Based Finns At It Again

Based Finns At It Again

Many of you remember the story about the student in Helsinki, Finland who had the Reich Flag and the Japanese Imperial flag in his window. The image has been floating around here before (see pic).

The guy in question has now done some interior remodelling it seem and updated his flags (see pic two).

Background for the uninitiated: This is a student housing building in Helsinki. The student living there seems to be one who likes to trigger leftards. The window faces a kindergarten and that triggered leftist to no extent. Nonetheless he's in his full right to have the flags there and there's nothing the leftist can do. This guy just keeps on pissing them off.

Other urls found in this thread:

What a champion


godspeed finn

the fins are great at shidpostingg :DDDDD

I reckon there's something in the fins water that makes them autistic savants


I fucking love Finland.

Fins confirmed as hapas

i was surprised when he won his case. at least somewhere in the world the government and university believe in freedom of expression

Glorious bastard. Makes me wanna fly some flags.

This surprises me too. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any European country that would let you fly a Nazi flag.


Finland fairs really well in the Free Speech rankings in the world.

Although we have that retarded hate-speech law you really have to fucking try to get fucked by it. From what I've learned there's now talk about removing it as it's such an disambiguous law. So here's hoping that it gets even better.

Shame he took down the swastika though. That+trump flag would have made me jizz my pants

That's because Finland is Asian

Many. In fact even Sweden of all places allows you to do it. Basically the countries that have no holohaux denial laws in Europe allow it. Which is Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, UK and a few more.

BTW for the record. I (OP) am not a Finn I just live here.

Strange that the UK of all places, where you can even get arrested for using certain slurs online, allows that.


t. burger

spurdo spärde :DDDD

sprölölööö :DDD

What the hell? I live in Sweden, I thought that holocaust denial here was a jail sentence. I'm going to have to look into this.

It is actually not allowed in to have swastikas inside your own home in Sweden if they can be seen from the outside.

I dont know how well google translate will handle this article here comes my short version;

100 % legal to deny the holohaux in Sweden. I'm a Swede myself, living in Finland nowadays.

sweet view

Oh, did not know about that case.This means its a gamble to fly a swastika flag in Sweden. But you are surely going to get charged and taken to court.

Someone should take it to court so it get settled as Swedish law clearly dictates that it's allowed. Police just don't know shit as per usual in Sweden.

finnland is the most whitest nation in the world

Didn't we have a thread about this yesterday?


i love fingolians

Did you learn Finnish as a kid? Seems like a pretty hard language to pick up

One of the whitest, but not the most whitest. They have approx 17000 somalis, 15000 arabs etc. While countries like Estonia for example have near zero. Percentage wise aswell.

It's like 98 % white. Estonia is 99.8 %.

'stonia has too many russkies though

I live in america, but proud as fuck to be Finnish.

My family moved here in 1892 from the frozen wasteland of Oula, Finland

Yes we are. I have seen 10 niggers in Tallinn.


Russian women are hot, russian men are drunk. Maybe if he estonians stepped up their game, this would be a fun fucking place to go to.

Actually they're trying their best to lobby for changing the laws that you can't have "hate items" displayed. Our "equality official" has deemed this guy's behavior "hate speech that is not protected by law" and is doing his best to get this guy fined and maybe even indicted.


russians in russia re alright, but russians elsewhere act like total niggers

Russians in Estonia are AIDS-riddled kindey stealers.


Got a problem with that?

Hell yes I do. Fennoswedes are the cancer of Finland.

Oh please explain to me how that's the case?

Furthermore. That article clearly states the following:

There's no legal grounds for the removal. You're nothing but a D&C jew. Fuck off.

fennoswede pls go

Spurdo: Finland's greatest and best-known civilizational achievement.

Hurrit vittuun

Bro, stop.

I employ 20 Finns in my business. What has your NEET ass ever done. Cocksucker.

