Face pic of Oyyman

Either Holla Forums is rusing again or one of their head shitskin glue huffing retards has been doxed. Sharing this here for all the Holla Forumsacks who have been annoyed by all the Holla Forums bullshit for the past few years.

He may live in New York State. Spoilered because I don't want his ugly face shitting up the board.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for visibility


Why do poojeets never clip their nails?

Because they're disgusting subhumans.

I knew it


What a disgusting creature
Thank God I'm White

Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I console myself with the fact that I wasn't born a pajeet or a nigger.

Now it makes sense.

Glue huffing shitskins. Holla Forums was right all along.

I like that this is a sticky

But are still faggots

Here's the print in the background, in case anyone is curious.

ayy lmao

I don't know how someone can think they're clever and still take pictures like that of themselves. It's a level of mental illness that is completely unintuitive to me.


Faggotborgs are involved? This doesn't surprise me.

fucking pajeets


Finally !


Why does everyone love that nip wave print so much

Do we have any real confirmation?

On a scale from 1-10 how buttfrustrated will the goons be now?

Its just a visually pleasing piece with nice contrast of colors.

Literal who

9/10, I think a 10/10 would require a Holla Forumsack dancing over the body of Lowtax.

The only confirmation so far is butt frustration from Holla Forums-types. Apparently they're working on shilling boards besides Holla Forums, /r9k/ has apparently been targeted for months now.

Probably not, the shitskins have already outlived their usefulness. The jews pulling the strings are likely funding other shit now. Holla Forums was always a bunch of retarded shitskins being led by a couple jews. Hopefully we can find a few of the retarded shitskins and get them to squeal. I'd love to have dox of the kikes who were cracking the whip on these morons.

The whole goon apparatus. I want them all dead.

Of course we all want that, a world without goons now that is a beautiful place.

Tell me about Oyyman! Why doesn't he poo in the loo?

Holla Forums really needs to do a chemo for Holla Forums, that place has been Holla Forums's new shitting place ever since the BO went postal.

Seconding this, Holla Forums is a mess because of these people

Perhaps he is wondering why you would flush a toilet before floating a log downstream.

Proposing we spam and other related memes to flush out the Holla Forums infestation.
Also someone contact Codemonkey and see if he can find Holla Forums a new BO considering today's revelation

Holla Forums was right again.

So they can dig the rest of the poo out of their rectum and so they can savour the smell on their fingers for a few more hours.
Don't you read /n/?

It's supposed to be a wave of shit

At least you can shitpost. Who are you?

I swear I've seen this pajeet somewhere before.

You aren't Anthony Burch or Jeb Bush, either.

Confirming this. We've been under attack on /tg/ for months now, but we have what has been the best Board Owner I've ever experienced in my life and they aren't getting anywhere.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are under heavy assault, and I believe /a/ is actually owned by a Holla Forums user.

And that fat fuck furry Bui basically shut down /erp/ for like 4 days.

Man can you imagine waking up one morning and being married to this.

Yes and that's why I try not to.




I don't think he had a choice, it swallowed his mind long ago.

Dubs confirms, the mexican golem swallowed the true Jeb! long ago and all that was left is a shell


consuela confirmed for succubus

one step closer.

As if Lowtax even has anything to do with SA or goons anymore. He just abuses painkillers and fucks his asian trophy wife in his million dollar leaky home.


Jesus Christ it really does look like some sort of horrific bobblehead.

Someone shoukd pay this pooinloo a visit


inb4 "muh mods are compromised" "muh religions flame war" "muh endchan"


Dubs comfirm mods for workaholic faggots.

We've known this for a while. The only new info here is that he might live in New York. Me and some other users tried to tell you this last year, but the threads kept getting deleted.

I knew it, Bunch of shitskins they are.

