SJW's die in a fire at a rave, with so many more missing.
I hope they're dead as well!
Gatlinburg's revenge
Other urls found in this thread:
He still needs to go back.
Hopefull in an Urn!
I was just about to make this thread lol
http ://
No links, no story, no nothing.
Yep, we are dealing with a MASSIVE faggot here.
Any fucking young people at raves? These are all people who should be married with kids, fucking degenerates doing meth and molly at 35.
Good to see one verified race mixing couple are missing.
this pleases me
You must be the one who chars steaks.
Yep, welp we all make mistakes. Let's rejoice that some leftists are fucking dead.
Shadilay brother!
the fuck do you mean by gatlinburg? like the city in east tennessee?
yeah the entire city pretty much is gone. MSM hasn't made a peep about it.
he looks like a Dark Souls character.
I actually live 20 minutes from Gatlinburg and I was a first responder. The fire isn't what you guys think it is
They had such a long life of misery, depression, and jew faggotry ahead of them.
So sad
Hopefully the innocent Owl made it out alive while the old Dudemeister got turned into crackling.
Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?
Shit I'm going to throw a rave in an abandoned warehouse and lock the doors.
Some user could turn into H. H. Holmes all over again.
Odds this was an accident: fucking zero
OK, what is it?
Is this your video? Very sad :(
I live in TN (opposite side) as well, and seeing the fire burning Gatlinburg is extremely sad. I am blaming $hillary supporters who started the fires.
Where people hang out is always generational. It's the same reason a Pokemon card tournament is all people born in the mid 80's. Raves were for people born back then, too. The "social media" generation of today is doing other stuff.
You know all these insults that i threw at SJW's and shills most common one was die slowly in a fire. The fucking madmen they actually did it.
Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source
Forgot to praise kek
(kek checked)
Should be gloat about this or have more class about a bunch of libshits burning to death like they arrived early into hell?
Checked and Heiled.
How glorious would it be if an user amongst us was responsible for this?
We gloat and fill them with fear.
You didn't hear about this? Watch the video, pretty crazy shit. Most of the fires going on in Tennessee are suspected of being done by arsonists as well and as it all started shortly after the election I've been wondering if its politically motivated.
a lot of the fires were going on before the election but started blazing back up afterwards. there's no fucking way it isn't arson.
Its a fact that much of it is arson as they've already caught three arsonists. Its just that they think some of it might not be arson as well because it was a pretty bad drought for here.
You're allowed to shoot arsonists dead in America right?
Hilarious video
I'm interested. I was already curious after I heard winds got up to hurricane speed, prompting thoughts of "firestorm".
Fuck. Having lived in the area a few decades ago, I'm not sure how I would have planned to escape that scenario. Bushwhacking down the mountain on foot in the dark is an option, but presumably you don't know the extent of the fire. I'm also presuming that the road that was blocked at the beginning of the video might not have crossed over the top of the mountain. Hanging out at the top of a mountain surrounded by fuel during a potential firestorm isn't the best option either.
This one?
Why is it funny? Because you're a Jew York yid boy?
Well then to that guy well done from me. He must be a magnificent bastard. Probably handsome and smart as well.
I have more sympathy for these hard-working folk than I do for the crispy degenerates. I'm hearing word that and warning was minimal. People are pissed.
Yes goy, im shlomo shekelbergersteinn
Look at them pretending to be human, kek.
wew fucking lad
Found some place. Some niggers somewhere in America. Taxpayers paid for the medical care, when it should have been put down.
The dumb nigger thinks he can put it back into place.
the laughter in the background cracks me up everytime
Technology has gotten so far the degenerates are auto-ovening now.
i live in bumfuck west tennessee and rarely pay attention to the news or the talmudvision at all except for holiday specials
why tho
For your sake I hope you're not too close to Memphis.
That's what an 85 IQ gets you.
I just want to show my sympathy for these people.
Hope you all find support with each other rebuilding all your places.
To be fair, if you don't watch TV then you wouldn't have heard about this except for certain news sites. The radio where I live had little about it other than there was a large fire. Not until people died did they really ever give the full extent of the fires. News media didn't care, but I also feel they wanted to revel in southern people getting fucked because the news media hates anyone that voted Trump.
I also would not be surprised if this was arson by some butthurt libshit.
It's not their fault. It's just how their biology made them. Stop being a fucking asshole.
Are you the type of cunt who laughs at retarded kids?
i live about 2 hours away from memphis thankfully
Excellent. Christmas came early
You all missed the moonman due to disorganized OP.
He lives in Tennessee though, I would have expected him to hear about it from family, friends, or coworkers.
Where do you think you are?
Fuck you for posting half the video.
I went ahead and found a more complete version on youtube, but I'm really eager to see this from its least edited source. From my searches it seems the guy recording is Michael Luciano and he uploaded to Facebook. Anyone here with a Facebook account feel like ripping it in high quality and putting it on a file sharing site?
Additional info about the video: it seems they helped the guy blocking the road at the end by letting him follow their taillights. (He was old and couldn't see well, so he had basically given up.)
This is the kind of shit that makes real men's eyes leak. Knowing this fire got out of control due to arsonists, and reading that. I'm glad that old bastard didn't die burning alive, and those two are real heros for saving him.
Yep, sounds about right for East Tennessee.
Have we started the fire ?
More footage here:
Yeah thanks, I didn't know there was more video.
I'm not sure I can accept this excuse. I got to the end and my immediate reaction was
You see I had to find out if that was the actual ending, so I did what anyone who is not a newfag would do: I revved up those search engines for 5 seconds and found an answer. So all probabilities considered it would seem you have betrayed yourself as an outsider who thought he was too good to follow the golden rule:
God this shit pisses me off my dad used to have a chalet up there but had to sell it to a rental company because of the 2008 crash. We would go up there all the time, such a beautiful place. I wanted to move back up there but now everything is destroyed.
Post more gayly, faggwad
OP's of course a FAG
Here's the archive:
She said: 'We still have to do a more thorough search of the building and we don't know the potential number of other victims'
Alameda County Sheriffs Office Sgt. J.D. Nelson said coroner's office is preparing for 40 or more bodies
The fire rises, brother.
Better thread:
Some Alaska user was saying it's legal there. Not sure about other states though.
