Women memeing white birthrates all by themselves?

All the girls I know are sending each other mass texts along the lines of "Here is all the grills who will get preggo this year: Amanda B, Stacy M, Clara T" etc. Best part is it seems to have some genuine peer pressure behind it while still being subtle and coming off as well-wishing. Could we spread and use this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Women are extremely confused about the world right now. Then we have them egging each other on to get pregnant. It's time to start making babbys anons.

The last century was the jewish century but this one will be the rebirth of the europeans races.

It's actually fucking happening.


This is a pretty accurate assessment on the state of women today. I'm not #withher but imagine what women have gone through in the last 40 years or so:

Women have been forced against themselves ever since the start of the "sexual revolution". Their depression rates have skyrocketed and the land is full of roaming 40-year-olds who ask dejectedly "where did I go wrong? Why am I not happy?"
I believe they are slowly turning against the system. The Trump win was a win on so many fronts, but one of them is white women voting Trump and realizing they're not alone. The SJW's were quick to shun them (Ana Kasparian's FUCK YOU, I'M BETTER THAN YOU is a great demonstrator of this). Now, women, white women, are returning slowly to their roots, and we should welcome them with open arms, and categorically reject the degenerate, all-tatood, all-pierced, rainbow-color haired whores.

Exactly I think Trump winning the election just by itself has changed a lot of perceptions(or rather snapped them) add in the imagery of the whole Trump clan rooting him on standing at his side. Something powerful has awoken. I-is tere a female side to meme magic?

population boom inbound

Checked! Praise Kek and pass the diapers!



Of course.
The male/female juxtaposition is a core component of hermetic philosophy.
There can't be light without the dark, etc.

We should lend a private hand, meaning those of us who are into prayer should pray for the restoration of white birth rates, and us who deal with memes and magic should do our thing. It's impossible to ruin this I think, because both the Man and the Woman benefit and in fact perform the most inherent of duties. There's happiness in that.

It's also true women have been specifically targeted since suffragette times. But the first step must be theirs! It cannot work otherwise. Women need to show a modicum of trust towards their fellow white men.

Let us do this. Let us each meme skyrocketing white birthrates, stable and loving marriages and the death of sterility. No more pursuing of empty "careers," no more filling the void with cats and toy dogs, no more dyke shit. Let us replace it all with a proper structure, a structure of love and fertility that begins in the splendor of youth and lasts until the solemn grave; and there are flowers on that grave for decades upon decades to come, for the children and childrens children are living and upholding the same Law and cherishing the memory of their ancestors.

Life finds a way.

hey guys heres a hint to bring the white birth rate back up: destroy atheism

good post.

These stats never factor in race. Most niggers are single moms and most niggers commit crime

Hermetics is homosexual magic. The female magic is just intuition and Nordics had female priestesses that handled herbs and death and birth. A whet nurse was once a bit of a magician because she knew medicine.

is she trying to steal petrol?

I'm not speaking from a strict literal interpretation.
It's just a convenient model to use to talk about the subject.

It's a homosexual "Alt-Right esoteric" model. Stop it, Jack Donovan.

It's funny that you have any expectations or hope at all for white women.

Ok, what's a better model to use for meme magic than hermetics? because that's what it is


Of course woman hold very powerful life and healing magic. Men build the nation but the future of the nation lies within the Women. It's why sex magic is so fucking powerful.


My wife hates having children. Like, the carrying and delivery, not the caring for them, and has been adamant about stopping at two (which we currently have).

Out of the blue yesterday she asked me if I wanted to have another one.

What should I do anons?

Seems like a small sample size.

Have another one.

While redpilled people having more kids is a good thing, this isn't really something Holla Forums can decide for you. Ask yourself practical questions first.

Can you afford three kids?
Do you want three kids?
Why is she thinking about another one?
Are you white or asian?

Scotts-Irish and German, wife is Welsh and Danish.

My asking if I should have another was a bit of a joke. We'll make the determination when the time comes (the youngest turns 5). But to answer your questions -

I assume because I joke with her about it (and I think because she understands the white plight.)

fuck her hard and dirty; blow that load deep in her aryan womb you stupid fuck

yes, we are being bred out of existence, every extra white child is good.

you and your wife need to put the team on your backs and have like 15 kids user.


I have a single mum and I go on Holla Forums, so I think I turned out well.

Also show her this post I bet she'll have a chuckle.

What do anons feel about adoption?

