Duterte tells human rights campaigners he will KILL THEM for interfering with his bloody war on drug pushers in the Philippines


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Don't forget Trump wished him success

Hell yeah, if Trump does the same thing it'll be awesome.

The world must be made to remember how a mass culling of criminals works. I suspect such an act will allow the Philippines a generation of peace from criminality.

Initially I read that as "Moonman of Manila"



I saw someone say Duterte was going to legalize pot or something, was that a multilayered joke or something?

Imagine trump culling most of chicago

lines of dead niggers in body bags.


Wiping out drug dens will kill so many commies. Like that recent fire in Oakland.


It would be great to see a Mexican rise up whose like this. But lazy, stupid beaners are too corrupt.


I really like that one.


Fuck shit up, Flipler.

Reminder that Holla Forums is based in Flipland. Let's lend him our meme magic.

Wasn't there a Mexican governor from one of the northern states that was supposedly very anti-cartel. I think he was from Durango.

Based flip.

Brutal. Hopefully we'll see Trump releasing similar videos warning our illegal aliens to get the fuck out before it's too late. Then he can start in on the lawless niggers.

kek. He's going to be piling up mountains of leftist corpses before too long.

So, the Based Madflip wants to crack down on criminals? I'm sure he knows there are many call centers in his realm. It would be a shame if something terrible were to happen next time the (((client))) paid a visit.

So we have Trump coming to office and this glorious flip bastard is open to killing pedos, which tend to flock there form all over.

How long before establishment politicians start to go missing?

that webm gave me a boner

Absolutely based.

These people are stupid. They do realize that Duterte doesn't have to be the one to do them in, right? There are people there who will be happy to do them in and let Duterte do his job.

Let this be a lesson in never memeing ironically again
even though this is a good thing, we do not want the overman to be a flip.

What rifle is he holding?

There was a female mayor that vowed to hinder the cartels but she and her bodyguard were killed when she got home from her victory speech or something.
The US should have intervened then, if not long before, but we are also corrupt.

He speaks the language of Holla Forums shitposters.

Too late. >>>/pinoy/15835

No, hes into medical marijuana. Just tax it, what you hear about weed being evil is just cuckstians and state propaganda to keep the "drug war" (read:funding the CIA opium trade) going.



No shit, he learned to speak english from us.

Requestion Kek memes for the flip. Praise Kek!


looks like an mp5 with a different grip and a flash hider. also thats clearly an smg.

The bleeding hearts better not get in the way of this social experiment. I want to see the outcome of Duterte's policy.

Its a Daewoo k2

t. /k

Oh, he knew they'll try something months ago, that's why he made a declaration to warn off the "Peacekeepers".


It sounded familiar

Do they do anything about all the slavery and genocide in Africa? No.

How about all the gross human rights violations in Saudi Arabia who someone magically got into the UN Human Rights council? No.

So why in the fuck would they focus on a country the USA fucked up through it's colonial past? All it's going to do is give those mango eating island monkeys an unstoppable race card.

Focus resources on real shit. Trump doesn't have time to protect fucking druggies and other criminal degenerates like the Clintons and their pedo friends.

I like it.

Trump won't let them. Trump fully approves of Duterte Harry.

I think Trump and Duterte might have secret agreements like maybe Duterte sends his best soldiers/officers from the death squads in helping him deport and raid drug dens with extreme prejudice while Trump turns a blind eye in what Duterte is doing here and give new tech/weapons in REMOVAL on Junkies and Muslims


Watch Cartel Land. It's a documentary about a group of fighters called the Autodefensas who fight the Cartels in the Mexican state of Michoacan. They take back a lot of territory, but they're ultimately bogged down by corrupt government. Mexico needs nothing short of a political revolution to expel the corruption in order to oust the cartels. It's seriously an uphill battle for them.

Checked for xmas keks


anyone have a link to this?

solarmovie. sc/movie/cartel-land-5693.html

This man is a true leader.

A thread about the most based of flips?


I need that link.

Im surprised so many people are unaware of the mexican autodefensas, was a bit of meme back when they were a thing in half/pol/

based user


user, do you happen to have an archive link to that thread?

Much appreciated.