There is no excuse for letting newfags roam freely. Posting like a child is not an argument. Holla Forums should not just accept you for who you are at face value. You are meant to be broken down and reshaped into a new man before you are welcome.
Praise Ammit let the unjust be burned in lakes of fire
And let the just be rewarded for their effort
praise Ammit
praise Kek
I just saw on the news that they are asking for help from social media to identify piercings and tattoos.
I guess they were in the oven a long time.
If these were black homes there'd be government assistance, global media coverage, and Obama crying about it for weeks.
God damnit.
Look at all of doctor shekelburg's creations Holla Forums……. LOOK AT THOSE FREAKS!!
How the fuck do we cure people who the jew has damaged like this starting around February?
Thread theme
This is fairly common in Appalachia, though I can't remember it hitting a town like Gatlinburg. On the pipeline crew we used to get people to agree to right-of-way agreements by telling them we'd cut trees and make a firebreak for them since retards set the damn woods on fire every year.
Enjoy the colon cancer, fam.
What was it then? Arson?
You can't just drop that and not elaborate.
There also would have been massive crime and riots. Whatever city took these displaced people in would have seen a huge crime increase as well. Crime probably went down in disgusting Knoxville when some decent folk showed up.
Reported for spam.
Stay triggered, meatcuck.
Oh yeah? My aunt died saving children at Sandy Hook Elementary and my father works for Nintendo!
I am literally Hitler
I just don't really care for it when some major story happens and people show up in every discussion claiming some personal connection but offering no proof. It stood out as obviously bullshit after Sandy Hook for example, you could talk about the event anywhere on the internet for about two years and like magic somebody would show up saying "I lived in Newtown at the time and blah blah"
No proof and nothing substantial to add.
In the case of SHE it was pretty obviously shills but in a lot of other stories I think people just make up the connections. Or stretch the most tenuous connection into sounding more substantial (although not really because they don't get specific)
Just to feel important or connected with a trending story
EDM festivals have huge age ranges.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
With fire of course.
Most people will go back to the entrance they came in, despite it being congested with people. At The Station club, you can easily see the door is wide open next to the stage, but the mass of bodies were found clustered in and around the front door. There were also doors behind the bar and by the kitchen that were unused except by bar patrons who entered that door and employees who used the kitchen doors, respectively.
Praise kek
Bernouts confirmed for setting fire to the tourist trap that is Gatlinburg?
I guarantee you it also has something to do with those fires in Israel. this shit is all over the national news but nothing about Gatlinburg.
Meeseeks are not born into this world fumbling for meaning, they are created to serve a singular purpose for which they go to any lengths to fulfill, to destroy any actual relative or objective meaning. Existence is pain to a SJW, and they we will do anything to alleviate that pain.
I'm not 100% on that. What purpose would burning an enemy state while your nation is on fire?
holy shit i bet you're right. what do we know about the israeli fires?
there's been forest fires in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia since September. it wouldn't surprise me if every other fire we've seen since is just to distract from it.
fuck all around the same area. can't be coincidence.
I'm just wondering what the end goal is. Right now it seems like nothing more than pettiness but why would a super power risk overplaying their hand THAT much? At most I could see kike/pinko sympathizers set fires to red states but I don't think there is a too much of a connection between the fire in the red states and some yid leaving his oven on.
I don't think killing a few Hipsters was worth destroying a model European town.
And nothing of value was lost.
I'm retarded, I thought that these hipsters were inside gatlinburg.
I'm vegan though.
Enjoying your abnormally high fiber intake for farting and shitting a lot?
Enjoying your abnormally high soy intake from soy milk and tofu/shitty foods made with tofu such as tofurky, giving you a fuckton of estrogen fucking up your body giving you moobs and shit like that?
Enjoying having to down a lot of vitamin supplements to try to get really sickly to the point of dying?
Even in your video its clear they lost video footage at the point the one I linked ended and ENG spliced together two different recordings so no that is not at all an obvious conclusion.
They make vegan tendies.
It is not at all common in Tennessee, I've lived here all my life and nothing anywhere as big as this this has ever happened. My grandparents tell me that its not even happened in their lifetimes.
In East TN? Gatlinburg burning down is certainly uncommon but forest fires aren't. The Daniel Boone national forest gets set on fire every year, which covers a huge swath of KY. I've run equipment in all of these places from East TN to Pennsylvania for pipeline companies and I see it every fall. Until there was some rain last week half of Eastern KY was on fire and most of East TN.
Yes, East Tennessee. Sure we get small naturally occurring forest fires(and a few from idiots) but nothing to this extent. I mean we've already caught three arsonists, this isn't normal shit.
So i just created a fake FB profile to trigger normalfags, any place where i should place my bait?
Most if not all of Triple H's victims didn't deserve it, though. He pretty much killed for the fun of it.
Subtract their disproportionate influence in the US and they're just a puppet state propped up by American money and arms.
It's more likely it was some asspained hillary supporter(s) than a direct action by Israel.
That's exactly what i'm thinking. That said, prosecute those fuckers and make an example of them.
They're talking about heroin, aren't they?
He was probably thinking of stealing the shoes.
Thanks for nothing, Fire Marshall VanDouche.
Wubbalubbadubdub, my friend. Wubbalubbadubdub.
Why is she skateboarding while topless?
I'm sure his first actual instinct was to kill and rape his friend but he had to settle for yanking his dislocated ankle.
legitimately depressing. Single mom, cute, christian, probably went out this one time judging by the comments/post.
my dad works for nintendo
Am Oakland resident. Know two people who made it out of fire. Can answer any questions.
FYI these were mostly white people.
I'm also a local, am OP of last thread. Do you know anything more about the club?
true, but these "white people" seem to have been almost all worthless, freeloading drug addicts with no sense of responsibility. place was basically a junkie favela that tried to hold concerts and raves to raise drug money. it's darwin at work if anyone couldn't tell that such a place and such people are for getting the fuck away from.
really? they looked like needy kikes to me
Darwin Awards for all of them.
I remember when that happened. My brother tried winning tickets to the show from WCCC. That video is the main reason I get real anxious in crowds. When I was younger and still went to bars and clubs with my friends I was always sure to keep on eye on the nearest exit.
