Are You Ready to Defend Against Domestic Jihad?


Reminder that there are many (>20) large, militarized compounds throughout America run by jihadist organizations. In these compounds, an estimated 3,000 nationwide followers of radical Islamist ideologies are training with weapons and planning jihad right here in America, just like they do in France.

Obviously alphabet soup knows about this, but they can't do anything except monitor unless the groups are officially declared terrorist organizations, which Obongo would never do.

Is there one near you? What have/will you do to defend yourself against these inevitable attacks?

I don't have one very nearby, but I stockpile canned food and ammo in case of events like a jihadist attack or massive chimpout.

This O'Reilly interview gives some of the details:

Other urls found in this thread:


You know what to do then.

Apparently the surveillance is done with potatoes, but this is from video of militants training in Hancock, NY

Feels good man, though I would like to purge some mudshits.

How much 9mm should I have?

Yeah this is definitely a complete map for sure.

I like to keep 1000 rounds each of 9mm and 7.62x39. A .50 cal ammo can holds 1000 rounds of either one, and both are pretty cheap

It definitely is not complete. These are just the compounds identified by the Clarion Project on The O'Reilly Show

I can't wait until the registry goes into effect and Muslims chimp out like no one has ever seen before.

Is that a katana?


They just busted some dipshit convert from there over the summer trying to buy hand grenades from the FBI.

I mean, look at his "stockpile" and see what a dumbass he is:
Woogaboogabooga - a balaclava! A Kel-Tec! WOOGA!

That's the most recent one that comes to mind. There have been others. There's at least a couple Imams that are on the Feds' radar for radicalization, and who know how many mosques.

S.E. Michigan has the highest Middle-Eastern population anywhere outside the Middle East, and it didn't even make it on their map.


This is a joke, a propaganda graphic meant to drive fear home. Middletown NJ? That's in one of the richest counties in the country, with the highest white population, and an islamic center serving all 600k people in the county, which is radical because it supports Hamas. Now, I'm not exonerating this, but it seems fairly benign compared to the muslim invasion of Minnesota, the muslims of Dearborn/Michigan, those in Oregon and Washington… Clearly Middletown can handle any muslim problem it has without even batting an eyelash, those with a white demographic crisis, that's a bit tougher. Best to look to these areas for any rising tide or sentiments bubbling over.

Get the picture? They're conveniently leaving out areas with massive muslim populations. Granted, this is only a graphic showing radical muslims organization but I'd argue Islam itself is a radical organization, so I'd sooner look at maps like pic related.

I can't tell whether to feel proud thst we don't tolerate this bullshit or feel sad that there won't be any local mosques to firebomb when the race war kicks off.

Same here, user

I hope you're ready to oper8.

It does look like some sort of sword to me. Probably practicing their beheading technique

There are mosques everywhere. Even in my hyper white area I've been seeing a lot more Muslims than I ever have throughout my life. 18 years in my home town and I only ever saw 2 Muslims. Since Obama, they roam in packs all over. I went to a private Christian school and there's a coffee shop next door that's pretty implicitly Christian with Christian literature everywhere. Last time I went in, a girl with a fucking hijab


Wow I didn't hear about that one. Those Kel-Tec Sub 2000s are like toy guns for children

Thanks for Correcting the Record and not bothering to read the OP

I'm sure you'll have your hands full with the dindus

it isn't, dunno where you've been. radical muslims have been shipped into even rural PNW towns

You only think that because you never go outside.

Only 3,000? They suck even more than I thought.


yeah no shit, i mean the actual map

Notice anything about the states they aren't in?

which is just a graphic mocked up by the kikes at faux news to obfuscate the true threat, which is demographic replacement.

Start at the top, take out jews & evangelical christcucks.



these god damn jihad training centers should be swatted if any place was to ever be swatted

All's quiet on the west Texas front. The Big Bend still doesn't have any muslims at all but god help them if they did come a knocking

This map shows one in TX. Apparently Jamaat ul-Fuqra is a Muslim nigger terrorist organization

cheers faggot

There are definitely jihadists here in the United States, but I wouldn't buy anything that Fox and O'Reilly push. Not saying to not be prepared, but don't rely on this phony garbage.

