This makes me absolutely furious because it perfectly captures how the left operates: they employ an endless stream of made-up science to justify manipulating what they consider to be their "subjects". This manipulation will then somehow force ordinary people to behave how they "should". Leftists really believe that by employing one social science magic bullet after another, society will do exactly what they want it to. In the process our civilization is becoming more and more corrupt under the weight of arbitrary feminine rules designed to handicap men
Social science, psychology, mass manipulation, PR: it all has to go. Edward Bernays' body needs to be dug up and set on fire. A manipulated and deceived population will never perform well in any capacity, yet these idiots can't help but double down on their tyranny the worse they manage to make it.
What is it going to take to destroy this attitude that social deception is king (queen), and allow men their freedom again?
Agreed. It's just extremely insufferable and dangerous. A Culture of Critique.
Nathaniel Ward
NJ user here. This isn't really news, city officials have been trying to get people to stop driving into & thru Manhattan for a long time (excluding industrial resources like delivery trucks, buses, taxis etc). I don't think it's a conspiracy against people driving cars so much as it is trying to increase quality of life for pedestrians.
The traffic is disgusting though when you realize how small NYC is and how long it takes to get anywhere by car. I took an uber from Midtown to Williamsburg the other night, a distance of about 5 miles. It took 35 mins.
Adrian Baker
Living in New York City has to be the most miserable experience there is.
Jaxson Rivera
What's wrong with turning to bicycles? You will never feel as healthy and alive not to mention that is FREE.
Zachary Price
Yeah except for the literal admission in the OP by leftist officials that they are doing this on purpose. But, yeah, I'm sure they have your "quality of life" in mind, goy.
John Miller
Nothing's wrong with bicycles. Who are you arguing against? Nobody said anything of the sort.
Jaxson Long
They crush your nuts.
John Davis
Electric bikes are amazing for cities like NYC.
Joshua Anderson
Bicyclists are massive road hogging faggots.
Brody Thompson
They do the same shit here in Norway. The only thing it does is punish the workers who need to get to work, and business that need transport. Lots of expensive tolls everywhere, horrible parking, etc etc Hell, I pay almost 20usd in toll everyday just to get to work and it's horrible
Cameron Long
Leftists are footbinders, plain and simple. Incapable perverts that should be dragged out back and shot. Bicycles are not a serious form of transportation and they put you at great risk of injury.
Bicycling is like public school, multi-genders, and anti-racism. Harmful social rituals, promoted to the useful idiots, in order to give them more social trophies/good goy points.
Ethan Sanders
Come home white man, nothing is more Caucasian than cycling
John Green
That's disgusting, I can almost run just about run 5 miles in 35mins. Why do you fucking live there?
Thomas Phillips
I live in suburban NJ but work in Manhattan
I don't think I could ever live in the city
Levi Adams
This is one of the most retarded posts i've read here. Comparing a form of transport to liberalism? How are you any better, feeding the oil jew? You gotta be a fatty or a city cuck.
Mason Campbell
I'll stick to my truck, tyvm
Evan Cooper
My mom is from Austria and sometimes I wanna leave burgerland to go back to mother Europe, but a 50% income tax, and all the various fees and duties you guys have to pay would make me want to kill myself.
Jacob Edwards
Try some of this on, for size. Adjust it for america, of course. Either straight up propaganda, or, at the very least, the mindset.
Benjamin Carter
a 750 RPG motor gets you up to, what, 30-35 MPH? You hit a pothole with no shocks on that thing going 30 & you're dead. Who the fuck is designing these things?
Henry Long
Life is shit everywhere. Thank the ZOG for that.
Ryan Bailey
It was an admission by an anonymous ex-official but even so, that info can be spun numerous ways.
This is an unscientific guess but I'd say city officials' top concern regarding traffic, is the welfare of residents and tourists because tourism to NYC is huge. Most residents & tourists don't drive their own cars around the city to their destinations, they walk, bike or take the bus/subway. Even people who drive into Manhattan for a night out will likely park in the Port Authority as soon as they get thru the Lincoln Tunnel, then walk or take public transit wherever they need to go. I'm not sure about people who come in across the GWB, maybe it's easier to find parking on the upper west side. Taxis and other car services (uber or private car service) are also pretty crucial to NYC's economy but they probably think if they can eliminate x% of cars from coming into the city then traffic for taxis will be manageable.
They can't make it illegal for civilians to drive cars through the city, so in order to discourage unnecessary auto traffic, they raise tolls into Manhattan to a ridiculous amount, restrict parking all over the place, and restrict traffic flow. Also put in pedestrian plazas (Times Square etc) and bike lanes but this is not as a fuck-you to drivers, I see it more to protect cyclists (especially with the advent of the CitiBike program which has been pretty popular) and to draw pedestrians to certain areas, especially tourist spots where theres thousands of people walking around not paying attention to the roads.
tl;dr it's not a direct fuck you to drivers but that is a side effect. I don't ever drive into the city if I can help it.
This. The whole 'build city roads for cars not for humans' was the first meme for the totalutarian consume society back in thw 50s. In Britian the socialists destroyed the majority of old beautifull victorian trainstations in order to replace them with parking lots. The car was marketed as the quintessential individualist act of the modern man. Now the goyim are not forced to travel in groups anymore because for the first time in history you can savely travel large amounts of distances alone in your little steel box. Everyone neatly seperated into small individual units and no need to have sny form of community or social interaction with the people around you. In the US this meme went even furrher and clever minds build the entire city structure around the automated economic unit transportation box. In italian fascism this development was atttibuted to the concept of super-capitalism.
