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ntpd won't save you from one particular rogue bit
Gabriel was right. UNIX and "Worse Is Better" are viruses.
Now hang on just a minute
How modern descendants of Unix and even Unix itself haven't actually adhered to the Unix philosophy very well when it comes to the design of the CLI and the file hierarchy, instead inheriting all the flaws of the original implementation. This is despite the ability to more faithfully implement the philosophy today given the freedom we now have from the constraints of the 1970s:
That post doesn't mention Linux at all, and the article says that "neither Linux nor OS X was designed with close adherence to the Unix philosophy in mind".
Are you making things up? Do you need help with reading?
If you're referring to Linux and the Linux command line environment, Linux has none for it is a kernel program and only a kernel program without a command line.
Kernels can adhere to the Unix philosophy, believe it or not.
That whole blogpost was so meaningless. `ls` implementing certain features is not bloat, he misunderstood the phrase "do one thing and do it well". It's about handling tasks, not just executing one function. The program `ls` fits that definition perfectly - it does one task, display files in various output modes, and it does it well.
I disagree. The Unix philosophy is all about combining tools to accomplish tasks.
From The Unix Programming Environment:
Yes, but "listing files" is a single task. If the philosophy is "Do one thing and do it well", then `ls` perfectly fits that definition. The standard example is that a task like "print a file with line numbers" is not something that should be handled by `cat`, because `cat` is for concatenating files. `ls` is for listing files, and so flags that assist in listing files are not bloat.
The Dolphin emulator blog, they regularly post really detailed and interesting writeups on the inner workings of GameCube based systems:
Gamesutra has a great series called 'Dirty Coding Tricks', it goes into detail and explains a bunch of cool tricks that people have used to get stuff working, my fav is the one on saving memory (because I'm obsessed with optimisation):
The rest:
Some madman replacing x86 firmware with Linux:
The Joy of Erlang
calm down user
Unikernels are complete cancer user. Here's my article it's by Bryan Cantrill and it's about how unikernels make debugging hell.
Who said anything about unikernels?
A kernel fits in the Unix philosophy if, among other things, it has a simple implementation and doesn't duplicate things that ought to be in userland. You don't have to go all microkernel to accomplish that, I just mean that it shouldn't include anything like a HTTP server.
The Unix design philosophy is about far more than just modularity. The GNU coreutils are not much less modular than the original, but they're much worse than following the Unix philosophy.
I don't like the Unix philosophy though so if something is complete cancer that doesn't automatically dissuade me that it follows the Unix philosophy.
fair enough I suppose.
Church of the Least Fixed Point
“Well, personally, I belong to the Church of the Least Fixed Point. Amongst others, we worship the logician Alonzo Church. Whereas ‘Christ is our Church’ is metaphysical rubbish, (along with similar claims, like ‘God is Love’, ‘The Absolute is Perfect’, &c.) ‘Alonzo is our Church’ is merely hard, simple fact.
A major problem to be solved by a religion is ‘What is the Self?’ This is essentially a problem of Self-Realisation: A Self is an X that thinks of itself. Thus, where Think X is the operation of thinking of X, we want an item Self, such that:
Self = Think Self
The Church provides an answer to this question using His Paradoxical Combinator, Why:
Why = λf. (λx. f (x x)) (λx. f (x x))
With this, it is easy to show that:
Self = Why Think = Think (Why Think)
yielding a fixed point as required.
We believe that there is great signifigance in these Results, although there remain some details (such as the exact nature of the Think functional) to be worked out.”
-Calvin Bruce Ostrum, Feburary 1983
Some guy built a proof-of-concept single pixel camera with a mechanical hand randomly waving in front of it, instead of a lens.
(yes, lensless cameras with a single point detector are entirely possible, google "Radon transformation" and "compressive sampling single-pixel camera", there's a ton of research in computational imaging on that topic)
I read a good long article on virtualization becoming the next security paradigm a few years back and never bookmarked it. I always wish I could find it again.
That's interesting, but the result looks almost nothing like the reference.