SWATing pedocaves

SWATing pedocaves.

In the past people told the police fake crimes to get their firends swated.

Can we not just do it at a pedocave to bust the place?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why not. But there is no "we". Do it yourself.

Remember to call in a bomb threat and say that there are lots of guns, and that you saw someone being brought in tied up and blindfolded.
Use good opsec because this shit is illegal.

That's assuming the police aren't incorruptible and aren't being bribed or threatened to look the other way

That's why you have to make it a bomb threat.
They won't look away then.

I dont live in the dtates so thats why I am saying we

sounds like a great way to convince people pizzagate is real fam

Fuck off CTR.

Why should 'we' stoop so low to the levels of the brats, cunts, and autistic manchild who swat people on twitch. This is irredeemable rubbish tier low, mate.

reminder that this is illegal and diverts important resources to a non-emergency which could cost someone else their life

also if caught you'll be fucked big time

yeah… like giving me a fucking speeding ticket? fuck off

It's afraid

Something you need to keep in mind, the problem is that a lot of these caves are protected legally by corrupt officials in the legal department AND some higher ups in the law enforcement. This is HOW they have been able to operate globally for so long and with such reach. What you should be doing right now is spreading #pizzagate to normies. All low end officers will do is make arrests, but the person goes free later because the charges are dropped.

kiddie diddler detected

In the movie Donnie Darko a pedo dungeon gets exposed after the protagonist sets the pedos property on fire.

Arson is a possible to expose pedos, hypothetically speaking of course.

How do you do it without getting caught?


Yes, I've reported this thread. This is without a doubt the stupidest idea I've ever heard on Holla Forums. Even discussing this makes you all guilty of conspiracy. Swatting is going to be used as a justification to end internet anonymity, we already know that from CTR and ZQ leaks. Hell, they probably made this thread to bait some moron into actually trying it to give an excuse to take down Holla Forums.

Even if you morons are right about pizzagate, what are the chances you'll swat the right place? Even if you swat the right place, what are the chances the conspirators have left any incriminating evidence behind? They've had weeks to clean up everything already, the police won't find a damn thing.

Fucking idiots.

say some Internet nazi consperisy theorist is armed (with katakana and glorious nugget) and threatening/ accusing people of being pedos/jews between gunshots (beheadings with katakana) and he wont let you leave.

we are the boogymen of the internet/MSM after all

If a mudslime decides to shoot up a hospital while you have the SWAT team chasing their tails in some pizzaria basement, what will you tell the FBI when they turn your asshole inside out?

You don't, idiot.

Burner phone bought with cash. or any old junk phone that cant be brought back to you scene you know by law every phone must always be able to contact 911 regardless of contract. so find an old burner phone or go to wallmart and buy a new one with cash.

muh reported we could go to jail muh communal punishment SHILL
if anything it is pushing for internet anonymity as a failure to remain anonymous leaves one open to such harassment by assholes and cops called by assholes. if anything we should be doing more shit like that fucking with people not using anonymity on the internet.

but the shill has a point its to late for any of the "places" that have been mentioned in these threads as they should have been able to clean up. but if you wait a while you could get them when they try to set up shop again or when we find a new target. we know that talking about it wont stop the flow of business. so find something on your own and just DO IT FAGGOT.

The feds already know when you use tor, and they've recently greenlit the hacking of VPN users. If you morons insist on plotting felonies on a PUBLIC imageboard, you are going to do a lot more to fuck over internet anonymity than help it.

Get the fuck out faggot you clearly aren't here to do anything but argue and derail. Typical demoralization shill CTR remnants still butthurt over the election and how impotent their shilling was. Didn't work then, not going to work now.

Call the cyber police too while you're at it crybaby.

Pizzagate is blatant confirmation bias. By all means, have fun stirring up mobs of useful idiots with it. But don't drink your own koolaid for fucks sake.