Cars in themselfs are not bad but the concept of building society around it is dysgenic. You think the US had so many fat people if you could or had to walk 5 mins to the supermarket or your city layout didnt encourage long car commutes?
"Nationwide, you’re more than twice as likely to die while riding a bike than riding in a car, per trip, according to a 2007 study led by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiologist Laurie Beck. Bike riding is also about 500 times more fatal than riding in a bus."
Bicycle riding as a form of transportation will eventually land you in the hospital. It's a sacrificial ritual promoted to awaken ancient feels in the serfs. Humans like blood sacrifice. It puts their animalistic minds at ease. The left are pros in masking blood sacrifice as seemingly normal acts.
Yes it's true cars ruined cities, but they are necessary pretty much everywhere else. Bicycling specifically is one of those perverted rituals that hurts more than helps. It's a blood sacrifice.
Leo Morris
European here, is that true? I dont know about Portland, except that is a liberal pozzed hole.
Matthew Peterson
This, there would be less traffic without bicycles.
William Jackson
Get some help, LARPagan.
Liam Richardson
well your post tuned out awful
Alexander Wilson
Enjoy your crushed taints and street signs.
Jace Gomez
I think the important issue not being noticed is too much cars.
Gavin Morales
it goes 20MPH, all you need to dois mount a hipster catcher in front of it.
Matthew Thomas
Good, it was time to make you fat fucks get some excersice
Nolan Robinson
Ignorance is bliss.
Kevin Thompson
Electric bikes are a good invention, but you could buy a used car for the price.
I'll buy one when it's half cheaper.
Grayson Bennett
No cars in cities is ok, cities are degenerate anyway.
Jacob Collins
Samuel Diaz
Bicycles are for subhuman hive people. Do you think our politicians will ever stop using cars? Of course not. They want one thing for us, another for them. They are pushing this to further social stratification because that enables marxism.
Cooper Turner
i can appreciate the idea of people using bikes or walking, but public transportation is a goy toy car
Isaac Moore
Maybe you've never experienced good public transport. If one has no need for a car, it's great.
On the other hand during flu season I'm sure many more get infected when using it. On the third hand, your resiliance grows if you're around so many people breathing the same air every day compared to being insulated in your own car.
Leo Hill
Quite satisfying to watch.
Cooper Nguyen
Then force politicians, don't cry over healthy citizens
Jonathan Phillips
If it wasnt for the minorities, bicycles and the bus wouldn't even be that bad.
Brandon Williams
Traveling in groups fucking sucks and you must be some mediterranean kind of shit if you enjoy it.
Jacob Lee
Just nut up and ban cares.
Blake King
Bicycling is promoted to cripple you and limit your movement. In Best Korea you have to apply for a permit to even get a bike. That's where your gay ass pokemon bicycle highway fantasy is leading us.
Levi Parker
I bike, it's faster than driving where I'm at for the grocery store and bank. That's with no traffic, lights and parking make driving take more time.
Matthew Johnson
They do this in many cities, even smaller ones. If you've ever driven in Boulder, CO you'll realize the set up for drivers is quite intentionally bad.
They plan to one day take away the right of private vehicle ownership.
Sebastian White
Charles Kelly
Boulder county Colorado here. They're militant assholes being used by Agenda 21 fucktards to reform the roadways.
Get stuck behind one going down Boulder Canyon, they'll know they have fifty cars lined up behind them but will refuse to get over even when going by a large turnout. They're complete cunts.
Christopher Morales
I visit Portland on a regular basis, and I have to admit that it's probably true. I hate the people there with a passion, but the city has a great layout, and it's cozy as hell, especially in the wealthier neighborhoods. I think it may be due to some very talented civil planners, but I honestly couldn't tell you how this happened.
Jonathan Smith
final solution.
Jack Brooks
Jayden Wilson
In gen two, fly becomes redundant to teleport.
Hudson Clark
You'll find it hard to believe, but not all public transport is shit. See
James Brown
Because spics and niggers stealing bikes?
Michael Lopez
It already has a seat.
Matthew Jackson
No, just exisitng.
Liam Thomas
Very good city planners. one of the highest sqft of land per person(in a city) in the US. Neat ideas ,like the pictured artistic/high visibility crosswalks, make the suburbs safer. Lots of homeless and crazy lefties though.
Wyatt Jones
I used to live in NYC for a while, and anyone who would willingly go out on a bike everyday out there has a death wish. As much as I hate him, to his credit Casey Neistat has a point here . You bike in the area without breaking traffic laws. Every day you bike in NYC is a day you roll the dice on your life. Don't forget that reserved parking spots can cost $500 to $1000 or even more depending on where you are. Cars are reserved for the wealthy elite.
Charles Allen
Pretty much sums up how all the banks etc. behaved during the 2008 financial crisis.
Sebastian Sanchez
Carson Barnes
Yah that was fucking crazy. What a coincidence.
Blake Reed
Austin Wright
The problem with Jews (well, half-Jews) like Kunstler and goy clever-sillies is their ability to dance around the elephant in the room, i.e. that a growing urban black population drove any whites that could afford it out into the suburbs
Lincoln Sanders
This cities should be no cars period. Transport trucks and public transportation only. Especially no armored convois for politgangsters, let them take the bus and enjoy multiculturalism.
Benjamin Long
Wyatt Lewis
Nolan Harris
Sign post guillotine.
Parker Hall
I actually prefer both bikes and buses/trains over driving a car. Riding a bike is good exercise, and on the train you can read a book because you're not busy driving. And as with everything from clubs to gyms and schools, trains are a lot more enjoyable when they're not full of muds.