That and "Endchan" has nothing to do with Holla Forums,
Freech and Holla Forums has been DDOSing and Torspamming Endchan for weeks now.
Faggetts/Heil the Shitskin is the current Board Owner here.


hi Holla Forums
that's why this thread is stickied right

Nigga if i were Holla Forums, I wouldn't be posting smug anime right now.

Holla Forums isn't above posting smug anime girls if the intention is to counter-signal.

Aren't they SA Goons through? Doesn't the Goons hate anime?

nice try endgoon


Provide one single evidence that "Endchan" are goons,
Also pic related

if it acts like a goon and posts like a goon it's a goon

They're arguing about whether or not to delete CP from freech. 225 replies. It's an even split.

Provide a screenshot
Also Endchan isn't one person.

Dox where?

This is great. Swissproxy got sent to jail a couple of days ago and now this. It's like the goons are getting taken down one by one.

I have to wonder if the cops beat the shit out of him for not looking at the camera during his mug shot.

criminally underrated

Fire Monkey will be going strong until January 28th. Then the Fire Cock kicks in the weeks preceding the change are said to be affected by both years forces Buckle up for FunTown

Reminder that these are the same people trying extremely hard to push the anti-Christian narrative on Holla Forums.

You can immediately pick out which is a goon by their shitty forced meme vernacular like "Christcuck" or "Pisstian". It's very low energy.

ok but what if some hater or a psychotic gf false flags.

Maybe you >>>/christian/ goons should go back to your containment instead of D&Cing with your shitty baits and low quality illiterate replies.

Wasn't he one of the talking heads on YouTube during GamerGate?

Yes because apparently it's far too complex for a goon to falseflag as a Christian in order to alienate the non-religious people on Holla Forums, you dense fuckwad. Did you even look at the picture?

So….by /christian/'s logic, I should be a Muslim

I see getting called out on this is a sorespot. Saving that image.

Correct. After the gamergoys rejected him, he joined Holla Forums. The Holla Forums goons then decided to make him their leader for some reason.

Wow. Another genetic reject. I'm starting to see a pattern here between Leftist Internet Warriors and unfortunately shaped DNA.

Thanks Lads. 💩👌

The drama of these faggots astounds me.


How has no one forced that faggot to wear an eye patch for a few weeks?

Joke's on them. All of the counter-shilling in those threads eventually convinced me to read the Bible and join in on the counter-shilling. The only triggering going on is there being no words to describe how retarded they are in refusing to realize this. "Surely they can't be stupid enough to create more soldiers for their opposition. Surely they have to be smart enough to realize that's the only thing they're accomplishing." But no, they really are that stupid. At least I can be happy in knowing that the global revival of Nationalism will destroy the Left in ways no one can imagine.

I guess posting a picture of a face is dox now. Kind of like how trolling is making a funny pun, and hacking is someone left their facebook logged in.

You go on freech, and half of them are pro-Trump anyway. They're mostly just lolbergtarian trolls, not super-ideological goons. The goon thing is just a way of them trying to get under our skin and making us waste effort on them… like this thread.

Best strategy for Holla Forums is:
Users ignore.
Mods ban.

This post is the last bit effort I'll waste on the attention whore brigade.

This is extremely petty and will only cause more cross board shitposting and basically it's really funny so I approve

Does this guy deserve the oven?

I can confirm this, and I'm pretty excited that there's a sticky. 2016 best year.
I was going for the cuck look in that pic by the way, I think I nailed it hard.

The older pic is me from a couple months ago as attentionwhore general.

Simple answer: (((social media))) turned millenials into fucking narcissistic worms.
It must be some monkey (no pun intended) see monkey do bullshit combined with screen hypnotization.
Before Holla Forums I used to post the cringiest selfies as a half decent looking betaschmuck. Now i dont use kikebook and all I can do is laugh autismally at all the degenerates who have been marooned on that fucking island and their shit content they post such as Mr. Streetshit.

