A german student gets raped and drowned by 17 year old Afghan

A german student gets raped and drowned by 17 year old Afghan

Was active in refugees welcome group

Father also pro refugee EU activist

Other urls found in this thread:




If you want to send the father some love, here is his number.

Or his email:

[email protected]/* */

use cock.li


Sources(in German):

https:// www.welt.de/vermischtes/article159947230/Tote-Studentin-Verdaechtiger-ist-17-jaehriger-Fluechtling.html

Currently only Welt reporting it, Lügenpresse in full damage control.

She has a jew face, look at the pig nose and weird teeth. That's not a European face, she has some very weird mongrel blood. Elin Krantz was a shame, a waste of good genes. She was trash in every sense.

and justice was severed

Source in english(kind of):

http:// www.thelocal.de/20161111/second-young-woman-found-dead-in-freiburg-murder-rape

At the very least her cuck genes were extinguished

there better be an afterlife so cucks like this are punished

should have sent it to the pajeets, they need more help than any nigger or dunecoon

I can't think of a fate more befitting to a traitor like this.

Should've sent it to fucking whites, they'd put it to use since they're not used to getting money for nothing.

Eugenics in action!

Are these people human? The little critters I see on my daily walk along the cliff top are more admirable than this man; they are good parents who will tear the throat from anything attempting to hurt their offspring.

This man is a disgrace to humanity itself. He sickens me.

Well at least no innocent people were harmed.

Another translated source and other pictures of her. Afghan had good taste in women at least.
Dad is classic cuck.

It says church building in Bangladesh you lying disinfo shill

The girl has niggerish facial features, I've seen much better.

She was a young woman, nothing more than the victim of her father’s abuse. He should be charged along with the Invader.

Thnks for the input kike.

Shut your nigger mouth you idiot and google what the church does there. They help muslim refugees deported by India.

That's owned by a goon.


You have to know something about Freemasons and the rest of the secret societies.
Not even their family. The Work is the only thing that matters to them. And to get that working you have to give yourself completely into it.

I know a family where the father is in one of them.
Completely dysfunctional and kids are all mental fuck ups.

what the hell is going on here!

What's your game here, shill?

Daddy doesnt care where the love comes from.


It's a cthulic group niggers. A German girl was murdered by rapefugees, but stay edgy though. This would have never happened without cultural marxism.

(((Freemasons and the rest of the secret societies)))

You fucking moron. The cucks are the men. Women are just social conformists. This was a quality Waifu who was snuffed out because of her cuckold father.

Alter, kannst du lesen du jude?

Send the info to drudge to shame the Cucks.

Fucking kill yourself white knight.

The “father” will probably act as his defense in court. If the Germans are even bothering to send cases like this to court anymore.

Same shit. One hand scratches another.

A father should care for his daughters instead of handing them to hostile savages you utter subhuman.

And nothing of value was lost

Respond to him that he's a fucking lethal moron, what's wrong with the country.

The allies really did the right thing back then, huh?

Thankfully they have woken up and smelled the ashes now.

But yeah, these cucked beings are not "Germans".

I! Am a German. The kind of guy ancient anglos and co would have gleefully wanted dead for being too much of an antisemite.

I'm convinced that this shitskin flood is going to act like an evolutionary bottleneck for whites. Either we die as a race or this empathy for those not our own will be bred out of us as they die or racemix their genes away.

Master rac… cucks lol fuck Germany, fuckers need to just die out already. All they know how to do is fuck up Europe.


A woman in was just killed by her Mohammed in Canada. Unfortunately she pumped out three vile spawn with him.

You're going back in an urn.

that's a jewess user. Look at the eyebrows, look at the way face is scrunched together. Jewess.

Why are you deliberately misleading people with your OP? And why are there no sources for anything?

Theyre not, I live near Freiburg, Freiburg is one of the leftiest cities in Germany, probably cause its a University City.
Several parts of the City have went really downhill over the past 15 years due to rent prices being cheap and lots of sandniggers moving there.
Theres no people living in Freiburg anymore, just sandniggers and cucks.

She was a fucking butterface


Look here you dumb fuck.

There are little to no english sources because its a fucking german case you dumb shit. Are you daft?


It serves her right.

should we?

I bet we could make it go viral that way and force Germany to talk about it.

Another piece of shit got ficki'd. Serves all them cunts right, they live in a fucking (((fantasy world))).



They are worried about the impact this will have on the pro refugee narrative.


Holy shit what are the odds?



Newfags go home




What if I said 100%?


Obviously it's still sad that the girl was a leftist in the first place and is dead instead of pumping out Aryan babies, but my point was that she is not especially attractive contrary to what the other poster said. Some of the girls from the notorious New Years Eve mass rape were much prettier.

your first post is your first chance to get bullied newfriend

Are you mentally ill? You realise what churches have been doing for the last half a century?

T-This beauty got defiled?

Natural selection at its finest.

And nothing of value was lost.

Decades of ami/jew indoctrination poisoned the minds of many people in germany. These are the results, even when his own daughter dies, guys like these are so hopelessly mindfucked that they cant question their retarded ideology. This time it obviously hit the right ones + cases like these let many other people wake up. In the left and public broadcasting you don't hear shit about it - for the obvious reasons. Just like Munich a few days ago: Refugees invited to a official party in the munich town hall molested a girl (18) and tried to drag her into a separate room others where fumbled. Fortunately bouncers could intervene. 10 of these (afghans and syrians) have been put in custody and (of course!) released the same evening. OUR JUSTICE SYTEM ROCKS!

WTF those filthy fucking kebabs are appropriating our fashy haircuts


Good, hope this traitor is burning in hell.
I hope the lord of treason is raping her in death as well, right up the fucking ass.

don't post my waifu fucker. I literally tracked down tape and photos of this girl after cologne. THIS is what every girl should look like.
BTW- she can't get a restraining order sent from Germany to the ZOG can she?

Fortunately I don't think she was raped, but she and her friends were groped.

German women want real men and enjoy diversity seems to me their getting what they want.

She didn't choose to be born into a family with fucked up priorities and (((wholesome)) mindsets.

Well at least that fag's cuck genes were extinguished and won't be able to birth more muddy traitors.

Why do I get the feeling you wouldn't be saying this if the sexes were reversed?

this fuckng place is bizarre. In Jan about 15 people told me she was average at best and I was crazy for collecting pictures of her. Now it seems like everyone was collecting all along.

Providing aid and comfort to an invading force.
Glad she's dead, Its the punishment she deserves.

No mercy for traitors.

Lmao mudslimes are limp-wristed skinny-armed betas.
Women don't want stinky turd-colors in skinny jeans. They want nazis.

Why did you feel the need to point out he's "Afghani"?
He's living in Germany so he's just as "German" as everyone else in the country.

Hate to see it… but..

If a father is so degenerate to be active in pushing for refugees - they are traitors and got what was coming to them.

Honestly what hope does a family have when the father is so cucked?

Thats why having testosterone and not being a bitch matters anons.

You're the last line of defense.

Of course they'd say that, otherwise it devalues her pictures and lessens the rarity.

speaking of cucks with genes eliminated, did you see the photos of dead from the Oakland fire? If I could go through the country and pick 30 people that should be eliminated, they would be top 50. See pic on Daily Fail. Everyone you could possibly want dead is represented, it's like Christmas 3 weeks early.

Nice dubs

I think you're lost kiddo.

on the plus side, the rapefugee was caught before harming a German woman that didn't deserve it

well, true enough but once she was in Daily Fail, not really rare anymore. It's so striking to see a real strawberry blonde and with hair that long…imagine how her her flails around when….nah she's too perfect to sexualize, a true waifu.

what's up with germans and their cuckold fetish?

She was out at 3am and came back to where? A refugee camp? Where did she die?

Her father is a sub human, she didn't deserve to have such a piece of shit raise her. She probably fucking smiled a helpful smile before the slime extinguished her. Didn't even see it coming. And her father is to blame, he should commit suicide

They get no punishment. Most they get is twenty hours of community service for raping a 7 year old. The judges and lawyers should hang, as well as many many others.


Well she's cute at least, but I would hold back with statements like that in the current year

Get a book called "Germany On The Couch" by a Jew (of course) who describes the truly Satanic regime of "de-nazification" the Jews put the Germans through. So many horrible stories. After the war, they sent American niggers in as "guards." German women who lost their husbands and had kids they had to feed would end up having to fuck US niggers just to survive and feed their kids, then get pregnant and die in back alley abortions.

Another good book on Germany after the war is called "Other Losses."

Or a steel furnace.

(checked, heil)

Yeah, I know the reality is she's probably already dating a mud (you know she was harassed as a "racist" so much for saying they were muds she had to leave all social media?) that she is probably fucking a nigger now to atone.

Nice to think she isn't in my head at least.

nothing of value was lost

As he should. Such behavior is absolutely abhorrent, and stems from the suicidal leftist ideology that warps the mind into preferring every group but your own, even as they all reject you.

This is yet another case that teaches non-indoctrinated people to stay clear of non-whites and take care of their women and children (ie don't let them out alone at night).

Not an optimal situation but it fuels the fire. The Volkszorn has to glow white hot before things happen.

Who was the first giant cuckold, the post family for this? the Stanford girl who got stoned to death in South Africa (protesting "apartheid") and the White gvt caught the niggers and jailed them.

The parents got the niggers out and gave them jobs and there are pictures of them shaking hands all over. Someone must know her name, Dr. Pierce used to talk about her..

Something biel, I forgot the full name, they're kikes.

Germany, like Sweden and to a lesser degree America, has been a prime target for the modern cultural shifts.

Amy Biehl, IIRC

It's long overdue even if we consider the 7+ decades of constant brainwashing. Autumn 2017 seems so far away yet.

This is true. Holla Forums is outraged that the murder of this faggots daughter hasn't affected his disposition towards subhumans, but the truth is, nothing could. For many true leftists, the extent of their conviction is such that they would literally rather die than admit they were wrong. That's another thing Holla Forums gets wrong about lefties; the hardcore ones are not cowards. They will fight (and die) for their beliefs, even if those beliefs are born themselves out of a certain kind of cucky cowardice.

This appears to be the Church.


Here is their section on Bangladesh:


Ha ha, and look at this. They supported an internship at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.


Repeat of the christcuck who's cucked daughter went to niggerfrica was murdered, he shook the murderers hands, apologized, stood for pictures with a big shit eating grin.


Nobody here says lefty radicals are cowardly, they are pretty obviously fantical. The thing about antifa and the like is actualy their complete ineptitude. They have the will to fight, sure, but they lack any comprhension of how to do it effectively. Why do you think their greatest weapons are numbers and herd mentality? They know they are a bunch of fucktarded bullet sponges, the problem is there is lots of them.

christcuck ideology: everyone is god's children, turn the other cheek, egalitarian for any not you and yours at the detriment of you and yours, born a sinner/hate yourself.


Something that needs to be pointed out, again and again, because there is a large segment of Holla Forums that still does not fucking get it.

The father was a leftist, but he was also a Christcuck.

He wanted all donations for her to go to a church that does things like internships at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

I will never forget the first time I read that story. I couldn't even comprehend a father doing that.


The parents.

I don't believe your lies pagan scum. You people are trying to Black Pill us on Germany. We will overcome in Christ!

And nothing of value was lost. If anything this serves as ammo for us against (((them)))

They'll give him a key to the city, give him a reward and offer more daughters and wives to rape and kill.

He's empty inside

Is it just me or does this guy look like a fatter, taller version of Bill Gates?

please continue doing this


And some say this place is not dead

Fuck off, Heaven

You called?

So more people can lose their daughters? This faggot deserves to be shamed for the rest of his miserable life, being the massive cuck he is he would probably like it though

I was born in America, family from Afghanistan. I've been to Afghanistan and have family in Afghanistan. I voted for Trump and I'm from PA. All the guys there are gay as fuck. That place is a shithole hopefully America can put in puppet leader to make it great again. I don't want anymore of us to come to the west so we aren't on the news for retarded shit again.

Another dead liberal. The world is a better place.

Dec. is always a dead month full of newfaggery. The people who can actually function are doing family shit, the jews have released all the new vidya for christmas, and some are so depressed over holiday they just spend all their time blackout drunk.

Yeah, because someone being a degenarate makes the entire doctrine degenarate. It's like saying:

Richard Spencer lurks Holla Forums hence we all are dumbasses who hail Israel

As long as christianity was strong in Europe, european countries were strong. West is crumbling because it succumbed to the jew morality "if it feels good, then it's good". And don't put all christian denominations in one bag, it's mostly retarded protestants who are faggot pacifists and bend down for ass rape. What this guy did has nothing to do with traditional catholic teachings.

Absolutely this. The cucks are not Christians, they are cucks.

heartwarming tale. You're still going back raheem. you and any potential spawn.

No faggot, the doctrine is degenerate on its own, fucking look at it.

You couldn't have posted at a better time, Shlomo.

too bad my dad is a vet

Good. The problem has solved itself.


You will be removed, no matter what.

thank him for his service. then tell him to go fuck himself and you with him. People say that..you're a liar, unless your father was a warlord with northern alliance which makes you even worse..was your father a Us soldier who fucked an afghan? That would make you 15 at most and would have caused a riot.

Please, tell us. Also, a tip. NO ONE CARES. Same as a bus driver, it's an equal opportunity employment choice. Only bus drivers don't kill for ZOG. But you're a liar anyway.

No amount of images of misguided white men wearing armour can undo the damage the church has done to the white race. Sorry bro.

The Church inspired more art, science, development and all-round remained at the core of White civilization until 20th century when modernism and enlightenment were pushed through, to our detriment.

the one useful thing Dicikie Spencer has ever written is on the Crusades. Also, as bad as it was for the church to convert niggers, south americans, and the rest, what if Islam had gotten to them first?

