They are now demanding a recount in Florida
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Hillary conceded defeat. This whole thing is blown out of purportion and none of this actually matters. It's one big distraction.
Nothing's going to happen
I dont like how they can attempt to rock the results of the election by whining
Did she sign any paperwork to legally declare the end of her candidacy, or did she just give donald a congratulatory phone call?
A concession is not legally binding. I think Trump is safe but Soros is a sneaky bastard.
2000 all over again?
This whole thing is two old bitches having a fit. This will not amount to anything and I cannot understand how people think it might. On the insanely small chance that she somehow steals it, what's keeping millions of furious and armed people from going to the capitol? What would keep you? Ol' Granny Parkinsons isn't going anywhere but the grave.
The Pennsylvania and Michigan ones aren't happening though, I thought, right?
What the hell is the status on those three then?
From the paper the other day, several PA counties have refused to recount. Others have found on a handful of missed votes. It's a whole lot of nothing.
Trump is going to be the next president and there is nothing they can do about it.
And yet they stole 22 000 votes from him.
Shit, I didn't link it right.
Are you seriously saying that Soros and his ilk will lie down or that there is not some nefarious bullshit at work? Seriously? There are no jewish tricks working against Trump? I will never understand this effort to make people ignore this shit or act like everything is fine. I mean really now.
And to add, I think Trump will come out of all of this alright but holy shit, there is nothing wrong with keeping an eye on this shit nor is it a good idea to allay people's concerns with bullshit information.
And I would ask, how many of those are legal votes? 22,000 matters how? Trump still won millions against hillary and 306 to her 214 or whatever it was.
I'm not saying to not note it's happening. I'm saying it's a huge distraction and a huge waste of time.
Are these faggots going to spend the next eight years demanding recounts?
I would listen to user here. I would keep an eye out for it but also i think this might be a distraction to divert attention from the public and keep the media from reporting something bigger. ie. pizzagate or Obongo going full scorched earth and WW3 before Trump's Inauguration or both.
concern troll, they're just counting the absentee ballots that were uncounted because there wasnt enough of them to change the result.
Stop with this stupid meme. Voters elect Electors, who are constitutionally free to vote for anyone as President who is constitutionally eligible (though states may or may not bind their electors to vote for the winner). From the constitution's perspective, the Electoral College could literally elect a hobo as President of the US.
Not that Trump won't be elected president by the Electoral College, but anyone claiming "b-b-but rapin' Bill's wife conceded!" as if it were relevant to anything is retarded. In 2000, Al Gore still got 266 votes in the electoral college after he conceded.
I fucking dare them to "find more votes" and say shitlery won. There would be a civil war in less than 6 hours.
If these kikes knew what was good for them they'd slink under a rock, lick their wounds and regroup when the next generation has forgotten about them. But they don't. Because they're kikes.