Kevin Garcia
have you seen this?
Carson Hall
Public transportation is good as an always available and efficient alternative and when there are NO NIGGERS.
There were elementary school kids riding the subway by themselves in Japan. Cities operate under the same conditions. Come to think of it, nothing can be good with subhumans around.
Levi White
But it is you mongoloid. Do you think they're building new, wider roads for bike lanes? No.
Andrew Thomas
What the hell am Iooking at?
Aiden Ross
good goyim, let the diversity flow through you
Aaron Bailey
noone says rural communities dont need cars. Europe is bigger than the US that doesnt mean we have to use cars for everything.
well or someone without aspergers who likes it when countrymen interact with each other outside of goverment sanctioned / media influenced situations. The reason why europe and the US used to be strong was because people got their values from the people around you - people knew their neighbours and knew every store and shop owner around their neighborhood by name. Nowadays people get their values and beliefs from the television and don't even know the names of their neighbours. Individualism is making the west weaker and weaker. And I don't know how you feel but I'd rather share a cafe talking to some interesting person on the train or reading a book for 10 mins than being stuck in traffic and then having to find a parking spot somewhere in the inner city only to walk another 3 minutes to my destination.
Yea thats being talked about in then next video of the series I think
Owen Lewis
If you wanted better quality of walking, you shouldn't have fucking moved to a jewish goyim city packed to the brim in every square foot with either rich people that can afford $2000 per month for a shoebox-sized studio apartment or poorfags that can somehow still live in the city without being homeless.
Gas yourself. Cyclists are massive faggots anyway, either hogging the entire sidewalk so nobody can walk or taking up half the road because they can't stick to their designated bike lane so cars have to constantly go around them.
Kind of mediocre truck, but understandable. They don't make good trucks anymore, just like cars they're all ugly jewish pieces of shit. You have to go back to 2003 and earlier to get a good truck, and early 90s to get a good car. Disgraceful.
Jesus christ nigger, towns, villages, cities have always been designed around some form of transportation, otherwise how the fuck would people be able get around the place? Fuck your (((Public transport))) fetish bullshit. You expect getting around a village or city to be arriving at a (((public transport))) station or designated parking lot, then having to walk potentially miles away to get to where you need to go?
Like poetry.
Jew detected.
Jaxon Young
Hahah oh shit, I remember reading about this a year or two ago.
Landon Richardson
Individualism protects Americans from the downward pull of low IQs.
Brody Watson
I've used public transportation in Tokyo while I was living there and have attempted to use public transportation in NYC but even America's best city for that pales in comparison.
And if you're a White guy everyone fucking stares at you menacingly. I have no choice but to live close to my job and bike over there. Fucked up.
Thank God for Uber/Lyft.
Carter Myers
2008 was a shitshow even worse than that. You're talking about several hundred layers of jewery.
The 2008 collapse is extremely interesting to me becuase its the biggest example of jews being jews.
Charles Hall
You have some kind of public transportation option all over the city in Tokyo, even in the burbs and every major artery is open 24/7 with tiny convenience stores also open all night. I wish (((they'd))) let us have a city like that.
Anthony Scott
Joseph Roberts
how is this not a form of terrorism?
Kevin Morgan
Shut up goy.
Luke Harris
This, uber is fucking sketchy and there are way to many subhumans driving them.
Ryan Jones
Right because taxis are all driven by Aryan gods.
Tyler Kelly
are you asking this in jest? I guess you don't know better but there used to be a time (before the 19th century) were cities were planned and build around the idea that people could have everything they need in walking distance because 90% of people would either use public transportation (trains and trams) or the pre-automobile version of taxis the carriage which were also often shared by multible passangers unless you had more cash.
Where I live you never walk more than 5 mins anywhere because every public transport is interconnected. It's a 5 way system: bus -> tram -> metro -> interdistrict city train -> intercity train and the next instance would be regional train (the traditional train system) and above that is interstate trains. My daughter regulairly visits her best friend who lives in another state (from Dusseldorf to Munich - 613km or 380 miles) by driving there with the train on her own every school break. She is 14 and it's not a big deal because she never has to walk more than 5 minutes.
Justin Gutierrez
At least taxis are unionized so there's some accountability if the shitwad driving kills your ass.
Kevin Myers
The plural of goy is "goyim", not "goys." And predictable Daily Stormer merchant clip art. Why is it that TRS/Daily Stormer/Radio Renegades ALWAYS mix the plural and the singular around? Do they fear the power of correct names?
Elijah Rogers
It depends on where you are. Here, there are quite literally two people in the entire fleet of drivers that aren't white.
Oh look, exactly as I said, the city was planned around forms of transportation. Full of roads to get around in. You're not getting the point, whether (((deliberately))) or through ignorance. With your shilling for (((public transport))), it's looking like the former.
Problem, Chaim?
Angel Nguyen
Whatever is being shilled in that video is Jewish trash.
Leo Mitchell
You make this so easy. It's not the fact of a merchant being used, it's the style and presentation. It's not the fact of a grammar mistake, it's the reliability of the inversion. the reliability of the accusation "autism" the reliability of the word "chaim" And all of these things in one post. Tells us where you are from.
Lincoln Garcia
Cities were a mistake. They serve no purpose in the modern world where it is not necessary to walk to your factory job. We'd be better off having more ports, industrial parks, and malls. We could keep capital cities and simply make them the seat of government with some parks and zoos and limited shops around them. Places like NYC are just disgusting, and produce disgusting people.