He can be a cuck, but the data he is presenting is from the Clarion Project, which I'm not familiar with. See the interview

They're in my city… Time for some Holla Forumsicing and recon.

Kek demands it.

They're here, but we are vigilant.


Chopping the heads off of infidels is literally a part of their culture and it's not even a joke to say they have brought it with them to the USA. Unfuckingbelievable.

Stop patting yourself on the back shithead, what have you actually done to prevent the spread of islam? There are TONS of muslims in florida, and more spreading throughout georgia and north carolina. Whites in the south are being replaced at a rate I never would have believed possible ten years ago, which is what happens when the federal government controls the immigration spigot, gives subsidies to shitskin businesses, and your state gov (god bless em') are always willing to mow down more priceless woodland to make way for shitty apartment housing to stuff them all into.

same as me, so we have a good amount of people ready then.

I was under the impression that Grays Harbor is in a hyperdimensional space that we only get the ability to access when the fog settles over the bay…

Seriously, though. Coastal PNW is a hell of a lot different from the valleys, and those are a hell of a lot different from the high desert. I'm only joking around because all my visits to the Washington coast have been incredibly eerie, and the people seem removed from the rest of the state.

It's an incredibly fucked up county. I've tried to escape on numerous occasions, but always seem to end up back here. Also, occult shit is prevalent.
Here's another mudshit don't know if it's the same guy though

http:// q13fox. com/2016/02/08/alleged-isis-sympathizer-arrested-in-montesano/

I'm in the next county from there. Everyone around here is a fucking hick who would love to shoot some snackbars if they acted up.

What do we do though as individuals?

I don't want to become England.

Too l8 m8

We fire back in America. It's going to be a very long game for them to play.


to be fair, those muslims in dearborn are a bunch of american niggers who have been uppity since the 1970s

I'm sure we have some sleeper cells who trained in other states.

I think these are just training camps.

We already had a Turkroach kill 5 people at a mall. Not exactly untouched

Can confirm, western PA has the biggest population of rednecks in the entire state by far, and half of them want to shoot every convenience store clerk after the shit that happened in Europe earlier this year alone. I expect to see at least 1 fudd with .30-06 in hand on every other rooftop in PA if the muzzies start muzzing.

Time to take that CCW class while I still can.

Why even care? They won't attack small towns but diversity loving big liberals.

big city*

I think it's flagged as a "radical organization" because of the fact is that the muslims in that area are wealthy, live in mini mansions, while there is several trailer parks down the road.

Also, this sort of shit is reminiscent of 1950's Red Scare.

Come on guys. Same tactics, different name. Don't forget what the root of the problem is, I think this thread is a shill attempt to instill fear and paranoia. Don't fall for it.

what about college towns and places like ashville nc

Capitalism, or straight white males? Maybe it's both?

What? No

pls be bait

Traitors hang first.

colleges will be shaken dearly. SJW would have targets placed on their backs if over 100 people die like in the theater shooting.

What about Ashville? I've never heard about it.

Terrorist are really stupid.People rely on public transport like a bus.If a bunch of buses were blown up the TSA would get involved forever,and they would make people who depend on the buses afraid to ride them.

If they tried that Jihad shit in Texas (and probably any other place in the south), they would find that people here shoot back. They probably know that too, as these camps seem to be in pretty liberal places

Bexar county here Any physical addresses for Texas?


More than one Muslim extremist group. Thousands and they change names often.

thats the plot to a movie

are you CIA analyst?

I wish this was true.

Smithfield was here. Goldsboro is a faggot.


Protip: the areas that are harder to pick out muslims are actually the areas with the highest density of spics. Spics and muslims look almost identical, especially the ones that don't shave. Texas has had a huge problem with this like Amarillo.
Same tactic they used in Sweden before the "migrant" crisis of 2015.

Maybe because it's muslim like any other place? Get the fuck out your dumb nigger. You converted to the original ZOG army of your own will and (benefit of the doubt) ignorance.

I'm getting real sick of traitors protecting their pets

away with your d/c shill

Please do it Arabs, I'm begging you


pick one chaim

this is gonna be fun if the race war ever kicks off

pic related

Did you belt buckle-Americans already forget Garland?

