Why /pol is so addictive

In this place we are laid bare: Our minds naked before each other. Anonymity frees us from repurccussions yes, but it also frees us from ourselves – our names, our social frames and our very own identities.

There is no face to regocnize nor a body to express its body-language. No selfinterest, in the like of the workplace, where your identity is obvious.

The threads slide off the board and disappears into eternity, their only legacy being the minds they helped form. The time is always now. There is no past on this medium

We are no one and we are everyone. Faceless men, lurkers and posters alike.

The greatest space of chaos and unraveling is here. That is why we are connected to Kek, the God of Chaos. As a chaotic hivemind, we did not summon Kek or pray to him. We are him.

Furthermore, this is the single greatest truth-seeking medium in the history of mankind.

The Internet and the imageboard will have far greater influence on society and the future, than gunpowder or the Gutenberg press ever had. Greater power was only dreamed of by the leviathan kings of old Europe, and the emperors of Rome.

By will and memes alone /pol will shape the future and cast society into its mold of chaos. The age of old is over. The time of Kek has come.

Other urls found in this thread:



Bump for truth.



Checked! My god the numbers in this thread.

Because your real life is shit.


The memes are converging. Praise Kek!

Homosuck is garbage. The only good thing to come from that mess was the ending being so garbage even his fans turned on him. That shit was Dallas tier.




Technological Eras
Stone Age
Iron Age
Bronze Age
Age of Empires
Industrial Revolution Parts 1 and 2
Atomic Age
Information Age
Memetic Age





Gotta love some good ol' Saturday night shitpostan.

Kek is a collective tulpa, OP. The health of the board is the health of KEK. We must protect the sanctity of KEK and white wimmens. We must guard the tower.



Holla Forums used to be way better, in the past year it slowly degraded and the past month was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, thanks to the mass immigration of cuckchanners and plebbitors unmitigated, which transformed Holla Forums to a r/the_donald with freer speech. I used to stay here for hours at a time, now I visit once a day, sometimes less only by force of habit.

Forgot to say OP, you're not anonymous, it's only pseudo-anonimity at best. A mere illusion. Admins of imageboards are known to sell data of users when they are asked to.

Get some sleep.

ID checked fam


It's like drama tv shows but not scripted.

bump because that is a pleasure to read

Because you fuckers are the only people in my life that are completely honest with me, there is no sugarcoating answers to protect my feelings.
Plus learning the truth is addictive.

I say something stupid? You call me out on it.
I ask a question? You answer it and provide proof for your answer.
I drawfag something? You rate it out of ten and tell me why it does or doesn't suck.

One thing I've heard normies ask throughout this year is, "Where has all the good in the world gone?"
Well for me, only one thing comes to mind.
"A politically incorrect imageboard created by a cripple."

pic saved, was going to screencap then saw that


haha you Holla Forums larpers aren't doing anything

trs is doing all the heavy lifting

paranoid schizos

if you want to help, then donate to the podcasts

If it's any consolation, you're better than the bots that have shown up recently. I miss the white genocide copypasta bot, haven't seen that fucker post in a month or two.


jokes on you



praise kek invictus

I know we will win the war with the kikes. Because we have kek

you can't have progress without shekels goyim!

Old is new and new is old.
As the god creates, so he destroys.
As the god destroys, so he creates.
This cycle knows no end.

Free to think the same thing or be called a kike and a shill?

Those drifting in a stupified fog of hedonistic instant gratfication paraded as "enjoying life" are the true damned of this world. Our lives are not shit simply because we struggle, for life is struggle itself, and by embracing it straight on… we truly live!

I hate namefagging, as soon as people are given an identity they start virtue signalling and trying to boost their status. We dont have identities here so we don't give a fuck and simply speak our minds.

Honestly at this point the difference between real life and here is just a matter of perception reinforced by normalfags and society.

Since when is face to face discussion more "real" than the discussion that we have here?

Criminaly unchecked dubs of truth

Very different, in fact. Here, even while participating in a hive mind of collective enlightenment we are still atomized, perfectly divided. By sharp contrast, in person interaction and relationship building are the building blocks of a high-trust society (along with strict racial homogeneity of course). So, while I love this place, it serves a very different… selfish… function for me, as it does for all who visit.


The oldfag duty is to reee at newfags. You're needed more than ever.

I've wondered over the years how much of this kind of post actually contributes to the decline. The reality is the only way to improve the board is to effortpost… add quality… instead of continuously approaching the board as if you're a critic rating your experience of the site. I'm not saying there haven't been an increase in shitposts… but your post gives them validation and reaffirms that their shitpost efforts are impacting you and probably many others… thus achieving their goal. I view your post as being just as bad, if not worse, than legit intentional shitposts.

Spiritual Masochism.
We're addicted at proving ourselves wrong. Accepting harsh reality.
Enlightment is said to be the most destructive phase in one's life.
One replaces old bias with the oneness that simply is.
We are the hurtbox.


So it was written so it be done

I have noticed a considerable drop in the at the very least, apparent intelligence of Holla Forums, especially over the past two months.

Checked. This will occur with user-base growth no matter where you go. Accept it, embrace it, learn to live among it and take from it what you wish to.