This guy is really butthurt. Also muh capitalism.
ur a retard harry
Same. I always stood in the back near the exit because of that video. I would have NEVER entered this place, you can tell it was a deathtrap just by looking at the pictures on their site.
Tell that jackass that poverty is no excuse to build a maze in your building with a dozen fucking pianos.
According to this guy it started in someone's un-occupied living space. Probably had a fuckton of shit plugged in to dodgy wiring.
These people are disgusting.
what do artists contribute to society?
Fuck all.
They expect us to build them affordable housing and babysit them so they don't hurt themselves while being hip and trendy. I swear we're surrounded by helpless manbabies.
He blames NIMBYs instead of the millions of immigrants pouring in.
Nothing anymore, sadly.
The narcissism.
what more can they create? "artists" should be banned from society. promote historians that will present past great works of humanity.
They probably overloaded the electrical system and flames started from bottom or top not sides, the place was only coded to be a warehouse
how hard would it have fucking been to run some romex around the building, install some gfi outlets, maybe collect a few goddamn fire extinguishers along with all those OMGSOEXOTIC goddess statues and vintage speaker cabinets???
derrick the meth-head was specifically warned about the fire safety issue over and over and chose to disregard it.
people who are that lazy are NOT ARTISTS and will NEVER MAKE ANY WORTHWHILE ART. people like that are using "art" as an excuse to get fucking high and waste each other's time, while avoiding the responsibility to make any kind of needed contribution to other people's lives around them, for which they might actually earn and deserve compensation.
Brutal. I see a lot tried to make it into the cooler thinking it would save them too. But what excuse do the people in the washrooms have, isn't that an exit right across the hall? Same for the kitchen and bar, there's two exits within view.
Those "artists" contribute fuck all.
guaranteed replies
Don't feel too bad user. My cousin was murdered recently. She was found strangled and naked in the woods.
I bet at least a few of them were already dead before the fire started.
They dont have time for that. Electricians work is beneath them. Who needs practical knowledge in this day and age? They spent 100,000 dollars on an art studies degree, they know what intelligence is. In fact they just finished their modern art masterpiece, its called "Fifty charred 'Artists' in ashes and incense"
Married with Kids in modern America…. Yeah right.
>force everyone into paternalistic, byzantine regulations because that's progressive
This fire is the gift that keeps on giving. Shitlibs finally get burned by their "it's okay when we do it" attitude.
Filtered you massive kike.
He was pointing out the fact that white birthrates have plummeted, not advocating MGTOW shit you massive fucking mong.
Heavy duty fire extinguishers are pretty affordable too. $45-$60 apiece. Not that it would've made that big of a difference in this shit heap but it's wise to have a few around.
I didn't say that you little beta faggot. You're a fucking millennial and you don't know shit about 35yr olds. You need a beating
Is that a troll image? Nirvana is solid GenX. They where born in the 1960s.
SJW are just like their Christian forefathers, always trying to out-moral (virtue signal) each other. This is why we need Eugenics.
seriously this. their deaths are the most coherent and constructive statement that any of them were ever likely to make to posterity, and they're going to be more famous for how they died than they ever would have been for any "art."
the masterpiece has some good messages, unlike anything they would have made on purpose.
also, daily reminder that people burning to death in an ad-hoc favela where no safety codes are enforced is a third world phenomenon and the USA is now the third world.
The woman screaming "where's my husband?" at 1:28 and the screams following it is terrifying.
You're a fucking idiot, dude haha. That's the point
OY VEY gotta subvert more eh?
You pay and see their craft only for most of them to ungrateful bash the white working class in return.
I'm an artist myself, but most of them are narcissistic libshits with entitlement issues.
a 2nd way out of the 2nd floor would have made the biggest difference.The makeshift pallet staircase caught fire and they where trapped like rats.
Ive looked at every photo and video of this place I could find. Every single room was a firebomb waiting to happen. Piles of dried out wood, "art" and general clutter. If a fire started the room would be fully involved in seconds. Fire extinguisher would be like pissing in a volcano.
Also I couldn't fine one photo of a proper electrical outlet or light fixture. Everything looks like it was daisy chained extension cords and spliced lamp cord.
Those people probably loved depeche mode
what a great idea!
time to organize
I mentioned in the first thread that the science of fire safety isn't some new, exotic field of study. They have a solid 100 plus years of case studies to look at, free, on the internet. All I've heard from these faggots so far is whining about high rents forcing them to live like this. I'm amazed this shambling collection of dumb-fucks managed to stay alive long enough to even build the fucking firetrap in the first place.
I wonder who could be behind this?
vagina paintings and ass sculptures
That's not the full video, here is the actual full video, all 14 minutes worth, from the guy who took it in the first place.
You can copy the link to watch it, I'm not going to embed a google tracker on this webpage (and fuck everyone who does you fucking cunts).
Shitlibs operate based on the same "starve the beast" tactic republicans used to defund goverment programs, but simply apply it to infrastructure and housing in the name of "environmentalism", so these places are under served in every way that matters. Can't build because they won't let you. Don't want to harm some endangered whatever and pave over more park land.
Can't expand transportation/roads because the last thing they want is to encourage driving.
So, these very hipster artists are the very types who are responsible for their plight.
Additional hilarity is their sanctuary city status. You can't afford shit and you wish to mass import even more people in to compete for housing.
These people are just stupid, because there is no reason why they can't move to an area with a much lower cost of living to create "art", but they simply insist on living in the city because they are sheep, or more specifically, welfare bums.
If we don't change the paradigm, there won't be a european town to model off of.
Absolute degeneracy
Yes. That said, I haven't checked the network traffic analysis for these pages but I'm guessing that by default it's game over as soon as any fuck even embeds a jewtube vid in a thread (i.e. the video embed image is likely fetched from YouTube–w/ referrer sent–rather than that image being cached and served by 8ch). Yes, these things can be disabled on desktop browsers via ref control, request policy, etc, add-ons, but mobile browser options are limited.
Anyway, if that's the case, then it would probably be for the best for youtube embeds to be disabled on the board.
webm'd this video
The old architecture of SF is the only thing worth it. The rest of the city smells like urine everywhere.
Fucking bullshit, mate. Single mothers like this cunt constantly force their parents to watch their kids as they go bar crawling. The kid is better off being raised by its grandparents in a stable household than being with that coal burning slut.