Nope sorry lad

ok, thanks user

although if possible can you give us like important summaries in greentext form.



gas yourself.



Nobody truly wants to commit mass slaughter when they could just be living their life, but sometimes the country gets so bad a forced purge is the only way to remove corruption and degeneration

I hope the Philippines becomes the safest country in the world so that other countries put together their own RWDS to kill degenerates. Places like Brazil and Mexico need them badly.

The US does too.

You may be on to something. Pictured is PNP chief Director General Bato dela Rosa (aka. Duterte's right-hand axe man) who was lately grilled by the Office of the Ombudsman for somehow showed up in Vegas to watch Manny's recent match. Why would the literal head of the country's police forces skip his post to go watch a boxing match abroad without publicly informing anybody? And he still has not given a clear answer on his whereabouts while he was in the United States weeks ago. Playing bodyguard is a flimsy excuse, and doesn't hold up scrutiny.

Found the Holla Forums

…and that's when the media realized that normal people doesn't give a fuck about the good health of drug dealers.

I have fallen in love with 2016.

I will be sad when it ends, but I do wonder… what will 2017 bring?




Current year is best year


It's called the angular deportation gun.


I had doubts about Duterte. No longer. Mabuhay Duterte! The President we (I'm Filipino) need!

godspeed user

Duterte de la Muerte



I think it was
Not any less based, though.

This is the best Christmas kino since Die Hard!

I just learned about Fast & Furious a few weeks ago. Fucked up.

That was so badass even I got a little frightened and recoiled a little in my seat.

Duterte for emperor of Europe. Lets treat traitors and enemy populations like Duterte treats the mafia.

it will be interesting to see if there will be any people acting as martyrs for the drug dealers. also, how effective has his war on drugs been so far? is there some metric to measure by aside from arrests made and dead dealers?


Drug prices spikes up and philipine prisons are all 200-400% times over capacity.




It'll take some time, but you'd be looking at the crime rates for dips in theft, murder, and the obvious drug related stuff. General health and income stats also would show an increase if there aren't any drugs around.




looks more like a k1 tbh

That's not really true. They ultimately fail because of spics being spics. Low IQ equals a low trust society and thus corruption immediately follows. That's why the Autodefensas failed.

If I remember correctly the city that Duterte was mayor of, I forget the name, is one of the safest in the world and the most prosperous in the country after he did his purges and no tolerance policy there? Granted a city isn't the same as an entire country but hey, if it works there then there's a somewhat decent chance it'll work in the rest of the place

This is genuinely unnerving…

Your post made my metaphysical being hunch in cringe, this entire board needs gun education.



why haven't I seen this before?

Goddamn. I can't wait for him and Trump to meet next year.

This shit rights itself. Honestly I'm willing to regard the Phillipines as greatest ally after all he's done.

B-b-but he's lukewarm. He's not really the saviour. He's just a stepping stone. Trump's experience from becoming and being a billionaire insider without selling his soul to pedo rings doesn't qualify him to be red pilled about the Jews. We're still waiting for Hitler. Just wait for Hitler.

Fucking based.

mirin those trips

Based. This guy is my hero. Greatest leader alive today.

Hang em' all.


"Human rights" is simply a tool of Judeo-American imperialism. They only use it to go after people who are a problem for the kikes. Since the global drug trade is run by the CIA, they don't like people cleaning up the drug problem.

Mexico needs a genocide. Once America is white again we need to just wipe them out and take all the land down to the Panama canal.

Is this real? Is this for REAL?! If so,nice

4 off, faggot

Either I'm having major deja-vu or this is copy-pasted because I swear to god I've read this word-for-word months ago.

It is fucking true though.
Every flip woman I see with a white husband or boyfriend is always UGLY as FUCK.

Good luck Duerte, just be careful and remember to not commit suicide by shooting yourself with a bolt action rifle 5 times in the back and then falling from balcony.

Good, (((human rights campaigners))) are mainly kikes and leftists anyway.

Looks like this was posted last Christmas. He wasn't fucking around.

Duterte is literally Holla Forums minus tact. We have to tiptoe around directly stating what we want because we know about the overton window. We have to trick liberals into destroying themselves by hiding our beliefs within their dialectic.

