Is /r/fullcommunism run by COINTELPRO ?

is /r/fullcommunism run by COINTELPRO ?


Anyone who supports Stalin is probably cointelpro to make leftists look bad


COINTELPRO runs that and Holla Forums

I don't even know why commies bother anyway. Communism will never take hold in the western world. It had its chance in the 1920's and it failed.

Voltairinede is a known spook.

they're just future "the daily beast" writers

just have to replace "brosocialist" with "berniebro"

That's exactly what COINTELPRO would say

yes. so is Holla Forums

/marx/ is the only place to go



The joke is on them if you let it be.

Voltairnede is a mod there? I thought Dances-With-Bricks was 'anarchist'?

To people still unironically like Mao and Stalin?

found the fed

What isn't run by COINTELPRO? Hell, I'm COINTELPRO right now. I'm allowed to say that because it drives you guys even more nuts and paranoid. We're COINTELPRO and we're in ur bases killing ur dudes. We're fucking yea up. You don't even KNOW who we are.


I thought it was just a meme

All Anti-Feminist movements are run by COINTELPRO and federal agents.

t. COINTELPRO espionage

square go like

everyone that disregards the man that bought the fastest industrialization in history while defeating the nazis is cointelpro

In USSR 1921-1953 a total of 642,980 people were arrested and executed for counter-revolutionary crimes. That would be 20,093 per year on average, or 11.5 per 100.000 people (assuming 170 mil average population).

In Russian Federation 1991-2011 a total of 720,574 people got murdered by criminals. That would be 36,028 per year on average, or 24.0 per 100.000 people (assuming 150 mil average population).