super special invite,
and how exclusive could it be its on a major street

so, dont go check it out? or maybe go in with loaded questions??

Jews are stupid fucks. They'll pay 20 bucks for a piece of string if you claim its made in Israel and blessed the most kikish of rabbis.


Do research on your own if you're interested, there's nothing of value in a "kabbalah center".

yes and wtf are these strings for? im trying to lurk but i cant tell what it means if you wear one

this topic in particular is very hard to find out about or is it just me ;(

checked and best most non-diverted advice yet, thank you

aka egyptian

Why not go? You won't be brainwashed on the first day user.

Oy! muh shekels! I've been hoodwinked by goyim!

i want to know what im getting myself into,

like from what i can tell a kabbalist says that religion is limiting, and it tells you what is right and what is wrong, while in kabbalist beliefs you decide for yourself what is right for you (evil).

This is confusing me, its a religion the claims it knows have all the other religions were crafted.

All religions claim that dumbass. Stop shilling kike magic. It didn't work when you tried satanism the other time, it won't work now when you're shilling esoteric satanism.

Holla Forums is dead.

Jews don't believe in the devil. They consider belief in a devil polytheism. So their god represents both good and evil. He's god and the devil all at the same time.

She's hitting on you.
She saw that you're knowledgeable in this stuff and is trying to convert you since Jewesses can't marry cattle.
Remember, females are always batshit insane.
Just walk away.

I think that's the string they use to set up borders around towns during some holiday.

Evangelion just has multiple explanations– it's a whole incantation for the viewer, kinda like Eyes Wide Shut, but much more successful. It does more to flesh out the gnostic realm than any other anime I've seen, but not many people have really written about all the layers of the show much in the west. I'm certain that Rei is a psychopomp and the angels are all thoughtforms Shinji manifested in this psychic realm that he has to overcome in a sort of Kabbalistic pathworking/tree of life sense (a few of the angels are named for archangel that directly correspond to different sephira). Then there's the Egyptian/Babylonian/Jewish/German cult SEELE who are trying to carry out eschatological scripture (which is alien an how-to guide in the show's mythology) to "guide man's evolution" which is simply a Freudian abstraction of rejecting "mommy" and trying to take away the woman's ability to give birth. Of course, they achieve this by sacrificing Asuka, who they first gaslit into rejecting her femininity before allowing her to embrace it (and then raping and murdering her, and causing third impact). Third impact of course also takes away a woman's ability to give birth, and is the successful endgame of the cabal who want man to be the creator. That said, the true power of Eva is definitely in the visuals. They pretty much educate the viewer in semiotics and then shove their message into the viewers subconcious pretty forcefully and now its like an egregore.

Jews are henotheists. They accept the existence of multiple deities but only officially traffic with one.

Holy shit how fucking new are you? "Some holiday?" You need to retake JQ101.

this gives me a great view of the evils of judaism and hermedicism

it also taches me alot about why they promote feminism

Kabballah is Neoplatonism repurposed for Jews.

This stuff is interesting, methinks. I used to know a Jewess who would make occasional references to curses and Jewish mysticism, numerology, and whatnot. I didn't pay attention at the time, because I was a just a normalfag fedora who thought "what you see is what you get."

She seemed weird at the time, but after Kek, meme magic, spirit cooking, kikery, and all the other things I've seen in the past 2 years, I wish I'd tried to learn more.

There are two main end goals of the Kabbalah :

It wasn't Adam who "sinned", but it is this entire reality which came to be because God "sinned" and "fell" from Heaven and became this reality.

This is the Jewish thing. And Christianity was made to make you eagerly await this death and become all "one in Jesus", while the Jews remain what they are : Jews.

kaballah is globalism, it's the thing behind racemixing. jews think races were separated and they will eventually become one again and after that some god will appear in israel.

this tbh


A big part of Jewish culture is stealing knowledge by rephrasing it in such a complicated way that only your friends can understand it. Look what happened to math, physics, and economics.

I'm convinced that after doing this for thousands of years, they instinctively spout stream-of-consciousness gibberish even when there's no reason for it. Look at Marxist history or Noam Chomsky's books. They might as well be cranked out of a Markov-Chain text generator.