Why are you on this website if your only goal is to argue against whatever we're doing? Go back to being CEO of >>>/reddit/ ok?



If somebody went full Kebab and set off a bomb in Besta's basement, the police would investigate every square inch of that place and find, one imagines, all kinds of interesting forensics. I in no way advocate violence or illegal activity.

the shills are real

i thought we where doing a live action roll playing(LARP) thread.

also knowing the method of how to commit a crime and sharing it is in fact. not a crime. hense
not to mention the validity of a ruling class that would allow crimes to be committed and only selectively enforcing the LAW upon the ENEMIES OF THE STATE has -=NO LEGITIMACY=- my forefathers fought in the revolutionary war and the civil war and i am completely willing to face jail defying an unjust law. and if the circumstance and opportunity arrive at witch point i would be able to join in a revolt against and unjust government i will join.

This is sadly the case. People need to understand and REALLY understand that this is protected behavior. It goes above the heads of law enforcement itself. Even if forced to initiate an investigation somehow it will go nowhere.

The only way to stop it is to make the power mechanisms that facilitate it irrelevant, and awareness is key. It is important that the public know that the people who they have trusted permit these crimes. That is how justice will be realized, never in convictions. Why would they convict themselves when they have the power not to? That is insane.

Theoretically if you were to call Besta's and tell you you forwarded conclusive proof of their child abuse to the FBI, call them a bunch of sick fucks etc, then make the other call good chance if they are guilty they'll kill themselves as soon as the cops arrive.

every country has pedocaves

muh PR

Interesting idea. I suppose you could also not drop their names. Just use the address. The corrupt police leadership can only shut it down if they know about it.

Stupid idea, fuck off.
Nice try, FBI. Why don't you prosecute Hillary for her countless crimes and treason instead of trying to create entrapment on imageboards?



you're welcome to try OP, it isn't exactly hard. Here's one we did awhile back don't worry, the guy is a confirmed pedo

Shoutout to pegglecrew

this user is right

Just report them to infragard. Its a private/public venture where the gubment pays people to harass citizens that have been added to their hitlist. Since tax dollars are pouring into this program its been a boon to swine that want easy money to do basically nothing but gaslight their neighbors for shekels.


So you want free gibs? Become a Stasi pig today and join Infragard! Americas most exploited gubment gibs program!

Yeah but they are also incompetent. I remember a few years ago one police department raided the mayor's home looking for a drug dealer. Wrong address.

They probably don't have a list of powerful people whose homes are not to be raided. And besides, you can just frame the call that there has been a home invasion and X powerful person is the victim of a crime. That also gives them reasonable cause to enter, so anything they find is fully admissible.

This thread is from yesterday. It was probably created by an (((operative))) to frame Holla Forums for this:


They're false-flagging with pizzagate connected things to create pretext for internet censorship. "It's out of control and is leading to real world violence."

If you know of any pedocaves, why don't you tell the police the truth?

Protip: It's against the law to keep child sex slaves in an underground dungeon.

OP here
I thought the thread was dead. Nice to see it on the top pages
No this is not a bait thread.

No I am not jewish
but seriously, its hard to tell who is shilling or not (excluding the obvious ones like )

has pizzagate investigated caves in germany?
Maybe I can check for one in my area.
the swatting will not work here, the police are to cucky.

most times cops won't even give a single shit if you're behind a couple of skeletons. Best way to do it is either with a free call service like jewgle ghangous, call their local hospital or police station, make up some bs about someone going crazy with a gun and/or someone got stabbed and they'll send the party v& right on over.

That being said, these aren't your average pedo fucks, they're government officials with not only high security clearance and/or connections but they're probably going to get tipped off because of threads just like this. As someone who has swatted before, let me tell you, government officials and schools college, highschool etc aren't worth it. They actually take that stuff seriously

Btw, a friend I know was involved in a pedocase.
Apparently the daugther of her friend got molested by one of the german elites (they where not (((chosen people)))). Those people did it quite openly because the court would always deny the case for the case could harm the child.
She reported that there where over 2 dozen cases at the time the event took place.