You think the ZOG has problems now. Imagine mexican savagery with Islam.



I have german blood and even I say they deserved it for being political niggers themselves.

Lmao, christcucks are this deluded.

If by delusion you mean white civilization, be my guest.

you know, a few years ago we could have had all this girl's goybook pictures, people used to leave them open. Only thing an account was useful for. Also, they didn't demand phone number or ID or whatever they do now.

Anyway, so many fucking Indians and other shitskins on goybook could not just look, they had to send any halfway decent White girl creepy messages. They they all locked their goybooks. We've lost so many good pictures thanks to hose shit skin fucks, pakis and indians.

It just keeps on repeating itself…

It's possible we've entered the stage where it got worse just before it got better.

Look at what exactly? Come back when you have arguments.

Big difference between pre-Vatican 2 Church and church now. Read the story of Knight of St. John on Malta. A few hundred men in 115 degree heat and wearing 150lb of armor fought off waves after wave of turks with fire rocks, sticks, anything they could use as a weapon.

If we ran hollywood and not Jews, a movie about the siege of malta would be both amazing successful and profitable.If the accounts from so many sources did match up, no one would every believe it happened. Imagine the movie "300" but going on for 4 months for 20-22 hours a day in heat that will knock you on your ass even in March.

I've heard this picture is somewhat incorrect. Yes, Elin Krantz was a mudslime loving slut but she wasn't the person fucking the nigger in the propaganda film.

How embarrassing.

she's not girl in video but was a member of "we love diversity" on kikebook. Well, it loved her back it seems.

I will be doing this on later threads for attention, thanks.

▲ ▲

that was a good post so I was really tempted to left you without knowing that wooden temple is a PAGAN temple.

the point of that post was to point out odalism will save europe from jewish shananigans, not mre jewish shananigans.

But I can encourage antinomianism, maybe if you were orthodox or something.

This. I recommend reading 'The Great Siege:Malta 1565 - Ernle Bradford'


Murder by Merkel.

Christianity is an imported Eastern Religion which was taken up by the lower elements of society, already ideologically weakened by the Stoicism cuckoldry of their elites, and was essentially an anti-intellectual and anti-aristocratic movement among slaves and peasants. Like modern Communism, it eventually attracted cynical Classically educated intellectuals who sought to syncretize it with Greek philosophy in order to secure prominent positions, i.e. proto-card carrying party members. Since it dovetailed so well with Stoicism as mentioned, it was only a matter of time before the elites themselves adopted this enhanced cuckoldry, and it spread throughout the provinces of the now rapidly deteriorating Roman Empire.

Having been combined with the tattered remnants of the Classical Schools, the Church did act as a very limited education facility, with old pagan writings from the cannibalized Schools kept in archives as an after thought. Thus European literacy rates plunged once more, and it was only much later that, due to a plague killing many people, art and culture were invested in more heavily, since they offer low yet stable returns. More capital led to more talented scholars/academics delving into the area, and the Renaissance was essentially an extreme effort to travel from Church to Church to salvage the moldering tomes of the Classical world, as well as a deliberate effort to emulate the art and architecture of Pagans.

Particularly interesting to me is Luther; he perceived the foreign and enfeebling nature of Christianity on some level, but instead of rejecting it wholesale (which would have been much more difficult, and history seems to be all about what's easy and what takes the least resistance, hence the widespread adoption of Christianity) he regrettably yet predictably chose instead reaction formation; fundamentalism.

The past 2000 years can be summarized as the White man taking the poison of Christianity into him, and attempting to synthesize an antidote. More and more people can feel it's wrong, its ideas and entities the archetypes of alien minds and not emergent from our own, no matter how we dress them in the Old Gods' robes and mannerisms, and the tragedy is that these people are being vacuumed up as the crumble away from the cracked edifice of the desert religion by yet more cynical manipulators and Semites, who blind them with other alien archetypes, such as equality.

Just how outdated is full plate armor?

A pagan temple with crosses?

I think Christianity can be very useful for instilling family values in whites, promoting birth rates ect., and the way the church rallied Europeans to expel shitskins invaders is inspirational…but as a tool to promote racial/ethnic identity? It falls flat. You have to go through some pretty jewish word-twisting to misinterpret Christianity's doctrine of universal salvation.
Islam and judaism promote salvation based on how well you can hurricane-tongue Yahweh's crusty asshole. Christianity says that any man can achieve salvation based on his love of Christ and his good deeds. That means that any person, regardless of race, is accepted as a Christian and this inevitably breaks down the ties of local community, then ethnicity, then race. It encourages universality, the opposite of our goals.

Need proof for that, otherwise this is just rambling.

Christianity had been pretty based until the protestant revolution which challenged the churches authority. It was at this time a crack was made that grew to the mess we have now. Only post-Vatican 2 the church has started to cuck due to modernization.

Yes, it sounds edgy to say it, but where exactly do you think the organization came from to fight back Islam again and again and again? You take that away, all of Europe would have fallen to Islam, there would never have been any art of music, period.

You never factor that part into your bullshit. The papacy was a way for all of the West to have something uniting it. If Malta had fallen, Martel fell at Tours, If Isabella and Ferdinand had not driven out the Moors, If Vienna fell oven once of the 3+ times it was under siege, the West was done.

Pretty sure the height of Renaissance Art was entirely based on RECOVERING the high art, culture, and technology of the PAGAN ROMANS.

If Europe had remained pagan they would have just kept on making great shit and skipped the dark ages altogether.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

The protestants challenged the church's authority because the church was openly going against that which was in the bible. Protestantism rid Christian Europe of degeneracy promoted by the church at that time. Martin Luther is a nordic hero and modern catholics are all shit skins, degenerates, pussys, or some kind of combination there of.

If they remained Pagan they would still be scattered tribes killing each other and wouldn't of had the unitary capability to impede Islam.

It was definitely inspired by greeks (romans stole from them), but Christian artists expanded on what Greeks had. Anatomy and proportion weren't well known until Da Vinchi dissected corpses.

the acceptance of usury as a practice and a less hostile attitude towards jews came from protestantism, especially calvinism, even though Marin Luther himself was an ardent anti-semite

the whole wageslave attitude that a lot of people have today is a direct result of protestantism, that's why countries like Germany and the Nordic countries are all so cucked

I do factor it into my [researched and educated opinion]. I have just personally posted it here so many times that I figured you would've all learned by now.

Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity did provide a banner, a convenient excuse, for pan-European cooperation, since its primary mechanism seems to be weakening then finally national borders. More on that later.

The Crusades themselves were prompted by hundreds of years of Muslim aggression, but very particularly the Seljuk Turks' incursions against an increasingly desperate Byzantium. In this desperation, the head of the Church there figured it was better to deal with his Western counterpart than to be raped and beheaded by literal subhumans, so a very impassioned speech was (allegedly) made to a large crowd, but here's the important part: doctrine was "reinterpreted" to allow entry to heaven through martial service to God, which was a policy intended to leverage the up to this point admonished yet still extant Pagan warrior culture the Church had been trying to stamp out. My lips curled into a dark smile when I read about this particular irony. Truly, the ideology is entirely parasitic.

The call to arms that went out was answered by a variety of actors; kings, princes, other aristocrats, warrior bands, and so on. All told, there were a smattering of people who could be described as true Christian believers among them. The rest? Kings with too many sons seeking to avoid inheritance conflicts by sending them to the front to claim lands or die. Princes looking to improve their stations, lords and barons seeking the same. Warriors out for loot without the Church getting in their way. So on and so forth. It can essentially be described as conquest by pagans wearing crosses to identify and coordinate with each other.

Now, to a main problem with Christianity as foreshadowed above. Providing an excuse, a commonality that transcends tribal or ethnic in-grouping, was all well and good while it took place exclusively between White countries; we were like a man deliberately destroying his immune system in a clean room. Yet, as soon as we stepped out of it into the wider, infectious world, the predictable result of converting, importing, and attempting to assimilate subhumans took place on a nearly ubiquitous scale. You want to know what the fundamental difference between your "based" Christianity and the current sea of degeneracy and miscegenation you see is? Modern communication and transport.

[email protected]/* */

Protestantism is anal cancer and so Martin Luther. It was Protestantism that was financed by the Ottoman empire who knew it was creating internal conflict in Europe. It was Protestantism that turned a blind eye to the Ottoman empire who swallowed nations like Greece. Europe is less white thanks to Protestantism.


And yeah, I was right. It's a copy of
In that pic, I see a place where old traditions meet Christianity. We have our old wooden churches, surrounded by wooden houses made in the same style that preceded the churches. It stopped in the last century, but I could dig out some pictures of restored ones; isolated villages are still inhabited, although they're dying out. Beautiful places.
This whole divide between pagans and Christians here seems bizzare to me. We don't hate our pagan past - we just didn't know better back then. Our conversion didn't happen by sword. The Frank missionaries weren't accepted; then came the men from Thessaloniki, who knew our culture and language - almost grew up in it - and brought us not just Christianity explained in our own language, but also a new alphabet which we were still missing. They were chased away by traitors who desired power and allied with Franks, but a part of us has remained. Unrelenting in faith, uncucked. Many around us have risen to power and fell, but we remain - and we will remain.
Next stop: Constantinopol.

t. Slav

Calling Christians cucks in the current year is one thing. But calling the fucking crusaders cucks? They did more than their fair share to help the white race for generations and generations even after they died. Their aptitude at killing mudslimes alone set mudslime mindsets to think of Europe as off limits for hundreds of years. It could potentially be what set them on constant infighting to begin with, which has just now been 'fixed' by the Obama administration.

There's no god waiting to divine retribution on the dead user.

The only way they're going to pay is in life and unto death. We are the divine hand of retribution, if you want to see justice you must be the judge and carnifex.

Any good books you'd recommend on the subject of Christianity in the west? I'm shady on non-modern history.

so a rapefugee enabling coal burner got got? how terrible.

You really think that up until the First Crusade, the men who fought at..Tours and later for Charlemagne didn't already mix their own pagan beliefs with Christianity?

for fucks sake, the christmas display of the Christ Child born atop the fading classical ruins has only been there for..50+ years every holiday (unless the Jews have it removed)? You're hardly as clever as you seem to have convinced yourself you are.

the smartest people I've met are always the most humble, because the more you think you know, the more you actually have no idea, esp. as concerns history where interpretation will always be "relative" (and not in the Jewish sense, in that it's always written by victors).

There are a million and one counterfactuals, but things happened as they did. To sit and say "christcucks ruined" makes you a grade A fedora…
>My lips curled into a dark smile

This phrase alone makes you an A++ fedora tipper. You're not even clever enough to realize how much you don't know. Never speak didactically about anything unless you've been asked specifically to act in an "expert" capacity and have some professional qualification.


To add: you die the way you live. If you live by the sandnigger, you die by the sandnigger.

And now that you mention it, I remember reading somewhere that the Church managed to convince the Italian-dwelling Normans to fight in the First Crusade which heavily influenced the success of it. The Normans I think were only nominally christian at that time, so I guess that supports your "pagan wearing crosses" thesis.

Charlamagne did that, 700 years before Martin Luther was ever born.
that happened because of the french revolution which was atheistic
wow your dumb, the protestant work ethic is what allowed countrys like England and Germany to be as powerful as they did. You just sound like a lazy nigger who wants to spend his life doing everything half assed and doesnt care about working his hardest. Whats next, are you gonna start calling workers 'wage cucks'?

Lol nice conspiracy bro, thats pretty alex jones tier shit. Martin Luther actually wrote about christians binding together to try and at least stop the flow of Turks into Europe, maybe if you actually knew anything about Martin Luther's work you'd know that. But nice try.

Yeah because Jews = the church. Fuck off Rabbi Muhbuttmad


Catholicism has been a verified heresy since the Second Vatican Conference.

The papacy as an entity must be rooted out and every bishop, cardinal, and other affiliates of vatican must be executed in the light of God. Only Eastern Orthodox is actual Christianity anymore.

First Crusade many of the mercenaries and knights had pagan fathers/grandfathers and retained some cultural heritage from that. By the time of the Second and Third Crusades there were no pagans in Europe to any real extent.


Middle is the father?
Then she's Jewish.
I'd be surprised if this girl is dead. More likely she's gone back to the motherland to find her roots or attend university. Will be gone 3-4 years, perfect opportunity for a psyop.
He sets the bar for treating Muslims. Now a normalfag German, when thinking about how a Muslim has treated them badly, will be reminded of the "German" girl who died and how her father forgave despite losing his daughter.
"Well that's so much worse than being spat at… I really have no reason to complain about this."
Trust me, middle photo is a Jew.
Look for confirmation, this story stinks.



Yes it's a meme religion, Christianity is a meme religion.

They even have small-scale crusades. Too bad the Vatican prefers to serve Satan.

i never said usury happened for the first time then, but before it was openly frowned upon by the church and generally not admitted

yes the work attitude of protestant countries led to a lot of good things, but it's also part of the reason why a lot people work for a shit wage in a shit job until they're 65-70 and don't think twice about it

the reformation was the first crack in the shield that had protected Europe for centuries, basically D&C shilling before it was cool

The weak will die off. It’s a shame, but it is necessary.

Gibbon's "rise and Fall of the roman Empire has lasted…what, almost 250 years now? Will you be the one to surpass him? I'm doubting it.

also, the idea that the "roman Empire" ever fell and led right into Dark Ages is in itself bullshit. If you spoke Latin in the 1000s and spoke of "Rome," it was assumed you were speaking of Byzantium.