Hell, the very facebook page you linked to has multiple pictures of her and her friends dressing up like skanks to go clubbing. Don't feel bad about this cleansing fire, fam.
Well done liberals.
coked out 80s tune seems pretty appropriate
Kek, well summed up.
A "carpenter" to them is someone self taught to draw lines and cut wood, then hammer a bunch of wood scraps to the wall. A "welder/artist" is similar except there's no cutting cause plasma torches take skill and responsibility to use. The aging hippies who hold the political power have no idea this is the "artistry" they've been tricked into supporting by these babies who's actual expertise is in liberal arts.
That's their Achilles heel if you ever argue with them. You wanna make salt the next few days, this is how you do it.
Also if they want more housing they'll need a fucking lot of (probably white, and probably not liberal) structural engineers since Oakland is built on a fault line AND landfill (at least these low price warehouses next to the bay are).
You're a fucking idiot if you deny that. Idiot.
You are far too aggressive.
You are far too silly.
Is that Ewan Mcgregor on the right? Who is that?
It was a small scale holocaust, that's true user.
You know where the real infrastructure tragedy will happen, it's the transbay tube. An earthquake could easily break it during commute hours when the train is packed with thousands, flooding the tube and drowning everyone. It is 50 years old and they need a new one, preferably a bridge instead.
Glorious fire.
Also a side note in at image, see the giant air force base next to the port, Google just bought that and is gonna raise housing prices further. These "artist communities" have attacked the google buses in the past.
Yeah, that has a 100% chance of ending well for everyone in that tube. I'm surprised it hasn't been fucked on its own by now with tolerances like that.
What exactly does that mean?
And also 'artists cluter', means lots of highly flammable paint, thinners, canvas, spraypaint etc. The place was literally set up as a death trap.
It was much worse than paint thinner. It was a bonfire, 20 foot flames.
See the last thread as well, tons of memes came out of this.
This is an actual picture of the fire.
did he died?
Kinda sad that a bunch of MS paint pictures made by 12 year olds on some Scandinavian poetry board are more effective at changing the world than anything they'll ever produce.
Best picture I've seen in a while. This is the best one I have.
In my state we can shoot people committing violent felonies or in the defense of an occupied structure. Arson is technically a violent crime, but no one has tried shooting any arsonists as far as I know.
No-one will ever remember your cucked paintings.
But the world will always remember a badly drawn cartoon frog.
They'll be remembered only for meming their own deaths.
Nice 😂👌
more info coming out
Darin Ranelletti, of the Oakland Planning Department, said the city opened an investigation Nov. 13 and an investigator went to the premises on Nov. 17 but could not get inside. The city has not confirmed people were living inside.
Shelley Mack said she lived there about two years ago, staying four or five months. She said she wasn't told the residence was illegal until after she moved in, when she was instructed to tell visitors it was a 24-hour workspace for artists.
When outsiders or inspectors planned to visit, residents would scurry to hide clothes and bedding, Mack said.
Holy fuck thank God they made it out safe and sound.
I mean who was he? Is their any political motivation for this arson or was he just a dumb ass?
was getting banned part of your plan?
works for me
modern art is a race to the bottom just like everything the left touches
The good ones contribute culture and entertainment. The shitty ones, well they contribute (((culture))) and (((entertainment)))).
Its like he studied medicine at the ACME Building of the Looney Tunes Institute.
Maybe they shouldn't be trying to live in SF while being poor. There's plenty of affordable housing in the US.
hope this asshat was in there
Yeah we ought to have a proper thread. I made one yesterday that filled up
I ripped 4 different videos from people trying to escape in their cars.
Another from a fireman and several from in Gatlinburg proper.
A couple of aftermath vids as well.
They range from 30 minuets to 2 hours or so.
Most in HD.
10 vids
If anyone is interested I could set up a torrent.
Fucking hippies I swear, they think they live on a meditation retreat in the 70s, this fucking screams pretentiousness.
The funny thing is that all of it was probably funded by their parents.
Thanks user, I feel blind anger and will certainly not use reason to weigh up the facts.
What would we do without TRS.
What facts oh wise Sage one
i have a disgusting step-cousin who is in her LATE 30S, with an unemployed husband, and for some reason her parents continue to feed them money so they can do shit like go to faraway Phish concerts with other late-30s unemployed drug addicts.
purge them all.
nobody checking these trips??
means it was assembled out of discarded pallets by betacuck junkies who've never worked or built anything. like the kind of construction quality you'd see by african orphans in a junkyard.
everything about this shit is completely fucking third-world.
Yeah, the black, queer diaspora has to be one of the most serious issues facing our great nation today.
Modernity can be hard on a nigga.
in order to get the attention your art so clearly deserves, you've gotta virtue signal so hard that even being black and queer isn't good enough! you've gotta culturally appropriate terms from the jews, too, if you really want that aura of oppressed-ness to make people think they HAVE to attend your show or risk being exposed as a bigot.
And nothing of value was lost.
What evil Jew magic was put on these white people to make them want anything to do with this?
At least it was electronic music and not black queer diaspora "poetry", the spoken-word art for black people with no rhythm, for white people to listen about muh slavery and only racists don't like it. It's torture.
That's a lot of kindling.
a lifetime of school brainwashing and talmudvision, for starters - and also being a drug addict who needs drugs and a place to do them.
yeah. i went to college.
Not saying you are wrong but many mothers during the 80s and 90s still tried. I wonder what happened during the 2000s?
They reached peak indoctrination at all levels of education, and we are now on the recieving end of it as those early subjects are hitting college or graduating. The whole education system is crammed full of leftists preaching culteral marxism and the swamp needs draining.
The Oakland Police are looking for this guy after he posted this to his Faceberg page.
Derick Ion
Yesterday at 1:33am ·
Confirmed. Everything I worked so hard for is gone. Blessed that my children and Micah were at a hotel safe and sound… it's as if I have awoken from a dream filled with opulence and hope…. to be standing now in poverty of self worth.
nope, pictured outside afterwards
Predictable behavior of the type of human trash to visit a nightclub.
No fuckin' way.
fear not user, I think Trumps pick for education of Betsy DeVos is pretty based. She gets a lot of flack for being a strong advocate of school vouchers but she has donated a lot of money to christian schools. I can see a big reform of education coming for America and more traditional values starting to come back in.