German goverment just stops all persecution under the disguise of victim protection.
Even a bombing or shooting, would not get public, based on how (((independant))) the media is.

You can always call their local hospital/police station and report an emergency, but see what I posted . Most cases it's not worth it




Because the police might have already been paid off. If, on the other hand, you tell them that a man with a gun is gonna go in and shoot up the place, they will have to take that seriously whether they're compromised or not.

if they offer free wifi, visit any number of FBI honeypots on it

it would put the police on a better track than swatting

By all means, prank call your local 7-11. But anybody who tries to SWAT comet is a fucking idiot who deserves the literal ass-raping they'll get in prison.

The thread may be filled with shills that dont want Holla Forums to take actions.
But as the OP i can affirm you I am not a virgin in a windowless room

Eh, I wouldn't go as far as to say they deserve ass rape, but yes, you'd have to be a fucking idiot to do it in the (((US))) or (((Western Europe))). That being said, any slavs or romanians who'd want to do it for teh lulz, this might be a good chance for you, hypothetically of course.

Then post a picture of your bedroom with exif data removed to prove you're legit

Its 3 am. I am in bed on my ipad.
So its a big NO

Disgusting pedo-shill detected. Do the world a favor and fucking kys.

ipads strip exif data automatically tard. Also,

The police wouldn't find jack shit there, and you know it. You're just trying to get this place shut down by the feds.

You say that like it's a bad thing. Give me one good reason why Comet Pedo should not be shut down child-fucker.

if /baphomet/ can post the ssn of the judge presiding over the silk road trial, I'm sure a little bit of "theoretical" discussion of swatting couldn't hurt

You're trying to get Holla Forums shut down by the threads.

jesus fucking christ, were you even around when /baphomet/ was a thing

The media never picked that up. They may have pissed off a judge, but now you've got half of DC and the media on us.

Even if they were raping kids there at some point in the past, they certainly aren't now. They've had weeks to destroy any evidence at that location.

Also, /baphomet/ never showed up at the judge's home/business with a fucking shotgun.


When the fuck did that happen in regards to pizzagate?

Your concern trolling and PR shillary does not work here Chaim. Holla Forums isn't going anywhere no matter what happens. If the media reports on us, that is even better as we always get a spike in traffic and have the opportunity to redpill more people.

that has and always will be a shit argument for why you shouldn't do something

It just happened. There is a stickied thread.

Give me a fucking break.

holy shit my bad


because with that line of reasoning turns Holla Forums into literally a no fun allowed zone, that's how halfchan started to die back in the day and that's how we'll die if we follow that line of reasoning

A fun allowed zone is synonymous with rampant shitposting. If Holla Forums does fully turn that way it would be a good thing.
No, halfchan died because of moot being a kike. How new are you?

That's not what I meant at all.

yes and no. Yes he was a kike, but his public line of reasoning being that "doxing will get us shut down!!"


SWATting is defined as calling law enforcement with a fake crime report to incite LEOs to break into the target location. If you have reliable pedo proof, then you are calling with a real crime report, no? If they're going in on real information, that's not SWATting. That's normal law enforcement.

I think its important to point out that this thread is the ultimate litmus test for how many newfags and shills there are among us. All the faggots crying about
don't belong. It's like turning on the light and seeing the roaches scurry away.

Which a mountain of confirmation bias isn't.

But go-guys we can't forget our western values! ;^)


It's worth a try OP, but if it's anything like Europe then the top pigs are in on it.

Lots of FBI in this thread trying to keep anons in the good goy box. Old Holla Forums would have loved this shit.

Obviously if someone were to do something like this, proper opsec is paramount, since it's a crime. Using jewgle voice from behind 7 proxies or a payphone/prepay would probably be enough protection.

You're all responsible for your own, potentially incriminating actions :^)