All the bullshit "Europe languished while Islam and the Orient saved civilization.." is horseshit. Byzantine was basically the same city it was during Constantine or Diocletian until the night before it fell to the Turks, when an eerie bullfight was said to cover Hagia Sophia, signaling the leaving of the Holy Spirit.

All the was "Roman" or "greek" survived with Constantinople (probably with exception of "Greek Fire") and made its way to Europe before the sacking. Even if Justinian choose to stay and fight and die in his city, many of the wealthy knew which way the wind was blowing and took their families and their fortunes to Italy or Germany rather than die and have their wives raped to death by Turks.

Dear god, its like tumblr had a party and kek punished them.
I've never seen such a high volume of faggot, queers, cucks and freaks all get btfo'd in the one event.

Still think this is fake but here's the "church" that donations are meant to go to.

Caritas means giving attention to those in need
Of people. Caritas defines itself as a life-
sense. For this reason, Christians
And action together. To this task - this
Order, the Kath. Kirchengemein-
De Holy Cross a work group "Caritative activities" under
The presidency of Diakon Michael Ungermann. Also
In our immediate neighborhood are located in
Not advised; There are people who need help. The
Can be neighbors, friends we have long been
And who are suddenly in a position where they are
Themselves do not know more. Since it is good to know,
That the kath. Parish of the Holy Cross (Telephone: 07231482145)

To your honorary staff who will help you
can. Under the motto "help here and now" the
Caritas in all municipalities of the diocese on 25 September 2016
To donate. Through the collected donations k
The churches and caritas of human-to-
People directly and unbureaucratically help.
Donations can be made to the account of the Catholic Church
De Holy Cross at the Stadtsparkasse Pforzheim-Calw - IBAN
DE90 6665 0085 0001 9840 71 _ Keywords: Caritas Samm
Be paid. Collectibles lie in the
Churches. We ask for a donation certificate
These bags with your name and address too
Thank you for your help and donation

Page 18/19


There's a telephone number

Coons you crave, deserve your grave. No sympathy.

You think the story is fake? Here is a news article:


wow user, I only pointed that out in first 5 posts. Her face looks like she was slapped with a Yarmulke. You goys really cannot spot the Jew, and that's with growing up with high speed net and not 14.4 landline so you should have practice.

you were right user. Fucking Cromwell let the Jews back into G.B. for first time since Edward I banned them in a fit of Calvinist lunacy.

He seems to be arguing she had little to no chance since her father is a full liberal who still defends rapists after they raped his own daughter. If your upbringing is shit it's very hard to not end up being shit.
Still, but still she reaped what she sowed.

I think it might be state-level propaganda.
In which case all your MSM citations mean nothing.

I "grew up" starting on 3600 baud and have been a racialist since shortly after then, you're not teaching me anything.
I was simply reinforcing your observation.
Calm the fuck down. you're right in general, Holla Forumsacks are not very Jew aware, add some tits and a smile and they will wilfully ignore the of racial admixture

In death she will be of much greater use for western civilization than if she had continued to live.

Not a church IN Bangladesh. The donations are for a German church which works with refugees in Germany and educates Bangladeshies who are likely Muslim.

The anarchists only riot because they believe they will never be shot or beaten into a coma. The rich liberals are not willing to risk their lives despite their rhetoric. The second death squads start up they will immediately back down and sell out their fellow leftists.

thank you for clarifying, user.

If you ever want to do something fun, visit Mdina in Malta (preferably in March or early April before heat) at night. It's amazing Norman architecture (for the outer walls) mixed with a very unique..it's hard to describe, but at night they dim the streetlights and priests lead processions through the city (it's called "The Silent City.)

It didn't play a huge role in the Siege, other than dressing up peasants and even women as soldiers and putting them atop the walls to make them think the reinforcements had arrived. When the reinforcements did arrive, they spent a night in Mdina before chasing the turks down the valley and into St. Paul's Bay, where they slaughtered so many that no one could go near the bay for weeks until corpses had been eaten by sea creatures or washed out.

"St. Paul's Bay" (whatever your opinion of Paul)marks the spot where Paul was shipwrecked, so to slaughter turks in those numbers on that spot would have had a huge religious significance.

After news of the victory spread, feasts were held even in Protestant England and Sweden to celebrate the death of the Turk. There's a new book out on the Siege and on Lepanto definitely worth reading called "Empire of the Sea: Christianity, Islam, and the Battle for the Middle of the world."

Lepanto and the story of Don Jon of Austria us another one that, like "The Passion," would make over a billion dollars but the Jews simply will not let Christians make a unifying movie no matter what it would earn. Oi vey, that may unite them against the Turks again!

It's called bullshit, banter, and busting balls. It's what we do here user. If you don't like it and want everyone to clarify that they really do like you as a person and put little cute sibling emojis on your messages, reddit might be the place for you.

you're the real newfags.

Signal "I'm an oldfag" for a third time.
No one cares.

Just to clarify:
you say that yet you assume I meant 'calm down' unironically. someone wants to bust balls but can't take it in return

88 million fucking times this.

Compare European accomplishment in name of the religion of cucks and the ones EVERYWHERE else in the world.

It is whites who made Christianity great, not the other way around.

In fact you know what? I'm going to sage your ass.
Enjoy your negative rep/karma/whatever the scoring system here is called.

What a bunch of digusting cucks.


Eh, don't underestimate their sense of martyrdom. You're right, most of them under pressure would probably fold, but the worry is that they'll (along with kikes) convince dumb but good-hearted people to fight in their stead. Our civil war is an excellent example of that; mostly well-intentioned people being slaughtered for absolutely no good reason, other than nigger-loving wealthy liberals on one end, and insanely greedy/deluded slave owners on the other end. It was a manufacture of crisis.

The banning of cousin marriage by the Catholic Church ended tribalism and gave rise to civil society. As opposed to clans of inbred thugs robbing and raping everyone they catch alone. Like Muslims.
Criticizing all of Christianity because you don't like certain aspects, while being completely ignorant of how it has benefited our culture, is exactly how progressives treat Western Civilization. The enlightenment was anti-Christian, and sought to replace Christian values with bullshit about all men being equal and human rights.

For fuck's sake, every thread with the "christcuck" D&C. It has to be because the shills know this is the only tactic people are stupid enough to fall for every time.

Studies have not found cousin marriage to be common in pre-Christian Rome.

What the Church did during the Medieval period was make the laws against consanguinity so severe that people had to buy exemptions.


Another Christcuck fabrication about the benefit of their cult debunked.

can i get that in a compiled.jpg to go pls thx
have some others

How is that fucking build a society?

Also, the pre-Christian Europeans had already elaborate societal structures in place before it arrived.
The people themselves did not convert untill their kings betrayed them and their ancestors for a semitic diety. That's when the tides turned.

They were not the inbred thugs Jewwywood and Christian testimonies try to tell you. They were violent towards their enemies, the other part of their society was far more rational than the morals and princples of the Christian invasion.

i do not criticize Christianity as a whole, I criticize the backward morality and destruction these fuckheads caused to my people.

It is not inherently evil, it has quite some good messages and sometimes very healthy principles in it.
Hell, I even consider some prophecies to come true.
But it being such a harmful element in the history of my people I can only take distance from it.

I get that it is very progressive to look down on it, however if I see someone preaching healthy Christian values I support him. The kikes just used Christianity for the transition to their NWO and religion. This does not mean that I cannot oppose Christianity, just because Jews want us to despise it.

However, I am convinced that if we can remove the semitic element from it we could talk again.

Christianity has done quite some good things for us, but it was only our ancestors who made that possible.
And it's devestation I will never forgive.
Even if Jesus opposed the merchant, his words are still poisonous to me.

And I doubt that Christianity will help us uncuck Europe.

threads like this remind me that whites are a cuck race.

Thank god, not my race, not my fault.

They look jewish. His nose is hughmungus and there's something creepy about her.

I wonder if right before life left their bodies they realized how wrong they were.

D&C, pics related faggot.

You also have to ask why they stand beside her grave smiling like that.

Tits or gtfo


yeah wathever faggot, keep masturbating to nazi memes and deluding about a race war like all the stomfront idiots meanwhile your elites wish to flood your nation with africans and mexicans.

not my race, not my fault, faggots.

Why are you here?

Why do you assume I can't browse pol because I'm brown?

I hate jews and niggers.

I like you.

we'll put you in the oven last

but but guys… like… we cannot be racist!!+??? omg like… like saying wordss like, like the N word"""1!!! is EVIL!!! like being RACIST IS EVIL OMG LIKE HOW COULD YOU OMFG !!!!!!!!!111
fuck im drunk and've lost all faith

I also masturbate to Greek temples and pictures of grass being mowed.

Also I think other armed conflicts are coming our way before the race-war erupts.

If the Jew doesn't take interest at deminishing your race in any way you might want to start quesitoning why, may be your people are natural good goyim?

Watch out with that, one day they might still come for you if you decide to cuck out of our future problems.
Make sure you don't stand alone.

Killing these two, the parents of a native German girl raped and murdered by an Afghan, would send a much more powerful message than killing even the very same Afghan that did the deed. If the cucks don't give a shit about their own White children being raped and murdered, they should be made to be terrified of us. They need to know that it's not just the mudslimes we won't tolerate; if they refuse to protect their own children than they are our highest priority target. These people need to be afraid, Holla Forums. And everyone else needs to know that some of us won't just stand by and let this shit happen.

Someone in Germany needs to put this fucker in the ground, Holla Forums. Traitors first, the enemy second.

Typical German whore. I feel kinda bad we killed all their men in ww2 and all that is left is faggots and whores.

Oh pleas, pleas mass'er! Don't "sage" me! that will make my "8 chan rep points" go down and then people won't take me seriously! please, i done be a good nigger and nice to you from on, i promise1 Just don't "Sage" me to give me a negative on "the scoring system" here.


What about this beautiful white young girl makes her a whore?
Educate me, O wise merchant!

If there were real German human beings left they would not have let their country get so bad.

where in that post did I sat a fucking thing about how long I have or haven't been here? I swear, all the delusional scumbags who think they're badasses start arriving around this time. The election trash leaves, and a new, equally cancerous form of trek arrives. Really depressing for OLDFAGS like me….

Once you are raped you instantly become a whore. Also the whole 'refugees welcome' someone doesn't have that ideology and not be a faggot/whore.

Me go to the Germoney. Because a Germoney very good

If there were any (insert your country) human beings left they wouldn't have destroyed Europe and spread niggerdom and degeneracy across the world. I would assume you to be a yank or a pom but it's probably gonna turn out that you're a South American or something.

"Not my race, not my fault"

WHAT IS YOUR RACE? Just out of curiosity.

The best thing these people can do is pay the toll in the most public way possible. And hopefully the dad has no other kids. He deserves to be a genetic dead end.

that was a girl that went to SA to be against apartheid and got killed by nogs

Firstly, it's flat out not true that German girls are whores or major mudsharks. If you'd take the time to understand what happened to that nation, that the Jews (in the guise of the US) messed with their very soul. 2 books required reading: "Germany On The Couch" and "Other Losses." It's down to like $9, a good time to buy it:

"Other Losses caused an international scandal when first published in 1989 by revealing that Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower’s policies caused the death of some 1,000,000 German captives in American and French internment camps through disease, starvation and exposure from 1944 to 1949, as a direct result of the policies of the western Allies, who, with the Soviets, ruled as the Military Occupation Government over partitioned Germany from May 1945 until 1949.

An attempted book-length disputation of Other Losses, was published in 1992, featuring essays by British, American and German revisionist historians (Eisenhower and the German POWs: Facts Against Falsehood, edited by Ambrose & Günter). However, that same year Bacque flew to Moscow to examine the newly-opened KGB archives, where he found meticulously and exhaustively documented new proof that almost one million German POWs had indeed died in those Western camps.

One of the historians who supports Bacque’s work is Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, 101st Airborne Division, who in 1945 took part in investigations into allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and later became a senior historian with the United States Army. In the foreword to the book he states: “Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million [German] men, most of them in American camps … Eisenhower’s hatred, passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the ­horror of death camps unequalled by anything in American military ­history … How did this enormous war crime come to light? The first clues were uncovered in 1986 by the author James Bacque and his ­assistant.”

Read a dictionnary you illiterate nigger.

Ever heard of subversive propaganda?
This is only a mental state, it can be cured.

It's not because some whores openend up their legs willingly to rapefugees that every paid protestor and useful idiot becomes a whore you dense fucktard.

bump for interest

I should add, the women who survived suffered worse than any, as the americans moved niggers in to keep the "occupation" from a nation where they were still not allowed to even talk to White women.

Now, these niggers were around German women with dead husbands and their own kids to feed, and take a guess what the niggers wanted from them in exchange for food? One of my close friends, about 13 years older than I am, had his grandparents in West Berlin and I heard some amazing fucking stories from that guy that he had from Berlin.

After the wall came down, mother urged their sons and daughters not to get romantically involved with males or females from the east for fear they could be soviet rape babies. The Jews, even after the war, especially after the war, tore apart the fabric that made that nation what it was. As Zündel used to say: "There are no Spartan left in Sparta, there are no Germans left in Germany."

Don't try and argue with him or assume good faith, he's a shill. He'll be back tomorrow spouting the same line. Hell, he'll probably change IDs and post again later in the thread.

So Allies Holocausted Germans so hard only ones left are garbage?

We have nothing further to talk about leddit. Good bye. You should lurk for a while before posting don't just start posting straight away.

meme responsibly, user.

This is almost as pathetic as that pastor who shook the hands of the men who gangraped his daughter before killing her because "that's what jesus would have done."

You're the garbage, spreading niggerdom and anti-civilization across the world for almost a century now.
I blame Woodrow Wilson.

awalt faggot

She 'partied' till 3am around another species. I don't have much sympathy for my cat if it is too retarded to be scared of bobcats and gets eaten. Also, getting raped may not make you a whore in all circumstances, but since you can never trust a woman about it, the heuristic is that if raped they are a whore.