Checked. …and further it becomes more taxing to maintain community standards, but as has been proven over and over again… visitors do not fundamentally change this place. This place fundamentally changes visitors, even if slowly.

Though we may not like them for various minor reasons, they do their best to respect the community they enter and to preserve it as they find it. for the standards we uphold are what bring them to us. Thus, to desecrate those standards would make them no better than the scum invading our nations. Stupid or not, they know respect. Because of this I welcome them, but will also uphold 8/pol traditions to the best of my ability.

Kek be with you.

Holy shit, gents. I can't believe we have a professional ‘quote maker’ lurking among us.

These animations are never funny, ironic or not. Take them somewhere else.


Nah, I'll shitpost on this blogpost as I please. I will have the courtesy to sage it for the rest of the catalog though :^)

Do as you please.

Being able to post images, and most specifically reaction faces, is absolutely vital to the health of the board. Conveying tone across the Internet is a long-standing challenge for any kind of forum. But with anime, and the facial features so exaggerated that even the most autistic hikkikiomori can recognize them, are able to support a level of discourse that a text-only format could never achieve. There's also all the benefits of being anonymous. No ego, and the entire board doesn't revolve around the handful of interpersonal dramas that characterizes pretty much all namefag forums.

It's funny how addictive the (you) is. I care more about my (you)s than I've ever cared about HURR UPBOATS on plebbit. I guess … you know that you really connected with another human, for a moment. Upvotes just feel like a background "lol" and not the genuine connectedness of an actual response.

hows no one gonna check this
this is actually very heavy shit, pioneers of a new age

thanks kek

newfag here pic related

I guess that change would be an increase in intelligence and communication skills, with respect to follow, otherwise they wouldn't be as easily identified.
And I'm sure you guys see waves of incoming each time their is a crisis, where some users remain. I can see how it might get old seeing your forum treated like a tourist attraction when they need a break from their "reality".

This is the reason oldfags often take breaks or visit less often. They evaluate the top of the catalog and if it contains shit, it becomes easier and easier to just close the browser and go do something else rather than filter through bullshit. When one "crisis" is consistently followed by another, the sustained shitting up of the board feels unrelenting and overwhelming. This is a misunderstanding in itself though, that quality should sustain or improve over time… when this isn't a closed system. In order for a community to prevent degenerating, it must have generative forces within promoting standards and etiquette. Just gotta keep fighting the good fight.

I welcome it as long as those who remain cucked leave.







T-thanks. Now to work on spelling hikikomori right next time.

Shrink your window until you can cap a proper 4x3, or well proportioned cap ffs

The world is hell and this is a shelf slightly higher up the wall than the rest of the heap of flesh.

I first came to Holla Forums because it was a place where I could express my anger about the racism and crimes of the Jews without people flipping out about the inconvenient truths I pointed out. But Holla Forums has changed me as well. Holla Forums has allowed me to explore a side of myself I never could before - a darker side, yes, but my life would be much happier now had I accepted this part of myself as a child, 40+ years ago. Now I feel… vindicated… justifiably angry… and more than abit more self-confident.

When I first started perusing Holla Forums, coming face-to-face with racial realism, I realized that I didn't even know what white women looked like. I've spent the vast majority of my life being so anti-racist that I didn't even know how to recognize the beautiful women of my own species, much less valuing their presence. Because of that, I ended up n a cross-racial marriage. Let me tell you, that realization was a shock!

Race realism, conservative ideology, natural law, these terms hold much deeper meaning for me now. This because I could get on an anonymous forum and say anything I wanted as long as I could ultimately blame the Jews . I've learned to better understand myself through my own previously unexpressed truths, unencumbered by idealistic socialist morality.

I've gone from subscribing to Leftist views, to a more grounded conservative perspective, and most recently Holla Forums has definitely been part of that process. As it turns out, in a place where anyone can say anything, we naturally fall into the common sense perspectives that the Left rails against.

I hate my wife's ethnic cooking. It smells stale.

Nothing has changed aside from realizing that my shackles were supposed to be locked. What is sacred only exists in the minds of men

I guess the world needs well intentioned sociopaths

Did you marry a Thai?


what type of shitskin did you marry?
I hope you didn't make any mud children

One more thing:

Fuck off back to reddit.

Truth is the best drug there is, praise KEK, hail MOONMAN!

No children, despite intense pressure for them. She is a still a Lefty, while I have evolved (or from her perspective, devolved). As the Nation continues to polarize and take itself ever more seriously, soon there will be no marriage, either.

user, are you trying to get screencapped? Because that's how niggas end up getting screencapped.

The Memetic Age was born in the Current Year

Honestly can anyone here even theoretically conceive of a superior medium than imageboards for human discourse? Just assume that it's the future and any technology that you can think of is real and try to come up with a better system.

I mean imageboards haven't fundamentally changed at all since they were invented in Japan in the goddamn 90's, that should tell you something.

From ideological chaos came ideological order.

I remember back when 4/pol/ was first created and all the Paul fags, Christians, anarcho-faggots, nat-socs and actual commies used to have some of the most intense debates I've ever seen.

It's almost frightening how this place has so rapidly evolved as a body of thought in such a short amount of time and the effect it has had on politics globally.

We turned from shitposting autists to memetic propagandists in a span of five years. We inherited the new medium called the internet and made it our own.