Duterte doesn’t give a shit, and hopefully he doesn’t ✡crash and burn✡ early–hopefully he has a long and happy presidency and hopefully the Philippines allies with us and sends tens of millions of screaming flips onto the Chinese mainland, slaughtering everything that moves–but we’ll see.

I guess adolf was one badass son of a bitch :^)


Either way, (((Human Rights))) is a cancer and anyone pushing for it needs the rope.


what happened to pacquao? didn't he run for senator or something?

Yeah, some of my Countrymen voted him for GIBSMEDAT since he always donate money and food to the poor

He won and massive amounts of salt because he is against Faggots (Gay marriage and Homosexuals) and wants to bring back death penalty

*Gay marriage or anything fag related

Trips checked, he's helping Duterte clean up the piece of shit bureaucracy here and try to restore a semblance of order and discipline we're clearly haven't had for decades, like said, it cost him some sponsorships because he doesn't normalize degeneracy, he's getting a bit of a hard time because the Government kinda hates him for being an uneducated boxer from the South who's too fucking honest.

Also, EDSA 3/Civil War rumors by next year here, it's exciting, Reds are pushing their fucking luck, MNLF and MILF are pacified but them and the Reds aren't punishing their bad players on drugs and terrorism charges, and the fucking Yellowtards and their CIA-Globalist masters are going overtime with Lugenpresse and other assorted bullshit, because they don't like the way Duterte is cleaning up the country.

while the Philippines is about to become drug free the democratic nation is Mexico is seeing some of the most fucked up shit in human history

Fascism really does work wonders

"Human rights" have devastated the world. Criminals need to be killed within a week after their crime

Still a long way to go, great start on the war, but plenty of dirtbag cops and politicians under the payroll of druglords, and the commies and muslim insurgents here might, might help purge their ranks of drug shit and radical players if his peace plan pushes through. Lastly, the fucking Soros-Globalist cronies, the Liberal Party might go full-opposition next year.

Naturally, a cure heals disease, and only a disease would be opposed to a cure.

Are you a flip? have you joined the right wing death squads yet?

1000% this

No, most of us are too busy trying to live, work, enjoy the fruits of labor with family and friends, and try to not get killed. Also kek at our last administration's bragging of our Gun control laws, really works on those criminals and separatists.

Fucking shit didn't embed, we got Gunsmiths, shops and firing ranges here, but gun restriction is pretty tight, not really in our fucking culture like in America because we're still fucking savages right down in our genes, and it's a bad idea to own guns right now, especially if you got a gun permit that is expired.


Worked with some Filipinos once, pretty fun people, although crazy. One of them told me you could get a license for almost any weapon, but you had to go to the police station to perform a ballistics test so that they could easily search their database in case of homicide. Did they change it? he also told me about muslim enclaves where little kids go around threatening non muslims, are these people next on the list?

Gun laws kinda has change since those shooting spree bullshit under Obama's watch turned into a panic about gun control, and lazy fucking Government wants to restrict these type of incidents, doesn't matter to the commies, muslims, and criminals though. And kinda, he's going after Abu Sayyaf and Maute who has pledged themselves to ISIS, he gave them a olive branch(most likely trying to endear himself to the "legitimate" muslim groups) when they refuse, it's remove Kebab, they've also been making kids they recruit watch ISIS beheading videos, it pissed Duterte so much, he's gonna fucking wipe them all out.

Godspeed my friend

Thanks, and well, the CURRENT YEAR after this one is gonna be interesting, if Duterte is successful in pacifying the drug problem and criminality, while being successful with his peace plan with the Muslim separatists and Communists, maybe he'll have time to handle the globalists and Soros-funded political elite, the Liberal Party and their useful idiots, maybe we'll rise up, it's their move on what they'll do, massive protests and EDSA-3 rumors again.

A small compilation, sadly most of the images were small.

Duterte might not do the "morally" right thing but at least he sticks to his ideals and acts on them. That is 1000% more than any other politician does.

Small thing, size is way too small. Jpg tends to corrupt pictures.

So are you against cucks and non-whites smoking marijuana until they become too dumb to vote?

Oh look everyone, it's that dumb cunt who started the "delete your non-white memes" thread again.

