==Styx Names The Jew==

Where were you the day Holla Forums went mainstream?


Other urls found in this thread:


He was too late for the atheist party so he jump on the alt-right train when that became the edgy internet thing.

We know its you Styx. Might as well trip at this point. So I listened to it, where is the jew naming?

Get a haircut.

He frequently states that he's a civic nationalist, not alt-right.

And you should ditch the aviators, Styx. Another youtuber already has the I-have-long-hair-and-wear-aviators-indoors gimmick.


Go fuck yourself
Eceleb threads are cancer


Where the fuck are the mods for hard-ons like this? you have to pay to advertise. Get the fuck off. Report and sage.

Literally who?
Is this that satanist LARPing faggot that tried to shill for himself on here a while ago?

What time?

Fuck you Styx, you tricked me for the last time.

I like Styx even if he is a lolberg. He really needs to stop pretending there aren't racial differences though.


fug, forgot to sage

Keep shilling your shit on halfchan, luciferian faggot.

Most of your positions boil down to "I don't care" anyway. You offer nothing of value.
And drop the fucking sunglasses.


meh, he named Jewish banking before and he's still explicitly civic nationalist and egalitarian.

When your political commentary is coming from a gardening occultist from Vermont and is more accurate than MSM journalism, then you know your living in the greatest era of our time.

Razorfist doesn't count.

you just don't understand the ebin metal look

But he still is ok with jews, he is against "jewish imperialism". He need to take redpill and want to gas them all.



Wrong link LOSER

I like some of the guy's stuff I just wish he would realize he's not in high school anymore.

Unless you're a rebellious pre-teen or a fucking woman… get a haircut.

Cut your hair you degenerate faggot.


That hair is his trade mark you fool.

Some people just don't understand the importance of branding, fuck.

Being a faggot isn't branding.

why do you care about his hair faggot

Move out your moms basement and stop cumming in your socks, manlet wimp.

It's degenerate to look at.

Um.. are you trying to say you're a Viking on some shitty Soap opera trying to ape game of thrones?

Stop living in the fantasy world and get a job you fucking hippie.

Unless you don't have indoor heating and plumbing you really don't need long hair.

Also, stop bumping your shitty thread.

he married a mexican to get her a green card. was paid for it.
the mexican was the woman in the "when leftists attack" video thats been doing the rounds recently. he said he recognised her.
he's a degenerate.