I think we as a generation owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who have passed and still live on today preaching the truth about society. The REAL outsiders who endured unimaginable marginalization and persecution at the hands of the (((globalists))) over the past 100 years for fighting for their countrymen. I feel like they truly are the ones who will be vindicated as the truth spreads into mainstream society.


protestanon reminds me of GLR a lot.
I think some >>>/fringe/ shit might be at play here

You're not done yet faggot.

I'm actually very newfag compared to a lot. Only started involving myself in imageboard culture within the past few years and didn't even look at Holla Forums or care about politics at all until Trump happened. Now I have gone as far as set up a shrine to Kek and repressing power levels. The past few months have been insane and I love it.

You mustn't abandon us during the quiet times (although I suspect those times are years away)

Damn right.


I'm not terribly helpful, but I lurk a lot and eat redpills every morning with my breakfast. It's an addiction, really.

by kek, and heh, we shall become gods ourselves. capable of shaping the universe to our desires by the flick of our fingers. Soon we shall become one with the memes and the magic that they create, and ascend.

This new found responsibility we've discovered can be dangerous user.






Why specially ENTPs tho? Is there something I am missing about the personality type?

Do not remember where I read something similar, comparing imageboards and the influx of newfags to the real world. The newfags fucking up culture and destroying the boards so bad they become cancer, with the rapefugees stroming the borders of Europe. Then breaks Holla Forums and friends influence free into the Normiesphere re-directing the agenda of the internet as a whole.
Some boards where better before, but now you have way more reach with your ideas and memes. The more people using a board, the moer the probability of a meme-singularity happening and thus creating more influence among the chan-culture. Rinse and repeat and you get where we are now, crashing countries,


I am sorr about that user, being tricked a big part of your life into such a situation, but you are the living example of what Holla Forums as news outlet has been trying to explain. You are the teacher of the newer generations.

Checking for justice. Godspeed user.

Ideology-wise I have always been an outsider in Holla Forums but is dead on for why I am always here except that I am an INTJ that has always hated people.

Let's not pretend that INJTs aren't overrepresented here compared to the population at large. also, who *doesn't* hate people?

The point where I realized it was when I read John Le Carré's latest novel and one of the characters is reading shitposts on an imageboard for intelligence info.

Here is the one and only true university where one can freely debate without fear and earn honest feedbacks whether they are praises, insults, counter arguments, or advices, and we take them to our heart; not the leftist spawning pool that plagued the United States. There are no students nor professors, the denizens has no identity, has no physical location, and this place technically do not exist.

And the dubs shall set you free.

This is what happens in a Holla Forums WebM thread. Take it there.

CONFESSIONAL BOOTH echochamber phycologist deprograming nonsubversion hiveminded free thinking TRUTH seekers propagandistic REDpilled That feel the feel of feeling that your not the only feeler to feel these feels is such a great feel


The world is far too full of variables, potential friends, allies, etc, for this to happen.

What the post proposes is only possible if you just stick to Holla Forums and never discuss any of this stuff in real life with people you know and trust, and that they agree.

If you transcend Holla Forums and discuss these things with intelligent people in real life, you simply end up becoming a philosopher of sorts, unhappiness doesn't have to come along for the ride, just look at Cody Wilson.




Because the world is falling apart and Holla Forums is the only place people are allowed to talk about it.


These guys get it. There's too much noise and the signals aren't as obvious.

I'm pretty sure most old fags have grown out of imageboards and simply stay 'cause there's no where else to go I'm not even going to touch the data-mining that goes on this site and they view it as an obligation at this point.
That's how I feel

You shouldn't be making assumptions like that, newfag. :^)

I'm just here for the memes tbh

Yeah, though it doesn't stop shills. Luckily we have enough mass to crush them here.
We need your help on fringechan! coalitionofinvisiblecolleges.org/ is trying to shill against us! Sieg hiel, praise Kek, gas these kikss!

I don't even know if it is and even worse; I don't even care anymore

polite sage for off topic
cause I'm not a filthy newfag:^)

Well mods are not going to go full hotpockets for obvious reasons so it falls to the users to browbeat and mock new users into either leaving, lurking, or actually presenting facts as to why he isn't a raging newfag piece of shit. Apathy kills boards, user.

great thing about autism is that as long as you have developed escape mechanisms you never have to come come to terms with unpleasant thoughts. Imageboards changed that for me, and I'll never forget you guys, you are my true friends
The rest is history.



who are the invisible colleges?

I have kicked most of my escape mechanisms away now and am almost addicted to the hurtbox. Don't play games anymore, just live, read, lift and do random shit in the wood or outside. The world feels different from when I was still a 16 y/o kid browsing on my father's old computer with Windows XP. It feels like I've grown yet the world refuses to grow with me. I'm tired of the same deadbeat arguments every time, tired of the same borders that are never crossed by other people's thoughts and tired that nobody ever explores the horizons of unknown ideas and thoughts anymore.

Same for me. I've never really felt friendship towards anyone and I can barely remember how all of my childhood friends once were. They seem to have been so fundamentally changed by modernity that I can but see a very small fraction of their former character.