Na, I get it. The purpose of the thread is to remind fellow Holla Forumsacks to be prepared. All I'm saying is to at least not have to instill a sense of fear/paranoia on the board, that shit shouldn't slide


Where the fuck have you been. Seem my previous post:

Off the top of my head of places that are muslim cesspools in Texas:

Of course Texas would default have muslim compounds because of its shared prospects with saudi oil shit. Make sure you see the map here: and keep in mind those are legacy muslim problems. The most recent wave were the """"syrian refugees"""" Obongo let in, mostly brought in by (((catholic))) charities groups.


Fuck you muslim scum. We're coming for you.

you mean when two mudshits got shot when they tried to terrorize a draw Mohammed event?

Literally you change a religion and all of a sudden it's complete 180 into pure hatred? pls

Are you not aware that you claimed to be a mudslime in ?

I think the headshot story was false and that it was on-scene SWAT that finished them off. In any case, 0/10 jihad, not impressed.

Yes, they've already tried to Jihad on Texas

Go back to Reddit

God bless Texas.

That's why we're coming for you first.

And on top of it all AR's are banned since the SAFE Act. I hate this place so much. Trump pls strike down AWBs.

Kill yourself you pedophile enabling fucking freak. I could understand a 80IQ sandnigger being Muslim because it's all they know. If you're a white man you should blood-eagle'd in the town square.

yeah I'm fully aware. you can be a Holla Forumsack and not be christian.

Tell me man, what is "we're"?
The American lives you send every other of your wars? try harder kike


From the depths of the memory hole. During the "syrian" """refugee""" crisis of 2015, zerohedge linked a list of refugee centers straight from (((US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory))). Because I need to bully a fellow Texan even more I will list only the ones from my state. Other states need to memorize this list because there's plenty of them and plenty of (((catholic))) charities groups. If it ain't already a breeding ground for domestic jihad it will eventually become one.

TX-IRC-02: IRC - Abilene
Address: 3303 North Third Street, Suite D
Abilene, TX 79603
Phone: 325-675-5643 Fax: 325-675-5487

TX-CWS-05: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc
Address: 1101 Fritch Highway
Amarillo, TX 79108
Phone: 806-381-0099 Fax: 806-356-9094

Address: 1101 Fritch Highway
Amarillo, TX 79108
Phone: 806-381-0099 Fax: 806-356-9094

TX-USCCB-01: Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle
Address: 200 South Tyler St (P.O. Box 15127)
Amarillo, TX 79105-5127
Phone: 806-376-4571 x236 Fax: 806-345-7947

TX-CWS-03: Refugee Services Of Texas
Address: 500 E. St Johns Ave
Suite 1.280
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: 512-472-9472 Fax: 512-377-2233

TX-DFMS-02: Refugee Services Of Texas
Address: 500 E St. John's Ave.,Suite 1280
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: 512-472-9472 Fax: 512-472-9472

TX-USCCB-10: Caritas Of Austin
Address: 611 Neches (P. O. Box 1947, zip 78767-1947)
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: 512-479-4610 x120 Fax: 512-479-4627

TX-USCCB-04: Catholic Social Services
Address: 1322 Commanche St
Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2621
Phone: 361-442-2224 Fax: 361-442-2607

TX-CWS-02: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc
Address: 12025 Shiloh Road, Suite 240
Dallas, TX 75228
Phone: 214-821-4883 Fax: 214-821-4899

TX-IRC-01: International Rescue Committee Dallas
Address: 6500 Greenville Ave. , Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75206
Phone: 214-461-9781 Fax: 214-461-9782

TX-LIRS-02: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc (Dallas)
Address: 12025 Shiloh Rd, Suite 240
Dallas, TX 75228
Phone: 210-363-4876 Fax: 214)821-4899

TX-USCCB-05: refugee And Empowerment Services
Address: 9451 Lbj Freeway, Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75243
Phone: 972-246-6012 Fax: 214-347-7199

Address: 2400 A EAST YANDELL
EL PASO, TX 79903
Phone: 915-532-3975 Fax: 915-532-4071

TX-CWS-04: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc.
Address: 1801 Circle Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Phone: 817-413-3772 Fax: 817-413-9603

Address: 1801 CIRCLE DR.
Phone: 817-413-3772 Fax: 817-413-9603

TX-USCCB-06: Catholic Charities Fort Worth
Address: 249 W Thornhill Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76115
Phone: 817-289-2819 Fax: (817) 535-8779