Impotent strawgrasping without a shred of evidence.

I do not understand how you came to that conclusion. Also 'Civilization' is not a good thing.

So much happiness today!

Thank you, good sir.

Now that's what I call e-gold.

I hope he blows the received shekels on some degenerate fastfood full of hormones and GMO.

The one positive thing to come out of all this is that over time, whites will become more and more redpilled as the world increasingly goes to shit. It may or may not reach a boiling point in our lifetimes, but at the rate things are going it's not unlikely. You can't rein in a force of nature and the eventual awakening of whites is inevitable in the face of these ever increasing atrocities.

We know the jewish holocaust didn't happen. We know the true nature of kikes, niggers and mudslimes. We know that white genocide is real and being enacted worldwide. When the whole of white humanity wakes up to these realities, to the realization that your race is where your true loyalty must be, there will be a great cleansing. I almost pity the rest of the subhuman filth walking the earth when this moment comes.

The main things to accomplish are:
Educate on the holocaust hoax
Educate on race realism

Everyone here can attest to just how soul-crushing and horrific the experience of becoming redpilled on these matters truly is. If every white person on earth went through this process, and knew what we knew, there would be nothing that could stop us from making this planet great again.

which are you– a greasy, leering hooknosed kike or a shitskin that no German female would touch?

What's the favorite pickup line for rapefugees in Germany?

"If you scream, I'll kill you. "

You could say the same about white americans with their nigger and spic overrun cities. Germany/ Europe is just developing into something that your society allready is. Fortunately the emergency brake will come closer with every shit the sandniggers/niggers carry out.

Truth, if we survive outside of captivity.

People questioning the amount of shilling for muh holocaust survivors and Hollywood propagande will go a long way, after that the Holohoax will provide immunity for their tricks for quite some time.

Top kek

no one cares, sinead

And it's incredible how bullshit that is. Jesus did not have children, so we'll have to do with analogy:
- for the murder of James the Just, who was pretty much his distant relative and one of his greatest followers, in AD 69, he let Jerusalem get destroyed and the temple burnt down
- several times in the history of Byzantine Empire, when the capital was threatened by a powerful army, people prayed and he let the army be miraculously destroyed; notable is the subsequent conversion of Askold and Dir, two viking rulers from the current territory of Russia, which is known as the first time Christianity was brought into the territory, although it didn't stick
- Battle of Kulikovo, Napoleon's campaign, Hitler's campaign (not defending the Soviets - they were kike scum and Hitler was their Attila, but it wasn't time for USSR to be broken there), Chechen war, Georgian war, Syria, all to protect his people in Russia

And those are only New Testament examples.

If you're not a shill, then what is your purpose here besides being a waste of dubs?

Haha you are expecting people to have researched and read beyond the bare minimum of their believes

This is tantamount to child sacrifice. This is Abraham slitting Isaac's throat because Social Justice God told him to and never rescinded the command. This is an apocalyptic level of cuckoldry and self hatred.

I want whites to survive, and to prosper and be great. But sometimes I look at this shit and seriously start to wonder, do we even deserve to go on as a race when we are collectively working so tirelessly for our own extinction?

Yeah, but none of them with you :^)

if the gospel of christ's story took place today, after whipping the greedy kikes in the synagogue, he would have been thrown in federal prison for hate crime and aggravated assault, then stabbed to death in a prison riot
and everyone would wear shivs around their neck instead of crucifixes

Jesus Christ, you cannot be this fucking deluded. Get a hold of yourself, get off the fucking Internet, and read a few books.


Seems dumb. Patton was alive then and wanted to use the German army against the Commies, he wouldn't have allowed them to starve to death. Patton also disliked the Jews from concentrations camps and opposed de-NAZIfication efforts. Wikipedia has good criticisms of the numbers. Closer to 50,000 than 1 million.

Abridged version, marrying your cousin makes genes for tribalism evolutionarily preferred. Tribalism is in-group loyalty to the family and sociopathy to outside groups. Like Jews, Gypsies, Muslims, Chinese, Africans and most other civilizations. Even aspects of ancient Greece and Rome were tribal.
When these genes no longer prevail, high trust societies develop. People become more accepting of outsiders which means you don't have to worry about your neighbor raping your daughter to death or being robbed when you leave your house. This is one of the main differences between Western and non-Western cultures. And it was started in Western Europe around 500 A.D. Eastern Europe was started later and even this line coincides with economic development. There are also arguments that high trust societies then encourage the development of high IQs and nonviolent people.
You seem to think Vandals, Lombards, Huns and Goths had well developed societies. They clustered around the Roman Empire due to poverty and squatted on the remains of the Empire after it collapsed. But there was no substantial increase in civilization until Christianity took hold. Both in terms of governance and science. Those tribal groupings governed according to the wergild, which means blood price. The monetary price for murdering a man. Islamic countries still use this system. Absolutely archaic.
Most of the complaints about Christians being cucks or too nice are not complaints about Biblical or historical Christianity. They are complaints about the Marxists who infiltrated the Church and warped it's teachings to promote socialism. The Pope used to launch crusades, now he washes the feet of those degenerate heretics.
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
1 Timothy 2:12
And yet how many churches allow female priests? They have moved away from God to embrace Marx. This is why society is decaying.

good fucking practice that helps historically, presently and in the future

i'm guessing the niggers didn't actually have to fight or were drafted in bigger numbers
but the jews probably sent them in for occupation

am i right?

Complete and utter dogshit.


Excellent post user, thank you. I remember saving that hbdchick seris of posts a while ago but never read them completely. This is the kind of education we need around here.

that shit was around well after Christianity, and roman and greek society relegated that to only accidental deaths and slaves

Funny, that's very similar to what actually happened back then.
Read some of the deuterocanonical books. The Gospel of Nicodem for example depicts the Pharisees accusing Jesus in front of Pilate.

Topkek, captcha starts with JQ. Second captcha ends with ZOQ.

This is your brain on universalism, folks.

Nothing new.

That isn't what "universalism" means.

Whites are not a single race. A portion of the liberal leftist whites are leftist on a genetic level. I am not saying all of them are like that but for a lot of them its genetic in the same way traits associated with religion start to be encoded in the DNA over time as is the case with judaism and islam. Pakistani muslims for instance have different psychological traits than hindus who are the same exact race.

I don't put a lot of importance on the whole "nordic" and "mediterranean" racial divisions within the white race… but just living in America and going through the whole Trump election I am starting to think that for many white Americans liberalism and conservatism are genetic traits and if I was to divide the white race I would not do it based on hair color or anything but I would do it based on their predisposition to leftism and rightism.

I wonder if the followers of Kek will ever have a great schism

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

*tips fedora*


I think the time when Matt Furie found out was a decent schism. It's like one of those retarded bishops of 4th century who made shit up, got excommunicated, butthurt and went on to create some heresy that's now known only from history books.

So a made up definition

I won't engage in D&C on this, but maybe you would like to link an actual post and break your links, or quit listening to cunts.


What? No kek-worshippers split off from that. The only schism I know of is with the non-believers in meme magic, and those who interpret it more or less literally.

I doubt she was quality, but this user is probably correct, you guys. Her daddy's request for refugee gibs instead of flowers shows that he's an incredible piece of shit and he probably set her on the path that killed her at a very early age. Dads have a lot of power in the formative years, and he should have been protecting her instead of teaching her to reach out to these animals.
t. oldfart father

Sorta resembles Catgoddess.

White compassion is what makes us Human and distinguishes us front he sub Humans.
Needles to say, white females that have such a motherhood mindset are the women we favor as whites. These women need to be convinced that their actions are contrary to the grater good in regards to shitskins.

Justice was served, but it would have been better if she miraculously survived the ordeal and reflected on her rewards for being so compassionate towards these sub species.
Her father needs to die.

Consider the fact that if she survived she'd be instructed to defend the mudslime.

Sometimes, dying is better than living.

Patton was alive from 45-49? Learn something new each day from the scholars on here..

So that's how it is… I see.

correct. I don't think any niggers did actual fighting, but were sent in for the "occupation." Do you know the story of the niggers who kept going into a village to rape Japanese girls, until they got so confident, they quit bringing weapons and the entire town jumped them and killed all 4 of them?

For almost 50 years, the cave where they hid the bodies was known as "cave of the niggers/monkeys" and was kept a secret from outsiders.

Seriously, read up on those heresies. There was a shitload and most of them describe Cuckfrog and his liberal friends quite well. Basically jelly losers, their entire history is being failures.

100% his fault. Poor leadership, completely cucked. A waste of good white genes. Sad!

This is poetry in motion.
Wanna frame the story for when ever I need a "pick me up". An instant classic case of liberalism.


I do not know the story, but would like to hear it. How many bastard children did those faggots manage to father?

We will not excuse traitors in the expectation of some heavenly judgement. We will serve what justice we can while we are on this earth user.

Another fun fact– when the Japs were about to surrender, they called for 50,000 Japanese virgins to volunteer for service as prostitutes for soldiers to serve on what was called "the commission for maintaining the chastity of Japanese women." Of course, Macarthur turned it down. We get all the worst part os of the ZOG empire ( like paying for it and the terrorism) but none of the fun parts.

Could have requested 50,000 18 year old Japanese virgins for 100 years and they'd have given them. Just think, you could have your own 18 year old japanese virgin to service your every need as a reward for military service and seeing actual combat. Or they could sell them to the highest bidder, r affle a few off. How fun would that be?

lemme look for it. It's in a time magazine story called "okinawa nights" that the jews may have behind a paywall now, but might just be for me, if I change VPN and clear my cache maybe I can get it…

Put on the raincoat, Bateman.

But I don't find jap girls attractive. They're cute the way animals are cute, but I don't think I could get hard for one.

Thanks, user. I know it will fill me with rage, but it's good to know this stuff.

this is from kikeapedia, but if you look around you can find more detailed versions. Kikes at "Time" seem to have "okinawa nights" behind paywall for everyone and no way in hell I'm giving them shekels:

"The Katsuyama killing incident in 1945 was a killing of three African American Marines by Okinawans from the Katsuyama village near Nago, Okinawa, after the Battle of Okinawa, shortly before the end of the war in the Pacific. Many years later some of the villagers confessed that every weekend three black United States Marines had allegedly been visiting the village around that time and every time they violently took the village women into the hills with them and raped them. When the Marines started to confidently carry out their weekly ritual unarmed, the villagers reportedly overwhelmed the men one time and killed all three. Their bodies were hidden in the nearby cave out of fear for retaliation against the village, a village secret until 1997.[1] Since the killings, the cave has been known as Kurombo Gama, which translates to a derogatory "black people's cave".[2]

Niggers aren't allowed on Holla Forums. Fuck off.

not big on them sexually myself, but still would be cool to have a japanese slave girl.

dumb fuck, what the fuck gave you the idea I'm a nigger? Because I'm saying the idea of japanese waifus for everyone is a nice idea? If I were a nigger, would I be posting about japs killing niggers?

Fucking logic in Dec….we just lose the election retards and now the mentally ill fill the place.

Father should be hanged for child abuse.

user, this is why wars happen, these people will not change their minds no matter what happens.
However it isn't all their fault, these poor Germans are the byproduct of 70 years of Zionist rule telling them they are evil and should die for the sins of the Holohoax.

The soviets during the time of East Germany went to great lengths to cuck the hell out of the people in their sector. Once the Berlin Wall came down, those living under Marxism bought their poisoned minds to the West.

tfw no qt maid or wife to cheerfully do housework

remember that weirdo guy who used to post here about wanting a chink wife to cook and clean for him? he was a degenerate and a weeb but was funny: "I'm going to get a chink wife to have house clean and dinner ready fo me when I get home. That goo life!"

Fair enough. I look forwards to the day when we can make women unequal again, then we can have white girls for that.

that's my fetish

Actually surprisingly enough in regards to East Germany that's somewhat untrue. East Germans, Saxons were deprived of first world luxuries and many went to great lengths to protect their culture from the Soviets. It was the West Germans, steeped in commercialism and cultural relativism that became soft and weak. Look at where most anti migrant rallies in Germany take place, they're primarily in the East.

As for this being why wars happen, you are absolutely correct. I am disillusioned with the electoral process as all it is, is a way for the left to usurp our power. The age of Imperium approaches once again as our opponents refuse to see reason and seek to destroy us through our own institutions.

What I would stress to you is do not carry hate in your heart. These cucks deserve pity more than anything else, that does not mean their actions are to be excused, but it does mean unnecessary cruelty ought to be avoided. Our goal is to preserve and restore the West, not to reap vengeance on the propagandized masses who don't know any better.

Found this from the (((Times))):

Fucking Times, man. I'm not so naive as to think it was just 3 blacks running around doing the raping, but the way they slide that in there to say "Well, while we know about these 3 three brave african-americans and their sexual emergencies, we should also remember that whites did it too, so don't think too badly of these fine men who were murdered just because they needed release."

>Okinawans who lived in Katsuyama said the three marines who harassed their village were black Americans and that one was as large as a sumo wrestler.

Fuck, that rustles my jimmies. You can just see the monster grabbing the smallest girls to inflict maximum fear and damage.

You've got some low standards

Hate is one of the most powerful motive forces known to man. Quit being a little bitch.

Apparently, helps them drain their nuts.
Nothing of value was lost.

Hate is good user, how can I protect the things I love if I don't hate the things that can do them harm?

Do you have the willpower to kill another white man, if that man happens to be a communist? Cause it's obvious that only a bullet will save some of these people.

good. allahu akbar the rapefugee. this whore leech worthless womb could give birth to traitors, her death is a good thing.

this shit writes itself

You need help.