I've been writing shitty poems over the last few months and fuck it, i'm just gonna post one

In the age
Of stone and steel
Man has time
Yet of what use is time
To the man
Who knows when time is

Be happy that you can still feel user, it's what separates us from the beasts.

same, working out and reading have all I've been doing for the past year


I can't believe that story about the mom

Underrated feels tbh.

maybe because you didn't grow up with an abusive mother

They are the debaters. They can't help themselves.

ENTP's are the least faggy of the non-INTJ world, because they aren't afraid to question their own firmly held convictions and play devils advocate. This means they can simpky choose to become immune to the common psychological defense mechanisms of compartmentalization, for fun. They also have the disposition of sympathizing with the underdog, which is why many of them are leftist scum… as they view muh poor minorities as underdogs… but the ones that make it hear begin to explore our viewpoints without much restriction and end where they should. The double edged sword is that they're fickle faggots, and could easily begin to choose to sympathize with the other side at any time just because of their disposition to sympathy for the underdog. I predict many defections over the next 8 years, because they will LITERALLY get tired of winning.

tldr gas all ENTPs because they are wolves in sheeps clothing

INTJ master race, obviously

kill yourself faggot


Fuck, I love unintentionally funny wordplay like that.

I don't browse here much anymore because nothing gets done, not like the Gex days. Also lack of ancient Aryan threads and borderline /x/, those are neat.

oh and there's too much self-masturbation threads like this one and not getting-shit-done threads like there were back in the day. there's little to no raids, little to no video production, little to no new meme production, little to no infograph threads (the beating heart of every true political board).



ENTP reporting; can confirm. We're contrarian devil's advocate faggots by nature. But fortunately, redpills cannot be untaken. Feral niggers, rainbow haired provacatuers and kike/mason cells are not "underdogs". I guess it explains my white knight streak though. Non-coalburning white women must be gently brought back into the fold no matter howmuch retarded faggotry comes out of thier mouths. Protip: Women will always say dumb shit, even post redpill. They are women.

All that aside, you need us, faggotry and all. We're the ones who take the redpill back to the normies in digestible twitter/workplace gossip sized bites.

This, we work as the subverters


Oh fuck man ..

That's .. that's make somehow afraid.

Honestly? Plebbiters who are to idiotic to grasp what we are. They went to fringechan saying "takes me to your leader, we will assimilate you, for social justice" board owner said "we are legion, shit not like that" then got banned from their chat for wrongthink, praise kek, and then they started shitting up the board with reddit-tier shit, and now refuse to leave. I hate them, and they disgust me.

Shh. No fear now. Only memes.

It was held at bay by full/pol/'s inaccessibility and the site in general ranging from being unreliable to almost unusable to broken.

Now with half/pol/ being shilled to oblivion and r/the_donald doubling down on muh PR cuckoldry, the refugees see here as a viable harbour.

dont feel bad op, both cuck and full Holla Forumss were just shitposting boards before the internet gave politics its cyber insurgents. the best thing to do is to keep digging and shitposting.

Someone should make TGSNT and Hellstorm threads for all the basic bitch newfriends lurking around.

All internet communities are addicting because they have no beginning or end. There is no logical point where you say "ok time to turn it off now" unlike say television or reading or going out to eat or whatever. There are no chapters or episodes or plates to empty. You have to use your own discipline to know when to start and stop a session.

No, we don't.

You have to go back. >>>/trs/


I turned out to be a INTP, is that good or bad?

when i tried to look up on reverse image search i got a suggestion for ralph

You fear failure, and indulge in overanalysis because of that fear to the point of inaction.
You do not like to lead or direct other people.

And thats without going down the rabbit hole of emergent gameplay that actual humans interacting with your created world can bring.
Suffice to say, i feel you.

Least you're not an INFP.
Somehow I got redpilled as one..
The truth knows no bounds.

I'm still gonna post, user.
Just not as often

I'm INFP as well, what do you think is wrong with that?


The circlejerk OP post and cuckchanners ITT are proof of ship starting to sink

I just use this place for News.

At last I truly see!

Of by one confirmed by quads with quints ID.

Animated virtual reality imageboards.

INTP reporting in here,

Pol's influence makes me sound like an absolute madman

I've tried shitposting here on a vive.
it's currently more work than it's worth

racing games are awesome on it

INTP here. Graduated college, barely, because of inaction. Currently also undergoing inaction. Terrible life without proper guidance.

Before I found Holla Forums, I used to watch Youtube videos a lot. There were lots of channels I would watch, mostly video game related stuff. As I got older, though, I spent more an more time on the chans, which eventually led to this place. At some point after I had taken the red pill, I had decided to take a look at what was popular on youtube these days.

What I saw was honestly shocking: the degneracy, the awful humor, nonwhite faces with thick frame glasses. It was essentially leftism incarnate, not the same site I had used two years before. It was just a sea of garbage, poorly disguised propaganda and virtue signaling. That was when it all clicked for me. I remember unironically thinking for the first time that Hitler really was right. I became firm in my new convictions in that moment. Once I had really seen, for the first time, what I had crawled out of, I never wanted to go back.