TX-WR-01: World Relief Fort Worth
Address: 4059 Bryan Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Phone: 817-924-0748 Fax: 817-921-9784

TX-CWS-01: Interfaith Ministries For Greater Houston
Address: 3303 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002-9322
Phone: 713-533-4940 Fax: 713-524-6129

TX-DFMS-01: Interfaith Ministries Of Greater Houston
Address: 3303 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 713-533-4940 Fax: 713-524-6129

TX-ECDC-01: Alliance For Multicultural Community Services
Address: 6440 Hillcroft, Ste 411
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-776-4700 Fax: 713-776-4730

TX-LIRS-06: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc (Houston)
Address: 6065 Hillcroft St, Suite 513
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-644-6224 Fax: 713-645-1915

TX-USCCB-07: Catholic Charities
Address: 2900 Louisiana St. Po Box 66508
Houston, TX 77266
Phone: 713 874-6516 Fax: 713 874-6791

TX-USCRI-01: YMCA International Services
Address: 6300 West Park,Ste 600
Houston, TX 77057-7220
Phone: 713-339-9015 Fax: 713-339-1159

TX-USCCB-08: Catholic Charities
Address: 202 W. French Place
San Antonio, TX 78212
Phone: 210-242-3114 Fax: 210-242-3174

Good optics either way.

I was in that thread, I got a pdf if yall want

Nice bait.

Holla Forums is either Christian or Kekist Pagan. There's no in between and no tolerance for others. You're probably a nigger or other type of shitskin as well. You're a Sharia loving, pedophile freak and I hope you die at the hands of your Muslim "brothers" because the death we'll give you will be much worse.

na chaim ur the shill here

this Kek shit needs to end

Dumb frog poster

Stay salty losers, Kek won the election and Moloch got cucked

Satan killed around 10 people total in the bible. God has killed well over 2 million in the bible.

I want you and your family dead. I wouldn't even do your women and girls the favor of raping them.

all same thing dude

this shit is starting to come full-circle and it needs to fucking end

shit writes itself at this point
hope you find redemption and give yourself to God before he purges you whilst being in such a cursed and pitiful state

What race are you? Post a timestamped hand.

Excellent counterpoint but that doesn't change the fact that each side can be considered a grey area. Not to mention the fact that we don't know the entire story due to (((translations))). How can you be so sure of one thing when the entire sect has been comprised well before your parents were even conceived? You are the reason people laugh at "christcucks", you need to see this from an objective point of view. For all you know, the damn book was just about two opposing ideals presented in a way that was digestible for the masses?

Oh wait, you are a "converted" mudshit. What a waste of my time, lol.


Fucking kill yourself muzzie scum

Fact is satan actually killed literally everyone who ever died because he made mankind mortal.

welp, more kebab for me to remove


Don't gloat yet. North Texas is full of ninja women.

I reported that sandnigger convert. Hopefully he will stop shitting up this thread, and I can't believe anyone is retarded enough to admit to being a raghead on Holla Forums

Probably just bait, but it's good for the lurkers to see our hate of Islam isn't just a reaction based on a mostly christian userbase, but a logical hatred of the way their ideology doesn't mesh with the human spirit.



there will likely be small-ish attacks (like san bernardino) but it's hard to see another 9-11 tier event, which was a well funded, well organized jewish/neocon proxy operation/false flag.

mudslimes are pretty fucking stupid, barely above niggers, and it would be nearly impossible for them to pull off a huge attack without (((outside))) funding and help. and anyways, (((they))) probably don't see a reason to pull off another attack of that magnitude as the damage is already done (consider the world pre and post 9-11, it's a total regime shift in their favor). also, the internet makes any modern conspiracy far harder to conceal and pull off.

if any of you faggots do decide to remove kebab, make sure you are removing key figures in the community and their jewish benefactors, and do it as silently as possible. blowing up mosques full of innocent moslems does literally nothing to help our cause. only in an all out race war is that possible, and we are not anywhere near that yet.



I live near the one in plainfield indiana. It's literally right off of I-70 and has an underground parking lot.

It's been there longer than I've been alive, and you never see any cars or people there, so they're being secretive.