Your TRS-fuelled arrogance would rather have us kill every subhuman and let the shitlibs to take over unimpeded (you know that's what would happen) than allow some of them to lead the way and make their countries prosper with their degeneracy taken care of. Fuck off.


I really hope decades from now our kids aren't being taught in schools about the evil dictator Duterte that had to be overthrown by Team America World Police.

His "victims" aren't kikes, so that won't be happening no matter the outcome.


Truly, we wuz most powerful race.


Where there's degeneracy and organized crime, there's kikes wanting to take their cut. Sooner or later he's bound to get one, and then his accomplices are gonna howl to high heaven about antisemitism.

I'd rather they live a pastoral life picking fruit, shoveling shit, and settling down with a girl as plain as they are simple without ever abusing their meager faculties with attempts at political thought. They would truly be happy with such a life, and I would be happy if they had it.


A prime example. Teaching you to read and write has contributed nothing of value to this world. It wastes your time by giving you the illusion of being interfaced with the knowledge of our civilization, and it wastes my time for having to read the written equivalent of retarded burbling.

Gee, that sounds familiar.

So far, Duterte hasn't touched the gold. Or there might even be none left ever since Marcos nearly reclaimed those during his time.




well if the spics of asia can pull if off with duterte, what makes you think the spics of america can't?

Say, I hear women pretty much dig farmers :D

it's real, user

What's a "mainlander"?

Probably someone from the biggest island of the Phillipines
Davro is on a small island iirc

It's "mainliner." Must be a druggie term.

My elder brother got involved with drugs. Heroin and coke. He's OK now. I helped him.

The Philippines has the right policy. I've lived in Singapore; they will stretch your neck if you are caught with illegal drugs. You can have a beer and enjoy amazing food (the best I've tasted).

When you fly there, you are given a card. It states "death to drug smugglers in Singapore" Their legal code allows no clemency. The judges must hand a death sentence. They have no choice.
South East Asia doesn't mess about. For many years, they were a drug hub. I'm British and my country has a bit of history in that area.

Murder, rape, burglary, robbery are punished as harshly. The message is clear: do not break the law.
Duterte will take no shit.



Duterte really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Holy fuck

Its a joke but its not actually true.

The liberal party opposition against Duterte is currently fighting back poorly via these two cunts.

The one on the first pic (who appears to back down while the police chief shows an alpha stance) is Leila de Lima who has cheated her way to a senate seat. Former human rights commissioner and justice secretary, she only recently found the vigor to go after Duterte's alleged human rights abuses as Davao mayor. Too bad she's exposed as protector of drug lords and seducer of married men.

The one on the second pic is Leni Robredo. Her claim to fame is being the wife of Jesse Robredo, a celebrated outstanding mayor of another booming city who became secretary of interior and local government. Jesse Robredo died in a mysterious plane crash in the middle of investigating a liberal party mate who had closer personal ties to the former faggot retard president Aquino. The media circus following Jesse's death catapulted the widow to a political career managed by the liberal party. But they still had to cheat their way for Leni Robredo to get the vice president position. She recently got booted from the housing commission when she refused to cooperate with investigations on anomalies in handling the aid for Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

By the way, Soro's Smartmatic did the previous Philippine elections.


Kek, Bet that Sikh marked the fuck out when Trump announced that there will be no more muslim immigration

We'll give him all the ammo he needs to clean up his country.

Jesus Christ what are you eating, son?

Addendum, Fat Pig in the first pic had fucking drug lords that would put Escobar's stint in prison to shame when they brought renovators to pimp their cells with media rooms, saloon bars, Jacuzzis, and fucking bitches and stars to entertain them, while they could still do business with unrestricted internet and cellphone privileges, this has been going on for the last 6 fucking years, she's also Aquino's attack bitch, going for their scapegoat, the previous president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and did some purges of their own under "corruption" and "plunder" charges, pot calling the kettle, hypocrites and full of shit.

Singapore has wonderful food. East Asian food in general is delicious.

you know that they "won" then just started dealing drugs like the cartels that they pushed out? literally nothing changed other than who was in charge. not to mention the mason connections between the head cunts.


A compromise is better than nothing, CTR. Now go collect your 2 shekels and fuck off out of our board.