School vouchers are a good thing, a decent chunk of Holla Forums is just fucking retarded on this issue.
looks like a fgt
I can't wait for reality to finally crash down on those people.
==I like my K triple.
Fuck off and lurk for a few years before making new threads, you clearly don't know how to post on sites with higher standards than cuckchan.
Well I'm not a burger so I don't know what the fuck vouchers are or the benefits or negatives of them. I just know that when Trump named her there was a lot of criticism about it because it could potentially take funding away from public shcools. He knows what he is doing though.
Me neither, been waiting too long for it to happen. I'm not sure we will see a crash but there has certainly been some crumbling going on lately as people re-educate themselves and realise they have been spoonfed shit all their lives.
I read something a couple years ago about the tube, I think it was one of the studies you mentioned. IIRC There is a seismic joint on the San Francisco side designed to allow 24 inches of travel. Due to ground movement and settling it has used up 50% of its travel. It is pretty much guaranteed to be the site of highest stress and an almost guaranteed failure and tunnel flood during a major earthquake. Because of the way everything is designed there is nothing that can be done to fix it.
Riding the train into SF every day I could feel it roll over the joint. The train would always jostle to the right. On the way out, always to the left.
Also gotta love BARTs plan for the Haward fault crossing. Just hope a train isn't crossing the fault during an earthquake.
People are so packed into these trains during commute time. If there were ever an emergency that required people to get off the train fast:there would be utter fucking chaos. There aren't enough doors and the evacuation catwalks aren't nearly wide enough to get people away from a burning train or flooding tube. I hated riding that shit everyday, I knew it would take an act of god to get out of adisaster alive.
Criminally underrated post
Best case scenario: F A S H Y A E S T H E T I C S
Worst case scenario: OP related.
I remember that. I hate the tunnel for many reasons, loud, bumpy and it means you're getting close to SF or west oakland.
Look at the inside of this place
This was the first thread on this topic, and there clearly is more than one picture on the OP
There's another thread as well
Trump is gonna turn this country around and there is N O T H I N G you can do to stop it, liberal faggot!
This is an instant reveal-word for leftists.
It means "i want things to be like this, but im too much of a weakling and coward to to do anything about it, so i'm just going to try guilting others into making my wishes come true. dont you want my wishes to come true!?!?!".
Did you catch the retard trying to legalese the situation? Warehouses don't get fire code checks, because warehouses aren't supposed to have hundreds of people inside them.
Those ravers were breaking the law and he wants to blame firefighters.
That's a craftsman, not an artist.
Artist is a dirty word.
is there a shot of the "pallet stairs"?
apparently, electricians are only for capitalists
you can see it here →
it's a raw wooden pole with sticks nailed to it
probably the work of the insane owner who undoubtedely took great pride in his art and considered himself at least equal to the woodworkers of centuries past who built the antique furniture that became future tinder to degenerates
Haven't been able to find that yet
electrician here, I've seen worse
nope, you missed it
I think pic 3 might be the "spiral staircase" that killed them. Can't see it too well though. It was 10,000 sq ft so a lot to sort through
That looks like it just goes up into an alcove. on the left.
pic for reference
I doubt it, we're talking about inclusive librulz artistz accepting every degenerates from aids-ridden skeletons to tranny lardwhales
this would force them to take huge difficult steps
They say these were the STAIRS to the 2nd floor
Might be poo in loo
according to this guy the first part was "like a ramp". Not a lot of clues though.
Didn't see any landwhales in the victims. There are very few landwhales in oakland, anyway, so it's really not a concern.
Doesn't seem much like rave place in all honesty. More like a degenerate bohemian den of hipsters and "artists"
a girl got scared of the smoke and yells "it's too thick, everyone back up to the top"
and everyone got scared of mansplaining her like some shitlord or something and checked their survival privilege
check bounced
If the landwhales were actually caught in the fire the firefighters would never have been able to put it out.
Yeah. Nah.
The first thing can't go with the other two.
SJW Millenials can not survive life threatening situations. Who would have guessed.
These people aren't poor, or at least their families aren't, they're just LARPing the "starving artist" life.
Apparently the rent in this place is $650/month. Cheap for oakland, but I guess really expensive compared to everywhere else.
fuckin saved
I loved the "find the swastikas" game from the old thread.
It's sad that it took this long for that to be posted.
Got any pics?
I kek'd.
I went to High School with one of those guys. Huh.
Praise Kek.
I think this is the pallet staircase
I'm going to guess the doorway was where the coat rack is in the picture (under the question mark)
a fine place for a coat rack if I do say so
perhaps we can commission this guy to build more enclaves throughout the country
I'm only sad for all the speakers this fag hoarded. It can be hard to acquire a satisfactory set.
I feel bad for every object that wasn't a piece of pretentious "art". These faggots buy so much shit that's absolutely meaningless to them just to take up space. Every little antique in there could have made a granny happy
Throwing tons of wooden shit together in a cryptic layout and using the shittiest wiring possible as seen in is enough to start a fire. Add in the fact that hipster cucks didn't properly plan fire exits, built staircases with crates of all things, kept ignoring others telling them they had a tinderbox, and it's a recipe for disaster.
Near my city there was a club fire that killed numerous people for the same reasons as this fire did. Everything caught fire, the building design was poor with cryptic exists, the wiring was a complete disaster with numerous safety code violations, the building had no firestops, and poor roof support.
That fits the description, spiral staircase and a ramp as the first step.
kinda looks like michelle obummer
33 confirmed dead, 30% searched
The initial estimate was 34 total, so I'm guessing people were there off the record as well (runaways, perhaps criminals running from the law).
I think that staircase is up to a little attic/loft area..
That photo was taken from the 2nd level.
The 1st level from descriptions was wide open with fucking RV's and trailers parked in it with people living in them.
I wouldn't be surprised if they end up with a few unidentified people due to the transient nature of the residents and visitors.
Oh my god it's the Debian swirl.
It was supposedly 100 people at the party, and only 2-3 escaped from the upstairs. The 4 RV's on the downstairs doesn't leave much room for people.
So yeah, easily over 50 dead. They would have used cash for the $15 cover charge.
They mentioned using DNA testing which tells me some of these people became a real hot mess and became one with eachother.
Me: Cooked cabbage and I shit regular.
