New Murdoch Murdoch

New Murdoch Murdoch



I really wish they would stop killing William Pierce.

Oh well hopefully these get people to actually do their research on him.

Friendly reminder that the video before embed is when they went to shit, this one just cemented their misery.

on the contrary, outside of Take Back the Night, this is their best work

quit being such a touchy faggot. booo hooo, he gassed muh dead idol hurr durr… its art get over it

pretty good

mike enoch needs to work on his voice acting though

Meh, I hate that they went for a sitcom format, they had potential with pieces like Ep10 and 15, and Last Son of the West.

He'll probably be back as a spookkky force ghost.

Agreed. All the voices just kind of blend together to sound the same after a while.

Nice critique, kikes.

Why not do the white thing and make something?>>8428188

We should be our own people's hardest critics, you jew. I want our stuff to get better, not stay mediocre or go worse. Also, learn2id, faggot.

that's what I liked most about it. all those one-offs are great, don't get me wrong, but they should move into having story lines and character development. its the natural progression. nothing stays pure forever

someone webm 6:14-6:22

This whole Murdoch Murdoch cartoon stuff is so weird to me.

I mean, good stuff if that's what people like.


This one is pretty good, one of their better ones.

Less memes (which are okay though) but chock full of redpills.

Critisism just for critisim is bitching, you little bitch.Their work is good, if you dislike it so much, do it better than them or find valid criticism.nobody is stopping you from posting videos on youtube.

here ya go. i assume you just wanted the jewmonster armies marching part?

there are going to be a number of great quotes/clips from this one to isolate






Think they said in a comment and on TDS that they regret having gassed him.


I'm sorry, but this is actually quite garbage. I pray the frog gives me digits of repetition.

These guys are total fags. The dude who made it was on the daily shoah a few weeks ago, had a dick sucking voice if I've ever heard one.
Also said he was an Obama lefty until the alt right started getting popular
Sage for pointless shitty op

no u

there were two of them

he has the exact same fucking voice that's in the shows. wtf are you talking about

most of the alt-right came from the left, nigger, or from the left-ish anti-war libertarian movement. get over it. being wrong isn't a problem; not correcting yourself is

that's not what he said, and the alt-right still isn't popular fuckwad

make something better then

If you disdain TRS why do you listen to fucking daily shoah? I don't get your logic.

If you actually watched the episode, you'd hear Holla Forums tier mindset and how much Murdoch despises alt-kikes.

I wouldn't have heard your gay voice in the shows because I never watched them, murdoch

I didn't say shit about the daily shoah. I don't mind TDS except when kike Enoch countersignals on 9/11

I used to like these guys, but this was pretty terrible tbh


He portrays Milo and that one British civic nationalist faggot as enemies in this video.
Many of us were lefties once upon a time. Converting people to your side is how you win. If you don't, you'll never get anywhere.
Age for pointless shitty reply.

4/5's of Holla Forums were leftists at some point, shill.

Also, pic related. All of my rage. 16 MB webms when?

Its called being a shill, be annoying and illogical on purpose and sage every thread. They are on every thread and you should just filter them.

so you're just going to admit your retardation

One of their best, imo. Keep up the good work.

ITT: Murdoch Internet Defense Force

Go shill your shit videos somewhere else, faggots

You just revived a dead thread about a video series you hate.

Go peddle your garbage on cuckchan where you belong.

Oh. Must have just recently happened. Either way what is the point of posting in a thread you have no interest in? ESPECIALLY if it is bumplocked.
You seem like just a common shitposter honestly. Do you ever actually have anything of value to add to any discussion or is it always

Yet you listen to TRS bullshit

To get butthurt responses like this :^)

You are the bottom of the barrel. Never reproduce. I don't want my kids mixing with your putrid genes.



Go home Murdoch. The video preaches against making things for the audience then goes right ahead and does that. Shit cartoon, ashamed to say I was subscribed in the first place. But not anymore

I don't mess with TRS beyond occasionally listening to their podcasts. Give me a break, I drive hours each day for work and the mind can only handle so many audiobookss without a break

TDS is the most relaxing way to spend hours behind a steering wheel.

t. farmer

Thanks for the webm. Videos been removed from Youtube.