Sure, I agree. Can I send you the bills? If everyone this board "needs help" for finding a cute girl from a big story last year and finding her attractive, most of the board will probably be in line. Shit, the other dude had a better collection than I do, I was jealous.

I wish (((time))) didn't have the paywall, can't imagine anyone reads it, that story was a lot more detailed and had interviews with the girls who were raped and some who helped kill the niggers with rocks and stones and then bury the carcases.

Supposedly the word for the cave in Japanese translates to something like "nigger," and the article talked about riots in Okinawa after 3 nigger sailors raped and beat a 12 year old japanese schoolgirl to death.

Never realized until I talked to an actual Jap girl on a cruise to antarctica, they consider Okinawans sort of the way we in the ZOG think about puerto ricans–basically trash, which is why it was OK might majority of Japs to put all the bases there.

Try to find the((( time))) article if you really want the white story user, it's enraging.

Agree. She looks jewish.

The claim is they were deliberately starved in 45, Patton died in December. Unless you actually believe it takes 4 years to starve people to death. Or that there were long term death camps for Germans no one complained about. This is minor criticism, the argument is pretty well debunked, even by Germans.

You're a retard.

Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe by Peter Heather.
Saxon law was based on it, fines for various behaviors correlated to the value of the wergild of the wronged party. It also showed up with the Franks. This is somewhere around page 300-330. There are other sources on blood price in the legal code of England at the HBD link and it doesn't disappear until about 900 or so. In about 700 AD they made guilds able to collect the blood price because more people were no longer living in clan settings.

Of course it's from tor.

Most rapes in Japan, have been niggers. 1995 Okinawa rape incident. Gang raped a 12 year old.

Female Army member told me the Okinawans were still upset over how the Japs and Americans treated them in WWII. The nips expected them to all die fighting the Americans.


The claim is no such thing. The avg in Us and French camps was 3-4 years. More than enough time for starvation, exposure, and disease to take a toll. They were not only starved, they were literally thrown in a field and made to try to shit in one area, eat in another, sleep in another. From April of 45 until late 49, how many do you think die?

Also, you're just making yourself look dumb, I'd have more respect for you if you just said "sorry, I was wrong." It takes about 40 days without food to starve someone. But as divisions rotate in and out and more vicious jews come in, rations change, there and a hundred different factors that can impact that.

Another little-known fact is that after the war, US pilots used to make a game out of gunning down German refugee columns. And the high command knew what was going on, they just ignored it. Once I read that from a few different sources, have always looked on Us/Brit pilots from WW 2 as scum.

Morons thinking a 17 year old female is able to have opinions of her own.

Her age combined with her gender, under the influence of the culture at large, make such things inevitable. She's a victim. Not just of a violent rape and a murder, but of the Sociological Auto-immune Disease known as PROGRESSIVISM.

The liberals are to blame for this as well.

There is nothing to celebrate here.

It's just RC liturgies with the pope crossed out and the monarch penciled in.

Father is a communist faggot

I wasn't implying that weregild didn't exist, which is why I pointed out that almost all europeans did it at some point. What I don't understand is what that has to do with inbred shitskins or being a detriment to western civilization.

If someone kills a member of my family, they damn sure better do everything in their power to make restitution. I don't care if they think god forgives them, or what some fag in a black robe thinks is just. If they don't, I would destroy them. I know that makes me a bit of an atavism. However, that has nothing to do with sociopathy toward outsiders or marrying my cousin or being incapable of not shitting in my drinking water.

So a young commie feminist can fuck 8 niggers in one night, but she'll still just be a victim who can't be held accountable. That's sure to improve their behaviour.

There's a difference between a normie girl being dopey and bluepilled, fearful of ostracism, and actively participating in traitorous "refugee" activism.


sHE LOVED diversity, and she got diversified. It's these European White women, who vote for diversity, and unlimited immigration, so let them be enriched, it is their dream.

Wergild does not work how you think. Wergild is not paid by the murderer, it is paid by his clan. Wergild exists because there is no developed legal system. The murderer's entire clan pays a fine to the victim's clan. If the fine is not paid, there is a blood feud. It's open season on any member of the murderer's entire family and their property may be attacked or burned. As a country develops, murder is treated more as an individual matter, under a system of laws. Murderers don't just pay a fine and murderer's families are not held responsible.
As clans dissipated in England, guilds were allowed to collect the wergild at one point. Then the practice itself vanished from the records. There were also Medieval Revenge Societies in Europe that fulfilled a similar purpose.

Wergild is a sign of a tribal system. The main thing stopping someone from murdering you is the fear that your family/group will exact revenge. Once people become less violent, this system gradually disappears.

To go deeper, in ancient tribal societies, land was not individually owned as such. Your entire extended family/clan/tribe owned property. Land was worked as a group, defended as a group, and the harvest split as a group. Often you married a cousin to keep this land in the family. (Though not always a first cousin from your father's brother as Muslims do. This causes a family tree to have no forks, it just goes straight down.)
There are genes that make you altruistic towards your family members. If you constantly marry your cousins this reinforces those genes and makes you more genetically related to your family than we are today. Think cousins that shared as many genes as modern siblings. You end up caring about your entire extended family as modern Europeans do about their close family. You do favors, fight and die for obscure cousins. You see this with Jews, Gypsies and other peoples who were never touched by the Church's ban on cousin marriage. This also makes tribal people uncaring toward outsiders. Why would you be nice to them? Theft, robbery, raids, murders and enslavement, all of it is evolutionarily encouraged. You can see traces of this in ancient societies. There are parts of Ancient Greek literature where pirates are not seen as worthy of condemnation, it's just another job.
Once you can no longer marry your cousin to keep land in the family, this tribal system breaks down. Families become smaller and scattered, what we call nuclear families. They were then able to be used in the manorial system that gave rise to capitalism in Western Europe. Since familial altruism genes are no longer being selected for in breeding, and since you no longer have an extended family to back you up in a fight, people slowly tended to become less violent with strangers. Nonviolence became an evolutionary advantage in a stable society. They also became more altruistic to strangers, which is what is currently driving many problems in the West. That HBDchick goes into more depth on all this stuff with links to papers on mathematical models of what it takes for these genes to get selected for.

It takes 40 days for starvation to even start kicking in. You didn't read your google result correctly.
So they had a top down plan to starve them all to death, but it took 4 years to work. And no one complained the entire time. You sound like a butthurt German.

Breivik tier - that is to say, it's a great thing she died. A traitor got what she deserved and it's all-around a positive thing for Germany and humanity in general when this happens.

Those who fail to learn the lesson should also suffer murder and death. All will benefit for it.

The electoral process is how the left has risen to power in the first place, a Republic only works with an educated populace which we do not have. Sorry, but it's a stupid fucking system, at least while universal suffrage is in place. Also, hate is an all consuming force that can and will turn you into a monster which is indistinguishable from your enemy.

Hate is a corrosive and corrupting force, if you think you can control it you don't understand human nature.

What I meant was you remove these people through either exile or execution. But torture and vengeful violence are repugnant.

Perhaps this is what Dante Alighieri was eluding to. Life itself is punishment enough for some, most wretched souls. Undoubtedly he'll get what's owed to him. A rope or a scimitar.

All good Germans genes died out 70 years ago.

You keep telling me how awesome it is. I already know that.

My own people fought for their clans, but it's not remotely like the shenanigans of those subhumans. And they fought against other, barely different people, married into others, allied with others. I'm not seeing anything unusual in any of this. However, they didn't become thousand-year parasites of complete aliens

That's not an issue of inbreeding though, you can find that everywhere and in all peoples.

What's the mechanism for selection? I'm not seeing it.

Democracy and being state-sucking parasites is how the left rose to power in the first place. The whole system is shit. Also, I don't think hate will make me a kike or a commie or a skank.

I agree that you can't control hate, but by telling us not to hate, that is what you are trying to do. Instead of denying your emotions, if they give you energy to do what you intellectually know is necessary, than I see no problem with it. And more importantly, if you are a good person and you hate something or someone, there's probably a damn good reason for it.

But apparently I missed the part where someone talked about torture and shit.

He needs to hang.

I still have no idea what you mean, you're just rambling on instead of saying: "you are right, over 3-4 years, poor nutrition, poor hygiene facilities, and exposure WILL KILL YOU. Thanks, I'll look for those books."

I have a lot of faults, but if I come across someone who knows more than I about a certain subject, I'm grateful, I don't keep trying to argue just to look like i know more than I do. I'm citing the books for you and you are citing nothing and just repeating the same bullshit.

You mentioned Patton. Here are a few excerpts from his papers and what he saw going on. And, keep in mind, he was below Bradley and Eisenhower and the Jew Morgenthau back at home so nothing he could do:

"Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing be turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings:

"Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is – not intended for the individual but for the race.

Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals."


See what I said about changing IDs and coming back?

Are you the same fucking asshole with "my mouth curled into an evil smile…" or something? Who, exactly, do you think you "complain to" in a POW camp? In fact, if you bothered to look, a number of very distinguished men saw the conditions and WERE coming back to America and complaining. To anyone who would listen. Several were prominent University presidents, others were various clerics, writers, etc..

you sound like you are about 16 and really trying your hardest to sound historically literate– you don't know any history yet. I did a Doctorate in this and talked to people on both sides, both US and German SS men (who were often treated the worst) who had a large contingent out in Arizona. They're all dead now.

I try to be somewhat polite, but when someone is giving you sources you've never seen or read, and you keep batting your head against the wall (with no source to back you up), that;s when you lose me as far as giving a shit what you learn and what you don't.

If you ever go to a decent uni and end up with professors that aren't committed marxists(like john merriman at Yale, a real scumbag) you are going to earn a lot of hatred very quickly. Learn to know what you don't know and when you are in over your head. It an anonymous message board, no one gives a fuck, you have no "ego" to worry about here. Accept when you are wrong and your life will go a lot easier.

All i've to say to you, have wasted enough time.


He deserves every tiny bit of sorrow and suffering he gets

Bobby Sands, MP died in 42 days on hunger strike from start to finish you fucking retard, . I didn't "google" anything. These are things I KNOW. Believe it or not, you used to need to actually KNOW things in life. I give up. Filtered.

It saddens me that her own father is so braindead that he thinks this is fine. I don't need these feels.

On the VERY off chance the discussion of Eisenhower's death camps piqued someone's interest, in addition to Patton's papers and the book "An Eye For an Eye" by John Sagat about the Jew Solomon Morel, who killed over 300 German soldiers in horrendous ways and then the Jews refused to extradite him him since "the statute of limitations were up" (note, these are the same Jews trying to take 99 year old former German clerks to court now).

Anyway, this is a decent list. A number are available for free at solargeneral in PDF form:

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 (Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1997)

James Bacque, Other Losses: An investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II (Toronto: Stoddart, 1989)

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Nemesis at Postsdam (Lincoln, Neb.: 1990)

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Eastern European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)

John Dietrich, The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (New York: Algora, 2002)

Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies' Postwar War Against the German People (IHR, 1992). Originally published in Chicago in 1947.

Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Books, 2007)

John Sack, An Eye for an Eye: The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust (2000)

The reason Europeans evolved past this stage has a lot to do with the ban on cousin marriage. Those other ethnic groups did not evolve this way and so retained their tribal characteristics. Furthermore, those ancient Europeans were very brutal. Here is Herodotus describing one group of Ionians.
"some of them, after they had set out from the magistrates’ hall of the Athenians and while they believed they were the most well-born of the Ionians, they then brought with themselves no women for their colony but took Carian women as wives, whose fathers they had killed. And on account of that killing those women made a law for themselves; they imposed oaths on themselves and handed them down to their daughters never to eat with their husbands and for none to shout for her own husband by name for this reason, that they had killed their fathers, husbands and sons and then, after they had done that, cohabited with them (that was done in Miletus"
These are ancient Greeks who murdered all the men and raped the women of a tribe they attacked. Tribal societies are brutal.

Yes it is. You find it most often in tribal societies, they don't even understand why you wouldn't do this. They often cannot comprehend that Western Europeans do not think this way. This is one reason minorities accuse Whites of racism, because they themselves are incredibly racist and they can't believe Whites would not be.

hbdchick. wordpress.com/2015/10/13/family-types-and-the-selection-for-nepotistic-altruism/

I already said Patton disliked the Jews. Quote the good parts where he complains about them pissing and shitting on the floor of certain rooms.
I am simply pointing out that your numbers are made up and debunked. I linked a source before. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Losses#Criticism_of_Other_Losses. You are starting to sound like a Jew talking about "The 6 million".

Sands refusing food on 1 March 1981
Sands died on 5 May 1981
I thought this was 65 days, death on the 66th. But maybe you are better at math than me.

Meanwhile, Octavian's family intermarried often.
They mention one set of 33 marriages, but that obviously doesn't include the multiple intermarriages in the Imperial family so it is clearly not exhaustive. Possibly even deliberately selected to mislead.
For commoners, your link says parallel-cousin marriages were not common, which refers to marrying your father's brother's daughter, which is what Muslims do. It doesn't talk about marrying your mother's sibling's children or second cousins. Notice that they say some territories still had close to 10% of this severe form of cousin marriage, marrying your father's brother's daughter.
Exemptions could only be afforded by the wealthy, the commoners had to comply.

If you want good sources for this sort of thing, write to Dr. Mark Weber at the IHR. Obviously, since the top seven big publishing houses are all jew-owned and publishing books like this isn't going to further your academic career, it's not exactly a "hot topic" among young history professors looking to get tenure.

