/MIGA/ Make Israel Great Again! (subverting Israel)

My friends, I am concerned about the current state of Israel. For starters, they don't even have gay marriage! As a progressive young Jew, I worry that they may be oppressing gay Jews in Israel!

I am also concerned about their immigration policies. Why no open borders? Are they retarded? Diversity is our greatest strength!

We American Jews need a wholesome, leftist Israel that properly represents worldwide Jewry. In the wake of the election, I think we should make our homeland great again. We all have free citizenship to Israel. What are we doing in this shithole? There are only 8.5 million people in Israel, and they use a parliamentary system that is vulnerable to small swings in the electorate. We have let the hard right of Israel own their politics for far too long! It's time for American, left-leaning Jewry to retake Israel for the betterment of our homeland! Who's with me?!!!

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What are some other social issues that we can push that will appeal to American leftist Jews? I think we could greatly benefit by trying to get these ideas trending on twitter and baiting American Jewry back to Israel to subvert their culture. I haven't found the meme yet, but there's a good Facebook screencap showing that Soros doesn't want leftists like Femen in Israel. Well, let's see if we can bait them into going back.


Do you think this could work? Is it worth trying?

Other urls found in this thread:


good idea. heres a bump.

Doesn't Israel already allow same-sex marriage?

You have to target liberals. The jews are very well aware of how this works and they think that Israel is sacred.

Thank you, friend.

Do you think this story is true? I know there's tons of stories of Jewish atrocities going back at least 2000 years, and I haven't had time to verify any of them yet.

here's an interesting site…

It doesn't look like it.

Good point. Perhaps I should just say "as a liberal" or something like that? Make it appear non-denominational, but then towards the end make it clear that we need an American-Jewish invasion? There's ~4 million Jews in the US, and their political system is delicate. This could go places.


Only thing that would make Israel good is a wave of EMPs on all that kike country followed by a hundred Tsar Bomba

I think an additional step worth inserting into the plan would be to identify leftist activists that we can work through. Feed them the memes and let them do some of the spreading.

No, you misunderstood, I'm not against pretending to be a Jew, the target of the message shouldn't be the Jews themselves but rather their audience.

You don't target the 80 yo kike professor that trains liberals at universities, you become the kike itself and go after retards. When someone complains about you, just play the victim card.

Snarkestein does a really good job at propaganda, after all she's a certified telemarketer. You only need to make videos with comments and ratings disabled due to "trolls", as you have to ignore criticism and forbid any kind of debate, should the criticism be too great you only have to cry and link faggots to your patreon.

Study your enemies, understand how their weapons work and then perfect them.

Palestinians have suffered a terrible oppression for years at the hands of racist anti-semites in the employ of Israel. A wall divides a once unified country, and for what? The Palestinians want peace, infrastructure, and, above all else, voting rights. #OpenBordersOpenHearts

Trump is literally Hitler. We must return to our true homeland, Israel, and make it great again! Diversity is our greatest strength! The Israelis will see this when we tear down that wall.

Israel makes it very hard for a Israeli to marry a Palestinian. I think they need rabbi approval or something.

That sounds like racism to me. Thank you for the idea.

THOMAS AQUINAS, "Letter on the Treatment of Jews" (1271)
That's pretty dank

i'd rather pit africa and israel against each other

Racism! The Israelis will not allow love to cross their borders! Love is a wonderful thing, and it cannot be restricted or injured like this. #LoveConquersAll

[breaking frame]

C'mon goys, I need some help LARPing as a Jew. How would you make some of the ideas above catchy? I was planning to do twitter, but 's idea about a youtube channel with a Patreon sounded good too. That'll take some time. Do I have to show my face?

I love your hustle, OP, but I don't think it will work. The problem is the shills will report anything we come up with. When Soros and his rent-boys gather to talk about this stuff, it's in closed rooms with anti-bug measures in place. Also, we don't have to money to buy off Israeli politicians to get them to fuck their people over. I don't think subversion will work on our end. It'll have to be people of wealth in power who are woke.

That's not to say, however, that we can't do something.

Turn the golem against its creators?

the end-goal is to have american leftists with Jewish heritage (of which there should be at least 3 million) move to israel (population 8.5 million) and advocate for their subversive ideas, especially open borders. I want the migrants going to Israel. I'm looking for ways to try to make these sorts of ideas catch on in lefty circles. Give it a try; give me some LARPy pro-immigrant text I can expound on via twitter or youtube.


They may be on to something.

Subverting Israel is likely hopeless because they've already achieved complete success in what we're attempting to achieve in white countries: not a single Israeli Jew gives a shit about being called racist, islamophobic, etc. The words leftists use here to shut up opposition have absolutely no power there.

