Merchant OC thread.
Post your own merchants you've made, or make some.
Here's one fresh out of the oven!
Merchant OC thread
Also taking requests
do one where a kike is having nightmares about nazis sticking 15feet poles in his ass.
You've never seen a Jew before, have you?
fuck off, kike
So tell me, master of noses, what do kike sniffers look like.
This place is turning into pre-migration 4chan.
sage this shit
Nah this is just dingo hours.
Please rate
Add a few more cans of zyklon and it's easily a 9/10
How is that bad?
Holy shit thanks a lot dude that's fucking hilarious
feel free to redistribute
Do these count?
make one where the funny green frog shoots a kike with a banana
Ask and you shall receive.
Very good. Very nice.
Fukken saved
Fucking brilliant.
Pretty 10/10 for me.
is this a jew-looking nose, Holla Forums?
Anyway, was a fun thread goys, but I gotta go to bed. If this thread is still up tomorrow, I'll try and draw some more.
I did a very crude drawing of a hydra with various jewish heads. I'll post it and if you want you can remake it
When I get home, at school right now
Merchant asleep dreaming of a nose pls.
Does anyone have the Electric Jew and Digital Jew gifs?
Where can i get this model?
Fuck if that's you user, go buy some orange neutrogena skin stuff and wash your pillowcase. Also yeah that's a jewy fuggin nose.
i'm about 1/8th dago, i think that might explain the nose
Also cut your hair a bit man. You'll be swimming in Aryan cuties.
Mr. Mann, thank you for your hard work and diligence.
bumping epic bread
Can you draw something involving the Rebbe? He is one of the most beloved jewish figures, and was even thought to be their messiah by some, so it would trigger the hell out of kikes.
shitty OC from when shills were trying to push the "HD full color merchants are viruses goyim" meme, will make a better one maybe
You want to know how I know you're not from around here?
…My pleasure, always … Bestest, The 'ol Mann
Oops, sorry about the double image above … meant to include this one :
First is one I drew on a merchant OC thread a few months ago. Second one is from a strip I might never finish, I'll leave it here as a template or some shit.
I made this the other day and only used it once, so it's fairly rare.
Not really OC, but I think this is a good thread to post it: "Don Jacoibo" was a jew character from Condorito, a chilean comic strip which main character was a antropomorphic Condor.
The name of the character mocks the mispronunciation of the spanish that jew inmigrants made, putting an "i" in the jewish name Jacobo.
This is the translation:
I hope I translated it properly
You live in RVA don't you? I think we talked on Facebook once because we know some goys in common
get stridex holy shit
+1 for Condorito. Nacionalsocialismo Latinoaméricano cuando?
Glad to see you're still posting, AWM. Your Shlomos are always appreciated.
Please r8.
Looks like a gay elf.
pls r8 my modern masterpiece
2.7 million out of 6 million my fellow semite
R8 mine
So I guess I did a good job, then.
Yes, now draw more gay elves.
That Hillary is fucking horrifying.
Reposting this one here that some user made before getting b&
oc merchantposting
love the joy division edit
Good effort, OP, but that nose is a little too roman to be a good kike nose. You messed up one of the most important parts. Yeah it's big, but the shape isnall wrong
Is reposting some rarer merchants & classics fine too?
Thanks my friend, also checked.
I return.
How's this nose?
van gogh
top fucking kek, went above and beyond
The only thing missing is a look of pleasure on his dream face.
wikileaks saved this country you communist faggot
lol this one owns
Rare holiday Shlomo OC. Posted only 1 time on the TRS forum.
Seriously, that's fantastic.
Count me in my fellow andean nigger!