Cameron Perez
But they charge a ton of money, are rude, drive like assholes, no accountability for them arriving on time or not, only accept cash most of the time.
I'd rather risk it, thank you.
Colton Barnes
Lincoln Bell
Austin Green
Which I said nowhere. Which I said nowhere. Identifying shill behavior = derailing. Run to the nearest authority figure in the hope of silencing dissent.
Michael Garcia
they made them illigal, any cop can confiscate one whenever feeling like doing so and there is no refunds
Ryder Fisher
You don't understand the purpose of sage, hilarious. Sage is not a downvote, Renegade acolytes seem to have difficulty comprehending that. I sage because it's rude to bump a thread when the post was a reply to a shill.
Matthew Morgan
Jew York City earns its name again.
Carson Cooper
Mass transit in NYC is the fucking worst.
During rush out its not bad on the trains coming in and out of Connecticut or NJ. Working people mostly white. But any other time its bad. Real bad. And the buses are always full of nogs and every other enrichment you can think of.
Anthony Rodriguez
Disgusting. Never stopped to think about it, but this really is a huge issue. Apparently the way America is setup, it's inevitable that people will be obese, from lack of bodily transportation to fast food stops places especially with cars in mind.
Easton Miller
Yea, because people use the underground tunnels to walk around town instead of open roads, right? public transports are jewish now or a bad thing? I choose to believe you are deliberately pretending to be a retard here. If you realy believe that people didn't use their fucking legs for 99.9999% of time in history to get around town and that public transportation is somehow a jewish-bolshevik plan to subvert the western freedom spirit of the american people then you should get help.
Pic related of the MAIN avenue of paris with people casually walking on the streets in contrast to a modern random NYC street
Asher Green
Is hating on bicycles an american thing?
Carson Rogers
The car is more than a means of transport to Americans. A man who uses a bicycle is seen as either poor or weak.
Jacob Thompson
Ahh i understand, but i'm slightly fat. That is the sole reason i ride a bicycle, that and feeling the wind against my face.
Brandon Scott
Wait, did kikes introduce cars to enslave us to the technostate, or is them taking the cars away again the real plan to make us helpless?
Luke Ramirez
I lived downtown for a few years. I never thought about the traffic because I could walk everywhere or take the subway, which is perfectly safe anywhere I ever wanted to go.
My ten-minute walk to work was a sweet commute and I would acrually walk through the traffic backed up going to the Holland tunnel and be glad it wasn't me. The only times I ever drove while living there was to rent a car to get away for the weekend.
I went back for the first time in years and was totally astounded that they've turned two lanes of Broadway into outdoor table seating. That's a lot of nice seating but too bad for cars.
NYC is a fun place to live for a while and there's big opportunity to work and get paid well. But if you really are a city person, USA has other cities without the filth and BS like this traffic mismanagement.
Ethan Powell
That depends on the bike and whether it costs more than some cars. There are some pretty badass bike messengers.
Yep and it's called public transportation. The most effective way. You were the one who just earlier claimed cities were always 'designed' for individual transportation methods. because public transportation is not freedom of movement. No transporting 2 tons of steel with you everywhere you go that you have to park somewhere is true freedom. How dare people travel around town by entering a train and leaving it 5 mins later at the desired destination and then can use any means of transportation they want at any time to anywhere instead of having to start their personal combustion engine box everytime they want to go somewhere else only to drive through thick and slow traffic.
To be honest I think you just never used a real public transportation network, listen to He knows whats up. And of course if you live in the US and have to drive 30 minutes from your suburb to town - pay a toll - to buy something because your city is laid out that way you probably wonder how it could be any different.
Angel Sullivan
Fuck off jew, it's called the automobile. Your shilling for turning the goyim world into the third world will never ever happen.
Carter Scott
It's promoted by the car and oil industry, I'd say yes. I bike as a mainstay and have gotten more than a bit of hostility in my direction without doing anything other than being on a bike.
Cooper Clark
Way to go retards, the only way to make it fucking work is by completely redesigning the city because the transit there was never made for that kind of use and having potentially hundreds of thousands of people on bikes on the street sounds like chaos to say the least
Michael Wright
It's a fine line:
1) People still need cars; the question is whether or not to allow cars in cities or dense urban areas 2) Nobody wants to be dependent on public transport 3) Sharing public transport with immigrants is hell 4) Democrat/socialist governments talk the talk but don't actually implement high-quality public transport. It's inhumane to have to use leftist mass transit.
Nathaniel Davis
Then accept that you will forever stay enprisoned in your neoliberal consumer system. But don't cry when you wreck your car and suddenly you can't even go buy milk because there are 3 hours of city highway between you and the closest supermarket.
Nathaniel Roberts
That photo is from China.
Landon Barnes
P.S. I don't want biking to become mainstream because that means it will be regulated to death. With it fringe I'm more left alone so I'm quite fine with the trade off of the periodic hate from nowhere for riding a bike.
Sebastian Scott
Kevin Kelly
Not for the goyim.
Cameron Gonzalez
It's understandable that a burger or an outback would be very anxious to lose their cars. You're arguing two different points here: yes it's dumb to organize society around the car; but they will always be needed in places.
Mason Russell
shit truck tbh stay retard with your 75k hot wheels pussy truck
Grayson Gutierrez
Liam Hill
Sure smells like a fracture point in here
Ayden Walker
yea, here high-quality public transport is created by mostly independent corporations who get goodies (subsidizing) from the goverment if they keep everything running on time and clean with some exceptions.
