So on the first there was a thread about jim and the possibility he was invoked in the whole pizza secrecy

So on the first there was a thread about jim and the possibility he was invoked in the whole pizza secrecy.

Saved it as pdf which is why the format is off

Anyway I was trying to prove a point that jim pretends someone is a pedo in order to ban them yet leaves pictures defined as CP by code monkey. I posted a screenshot of a thread over on /jim/ that had a girl in a diaper on it for days in order to prove my point and

If you talk about James Watkins you will be banned if its anything more than joking. So now I'm "banned" from my favorite board for daring to make some noise.

Also since I'm sure ill be banned again I may as well point you towards
If anyone is interested in jim

That thread was up for days though.

You know, I really don't care atm.
I'll be truthful, alot of us don't like people like you for rocking the only goddamn boat we currently have.

Are the mods pedo Masons?
Doesn't Change the fact that it's all we have.
Come back when we have somewhere else worth going.

So you're saying

This is like the gaming industry. Every time they pull shit people say with their wallet, "hey thats ok keep fucking me over".

By continuing to participate when bullshit happens you are telling jim and mods its okay for them to continue because no one will do a thing.

Then go.
Just go to your bunker.

Tbh I can see where you are coming from though. Ive been on here for years and have had issues the whole time. The thing is, if someone makes a new board on a different website everyone just says its a honey pot or the owner of a site trying to get more traffic.

I dont understand because THIS place is a known honey pot so whats the difference in moving to a new chan?

I dont understand how Holla Forums can be so against corruption and subversion and lies yet defend jim's website.

Because it splits us up.
Literally divide and conquer.
It's shit and I hate it, but those bunkers cannot handle mass traffic.
So for now, what can we do?
An exodus atm is unacceptable.

Looks like they locked the previous thread. I dunno man. It was up for awhile. I hate that fat fuck Jim and I know he's storing everyone's data, wouldn't surprise me at all if he diddles children, greasy mother fucker. Perhaps they view Jim as small fry? Maybe they don't see it as politics? I wish they communicate better with the board in these circumstances but I dunno. Like said, where we gonna go?

I just hate Jews and want to see then destroyed in my lifetime.
The ends justify the means.

Thats hard to argue with. I see your point.

One of the worst things is that all the hard work done on Holla Forums is analyzed. The tactics used here are literally teaching the elite how to do what Holla Forums does. We already have shit like applied memetics.

Essentially in a way Holla Forums is working for the enemy by teaching them how to better manipulate us.

I like your repeating digits

Except it's pretty much useless to them.
Memes require truth to be effective.
Also; in case you didn't notice, from their point of view giving us ANY influence at all directly siphons power from them in a way that can't be returned to them.

We are fascist.
Fascism is the natural order.
They are multi-cult.
It is not the natural order.

Entropy favors us in the extreme.
All that analysis is useless , as evidenced by the election.

The point you miss is that he was just a proof of concept.
If we can meme someone into the most powerful office in the world, well then there is nothing we cannot meme into existence.

And that is precisely why we need to pay attention to jim and hiroyuki. Its no coincidence that they came to own the largest western image boards respectively

You are not part of the hivemind.
I can sense it outsider.


It would be nice to have a website that there is no bans and no anchors unless they are repeated threads, animal abuse, or pedo shit (anime included). Then we'd learn to just ignore the stupid shit and debate better.


So I guess promoting is the whole point of this thread?

The lesser of the evils. Squandering this risks not taking care of some real shit, esp. given current affairs with what used to be a favorite food. I'll probably never see pizza the same again.

Pretty simple purity test with 100% accuracy, because currently no shill can talk positively about it;

When the time comes will you help us exterminatus the kikes?
When the camps are open for the first holocaust will you help?

I know I will be there, will you?

If you do not see the necessity of killing the juden to the last child you are not a Holla Forumsack.


But that does not make Jim not a shady fucking kike.

Ok. Jim is a shady kike, but at least you are not a heretical kike.

Death to Israel.

Truthfully I don't care what else we do, as long as we keep moving to hurt and harass the Jews out of existence.

Fuck Jim, I hold not loyalty to anyone but Hitler and the white race.


Its all a coincidence right?

.pl is subverted as all hell. Same shit at end chan. The solution? Decrypt messages, post revelant info off site. Also am I only one feeling that Internet apocaypse is about to happen?

Unsurprisingly all of them are involved in CP and CP related activities. This shit is fucking depressing. CP and degeneracy is the cancer killing Internet.

this shit is getting annoying. keep it on the general thread