I'm interested in Holla Forums feels about marajuana. I'll post my own views a bit later on.
It's recently become much more legal than before, was already becoming very widespread with people going to their doctor and saying stuff like "my head hurts when it rains" to get prescribed it.
We're going to be seeing a hell of a lot more of it's use now. Good or bad, what do you think?
It's also relevant to the N problem. A lot of times you have these gangs running around doing awful things and the only way the police can manage to arrest any of them is on drug charges.
I think it'll be a great way to attack states that have sanctuary cities and have "legalized" it California. It's still technically illegal, and Trump can throw fuckers in jail for having it even where it is "legal" supremacy clause.
Christopher Gray
Kill yourself
Bentley Morgan
If you smoke it once or twice in your life it's fine. It does have some actual mental health properties when used extremely infrequently.
The idea that you don't get addicted or that it doesn't cause crime is total bullshit though. I know heaps of people who've stolen things to buy weed or gotten into fights because there wasn't any left. It also loses everything good about it and you turn into a coughing stinking slob who does nothing all day.
Ayden Miller
The problem isn't the weed, the problem is the people that can't grasp that it has to be taken in a healthy measure.
Michael Moore
If it was legal I'd smoke it every weekend.
Jordan Diaz
I'm pro-weed but I loathe the "DUDE WEED LMAO" people. The people who claim that it's not harmful or addictive are absolute retards. In moderation and when used at appropriate times, I think it's fine. I've smoked in the past but was never too frequent (the last time that I even smoked was probably about three years ago). If I still had easy access I'd likely smoke on the weekends to relax while shitposting here; it really helps me relax (I'm generally kind of high strung) and actually seems to help me focus on things a bit better.
inb4 "degenerate kike nigger Jew Jew Jew shill"
Jaxon Young
hang yourself
Austin Hill
Absolutely degenerate. Destroys willpower and cognitive ability. All stoners are getting gassed in the Trumpenreich.
Jackson Williams
I recently stopped smoking because I got a new job and I want to impress. (Daily smoker) Looking back I'm quite ashamed for smoking but I really for the life of me can't figure out why. I've been redpilled all of my life, well for as long as I can remember anyways, many thanks to my father. However dad passed away and we lost the house and are now living in the projects. (8 years now) and I needed something to dull my pain and anger. Been working shit jobs 60h weeks since dad passed away and had to drop out of school. To be honest, I know many will hate me for this but without weed I don't think I could have managed living like a nigger while keeping a job (surrounded by them day and night, my only pass being online) I got a well paying job now thanks to not being a nigger so we will be able to move out soon. When the niggers and jews are gone from my life there will be no reason for me to smoke as my struggle will be for the future and not day-by-day as it has been up until today. This is my opinion: in the future we are trying to create weed will have no place as the struggle will be for the future of our people and not day-by-day niggery most of us live in today.
Carson Lewis
Eh, it's pretty degenerate. But I support it to trick the kikes into believing they have more control than they think.
As long as you have a reliable source then you can beat them at their own game.
Jose Martin
Personally I am terrified. You saw it with 'gluten sensitivity', everybody is going to start thinking they have some kind of pain. Back pain. Headaches. Whatever. They're going to make themselves beleive this and it'll justify being medicated on the peaceful herb 24/7. Including when they are driving.
We are going to see a huge increase in car accidents and people are going to be take away from you thanks to the lie that it doesn't impair driving ability. They genuinely believe this.
It's the same as how people think trump is hitler just because people have been saying it to try to stop him getting in for so long. It's become true in their minds. In the same way these morons have been coming up with increasingly ridiculous lies about the carcinogen curing cancer in their child. About how it cures various incurable diseases and how it helps then 'focus when driving'. All of this is bullshit that was invented simply to legalize it, originally they knew it was BS in the back of their minds but it's been so long and they've said it so much into their echo chambers that they think it's true.
Seconding all the statements about it destroying will power making people into slobs and such. It also destroys short term memory. People that get stoned think like a rock: They can't. It's going to cause a blanket reduction in intellegence. We've how fucking stupid and easily lied to the regular populace already is with this election cycle. They're going to get dumber and more complacement than that.
Over all I see the introduction of marajuana as one of the most destructive forces hitting our society today. Not as serious as massive immigration but close.
Nathan Hall
Parker Torres
It restricts blood flow to the brain and makes you into a shiftless loser.