Dr. MacDonald is now retired and also might be a good source, but he will only "add" you and deal with you once you've impressed him with your writing. I haven't been on goybook in a quite a long time. If he's no longer there, contact him at Occidental Observer. While this is not his speciality (group evolutionary psychology, especially as relates to Jews is) he knows almost all the true "maverick" academics left who are fluent in Russian and were able to get into the Kremlin archives in the 1990s.

Have no idea how it fucking enrages me that in the "liberal, free West" Ernst Zündel is being forced to keep off the internet and his communications are watched as a condition of his parole. "we don't like what you say? shud em down!"

If you ever want to get the phonies at cuckchan "history and humanities" to get their insides twisted, ask them if they support jailing men like like Zündel and Dr. Faurisson. They have no defense (this is why the Jews hated Dr. Ahmadinejad of Iran so much. He would troll them by asking why it was a "Free speech issue" to draw Muhammed and "je Suis Charlie," but ask question about the exact numbers of the holyco$t and you're in jail for 5 years. That one will really drive the cuckolds nuts. They have no argument, so they just begin shrieking insults and trying to get you banned.


Again, not very smart. he BGEGAN REFUSING FOOD and was fed by tube until his lawsuit allowed him to die without taking in food if he so wished. Thus it is exactly as I said.
You cited nothing. You referred to a criticism by the very Kosher-certified Stephen Ambrose, who had to shut his mouth very quickly when the KGB archives were opened in the Kremlin (where I've been, BTW, to look into this and specifically Katyn and how the Soviet admission of guilt now impacts the French law which makes any denial of crimes "as established at the Nuremberg tribunal" essentially a joke, ad for which many should now be in jail for saying, in print, that the Soviets committed KAtyn since that directly contravenes the finds of Nuremburg Tribunals /Kanagroo trials (archives available at Avalon Project on yale.edu server, but to ask you to do research would be too much).

Can I ask your age and level of education? I'll gladly give you mine. You have no concept of the idea that someone just might know more than you. This is the difference between you and me– when I met ( or still meet) someone who knows more than I do, I'm overjoyed at the prospect of learning something new.

You are still in your "le reddit" mode trying to impress and fight for your little gold stars or whatever they give out. Apparently has yet to sink in, WE DON'T GIVE THEM and I'be just made an asshole of you.

Instead of seeking to learn, you just dig yourself further and further down. And I fucking thought I filtered your stupid ass, no idea why you are still here, but was funny t hand your ass to you YET AGAIN re: Bobby Sands as you don't seem to "get it" yet that you are in way over your head.

Is this literally your first time here? A. WE DOn't GIVE OUT LITTLE STARS. You just keep making yourself look like a dick

B. You keep citing kikeapedia. Would you like to know why it has zero credibility here (can't be embedded as someone else is apparently using it):

Kikeapedia is a fucking joke, and Ambrose had to eat his Shabbos goy words when all his bullshit was proven wrong by the Kremlin archives.

Are you a kike and have you ever stepped foot in a university? A real one, not "community college" or "junior college."

You should stay there with the others who find such a retort remotely interesting.

That poor rapefugee had a sexual emergency! Human rights Europe you are nazi

Jews pissing on the floor are fucking meaningless. the important parts are him mentioning having to expel Germans from their homes for kikes. Truman's diaries reveal an almost identical sentiment.

Do you understand who Morgenthau was and that his Jewish plan for the US Gvt (as Sec of the Treasury) was to literally genocide the germans as a people? Everyone knoas are kikes are repulsive that is not news. PAtton's important papers are where he mentions the determination of Morgenthau and the other kikes to set his plan into place, which called for the destruction of all German industry and to cull their numbers until they could be absorbed.

Ambrose was right, the numbers from that book were wrong– they VASTLY UNDERESTIMATED the amount of Germans killed by Eisenhower, the French, the millions turned over to the Soviets, Yugoslavs, and Serbs knowing the men were going to their deaths.

It's not like I'm giving you some new, crazy theory, the numbers and information are all there, you need only look. If you are still using kikeapedia as a remotely serious source for history (esp after seeing video above), you're either 16 or you are just not very smart.

I try to have some sympathy, since my first semester getting my M.A. at HArvard I was a smartass and very quickly learned how much I didn't know. And not only was in a disadvantage in that sense, I'd come from a calm, nice liberal arts college in the Berkshires to a hotbed of communism and fucking insanity.

I'm assuming you aren't yet 20, maybe 21 or 22 at most. If older, you should grow up very quickly. Especially when..you haven't read the books in question, yet you are trying to argue with someone who has. Just fucking bizarre.

Here is a quote from Truman's diaries on Jews. Everyone hates Jews, not important BUT for the fact he's hinting at in 1947 exactly what Patton was worried about 2 years early– give the Jews ANY power over anyone, and their cruelty would know no bounds:

"The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish," Truman wrote in July 1947, 10 months before the British mandate in Palestine expired and David Ben-Gurion declared Israel's independence.
"They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment."
He continued: "Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog."

(NB- how many Germans died after the war? Of all causes, whether sent to die from slave Labor in Russia, to be murdered by "tito" and the yugoslavs, or to die from hunger/disease/exposure in Eisenhower's camps? No one will over know. But a safe bet is ~ 12-15 million from all I've found. and, YES, these people were my racial kin a lot more than any fucking kike, so their deaths do bother me and the writers who saw and wrote of this at the time (such as hl mencken) have proved to have a much better reputation for honesty than Steven Shabbos Goy Ambrose.

*ONE FINAL TIME– Know enough to know what you don't know and to show gratitude to those trying to pass on information. This is an anonymous message board, there are no little stars or smiley faces. If someone takes the time to go through and list sources, and you look up "wikipedia," who do you think knows the topic more in-depth? Learn gratitude for those teaching you what you do not know, and even going so far as to direct you specifically where the find the info about Eisenhower's Death Camps, Germanics in the Baltics states and what happened to them, the death marches to Yugoslavia and Serbia, etc…

No one gets "le reddit gold here." and if you stay here for 3 tears, maybe you'll find 2 other people here who know a topic as well as I know this (any topic) to where I can cite from memory. The end.

You appear to be the only person in the world who knows he was force fed. Which might be why you didn't give a source.

There are a dozen historians quoted at that link. Real ones I have actually read before ever hearing about this conspiracy theory.
"Other Losses cited Colonel Phillip S. Lauben as the source for the claim that the "other losses" weekly report column covered up deaths. The New Orleans panel noted that Lauben himself twice has since repudiated this"
Then there is the fact at least one of your author's eye witnesses disagrees with how his words were used.


You can't even type properly. Your sentences are garbled and go off on strange tangents. I suspect you have some form of schizophrenia.

Germans fucked with the Slavs, the Slavs fucked with the Germans. Doesn't bother me, Germans aren't even white.
"And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth."-Ben Franklin
Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.





Tits or GTFO


Oh yes… what are the odds indeed newfag.

holy shit go back to reddit, you double nigger.


I don't understand what a royal family intermarrying and killing each other and themselves off has to do with tribal cultures.

That sounds more like a reward.
I know that people were brutal. What I can't tell is how 'tribal' fits into this. There are many scandanavian stories of stealing brides, murder, paying weregild, etc. that have nothing to do with tribes, other than the people paying were often helped by some sort of authority figure for their people

Thanks, user. Saved.

Deserved it.

Don't worry, I don't hate them. In fact, I completely respect their choice to have a horrible death.

TPB doesn't have a paywall.

Useful idiot.

This wasn't her, she was part of pro diversity groups on fb but didn't do the video.
Just look up Elin Krantz, she looks much better than the cow getting it.

Not at all uncommon for the highest levels of the aristrocracy, with the Habsburgs being the best known Christian example.

You mean first cousins, just to be clear.

Here is the actual quote:

IOW, not common except in two locations, where it was 10% or less. Unfortunate as it leads to the risk of inbreeding, but so what? That is the best you have? You came into this discussion with the position that the Christian cult saved the Occident from tribalism due to cousin marriage, but you avoided the obvious example of pre-Christian Rome being neither tribalistic nor inbred, however you define either.

Btw, not to mention the fact that much inbreeding is a product of geographical circumstance in societies where travel and exposure to new people was extremely limited. The Muslim proclivity for inbreeding is that their Abrahamic religion fosters it because Muhammad himself married his first cousin.



cucks like that father should be beat.


To whom it may concern: pic related

Father asks to donate money to migrants insted of buying her flowers


he is a christ cuck what do you expect??
he probably thinks this was a test by (((God))) to see if he is faithful
(((Christians))) need to be gassed for real


What kind of putrid shit would do that? He doesn't even show any kind of remorse that his daughter war brutally murdered, instead he's laughing and helping the people who killed her.

What the fuck am I even looking at because it's not a human being.

Read the rest of the thread, it's a kike. No surprise there.

Holy shit, I just had an epiphany about why the father didn't care.
It's not his daughter! He's a cuckold!

what a faggot

No. Parallel cousin marriage DOES NOT mean the same thing as marrying a first cousin.
"In this situation the children of two same sex siblings marry"
That article only mentions marrying your father's brother's daughter (FBD) or your mother's sister's daughter (MSD). Not your father's sister's daughter (FSD) not your mother's brother's daughter (MBD). If you always marry the children of your parent's sibling who is of the same sex (FBD, MSD) your family tree does not fork. If you marry different sex's of your parents siblings your tree is less inbred but you can still marry first cousins this way. That is in addition to dealing with second cousins.
Your article only talks about one very restrictive form of cousin marriage, which was still shockingly high in certain areas. Spain was a massive territory encompassing up to 4 provinces.

The Koran actually states that Allah told Muhammad he could sleep with all of his cousins. His wives, his slaves, his cousins and any woman who consented. Implying he could freely force his cousins into sex regardless of their situation the same as his wives and slaves.

Sura 33:50
O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her, [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers. We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and those their right hands possess, [but this is for you] in order that there will be upon you no discomfort. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.

someone please do this.

“Doctor” is his academic title. He is a lawyer, as was his father. They are probably quite rich.

I was correcting you when you wrote this:

Your mother's sibling's children would be first cousins, not second cousins. From your explanation, I think your sentence was simply poorly worded, and there is obviously no question that you don't know this. This is an image board, and obviously we are talking off the cuff, not writing for a journal or anything.

And why would they focus on something so narrow instead of looking at all forms of incest? Your statement implies that other forms of incest or equal or lesser severity were similarly high, but we have no knowledge of what their traditions were. Parallel cousin marriage is very common in many Islamic nations, but to the best of my knowledge cross cousin marriage is not.

Thanks for the info on them mate. Been wanting to get redpilled on masons.

was this an attempt at a joke?

Fuck you! you Holla Forums nigger degenerate, spoiler your fucking gore pics!

If someone can be foolished for this low shit, is not worth to save.

Seems like almost everyone in this thread is retarded. There are three very smart and interesting posters, however they are just calling each other stupid now.

Pointless English discussion.
You are misreading. 'Or' is not being used a slash mark. I am not using or as a term to indicate an alternate answer choice. 'Or' is used to indicate one OR the other. Example: this or that. You can serve tea hot or cold. Not "cold is another way of saying hot".
Yes, parallel cousin marriage can mean mother's sister's children. In real world observation it usually means father's brother's offspring. I incorrectly eliminated mother's sister's children as a form of parallel-cousin marriage. That was a worthwhile correction to my comment, but you are still confusing it for all first cousin marriage.
You can marry your first cousin and have it not count as a 'parallel-cousin marriage'. So there are first cousin marriages that they are not counting. And yes, this distinction matters because those forms have been historically more popular in Europe.

I think you've confused yourself again. Those historians are only speaking about 'parallel-cousin marriage', a restrictive form of first cousin marriage. They provide no comment on the other forms of first cousin marriage. And yes, in Europe those forms have always been more popular than FBD marriage. This is without even dealing with issues of second cousin marriage.
Marrying a cousin is not incest. It's only in recent history that some would think of it as such.

Fuck you I'm going to Yale.

No, you're the one who is dishonestly implying that because they only talk about this one form of particular form of incest, we can assume that other forms of incest were practiced. Otherwise, there would be no point in you making this distinction between types of first cousin marriage, as the risks are on balance the same no matter whether it parallel cousin or cross cousin.

Sexual relations between individuals within proscribed levels of consanguinity is incest.

So show some stats, christcuck. I already gave ones that showed the highest rate of parallel cousin marriages in the Roman Empire were under 10%.


You should google "parallel-cousin marriage", then realize you're a retard who can't understand the terms you use. Might not help since you were too stupid to understand when I walked you through it twice.

In academic papers if they only use a specific term, then yes they are only talking about that specific term.

This shifted within the last 100 years in Western cultures. Same as feminism and racism. It's not based on evolutionary reality.

lol @ this meltdown

Good. Let these "Refugees Welcome" scum and their children be raped and murdered.

The most atheistic countries are the ones drowning in the most multiculturalism. Western Civilization was incubated in Christianity, you heathens will burn unless you come to your senses.

Yet another thread which turns into Christian bashing. It's always you faggots who throw the first stone.

Actual fucking r-type rodents are better parents to their broods than leftists. How fucked up is that?

Story just got a lot better. Talk about Karma (will post link n' sheet, let me start up my computer)

"Medical student Maria Ladenburger, who volunteered at a refugee home in her spare time, was found dead in the university city of Freiburg, near the border with Switzerland in mid October.

Her father is Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as rthe right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission.