For all it's flaws, this place has been a godsend for me. I don't know where I'd be today without it. I used to be a good goy, and the thought of stagnating in that myopic worldview for all those years is unsettling to say the least. The things I've learned since I've started browing this board have made me much angrier and despondent than I've ever been before, but I've also learned the value of stuggle in life, and I've felt the inkling of a purpose for the first time.


INTJ currently going though college, I'm required to take 16 credits a term but been struggling and focusing on only STEM classes where things are more objective. I don't know why I'm doing college or where it will lead, hopefully somewhere where I can shitpost in peace. Stay strong, fam

Thank you for posting this, currently watching every video I can about this man.


marbozir, arumba, and sleepcycles aren't too bad

You're my best friends.

reach out and touch me


Eternal September is happening as always user. Something Awful, 4chan, now this place. But this isn't a bad thing necessarily. Newfags influence this place, but we also influence the newfags who influence other websites, which means while Holla Forums gets damaged as a single place, it spreads its information to other sites, only watered down. It's an energy exchange, the law of physics. And once this place somewhere in the future becomes the new cuckchan, many of us will move to the next Holla Forums and the circle begins anew.

For us it's just moving places, we keep our redpills and minds with us, Holla Forums will always exist somewhere, and everything we have spread to the internet, directly or indirectly, will stay there forever.


I just enjoy shitposting tbqh.
Winding up Yanks is easy. Australians can be a bit more difficult as they know the banter. And enjoy it.

I'm Bong and we are easy to catch bait; just insult Her Majesty and ride the waves of indignation. Insulting Her Majesty also works for Aussies most of the time.

Wht's your nationality OP? I'm certain that I can offend you. Try me, bitch.


Since this thread has pretty much devolved into nothing but selfcongratulatory wank, I might as well get offended… Do Denmark!

fucking gif

I shall be putting this up on a board in my college today in the name of Kek!


I'm convince this truly began in 2012.

Yes, effortposts would be good. Too bad they don't get recognition. You can type 3 paragraph posts clarifying your point and nobody will give a fuck. The post that gets the attention is either a dubs post or bait. /rant

We need more content.

Praise KeK

the chans are simply more efficient as a means for information, and perhaps even philosophical hunger. They are the closest to real life evolution principles. Where only the things that are best, get to reproduce.

Every single living human therefore instinctively values something like us, even if they are too dumb to understand us, to learn us.

Have you seriously seen the normies? With their boring little facebook, and cramped amount of friends? You know how little actual valid information that they have? Even through networking they are barely even 2% of what we are here. Talking to their generic and boring friends, trying to squeeze out something valuable out of them, searching for meaning and quality…

And now imagine that there are people who have been doing this what we are doing for over 10 years now.

Thats 10 years of very, VERY divergent neurodevelopment.

I dont register the normies as a threat anymore. I no longer even get stress when I talk to them as I would when I was still connected to them. My real life shittalking skills are now so up to par that I naturally look down, and talk down to them.

its gret.

It's your male instinct, brother.
Men deal in politics. You have a natural inclination towards the highest level of human communication.
The reason is simple. IT KEEPS YOU ALIVE IF YOU'RE IN THE KNOW. That's what males have and try to do.
The coincidence is that especially the 20-somethings, which this board is rife with, ALWAYS shape the current year generation of politics.
The reason why you are here is that you can't get this kind of information anywhere else in the normie world since the jewish forces of effeminization have made men impotent and oblivious of high politics.

TBH Holla Forums is the closest approximation to a greek/roman forum of old(of which you can read in f.e. Republic) that you can get in modern society. No women, the only things that matter are serious arguments and the rest is just typical multi layered bantz.
No wonder MSM could figure this place out.

Go fuck yourself, faggot.

Is there a newer 8ch right now?

Almost got me


On topic, it's addictive because truth is addictive, and through truth we are set free; that is all we ever wanted.

Would you just look at the dubs?

Indeed it used to, but the spirit remains, the spirit can not be chained, we'll remanifest in another chan soon.

I as well. You knew when we got our first taste? When tulpas crazed halfchan back in 2012 and got every one interested in mental training so they could have a tulpa waifu.

>"Where has all the good in the world gone?" […] "A politically incorrect imageboard created by a cripple."
Mien sides & mien feels.

This is the truth. Either stand up for your culture, fight for it or else the cancer of the the cultural aliens will over take.

It can be hard, however, for our volk, we never slacken.

kek is a false god. the only way to cross the ocean of ignorance in the age of kali is to chant god's name.



Agreed, normalfags are totally at the whims of our memes

This is an important post. Being able to post images is vital. Even if it's just a image macro response to an argument, as long as it is used properly it can streamline conceptual conveyance.

And now we even have webms too.

I kek'd


And that's why we love it so.

There is endchan/pol/ , 8.pl/pol/ , & (zeronet's) 0chan/pol/ currently, soon there may be polchan.xyz

TBH nearly all of them are pretty inactive right now, but make no mistake, the tipping point is near.


You have no digits you foolish worshiper of gods of a bygone age.



It's where shitposting was born and thrives

Intellectual stimulation I cant get from the normal world. + I have a dark sense of humor.

Holla Forums has lost a lot of it's militant/natsoc edge, which is what I long for more than anything. There's an up and down to everything, and that shift in focus is the downside of Trump giving us something approaching a real voice in 'legitimate' politics. I hope everything goes well come later this month and January, Trump gets in without a hitch, and then the board starts shifting back to where it was. 50% ideology and action and 50% involvement with Trump and other likeminded leaders would be a good mix.