ålanders aren't that bad

made you mad, obviously

Imageboard humor is very ironic or even post-ironic. That's also the same type of humor we have in most of our comedy shows. We've been doing imageboard humor before imageboards existed.

I think the Aussies have a lot of the same type of comedy. As a Finn I feel some sort of strange kinship with Australian shitposters. We think alike.



Russia is not based in any way. It's a former commie hellhole turned kleptocratic oligarchy, both of which were actually a secret intelligence state. The people are broke, desperate, addicts who sell their bodies and their children's bodies.
20% of Afghanistan's heroin goes to Russia for consumption.

Russians had the Tsars, then GRU run their lives like they were disposable serfs for so long, I don't think they would know what to do if they ever became a free people.

I own a Japanese Imperial flag like this.
Truly a great design.

I should buy the German one too.

i couldn't give two shits about them tbh, NATO and ivans can go fuck themselves for all i care

The lack of Italian flag is disturbing.

Sure, given your history as a punching bag for the Great Powers, I can understand that. I was merely trying to stop the Rusaboos and Putinophiles from jerking off over Russia's "based white nationalist government" too hard.

Only newfags feel the need to call others newfags. Kill yourself.


It's too bad that sketch was sensored for being too offensive. Worst part: the Kummeli-group wanted it removed themselves.

I'm a Finn and while holohoax denial is not illegal here, stating it can be "incitement of the masses" which is illegal instead. Also lately I've seen news of (((them))) and (((their))) liberal allies wanting holohoax denial illegal here too.

Sorry to be semi OT but is there somewhere I can learn about the history of Suomi shitposting in English?

Why do you faggots always post pictures of degenerate junkies and the insane and then try to pass it off as the average russian? That is like posting a picture of a toothtless 85 IQ hick from somewhere in the appalachians and claiming that is the typical white america. Nigger tier argument.




reminder that CTR FORMATTING/COMPRESSING isn't allowed and makes you a CTR shill.

Western Roman Empire was filled with usurpers, krauts and fags.
True Rome was in Constantinople.

we wuz romans n shieet


they were greeks

Wew. I live in a low income apt complex. There used to be game day and fag flags up all over. Hung a confederate flag off my porch for a couple months. Had great fun getting drunk and arguing with nogs tryna pick a fight from the ground floor. It wasn't long before the complex banned flags.

Can't wait until he gets meme'd so hard that the Finnish media kikes start calling him a symbol of white supremacy.

You're replying to one mate

Yeah, I can see the similarity.

Are they speaking Finnish?


Absolute madman

Truly, errytime

What's that mean?

Can any finn here tell me more about the shooting in Imatra last night? Some guy shot the mayor and two journalists, all women, when they left a restaurant.

My confirmation bias tells me those cunts were up to no good and the guy had good reasons to shoot them.

Winter and darkness come again and again, consuming the soul and devouring the mind. It's not usually "snapping" but more like white quiet rage.

Some guy shot three women with a rifle.
Victims were chosen randomly.
t. police uncle

I bet twitter is going all #ToxicMasuclinity right now.

Police says there was no political motive. And it wasn't a mayor, she was the leading chairman of the city council.

Social democrat career politician, who wanted "some migrants to stay, to infuse our country with new blood". Plus two journalists
As you can understand, we are very heartbroken about this.

The rifle the perpetrator used was legal and registered, but not to him. I can still see them cracking down on the already near non-existent gun rights in Finland.

The mayor was pro-shitskin.
Good job, based 23-year-old, A FUCKING WHITE MALE shooter.



None of those countries are European though :^)

You'll be jailed for hate speech.

Maybe Finns actually know what they are talking about when they say Fennoswedes are overwhelmingly cancerous? Most of them are elitists who behave like they are still nobles that rule over Finland. They look down on real Finns and overwhelmingly vote for radical leftism, much more than any other group in Finland.

No, it's just gibberish, with the odd recognizable word here and there eg. Toyota Hilux or Clinton.