I think this is where Kabbalah comes from. It may have contained a kernel of truth at one point, but now it is just obfuscation for obfuscation's sake.

As for the celebrities going around with the red string, this is just conspicuous consumption. Even Madonna was wearing one FFS.

Cutting out the bullshit.

If we're referring to the Kaballah Centre, to put it simply it's a scam/celebrity clique of various has beens and will-be's getting in on the spiritualist/magical/occult style shit.

I can't speak well about as to what exactly they study as it could very well be the Jewish or Hermetic Kabbalah, but they "claim" to be of no particular faith/spirituality. Basically it's a how-to on entry level occult nonsense and is designed as a method to collect money off of gullible individuals.

These guys are basically on par with virtually any other scam on the planet and have a hefty internet presence largely supplemented via outsourced shills on various sites. While it is entirely possible these guys could be mixed up in some larger clandestine conspiracy, the safe bet and what anyone with two functioning eye sockets know is that beyond the veil of mysticism and spirituality, these guys are likely just running cult akin to scieontology, dressing spirituality as science.

I assume you're talking about Shimon bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar as well as some of the first parts of the Talmud in the 2nd century AD. He's the one responsible for the passage "even the best of gentiles must all be killed". The guy is revered in Israel.

So pretty much "everyone else is at fault but us Jews" on a biblical scale.
To be fair, if the Jewish religion is correct I would prefer to spend eternity in hell just so I wouldn't have to be around Jews.

Kabbalah = Cabala = Cabal

Cabal = ca + bal

ca/ka = like
bal = Baal

Amazing. An entire thread about this Kabbalah thing and after reading through I still have no idea what Kabbalah is about, what the tree of life actually means. Either (((you))) really don't want me to understand your sekret club religion or its all just a bunch of bullshit.

Except if they actually succeed then there will be no hell either. Just the kike 'paradise' where they can eternally jew each other until oblivion.

There will be hell, user. Where there is Jews, there is hell.

You don't belong here

The ideological foundation of modern leftist thought in a nutshell

Are you really that surprised? The best book I've found on the Cabalah is by Israel Regardie and even then this was Aleister Crowley's
secretary, so he was undoubtedly misled at some points.


Don't let the Jew magic get in the way of your Kekian chaos magic user.

Don't let them corrupt you.

Kabbalah, especially the Lurian kabbalah, is the ideological origin of Cultural Marxism.


so if their kabbalah-magic teachings are mega distorted and just '1 puzzle piece of 1000', than what is the bigger picture here? where are all the aryan teachings?

Well whatever this means, but Sabbatai Tzvi the Zoharist messianic figure they created, in his name Sabbatai means Saturn. There's also a book by Moshe Idel, a professor in Israel, titled: "Saturn's Jews, On the Withches' Sabbat and Sabbateanism" so there seems to be some kind of connection there.

Christcucks are worse than Jews tbh.

Not exactly, remember what happened with magi, the super mega hyper based augmented natural super AI, she cant predict what the scrools foreseen a gorillion of years ago. Shit will happen, it doesnt matter what the guys do, they just can be the "elites" of that.

Is your soul valuable to you?

And they get the money from..?

That shit is ok for the sound and fx, nothing more.

Its satanism

Arguments please.

He didnt said that, you are cutting things like reddit do.

Its "insulting" people that have a lots of power like e.w.s. did and even the recap (3.0?) is saying (misato, literally) that it was just shitty meaningless rituals, thats the only purpose of the new series, just saying that "the other part" wasnt important. If he wasnt planning killing himself the most important part is that.

They call it christianity, talmudism isnt judaism, yet is based on it like fedoras or "modern larpagans".

See this shitposter

Ask Kyle Odom.

Holy shit nigger. I know reddit spacing is a fake Holla Forums maymay, but what you are doing is fucking autistic and I wouldn't mind people dismissing you based on that alone.


this user gets it, or OP is a shill of some sort and this never happened.

That bullshit was invented in the 13th century. These kikesjust makeup their bullshit as they go along.