A legitimate concern of mine is trying to give Holla Forums constructive criticism without acting like a D&C shill. I just really hate to see anyone go soft on race, or demoralize their fellow European man living in Sweden, acting like his is a lost cause and that he deserves to die out because cuck memes are so funny while praising "based sikhs!" or "the good niggers" or whatever.


Talk has been made on and off of a promised chan.
A better place where we can shitpost for eternity.
Some manner of afterlife for us.

I for one reject this notion.
The promised chan is nothing so vulgar and useless as a paradise for the deceased.
The promised chan is an idea. An idea for a better world.
A world where mankind is no longer governed by petty tyrants or charismatic oafs. But by the consensus of humanity.

Imagine a world where every man, woman and child is equipped with a BMI link to a massive chan. Where our collective capacity for obsessive analysis is not only expanded but put to greater use.
Where memesmithing is performed alongside policysmithing.
A better world free of bias and manipulation. Where everyone can share in this wonder we experience so much we have come to take it for granted.

That is the promised chan. That is the paradise Kek has revealed to us.


Because you're fucking NEW

Has anyone else lost their fanaticism? I use to get pumped and angry watching videos like The Lion, living for a purpose and ready to stand for what I believed in. It's kinda gone, I don't browse so much anymore either.

I was in the same exact boat, believe me. Was very close to being kicked out of school after failing too many classes. I always knew if I just tried and wasn't so unfocused on my studies I could easily do well. I didn't even party that much and laid off video games but nothing helps if you are not motivated. Good luck user, you just have to push through it, thats what I did.

Also make sure to not fall into some kind of trap that is not having a friend you know in class, that saved me. One thing I saw in college is people really 'cheat' (not really cheating) like hell, spreading answers and old exams and its the only reason half of them do well, they struggle just as much but just have the better connections.

wtf I love Kek now

Didn't see your post. For me it's been a hard pill to swallow again, feels like I lost something big but at least I am applying myself IRL.

A bit but it varies it has gone from uncontrolled rage, too a degenerate bender of hopelessness, too a quite fanaticism working on obtaining slow real results.

The "D&C shill" meme is a ideological crowbar being used in an attempt to make us allow subversives in the door. Fact is there are important divides where one side is correct and one side is incorrect. The only pleas for harmony between good and evil, right and wrong, etc.. are made by evil because all it needs is compromise in order to win.

The "Sweden Yes!" meme is as much nervous dred as it is generic masculine teasing. We're pulling for the swedes deep down, but we're mostly powerless outside of showing massive disapproval (delivered via bantz).

The encroaching civic nationalists are being shut down, and the disdain here for the "big tent" trs crowd is strong. It's rare you'll find a thread without a "gas" reference or an advocate of rwds. As Holla Forums has matured the "militant" nature has become normalized. I would explain your perception (which I think is false) to that.

I think Holla Forums hasn't really done enough to keep itself angry. It's also a lot harder to harbor as much hate and anger with things like Trump being elected compared to how things were in 2013-14 for instance, when we had nothing.

Try not to be complacent. Don't give up and just accept it because it's maybe gotten a tiny bit better. You have to let the hate define you as a person.

I don't think I've lost my fanaticism. There's still really nothing I want more than to be kicking down doors in the ghetto.

Didn't mean to sage.
posting from my cellular device

>A better world free of bias and manipulation. Where everyone can share in this wonder we experience so much we have come to take it for granted.

Don't make world universals a goal. It's basically in our nature, but what works for europeans will not work for niggers or chinks. Bias itself is inescapable, and bias is a good thing. Preferences for beneficient outcomes, ideas, policies, etc… is a perfectly good bias. Having a "sexual prefernce" or bias for dating within your own race is healthy and good. Etc…

Also, fanaticism has been at a peak over the last year and a half imo. Holla Forums memed a president into office, and it took a lot of work and dedication. We're bleeding out into reality just by sheer force of chaotic will… and while exhausting… now that the overton window is moving in our direction we have the momentum. I dunno what to tell you since I have a completely different perception of Holla Forums right now it seems. You should get into MAKING memes instead of just saving and cataloging them, thats what I've been doing.

I understand that but I still see far more people giving lip service to the "good shitskins" or feeling sorry for the "niggers who pull their weight" than genuine support for Sweden or Germany. I mean i'm glad we've chased off the stupid fucking harrisposting brit/pol/fags but it really breaks my heart to see people joking about German genocide on here.

I might be wrong, but I've gotten the impression that the amount of people who would actively call themselves national socialists on here has dropped. I might be wrong.

The problem with that is that when they become memes people take them a lot less seriously, even as seriously as Holla Forums takes its memes. I'd just like to see a much more militant attitude around here.

Eh. I'm sorry. I really only lurk a lot these days, so I'm kind of a faggot for both not contributing to the change I want and for so many of my posts being meta complaining bullshit/'concern trolling'. I've probably talked to some of you about the exact same shit in the past.

All that being said, I do expect some kind of major change in the climate around here after Holla Forums's number one standing objective, getting Trump elected, is accomplished in January (barring any electoral kikery).

