Fat commie thinks South Koreans should defect to the North


Is this obese piece of shit serious? Perhaps he should be the first to set an example and move his fat ass there.

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He does the Zangief.


North Korea is a totalitarian shithole.

Both Koreas suck, gooks should be invaded and annihilated by japan



Fuck off kike.

Which is sad because Koreans are allegedly the descendants of Mongol warriors or Japanese rape babies.

South Koreans are fags while North Koreans are brainwashed commies.

It used to be, in the 90s when communism was at its peak. It's coming out of that, though. When the capitalist-black markets emerged as a natural response, the communist government had no choice but to concede and allow markets. The country's still going to take time to get fully back on track after the shit they went through, but they're doing better now.

Unfortunately, the globalists and kikes don't want to let NK build itself up and are working hard to keep NK poor and broken.

Calling it Best Korea doesn't imply that it is good, only that it is superior to Worse Korea.

Do you think Bitcoin could save North Korea by creating subversive black markets?


how is the weather in seoul, park?

Why not have trump work with the Chinese to eliminate the Kim Regime peacefully?

We could offer the NK military pardon and just hang the Kim family.

The Koreans would be allowed to reunite,and China could just occupy NK as a buffer.

Yes that was the implication. You're so observant user.

Rumor is, Jason Unruhe is addicted to refined sugars and Burger King which explains his weight problem. He also lives in his mom's basement which would explain why his mom answered the phone when halfchan called his house.

Apparently, he tried to defect to North Korea a few years ago after he was arrested for fighting his landlord. Best Korea wouldn't take him because he was too fat and not useful for them.

pick one


is this guy getting mad stacks from the Chinese government? WHO THE FUCK IS STILL A MAOIST ?!!?!

They follow Juche which is a communist-fascist hybrid similar to (((Labor Zionism))) or Fourth Political Theory.

Jason Unruhe is a known youtube autist like Ahuviya or CWC.

He also makes videos claiming the North Korean defectors are all CIA-paid actors.

Trump will never work with China. He knows what sneaky bastards they are.

And why should we care about some random communist faggot?

He's good to point and laugh at.

WWII was 70 years ago, "muh based nips" is a meme. If you're not White, you're wrong.

North Korea = Best Korea

Japan has become heavily feminized. I fear there is no going back for them. They're already refusing to breed so in 50 years there could be no more Japan.

Nice try, shlomo.

Aren't they? Japs might be deferential bee people but at least they aren't 100% crooked like chinks and jugheads are.

Well to be fair it's not about total population, it's about demographics. Some nips are still having babies so even if most of them aren't breeding and their population drops like a rock, as long as they aren't accepting racially foreign immigrants en masse then there is no threat to the extinction of their population. The low birthrates in the west are only really a serious problem because there are also millions of subhuman savages that breed like rodents cohabitating with the sinking White population, causing a dangerous shift in racial demographic percentages.

It's only a matter of time before (((they))) demand Japan open its borders.

Best Korea > worst korea that is run by jewish cabal that destroyed korean culture

I will admit, North Korea does have a lot of fascist elements. It's too bad they're a commie shithole.

So, not Communism then?

Democracy destroys nations. There can be no exceptions.

Marc Blecher is a Maoist, user.

I agree.

I don't even.

Unruhe also thinks North Korea is a democracy LOL.

This is an oxymoron is it not? I'm under the impression that a communist would not be permitted to each in such vast amounts.


Nice b8, south korea is a feminist shithole controlled by an 8 woman billionaire cult. You really think thats so much better than the Norks?

Unruhe has an addiction to refined sugars and Burger King. According to one of his closest friends, he drinks a litre of Coke a day because his body constantly craves sugars and fatty foods.

North Korea is still a commie shithole.

Webm that shit

Dude, that shit is just a meme. North Korea is a horrible fucking country.

How do I webm?


clearly the guy is a fucking idiot, why do you even bother giving him your views plus added shekeru?

hes right tho tbh fam-kun
do you know how many south koreans kil themselves each year

lol die


Not enough.

Roast in hell.


Gas yourself.

North Korea > South Korea

deal with it, jews/plastic faced hipster jews

Juche = Marxism-Leninism + fascism + imperial Japanese racialist ideology + Confucianism

It's really that simple.

OP is a retarded SJW pretending to be otherwise, the nose shows kike.

SK shouldn't even exist and is a prime example of the end result of jewish subversion in Asia, a population of emasculated cucks and feminists following a severe and strange form of Christianity without any hint of nationalism or individuality left.

North Korea is still a commie shithole

South Korea is degenerate as fuck HOWEVER North Korea is still shit.

Just like the West, since you don’t seem to comprehend when the 19th century was.
What’s wrong with giving shit to the chinks?
Not sure what point you’re making.
We’re currently losing the war against kikes and non-whites, dipshit. What the hell point are you even attempting to make here?
Do you just know nothing about WWII? I bet you think the attack on Pearl Harbor was unjustified.