Ah, no fucking wonder.
Hated Holla Forums since they destroyed Holla Forums.
or you could say that thanks to Holla Forums I left Holla Forums for Holla Forums - rip 8/b/ 2014~2015

How did this song end up going with MoonMan so well?

is this the leader of the unknown identity of white-hating anti-civilization group

This thread is now ama

Not leader, but correct. The work that 8/pol/ is doing is terrible for the globalists. Israel hired me to take down 8/pol/ for a 12 month something awful subscription. They never paid up though.

B-but muh Holla Forums has always been shit! Spppam is freespeach! Bronies did nothing wrong! Anime posting is bad! Damn stormniggers!

t. Pretending to be Holla Forums goons.

lmao i bet you cumskins havent even found our EVE Online group yet

I know I am just going to get a bunch of disinfo, but I'll bite; what is the goon endgoal? Why are you creating all this drama, what do you get out of it?

We get a fraction of the SA ad revenue for all links referred from Holla Forums. And we get to piss off neo-nazis in the process.



The JIDF and the CTR are working with through Holla Forums as a proxy, so that they can shill unirionically on internet

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone why someone would post about a man, before throwing him out of a plane.

Yeah that's why I wore the glasses, but I should've gotten out my blue hoodie for the carl the cuck look


Post time stamp or you are not real goon.

Clearly you don't know the requirements of being a goon.


This. I don't buy it.
I will give you ten minutes and then you and your buddy will be filtered. Consider this your first and last warning.

on a scale of 1 to 10 how anti-civilization are you

I dare you.

I'm getting some heavy Ainsley vibes.

It doesn't matter whom we are, what matters is our plan…

this but I'll do it anyway



fucking lit

Meme answer: I wanted Hillary Clinton to win so we can start WW3 to finally complete the NWO agenda
True answer: I'm anti-large civilization, more small governments to micromanage places. The federal government right now is too powerful, and we've strayed a long way from the constitution.


Can't be 100 percent sure if that's same guy in OP. You all look too alike. Filtered anyway.

Are you from Oman?



Can someone explain the whole goon/intl/SRS thing to me? I honestly don't understand. I used to lurk SA waaay back in the day, like 2001 to 2004 and I honestly don't remember them being super lefty/SJW types at all. I specifically remember the board FYAD just bring people with weird senses of humor posting goatse.jpg and tubgirl all the time. How did these people end up in political positions? I know that one dude got snackbar'd in Benghazi. What is their beef with us? I know Yahtzee Crowshaw, the zero punctuation guy used to be a big time goon, but half of his videos are just him talking about how much he hates SJW's. Someone please explain this to me like I'm a child.

soma used to own 8/int/

soma started banning all SA users

so then we went to Holla Forums and banned anyone whom wasn't from SA

hotwheels got banned because he tripfagged after already saying he wasnt a goon

so he got the whole website to be his personal army and spam us to Freech, which also bans non-SA users

You should all kill yourselves for dragging around an internet subscription like it is a major part of your identity.

my sa subscription is my identity


You can check this out on factchecker, but here's what happened:
sort of this, but not banning SA users, but users in general. No burger Mondays were fun though.
Holla Forums becomes a free speech zone. Old BO dies and I take up the board around June. Meme up Holla Forums a bit. Tonnes of OC created between the months of February and August of last year. I post the board username and password on Holla Forums. Dies around the same time Jim takes over.
Eternal 8ch asshurt and despise for Holla Forums since then.

Fun fact: Jimboy ddos'd Holla Forums's servers so that they could move over to his servers so that he could rival Hiroshima Nagasaki.

I'm going to go do some homework.
"Embrace infamy." ~Holla Forums motto on the front page

Why is this shit stickied anyways?

because imkampfy is one of us

major victory for nordic warriors and other preservers of the white race

fuck off, that is a blatant lie shiteating goon, they would make threads on how to make the next drumf meymey so they could rile up leftypol to attack Holla Forums.