I guess it's true that every generation needs something to fight for, that explains why societies stagnate, and degenerate, Pax Romana, Brittania, Americana…etc. I knew this before but only now am I feeling it myself, slowly falling into a degenerate lifestyle of nihilism, even though things are far from perfect.

For me memes, were just for propaganda, and morale, this new kek 'meme' and chaotic will, while a good image for us, I believe gets rid of the down to earth, and realistic application of our ideology, it doesn't fuel me as much has pure Natsoc ideals. Though it could just be the means to an end.

Admittedly there are many here who haven't really digested Rosenbergs, "The Myth" fully. They don't quite grasp the concept of the racial soul, and how it makes irrelevant any "good behavior" of any non-white. They don't understand how racial stability is a prerequisite for a flourishing european cultural rebirth, a new renaissance. They don't understand how racial chaos, via even limited multiculturalism and miscagenation, erodes and finally collapses civilizations even though its happening again right before their eyes. Generally the threads that clarify this are low traffic, but I assume they benefit some. It will take some time, even among old natsocs who agree based on their intuitive knowledge of this to comprehend and be able to verbalize all of this conceptually, understanding each link in the chain.

So, while I think you're right I also think that
A) it will come in time, (gen-z shows great promise)
B) if the rwds happening occured, none of these people would be defending or trying to save their own pet niggers.

War is what the European soul needs, user. More generally, struggle. Struggle implies hardship and labor towards a greater goal. This is largely absent in our society. Living in a globalist state free of any national identity or interest does that to you. War is the means, the struggle, through which we can free ourselves. You need to be preparing yourself for war. Don't be afraid of war. It's the only thing that will make people like you and me feel alive again.

If you haven't, I recommend you read Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger, along with Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola. Learn the truth about war, about how it's an 'incomparable schooling of the heart'.

I'm not advocating you join your national military. When I speak of war in this way I speak of the European spiritual aspects of being a warrior. The world's current standing armies have stripped that spiritual aspect. They turn you into a political tool for globalism, nothing more. They'll make you ashamed for being a warrior, they'll make you work towards ends that will destroy your race. This is where most modern psychological health problems come from in modern soldiers, it has nothing to do with combat.

Read up about the Waffen-SS and their warrior spirit and ethos. That's the kind of person you need to be in the coming times.

The Myth really hits you like a ton of bricks. Our situation is far from a new one, but we really have nowhere else to retreat to. At this point we either finish the job or accept death. I'm of the mind that we'll never truly be safe until every last semblance of jewish life or cultural memory is wiped from this earth.

Funny, you're speaking to the choir a bit, I've read On Pain by Junger, and Ride the Tiger, by Evola. Definitely going to look into getting their other books.

I think Storm of Steel was the book that really turned it all around for me. That was in Highschool though, I don't know if it would have the same effect on most people. Helped me to accept a lot of the shit I had subconsciously thought beforehand. Started to idolize self sacrifice and struggle, reject the myth of German villainy, etc which all made me distrustful and loathing of the visible world around me. Then all the other pieces fell into place. I suppose that's still preaching to the choir.

Sorry for the blogshit. Funny thing though, I remember watching band of brothers when I was even younger. After the concentration camp scene, I remember watching the scene with the German PoWs marching on the autobahn and imagining machine gunning them all down because they had to pay. Also won some schoolwide anti-racist MLK project contest in middle school. Always use those memories to remind myself that not everyone is lost just because they bought the narrative like they were taught. Just gotta be persuasive.

Racial consciousness is all but dead in white people, generally speaking. I know I know muh D&C, but holy shit, christcucks just don't have it in them to understand why we are doomed as a race if we don't develop that necessary portion of human consciousness. My sister is a no-kiss virgin; one of my cousins is married to a groid and another one to a Mestizo squat; and I myself never had the financial stability to bring up a child and still don't. This is all fine by my family. I tried to explain that blue-eyed people such as myself will go extinct in 300 years if we don't do something, and that's apparently fine too, because of course Jesus is coming back any day now and it preserving the phenotype of our ancestors is irrelevant just so long as the niggers have Christ. I had a hard redpill fight with them and got absolutely nowhere because they care about the Jesus meme to the exclusion of everything else.

I explained earlier that the "D&C" meme is a trojan horse. You are right about christianity, but most aren't ready for it… and perhaps never will be. It took me probably a solid decade to question and dechristianize my mind. No sense in fighting with family about it, the lost are lost. Its tragic, but that is no reason to allow it to be a barrier for you. Be good, but do not self-deprecate regardless of what others are doing. Be your own man. In the same way we make fun of Swedes but ultimately hope they turn it around… so we make fun of "Christcucks" in the hopes that the examples we show them here will penetrate their consciousness. There are no arguments that will make a difference for them ultimately, as it is an internal spiritual struggle. When the racial soul goes toe to toe with the jewish soul there can be only one winner, but for most (including me) the battle is very long. Hopefully as more of our inner struggles are won against the spiritual jew, so the tides of our outer struggle against the jew will shift as well. I believe the two are positively related.