You realize most (or at least nearly most) Israeli Jews are immigrants who were formerly diaspora Jews, right? Jews' primary concern is their fellow Jews; when they're a tiny minority in foreign lands that means being subversive, and when they're in Israel it means being nationalistic. All of these attempts to prove that Jews are hypocrites based on supporting opposite policies in Israel and white countries are pointless because they're just false: Jews are in fact 100% consistent in supporting whatever policies are best for other Jews.

We can't buy their politicians and media, but we could show people what Israel does.
Sometimes the same (((journalist))) says we should bend over and take rapefugees since they're not a threat and, a few days later, the same jew says rapefugees are a threat to Israeli identity so they can go back to the warzone.

It doesn't matter if people think that Israel is bad or that they're right in not being cucks (their internal policies are mostly right). In the first case Jews lose support, in the second more people realize there's nothing wrong in their country adopting similar policies. We can't convince the masters of doublethink, but they're a (very loud) minority.

do you have an idea for how this could be improved? Should it be completely abandoned? I want one of the following

Any suggestions?

The US should offer free abortions to minorities if they agree to be sterilized.

Don't get me wrong, this would definitely be a good thing. All Jews being confined to Israel would be excellent. Could plausibly happen if we can get back to full Hitler levels.
This one is the one I think is never going to happen. As soon as Jews move to Israel they immediately support nationalism because they have no actual political loyalty, only ethno-religious loyalty.
This one is probably the best target, and we've actually made good progress with (((echoes))).
Again, I'd give up on this one. Convincing Jews to work against the interests of fellow Jews is in my opinion completely hopeless.

sigh. okay, thank you for your input. Here's to a new, whiter America. I pissed off my sister and her friend today by talking about how great white countries' infrastructures are, and they were so triggered they got up and walked away, describing a white America as "horrifying" or something like that.


By subverting, didn't you mean a flank attack? Other anons read it as a direct subversion but I took it for granted you meant redpilling.

My plan was not fully articulated at the time of OP, and I saw several potential goals. I wanted to kick the idea around with you fine gentlemen, and I got some useful feedback.

What do you mean by flank attack? And redpilling? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

Lurk more before posting.

LOL, they sterilized the ethiopian jews with "vitamin shots"



I seriously don't get these fucking people

call me a fag, but isn't it the gay jews in the West that are bad not the conservative ones in israel, so isn't Holla Forums diverting attention?

No, Reddit, there are no good Jews. Even the gay ones here in the west, who hate Israel for colonization, only show token effort against it. It's just like the war on drugs. They have been at this for decades! If these activists wanted to affect some kind of change, something would have happened by now! So their concern is just virtue signaling.

The conservative Israel Jews want to protect Israel while damning the West in the same breath. All of them need to be stopped.

ur a faget

The Knesset already has like 6 million political parties, you keep dividing it up more and it will be tugging in every direction.

The stocks for boycotting Israel almost all fall under the Dow Jones. Dow Jones is the oldest stock in the market and it's stability is what keeps Israel from going under. Boycotting Israel is illegal, but boycotting the Dow Jones isn't :^)

Encourage race mixing among Jewish women, but that will backfire because it serves as a mask crypto Jews. On the other hand Jews don't like half breeds either, so who knows.

Madmen do you think Holla Forums would be able to buy up enough Shekels to cause deflation? Could we be like Soros and then sink all those notes back into the economy at the worst time and watch it inflate overnight?

Multiculturalism/diversity for Israel is too obvious.

Encourage feminism and other degeneracies to erode cultural values.

You've got the right idea, just the wrong approach. Pushing diversity and refugee acceptance on Israel won't work, their whole mainstream culture is against it and and attempt to push against that will only strengthen their resistance.

What you want to do is push them the other way, toward the extreme right. Check out this article:



The biggest Jewish weakness is that Jews have a deep-seated inability to resist other Jews who believe they are acting in the Jewish interest. This is a subconscious tendency that affects any Jew. Even if they don't see themselves as a right-wing Zionist, they will naturally go along with any other Jew who is working to advance the Jewish cause. This means that "moderate" Jewish institutions like this Israeli govt are at a severe disadvantage against radicals like this monarchist faction.

If the radicals get into power, they'll massacre Palestinians and create a theocratic state. The diaspora will be forced to either go along with them and push the Overton window miles to the right, or disavow Israel and go against all their natural instincts and programming.

Israel is teetering on the brink of this already, there are reports of "moderate" high school kids chanting "kill Arabs" at sports matches. One little push and they'll be in full racewar mode.


the integers repeat


someone have archive of OP image??

i need to redpill some people about Soros

#OpenBordersForIsrael has been going on for a while from what I see, but the hashtag no longer autocompletes in twatter.

Someone have archive of this??


Kill yourself 6 million times.

Just want to test something