Literally every thread on the catalog I've checked today has devolved into Christian bashing. I wonder why?

the only proper question is, should i infiltrate the group and try to take it over / destroy it

the only proper answer is, yes

godspeed user

banging the dirty jewess will probably help, but just keep an eye on your drinks/smokes – they love to use poison



Which is essentially "esoteric" NeoPlatonist buttfuck magic. Stoics were the highest of all those who understood true magic. Chaos magicians don't even exist until Kek was reborn as the former were too Crowley inspired.

We have unwritten pages ahead of us Holla Forums. Let's become the Overmen we were meant to be!

Because you worship Jews?


Read a book. Their god isn't "Lucifer" (Apollo among other names), that's just what they want you to believe, otherwise they wouldn't tell you in the same way that they translated their god's name (really, their collective consciousness) into "Lord" for your Bible. It is because they are your Lords but they will seldom tell you that to your face or so directly, instead they opt for "chosen" and what not but really they want to be your god.


Remember to report all intl shills.

I was very interested in Kabbalah 15 years ago, while I was a self-hating white and asleep to the JQ. Speaking abstractly, the kikes do have an internally coherent Mystery School religion. In fact, that's what's given them a leg up on white people for all these years while we've been distracted and contentious over christcuckery. The Zohar is pretty terrible to read. It's liturgical, and it's written in abstract kike runes with all the difficulties of interpretation there implied. I recommend that white people stay away from it. It's not dangerous per se, but I still use the Thoth Tarot deck and it chaps my ass every time I see how kiked it is, but I'm too experienced with it to give it up now.

Will you disavow satanism tho?

Sure. Satanism is predicated on Abrahamic religions, and I'd much sooner worship a decent, beautiful goddess like Mazu than some Juden boogeyman.

Exactly, I enjoy watching satanists and freemasons melt down trying to employ subterfuge like clockwork when that issue is brought up.

bro just get a rider-waite deck. superior symbolism

Based on the reading I just gave myself, I probably don't have enough time left to bother learning a new trick.

post the spread fgt



I've been working with this deck a long time, and this was like a kick in the gut.

Kikes stole Egyptian Hermeticism and Greek Platonism and rebranded it with their kike terminology a few hundred years ago in the 13th century AD, and claimed they came up with everything 8000 years ago.


For whatever reason Kabbalists seem to be present around nasty shit. I believe they have some sort of belief that involves "fixing the world" that justifies all sorts of lies and deception

not sure what your spread is but there are definitely interesting times ahead of us. stay safe fellow wizard

The Zohar was here before the universe began, and it will be here after it is gone.

Perhaps they believe in a twisted version of the horseshoe theory, thus sinning like nobody sinned before brings them closer to the source. Then again they also have a vast army of simple minded materialists under their command, who simply follow the whole charade out of personal gain.

In the long run, everyone dies. My cards here are reminding me of how poor and sad this world is compared to what I want to be. it's okay. It really is.

You make the future, not the cards. The future is shaped by you actually believing in what the cards tell you, the spread itself if unread, does nothing.

You're both retards. There's supernatural entities whom some mistakenly worship as gods, and then there's God, the creator of the universe, the source of everything.

I keep telling them they worship Jews but then they try to make excuses and give Jews more power by hating on them through twitter and Christcucking


the kabbalists believe in self-fulfillment at all costs, even if that means drinking baby blood

That is exactly what every satanist says it makes sense now.

Interesting, reminds me a lot of that kike Derrida and deconstruction.

so it's like super relativism but with an occult twist? i notice relativist arguments being very popular with jews and high level liberals.

Actual Jew here,

The Torah is the Jewish book of laws and stories as written by God or his prophets

The Talmud is rabbinical commentary on the Torah and what it means

The Kabbalah is the book of mysticism written to explain the nature of God written by unknown sources, believe to be God himself or certain prophets.

