Federal Government—Not NYC—Must Cover Trump Tower Security Costs

At an estimated $1 million per day, protecting you, your family and your home at Trump Tower will total over one billion dollars during your four-year term. This represents an extraordinary financial burden for New York City taxpayers.

We the undersigned, including the Speaker of the New York City Council, Melissa Mark Viverito; your local City Council Member, Dan Garodnick; and the many, many ordinary New Yorkers whose taxes contribute to New York’s budget, strongly believe that the provision of security services for Presidents-elect must be the obligation of the federal government. And accordingly, we believe that the cost of that obligation must be borne by the federal government, not the City of New York.

We already stretch our municipal budget to provide basic services— like police, sanitation, and the education of 1.1 million public school students. These services would suffer if we must divert funds to police protection.

Further, should you or your family members choose to reside in Trump Tower for any length of time following your inauguration, the cost of security for that time also should be borne by the federal government. While NYPD is both equipped and able to participate in ensuring your and your family’s protection, we must not allow this cost to blow a massive hole in New York City’s budget.

Let’s end the suspense: We ask you to commit the necessary federal funds to reimburse New York for all costs of protecting you and your family— both before and after your inauguration as President of the United States of America.

As a lifelong New Yorker, you understand the importance of a vibrant local economy, and one that has the resources to operate. Make it clear today that New York City is not going to get stuck with the bill.


They can go fuck themselves.
Good. And?
Eat shit, moishe.

Jews gonna jew.

Isn t NYC a sanctuary city?


I don't recall Trump ever saying that NYC would pay for his family's protection, am I missing something or is this just more signaling? although he should stick the kikes and their puppets with the bill considering they're why he's gonna need to have a major security detail in the first place


They'll house illegal immigrants but not our president

Holy shit is he trying to shoah their entire bankroll?

Why does it cost 1 billion dollars to protect a family for only 4 years?


Tippity top zozzle, Section 8 housing will be unheated and unelectrified with no survivors.

Because thousands of people are spending at least that much combined each year to try and kill/capture/maim that family user.

If that much wasn't spent the jews would blow up one of Trump's sons when Trump made an announcement they didn't like to warn him of their displeasure.

Nope. It is NYC's responsibility.

It's A LOT of security.

You'd think jew yorkers would be happy a verified jew york city resident born and raised is president.

wow what a shit thread.

Just a billion? Big deal. Take it off the top of Israel's annual gift.

isnt trump basically the fucking reason those NYC city council kikes can rake in so much tax revenue right now in the first fucking place?


he basically did that to Manhattan in the 1970s

WTF does $1M/day get?


That city looks boring. Where do you go to get wasted?

spend all day checking manhole covers, then jumping in font of a bullet

It's also unwalkable. Just to cross the street you would have to take a crowded staircase down from the sidewalk because the sidewalk is elevated. Then you would have to walk across eight lanes of traffic and back up another crowded staircase. The bridges have no room for pedestrians and I see no entrances to any subterranean paths.


sage because meh


I'm fine with protecting glorious white genetics.

Fuck off you jews


$1 bn to build a decoy trump tower

Well this definitely isn't going to bite them horribly. Cut their funding Trump. NYC is a degenerate hellhole anyway. Let upstate New York take over.

Trump can just take the money out of their federal funding.

And then stick them with a federal tax penalty, for refusing to comply with federal law concerning sanctuary cities.

Seriously, Republicans now control all 3 excutive branches of the federal government. NYC has zero power to demand anything.

but not all the planned parenthood that Trump will be cutting off from this shitty sanctuary city eh chaim?

as a New Yorker I am totally fine with this.

sorry *New Trumper

If libshits would stop threatening to assassinate Trump, maybe secret service wouldn't have to spend a million dollars a day to protect him and his family.

NYC voted overwhelmingly against Trump and is a massive communist shithole that drags down the entire state which is mostly filled with reasonable, hard-working whites. If Trump can manipulate something that forces NYC to spend an astronomical sum to protect him, he absolutely should go for it.

Why the fuck is the Fernsehturm tower in Hitler's Berlin? Are we really supposed to believe that he would've included that jewish "modern art" abomination in his neoclassical architectural plans?

lel, that's bullshit and we all know it

Contrary to what most of you probably think but this is a completely reasonable letter. The federal government should pay for the security of its employees including the president, not the cities or states.

NYC needs to suffer, its a sanctuary city full of (((())))) and the mayor is a cucksucker

its a letter, means shit, they can't do shit but whine as they always do

This seems pretty reasonable, why are there so many people against it? Other than "because it's Jew York City" I mean. It might also decrease the chances of someone being compromised by NYC Jews since the state itself won't be funding the workers.


5 cents per citizen per day
18.25 $ per citizen per annum