You still don't understand, there is a bus stop in every street in my entire town and a metro station in every block. What you are saying is like ">not just walking everywhere you want instead of being forced to use predesrcibed driving lanes for your car. oy vey don't you want freedom of movement? Don't use driving lanes!" We were talking about urban zones right? You know places like NYC. Or were you arguing for rural farm communities to use their cars? it's pretty relevant to people moving less and using cars to get to the walmart only to use scooters to drive around in there.
Well I'm talking about urban layout. People in rural places and just on average of course need cars I never said they don't. Every family does own at least one car and most people that use public transportation here also own cars. But if you go into the inner city to get a cofe often you just use public transportation because it's the stronger alternative. And even interstate travel is sometimes more pleasant with a bullet train if you dont have something big to transport with you. If you want compair it with taking a plane. Yes you will be "forced" to breathe the same air as other people and lose some freedom of movement but it's still better than driving for hours. The same goes for public transportation network. When I was studying I took a 30 minute train ride every morning to university which was in a different disctrict instead of taking my car and driving there 20 minutes. Meanwhile I could write and essay or read what ever home work we had while eating.
Robert Johnson
Because they're fucking idiots that don't think they have to obey road laws and act the victim generally. You haven't lived until you've heard one of their heads pop while commuting. Eurofags can go beat off with their horse and buggy cities where they've had no other option but to downsize and become accustomed. This is the opposite, an outright effort to close in and do fuck all for actual transit.
Jack Gutierrez
ITT: OP decries city officials trying to unkike their city's transportation environment by getting people to go back to using mass transit in a city that was built around pedestrian and mass transit in the first place.
Thomas Reed
Have you considered that 1) they imported mudfats and 2) the white population aged because of the boomers and 3) the age of death for those who live past 55 increased to 91 from 74 during the same period.
Man it's like old people who can't move and whose stupid kids still feed them the same amount get fat or something.
Henry Smith
Why are you still trying, Chaim? It's not going to work, we're not going to be your jewish-run goyim citynation.
John Williams
OP decries the government not making real plans and executing them, but instead making one worthless manipulation after the next literally designed to control us through misery. Cars are secondary to kikes here.
Kevin Kelly
Not the user you were replying to but I like biking so I understand that sentiment. Maybe it's just where I live but I never understood the hate for cyclists honestly, then again few people around here hog the roads on their bike and honestly aren't legally allowed to either. Only ones who do it are the fags who dress in those Tour DE France tights or whatever that look like they're a dress code for gay clubs and there ain't many around here and those who do stick to the sidewalks anyway but the fags ride together in groups of 20 so they take up the whole ducking sidewalk anyway.
Biggest issue with cycling honestly is safety, especially if you live in an area with shifty drivers like I do. Even being as cautious as Humanly possible you're still liable to get ran the fuck over as soon as you hit a crosswalk. A couple months ago I had some dude run a red light and hit me with his truck and fracture my skull because of it. Granted I should've worn a helmet but unless you get a really good one, which easily cost over 300 bucks, a chunk of plastic and a light film of foam won't do much except maybe keep your head together so they don't gotta scrape pieces of it off the road
Dylan Walker
He's the most transparent tech YouTuber I know. If you want shills, try Tek Syndicate, UrAvgConsumer, HardwareCanucks, PocketNow, or anyone else, almost.
Jack Miller
Do you have any argument other than "public transportation is evil jewish socialism" and "having to interact with other people is a fundemental evil that is destroying the west". Do you refuse to take the plane to other countries because it's public transportation? Funny enought the way modern american cities work hasn't been free of jewish names at all, while the way european cities developed over hundrets of years has. You pretent as if public transportation was some new invention created by the frankfurt school in the 60s to weaken europeans or something. Meanwhile people used ferries in ancient times to quickly move up or down the river with in a town as early as back in ancient egyptians.
here some images of proto-judeo-marxist transportation systems (I suspect Lenin himself ordered these images to be forged to erase the proud history of individual boat and individual horse travel that was used)
Kayden Murphy
oy fucking vey right schlomo?
Camden Allen
Kill yourself kike.
Carter Cook
I take that as a no
Jose Thompson
That sprawl looks gross. Id rather bigass arcologies
Easton Sanders
nu-Holla Forums
William Jones
Camden Williams
Honestly as someone who has no driver's licence and has to ride his bike everywhere, biking isnt really practical for most things
Its an exercise in frustration that makes you depend on friends for rides more than 15 miles
Nathaniel Reed
George Soros has a house in Katonah NY, and that pic literally describes his property which is giant wall with armed guards stationed at the entrance. I know this because I live in Katonah.
Jaxon Parker
you're retarded. Why would a shill be pushing such a random and specific point of view?
William Reed
Autitistic trainfags forget that shitskins ruin every form of public transportation. I lived in a comfy white suburb growing up. By the time I got to high school, the metro line reached my city. by the time I graduated, the city was nigger infested and crumbling. By the time I graduated university, white flight had reached its peak and gang shootings near schools became common and the tax base collapsed.
Don't get me wrong. I love autistic utopian planning shit, but until we fix the demographics, urbanite mentality can get fucked.
Nathan Harris
he believes public transport is inherently jewish and anti-american. So there is not much to debate in his mind realy. As soon as he ran out of arguments he just called me a shill and ran off.
Samuel Smith
You're not a shill. You're even worse. You're a white man with a nigger's IQ.
Oliver Edwards
Kill yourself kike. You are a jew hell bent on taking away freedom of movement and ability of people to go where the fuck they want when they want so they're stuck using your government-owned transport systems so what, people can walk on roads for no beneficial reason?