Juche = völkischer Nationalsozialismus

anyone claiming otherwise is a fucking kike or a plastic face who thinks his shithole country invented asian pop music

North Korea is absolute shit from the perspective of a white mentality.

But you have to understand that gooks are not white and they preform best under authoritarian regimes. Asians generally do best when they have a supreme leader/emperor that they can be led by and worship, it's just in their DNA or something man.

Juche = Zionism for gooks

Deutsche, wehrt euch!

Kauft nur deutsche Bananen!

So many lefty/pol/ neckbeards ITT

The same kind of autists who think Castro was a "nationalist" and stalin was "based". How do we deal with the "redpilled" commie sperg problem?

Look up Jason's ED profile. He is beyond autistic.

Yeah he is a brony too


he was a nationalist though?

Not really. He was internationalist scum and urged white Cubans to race-mix with blacks.

Gas yourself.


Israel condemns North Korea nuclear test, urges world to act

Comment: The North Korean threat to Israel

Anti-Israel North Korea Can Help Iran Around Nuclear-Deal Restrictions

So what? The Soviet Union was also hostile towards Israel. That doesn't make it any less (((Jewwy))).

It kind of did actually, there's a reason the kikes poisoned Sta;om on Purim. Read some fucking Yockey.

You're probably still assblasted about DUDE WEED LMAO not getting a wide theatrical release.

That's what I mean.

I say let him defect. He'd wind up in a forced labor camp within a month.

He'll die since there's no Burger Kings in Pyongyang.

fuck off pissskin-loving cuck.

Gee rabbi, using a VPN now?

Fucking lel.

non-whites are not our allies or friends, you stupid nigger. Quit sucking off the piss-skins

Why do you care so much about slit eyed rice niggers? There are large numbers of Japanese in White countries, especially USA, breeding with and profiting off of Whites. They don't care about you, they have no reason to. Why is anybody that suggests they are anything but "muh Honorary Aryans" automatically a Jew? Are you an anime nerd or something, or are you pulling our legs?

I will concede that Chinks

what non-whites do within their border are not our business you filthy yid



Are you a reasonable non-LARPer? or not?
You do realise that the only problem are niggers and shitskins.
Smileyfag pls go.

Go hop off a cliff, you stupid fuck
No they aren't. Niggers and shitskins are small-fry and non-threats compared to the far more intelligent asians. A nigger country has no ability to threaten white hegemony while an asian country might. Quit sucking off the yellow peril on the basis of:

Neither are commies.

you're right. Commies deserve the rope too.

Korea was a mistake in general.


All non-whites are mistakes.

If they were best Koreans they would just starve to death and wouldn't need to kill themselves.

Government is truly the solution to every problem.

I'd take blowing my brains out over starving any day.

North Korea is not communist, they are national socialists.
Why does the (((MSM))) lie to you about North Korea?
Because North Korea is one of the only three countries in the world without a (((Rothschild))) bank.

They are communist. A large part of Juche is Marxism-Leninism.

Libya was much better than North Korea. They had all the perks of fascism without a totalitarian regime.

Also, he tried to defect once but they wouldn't take him because he's too poor and fat.

Kikepedia even knows it.

By that logic, Stalin was a national socialist.

I know Stalin killed jews, but I've never heard he was all Blut und Boden or even about racial hygiene

That's my point: Stalin and North Korea are commie first, racialist second.

Did you even watch

They are all about racial homogeneity, How their leader is a racial savior. They believe their race has a connection to their land.

They are racialist but communism is their main source of ideology.


Great, they can finally become eventually become some kind of Western-ish country that will eventually be populated by happas.
Whether or not they are "brainwashed" his people do love him and there country, whether or not the ideology is (mostly) practical for them.

Why would you want to do that anyways?

I thank you for those links.

Is the movie you are refering to "The Interview"? If so, I say it was a disgusting movie. Seth Rogan is a disgusting man with a fever.

I dislike Cuba, but this sounds fishy. I bet the relationship between Trump and Putin is going to be one that will hurt the DPRK or China, replacing it with what the things we have. All with the suuport of mainstream left and right who now love each other.
A lot of things normal-fags believe about Best Korea are lies.

Yes but North Korea is still a fucking shithole.

The South Korean pepe market is about to explode.

Shadilay my homie.

Also Jason is now asking for gibsmedat in order to go to Best Korea.


He is a fucking retard.

based best korea

Are the rumors about them true? I read that they are keeping themselves afloat with counterfit USD bills and crystal meth production

Doesn't matter. Communism is Jewish.

Jason is correct about SJWs though.


Marxism is Jewish. Marx = Jew, Bolsheviks = Jews

thx captain obvious

South Korea is a hell hole and North Korea is literally national socialist. Of course they should move there if they aren't retarded (but South Koreans are retarded and degenerate subhumans unworthy of life).