From a logical standpoint, it's not cucky in any way. You take a child that has been abandoned and you raise them to be a productive member of society instead of becoming the underachiever they would become without proper male/female role models.
But that doesn't erase the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you're not full filling your role as a human male since you're not continuing your genetic line. You know it's not cuckery but it feels like cuckery.
I think it would be okay if you had a couple of kids the natural way and then adopted a few white kids. It wouldn't be so bad for your wife's body and you would avoid those few sleepless years since most kids up for adoption are a few years old. Let's say you want 3-5 kids. Giving birth once a year is not really recommended. Every 1,5 to 2 years is better. That's anywhere between 7,5 to 13 years of pregnancy and poopy diapers. Having a few biological kids and then adopting a few more would be a much easier way of having a big white family and you could do it without the guilt of not continuing your line.

have more children, if you can afford it. shouldnt too expensive however; dont fall for the ivey league meme.
kids will turn out great as long as they are allowed to explore freely.

also consider surrogacy if your wife doesnt like pregnancy
also you can have 2-3 at the same time if IVF. not exactly cheap tho, because theyd be out of womb way before 9months

Easy. Don't adopt a child.
Adopt your future wife

Pedos are not welcome on Holla Forums. Remove yourself.

Adoption is soft, voluntary bilateral cuckoldry. Not only are you cucking yourself, you're also cucking your wife and the entirety of your extended family. Don't adopt user. Unless you want to foster care so you can collect government sheckels while doing the bare minimum to care for children who would otherwise be neglected or molested.

Although I wouldn't recommend IVF, but I can't deny that popping a litter does expedite the process of repopulating America. Just make sure your doctor isn't whacking off into the turkey baster.



you are lacking chromosomes if you think you arent the exception

if you have the wealth to do that, you already have children of you own and they are already mostly grown up. If you mix your adopted and natural born in the same brood thats conflict just waitin to get ugly

That's cool.

user I have considered this but I don't think its legal. First of all, adoption (legally) is extremely tedious with lots of paperwork. Secondly, you become the child's legal parent. And there are laws forbidding incestuous marriage, which technically would apply if you are legally the parent. I'm not sure if this still applies once she is a legal adult. Advice?

Don't be a fucking pedo.

Three(2.1) is the minimum for replacement level.

Biology > Environment

Truth is memeing itself into reality out of the ether of the past.
Our forefathers screaming "Help yourselves, Help us"

Hold your pants, this is only the beginning of a new era


Its extremely cucky

The only way I see myself adopting a bastard child is if I already have 3 succesful self sufficient children.
Then and only then I can see myself helping out a white, aryan child out.

#YOLO you faggot

White women are the least likely to race mix.

White men are among the most likely to blandda up by multitudes more than white men.

White men are the REAL traitors.

I'm going to ask her out to lunch right now. It's the best move, this is a pure christian girl we're talking about here.

Have as many kids as you can user. It is to late for me but you can still save the white race!


lots of washed up lizards see the wall(kek) coming, recently had one take me for a beta provider, 29 year old 5/10 blue-dye job thought she could bat her eyelashes and get a cheap engine-swap after driving her car into the ground. nope. shit aint even worth the time i took to write this post. There's at least two others in town similar that I've noticed are acting less cunty and went back to their natural hair color since Trump won. They can't hide the million cock stare though, I feel bad for the chumps that will marry them.

Go make White babbys, make many of them brothers, but don't get fucked over by falling for the first whale that drifts your way.

In the same boat, but also, most single mothers are black, and the problem lies more there than anywhere else.

Have another one


Woody Allen and Mia Farrow adopted a girl from Korea. When she turned about 12, Woody started fucking her. When she was 21 or so he married her and they're still married now. Legally, it seems like you can get away with it, but Woody Allen is a fucking Jew, and it's a horribly fucked up thing that he did, especially since that girl's IQ is south of 80.

I guess you have to ask yourself if you really want to walk down the same path as he did.

I did my part, lets get this trending and piss off some lefties.

"we don't need immigration we need babies"

She is pleasuring herself with the pump

From which Southern state? I'm the same. Dad's family was Scotch-Irish, mom's family was German.

It won't solve the problem as long we have nonwhite subhumans saturation our good white countries. They must be removed. That is the only solution. Period

I'm going to give you a reply, just so you can get some lunch. Work on your act.

WELL…. have you considered adopting from africa?

Correct. There are two parts to the attack.
I think things might be changing. I can feel it in my interactions with people.

Here's another (1).

i come from a family of nine. my much younger siblings I feared would swallow whole the leftist narrative, but since the god-emperor's victory, they and all their little friends at church are aching for babies, and traditional homes.

the spookiest part (for me at least) is that they and their friends all grew up as hipsters, albeit less slutty hipsters, and somehow they seem to have taken the same path that many of us here tread: rebellion against the mainstream paradigm of unbridled hedonism and vice. They want large families and strong, reliable, noble husbands to lead them. I didn't redpill them on anything, just warnings here and their about crazy cat ladies and feminists dying alone and unloved. Perhaps this shit has gone on long enough that people are aware (even if they don't realize it) what a life of a Strong, Independent Woman(tm) leads to.