This little Jewess was literally the spawn of one of the Satans trying to wreck Europe. Oh, and she might not have been his only one. The police only put extra effort into it since he was a mr. big balls in the Eu. Who is the other girl he killed? Her father wasn't important enough for the Jews to tell us:

"The 19-year-old student had been at a party. By 2.37am, she left the party. Maria then cycled home, as usual.
'The young woman had been the victim of a sexual offence and a violent crime.'
On October 26 Mr Ladenburger and his wife Frederika placed a memorial notice for Maria in the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.
It read: "Maria was for 19 years a singular ray of sunshine for our family, and that she will remain.
"We thank God for this gift, that he made you with us. We are sure that she is safe with him."
A funeral requiem was held for Maria on October in Notre Dame des Graces Church in Brussels.
On December 6 this year Maria would have been 20.
Police are now trying to establish if he may also be responsible for the death of another girl in the area."



You're right, she does look jewy in the colour photo.

They perform only fruitless perversions, you can't cut corners and be sodomized into gnosis, there is no fruit of bodily immortality to seize, and universal law renders their dreams of controlling the material universe self-defeating. Just deluded LARPers doing as they wilt and only further enmeshing themselves and their foul spirits deeper into perdition.

the fucking irony never ceases to amaze me with these cucks

Lol, Lautenberg is a well known jewish name here in Germany. This is poetic justice friends, enjoy it. A kikess was killed by her pet shitskins. Glorious.

Well know in the US too as a jew name. Frank Lautenberg was the Jew who opened the Us to any Jew ganagster from the USSR who wanted to come since they were being "persecuted"(!!!). Jews launched communism, Jewish from top to bottom, and then they demanded (and got) a free pass out and to the US for "persecution!!!"

think it would be a bad thing to send her father an email telling him not to worry, she died happy, since statistics show over 50% of girl orgasm during rape (and that's self-reported, so it's more like 80%).

Usually don't go in for leftist, jewish sadism like that but how many White girl has this scum caused t be raped and murdered through his direct actions?

You keep telling me I don't understand your simplistic point, but you haven't answered any of my requests, so at this point I'm calling you out for stonewalling. Show me stats on cross cousin marriages or other forms of incestuous unions to demonstrate that the total numbers of incestuous unions were higher or significantly higher than the 10% which was mentioned as an upper limit on the one form of it.

You are aware that in traditional societies with strong gender roles, it wasn't mix and match, right?

In which case, you can't make assumptions about the presence of other forms of incest. Which is what you have been doing.

Doesn't matter, I specifically used proscribed as an open term to apply to any particular culture. What is incest in one culture might not be in another. You are the one claiming that incest is something else, and doesn't apply to sexual relations with cousins historically (!).

Nice try, Christcucks. Her and her cucked father were one of yours.

Everyone, notice what they are doing here. This is a classic example of cucktianity, but they are trying to paint her as a Jewess so that their shitty cult won't get knocked for the gazillionth time as the disgusting religion it is.

Christianity gave you your entire culture you fucking moron!


Fairly sure she was christian…

user that is a Jewess

Well why the fuck would the people in the metro cart have put their lives at risk trying to save a Jew?

No, Shlomo, the kike religion destroyed it. It destroyed our pagan European heritage, just as your kike religion is doing so too.

I will bet you my life one or both of her parents is a Jew. In the second picture where she is laughing, he facial structure looks sort of like natalie portman after being hit in the face with a bat. I'll put up any amount of money one of her parents is a Jew. When you grow up around them, you can spot the features as clear as others can spot a nigger. She's a jew, look at her face when she's "laughing" and compare to other jewesses. It's unmistakeable.

No one in fucking Europe practices a religion anyway, but she sure as the day is black has jew genes. That the photo of her laughing and put it next to pictures of natalie portman. Look at the size of her bottom lip.

People make fun of "evalion," but the guy who wrote "how to spot a Jew" for her knew what he was talking about. He face is like a cross between bette midler, chelsea handler, and natalie portman.

It's not something you can teach the way..I can tell you exactly how to tell an afrikaner, Aussie, NZ, Canadian, Brit, and White Kenyan accent apart but I can tell you as soon as I hear any one of them just from being around them.

Grow up around Jews, their faces are like that. She has a Jew face, one or possibly both her parents are Jews. A Requiem at the Belgium cathedral doesn't mean anything, just that it was probably had the most cache among eurocrats for a funeral, and since he was a big shot he could get it booked.

They are just making shit up, saying Ladenburger is a Jewish name, then confusing it with Lautenberg.

They were Christians, end of story.

While looking it up, I found another Cathoic Ladenburger.


grew up with ladenburgers, catholics. subject of thread doesn't look jewish, can't see father well enough to tell.

good riddance

So? He provides a useful service and relevant domains.

Use a VPN condom if you're worried.

There is a God

Wew lad, enjoy being cucked.

Another thread derailed by religious faggots shilling at each other endlessly. What a coincidence.

You've realized your entire argument rested on one sentence you misinterpreted and are frantically scrabbling to avoid acknowledging your mistake. You not only have no evidence for your claims, every shred of evidence contradicts your assertions.

The link you cited, if you had read it all. "According to Professor Robin Fox of Rutgers University, 80% of all marriages in history may have been between second cousins or closer."
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage#History

And that paper you keep quoting the 10% number from is here:
The actual number they have for parallel cousin marriage in Noricum is 20%. But 10% is close to the numbers for the other 4 areas they have, so go with that. The lowest bound is accepting the 10% number is true, doubling it to account for all first cousins (it would be more than doubled since those other forms were preferred), then doubling or tripling that number to grab all the second cousin marriages as well (there are more second cousins available than first cousins). So you're looking at a number of 40-60% for cousin marriages in the Roman Empire. Except in Noricum where the number would be something like 80-100%.
Now there are multiple flaws with their methodology in the paper. They don’t have family trees, they are going off of tombstone names. They compare names and if they don't see a match assume no relation. If they do see a match they think up ways to explain it away. They actually argue not to use the methodology they developed because it is basically garbage and the results they are getting are too high to maintain their thesis.

The relevance of this is doubtful anyway, since Parallel-Cousin marriages were viewed differently than other forms of first cousin marriage. This means cousin marriage is going to be substantially higher than the 40-60% the above paper would indicate.
hbdchick. wordpress.com/2015/03/14/pie-kinship-and-marriage/
hbdchick. wordpress.com/2011/06/29/more-on-inbreeding-in-germanic-tribes/

Squatting on the remains of the Roman Empire? The second Euro barbarians started occupying Roman clay they started converting to Christianity and acquiring civilization.

That story is a prime example of natural selection.

Another thread successfully derailed. 0.3 ₪ have been deposited in your accounts.

Let them all perish by the hand of their pets.

Why do mongoloids fall for that Holla Forums-freech d&c literally every single time and why do mods do nothing about it?

People have stupid opinions and love to argue with other peoples stupid opinions. Also, there's not much left of the original topic to search for or dig into.
and why do mods do nothing about it?
Because it's damn hard to draw the lines between on-topic, off-topic, derailing, trolling, shilling and shitposting, especially on a board that values free speech so highly. I actually prefer that they only delete or ban obvious trolling, d/c and shitposting because the gain in board quality when banning more is smaller than the value of some off-topic discussions.
We should seriously go back to calling each other a faggot and ignoring him after the debate has made two full circles without any new input, but the mods should only get active when the same guy tries to derail the thread the entire time. But usually it goes like this:
A posts a stupid opinion, B replies with his own moronic view while C calls both out on it, then D attacks B and C while E admits that a perhaps A has a pont and they both get shat on by B, C and F who are told to fuck off by A, G and H.
Thread successfully derailed, but who deserves deletion or a ban?

Because the average Holla Forumsack is much less smart or stoic than he believes himself to be.

it has fuck all to do with faith
and everything to do with leftism

A cucks punishment is living the cuck life.

this is actually true. Try it yourself, show a little bit patrotism and hate against bankster (jews) and make it clear that the mudslime women has a chance to get you.

You won't believe what will happen next.


This bitch promoted racemixing.
Got raped and murdered by feral nigger


Stop posting this fraud already, ffs.
The girl from the "blanda up" video is another one.

So the father sacrificed his daughter upon the alter of multiculturalism, and virtue signals before she's even cold redirecting donations like an offering. This is a death cult.

Freiburger here…

Girl was found in the river, behind the stadium, river runs along a busy dedicated bikeway that is busy even at night.

Exact same place one month before, a pair of 13 year old girls nearly got raped by a group of African refugees. Staduim security guard saved them. I saw it in the local newspaper, (sorry can't find it now).

It was also on a Friday or Saturday night. They work in groups and wait for drunk girls coming home from parties. This might not have been one perp.

does it really fucking matter?

It amazes me that you Christcucks attack "pagans" for supposedly LARPing then proceed to post crusaders and Templars and then act like this is what you are all about.

get fucked with this religion quarreling already
this board is about politics

Thread derailing 101: Post something about Christcucks/Pagan LARPing and watch other Holla Forumsacks turn any thread into a religion slapfight.

Seems like "somebody" doesn't like us talking about the original topic.

Nigger, those arent german numbers. And Felix is not even his first name

why are 2016 chirstcucks as dumb as 2013 atheists? the sheer tribalist knee jerk….
no one here is threatening your dogma, they are just telling the news how it is, why you need to mods to protect you from that?

on 2013 Holla Forums made the fedora meme because of how unrealistic and retarded average fedora was, but you kikes on a stick are completely out it.

Fuck off kike

I have been way ahead of you for the past 6 rounds or so.

They are not talking about just history, but pre-history, with hunter-gather bands. In any case, we are getting back to your inane comment that Christianity lifted the West from tribalism by banning cousin marriage which the pre-Christians had no idea was problematic, so let's focus on that rather than discuss events from 6000 years ago.

Nope, wrong. You are just looking at the table for nomen, not the instance of parallel cousin marriage.

IOW, only Noricum has something that might be a little above 10%, but even that is uncertain, only that there were a greater variation in names, hence it was more likely to be indicative of parallel-cousin marriage.

Let me quote this again for you:

By contrast, you compared pre-Christian Europeans to Muslims in terms of the prevalence of incest, which is an inappropriate comparison as you later acknowledged, given that Islam itself gives positive examples of incest within its religion.

I'm sure you'll continue to predictably stonewall by repeating for the umpteenth time that I don't know the difference between first cousin marriage and parallel cousin marriage, a type of first cousin marriage. Keep doing it, it just makes you look more foolish.

I guess she got what she wanted.

Two more comments. One is from my quote earlier:

This is really significant. The church does not appear to be doing this because it was good, but because it was profitable to the Church. They increased the degree of what was considered consanguinity to inhumane amounts of the 7th degree in the Middle Ages, given that most people lived in small communities. No scientist on earth would support this as something good. This is simply cruelty, by the church, for profit.

Now, secondly, a quote from hbdchick from one of your links.

Do you see the problem with this statement? It should take about 5 seconds of reflection to observe her mistaken assumption.

Correlation is not causation. Smaller tribal societies are more likely to inbreed and create traditions of inbreeding because there are fewer members as part of the in-group. Duh!

Her assumption may not be wrong, that societies with a higher degree of inbreeding are more likely to be tribalistic I think she is probably right but it is not demonstrated within a historical context. All we have is evidence of correlation.

There are probably other explanations as well.

the guy is probably free again?
and swede anons know?

good riddance

delusional liberal elite

She absolutely looks Jewish.

Yes, it does. Get your shit straight and stop spreading lies like a fucking Jew.

Nomen is how they are counting Parallel-Cousin marriage. I agree their methodology is shit but that is what their paper is based on. Something you should have thought of before quoting them, smart guy. If you disagree with this methodology, that's fine you're just giving up the only evidence you have.

You forgot Spain. You are misquoting the very quote you first provided. The actual quote from the article (not wikipedia) says "does not rise much ABOVE 10%".

I am aware that the authors misrepresented what their data shows. Being contrarian helped them get published. The downside is when people read their statements and are unable to apply critical thinking based on the data provided.

Keep in mind this is all the lower bound since parallel-cousin marriage was likely less preferred than the other forms of cousin marriage.

It is obvious to everyone you didn't. Just as they see you trying to pretend otherwise right now.

You seem to have a very fluid idea of what is incest and what is inhumane.

This is actually talking about the differences in society caused by marrying your mother's brother's daughter vs parallel-cousin marriage. You are either off on an unrelated tangent or you don't understand the argument.

you're doing the Jews' work for them, whether you know it or not. No one would deny, the Church needs a major Reformation. It's happened several times before. The odds of that becoming a unifying and saving force are better than paganism.

Trump's victory and Brexit have proven that the stranglehold of the Jewish media is over. Look what the jewish press did to the Catholic Church with the pedo shit, using it to totally discredit it and make sure the one potential unifying force against them could never again be used that way. Meanwhile, they cover for Orthodox Jew pedos, drug dealers, money launders, White slavers, you name it.

count the number of movies used to attack the church the Catholic Church and any legitimacy it had. the judenpresse keeps harping for a nigger pope, and they should be careful what they wish for. Depending on the nigger, they might just get one not afraid to name the Jew and who would even even speak out against them.

Their method overstates the number of parallel cousin marriages, and they attempt to correct this. Their methodology is not shit, they are doing the best they can with very limited data, and it is informative.

I'm pointing out that you didn't even understand what they were doing when you said 20%.

I'm guessing you still misunderstand. What they are saying is that the number of cases where there is a real likelihood of parallel cousin marriage does not rise much above 10%, not the actual number of cases. We don't know the actual number of cases, only that it is equal to or less than that, and possibly much less.

You have presented absolutely nothing to support this assertion for the places and time periods under consideration.

You don't seem to know what the definition of incest is. What constitutes incest culturally and legally varies considerably by society.

I know Christcucks have a strange moral compass, but please tell me if you consider this humane.


I pointed out that the problem with her statement was confusing correlation with causation. I even stated that in Red Text. I don't know how to make it any easier for you.