Logan Phillips
Sure, no issue with having loads of one-manned cars at all.
The city is an inhumane organisation though, I'd better see cities getting as bad as possible so that people realise that living in stone jungles is counter-productive.
Jack Morris
whats with all of these CTR FORMATTING/COMPRESSION lately, are we being raided?
Samuel Sanchez
You quoted a video featuring James Kunstler who is a leftoid conspiracy theorist who hates humanity and white people in particular. Anything associated with that guy = automatic refuse.
Ryder Watson
having an argument is not shilling learn to banter when you're upset instead of crying
Logan Lee
Now this is just pathetic, you aren't even trying.
Logan Jenkins
I visited euroland a couple years back, and not to sound like some american liberal enamored of all things euro, I was blown away by the public transport system. But really that was a by-product of the accessible nature of the towns, built by and for everyday people. I stayed in such a town in Holland for a few weeks, and was really impressed by the sense of community and trust that seemed to prevail there. Kids were out playing in the streets unsupervised, something I rarely see in burgerland, partly because the setup of many residential areas doesn't allow for that kind of proximity.
Leo Clark
Yeah def a retarded point of view to have. American rail systems are iconic as fuck. The problem is that while they aren't inherintly Jewish, they've been fucked over from cultural enrichment and Jewish management in more recent times.
Just because Jews take over and ruin everything doesn't make everything Jewish.
Gavin Morales
and SS stands for super socialism, right? Public transportation doesnt have to be goverment controleld just like airlines are not goverment owned in most cases.
True enough, but I doubt he knows who Kunstler is. His whole argument is "muh freedom" and then he spams memes without arguments: the classic sign of someone who has no arguments but refuses to give up. By the way the uploader is a Holla Forumsfag and makes some good points you should check his stuff out.
Connor Baker
USA had that not even 40 years ago. It isn't the layout that caused the cultural change.
Justin Bailey
That's why it's paid by taxes and passes, right Chaim? You also seem to be under the false assumption that everyone lives or should live in some (((urban center))) and that rural locations don't exist. Kill yourself kike.
Logan Jones
That poor guy was peddling like a champ and would have made it if the post or whatever that was did not come down and rek his shit. Then he got exploded on. Like the truck just fire farted right on the poor sucker. Feels bad man. Terrible luck to die 10 feet short of a clean getaway.
Ian Lee
nice ctr formatting newfriend, you clearly don't belong here, let me redirect you to a place where you belong:
This problem is especially bad in Ontario, Canada.
I can't even get started. It's too depressing and enraging.
Michael Long
I think the layout had something to do with it. American suburbia really took off in the 1980's, and created an incredible feeling of isolation in our country along with it. However, I don't blame the suburbanites because it was mostly an attempt to escape the nigger-conquered cities, and the cultural vacuum of suburbia that liberals and kikes love to whine about is mostly caused by our demographics going haywire, not because of dem ebuhl whyte peepl. The simple answer is that whites are demoralized.
Chase Nguyen
How bout those new tolls on the DVP and gardiner, eh friend? Surely they will use them to repair the TTC air conditioning before next summer, right?
John King
I lived in NYC for a time, you aren't going to get mugged on any of the major lines in the subway in manhattan. Only if you take some rarely used train in the ghetto. Also being constantly around mud people was a necessary learning experience. Know thy enemy and all that, they dont intimidate me in any way shape or form. Being "enriched" constantly is the best way to develop mental fortitude.
Xavier Collins
Yea when a transportation grid is well thought out and makes it possible to connect the whole community it can realy be a blessing. The only problems are realy immigrants who will eventually pop up in those public spaces and make streets unsafe for children. As far as I know this is only the case in the most large cities here. Like Cologne, Frankfrut, Amsterdam, Brussels, Arnheim (a bit). Other than that I often get told my american exchange students that they love to see that kids here can go from and to school on their own using bus or metro without having to watch their back. One of them said that she went shopping alone for the first time in her life her because at home her parents wouldn't allow her to even drive more than 10 mins away from her suburb and always would drive her into town or to places. But then again she lived in one of those gated communities. In my childhood public transportation was the symbol of freedom, going to places with friends after school without your parents and moving about the city without needing to be old enough to drive a car was a blessing for me as a kid. Especially because all my friends lived scattered throughout the city so it enabled us to all meet and visit each other independently from our parents. By the way, I hope the place you went it wasn't Amsterdam. That place is everything that is wrong with the west. Other than that Netherlands has beautiful cities. I live kinda around the border to Netherlands and love to visit their coast to go sailing.
I never said that. Is someone forcing you americans to nationalize public transportation? Here it's private firms with some subsidizing and I live in the country with the highest infrastructure index and closest connected public transportation system. We were talking about Urban zones (like in OP New York), Of course people in rural communities rely on cars but even there public transportation should at least be an option.
Adam Smith
Yea with too much diversity this kind of stuff doesn't work but that can be fixed.
Colton Gomez
Bentley Ramirez
Anthony Ramirez
ITT: fat lazy NEETs who recoil in horror at the thought of riding a bike and getting exercise.
Angel James
That's a load of bullshit though, it's always chaos in Stockholm when the first snow arrives.
Jaxon Roberts
Sure thing goyim, there's a reason cab-drivers needs a license. Uber gets away with it because ((they)) are funded by the government.
Parker Rivera
tbh I still ride public transportation in Europe despite being well into my 20's
Hunter Adams
(((You))) not ((You)) cuck
Tyler Jackson
Pretty much, i would bet that most of them haven't evem sat their fat asses on a bicycle since they were kids.