This. Even in my town, it's like the general sense of uneasiness and unhappiness is disappearing. I'm seeing more couples walking around, more people outside jogging, and even going to stores people are being friendlier. It's fucking weird.


I think she may be trying to clean herself. Shame someone couldn't give her a light.


Turn her into a baby factory.

fuck her right in the pussy

[Spoiler]Okay real talk, I asked her if she wanted to do lunch, and she got this bigass smile on her face but just shrugged. I think I just got an 'I don't know' for an answer.[/spoiler]

Can't spoiler for shit now either.

This ain't reddit you fucking faggot

You can spoiler like this on some cuckchan boards. He still has to go back though.

You're excited user, it's to be expected.
Na man, that was a yes but she is unsure of how you asked.


You gotta think of a good date now user. Come back with a good plan, he expectations are low!

Good you have a shot. Be more forceful and direct now.

Actually, I believe it does. I think it's more difficult though. More hoops to jump through.

That… is bizarrely similar to my own background and experience. The difference is, my parents were borderline insane and on top of that, they were part of that retarded subculture of Christians that basically worships kikes (they were constantly obsessing over all kinds of kike religious talismans and shit). They really did a number on my siblings. I think things are turing around though, big legue.

sage for borderline blogpost

Awwww, poor poor wymynz. We must rescue them

Oh the poor poor mgtow :^).
Whiteknighting is retarded, setting women straight is vital.

Nigger fuck you I'm stressin out getting my aryan wife.

You're probably right. She's teaching a class right now but I'll definitely pursue this.

That's very clever, user

Just as clever as saying "no don't reproduce" kike.

Straight out of the shill text book

Then please do tell me what you were implying in response to , I'll wait.

Really seems like you are against nuclear families to me.

Sure seems like something is triggering you famalam :^)

Have two more

There are two scenarios where I would find adoption acceptable. One is if I already had 4-5 children of my own and had the money to adopt another (white) child. The other scenario is if for whatever reason my wife is barren or I'm shooting blanks I can see perhaps adopting a (white) child. To me raising a white adopted child is a lot less cucky than say importing some shit stain child from africa. Still cucky though….

A baby boom always follows a great victory. The combination of excitement, relief and swaggering masculinity is like catnip to women.

Tell, don't ask. Direct, don't suggest.
You don't have to blow the bank, but you have to make it something interesting. She wants to be swept off her feet and have a story to tell her gfs about the unexpected treasure she found (you) that all the rest of them overlooked.

(take with pinch of salt, dating advice from Holla Forums, etc)

My father died when I was very young, so my mother became a widow and by default a single mother. I came from a middle class family, she married again but only much later when I already finished college.

According to your theory I would have been a criminal and yet I now have a masters degree from a top 100 university in the world, I earn more than six figures, own a awesome apartment in the centre of a major city and have 200.000 in the bank and I am 30.

close but not fully agreeable.

Nu-males present all the traits of Calhoun rats. NEETS and weeabos the whole "2D is better than 3d" being so popular on 1rst world [eveb though cant be argued because it is true. the average females are also degenerate calhoun rats]

That's not really what the picture is implicating. Single mothers due to divorce are what the picture is representing. Single mothers (those that should have never bred) who have immense emotional problems then ruin the child's chance at happiness by running off the father and then turning her sights on the child in her subconscious need to fuck up everything.

Also not being able to think of things in bell curves is a failure of perspective. You are the exception that proves the rule, user.

I seem to have the misfortune of being (mostly) on the opposite side of this. All the white girls I grew up with either married niggers, didnt marry at all, became lesbians, and none of them have kids, then of course theres the one cunt thats as retarded hippy tree hugger as it gets (shes also a jew apparently, didnt know that until this week)

Meanwhile, all my cousins that are younger (below 20) are already marrying white guys, having babies or trying to, trying to become good homemakers/wives, and so on. There are two exceptions, but I think at least one of them as learned from her mistakes and doesnt seem keen on making them again, and thankfully the mixed breed result is only 1/4th and is a girl, so the full blooded sheboons will probably do a good job of driving her away from nigger culture because they'll despise her for being prettier (less niggerfied) than they are and act territorial about their men and culture. And as long as the pendulum keeps swinging back our way, what little desire for non-white men there is at present will continue to shrink and maybe she'll catch a decent enough white guy someday and continue breeding out the nigger genes.

I think having a father die probably has a different psychological toll on a child than having a father leave, or having their mother leave their father. In the later case, it's more a situation of willful abandonment of the child.

I'm sorry that happened to you user. I'm glad you're here with us now though.

Widows are never put into the category of single mothers, though. For good reason too, your mom didn't make a shit choice by picking a man who wouldn't stick around or by divorcing the poor sucker, your family was just unlucky that you lost the man of the house.
My father also died several years ago, but I was already 16 then so it wasn't nearly as hard for me as it was for you. I wish you luck in your life, user.

