We should get rid of the penny during Trump's reign so that financially, the Jews won't be able to force the American's on having their two cents to make one cent a fucking thing anymore. We would be saving a fucking shit ton of money if we were to do this
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You can't get rid of the penny. Say something costs $19.99, you think people want to pay a full $20.00? No dude.
We need to replace Federal Reserve shekels with like, National Socialist Work Tokens.
Do you realize that rounding already occurs in many financial calculations? All that matters is that consistent rules are applied.
Canada ditched the penny, no harm because of it.
We simply round transactions to the nearest nickel.
so a .01, .02 digit is .00 and .03, .04 become .05
The difference will always wash out in the end and you can still game it by only paying cash for transactions that round down. and use card for others(since the original price is still charged as normal on debit.
If i had my way we'd do the same thing with nickels.
I have never paid for anything with nickels, they're pointless as well.
one time I was getting gas, and it was x.99 per gallon or whatever, and just out of curiosity I stopped at 1.000 gallons, and it rounded the price up to the next dollar
Thank you for correcting the record.
australia did too, back in 94
really we should just have quarters
I just throw out pennies.
someone make a fucking petition already
Reminder that the US half cent coin was worth more than a modern day dime when it was discontinued in 1857.
Good look getting the British to drop their 1 and 2 pence coins. I wish the USA would drop the penny as it currently is, or of not drop it actually put the silver and copper back into our change.
Most of the time you'd have to be Scrooge McDuck to do that though. Rounding is done for the final total, not for individual items.
Don't give them any chances to start having us go cashless. The slippery slope is real.
They're trying to eliminate coins in South Korea.They stated they're eliminating cash in India,and they want to in Greece as well to eliminate "black money".
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The penny is no longer worth the metal that it's coined from. The government loses money and goes further into (((debt))) with every penny coined.
Well I guess it is either a good thing or a bad thing depending whos in charge
this you fucking idiots
keep the rest and kill the penny
say that to all the fuckers who forgot about their penny collections who now have a zero value currency
sure it may only be $10, $20, $30, but they lost out in the end didn't they?
Sage because a slide thread because OP is clearly not just a shill sliding, but too fucking retarded in monetary policy.
Looks like they are going all out anons. They are even enlisting the mental midgets to shill.
Ever notice that theres a 9 after the price? Like for instance, you see the price 2.19 on the sign, but theres always a smaller 9 after that price. So really youre paying 2.199. Kike tricks Im sure.
The value of any rare pennies in someone's coin collection would most likely go up once the penny was discontinued. As for the rest, it would be possible to melt them down and sell the zinc for more than the face value of the pennies. There is absolutely no reason that the government should continue racking up debt coining worthless money. We can either deny the jew a method of enslaving the US taxpayer through debt, or we can keep them around because muh penny.
Pennies and nickles actually matter to very poor folk trying to fight their way up.
When you see struggling white girls with kids counting out their change at the dollar store you'll understand.
How about we reduce the monetary base until the penny become viable again?
We are basically fucked until we gas the Fed.
The only thing in the world that I ever use cash for is my barber, and I always just hand him a $20 and tell him to keep the change because I don't want to deal with it.
Use a shittier metal.
Here in Croatia all stores use the .99 or .X9 prices. Why? Because the 1 lipa coin has been pulled out of circulation, and stores can't return something they don't have. Even if you buy more items and the end price is say 101,59 HRK you're still getting jewed. The big stores like Kaufland or Lidl rake in thousands of kunas per day because of this scam.
There was talk of making this illegal, but nothing happened because muh free trade and crap. The pressure from the EU and other such (((institutions))) killed the law in its proto-infancy.
Prior to the EU and the advent of international/German business all prices were rounded up. Thanks capitalism.
Ref: 100 lipa = 1 Kuna.
you can't by anything with a penny anymore, pennies are bullshit
wait at least 4 years until the fed is abolished. Trump wants to start trade wars with China, and that's hard to do without a centralized economy
Kids in the future will case why all prices are in multiples of $5.
Yeah fuck you OP you sound like the typical 'inflation is good' kike who LOVES the Federal Reserve system.
You think any nation should follow your lead? You may as well have said you're from Britain or Sweden for all the good you will do.
The economy should be reset every 40 years instead of this inflation bullshit.
Because then the jews get early intel, hoard cash and then spend it once it's worth 10 times as much.
Leafanon, here. It evens out, more or less, on those occasions when you end up with a $19.96 or whatever.
Not every white person is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, you fucking kike.
Better get rid of that shit.
It takes 1/3 of a second to see past that shit, but it's everywhere and fucking irritating.
Do you even autism?
Seriously fuck inflation. I spend like 200-300 easily on food per month if I lived by myself I would be a poor sob.