I think it's great for liberals to smoke it.
Robert Stewart
The people who outlawed Marijuana were the same people who outlawed alcohol. The majority of whom were cryptokikes. Nixon was just smart enough to turn their own weapon on them and use it to arrest Marxists legally. Personally either ban alcohol or legalize marijuana you can't have it both ways.
Speaking of does anyone know Hitler's opinion on marijuana? I know he really didn't like smoking but at the same time was pro prescribed drugs.
Daniel Rodriguez
Smoke weed every day. It keeps me from not flipping out in California, and joining the ZOG army. It is a better version of alcohol. Remember why the feds dont want it legal, its bretty good medicine with anti-cancer properties and many more unknown positive and negative effects. Pharaohs were buried with tons of cannabis. CBD has shown to help seizures. Dank rope to hang niggers from. Something to pass the time on the ranch. Its not that big of deal, honestly. Jefferson used to smoke hemp too. If you eat, work, and lift well it shouldn't be a problem if you partake.
Kevin Gutierrez
lurk moar newfag
misery loves company
Benjamin Foster
There's a hell of a lot of uses for hemp and I think I read on here that marijuana grown for hemp purposes is terrible to try and smoke. I've personally never known a pothead who was successful in life - it might just be me, but everyone single person I've known who smoked marijuana frequently was dependant on some form of government assistance.
Justin Flores
I don't think it makes people into degenerates, as much as it attracts people who are ones in the first place. A will powerless loser will be a will powerless loser with or without weed. If he has no access to it, he'll just turn to alcohol, gambling, etc. which from personal observations are far more destructive than the herb.
Xavier Campbell
Not an argument. Maybe you just know a lot of unsuccessful people. No way of knowing and that is why it is not an argument.
Camden Diaz
I'm for full legalization and I intend to become a legal grower within the next year in a state that allows it.
Nolan Stewart
Ok Stefan, how's this?
Parker Taylor
Absolutely degenerate.
Isaiah Nguyen
He was pro 1 tablespoon of liquid methamphetamine with your early morning coffee and so am I
Asher Morris
Niggers. They smoke weed, they dtop out of school. Remove niggers and you'll see
Isaac Murphy
All these pro-porn and pro-weed degenerate newfags need to fucking clear out. Why the fuck do you hang around and post when it's painfully obvious you don't belong? Red pilling doesn't end at the point where it starts to interfere with your comfy degenerate behavior. This isn't cuckchan, this isn't reddit, this isn't the alt-right. It's full blown Holla Forums so fuck off.
Asher Morgan
DWI is already a crime. And yes, the "intoxicated" includes weed.
Charles Campbell
Your post sounds like the beginning of a Moonman song. It's catchy.
Oy vey, anyone who doesn't think exactly as I do is a newfag and needs to leave so that I can have my hugbox! Mods! Mods!
Justin Flores
What is your point with this?
Brandon Bennett
I think there's legitimate medical benefits. As someone who lives in the Northeast and has seen what heroin addiction does to people I can say that I'd rather have people prescribed marijuana than an opiate.
From a recreational standpoint I'm against it as I see marijuana use as another way to destroy traditional society by promoting the party lifestyle. There's also evidence to show that marijuana has a negative impact on the developing brain.
On the plus side it does put a pretty big wrench into the illegal drug trade which will lead to a decrease in not just crime but in cartel drug funding.
The only way to really win "the war on drugs" is to promote traditional family values and really talk to your kids about drugs and the consequences.
Parker Brooks
It should definitely be legalized, it could be used in so many industrial purposes .
Parker Lewis
Marijuana wasn't really a thing back then as far as I know. At least in Europe
Jose King
Marijuana is a serious gateway drug, I dont know a single person that smokes weed more than once a week and hasn't done something harder.