You faggots: Constipated.
You rustled me jimmies so bad I'm borderline apoplectic. But I can get it together to splooge.
Was Hitler an "artist"? Was G.L. Rockwell an "artist"? Why did Hitler have the draft cards of all German "artists" destroyed before the war? Why did Stalin have all "artists" in Poland and the Baltics rounded up and shot? Why were most Russian artists put in the Gulag? What was the origin of modern military camouflage? It was a gaggle of impressionist "artists" serving in an artillery regiment of the French Army in WW1. Their officer told the art-fags to "hide" their gun; then he went to lunch. When he returned, he looked around and asked where did you put my fucking howitzers? What happened to all the millions of red front scum that took to the streets against the Nazis? Did that scar-faced jupiter optimus maximus fag otherwise known as Ernst Rohm put them all in the ground?
Hitler wanted to perpetrate the art gene into perpetuity. All artists; he didn't ask to see the portfolios before he issued them a deferment. Rohm absorbed commies and fags into the SA; he knew that straights were not as adept when it came to smashing skulls and crushing bone.
This whole Oakland episode is not necessarily about racial hygiene, but industrial hygiene.
Some artists burned up…well what sort of artists were they? Were they painters, print-makers and lithographers? That means lots of flammable solvents. Were they metal artists? That means welding; arc and or oxy-acetylene.
Glass or Bronze? That means high temp furnaces. Stone sculpture? That means grinding wheels (make lots of scintillating sparks) to sharpen the tools. And so on, and so forth.
If you faggots would get a real job, you would learn all about industrial hygiene. If it was a union shop (the birthplace of IH) you would have a shop steward watching you all day. So you are sharpening a tool bit on a wheel with no eye protection? An avuncular steward walks up and taps you on the shoulder. "Hey bro, did you ever hear of a blind tool-maker? Where are your safety goggles?" You are cleaning a filthy machine tool. "Don't put that oily rag in the trashcan! Put that shit into the flammable waste container, if you would sonny… " You are firing up a cutting torch. "Where is your fire-extinguisher, you fucking nutzi!" And so depending upon the venue or work situation, you would get asked all sorts of things, things like where is your hard-hat, your hearing protectors, your steel toed boots, or your respirator. And so on. You learned.
Not a union shop? That means the pigs hire a "safety engineer" to ameliorate their insurance bills. These cretins are pure doctrinaire types; they don't come around asking questions. Rather they roam around all day making dictates. They tote cameras, they document transgressions and write up infringement reports. Bubba gotz a bad attitude type shit. Bubbas foot got crushed? Told you so…And by the way, have everybody within a thousand foot radius of the accident get a mandatory piss test.
Either way, whether union or open shop, you learn safety. You develop a sixth sense about
safety. And you can extrapolate that sense, or that attitude, into all sorts of venues outside the workplace.
Whereas these Oakland art fags were pozzed;
they were working in a death-trap and didn't have a clue. They didn't know any better. That's because they were taught ineffectively by pozzed art professors that didn't have a clue about useful things.
Finally, it is complete chickenshit to pose Gatlinburg as antithetical to Oakland.
To see how a tight, brave, and disciplined crew of white men die trying to save their kindred, see the Yarnell Hill Fire. (Image embedded of deployment site, where they were roasted alive in their foil deployment bags) What happened? They violated their safety protocols. Their IH training was deficient.
Fuck all you pozzed Holla Forumsocks. Go get a job in a tank factory or a shipyard, and see what it's like to really be alive.
I think i see a railing
aka fags who barely work and charge a ton of money to the general contractor by virtue of state issued monopolies.
fucking cancer, go private or kill yourself you goddamn parasite.
I didn't see any equipment like that in their pictures. It was probably stashed away in people's living spaces and they didn't want to show pictures of them.
I've only heard of one "carpenter".
Will someone post the faces of confirmed victims for OC?
didn't mean to green txt that
Most were posted itt, and there's a collage in the previous thread
I think we have to wait for the official list.
Doesn't that mean you have to pass by this warehouse area to get to the ferry? I've been there, scary place.
I get on at the clay street terminal and go to embarcadero. I don't get on at alameda island. You will see the decrepit naval ship yard but that about it and you don't even get very close.
Plus I don't live in oakland, so i take bart to 12th st oak bart and ride my bike down to the terminal. I don't really go through the industrial area. I see it though and its fucked.
I gotta try that. The ferry is wonderful even at commute hours. No shady people, and drinks for sale, at least the alameda side.
Its a nice easy ride too. You can sit outside and enjoy the cold morning air as you go across the bay.
It was always burning, the world's just been turning
Back in high school some nigger broke his foot and the other nigs did the exact same shit.
It must be some kind of bum-fuck retarded instinct they have.
I also would like to point out the mayor of Oakland is a woman, the fire chief is a woman, the police chief is a woman….let that sink in for a moment.
The mayor is also a Jew.
Proper art refreshes Jack's mind so he doesn't become a dull boy and compromise his work with inattentive senses.
Degenerate art traps Jack's mind in a world of fantasy to dull his senses even further, as seen by this clusterfuck of a warehouse.
charnel house fags
Yes, yes they are.
Check out the American version of the video. It's fucking cracked out like a nigger!
One of several cracked out dancing niggers you'll find in the video.
they memed irresponsibly
nice blogpost
Holyshit, this.
I could go on.
36 now confirmed dead. Now they're talking about using DENTAL records to ID people. 24 more still missing.
Will the artist community ever recover?
What is this, then?
I thought that just meant that the corpses were burned beyond recognition, only case I've seen something like what you mention was that Kebab person holding a baby (Serbia Strong).
Friendly reminder that a person with a septum piercing is always either a degenerate or a girl with serious daddy issues, usually both.
huge memorial rave this weekend to celebrate the lives lost to this fire. smokers are welcome
I made a new thread that actually says what this is about.
NPR reporter still missing. Praise KEK!
Why did he think something was strange about this, maybe it was an intentional blaze
Why didn't they just go all the way and build the whole thing out of matchsticks? I knew a guy who would go around to warehouses and collect broken/leftover ones and have a fucking huge bonfire once every couple of months.
what the fuck
If I ever win the lottery or invent some huge money-maker, I'm hiring a detective to track down each and every one of these degenerate fucks to their current addresses. If they haven't already died from AIDS, that's when I'll send in the mercs.