[Citation Needed]

lol die

So even in the early days they were promoting miscegenation and extorting money? Learn something new every day on Holla Forums

I guess the classic
will start up shortly

Real women/ladies tend not to get raped by mudshits on a daily basis. Know why that is? They don't hang out around mudshits all day.

This is karma. Punishment for betraying your own kin.

Goon would be more appropriate.

The Catholic Church commits idolatry but that doesn't stop you from touting it as 'The One Christian Faith'.

Take your daddy issues to >>>/fedora/

You seem to hate whites, which puts you at the Left.

Perhaps this shithole is more to your liking: >>>Holla Forums

But could Jews have just stolen some ethnic German last names? Imagine if you killed a German you had thought was a Jew

Suppose this might do more good than sending pizza to their house.

Either way, it's a sad story.

look up random ladenburgers on twitter, they are predominantly jewish looking and almost all shill against trump.
ladenburg was a jewish clan from mannheim and even goebbels complained about them in his diaries.

Yeah, but they still believe in it. And that's what matters to them. Religious fanatics.

cucks gonna get cucked

well written.

or you could've written

welcome to Sicily mother fuckers


They provide NO proof of this. They just say it. They also admit that gens names do not always match up parallel cousin relationships. Not they can provide a number for this.

No they don't, they just say "lol ignore us! These results contradict our thesis so ignore them for no reason we can prove but plenty we can think up. Oh, Spain and Noricum disprove those theoretical reasons. Shit. Maybe aliens forced them to change their names? lol I don't know guize." Yet some retard believed them.

What, holding them to their own methodology and refusing to let them ignore it at their convenience? Yes, that is exactly what I am doing with you.

Wikipedia misquoted the paper, if you could read properly you would know that. "did not rise above 10%" is not the same as "much above 10%". I am being too harsh, maybe math is your failure and not English.

So 'real likelihood' means 'unlikely' to you. I've only ever seen progressives make that kind of argument. And just like progressives, this is happening in the very source you provided. It's always fun to marvel at this stupidity. You can't even understand the very evidence you try to use.

Except the family trees of multiple recorded historical figures in Rome. Which also under counts since we do not always have complete records from females marrying into the family.
Except linguistic analysis of the Germanic tribes and how those terms shifted over time in response to marital controls.
Except from similar analysis of other European groups at the site provided earlier.
Except for analysis of other concurrent major civilizations in the world which you can find with a bit of research.

You've made your own inconsistent definition that includes cousins, except when you want to call it inhumane. Then fucking your cousins is okay and not incest.

It is demonstrated, you're just a fuckwit. After trashing your own sources, you have zero evidence for any of your beliefs.
Do you honestly lack the intelligence to understand how different cousin marriage systems could affect society? They explicitly spell it out on those sites. That lack of intellect is impressive but it does explain why you are still arguing. Your brain can not comprehend these issues, so any debate on the topic leaves you bewildered. You just repeat "Wikipedia said!".

Any fucking history book. Tribes conquered Roman territory, incorporated the old Roman subjects into their kingdoms, converted, then conquered their old homelands. Franks being the main empire that led to more German sub branches. You can worship a bunch of dumbasses in huts if you want, but their civilization was primitive compared to the Christian areas. And Christianized barbarians smashed them.

Raise crows and they will poke your eyes out. (Spanish proverb)

oh boy you don't want to know more of this. me neither

Nor could they provide a proof, because this is not a mathematical theorem. What they do is talk about how certain names are common and do not demonstrate consanguinity.

Except that they don't.

You're just ranting at this point.

What, buried away in links that you decided to break?

Oh, man. This is nuts. I actually wrote "What constitutes incest culturally and legally varies considerably by society." I'm not using a static definition of what would constitute incest, dumbass.

You are still off on a tangent when I explained the problem I had with that quote.

You have no counter arguments, you're just repeating things already thoroughly disproven. When caught bullshitting about your own sources and terms, you just say "I did not". When given evidence you say "I can't understand it".
You can't answer a single argument that's been put forth. The only reason I continued thus far was to show anyone reading how thoroughly ahistorical your argument is. That this also illuminates your own tedious idiocy is just an added bonus.


You came charging into this thread claiming that the Catholic Church saved the Occident from tribalism, because it banned incest. This is completely bypassing the fact that many forms of familial relationships have been banned for centuries prior to the arrival of Christianity. Whether or not you would need even further bans would depend upon whether or not any of it is particularly common.

You kept going over the same ground again and again, so there were things we couldn't get to, like Affinity. Are you aware that the Catholic Church would ban relationships as incestuous when they weren't even based on blood? If your brother married a woman, that woman's family would then be treated as your own blood kin, with the same laws and restrictions. Do you recognize how senselessly malicious this is and how hard it would be for people in small communities to find eligible marriage partners? Oh wait, no you probably don't.


People like you and HBDchick will defend Cucktianity no matter how extensive its crimes.

Jews spreading race mixing reaping what they sow. The only thing that makes me sad about this is the German people not stringing this sandnigger up and hanging him by the fucking boarder.


More cucktianity in action:

>Next is the blog of his other daughter, Barbara Ladenburger, who is currently on a Catholic mission in Latin America. It doesn’t appear that she went home for the funeral (which was in Brussels), nor does she even mention Maria in her posts after her rape and murder: blogs.strassenkinder.de/baerbelinbolivia/author/barbaral/



This whole thread was sick, how they attempted to paint the girl as Jewish instead of taking responsibility for her whole family being devout Christians. It was a new low even for Holla Forums christcucks.

Here is Maria's sister on her Catholic mission in Bolivia.

I'd say you are correct. Fathers like this should be convicted of child abuse and sent to the gulag.

Get off the internet and stay go.



Why live -_-

Really makes me want to apply for asylum status is cuckmany

You want shit genes for your children?
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit."

Because it banned cousin marriage you brain dead retard.
Except cousin marriage, you brain dead retard.
Which every source supports, even the one you provide, you brain dead retard.

No one cares that you want to fuck your in-laws.

. , I . I

Just because her parents are in the same sick cult that you're in doesn't mean her genes are bad.

damn you can't read full sentences can you kek


Genes help determine attitudes, intelligence and behaviors. These parents and their children act the same. Their genes were meant to die out. This is evolution.
You seem to have a hard on for dead mediocre white girls and white girls married to rich white celebrities.

It's a time delay sort of like smoking.
Like all degeneracies the damage they do is long lasting but takes time to build to a point. Their genes weren't strong enough to overcome the landscape they live in, so their genetic material will be destroyed.

With miscegenation it only takes one generation. A sad but fact of nature. Why we fight.

this pic rustled my jimmies but

this is just pathetic

The oven is thataway Chaim.

I see what you are saying but she is still a beautiful white angel somewhere in that (((subverted))) mind of hers, she did not deserve to be raped and murdered

It kind of sounds like she brought the afghan kid home with her. how did he mysteriously track her down and follow her?

It's obvious what happened. She was volunteering at the refugee center he was staying at so she probably knew him. When the sandnig was getting his fiki fiki on in the park he realized that the chick he raped this time would be able to identify him and possibly have him deported so he killed her.

I don't believe in ghosts or an afterlife, but I hope that this girl comes back and haunts her dad until he goes insane and blows his brains out. Jesus fucking Christ.

I assume that it's been posted in this thread already, but this reminds me of that South African (I think it was SA at least) story that's famous around Holla Forums where the girl was killed and her parents forgave the killers and were basically like "Ids okay, ids dey culcha :DDDD" even after the nutjobs murdered their fucking kid.

You're no better than allied soldiers sacking germany. Stop fighting your brothers.

The siege of Knin or Senj also come to mind as almost impossible victories

Only utter retards think the Dark Ages were truly "dark" and caused by Christianity, instead of the total and complete collapse of the previous western society.

The church was a repository and keeper of knowledge in those dark times and a place of education. Most inovators of the time were educated in the church or priests. Without Christianity, the dark ages would have been far darker.

no, you sub-subhuman. Those people are grade A reatards, and they would be reagardless of religion or lack thereoff.
There is no shortage of crazy people on the planet.

This level of apathy shouldn't even be possible. These cucks need to be bred out of existence tbqh, if you're that guilty of being white then just off yourself.

Are there any German speakers here who can shed new light on the ladenburger case? I am interested because this could be a very useful story for us

this proves that cuckoldry is a problem that solves itself.

redpilled females will take care and won't get near refugees.

a-are those children theirs or are they just virtue signaling?

Some of you people are fucking idiots, calling this dumbass girl a kike based on no evidence whatsoever and mountains of evidence showing her as a typical brainwashed German. You think a jewish family in Germany would raise their daughter to risk her life dating sand niggers in the name of equality?

Those parents need to be strung up for being traitors to their daughter and country.

Well she does look sort of Jewish to me, and her last name is (((ladenburger)))

I find it incredibly sad either way, she did not deserve to be raped and drowned by a sandnnig

Because the Roman Empire wasn't pagan.
Somehow every European culture was polytheistic until the semitic religions took over.
And let's be honest now, with the memetic fallout from current year +1 it is very clear that we've awoken a deity long forgotten, which heavily implies that Yahwee is not the "godliest god of godliest godses and if you believe otherwise it's Ding dong Hellu", but rather a jealous deity who wanted all of the cake for himself.
The time where you could just dismiss the existence of other deities as heresy are over, at least one of them has awoken and has, with our help, started the fire.

German media today: The murderer (Hussein Khavari) resided in 2013 as refugee on Kreta. In May 2013 he assaulted a 20 years old female student and threw her of a cliff coast. She survived heavily injured. He was later sentenced to 10 years in prison. It is not known why or how he got out so fast. 2015 he arrived in germany where he lived in a foster family (he said he was 17 (lol)). EUROPE YES!

How progressive and tolerant of you europeeins! When will it be my turn to have a go at one of your daughters?

How does that work? Is it customary in Europe that convicted attempted murderers are allowed to hop from country to country getting asylum status. Boy those EU laws sure are quirky


Meanwhile in germany…

Fuck! Forgot link



Germany needs to be freed from this jewish stranglehold as soon as possible.

Well she said she can't completely wipe away the murder, after all she herself was a victim of rape and murder. Oh wait no just some rapefugee beta orbiter asked her for her number, but this is clearly how maria l felt when she was being raped and drowned. Stupid bitch goes on to say not all muslims. She should have been the one to get raped and murdered

Nobody cares.

What said is correct. Whatever else you say about Jews, they have far greater instincts for self-preservation and payback than your typical Christcuck or liberal white. If she were Jewish, every bit of fucking evidence that faggots like you ignored notwithstanding we would have been far more likely to see articles like

than what we did see.

You also see the shitty signaling that feminists like her use, where she can't wait to tell everyone that a man wanted her, hence she is some object of adoration. Part of the reason she looks so inappropriately gleeful during the monologue is probably because she knew that she would tell this story.

This is behind so much feminist ranting and raving about rape culture and men acting inappropriately. It is most obvious when really ugly women do it, but even more attractive women with poor self-image play this game.

goes not grows.

Her sister on a Catholic mission in Bolivia has updated her blog. Still no mention of Maria or what happened to her. Just her day to day stuff in gushing terms. Here is an English translation.


She could have been an ethnic jew, but a practicing catholic convert. It makes little difference to me because catholic zionists are very real.

Thanks for the English translation. I've tried reaching out to Marias friends on fb and none of them answer. This whole story is very wierd

They're volunteers at an orphanage

This is a good divide and conquer attempt. Try again Jew.

There is absolutely nothing to support them being Jewish converts, nor would it make much sense for her father Clemens who is a lawyer for the EU.

It is all either Christcuck faggotry or random trolling.

It's all just speculation


Yeah, no. He's a Christian doing what Christians have always done: accepting martyrdom, turning the other cheek, ignoring family, and welcoming the stranger.

Bildung doesn't mean building as in construction, but it means education.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>[email protected]/* */

This thread is so racist.

It would be if we were a race.

I'm not an adept jew picker, they lived in their euro ghettos for 2000+ years & many no longer resemble people escaping Egypt ages ago.

Her entire family should be sent to better the lands they deem worthy of leaving.

Fuck all of them.

Is he on a watch list at least? This is so stupid, this "moral kindness" is not working. Can we get back to caring about our homelands like EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET

You are joking, right?

You're confusing person responsibility with public policy. Christians can choose to be good to their enemies and strangers, but not at the expense of their Neighbor nor should they enforce it over all via government policy which may in turn hurt more of their Neighbors.

As for your selected quotes, Romans 12:

A personal exhortation. Everything Paul says is true but this does not mean the man who commits evil should not be placed in prison or expelled from society to protect your Neighbor. You can still visit the evil ones in Prison and attempt to convert them and save their soul.

Matthew 10:

God above family is a good plan. If your family is evil then it is time to reject your family. Moreover this quote was also a prophecy; Jesus did indeed split apart Jewish families as those who accepted Christ became divided against those who did not.

The ones who rejected Christ descended into the current Talmudic Jews who are destroying Western Civ. Looks like Christ was correct; people who reject God turn into awful human beings.

Matthew 19:

Same as above. It is better to be loyal to God than your family. That said if your family is loyal to God then your family is holy and must be treated with reverence.

Yet your christian brothers are the number 1 best allies of the jews, the evangelical chistcucks being the worst.
Pic related, for example is the biggest evangelical figure in my poor excuse for a country.
Recently he made a huge Solomon like temple and he dresses himself like a jew and utilizes jewish symbolism.

False prophet. Christianity is the original anti-Talmudism.

It really sucks how badly Christianity has been perverted today.

For example, this guy is a Church father:


How many people even know who Chrysostom is? Everything you guys have learned on this board about Talmudic Jews was taught to the public, for free, 1700 years ago.

you got some real nutjobs over there
Even benis snipping….. Why?