Jew Stabs 6 Fags

An Ultra-Orthodox Jew stabbed 6 faggots at a Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem.

When do we push for diversity and tolerance for Israel?

Other urls found in this thread:


wait, a jew attack gay people?!


Just like the muz, the juden are exempt from having to deal with the poopdicks on any level other than violent.

Now, brother, and always.

it is time

How long until Jewish white supremacy?


Why are they such pricks? I mean, I thank God I'm not a woman, too, but I don't fucking walk around saying it to my daughter and wife, either. Actually teaching it seems like bad fucking form.

Well, he didn't get as high a score as "Mateen Gun" Omar, but it's still nice.



We kill off Israel in the same way they've been killing us off until their country is composed of niggers and ultimately disposed of.


This is hysterical. Reminds of the Dr. Pierce broadcast "Share the Affliction." HArder to follow since Haaretz got a paywall, but they've had a mini civil war brewing in Israel for really its entire false existence now between the Orthodox kikes (who shit out kids like turds and now just about outnumber the secular Jews, and don't work either but take welfare) and the "secular" Jews with their fag pride and such.

Jerusalem has laws to rival Saudi Arabia– no ads featuring females are allowed in public, women have to sit in the back of the bus, etc.. It's great to see the Jews ingest some of their own poison now and then.

"Sharing the Affliction" by Dr. Pierce (basically, as the Jews are drilling holes in the ship to destroy us, eventually they are going to go down with the ship too).

This is too perfect, will add Dr. Pierce's text too:

"Homosexuality is another example. Homosexuality is as abhorred in Jewish tradition as it is in
Aryan tradition, despite the prevalence of homosexual practices among the Semitic tribes from
which the Jews sprang. The prescribed punishment for homosexuals in the Jewish Bible is
stoning to death. And our ancestors in northern Europe used to drown them. But of course it is
above all the Jewish arbiters of Political Correctness who have taught young Americans that
homosexuality is "normal" and that we must never speak disparagingly of homosexuals or
homosexual behavior. And the Jews, more than anyone else, are the ones who have changed the
whole environment in which young Americans grow up in a way that encourages sexually
ambivalent youngsters to become even more confused and get on the wrong track. And yet in
spreading this sickness among our people they themselves have become infected by it. In fact,
homosexuality seems to be substantially more common among Jewish males in America today
than among our own men — which is the only favorable result that I can see of the campaign to
make homosexuals a favored class. "

Why does the scorpion sting the frog?

topkek saved

The Ultra Orthodox Jews are alright, they don't seem to really care about anything but their religion and race. They're all lowly, not in the higher places, the regular Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews would gladly remove them if they had the chance.

fags needs to be exterminated like you would do to contagious zombies. full containment suits and/or nuking from orbit

what, he didn't have any mexicans he could pay to do it for him

kek, bullshit. They have some of the biggest banks, the NYC diamond district, Fur trade is all Jews…not to mention MDMA, heroin, and White slavery.

you are right, Orthodox Jews "want nothing to do with our people.." unless it's to take our women to abuse into slavery or sell our kids harmful drugs.

some of the biggest banking houses and trading firms are run by ultra-orthodox Jews. Shit, google "rabbi Shoam Weiss," who pulled off a 1 billion dollar insurance fraud and fled to Austria while on bail, who had to debate sending him back to serve 15 life sentences because it looked "antisemitic."

Oh, I forgot "slumlord" of course, that traditional ultra-orthodox occupation, as well as organized crime. Wherever you see "Russian" mob, fill in "ultra-orthodox Jews." The NYC police say that they've seen JEw mobsters worth $100 million who still pick up and use their food stamps. There's a good book about the "Russian" mob, can find the name if you are interested. See "the Natashas" for Orthodox Jews in White Slavery.

Red Mafiya?

They really are all shit aren't they… So much for optimism and wishful thinking, nothing is worth saving.


Isn't "hang yourself" a bit much? Yes, it was shitty form but he gave source in second thread. At least he's bringing new content to board. By all means, correct newfags but don't need to be that big a prick unless intentionally being obnoxious.

You know what? You've convinced me.

I came here from halfchan yeah I know…newfag, amirite? My home-board there was Holla Forums. Like most if not all btards I was and still am a degenerate loser. But I came here…hoping for something new. You know, Trump really inspired me. About a year ago I saw the God-Emperor on CNN, along with his beautiful family. I decided to look into them. What did I learn? They're golden. Meaning, they're sincerely good people, and they're successful because they're good. And I wanted to be like them. I decided to get in shape, change my life around. Meet a girl, maybe two. I didn't want an over-abundance of joy, just stability and maybe later, mild success.

So I came here, to Holla Forums… to Holla Forums. Yeah, I may have only been here for a week, but I lurked. I lurked hard. I learned about the Jews. About the shitskin and the subhuman filth destroying our world. I learned about Aryan superiority. Since yesterday I was feeling pretty good about my progress. So, I decided tonight was the night I'd finally make a thread. Sure, I've made hundreds on 4chan, but here? This would be my first. The feeling I had when writing this post was akin to what I imagine losing my virginity would be like. Yeah, I admit it wasn't the best thread. But I mean, it wasn't that bad either. And you totally trashed it. There hasn't been a single god damned reply in over 15 minutes! All because you decided to point out the many novice flaws in my thread.

I apologize for my thread. I really, really do. Maybe I will just hang myself? I can't even get a thread on a shitty weaboo site right. I find no pleasure in sex any more. No pleasure in music. The only time I'm really happy any more is when I'm daydreaming about leaving this shitty reality and finding out what's beyond. When I imagine someone else in my situation I immediately feel bad for them. I wonder what terrible thing happened to fuck up a person so badly. But you don't feel that, do you? You'd like me to hang myself, wouldn't you?

I'm not going to.
I'll prove to the God-Emperor I'm worthy.
You'll see.
You'll all fucking see…

It's funny to see Jews promote faggotry so when their own torah is full of stories of faggots getting punished severely by them. They were the first to disparage what is termed "Sodomy".

based jew

Never forget the day there was a good Jew. I want pics though. I'm sure it's like some Russian convert.