Well, good luck if you're in those places. New Orleans here and they don't come here. Too much liquor and pork for their tender sensibilities. Even though we have large crowds several times throughout the year, that pork/booze/boobs sends the pearl clutchers running.

I'd like to keep at least 1000 in reserve and have another 1000 purely for training - of each caliber.

wew, SJWS but on opposite side of spectrum

What race are you? Post a pic of your hand with timestamp and light on it

You say that word but I don't think you know what it means, because I have not been doing any sort of "Taqqiya" here, I'm just telling it how it is.

Fucking nothing, aside from shitting out my intestines, once they send a nuclear power plant into meltdown and make the Great Lakes glow at night.

What race are you? Post a pic of your hand with timestamp and light on it

na get fucked aye

I can assume you're a shitskin then, which means your opinion is worth less than nothing.

Shoo shoo subhuman

na because even if I do all that you ask and see that I am indeed white, it won't matter, because then I am just "muh traitor to your race Ima hang you first" and still have my opinion voided for making the decision to follow Islam

If you already know you're a digusting race traitor why don't you just kill yourself already and save us a bullet that would be better spent on kikes?


Fuck you, kike. We can purge you AND your good goy slaves.

There, I've done a shitty shop.
Substracting one layer with the other one.

If I am not even gonna make the effort to do a timestamp pic of my hand, what makes you think that I would even consider anything more? Anyways I'll wait for you to personally deliver a bullet to my head, and I'll be waiting right here with my SKS

learn up some history of your peoples' history, if you truly are white

They won't fight you.
They'll take out the nuclear reactors and make six states uninhabitable in one blow.

Muslims, everyone. Clearly mentally defective whites are attracted to it the same way mentally defective goatfuckers are.

na it just means i couldn't give two shits


Welp. There goes the everything. Let's move to Mars.

I didn't realize CAIR was hiring shills these days. I can't wait to Make America Great Again.

Nice digits, but it won't save your defective brain from this Hydra-shok

I don't even participate with them

okay, if I am a shill, what exactly am I shilling? For Holla Forumsacks to think with their brains and not follow fear/paranoia? because that's all I've been "shilling" in this thread.

also, check'em again
my dubs speak for themselves

Truly God is blessing me
check'em oncemore





those images don't elicit any emotion from me, don't really see what you're trying to do


since when?



anyways do what you want with the books, we have more, always will

know that you would not find as much "bible burning" though





Give me info on Sacramento. I'm willing to deface some property and scare some snackbars.


pls slav, pls.

Euro-Paganism > Kekist Paganism


How's that empire treating you "m8s"? :^)


na i was saying that Euro-Paganism is better than frog Kekist Paganism shit


Kek disagrees.

Any chance on a Canadian list?

Gee slav, why doesn't YOUR ancient god meme a man in a position of power?

Well you have Trudeau's house

Never confirmed info in this pic.


Those sanpaku eyes. Holy shit.

kill yourself faggot
might be a good place to start
The Jew isn't LARPing as a Muslim but he is a drug dealer and a Jew living in the wrong fucking hemisphere.

rojakpot com/islamic-rage-boy-not-mossad-agent/

I live north of Albany. Is the shitskin population actually exploding? I wasn't aware. Makes me more motivated to buy some guns.

Images on top were stretched and distorted. Probably made by a kike trying to make literal terrorists seem harmless and thus safe for cultural enrichment.

He's a literal fucking terrorist.

If you would attack on of these camps, would the others start to attack back?

Where are you 2 anons located?

91786 here.

Traitors hang first

anyone else notice how they've avoided the PacNW, South and (most) MidWest?

Muslims are a non-issue in America at the moment. Let them do what they will and who cares. If anything, they'll kill limosuine liberals (basically all of those places are in liberal territory), who will come out to defend them later and beg for more of them, so who gives a shit.

The problem is Hispanics taking over the country politically. A hundred jihadist attacks a year is in pale comparison to the effects of hispanics gaining demographically.


Muslims are much more violent monsters than most of Hispanics. The only Hispanics who can compare are Narcs and MS13.


Power is more than physical violence. Not many jew thugs bashing in people heads, but they have political power through media and banking to influence - most people on Holla Forums hate this, for example.

Look at what hispanic controlled cities and countries look like for an example of what to expect in the future. The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior.