This. My dad died of cancer right when I hit 13, and instead of being a criminal, I'm about to start my own business.

Proud of you man, now go and make it happen.

This is probably accurate. Parents got divorced when I was five, mommy dearest got full custody, mommy dearest kicked me out of the house when I was 15 and I'm a massive useless piece of shit to this day.

My gf didn't want kids when we started dating, now she wants at least two.

Father died when I was young and I was stuck with a crazy commie sjw hippie mother, I'm all sorts of fucked up. Just trying to get through life day by day.

Oh I'm gonna do it. This woman will be mine.


Women get around to it eventually, in most cases. Seeing other babies, long-term stable relationships, degree of maturity, all bring it about.

I can't afford to take a woman out to dinner, but I know a big chunk of my paychecks are going to support a family of niglets or Mestizo squat children at least.

I have similar experiences and am pretty much in the same state now. Broken homes are cancer.

I am an adoptiee of sorts, and the family already had 5 children (four fully grown, one a teen at the time).

It'd be like that for me,

underrated post
Can verify this ^^^ is true. Women LOVE to make their friends jealous about their men.

good punchline, made me spit my drink.

is the future you choose user.

Boy there are some real noivus posts in here. I think we may have struck gold.

A lot of guys forget that even just spending some quality time can make other girls jelly. Some of her friend's men are probably too busy with vidya to even take them for a nice stroll through the park. Even small things can make it.

Any answer other than this is a kike shill shilling.

This. The girl I'm going for is usually super busy with work, but lately she's been using even just the few minutes she has in between classes to come talk. All I did was bring her a snack once and she lit up like I bought her dinner.

Cute :3

No reason not to give the kids a good home and upbringing if you can do so, and can't have kids of your own. But I'm probably in the minority on that here.

is the joke that all christcucks are the same as muslims?

You can fix it by having them add a husband to the 'meme'.
Seems they want to be single mothers, to get gibs both from gubmint and the divorce money.

The meme is traditional family, not social bux.

Studies show that widows don't have the same negative impacts on children. It's the self-inflicted single mothers that are the real issue.

You're either the exception in that you turned into a fine shitposter or part of the rule because you don't understand statistics.

The part I didn't include was that all the girls that received this are married or close to it.

White women always go Republican, as much as the media is bitching about them voting Trump two million fewer white women voted Trump than voted Romney.

checked. The difference is that women can't help but crave strong men. Even if they hate them they crave them. Since they're generally ruled by their babymaking equipment it's only a matter of time until they cave. Trump is making them wet for conservatives.

Not only that but their former leftist worldview is smashed and they are looking for something to grasp onto like a baby koala.

What else is new? Typical low class trash.

Rightwingeres have always had more children than leftists.

The lefties figured this out back in the 60s-70s. That's why they imported mexicans.

I remember this being a thing long back when I started to have serious girlfriends, especially when I was living in the south. Maybe it went out of fashion since then.

Try a better bait, retard


Your foster children should never be treated as your actual children.

An increasing number of those 40-somethings are trying to educate their 20 year old equivalents of the dangers of feminism.

I mean, even 20/20 hindsight is something right?

Oh, so breeding stupid, degenerate offspring is bait? This isn't saving the white race at all, this is eroding it. Look at OP's post, this is rumor mill gossip that's supposed to benefit anyone? Give me a fucking break. We need INTELLIGENT people reproducing, not lower class filth.

Saged for slide thread.

In the future if someone mentions having less than ten kids the response will be "what are you a fag or something?"




Meme it faggots. White women want to have lots of white children. Its their biological instinct.


Yeah I'm sure it was white people primarily contributing to these statistics…

The single mom thing is a cuckservative meme to explain black criminality as a single mother hood problem when its just as much racial.

This is seriously all I want.

Shitposting on Holla Forums doesn't make you a successful person. All it means is that your belief system isn't totally kiked-out. But that doesn't matter if you're an IRL failure living off of hotpockets in your mom's basement or something like that.


The loneliness hits hard when you see all these pics

I've gotten to the point where even if I die alone, I can die knowing I fought so future generations can have this.

remove that americuck flag you cuck

USA is a mixed country with a nigger president and gay marriage

That is literally the exact opposite of what that idiom means.

Same. Bizzare to think motherhood and big families were the norm not that long ago


so is that whole grill thing going to work?

yea, i'm sure your shitposting on an obscure internet forum has hugely shaped the world

stop kidding yourself, you're fucking useless until you go and actually do something

One of few reasons why I want to be wealthy and own land (already have some) is to be able to afford a large family of my own.
It's really strange that the only way to rebel against norms of society nowadays is to be a traditionalist.

They don't want to start a family like responsible human beings. They just want to be single moms, leeching off of the taxpayers.