There is literally no way you can spin that to make yourself look less retarded.


delete your isp then

fam, the entire point of paying money is to filter out shitposts

notice how it's white people who are always "cucks", why is that?


How many of there are you, and how many hours a day do each of you average on shitting up the board?


It's common knowledge that black men are stronger and better-built than cumskins. During slavery they were specifically bred for strength and endurance.

Nazis understand this and can only respond with "f-fuck off goon ;_;"

We get paid 10 cents an hour, and we usually do it for three hours a day.

How many of you?

Sounds like a worthless job. Why keep at it?


ITT i can identify at least 6 other goons, but for the most part we are kept in isolation from our coworkers

Seven* others, we're not many. Israel gives us benefits though, we can put this on our job applications.

Then why are there almost 0 nigger Olympic weightlifters?
also whites were slaves too, faggit


our sponsors usually give us a bonus every time something noteworthy happens, though they don't really understand some things we try to explain them, for example what a sticky is

it literally does not matter that we share this information with you either, the only thing that would get us in trouble is revealing the true identity of our sponsors


it would be worse for the people we told than for us tbh

the active user number might go down a bit because of a few "accidents" scattered across the country

we would just get a pay dock or something tho, because imkampfy would delete the thread before the info could spread

The only thing niggers are overall better at than whites is sprinting (just look at how fast they can run from the police). They can compete well in other sports except weightlifting and winter sports.

It's also humorous that you try to meme niggers being stronger than whites, because weightlifting and strongman competitions are overwhelmingly dominated by whites. There are nigger bodybuilders, but when it comes to absolute strength, whites dominate. Also, just try to watch a nigger swim, it's hilarious. The only nigger to EVER win an olympic medal in swimming won it just this year. and it was in women's comp, lel


street cred


Do you suck off your wife's son?

You're the one without an argument kid

i suck off my wife's boyfriends son

hahaha never stop shitposting goon

You first

Figures, no one from Oman would act like this. To do so would be an out of Ibadi experience.

They are pushing an anti-atheist narrative to asshat, they admit it in your picture.

I've been saying Christcuck far longer than they have been shilling here.



Is this the dubs thread?

soma used to own 8/int/
soma started banning all SA users
so then they went to Holla Forums and banned anyone whom wasn't from SA
hotwheels got banned because he tripfagged after already saying he wasnt a goon
so he got the whole website to be his personal army and spam them to Freech, which also bans non-SA users

lmao fuck off christgoon
every time there's talk of shills you say they are the ones making anti-christian posts.

By now with your logic all shills are purely making anti-christian posts all the time, which is obviously a lie because there you are pretending to be a poor little christcuck victim.

there has been another migration from freech Holla Forums
after the omani admin tried to "ruleсuck" the snivelling children (by putting some discipline into them) they fled to a new board on an Holla Forums clone called "8ch.pl". their new board name is /inth/ (after their buffalo meme, h stands for herd) and their admin is a completely anonymous, technically incompetent american. currently they're in a spam war with a remaining freech user called " dollfag", who just plain dislikes /inth/ for no discernable reason (he claims that he just doesnt like them and theyre all "faggots").
as Holla Forums's previous "raids" on /int*/ have proven, this will not even make them butthurt, and indeed will probably just prove to frustrate the attacker.

this is the non-edited image of him

is it even cuck porn at this point?

Poo little brown guy


Fuck off back to your containment board.
Daily reminder that Kek > Rabbi Yeshua

Dub-dub GET confirms


Reak quick for people with a life who dont follow every minutia. Who the hell is Oyyman and why is this thread important. ty fam





Colour me surprised.

Sadly most don't even into Ukimyo-e which is a brilliant art style. They just get it cause it's vaguely Japanese and has a lot of copies (See: Whirlpool)

yayo mental midget faggot faggetttss
care to explain to me
why u cant evn code??

impressive. very nice.