The Kabbalah can be split into two types: the Theoretical Kabbah which is the one most people are familiar with. It is the one that describes the nature of God. The Practical Kabbalah is lesser known and concerns the use of magic and channeling certain superhuman abilities through devotion to God. Most of these powers consist of enchanting amulets or symbols, and summoning Golems. The Maharal of Prague was a great Rabbi who is believed to have been one of the few people to have ever summoned a golem, and he allegedly kept it in the attic. It is most likely just a story, but the Maharal of Prague was an interesting individual.

The Zohar is the 'Talmud of the Kabbalah". It is basically rabbinical commentary on the Kabbalah. There isn't anything particularly special about it, unless you want to learn about the esoteric ideas that describe the oneness of God and the different interpretations that famous rabbis had for these texts throughout the centuries. It's really not that interesting.

==GREEN TEXT==There are two ways of navigating the paths the right hand "good" path and the left-hand "evil" path because "left" means sinister in latin. Tree of life is right hand path Qliphoth is left hand path.


If god can't be many he's not a god at all.

When was she raped? I know she dies in every movie, but don't recall her getting raped, unless you mean the way she died in You Can (Not) Advance.

The saddest redpill was finding out that Pokemon and Final Fantasy was all satanic crap tied into this Kabbalah nonsense.

So many hours of my childhood dedicated to evil shit, feels bad man. I guess to some extent it's about fighting Satan? But not really, capturing monsters, summoning demons, using magic, and grinding always grinding for more money.

Finding out that Robert E. Howard was a giant beta cuck also ruined the Conan stories for me.

At least Hemingway was a good guy. Nothing remotely gay or subversive there. But if you look at other literary greats, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Joyce all individuals with serious problems.

Not to even mention the Golden Age of sci-fi that was nerd heaven and inspired so much of our media growing up dominated by pedos like Clarke and Asimov.

The more you grab at the past, the more it unravels and unwinds.

How so? Because he killed himself over the publisher jewing him? Conan is overrated as all hell. Idea behind Conan is great, but its the same story all the time. Brute overcomes all powerful beings with a sword

Robert E Howard is still a genius in my opinion, his descriptive prowess is unrivaled even today. He projected the kind of person he wanted to be in his writings and lived vicariously through Conan and his other creations. Its too bad he offed himself when his mom died.

You sound like a Jehovah's Witness commie.

Final Fantasy 7 was actually pretty redpilled. It was about fighting against a global ZOG company who waged the Wutai War (WW2) to ensure their Mako Reactor (reserve bank) system would have a monopoly across the world.

The greatest meme to ruin humanity.

Truth is, it's likely the universe repeats spontaneousely yet in parallel.

There are two paths. Life. Death.

Choose wisely.


Judaism is matriarchy user.

Intially there was only god. Like a cell it divided. Why? It was fucked in the pussy by satan and forced to give birth

Remember "mother earth" of old?

Sage for stupid pointless thread.

Also i find it hilarious that people think satan consumes all.
Do you want to know the disturbing truth?

This is probably Satan's creation through fucking god.


"God" is energy.
"Satan" is the manipulative factor to that energy. The initial chaotic instigator. But that doesn't mean black holes are "satan". That means the current realm and plain we are in is likely "satan" established. And it's merely reverting to pure "god".

Btw, if there are singularities in black holes, they must be action similar to cells dividing.

Black holes are science fiction. What you think of as "Satan" is the demiurge, of which the jews are its golem. Nature is the the aspect of God we can easily observe and interact with, and it is neither good nor evil but always drives creatures to adapt or perish.

user. Black holes are the reason why we exist in our form in the first place. They started the chain reaction. Like water down a plughole.

Stagnant water has no life.
Drained water moves.

Base your worldview on fiction and your worldview will be fictitious.

My world is fictitious.

You can't every find the truth. Just flirt with it.

But here's the thing. There is the avoidance of truth in the political left.

That's death.

I at least strive perpetually for truth.

It's jewish witchcraft/satanism.

Which is redundant because jewish = satanist

Depends on what you think is satan and what you think is god.


read this thread

read Jung

read the Red Book

A man of genius must be allowed his flaws. For it is the men of genius that pave the way for the future. Every man has his downfalls, that does not detract the value of his genius.
Purityfagging this hard will get you with a race of spiritual pygmees. Obeying every puritan rule given to them to perfection, but unable to create, understand, or experience Life in all its chaos, its depths and heights outside the narrow pathway.