Henry Murphy
Yeah I can't think of any legal drug that does that to an even greater degree with tons of other negative effects
Jackson Fisher
The absolutist stance that many WN have towards drugs is based upon a false or selective view of history. Varg Vikernes is particularly guilty of spreading this "Whites never used drugs" disinfo. It's particularly ironic when you consider that he and his wife use the European burial mounds scattered throughout France as a large part of the evidence for their "European superculture." Burial mounds made by the same people who left cave paintings depicting Psilocybe mushrooms and the visionary state they produce. People often ask Varg if berserkers used mushrooms to aid combat, and it's when he tries to answer this question that his ignorance really shows. According to Varg, berserkers wouldn't have used mushrooms because "if you think your weapon is a snake, you will throw it away." Anyone with experience of psilocybin understands that this is not what is meant by "hallucination." It's ludicrous to believe that, apart from all other races and peoples on the planet, Europeans would be the only ones to completely ignore the pharmacy growing in their fields, woods and plains. Native peoples have always found a use for everything they could lay their hands on. No scrap of an animal was wasted, hair, bones, teeth - every plant examined for uses as a food and a medicine. This extreme resistance to "drugs" is an example of misplaced morality dictating evidence, confirmation bias. Berserkers probably did use mushrooms, they heighten the senses in low doses.
In the past few years it was discovered that the term "getting stoned" may be more literal than it seems. Like the "getting pissed" (drinking the piss of someone who has consumed amanita muscaria to achieve intoxication), it was found that you can, indeed, get "stoned" by boiling rocks and drinking the resulting "soup." A type of Scandinavian lichen produces hallucinogens. Rocks, trolls, "little people", (((pure coincidence))) of course, right? The lichen is ubiquitous across Scandinavia and was discovered by accident by a leftist (for once a leftist expands human knowledge),
tl;dr blatant d&c attempt by OP. Set those who tolerate drug use vs those who do not. Cannabis is like anything else, it has its uses, medicinal and recreational. The problem isn't Cannabis, the problem is non-Whites in our society.
Bentley Rivera
Still not an argument. If you have a chart of smoking weed contra being successful and not please post it. As dropping out of school is not "not being successful". I know plenty of successful people who do smoke weed, but its not an argument so i will not use it. I also know plenty of unsuccessful people who do not smoke weed, that too is not an argument so i will not use that either.
Nathan Sanchez
fuck off retard
Wyatt Phillips
What the fuck do you mean "what is your point"? Do I need to paste again what you wrote? The problem isn't cannabis, the problem is people who commit DUI, which is a crime. Your "ban everything to make the world a safer place" is a very leftist approach.
Levi Fisher
I don't know anyone that smokes marijuana who didn't try alcohol first.
Alcohol is a gateway drug.
I don't know anyone who drinks alcohol that didn't try caffeine first.
Caffeine is a gateway drug.
Juan Lewis
Rage more. First you can't follow a basic reply, then you reply to an extensive post with a one-line insult. You aren't intelligent enough to be posting here.
Anthony Gutierrez
Maybe once if you trust yourself. It's really not worth it though, and as other people in this thread have mentioned, you can definitely get addicted and yes, a drug that robs you of your will and ambition has good odds of ruining your life.
That's fiber hemp and if you don't know the difference (it's about as similar to marijuana as hops is) then I'm sensing either lack of information or too much exposure to the "dude weed is literally a miracle in every way" crowd.
Blake Phillips
Ignore him. It was a legitimately interesting post.
Elijah Martinez
Joseph Johnson
I'm not a leftist you retard.
Jaxon Ortiz
I think it shows that OP (who that reply was by) is trolling/trying to D&C.
Christian Long
Try not calling people D&C shills if you want an actual reply.
Ayden Thompson
Fuck off and stop trying to justify your habit. Next thing you'll be telling me is that having a well paying job isn't a sign of success.
David Mitchell
Your mask has slipped, might as well quit now.
Lucas Evans
fuck off retard
Landon Thomas
How is that factual evidence? School drop-outs that smoked weed or took any other drug> paid by education= THERE IS NO SUCCESSFULL WEED SMOKERS. I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. Also, its not a habit of mine anymore. If you read the first post i made in this thread its apparent enough.
Brody Harris
You sound like an SJW.
Mason Miller
the people that quit school and become millionares are exceptions as you can see from the charts.
Jack Morales
>Guys not all niggers are IQ
Wyatt Clark
Direct quote from the user i'm discussing with.
So that you may calm yourself down, I did not say that is everyone's view in this thread. Just the user I replied to.
Connor Moore
And we have gardening hemp which is used for said industrial purposes. I can buy hemp tea legally with no problems, but weed that gets you high, nah.
Adrian Long
I agree.
I think part of the reason drug use is so high is because drug availability is so high. It's probably easier to get adderral than to get weed or alcohol for many teens and who knows what other drugs are in their parents medicine cabinet.