Made this some years ago, It's Revolver Ocelot tier


i-is this the feel that anons talk about when referring to others as NPCs? The immense feelings of smugness and being alone.

I live near Springfield MA and can confirm there is a Mudslime uprising

Mccarthy was right.

Thanks for Correcting the Record, Achmed

Reminds me of pic related. Some user from half/pol/ wrote a fake letter to a university newspaper

Thank you based user, you're doing God's work. I know that feel somewhat. And Holla Forumsacks like you will be who other anons flock to in the days ahead. I'm not fully kommando'd out yet but am making a good start with an ar, some pistols, and a shotgun purchase this year. Stockpiling ammo and practicing as often as I can. Looking forward to joining you full 1488 anons in the future battlefields. Just remember, some of us pozz looking uni students are active subversives within the system.

"High-IQ" white women will fall for it, delete this you fool

Just think about the end result, play it through.
What happens when the first LGBT want to join Muslim marches?

Although I only own one fun a double barrel from fucking 1939, I legit have enough camo, gear and helmets/flak vests to arm a group of 15 people. I also just ordered an entire SS panzergrenadier uniform+camo, so im looking forward to larping like a fucking autist.

Reminds me of pic related.

Taqiyya, if they're just marching.

I've also been arming up with funs and milsurp. Just got a bunch of stripper clips and camo in the mail today. I wear it in public too, and it does seem to do a good job alerting normies and shitskins not to fuck with you.

I have an SKS and a 12 gauge, but no pistols yet. I'm thinking about one of these unless I can save up more money

And then?

presumably something like this

user I…

But in all seriousness avoid Taurus like the fucking plague, their quality control is Somalian tier and their products have a tendency to either misfire on safety, turn into grenades, or simply fall apart. Did I meantion they're a HUEmonkey company?

I know, but this particular model has gotten really good reviews and Taurus really lowered the price to win people back after their big recall. $250 for a pistol that is by almost all accounts a good gun seems like a bargain, even though Taurus is Taurus

If I can save up more, I'll probably get a CZ 75B, or I have heard some good things about that turkroach company SAR Arms

sage for being a retard and not including this, but if you want a breddy cheap pistol I suggest a Zastava M70A 9mm or possibly a CZ if you can get your hands on it. I also heard that m9 Beretta's are going down in price now for some reason but Im not so sure about that, I assume you could find a well kept used one for under 400.

Praise kek. Fuck yes nigger do it, they're fantastic handguns and the triggers are god tier.

The leadership of Islamist groups are perfectly aware that their primary enemy is white men. Encouraging white women to spend time with Muslims on false pretenses is exactly what the kikes have been doing, because it gets our women raped.

My SKS is Zastava, but I have heard that their pistols kinda suck. I would also consider a Makarov PM, which isn't much more $ than the Taurus. And I know the market has been getting a lot of M9 police trade-ins and Israeli surplus recently, but for some reason they just don't appeal to me

I've shot a CZ 75B before and really liked it, but I don't have the money right now. I definitely intend to get one in a year or so, but I'm also considering getting a cheaper pistol for right now

I have a CZ and I lub it. Soviet design, Czech honorary German engineering. 10/10 would gat again.

Sheeeeet, talk about sleeper cells. These faggots wake up one morning wanting 72 virgins and it would be quite the bloodbath. Local cops wouldn't be enough. Outnumbered and outgunned. Some old pizzagate type Mayor/Governer etc would be all limp wrist and want to conduct a poll before deciding on what to do.

I am posting from work or I would provide sauce but there is a report on youtube showing there are radical communities all over the south. Many of them are within a few miles of major infrastructure targets i.e. nuclear plants.

In particular they coordinate with a pakistani cleric somehow not considered a radical, and release combat training videos.

Nuke plant user here, y'all realize these places are designed to defend against that kind of thing, armed guards with automatic rifles, anti-aircraft guns, difficult vehicle entry (long winding roads etc) a lot of attention is given to these places in the states to avoid these kinds of things.

Great source.

Obviously it's published by Zionists. Nearly all openly anti-Muslim organizations in the US are Zionist, or else the media wouldn't report on them

Still, it is something to be aware of. Muslim communities with ties to radical groups are allowed to exist within miles of nuclear facilities. Just let that sink in.