Hold up goys. I think women are starting to realize that numale leftists don't want children, and the only men who do are right wing.

Make Women Great Again.

Good luck, user!

Quality realization, good for morale. Just wanting humans to continue to exist is a rebellion against leftism.

No woman I know has any intention of becoming a single mom. Especially the ones that come from single parent house holds.

I'm meeting more and more that are completely against abortion too.

for 48 more days, then we are the new imperium you faggot.

this is america today, "I don't like pain so I'll hire another woman to carry my baby for 9 months for me"

how the fuck do you even expect the mother to grow close to its child this way?

Physical pregnancy and pain involved have big impact on bonding and desire for more children, if treated positively.
Besides, it's about genetics and return to strength of our race, natural way is the only way.

This makes me happy.

What is exception to the rule you imbecile?

WHOA it's almost like libshits and kikes can't subvert honest biological imperatives.

Sarcasm aside. This is all good. People can only be forced to "experiment" for so long before nature kicks back in

Is a single salary of $70,000-100,000 enough to provide for two parents and three children living frugally in a rural area in a state with relatively low cost of living? I don't want my future wife to have to work for us to have the lifestyle we desire, especially once we have kids.

Should be enough, if you don't live extravagantly and can put some away for emergencies and stuff.
Look into living costs in your area and average living costs for families with children, statistics should be available for that
Take all numbers with a pinch of salt however.

What made them changed their minds? I guess craziness level must have pushed them over the limits and snapped.

It's very clear now that things aren't as they seem. A lot of mothers are finding out about pizzagate stuff and absolutely freaking out and sharing it with their childless friends. They also seem to be gravitating slowly but surely back to church. Whether you like the idea for yourself or not it seems to be having positive effects on women and linking them back up with the older ladies. They are listening to HuffPo and their shitty friends less and more to little old Dolores in church.


Praise Kek

Godspeed, user

you know what this pic is?

again, america is a mixed country, don't tie the future to the white race to zog, you already have an empire, and is jewish and black.

Nuremberg laws said if you were a quarter Jew, you still counted as German. If it's good enough for Hitler, it's good enough.

listen fucker


dont fuck this up you fag

It's not as if Europeans are in danger of disappearing. There are still a shitton of Europoids running around on this planet. It's just that in the last 100 years the poopulations of shitter countries like African and India have exploded primarily thanks to modern agriculture and free food. So yeah, as a percentage of the world population Europeans have "shrunk" but the number of Europeans overall has not. That said, more is good news. Also, African population is a bubble, and bubbles always burst.

do you not know what nihilism and contraception are? are you completely unaware of whats happened to the world in the past 60 years?

I am amazed so many posters took your shitpost at face value. I would hope by now that whenever you see someone make at post as stupid as this, which at the same time claims to have a high level of education… well, do you see the disconnect here? If this monkey really went to a top 100 school and pulled himself up by his bootstraps he would also be smart enough to realize that not everyone will have his exact same scenario and that an anecdote does not disprove a rule.

Why would people lie on the internet? No one does this.

Wasn't there a Ray Bradbury short story about something like that? Really wholesome, about some dad building a rocket-ship in the backyard as a gift for his son.

Of course. Men have become too effeminate and are not leading them as nature intended. Men as a whole need to get their shit together and begin acting like men again.

You should have immediately impregnated her. There's still time, so get on it stat.

Leave, Jew.

My god, how heart warming.

The confusion also stems from them seeing powerful men acting and no longer afraid to be themselves. They can see the future coming better than every leftist analyst combined.

Check'd! It's going to be the greatest Christmas ever! Little stocking on every hearth and joy in the hearts of white people everywhere!

alright i know this is off topic but what is the correct way to pronounce Geobbels ive only ever read it and never heard it said

Sounds neat. Was it this one?

Does this mean that tfw no gf will become a thing of the past, Holla Forums?

And they secretly love it…

Only if you make it happen, user

They're gagging for it.

I haven't read the book personally, but I always took it that the character of Dr. Ian Malcom was supposed to be Jewish. Y'know, with the whole neurotic rambling about Chaos Theory, and the little monologue about Man Kills God. I took it as the writers intentionally having him be a neurotic Jew. (although they clearly wanted him to be a likeable neurotic Jew since he didn't get eaten by the T-Rex)

fug, forgot to sage

She's smiling and interested, she shrugged because she's wanting a bit more pursuit. Stay the course.

Another thread taken over by MGTOW redditor kikes and ugly virgins


The message is out hope has been spread you and your buddies can act like a few derailing posts make a difference but they don't.

Gotta be a man here, user. She wants you to direct and have a plan. You can't lose unless you wimp out and show a lack of will and direction.

Turn that Womb into an Aryan factory.

Yeah, yeah it was. Good read.