Water is visually appealing and relaxing. Could be because we evolved to be attracted to clean water or water is a universal beauty in form and helps unlock the secrets of the greater universe. That ugly nigger wont understand. He is just a pathetic weeaboo and ruined nu-male faggot.

Some Slavborg faggot here, ask me anything

Congrats you fucking shit, your shilling ruined a gold fucking series of troll insults with kike on stick and christ cucks. You are a failure at fucking like and the internet.

What are these:

And are Holla Forums just a bunch of paid jew-fags?

Something Awful, The Right stuff

no. Holla Forumsfaggots are edgelords who shitpost and troll for lulz. think Holla Forums but *slightly* less newfag.

And with any luck, he'll drown in the undershit of that wave.


….how nu r u. Regardless, SomethingAwful is a forum run by SJWs that you have to pay $10 to use. It's where 4chan sprang from because of a whole lot of drama back in the day. Since then they've had a thorn in their side. Enjoy one of their top admins fighting with >her girlfriend.

TRS aka The Right Stuff are Rebel Media/The Donald Tier right wing group. Most see them as either controlled opposition or people who are purple pilled. ("Yeah there are differences between the races, b-but it's still all social!")

I have a good guess as to who the guy in the OP is. Not 100% but it's plausible that he could be the owner of Freech and the two do look very similar. There's also some tells in the other photos of him.

I'm not really interested in helping the mods here do anything though because I think they're fags. Besides, I don't know his real name

What the fuck is happening in that vid?

What [Current Year] do you think this is?


"some Slavborg faggot" here
who the fuck created freech lmao how new ru

2017: The prelude to war?

Prove it my fellow Slav

im jew


komot – sam povej kaj rabiš :^)

That is not Cheeki Breeki nor is cyka blyat. Obviously you are not slav

kr*ut detected

Not even one mention of "stalker", you're terrible at this. Next you'll be telling me you own no adidas.

how new ru

tbh I can see a pro-Trumper making drumpftdtdd maems for the sake of trolling Holla Forums


That's Shmorky of SA goonery fame arguing with his batshit insane girlfriend (insane in the first place for hooking up with a tranny diaperfag furry) that's apparently somewhat aware of the jewish question. The tranny posted the audio to its tumblr for some reason.


The Peter Coffman stuff was the end of it for me,

When people started saying "Y-You morons, he doesn't ACTUALLY date a mannequin! Pshh, idiots" instead of, y'know, fucking enjoying the absurdity of a man defending his wife and toiletnigger as "real people"

Justice for /r9k/

Atheists were never a part of Holla Forums. Not that there no honsest-to-God atheist pollacks but most of us agree that religion is necessary for social hygiene.

ayy lmao

The fuck is that?


Ha, and yet these are the faggots running this board, still no face to realmoonman.

International is a front for the Masonic Internet Defense force. That is really where they align because

Little did they understand there is a clear history of them spamming Threads critical of masonry. Recently they tried to ban torposting on endchan while there was investigations into the masonic connections of pizzagate. They even try to say everyone who talks again masons are one person. A lot of disinfo. Also they wanted to make endchan filled with captchas to make an exodus less likely.



I may be wrong but what else do I think when their bullshit is stifling my ability to shitpost unfettered?

Fucking kek.

This post makes sense only if they are a disguise for the elite

What the hell is this?

fuck off

can't exactly read the thread it is the op picture of.

Would post it if I could on tor.

hey mods
would you IP ban all of india, or at least south india?

u paki budy?

aww yiss

You guys are just mad that Holla Forums took pepe back from normies.

Its a well known fact christcuck meme came from goon dumb ass.

Christcuck comes from gematria, the jews consider christians cuckolds in the mental sense. Stop lying you fucking shill

please tell us more about your jewish beliefs moishe

Are you observant jew, secular jew, zionist or just from reddit?


Jeb is so pathetic it hurts

Serious question, are you serious or this is metatrolling?

Not only the brother, too.