I bet that meat is so tender it falls off the bone, spirit cooking that melts in your mouth
All in favor of renaming this fag "Spider-Douche?"
nothing of value etc
ikr, they're the perfect ratio of old wood to air for an instant firestorm
Do it.
Not to mention if they've had any oil or gas leaked on them, which is common as fuck in auto supplies warehouses.
It's so weird looking back at season 1 of the walking dead. Glen looks so different.
That can't be real.
Fuck me it's real.
Life and Death in the Hipster Maze
Hello faggot pedophile FBI.
Any more pics? I want to see more bodies.
I think that's from Thailand
These fags have no survival instinct, they assume everything is safe and somebody else will take care of everything because that's what has happened their entire lives.
Maybe there's a reason construction pays more then pretending to be an artist.
Holla Forums organizes charity and rebuilding team to help Tennessee dixie-pol wreckage brothers rebuild when??
get trump to respond and send help too? like after the floods in Louisiana.
All of that fuel for a fire. Oh man.
Let me set the scene for you.
As you walk down the quirky, retro-anarchy style staircase you are hit by a smell of dust and wood that has been drying in the afternoon sun glaring in from the window. Motes of dust glisten like tiny specks of gold as they catch the sunlight, seemingly defying gravity for a split second before moving slowly on into the shadows further down, you quickly capture the moment and post it on facebook, tag 'moments like these'.
You smile to no one in particular as you run your hand down the small piece of banister at the top of the quirky but fun stairs and take an arty picture with your iphone to capture the mood and moment, stopping only briefly to add a sepia filter to it before posting, tag 'Neo-urban decadence at it's finest'. A distant yet familiar sound caresses your ears, the welcoming womb-like hum of electric mingled with the rhythmic beat of some tribal-didgeridoo music remix, the quiet intermingled voices of a handful of small private conversations drifting up to your ears from the gloomy depths below, occasionally punctuated by a high pitched giggle, you are not sure if it is a girl or boy.
You walk down the stairs musing the artistry and craftsmanship that has gone it's creation, a mixture of reclaimed urban 'trash' like old pallets and antique chairs which would have otherwise ended up on a fire pile. As you reach the main floor you notice light airy, tie-dye fabrics are hanging from the ceiling to lower and 'soften' it for a 'chillout' area, undoubtedly to help with the comedown from the magic mushrooms, E and marijuana later on. On many of the sofas and furniture are a plethora of cushions from china (would not conform with fire retardant regulations) scattered all about to help people relax and chill. As you walk past groups of people they look up at you, nod and smile, their eyes glazed and as innocent as a fawn.
Now the air changes, a cloying heady mixture of 'essential oils', josticks and marijuana cigarettes with a hint of vegan stirfry.
Dozens of candles have been placed all over the wooden furniture by stoned, childlike idiots with no common sense or fire hazard awareness. Looking around you notice all the smoke and fire detectors will have been purposefully disabled to stop the clouds of weed smoke and illegale hotplate cooking steam/heat setting them off.
Although bright during the day, as evening falls so has the visibility. Harsh bright LEDs or halogen bulbs would hurt the sensitive eyes of these delicate child like nymphes that inhabited this mystical place. Here, away from the windows, the only light is soft waxy orange/yellow cast from 40watt incandescent bulbs and candles. No one would have bother to check the rating of which lamps and light fitting took which type or power of bulb because that's all just bullshit that 'the man' uses to control people and rip people off anyway.
Looking about the labyrinthian maze of false walls, open wooden room dividers and curtains you find draws, cupboards and corners stacked with oil paints, thinners, acrylics, spray paint cans along with piles of clothes, blankets, hair products and ipads. Pinned to the walls are seemingly hundreds of pictures, paintings, instagram printouts, art, all abstract yet somehow meaningful in ways you are unable to comprehend.
You see the electrics are worse than poo-in-street tier, with daisy chains of extenders and splitters haphazardly strung through the place. An alarm bell rings in the back of your mind, but just as you are about to ask about the safety here a slender male dressed in holed, paint splattered jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt 2 sizes too big for him comes over and smiles, says 'hi, welcome to our lair, glad you could make it, only the cool kids come here. Wants some?' He hold out a reefer. You take a couple of long tokes admiring the huge 4 inch gauge earrings he has and neat tribal tattoos on his hands, the nagging alarm bell fades away to nothing, he takes you by the hand to a small sectioned off area, the floor is covered with cushions, a girl with green hair giggles and flirts with two nu-males as she shows them her new nipple piercing. They all look up and smile, beckoning you sit with them, a man with the dreadlocks offers a small white tablet and says 'would you like to come down the rabbit hole with us?' Feeling relaxed and knowing you are at one with your own kind, you thank him and take it with some hand filtered rain water. As the drug kicks in you feel immensely overwhelmed with love for your fellow spirit-kin, you just know tonight is going to be one hell of a night.
You know what's fucking racist?
Sheila Jackson Lee got away with being fucking stupid.
As a White man, I would have been beaten over the head forever for being as nigger-stupid as she was.
frustrating that those fires in israel are getting equal coverage to the fires in Tennessee.
Doctors are kikes who get rich patching up dumb niggers on the backs of white american taxpayers.
Its like im actually there.
i can't express how much more i favour trump's choice of interior decorating style over these (((sanfrancisco))) (((hipsters))) choice of interior decorating style.
Nope, brazil. Kiss nightclub fire.
kek is real. its all real.
2nd picture, no one needs 4 electric organs, even if there was one person among those hippies that could actually play anything other than indian tabla drums you still wouldn't need more than one, 2 max. They even know they don't need 4, they got a large seat blocking 2 of them being used. So hoarders as well as instagram artists/drug addicts.
I thought I had hit my limit of hating someone with hillary, but that fucking tattooed, druggy, degenerate, cuck, wigger, rasta-wanna be, uber-hipster, untalented piece of walking crap made me realise I have previously unknown levels of hatred to tap into.
he has a triforce on his 1st knuckle. Halfchan fag confirmed
this.. Its not so much the ideology of course it is but the real problem is the people that flock to these ideologies and accept them unquestioningly. Such stupidity is very much inherited.