I call psyops

fixed your pic OP

You'll hear no argument from me, enemies of our nation should be executed in the streets but don't lose too much sleep about some great shitskin coordinated assault on nuke plants. Unless there was true military invasion force numbers I just don't see it happening.

I'm okay with that. Well except he papacy is heresy

Yes, NYS is huge and incredibly amicable to shitskins thanks to Jew York City. Albany is becoming a hive of them thanks to the (((nanotech facility))) going in as well.

Plenty of woods for Jihadists to train in up in the Dacs too. Fucking Cuomo man.

Kekist Pagan and Slavic/Nordic Pagan are one in the same. Kek is the same hyperborean descendant god that yours come from too.

No user.


What's your point? The "red scare" apparently wasn't scary enough because they were everywhere in the country and they were able to take root.

Pagan religions recognize the gods from over the hill. They may be friends, enemies, or frenemies, but there's not an automatic hate for or rejection of your neighbor's gods. Mazu, Freyja, and Inanna can all live side by side.

As long as their brand of Paganism pays heed to nature in some way I usually have a hard time finding fault with it. Different kinds of Aryans have different flavors of respect for different aspects of their environment.

Nords probably are into Fish Gods, Himalayans into Mountain Gods, etc.

The noses are different.

and Joshua Goldberg was behind it, don't forget about that.

"Goldberg first received widespread media attention under his alleged Twitter handle "Australi Witness" following the Curtis Culwell Center attack, a terrorist attack on a Garland, Texas exhibit featuring images of Muhammad in May 2015, in which two assailants died in a shootout with police. The "Australi Witness" persona, had, posing as a Perth jihadist, called for an attack on, and posted maps of, the center where the exhibit was taking place, and praised the jihadist attackers in its aftermath, and was retweeted by one of the assailants before the attack"

The memes are making my lips pucker

Don't forget:

also Holla Forums quickly noticed this gem in the comments. Every time.

Is Fathima a joke too? Supposed to sound like "I'm a?"

Kek doesnt demand child sacrifices, he also isnt the god of money and war.

Fuck off with that shit. Also Kek and the word of Christ is not mutually exclusive.

My impression is that they just picked a random raghead name.

The online version is here:

Some of the comments are pretty funny

May God have mercy on their souls, I certainly won't.


What do you think these compounds will do when Trump doesn't tow the same line Obama did? When they see that their "Islamic Brothers" reinforcements stop coming in and the ones that are here are starting to get sent back:
They'll see that they have nothing to lose and that their only option is to just jump to the last step with the Muslims that are here and try to take over through violent means.

The sooner we get this over with, the better.

While beaners spawn 3-4 kids mudslimes spawn 8-10, don't be myopic.

I learned this the hard way, got my hands on a tracker, thought it would be a neat novelty buy and it had a good hand-feel, two shots in on the range the fucker starts jamming and then fizzes a round, had to clear out the cube i was using, coulda set off the ammobasket. It looks cool but even a well maintained taurus is dangerous on both ends


To defend a nuclear plant? That seems like an entirely reasonable measure to take

So to avoid shooting over/through the cooling tower(s), there have to be at least 3 outposts, staffed 24/7/365, armed to defend against how many planes of what size? Has anyone ever seen these battalions? What kind of constant sniper training do you have to take to vector target an incoming aircraft? Or are they armed with heat-seeking or laser-guided missiles, or shoulder-fired rockets? So what kind of guard staff is in place to secure each armory and who mans the radar for early-warning systems? Have they made modifications since 9/11 or were they in place before that?

Do I look like the DoE to you? Quit trying to slide this thread, Abdullah


Taurus revolvers aren't bad. That's probably the only thing from Taurus I'd intentionally shoot.

That is a whole new level of subtlety.

Nothing in Washington? I call bulshit.

That is only about 20 minutes away. Yeesh, and I live on a road that goes right into Boston too. Unfortunately, Massachusetts is cucked beyond belief when it comes to the 2nd amendment. And when I say beyond belief, I mean it. Knives over 1.5 inches aren't legal to carry here. And I've been in a life threatening situation and my fear of the law has made the situation life threatening because I followed it. Care to hear the story pol?

shit i'm in overland park kek, not too many here honestly. the bigger concentration is east about 20 min just inside missouri. big islamic center there.