He could have picked anyone. It didn't even need to be a top model (but it should). He just couldn't be more pathetic.

Jesus, his freak of a wife is even worse than the loser.

what's difference between observant and secular? is there a jew stat sheet floating around

the best description i have heard in regards to yebs wife is "hairy aztec goblin-monkey." it seemed apt.

Sticky is still here and still no dox anywhere. /baphomet/ doesn't have anything. That's a shame I was expecting to fuck with Holla Forums faggots.

Then again this is a likely ruse


Endchan has a lot of shills that live there as a base to manipulate Holla Forums. I browse it sometimes and some posters seem better equipped. Some deserve gassing though.

This confirms they are likely connected directly to this ring. Holy fuck a 50 50 split for allowing cp?
They need to be gassed quickly.

Anyone already having a fuck ton of deja vu latly? I think it's already getting hectic.

I push both and i browse.
I like religious debate. All they are doing is helping us question our own memes.
This is why propaganda doesn't work on truth seekers.

I prefer myself as lord god of all creation :^)


He's literally dressed as a trap in one pic.

I love beeing white

An african or european swallow?



god, you stormweenies are fucking pathetic


t. butthurt stormweenie

This guy is a faglord that enjoys humiliation. We are just giving him what he wants

#ImplicitWhiteIdentity #boipucci

make boipucci great again!

mmmm don't you want it? it's pure, huwhyte and waiting for you

Stop spamming bernie supporters here.

Stop spamming bernie supporters here.

Fucking app.

Why stop there. All of asia africa and south america.

But yeah why would a smart person with a 145 IQ get HIV?

From killing niggers and faggots, and niggerfaggots, and faggot kikes, and faggot kebabs, and kebabfaggots, and baglefaggots.
Time for a new crusade.
Remove Kebab!

Because he's a masochist.


go back to shitposting on halfchan

dangerously underrated


it reallyh workmsx

Go back to stormfront, stormweenie.

Please describe why you believe so. It's a fine line one has to tread in maintaining the community, protecting it from subversion without stifling its growth to fit your own image of it.

8/int/ oldfag here tbh. Suprised to see anyone else from the good ol days hanging around this shithole. Where do all the old 8int posters lurk these days? Or has the buffallo herd finally broken apart for good?

t. Maker of that image

Was getting caught part of your plan?

76chan, /sp/ isn't the only board there.

Can we do something about the faggots who want to ban porn and respond to every fucking post you make, claiming things you didn't say? I swear they're either shills or intl spawn.

nice falseflag, faggot

Just letting all the anons here know that I finally got vol status on Holla Forums. Additionally, I'm close to getting proof of freech collusion with the BO, however it's been challenging trying to get them to talk when I'm in the IRC. Should have it fully subverted within two months and will unleash killing blow on Holla Forums by summer.


He literally had all the pussy in the world and he settled with some squat beaner, what was he thinking.

Who knows if he might just be making things up and causing paranoia?

purple hair in starbucks spat in his coffee for being a cis white str male.

So.. does anyone have actual info on the fag?
or we are just in a shitstorm?

Goons move in weird patterns
But there must be a pattern besides messing with Holla Forums
They have been raiding low populated and low moderated imageboards
It's maybe to decrease the population in such places like it was done here
To reduce the public veiw on such site, but there could be more to it

Things you can do now that you have a face:
-Reverse image search / facial recognition to find more images
-Fake social media account with photo, "find other photos you're tagged in"
-Fake social media to make fake death threats -> real investigation into the poo-in-loo
-Spam face and turn into troll maymay on different websites and venues in order to elicit a response (cuckchan, plebbit, 9gag, etc etc)

You have so much at your disposal now, one dedicated autist can now ruin this shitskin's life, all it requires is a little effort and imagination.

Almost forgot: use his face for gay ads in craigslist, grindr, other gay places. Spam it across the web. Specify that he just loves getting pulled into dark alleyways and raped, how he has always wanted to be bred by a poz cock.