I'd like to somehow make peace with Christians. It just seems so counterproductive though. I think the reason people here (usually young people, who generally are rejecting religion) become Christians is that in their rejection of modernity they turn to the closest thing they associate with tradition, which is Christianity. It's the safest choice to make, really. Christians have churches and support groups on every corner. It's a lot easier to openly be a Christian than a white nationalist. You think they would just stay within those groups.

Yet they come here anyways, and I just can't imagine the metal gymnastics required. It's a semitic, egalitarian, non-European desert religion about a jew. The vast majority of the bible is the story of the jews. It preaches passivity and cowardice. Jews used Christianity as a tool to gain massive wealth and influence in Europe (see: court jews). The native culture and ancient national identities of Europe were slaughtered by Christians, their shrines ground into dust and literally used to build the new churches. Fucking native americans know more about their ancestor's religion than Europeans do because of how thorough it was. It's exactly the same thing that can and is happening with Islam without the racial aspect.

I'm a very spiritual man, though. I've never considered myself an atheist. I've been a Christian and the feelings have come and gone and still do. European man has a natural reverence for a higher power due to his connections with nature. I don't want to see more division among our kind. I can't really expect most people here to get into asatru or anything. I'm willing to work with any Christian willing to do what needs to be done, I just can't help but notice how much of what NEEDS to be done stands in direct contrast with their teachings. Like Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Is this one of your ebin maymays.
Because the site is like three years old.

My spirituality, what I believe to be "on the right path" to the ancient ascendent spirituality of the European people isn't some modern pagan bastardization, but more raw at this point. A combination of (non-white knight faggot) romanticism and heroism, systematization being unecessary and ultimately irrelevant. These distilled attributes or modes of expression are what light the spiritual fire of the aryan racial soul. It simultaneously grants one the spiritual vitality required to achieve what our ancestors built, as well as throw off the cultural sludge we're drowning in. (The Ironpill comics were close) If that heroism takes the form of conquest then that is valid, if it takes the form of memeing a president via sheer assertion of will then that is valid… if it is an internal struggle to overcome spiritual jewry then that is valid. This is the distilled uniqueness and power of our race.

Aye. The survival of our race is a question with spiritual implications, but for the most part the Good Christian doesn't see race as an issue. I absolutely feel like I'm failing my ancestors and not living up to the potentials they gave me because I don't have hearty, prosperous white children. What was the point of my first tetrapod ancestor that ever crawled out of the sea if I'm going to just stand here and watch my genetic heritage die here? Christianity is so concerned with the individual soul and individual salvation. It doesn't even remotely take into the account that humans might be cells in a larger organism in the same way the cells of our own bodies comprise ourselves.

Christians just need a reason to kill. There is nothing spiritually gripping them to the point they refuse it under the right conditions, no matter how absolute the commandment is they rationalize… like kikes… every loophole and workaround they can. Christian soldiers enlist every year, and pray before every battle. They pilot drones, etc. They reach down and kiss golden crosses hanging from their necks before carpet bombing areas. Growing up in a church this was one of my earliest observations about the adults around me. It is the same with every "sin" whether it be gluttony, theft, infidelity, whatever… "you will know them by their works" and so I concluded early on that none of them really believed it… and people like the depraved self-immolating Mother Teresa prevent them for believing it too much. They just need it as an ornament, as if checking a box.

The christians here argue fervently not to convince you, but to convince themselves. The harder you argue with them, the MORE they will feel justified in believing what they believe. That is how human psychology works for all of us.

All Christians have an internal nagging doubt that "something doesn't feel right" about a religion with impossible standards that tells you that you'll never be good enough, that you are unworthy, that the wages of sin is death, and that you are unworthy and that death and self-sacrifice are virtues. This is the reason consumerism and materialism are rampant. Christians are spiritually unascendent and unfulfilled, and this manifests systemically across our predominantly christian culture. A desert religion simply can't fulfill their spiritual needs so they compensate elsewhere trying to fill the void (sometimes with other religions, Taoism etc…). So, they go to church and compare clothing, shower their children with poisonous toys and opulence, virtue signal and don the mantle of righteous indignation when gossiping about others who "sin", and donate to any and every undeserving "needy" group with its hand out, driven by spiritual guilt.

Its a spiritual gutter. There is no reason to make peace with them. They deserve nothing but scorn.

We need to adapt the imperial creed to our modern day without 40k larp shit obviously. It's one of the few religions whether made up or real that tells you to be proud of who you are, a human being.

If we can simply instill that base pride in man, our shit will get sorted in no time.

The stars are our destiny and I'm going to be damned if some greedy bankers are going to fuck our entire species over.

Pic related.

Checked and bump

Quite simple.
You are changing the world by posting here and you do it on the ground level too. This is why Holla Forums is so addictive.

/pol went bad around the election. The mods banned anybody who would even imply or refer to someone questioning Trump. JIDF and Commies has infiltrated this shit, and is actively posting alt-right and "clever" delusions, subverting and disinforming us.

I hate weeboos, i hate fucking memes, i hate pepe the fucking shitfrog. Joking about our civilization and forefathers, believing you are doing an effort to "meme" the world better, what a fucking joke.

Look around you, the memes have become the world.

It'll happen someday

Why? Our forefathers would most likely have made a legendary fairytale of him.

bless you user

Maybe you should try it with a woman, then.

shut the fuck up