Look at what happened in Davao. As it turns out, the threat of death deters many people.

Hillary used that phrase as well at her concession speech.

I thought he's already been having a year of the bullet for the past 6 months now?

De Lima is the flip version of the narco senator in .

The leftists have a third front as well: Yellow journalism, in all sense of the term. >>>/pinoy/15839

The public official at the middle of the three feminists is Risa Hontiveros. A former CNN employee, she managed to work her way into the Philippine government, and is essentially the leftists' party's lobbyist and sponsor. Like Robredo, her husband died under suspicious circumstances, and she has children of different fathers. Why she is currently the biggest threat is the bill she is pushing into law, which on careful reading is essentially the anti-#Gamergate law, and cann and will certainly be used to shut down fullchan (which is based in the Philippines).

Also, months ago Robredo visited the United States supposedly to thank the overseas flip voters, but allegedly was attempting to raise anti-Duterte sentiments outside the country. Unfortunate for her the plan backfired as flips and even non-flips are supportive of Duterte, so she cut her trip short and went home tail between her legs.

oy vey i have a right not to be offended goyim

Only if you are (or identify as) a woman. If not, tough shit.

This is how you lead a country. You are generous enough to warn them. If they don't concede, you wipe the trash out.

Here is the source lads

Speaking of attack bitches. Here's one who's currently under the payroll of the liberal party.

Trillanes started his career as professional tool when he was still in the Philippine Navy. Lacking combat experience and aware of his general cowardice, he knew that he had to transition into something more lucrative. So he joined mutiny after failed mutiny against former president Arroyo.

While his stint as a military tool was a failure, he leveraged on his serviceable good looks and bad boy rebel image that kept him in public attention long enough to bag him–while he was still in jail–a seat in the senate, thanks to idiot voters. The Aquino administration freed him from prison and acquired his services as a political tool. In this capacity, he saw improved performance in providing one vote among the other tools in the senate to push controversial decisions as well as being a rabid inquisitor to bring down political enemies.

One epic failure was when he tried to be all hotshot special secret negotiator in dealing with China only for the Philippines to end up losing Scarborough shoal. This has been somewhat fixed by Duterte, and Filipino fisherman could once again fish there.

Unfortunately for the Philippines, he is still in the senate.

Harvesting season is my favourite time of year.

In other news, Soros-buddy and Big Black Cockucker wants an EDSA-3 to remove the "Dictator" Duterte and replace him with a "brave widow", when have I heard of that before?

better use that hyperbole that he would resign if crime and drugs wouldn't vanish in his first 6 months while not showing people the entire statistic, only the death counts!

Also quick to kill you. The locals usually suffer from their first heart attack at early 40s despite not even looking half as thick as your average burger.

Oh well, it was a fun action movie story while it lasted. Won't lie, that bit of news is depressing.

Do they realize how impotent they are?

fucking based

Mr. Duterte said he rode a big bike—presumably his street-eating Harley-Davidson motorcycle—to patrol the streets, spoiling for a fight and seeking to kill.
“I go around in Davao (on) a big bike and I would just patrol the streets and looking for trouble. I was really looking for an encounter to kill,” he said.
For that approach to fighting crime in the Philippines’ “murder capital,” Time magazine called Mr. Duterte “The Punisher” in an article in 2002.
In his speech to businessmen on Monday night, Mr. Duterte said allegations of human rights violations hurled at him by local and international groups would not stop him from pursuing his campaign against the illegal drug trade.
“If I am afraid [and] stop because of the human rights … sorry, I am not about to do that,” he said.
“You [want to] arrest me? Oust me? Go ahead,” he added.
“So fine. Oust me? Good. Assassinate me? Better. I have this migraine every day [anyway],” he said.



"Do not destroy my city, or I will kill you."


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Reported for spam

Singapore is what happens after you finish the clean up and d keep the laws harsh. Its rather nice.

Why didn't he do anything about Abu Sayyaf? Please remove your local jihadist.

Trump will return the the Balangiga bells.

During an embargo or in a zone of war, humanitarian organization are often used to smuggle arms in between bags of rices. Now you understand the Clinton foundation, and others, eagerness to "help" the little brown children.
NGO are Trojan horses.