You know, simple things :)

Enjoy looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life, you stupid shitskin.

No sign of dox but I am lurking

Make your own dox:

At first I thought this was Justin Little (yt: vernaculis). He has that fucking weird eye shit too.


Hey I'mKikey


compared to

Kek agrees, you're a faggot

underrated post.

dub dubs
fucking kek has spoken
praise kek

These are good suggestions.

Underrated observation.

In the past 3 months, I've had 3 serious cases of deja vu. Just about one every month.

Lads, I just found this.
You know what to do.

this completely went beyond me, what did they even do?


Yes its him

Nanotech sounds like a huge faggot to boot. Should someone to fuck with him as well and 32chan just to remind not to indulge in freech faggotry?

Let me tell you about hacking
Not everything is done from the computer screen

Tweet deleted

The faggot is going


You better have archived nigget.

Twitter connection proven ITT, this pajeet deserves to burn.

The bastard is lurking

Too early, didnt expect for him to delete everything so fast, it was one of the hentai kamen wanna be pictures and a good shot of his wallpaper

Still he is the one we seek

t. butthurt stormweenie

kill yourself gook cocksucker.

You will be butthurt when a stormweenie gets into your home while you sleep and shoves 25 cm of wood up your ass like the fafgot Jew you are.
/baphomet/ is at it boy.


Hey guys you better stop bullying oyyman >:(


nice try kido

Commence inept Holla Forums damage control any NY user might have fun plastering this pajeets pictures around the town just for the keks.

t. butthurt stormweenies


That's a nice one. It's a representation of the great wave that destroyed the Mongol Army on their way to attack Japan.

I'm about 90% sure I know this fag. It's making me suspicious because he took all his pics of him with long hair off Cuck-book… Also if it's him, he lives in the Bronx NY.

Trips of truth.

Lol. Poopjeet is BTFO.


You could use his face for an account on r/Cuckold_Community or something. I don't know if Reddit accounts have faces though.

Link the profile and delete him from your friends list.

Checking in again. Here's some pics from his Instagram, it's set to private, and I screen grabbed. I'm having trouble confirming if it's him. Let me know what you think. I don't want the kid ruined if it's not him.

idk why the pics didn't upload let me get em off my ipad. 1 sec.


He doesn't have the beard anymore. Also I think OP's pic is old.


but im a white nationalist :^(

Found the derailing kike. Get gassed fagot.

Former vol here, watching this shitskin get his just desserts is so fucking satisfying. I had to deal with so much bullshit because of these assholes, genuinely hope we get a real address and hunt him down like the animal he is.

Possible same. Also the Japanese Pic in the background of op's photo makes sense. He's an anime fan. Look at the background of these pics…

How much do you bet this retard is the one forcing that "cumskin" shit?

Let me know what you fags think. Confirm match and i'll dump his Cuck-book and Instagram. Try and confirm before fucing him over though.

actually you have IG, Just cuck book I guess

Just to be clear how long did he keep his cuckbook and instagram private? If around the times 'news' hit here it raises some questions

His cuckbook isn't private but all the pics of him with long hair are gone and now he just looks like a nigger on cuckbook. The ig, I don't know. I don't use it. I only logged in to get pics of him.

I wonder how often Yeb! contemplates suicide.

Usually people who lose their shit have full own spergouts. Every namefag is a shameless and narcissistic attention whore by default so the chance is very likely.

Fuck off pedo

How about lumpy Warwick Davis?


Do you have more pictures? the more the better, a link to a zip would be fine, no need to flood because a suspicion

There are ways to confirm this other pictures are needed

There are a lot of psychotic gfs out there, to be sure, and censorship is never good.