I really think the only effective way to combat drug use in kids and teens is to set them up so they know what to do when they encounter drugs. Whether drugs are legal or not they aren't going away so it's important to know and educate what they are, what they do, and why they're bad - beyond the short term effects.
I think it's also good to keep your kids busy. Keep them playing sports, keep an eye on who their friends are, encourage their aspirations so they have something to shoot for that they wouldn't want ruined by drug use.
Or just move to the Phillipines
Nicholas Diaz
*screech at people with cartoonized versions of what they said* *tell other people to come down*
how did you even find this site? lmao
Jacob Gray
What I said was that I personally don't know any frequent weed smoker that doesn't rely on government assistance - an experience I'm sure many here are familiar with. What you said was: which contradicts your first sentence in that post.
Kayden Gray
I didn't say you said that, you are failing to understand logical quantifiers. And you're a pot smoker. I wonder if that's a coincidence.
James Brown
You are so painfully obviously from Reddit. Why are you still here?
Luis Harris
All niggers must die. The only thing I did was call him out on his "personal experience" bullshit. Which is and never will be an argument.
Robert Edwards
fuck off retard
Dominic White
This is straight out of the SJW mouth.
Christopher Anderson
At least read the sticky before you start posting you ginormous faggot
Nolan King
Keep doubling down.
Another example. You're here to stir the shit but unfortunately you didn't lurk long enough to learn that emoting and typical Reddit language will out you in seconds. Because as stated, you don't have the intelligence to be here.
Samuel Gomez
Legalise all drugs. Eliminate black markets, reduce crime, introduce new revenue streams.
It's not fucking rocket science.
James Fisher
This thread is textbook d&c.
Nathan Phillips
* ce628c * 16db2a
William Anderson
Well, far be it from I to exacerbate division, but no that wasn't the only thing you did. He went on to provide evidence, and rather than taking issue with the veracity of said evidence you instead chose to simplify his argument in order to respond to the simplified version. To whit: Establishing existence of trend in his experience. Suggesting that trend may be sampling error. Chart related. It is strongly indicative and pretending not to know that is either playing dumb or being it. Which you still don't dispute Here's the meat of the problem. That's not his bullshit, it's yours. He never said it, never implied it. As you can see, his assertion was that there was a trend. You chose to represent that instead as a statement of inviolable natural law, because THAT statement is actually false.
You were in the wrong.
Luis Jenkins
Sorry, I do not follow you here. How does it contradict my first statement? I stopped smoking so that I can perform at a higher rate then previously required of me for 5 years working factory/manufacturing jobs with niggers. (Now that i got a well paying job working with white people there will be no reason for me to smoke as I won't live in the ghetto next year and blahablahablah) If that helps. Yes, I am familiar with it. I am also familiar with non-smokers on government assistance, non-smokers not on government assistance, smokers who are successful, non-smokers who are successfull etc etc etc. All I did was call you out on your bullshit anecdotal evidence in the form of an argument. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is why I asked you to post real evidence in the first place or use another argument. I'm not against you in this, just your reasoning and I would have called you out on it whatever shape it took, in any thread i happened to browse at the time.
Jeremiah Brown
Such effort but so easily identified.
Mason Sanders
leave and never come back
Ryder Butler
Stop shitting up the thread you child. If you've got nothing worthwhile to say just shut the fuck up.
Gabriel Baker
read my post didn't want to open with my own views in case it would prime people to talk a certain way.
Landon Gray
May 26, 1971, Time: 10:03 am - 11:35 am – Oval Office Conversation: 505-4 – Meeting with Nixon and H.R. "Bob" Haldeman
Juan King
Long text but I did read it, and I also agree with you that I too was in the wrong reading back. However, the charts he posted was in no way evidence for his personal experience that all potheads are on government assistance. To clarify: this sentence Is the same thing as saying Im not saying he states it as irrefutable facts but that it his view. Either way I would have called him out on it. It's not his view's I'm arguing about but the way he presents them.
Isaiah Baker
Kill yourself, degenerate.
Levi Reyes
May 13, 1971, between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm – Oval Office Conversation 498-5 – meeting with Nixon, Haldeman and Ehrlichman
[The President and his advisors were discussing a recent episode of All in the Family, a television show on CBS. President Nixon was offended by the show's favorable treatment of homosexuals.]