Anthony Ward
You know they sat inside playing vidya all day, everyday.
Kayden Torres
Do emergency vehicles still have a dedicated lane on the street at least? They must, right? But how are the elderly supposed to deal with that? Or people who are sick? Or disabled? Or with a couple of small children in the car? Or simple people with a lot of cargo?
Henry Bailey
Christian Evans
Jesus Christ how much amount of bad luck do you have to posess for this to happen? He was killed 4 times in a row within a few seconds.
Ayden Price
Not all governments are bad, some can still make some good decisions. Fact of the matter is, want to learn something more? Look up Uber's self-driving cars and the United Nations Agenda 21.
It's going to be the death of self-sufficiency. That's the whole point. They are already planning on tracking your positions and the rides with Uber you take (due to you using their app and that is going to be logged if it aren't already). Then add the self-driving cars and you got a situation where they control where you are going to go.
Connor Perez
Jaxson Martin
Are you being paid by car manufacturers or oil companies?
Jonathan Gutierrez
The immigrants really do affect things substantially, I could see it happening in Belgium when I went to Antwerp near the end of my trip (a place that was recommended to me but I very much regret going to). I stayed in Leiden but did make a foray into Amsterdam. Within five minutes of disembarking from Centraal and crossing the bridge, some arab tried to sell me cocaine. The streets were jam-packed with muds from every corner of the earth, and all the shops were selling lame Bob Marley/dudeweedlmao merchandise. But once I got out of the Dam Square area, it wasn't too bad. The neighborhoods fifteen minutes away seemed full of young white couples with kids, though I suspected most of them had government jobs (or with some awful progressive NGO) and were fully liberal. I did get to see the Rijksmuseum though, which was worth any amount of degeneracy.
Brandon Hall
Australian here, fuck you. I fucking hate bicyclists with such a burning passion that I get enraged whenever I see one, even when i'm not in a car. They fucking take up half a lane and it seems 9 times out of 10 its on a blind hill so you have no fucking idea if you're going to get smashed by another car because you have to initial D around a fucking mid life crisis having cunt wearing his body condom
I mean holy shit you cunts, there's a fucking path right there! Why do they feel the need to ride on the ROAD where CARS are when there's a path right next to them. Couple their complete disregard for their own safety and the well being of motorists, is their absolute smugness and self righteousness that they are willing to sacrifice comfort and convenience to 'save the planet' or that they feel that they are improving the road experience for others by having less cars on the road but fuck that, until they start paying road taxes and start riding towards incoming traffic, it should be legal to run those fuckers over and take their 3000 dollar super huffys to sell to faggots in europe
Evan Wilson
Agree with this chap
But also my $0.02:
Bikers are fucking cancer. Nobody wants to be stuck behind a biker selfishly hogging a road lane (where there aren't bike lanes) going fucking 5 miles per hour when they're trying to get to work.
When there are bike lanes, it just takes up more space on the road you effectively have half the lanes you would have had before.
Here's the simple solution: 1. Make riding a bike on the sidewalk legal. 2. Make it illegal to ride a bike in the road unless there is no sidewalk.
Of course that's too simple and you have to worry about all the bikefags who will scream >muh rights.
Guess what, faggots? Using a road is a privilege not a right, they can take away your privilege to bike in the road whenever they want.
Lincoln Brooks
I'd love to ride my bike around more if I didn't have to worry about getting jumped by niggers or getting run over by some bitch on her cellphone. Also if cities weren't so disgusting looking either, I'd ride around everywhere, like if I lived in a nice old European village, or if our taxes actually were invested in our infrastructure and making our cities great instead of stuffing pockets. Over here we get fucked out of a huge chunk of our paychecks, but everything is barely above 3rd world condition.
Angel Jackson
Yea thats a well knwon shithole, who ever told you to go there realy didn't know much about the place. And yea, most large cities are packed with muslims but once you get out of those places it usually is kind of white. The Rijksmuseum is glorious, I visited it a couple times in my life and it was worth it every time anew. Glad to hear you had the chance to visit the place, alot of tourists just go walk around the red light district, smoke weed and then leave.
Hunter Lopez
Tyler Moore
How about you go back to posting ">ctr spacing", that was a slightly less retarded shill tactic.
Isaiah Diaz
Anyone that thinks riding a bike is somehow kike shilling is fuckin retarded and in all likelihood an obese shill themselves.
Levi Thomas
Kayden Morgan
Henry Rogers
takes fat to smell fat fatty
Caleb Campbell
In traffic, yes there is.
Nolan Cook
There's no reason why you can't have well designed and maintained public rail system and highway/road system working in conjunction. Only a kike pushing for his product would say such a thing.
Jaxon James
You forgot about the part where lefties in the gov encouraged the banks to do this, both by buying the bad loans and oyveying about not enough niggers being about to get loans (might have to have the justice department look into discrimination there goy, you wouldn't like that now would you?).
Eli Reyes
haven't touched a bike in years but i agree with these anons, when i rode I got the fuck out of the way when cars were coming up, nothing worse than some faggot shitting up the road because muh rights. You ever been driving through a parking lot and had a landwhale intentionally walk slower with a smug grin? It's the same bullshit mentality and one day they're going to do it to the wrong guy and learn what happens when you fuck around with multi-tons of moving metal.