Banks still accept pennies, so you can trade them in for nickels or something.
the leader madman enough to do that is the same leader madman enough to end the fed
.999 repeating equals 1 goy, now pay up!
Our currency (Bong) has a penny too.
It is worth fuck all.
Also our coins make a nice shield pattern. See pic.
Why does it have the harp on it?
Ireland left the UK near 100 years ago.
Fuck pennies, I'll take the practically non-existent hit for rounding to a .05 or .00 just to see those awful ass coins vanish.
I throw every penny I get out my window, I hope that someday they will fill all the potholes.
Who determines whether something is rounded up or down?
This is the modern equivalent of coin clipping, which was coincidentally an infamous Jewish tactic.
We should get rid of the Federal Reserve, which will RESTORE THE VALUE AND PURCHASING POWER OF THE PENNY
Fuck you.
protip: newer coins are made from less valuble metals to lower their value in line with inflation. 2011 and 1992 are relevant dates for your situation.
I put small change in a jar.
If you're literally throwing away money then you're an idiot.
That makes no fucking sense at all
Well it's a retarded one.
If an item has a cost of $5 with a 50% margin then store has the choice to either price it at $10 even or at $9.99. Both sales yield a profit of $5 even because pennies don't exist in Croatia.
The customer isn't being jewed out of anything. The store is just being an idiot and not rounding up to $10. They are still following the retail marketing rules of x.99 look "cheaper" in the customer's mind than an even number. But they are too stupid to realize that now it's doing the opposite because their customers feel like they are being jewed out of 1 fucking cent.
What a bunch of niggers.
The should not have to die because the government has made it worthless. The penny once had value because we didn't over inflate our currency. Once we stop inflating our money, and end the Federal Reserve, our money will have more value.
Keep the Penny and END THE FED!
Make Pennies Great Again!
I have a kind of a mental issue where I have to wash my hands after handling change. I can smell the metal on my hands if I don't. Also seems to cause dyshidrosis if I handle change a lot at certain times of the year. I do the same thing with pennies, throw them on the ground or in the change tray at the checkout if possible. The alternative is putting it in my pocket and having to touch it again.
Not worth a thread, and economic illiteracy if you think this save us money. Sounds like a cuckchan idea.
Am l a kike if l pick up pennies l find on the floor?
It costs us such a minuscule fraction of government spending so as to be moot. If anything we should ban penny hording (something I suspect OP is into). Penny hoarders collect pennies (mostly copper ones) in hopes that they will be abolished so they can be sold for copper value. We illegalize this and we wont need to mint so many pennies as most are not in circulation.
Which is retarded low yield behaviour but sure, punish the people who plan ahead.
What about people who save pennies to make massive amounts of homemade batteries out of pennies, cardboard, saltwater, and potatos?
Who the fuck wants to support the Durrajew or the Enerkikeser?
I came here to say this, and I left with a US half cent. Thanks uncle Holla Forums
best version
It costs you more in energy than you could eat for a penny to bend over and pick up a penny.
That's a very kike-ish thing to do.
Silly goy, the nickel is worth 7.5 cents (old data) in melt value. Cupronickel. The only coin that isn't made out of zinc. Source: my ass
Nobody gives a fuck in a land of plastic cards and soon to be most people using mobile wallets tapping their phone to pay.
If you're a millennial you don't give a fuck about managing your finances since you're going to be living a life perpetually broke whether or not you went to college where you took out loans to pay for some Dean cocksucker's 3 mil/yr salary and a bunch of administrator cunts Escalades.
Yeah you unplug my toilet and climb on my pole, slave goy.
hey, fuck you op
I pick up every penny I collect, then roll them up and take them to the bank
Fuck that, I say introduce the 1/10 cent so I can pay the 9/10 at the gas station.
I'm in community college getting my PTA certificare. It's going to cost me like $6,000 and I'm paying for it out of pocket. After I get the cert I'll be making $50k/yr and it's a two year degree, the market is shifting, but if you're not a retard you can make it.
There are currently about a thousand stocks that you can't buy or sell at the actual value. Kikes just can't resist playing with the market. 5 cent increments. Buckle up, buckaroo.
Why is that pic so comfy?
holy shit you have no clue how money works kill yourself
My neighbour would eat pennies until it hurt him and his mom would give him a powder that made him puke them out.
this thread is still up KEK
Instead of removing the penny, why not just reverse inflation so the penny is worth more?
but your nickle is our penny
Isn't everything in America have a cent cost of $.99?
There would be no cost of .99 cents, no 19.99 or even 99 cents stores for Mexicans.
Does Trump really hate Mexicans? I hope so.
Hey you know how copper wire was invented?
your body operates on about 100watts
since the penny doesnt practically weigh anything it if you lift efficently doesnt put extra strain on your body
10g of potato has about 313seconds worth of operating power and it costs less than 2 cents
so i am quite sure it is actually technically worth it.