OH SHIT MODS STICKY THIS!!! The day of the rope is coming even sooner guys. Another thread on here posted links to a Reddit post made by some Muslim threatening users of /r/The_Donald that contained a link to the Muslims Tumblr account which contains pictures of the ISIS flag. Apparently some Muslim affiliated with ISIS is taking credit for the Oakland fire that killed multiple people. Hopefully this will further redpill the masses about radical Islamic terrorism.
Two posts were made, one on Tumblr and another on Reddit (go figure) where the Muslim takes credit for the fire, as well as threatening users on /r/The_Donald saying they are the reason behind the so called hate symbols (Swastikas) being acceptable in society. These people are fucking nuts. Since ISIS is taking credit for this attack it will just further our agenda. I attached photos of the Tumblr account created claiming responsibility as well as a screenshot from the post made on /r/The_Donald that was deleted. I also attached photos of the Swastikas that the Muslim must have saw at the place he burned. Praise Kek.
Nice try OP, but I'm pretty sure nobody's falling for it.
Asher Fisher
You never know these muslims are pretty fucking nuts
Dylan Thomas
You goys do realize the leftist scum had the shit kicked out of them to where they now have THE LEAST POWER in gubment since the 1920s? so, yeah, expect to see all types of asshurt leftist scum trying anything for attention.
Thought it was a well-known global rule here not to take ANYTHING from leddit or tmublrinas seriously. Also, whenever a poster TELLS the mod to stick it, you can usually bet it;s an asshole looking for attention, who takes us for idiots.
Which is funny, considering we whipped their fucking asses with less than half the shekels they had and Trump had a "staff" of about 40 people while she had thousands. So, yeah, safe to say average oldfag user here is a lot more net savvy than retards STILL throwing shekels at (((Jill Stein))).
See the fat gut make the "smug pepe" symbol? He, by himself (and with help) outjewed all the big jewicon valley companies. Yes, the pic is real.
Nolan White
Pretty obviously written by a leftist false flagging.
Brody Phillips
Aaron Peterson
Matthew Perez
hoax OP is a faggot
Henry Collins
This guy is an easy target. All of his info is online.