Gen Z girls can look how miserable and alone the previous couple generations of women are and it's not hard to put the pieces together that they're miserable and alone cause they have shit tier attitudes towards life and forsook any responsibilities women previously had in families.

Watch a video of Big Red screaming at people on the street then read some online feminist blogger complaining about their being no good men out there or men only wanting to use them for sex and it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

That first picture is fucking perfect. God damn imagine having a family like that, it'd be fucking amazing.


nice drive by you fucking coward kike.
you have no idea how many people here have nothing to loose, who have been waiting and preparing.
been waiting years to have an excuse to dump mags into niggers and synagogues.
we know your a kike

The anecdotal evidence is real

There's no doubt about that. Seeing the telegenic and wealthy Trump family gets their gina's tingling.

Do you not understand the demographics or something?


And they still exist.

No you don't, because otherwise you would understand the basics of statistics.

WTF?! man the shit i see on Holla Forums sometimes

no, hes slaughtered them all and hes trying to act innocent


I have a strange question for everyone. My question is what do you think of the white polygamy? I think every white men need two white wives, not more than two white wives and have five white children from each wife. The white population growth will triple if the white people do this.

Simple math population growth

1 hubby + 1 wife + 3 kids = 5
1 hubby + 1 wife + 3 kids = 5
1 hubby + 1 wife + 3 kids = 5
population 15

1 hubby + 2 wives + 10 kids = 13
1 hubby + 2 wives + 10 kids = 13
1 hubby + 2 wives + 10 kids = 13
population 36

only if you were to abolish it once the job was done

its workable in todays society because theres so many degenerate males around who wouldnt breed anyway

I always laugh at shit like this. You literally need to go sifting through fucking SEALs to find men more elite than I. So, tell yourself whatever you want, Chaim.
We're winning.

Polygamy is not the answer. Men and women of the ages of 18-35 are fairly equal in white nations, save for eastern europe, where there is a slant in more females (with Estonia taking the lead).Make an assumption that each women can manage 3 kids average, Polygamy doesn't change that. However, if you find ways to promote white women to support more children, then the problem can be solved.

Where would the extra women come from? The sex ratio is roughly 50/50, there would be a hell of a lot more lonely guys (easily agitated toward revolution) in your scenario.

My wife and I are going to start trying in the spring. Before Holla Forums I was thinking one or two kids. Now I'm thinking 4-5. I feel a lot more confident now that Hillary didn't get elected.

its perfect
1 Husband + 1 Wife + 3 kids = 5
1 Husband + 1 Wife + 3 kids = 5

1 Husband + 2 Wives +6 kids = 9
1 Husband + 0 Wife + 0 kids = 1

oh wait

While I don't like the idea I'll toy with it for a second.
If we have experienced dysgenic pressure due to wars killing off the best and bravest of our men then maybe polygamy would provide positive pressure by starving all of the feminine, mushy males of reproducing. What do you think?


Tell her to bend over and adopt some of your sperm.

We need to return to praising women for having children, to give them positive reinforcement.

Just found out my wife is preggo with our first last week, we're about 7 weeks in. Wish us luck brothers we want 4 in all Im hoping we get there.

Congrats, user!

Was this part of his plan?

Sterilize all of the inferior men and employ them as laborers for the work camps.

Good luck Kamerad!



Wew, lad!

coy is a better word

We're counting on you. Don't you dare fuck this up, faggot.

Congratulation for being a father to your lovely baby!!!!! I am really proud of you and please don't screw this up m8.


If they are not functional then institutionalize them for life.

Non-college white women are more woke than college-graduated white men.


You got this user congrats!

God damnit that shit ain't funny… but it made me laugh

There aren't really 2 women for every man, my guy. There's actually more men than women.

He actually got killed by blood infection after being bitten by a T-rex, in the first book. Then the movies happened, Malcom became a pop-char and he resurrected him in the second book with the excuse that his off-page death was just a rumor.


Pound that pussy and praise satan.


Is there some secret way of making women want to accept your genetic material?
I'm particularly concerned with making them ignore age differences.

This part is true:
But I don't see how this part follows from it:
Sure, women waste their lives and then at 40 they regret it, but there's a new crop of 20 year old women and they're wasting their lives too. They (the 20 year olds) aren't turning against the system, because at their age if they're not fat the world caters to them in every way.

From the perspective of a 20 year old woman in the west right now, life is fun and awesome and she wins at everything and gets everything she wants - there are so many Chads vying for her attention, when she's ready to marry all she has to do (she believes) is pick one.

40 year old women have hit the wall and regret their poor decisions. But 20 year olds never see it coming.