Just because some special snowflakes are shilling religion d&c doesn't mean there aren't any problems there. In fact, if there weren't actual problems, it would be a poor target to attack. There are all kinds of problems with christ insanity. Not everyone that disagrees with it is your simplistic bogeyman. You should actually learn about European pantheons. I recommend Odinia for this course. Anons on this board are okay with genocide and can't fix their fucking sky fairy problem. You understand, from an adults point of view, that just looks retarded. The fact that you all can even be shilled by untermensch is embarrassing. Step up your game.


Because of kikes dumping an entire world's worth of shit on our people for centuries. In many ways, they are the original poo-in-loos, retard.

lots. I don't feel like screen capping every IG and FB pic if you tell me what you're looking for and I'll do my best to deliver

Because Hokusai is a good print artist.

Indians such ugly, sweaty, rapey looking faggots.


It means you check em

$ick i had to try it

Kek dock podtimg new meme

I smell a ruse cruise.
It must be loaded with poo…


i'm not a pedo

its not CP if its anime

also nano-archiver is not me, thats some other faggot

Fantasizing about children = pedo. Just because you're not actively watching CP or touching kids, doesn't change your filthy, scummy, degenerate, ways. now fuck off jew-pedo and stop derailing the thread.

im not even a jew

also reminder that 8/pol/'s mods are kikes and that Holla Forums is ran by one

looks like some of my posts were deleted

one of them was pointing out that 8/pol/ is ran by kikes and that the owner of Holla Forums is also one + a mason

I had been in Endchan and I don't see goons at all, unless you mean /AM/.

wew lads

Sorry what

Whats funny, is that if you bring this up to any place he has power, he instantly calls the logs fake and bans you from whatever.

t. assmad irc user trying to expose him for his kikey ways

Really? No one has checked this?

If anything, birshitskin is a better term

You would need to have bits of green and black in you too.

Wtf whyy ban him? Being an autist is not a crime.


But being a shitskin is.


Looks like his girlfriend was mad because


OK Carlos, the wall just went down a foot

One eye on the ass
One eye on the streets


*Smacks lips*
*hugs hitler bodypillow*
*masturbates to anime*

They've merely annoyed us. If you want an idea of what we do to people who we hate, just wait a few months.

I'm actually kind of proud of you Carlos, keep up the good work

there is literally nothing wrong with masturbating to anime

It's like you don't even know me user.

foneposting is missing from that list



You cant see the knife because its a ghost

Pajeeet really bulked up


She deep throats, dumbass.

underrated post, holy shit

Oh so this was him, huh?:


A couple other freechposters here that have since been suspended:


I think I remember one of them, Yozamposter, conversing with another person from there with the twitter handle of Kurisu_Kitsune. Shame I can't get more from their accounts due to their suspension.



Yep. I was not a christian and do not believe in god but I am starting to see to become a cultural christian because I see so many benefits to christianity. If these shills had not be so anti christian I would have continued being apathetic with regard to religion. Seeing christianity attacked so vehemently by shills makes me think about it more and the more I think about it I see the value in it.

Jungle, corn, yellow fevers. It happens.



Milo is life
Milo is love

That being said, one should not ignore the fact that large portions of the Christianity are pozzed as fuck, seeing as those portions have been co-opted by liars and heretics.

The more you realize the reality of Churchianity vs Christianity, the more I've come to understand the frustration that Right Wing Pagans have with Christianity.

That being said, the solution is to fix Christianity, not reject it. That's throwing the baby with the bathwater.

I would be honored to call Jeb my wife.

you never post a link before you archive it. it's that fucking simple.



These digits cannot go unchecked.

Does this really deserve a sticky?

Kike mods will do anything to divert attention from thesmelves. Holla Forums isn't relevant anymore. They're just a convenient scapegoat. There's no reason to keep this shit stickied for 10 days.


Good Lord what a disgusting creature

Another one of the main Holla Forums faggots was recently arrested.

Cock eyed freak. Yeesh.

He's on the lam, fam. Anyone got the links to where he has commented on plebbit?

please explain this magic


keku akbar