Jacob Russell
See this is exactly why we call you europoors and disregard your dumb opinions 90% of the time. You niggers and the poor saps who you've convinced domestically are always whining and bitching about how there isn't enough rail travel and mass transit here. The reason why is the country is fucking HUGE and as a result only handful of cities, almost all in the state of NY, which by the way already has a subway and commuter trains, has a population density high enough to support the mass transit they so desperately want. They don't have enough people to diffuse the cost amongst so they start to widen the scope of who to tax into rural areas who get no benefit from the transit schemes they don't benefit from, which breeds discontent and resentment. Then those city fucks sit and bitch in their newspapers and media about "ugh these backward hicks who can't get with progress."
A single solution doesn't fit all needs, and given our culture, geographical status and population distribution and density euro/japanese style mass transit simply isn't feasible let alone economical.
Cameron Peterson
it doesn't actually hit him, it hits the front of his bike and he falls to his right
still ded tho
Jason Walker
we dont hate bikes, we hate bike riders, because they're non-human cunts
Noah Howard
How about we necklace them with their bike tires?
Sebastian Peterson
Sorry, trips, but letting a private cabal of rootless cosmopolitans buy up control of currency printing and banking powers is quintessentially capitalist.
Connor Anderson
If you say so, Linus.
Colton Miller
When properly designed, a city and especially a town and village shouldn't require automobile travel to get from residential areas to commercial areas.
Jeremiah Butler
Europe is bigger than the US, your map only includes western europe, jesus how stupid can you be?
Liam Barnes
Because they're not autistic Jews.
Tyler Powell
There are no huge gaps of space with just wilderness or national park land and no settlement in it in Europe like there is in the US.
Bentley Ortiz
Historically, cities are places built by and for the merchant, the Jew, the idle, the outcast, the degenerate, the parasitic. The countryside and small rustic towns, that's the social arrangement in which most productive, self-sufficient whites live for the majority of history.
David Ortiz
No fucking shit, just how many subways and highspeed trains do you think there are in Ukraine or Bulfuckinggaria? I specifically found a map that overlays western europe because it's the only part that pertains to the subject at hand, the viability of mass transit infrastructure. Again, if you'd think before you opened your "oh so enlightened" mouth I wouldn't have to explain this shit to you eurotrash.
Eli Anderson
We should indeed have a functional and well maintained public transit system, but that will only happen when we take out all of the fucking niggers and spics
Fuck off you worthless vermin. I have to deal with you road kikes everyday, and none of you can actually stay in the bike lane
Joseph Walker
Bentley Hall
Remove shitskins, problem solved.
Dylan Reed
It was 35k, and it's a company vehicle so gas and insurance are covered.
I've also owned it for 6 months and already put 35,000km on it, which an $800 truck would have blown up by then, which I have no time for.
Lucas Torres
This. Maybe if more normies would ride public transportation if it was well maintained and nigger-free then the quality of our cars would go up and we'd have high-quality driving machines as opposed to glorified utilitarian appliances.
Thomas Morales
Back in 1900, NY was said to become the first futurist city. They had plans for it, moving the traffic from the street to more levels.
Colton Lopez
Regardless of the poster you are replying to, you are obviously an anti-white kike. You spit on our real pantheons with such garbage language. Your kind should not be here.
Nathaniel Lewis
well, the auto industry is one of the biggest employers in the world
Anthony Phillips
hello fellow westchesterfag
Jason Nelson
Even with modern cars do you have any idea how much energy it would take just to deal with the car exhaust build-up underground? While in theory you could capture the exhaust and protect the environment above the cost and technology required are pure science-fiction.
Anthony Lewis
What kind of cars there were in 1910?
Nathan Reyes
Y-you too.
Nicholas Butler
i understand that its probably better if we didn't drive cars so much, but why intentionally fuck everything up
bikes are okay, it's not necessarily a problem letting them roaming around
Gavin Lee
Jayden White
Thomas Cook
riding on the sidewalk is incredibly dangerous. I can maintain 40+km/h on my bike but I still keep to side routes and bike paths. in my city I can get around faster by bicycle than by car or public transit. the sky train might be quicker but not by much, plus you would need to find a way there.
I have cycled exclusively my entire life. if I need to transport something large, I'll rent a truck. with a front and rear rack on my bike, I can transport over one hundred pounds of shit. I cycled across Canada when I decided to move to the opposite coast. over 6000km in a couple months.
I spend around 100 dollars a year on my bike to maintain it. tires, chains, gear cassettes, chain lube.
overall the best part is being in complete control of my transportation, and staying in shape with zero effort.
Benjamin Campbell
Cities in the US were built with cars in mind. Older cities represent the disjointed design structures of how transportation was intended. Take for instance Jew York. Originally designed as a forum so that people could wake down the street with ease, it's now a congested hellhole after so many adaptions to its design. Areas that are new can potentially take liberties with their designs so that they can accommodate multiple modes of transportion with one set ideally in mind, but that's certainly not most US cities. And that's why cyclists get tons of shit from drivers in the US.
Michael Wood
They literally admitted it was exactly a "fuck you" to drivers to stop them from driving
Adam Cox
Any other non-cityfags here worried about self-driving cars?
They will enable a LOT of people to leave the cities, leave the suburbs even. And buy rural properties an hour or two away from the city. Suddenly that low-value rural land will get a lot more expensive due to supply/demand.
A lot of people already tolerate two- to four-hour roundtrip commutes to work. Being able to literally lie down in the back seat and sleep on the way to work, or just screw around watching cat videos on their phones, will make that a much more appealing arrangement.
Rural living always implied a DIY live and let live mentality, but I fear it may become overrun with oversocialized cityfags who think extensive controls on behavior are normal and necessary, well, that would pretty well ruin it. Enjoy getting calls because you shot off fireworks after 9 PM (or at all) or some shit.