==RED TEXT== = RED TEXT (must be on the same line)

I got to a commiefornia community college
in two classes of a single semester I've seen 3 purity rings, of which 2 stand up to degeneracy in the theater department like the token fat ugly trannyfag

too bad I've been too much a crude feeling hurter to her and others
though she and I had noted synergy and she kept positively remarking on my physical appearance whenever I'd get a haircut or something


In case there is any confusion. I need to know how a 30 year old white male virgin can secure a wife.
I have advanced degrees in the natural sciences and am a very attentive and caring person.
I have many ideas for patents that could end MAD (greater than mach 12 weapons systems, basically doomsday devices) and have a slightly below average penis girth.
I am single and looking for a white female of breeding age (17 to 43 years old, anything beyond I deem autism facory).

Anything I dem beyond deep autism factory*

how old are you?

32 but I am spiritually more like a 23 year old.

You might as well be posting pictures of private jets. I never even see women like that, let alone have a chance to start a family with them. Most women I meet are overweight, or they're sluts. I can't remember the last time I even saw a girl without a visible tattoo.

I live in the Southern US too. Red county in a red state. And it's still a fucking wasteland.

Slow gently love making for the purpose of procreation with all that cuddling shit girls like and stuff.
That or hard fucking, I dunno it's your wife, you'll know better.

It's for inspiration, user. Like everything else, just do the best you can.




the vast majority of men this generation will never find a decent woman, by the way

I am the same way (I do not look or act my age at all) (28 but look and feel 21).

Basically the world is fucked and it's almost required to target 15-16-17 year olds if you are looking for a virgin. The cucked world will of course call you a creeper or a pedophile but you cant care.

Adopt only Europeans or at most Japs.
Adopt only after you've had 2-3 kids of your own.

Hell is forever!

when jews do accounting, they still end up being jews - they just now call themselves accountants. it doesn't make them accountants. it does, however, remove the ability to see/find accountants when you need an accounting. with all the ungrateful parasitic dependents rushing in to the latest declared 'safe space', picking up the 'new' flag still not them nor theirs, pretending – and certainly even self delusionally believing to a plurality extent – that they can be accountants. all to lie, to eat, to steal. by masquerade.

we have jews memeing god damn nazi salutes for fucks sake. doesn't mean nazi's won. it means re-mis-appropriation-theft will continue until morale improves.

cue the endlessly shapeless re-re-definitions of mgtow, feminist, pua, tradfem, etc. i don't care. i don't care about your post-linguistic formations. the truth of what female is is known. each dick impresses a shadow onto the steward, and each subsequent dick impresses with exponential half-life decay. can't wife sluts, can still fuck them, both are still a waste of time, and should the former be entertained, the losses will be even greater. like debt, because it is debt, because it is dependency. there will be no waiting for hitler, yes. there will also be no lying to the mechanics of existence, however. the exception warrior bride rule only works because all other priors were killed and the victor's dick mightful enough to pummel each deceased echo that passes out of the feminist steward in error - a high energy fight which never ends, which most user cannot and will not be able to do. they need only look to their prior generations - plural - and see the ones no longer –fucking here–.

women don't meme. autistic squirrels squeak what we tell them to. but the parasitic amongst them have revised it, haven't they? that revision is what you're seeing. it is not what your dick is leading you to believe - they don't know, because they can't know, thus they can't agree, they just repeat the signal, and you dumb shits fall prey to your own memetic ghosts echoed back.

yes, you were supposed to get them back on track. but no, that doesn't mean go fuck them off track again. the vast majority are only suited to be nuns now. and if they so still think they have the right to speak, then they will be excommunicated and get nothing. this doesn't change. it has never changed. it is an inescapable mechanic, with the last century of systemic overproduction providing a brief respite to entertain entire trees of discardeds the opportunity to expand inescapably into more entropic degenerate failure, each more than the last, because that's what they cannibalize instead of paying price they think they now have the option to refuse.

as if. whatever. we've been here before. we all know what's going to happen.

you mean aryan qt inspiration thread?

we need this now and again because of posters like and and all the other demotivating forces out there

Meanwhile in t the real world: thehill.com/homenews/news/308357-decline-of-americas-white-population-accelerating-study-finds

The core problem is that you're going to be awkward on dates, and that's going to turn most women off so quickly that you'll never have a chance with them.

Every woman is constantly being approached by attractive naturals with game that's smooth as glass. They take girls out, make them laugh, sweep them off their feet, give them intense tingles, and put the moves on to fuck them. Then you show up. You're going to take her to a nice restaurant, sit across the table from her, and have polite conversation. I got bored just typing that!

You're going to behave so differently than what they're used to, that the only woman whose going to stick with you is one intending to rip you off - and you wont see that shit coming.

My advice is: get a male friend that can wingman for you. Get out there and pick girls up and try to fuck them. Your only hope (and it's a fool's hope) is that you're a quick study and can develop some of the skills that most guys perfected ten years ago.