You see, homosexuality, dope, immorality in general: These are the enemies of strong societies. That's why the Communists and the left-wingers are pushing the stuff, they're trying to destroy us
Henry Diaz
absolutely based. best posts in thread.
Wyatt Nguyen
Hey faggot fuck you, I'm not pro-weed or shilling pro-weed views. All I'm doing is telling one fucking guy to not use anecdotal evidence as a fucking argument. Something I thought Holla Forums strongly sided with. Fucking distasteful being depicted like a FUCKING jew. Fuck you.
Sebastian Rodriguez
June 2, 1971, Time: 3:16 pm - 4:15 pm – Oval Office Conv. 510-3 – Nixon met with John Ehrlichman
Jack Richardson
lol I was just messing with you don't worry about it. I know you're not a jew.
Connor Howard
Problem with the term "successful" is that you don't get to define another person's parameters for success. Successful means to have succeeded "succeeded at what?" is the question. In contemporary society it is assumed that "successful" means "rich" but there are people who are not interested in accumulating great wealth and, for example, prefer a healthier rural life away from the city. If their objective is to live that way and they achieve their objective, then they are "successful." The blind pursuit of money is not a traditionally White virtue. Could it be that many people who use weed come to have a different value system, one that doesn't have the accumulation of money as its grand achievement? When you base success on income, you reveal adherence to a set of Jewish values. A low income is only "failure" if the person who is on it strived for a high income but failed. Nixon outlawed pot primarily to criminalize the hippy movement, which, if you strip it of the leftist politics that took control of it, was largely a push back to a healthier, more traditional and pastoral way of living. Pastoral, subsistence living supplemented by bartering is not good for the ((( economy ))). Nixon was not concerned about the health of the people using weed, but the health of the economy. Psychedelics are demonized for the same reason, they tend to open thought paths which the elite would prefer remain closed.
Drinking is "different" because it doesn't cause profound reassessments of your position in life. Alcohol cripples the consciousness, psychedelics expand it.
Jaxson Moore
That does clarify things a bit. Saying you have a reason to smoke weed usually insinuates that you still do.
Is the same thing as saying
I don't think that. If success if measured by wealth, influence and the ability to live a life of your choosing, then potheads such as snoop dogg are proof that there are successful potheads. I don't know snoop dogg personally though, and every pothead I do know personally is on government assistance. There are always going to be exceptions to the rule. In my original post I was speaking from experience (one that is part of a common trend), not a place of authority.
James Morris
I'd make all drugs legal for adults, harsh penalties for dealers selling to kids
Levi Jackson
Trump has made it clear that he thinks this is a states rights issue. He won't do shit about it because he doesn't give a shit about it. The same goes for same sex marriage and tranny bathroom bullshit.
Jackson Thompson
Are you actively trying to make Nixon look stupid?
Gabriel Roberts
Heh. I was preparing my autism again to say something similar, but it looks like you… nipped me in the bud
Isaac Peterson
The Nazi's were all methheads or on coke and opiates. Beer was the drug of choice for the average German and pot would probably have been controlled in some way to protect the breweries.
Cooper Bennett
That's some pretty logical, weaponised autism you have there You're still going back though Carlos
Oliver Martinez
prohibitionist laws never work as planned. they always create more crime than they solve by causing black markets and corruption If you want an example of a better way look to Portugal and what they've been doing for the last 15 years.
Tyler Gutierrez
Medical is fine. Recreational is for niggers.
Hunter Sullivan
Elijah Carter
stop being retarded. We're talking about drugs, not pedophilia, you fucking kiddie fiddler.
Jace Ramirez
Marijuana changed us from Nazis to peace-loving hippies': Twin sisters who sparked outrage with pop band named after gas used on Jews claim they've grown up
(((They))) push marijuana) to isolate people from the current social and political issues of their own country, to get them into their your own bubble, to forget about the troubles of the world.
Brandon Powell
Can't they even google search anymore?
Jaxon Thomas
True, but is marijuana the safest drug for cancer patients and people with AIDS? Think about it. Here's a person diagnosed with cancer, and you want to give this person a drug that contains over 100 carcinogenic compounds? And why give someone with no immune system a drug that kills all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the body? There is a drug called Marinol which mimics marijuana in the system without the side effects of street pot.