This. Always remember, kikes play both sides and have many different methods. Kike communism destroys a country quickly through bloody ideological purges and brutal despotism. Kike capitalism destroys a country slowly through moral decay and hedonistic degeneration.

How the fuck did Korea remain homogenous despite being continouesly invaded by both the Japs and the Chinks?
IDC about either koreas but Best Korea sounds better in that it puts down degeneracy. The only problem I have is that it has to much pride to refuse labeling themselves as communists.
I really loved DPRK's twitter because its nothing but pure Kek. They praised Trump when he won the election but they also criticise Trump. I really don't know what to do, but if I had to choose I'd pick Best Korea. But I just dont know because they still push communism.



There's nothing based about North Korea. Norks were thoroughly fucked over by communism, and all that remains is a contained, neutralized nation whose function is to bark loudly but harmlessly on command in the world stage.

Is that really their twitter or is it some kind of elaborate parody?

Suck down that zog propaganda. Good goy.

IDK isnt it (at least on the world stage) that Russia and China etc are essentially considered the new 'axis' powers in terms of being potential potential enemys against the Jewed West? Since NK is a puppet state of mostly China and some Russia shouldnt it be reasonable to assume that to our politcal frame of mind NK is a potential ally?

No its dead serious. The people who run the twitter are from America.

Sure, that's because of communism, not because of the Jewish American cabal that works agaisnt any nation that won't follow their Jewish globalist religion. Good goyim.

That just makes it funnier.


It really does come across as a parody but it is known for being dead fucking serious. Scrollng through their twitter is just nonstop ride of pure Kek

how do we even know they're really making these threats? it could be propganda

North Korea isn't communist. It is national socialist

Call it whatever the hell you want, it's the same red commie revolution shit that fucked over mainland China.
A communist by any other name is just as red.

Not really, unless you think Stalin was an NS.

Too many Kek's, I'm about to die of laughter. The DPRK doesnt even need to be parodied to be fucking hilarious. Check out the twitter right now I swear to god its all 100% real. I wish I could say it is a parody but its not. I'm fucking crying. Look it up for yourselves if you dont believe me.


You’re a dipshit.

send me proof

Go the fuck back to watching talmudvision, you fucking idiot.

No proof well guess your the idiot :^)

Fake parody site.

shh stfu

And reported.


Also communism ALWAYS leads to the deaths of millions of goyim.

Nigger, South Korea is literally ran by witches and ruled by a feminist death cult.
They have the highest male suicide rate in the world and literal wage slavery.

North Korea is truly the best Korea, Kim is completely right.

He's almost right. Juche is complete nationalist supremacy, to the point that Hitler wouldn't even dare to dream. They are even dressing and looking the same on purpose, to make the whole nation look like siblings.

The only thing that's different is the ban on private ownership.

Communism is still a product of the Jew.

The norks still made the best of it.
What makes the communism horrible is that it spreads and subverts and destroys the tradition and the history in favor of new communist ones. Just like The Internationale goes - "We will obliterate the old world and build us a new one".
The norks on the other hand just want to be left alone and grow as a nation, race and culture.

If there is a commie I'd ally it'd be norks.

nah get fucked cunt

I'll agree with you, if you point out anything the commie gooks did wrong, except being somewhat commie.
They are the only country on earth, that keeps the Jew away - the internet jew, the media jew, the banking and the corporate jew. All of them.

They're a mafia government through and through, they export slave labor and are a holding ground for illegal shit from Asian governments. Everything about NK, from its very inception, has been a lie. The inner circle deals with Jews the same way that the Iranian government does, by making you think that it's all a locked up isolated country and not a blindspot for organized crime to thrive in.

Ill let you get back to whatever it is you were doing here, now

As opposed to which government? The Clinton-Soros one, the unelected EU parliament or the SoKo witch coven?

At least they export it, not import.

Have any sources for that?

And, to a large extent, he was!

kill yourself

He was an imperial fascist. 2 very different things.

So is the south one.

North Korea is right behind South Korea and China for the prized title of "Most Jewish County in Asia"

You can if you're a member of the party I guess.

Does anyone remember how the North Korean caste system worked?

If the Japanese had been successful at Pearl Harbor then they would've gone back and attacked the Soviets, they hated the Russians then, and to a degree they still do, but they had to look at it realistically. They couldn't attack the Russians until they had the resources they needed to fuel their war machine.

Jason believes he's a Sami shaman and the Sami were originally "red like the Native Americans".



Go be a shaman-witch' thrall somewhere else, gook.

Both Koreas are Jew-controlled.

D&C this hard


What the fuck is that on his head?
Is that a pile of shit? What is that?

I think the north is the better Korea. Not for the reasons he listed though. I could agree that South Korea was better during the 90's.

Why is it that self-proclaimed neo-communists always look like faggots?

Holy shit I'm dying.

Jason (((Unruhe))) is still denying North Korean death camps.


Wow guess I'm Vegan now