There is need for conventional morality too, but what what is good for the many may be bad for the few. Give me a Beethoven, a Shakespeare, a Dostoevsky, over a hoard 'moray pure', but creatively sterile, any day. Give to a man all the sins and flaws that will lead him to greatness, and let nature take its course!

A man of genius has no flaws.

There are no geniuses.

Magic and mysticism aren't real. Only the dumbest Jews, the highly religious ones, believe they are. Even they can be dangerous however.

Im starting to think we may effect things on a quantum level through mind interaction and perception.

how about you just kill yourself already and leave the rest of us alone faggot

Read harmful.cat-v.org/words/politics-and-the-english-language and learn how to write in English without wrapping your fluff in layers of bullshit.

He was a Communist spy, user.

Really real or not, occult philosophies effect the world if by no other means than the actions of people.
It's a subject worth studying at least for the academic value.

Derrida was also a kabbalist. Deconstruction as formulated by Benjamin and Derrida is just kabbalah applied to literature and pop culture.

It's basically Jewish Theoretical Physics. If you want to expand your mind and play with some mindfuck, I highly recommend it.


Well, I'd argue the entire last 40 minutes of End of Evangelion are like a sex fantasy, and the phallic nature of the mass production Evas and their lances can't be ignored. Their impaling and consuming her is an abstraction of rape and murder for me, and probably for the Freud/Jung-ascribing writers of the show.

So that means a show can't be created by a non-jew about a cabal of kikes who decide they want to change that?

I'd love for you to prove me wrong: prove Evangelion isn't an incantation, prove the show isn't about Shinji pathworking, prove Rei isn't a psychopomp, prove the dead sea scrolls aren't eschatological scripture in the show's mythology, prove it hasn't become an egregore (seriously, you know about reifags and asukafags, yes?). I'm clearly being facetious, but it's not like you've legitimately made any argument

oh, except this, and people say Orwell isn't a kike… (from your link):

Sounds almost like you want me to take a nice lesson in newspeak lest I use the correct word for the correct circumstance! Perhaps you would not have been so triggered if I had used 'end of ze world' instead of 'eschatology,' or maybe 'dead person tour guide' instead of 'psychopomp'? Perhaps Orwell was so scared of verbosity because it tricked him through the communist manifesto into fighting for Marxists in Spain, LOL. Okay, well your general point is not going right over my head, I'm just being a dick in 2000 words or more to try and piss you off, but I'm pretty sure Orwell wrote this handbook for stupid people. If I'm writing some philosophical treatise, yeah I'm going to hound over every word and try to be as succinct as possible while maintaining the logic behind my argument… but if I'm elaborating a post from a short "you're wrong" to a "here's some reasons why I think you're wrong," being that we're not on an anime board, nor are we in an anime thread, I didn't think it to be quite necessary to do much more than refer to concepts that prove multiple overarching layers to the show. Maybe if I spent more than 5 or 10 minutes or whatever writing that post, you'd have a nice essay that details each claim I made.

Now, I could see how an user might want to challenge my claim that Eva does better to flesh out the gnostic realm than any other anime I've seen, but then again I've already thrown them the bone with that "I've seen". In fact, I could argue that it's a starting point for discussion, but then I'd be admitting to derailing this thread, which wasn't my intent. I only intend to bump this thread and hope that no one replies to my anime shitposting.

If writing like a commie or sociology student means you're a philosopher, sure. It doesn't make your interpretation any less shit once you strip away all the bloat and gnostic buzzwords.

What? I was talking about not hiding your logic in philosophy… talking about anime isn't philosophy

This. Jewish magic was stolen from superior sources.

I dont know much about the tree of life, but from what I understand its a map of the macrocosm and microcosm. If you want more information on it you might be able to find it on fringechan. fringechan.org/

The whole jewish religion and so on is plagiarized, much like their blood is a muck made up partly of various other races.

yeah and hitler was a drunk with a micropenis