Eli Myers
Carcinogens, paradoxically, aren't a big issue for cancer patients. Their likelihood of developing another tumor is the same as ever.
Carson Hughes
Okay I mean, to qualify, their likelihood could be slightly increased if they're on radiotherapy because that tanks T-count and one subset of T cells does play a role in the prevention of cancer, so it's possible precancerous damaged cells could go undetected for longer.
But the natural killer response is really an all or nothing arrangement. If your immune system recognizes a cancer it shreds it, if it doesn't the cancer grows.
James Wright
Good post. I like the herb itself, just like a good beer or an occasional cigarette, but the culture surrounding cannabis is really trashy and I don't like it.
Benjamin Cook
Xavier Lopez
It talks about the color of Zyklon B residue.
Asher Brown
That may be, but marijuana also results in inexact mental processes. Permanent subtle brain damage is the lot of people who partake. Which is one major pathway for normies to become 'idiotized' into SJW's.
Dominic Fisher
My friend injected half a marijuana and hes been in a coma for 6 months so fuck you.
Carter Hughes
It opened some doors for some profound insights for me. I consider it sacred. That means precisely that it's not for common usage. Once you stop learning from the experience then stop taking it. Legit medical conditions are an exception.
Nolan Richardson
You're right that it makes things more inexact. However if you get in a rut from pigeon-holed thinking like depression or anxiety then it can be useful to adjust your thought patterns. However, if you aren't learning from it and are just complacent, if you lose the awe and wonder in it, then you need to stop immediately. Medicine can be poison if applied incorrectly.
Julian Green
I used to smoke a lot when I was younger - between a half oz and an oz a week from my teens clean on into my 30s. I haven't touched the stuff but once in over a decade, and that was like four or five years ago.
There's nothing wrong with it in moderation, as with anything. Particularly if you're young. People in their 20s and 30s who are still all 420BLAZEITFAGGOT WEED4LYFE are just sad sacks of shit, same as people in their 20s and 30s who still "go clubbin'" every weekend, and that's all there is to that.
Anybody who tries to be all REEFER MADNESS IT MAKE YOU PSYCHOTIC is either an utter moron for buying government/Jew propaganda, or is completely full of shit. Even if they're not, what's 100% certain is that they've never tried it themselves and have no place speaking to its effects, uses, drawbacks, or otherwise.
Robert Ortiz
There is nothing wrong with it and it does have alot of different uses. As long as you intake it in moderation and don't over do it, The problem isn't with the marijuana its with the dude weed culture and niggers that surround it. Those faggots ruin it for the people that need it for medicinal reasons or use it recreationally to just relive some stress after a long days work.
Best of all the more it get legalized, the more is cripples the pharma kikes that have been openly poisoning people for years.
Jeremiah Reed
literally this
Jeremiah Stewart
the real problem comes from the newer, much more potent versions such as butane hash oil. you might as well be literally shooting up a whole marijuana. taking the other cannibinoids out of the equation and focusing on the most thc you can possibly fit in a drug is akin to what the pharm industries do with pain pills. it makes tolerance shoot up to levels that simply wouldnt be possible from just smoking it. and it also opens up a serious possibility for aggravating pre-existing mental conditions like latent schizophrenia. in short, this is what we should be afraid of. bho has the potential to make some of the reefer madness tropes a reality.
but marijuana itself is pretty benign. again, there will always be degenerates who will find a way to fuck their life up on it, but they are not the majority. the reason everyone associates pot with DUDEWEED fucks is because they are the only ones who make it apparent, as they lack identity without it. the rest just keep it to themselves because they arent trashpeople and its illegal, so your employer finding out could cost you your job.
like it or lump it, marijuana legalization would benefit us economically in a variety of ways, from taxation, to industrial hemp, to reducing the overcrowding of prisons (i know who gives a fuck about nigs in jail from pot, but the reality is it costs a lot to feed tyrone and all his friends).
on a personal note, i use it and i find it infinitely less intoxicating than alcohol (which i fucking HATE). a hardcore pothead can be self-destructive sure. but compare that to a full blown alcoholic who, in addition to being hopelessly self destructive, is also quite dangerous to their family and the society at large. not that i would advocate towards banning alcohol or anything retarded like that. i would think Holla Forums would be able to see that the illegalization of drugs results in the drug war (pronounced: kike money grabbing scheme)