I've had the nightmare where I've been lost in large, old, darkened theater type buildings with long winding hallways and rooms within rooms with normal sized doors, little trap doors in doors and ceilings/floors etc. I was always looking for something, or trying to find a way out to escape some unknown threat. Incredible feeling of claustrophobia where I finally wake up drenched in sweat. Yet these images are a real place and they are more scary than my nightmares. The fucking idiots with no common sense or foresight.
made me smile out loud
Someone needs to add 'confirmed, they were burning an American flag in an indoor protest against Trump'.
To be honest I'm surprised those steel girders did not melt.
underrated post. There was a lot of demons sculptures and related stuff. That along with the drugs and freaky shit they were doing would have certainly got the attention of some foul entity.
Yeah, this guy is what happens when you're raised wrong.
Fires are not that rare, a poorly designed rave turning into a huge disaster is actualy more common than most people think.
Yeah sure, you should take her to church after tyrone finishes fucking her while you watch the kids and cook.
Fucking retard.
no one of worth was at that place. period. Any parent that got a sitter to watch the kids while they went to that place would have wound up mentally harming that child anyway. GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE. Go back to fucking reddit with your feelings.
Agreed, lets leave it at that. larpagan or cuckstian, at least we are not degenerate.
1st one is mother of 2nd pic. 3rd pic speaks for itself.
where the hell did you get any of that? her profile only says she prays every-day you over-imaginative fucking illiterate.
kill yourself
I saw the sheriff's tents and the first thing I thought was "what the fuck are the jews doing there?". Then I realized it was sheriff badges.
Why do the cops work for the jews?
count the points, they do work for the jews though
the fuck kinda name is that?
the kind you will never see on a resume, but you will in a court record.
yea, looking back youre probably right
My prayers have been heard.
Please let many more follow.
wew lad
What could possibly go wrong.
This user here nailed it. If you're this bad at staying alive then you really never deserved life to begin with. Shame of all that wasted oxygen, effort and resources.
The only good thing they ever did in their lives. Probably the last contribution they'll ever make as well.
What's fucking wrong with you?!
Live stream of their candle light vigil
if dubs, akhmeds attack the vigil.
There's still chance for another fire.
Let us pray.
It'll be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge
Tyrone Hawks Pro Skater: Basketball Edition
The town can be rebuilt.
I am disturbed by your suspicious lack of enthusiasm over these dead SJWs.
In the Station Nightclub fire that happened around 99 I think, the emergency exits all opened inward, so that no one could open them once all the crowds started to push against them. Pretty horrifying situation honestly. 100 people were killed. Sam Hyde would remember this…
SJW's who support a Jewish doctrine ironically gets burned to death enmasse in a wooden shack.
Top jej
Haha. I remember discussing the Israel fires over Thanksgiving with two separate friends on two separate occasions/places. Both said something along the lines of "good, let it all burn."
Why do niggers have such glass bones? I've done so much worse than this and nothing happens to me
If that place was cleaned up and had lots of clutter thrown out it could be pretty comfy.
jewsus christ what a strong stare…..
….pbbt hahahahaha burning faggot.
right back at you nigger milf JIDF.
Gen Z is thought to be the most Conservative age group since 1945.
how would that even work, I mean the fire started in multiple places at the same time so a crew would have to be that conspicuous while lighting up a big enough object? bad wiring sounds more probable.
These days? Honestly nothing. Human progress is tied to abstract thought, after concrete necessity is taken care of, but at this point - art is something that the few Aesthetes left speak of in whisper.
I rarely even refer to myself as an artist because the term has become so tainted by these talentless hacks, who honestly believe that what they create is anything but grotesque and meaningless.
We need a modern Renaissance. If we were to take a stranglehold on art, in the same way we have on dank maymays: we could redefine philosophy and aesthetic from "gibs me dat/"white men are the devil"" and "nigger noise"/"vagina paintings" to what it should have been; all along. This is our time. They had their chance, and they failed miserably. We just need to create what they cannot - honest, beautiful art. If we can take back artistry, in the same way we've taken back Pepe, because we it won't just be a victory in the present…it will define the way future generations perceive the Universe that they live within.
Waiting for the picture of this little runaway hottie
Carl Sundberg
3 hrs
We worry about our daughter who lives on the streets of Oakland. She loves to dance and sing. We hope she was not there when the fire joke out. Her name is Holly. She's about 5' 2" tall, a blue eyed blond. If you know where she is and she's OK, please let us know.
It means it spread so fast it was already on 3 sides when they got there.
These are leftists. If there was ANY chance they could blame this on the right they would have done so. It's almost certainly an electrical fire caused by powering the entire place with extension cords.
The man in picture did it. He was the one making tens of thousands of dollars a month from people that he thought were below him. He stacked as many evil effigies, flammable materials, drugs, porn etc, as he could into the space whilst leaving just enough room to get more than a dozen people in and disorientated with weird layouts and fake walls in a maze like death trap. He disabled the smoke and fire systems, he stopped (and made others) stop the official fire safety people coming to check safety.
He was constantly high on drugs and was convinced that if he gave a human sacrifice to an ancient demon that he would get much rewards. So far he is reaping the benefits in attention and not having to pay out what he owed.
All of his 'art' is just a collection of other people's 'art' that he used his victims money to pay for. He has no talent himself.
Maybe some of the victims got wise, or he owed them a lot of money and they were about to grass him for breaking regulations etc. So he organised a party for them all. We know the rest, he was central to the party but survived unscathed and seemingly without any emotional connection. For him, the victims were just some mindless drones to be milked to death and made to shut up.
When he first leased the building he used it as a community trash recycling center, that was how he received the pianos, trailers, old couches, and assorted garbage he filled the oven with.
That tattoo, is it just me or is there a dark warehouse surrounded by fire tattooed on the arm of the man who is responsible for the fire?
Does he lurk?
My theory is that he's taken a fair amount of psychedelic drugs over the years and that along with his 'entity' worship made him believe there was going to be a fire in the warehouse as a sacrifice to some demon of other. He believed it so much that he got a tattoo of it. When the fire did not happen by accident he went ahead and shut off and destroyed all the fire safety related stuff, packed the warehouse full of flammable junk, invited the victims and then started the fire.
I can't find any other images of his tattoo.
Oh, the swastika, I know what you mean now.