Picking up girls is an incredibly subtle art. There are a million little things that women pick up on subconsciously and that inform their instinctive attraction (or lack thereof).

you mean post airbrushed models? what do airbrushed models have to do with anything tbh? the IQ of this board is fucking retard tier at this point. do you honestly think that looking at fetish pics of blondes and redheads means fuck all? I fucking hate all the matt heimbach tier "whites" on these boards who fetishize blonde women fuck off wog boys there is nothing special about them, they are just fucking girls like you whore gyspy mother is a woman.

Well fuck, that's actually pretty wise. I guess I'll post a few myself.

look into under 18yo then


Are you retarded?

Obviously just pining over qts is not enough to get you one, but wanting it to happen and believing it can happen will make it more likely to actually happen.

If you do not have motivation and belief, you will not make any effort.

If you don't make an effort, you're almost certain to fail.

So choosing to believe and be motivated — even while whiners and cynics call it delusional — is objectively the best outlook to have.

I personally find it motivating to periodically be reminded of the beautiful girls out there. It's aspirational. I may not be able to get a girl that top tier, but I'm going to try to get the best girl I can.

We all should.

I'm going to die alone.

women are not the motivation. they are a motive, but not the motive. linguistic puppetry. it will get you a bridge to nowhere, exhausted, over built resources all expended, and debts due, with you 'tired' and 'just can't even'. the last of which you should listen to, just not the english manipulation that leads inevitably back into the positive feedback loop of debt. the later is the signal to avoid, to think, to do better, to pause and remember and fight anew - this time, not doing what doesn't work.

wanting 'it' to happen, and believing 'it' can happen will in make 'it' more likely to actually happen. for frogs, that's a strange 'it'. nevertheless a valid set of actions, made invalid by passing it thru invalid source, which must by mechanical definition filter/limit/reduce the 'it' to the child's view: if it wills itself a cookie, it will get it. until it doesn't. still, sitting there all depressed that it can't isn't good. but still, sitting there all will-to-eat-in-order-to-eat is also not good, though it certainly a motive all the same. because it is all the same.

wind in your sail vs. wind knocking you down is the will to impose will. which isn't the same 'it', now is it? that the lessers amongst us mislead themselves with visions of libido merely moves the mean-certainty-fail product to a probabilistic-hyperfail-with-chance-success product - a reshuffling by gambit that, also by mechanical definition of the mechanic employed ('wanting a don't-do wrong it to happen'), leads the majority to greater fail (instead of plurality to average fail). and, of course, the jews will jew this, take a rent/rate/shill/annuity/shekel off the motive all the same – the wrong 'it' doesn't matter to (((them))), so much as it does to me.

–i– have a stake in you not failing. from my father, to my son, and yours to yours: you must remember. and while i'll be happy to lie to you with said spoiler, i will still tell you that that 'it', your 'it' is a lie. it will not help you. detox. find another.

Get a DNA test.

We've been together for 6 years, the pregnancy lines up for just after the honeymoon. Im not worried thanks for the (((concern)))

fuck white women. I dated a couple and they seem like the most spoiled, sociopathic cunts out there. I'm going to be MONK mode for most of my life, and I'm an anti natalist at heart so won't be having kids. I help the white race by shitposting and meme warfare.

you are acting weak: use that solitude! Don't let it take control of you, but subdue it and do something with it.

No one cares. Either accept that or fight back. Piss off with this blackpill depressed behavior.


ty for the reminder. i see the same thing in comcast / communications agencies and google now. hell, anything involving tech tbqh.

i had to track that down. 2006. published 2007:


Why meme it when girls have been doing this for at least the past 6 years or so, if not forever. All it means is more skank ho single mommies, more welfare, more social workers (though the paedos are all already there), more coalburners, more kids without fathers, and knowing the way this works, more rapefugees.

Still get a DNA test. She may be a perfect angel, but it doesn't hurt to check. It's the only tool in your arsenal. Honeymoons are prime sleeping around time. You know what women do after they cheat? They make sure you come in them.

t. the other guy

Again, your (((concern))) is duly noted.

As a monk, memes and shitposting aren't monkhood, self-mastery is.

The cuck meme is overused and wornout, but it's no joke. Why do you pretend it's jewish to suggest women cheat?

Well spoken, good sir.

It's the scapegoat mentality. I don't blame the Jews a whole; sure, there are Jewish people who are selfish and greedy, but this would be the same as me claiming all Italians to be part of the Mafia.


Its typical kike behavior to attempt to pull your exact type of demoralization nonsense, dont play stupid and pretend you dont know what concern trolling is. If you actually dont know you need to lurk more.

Oh boy, we got a schizo on the lose. What the fuck are you even saying user?

Woody Allen didn't adopt the gook he married, Soon Fuk or whatever her name is. Mia Farrow and her previous husband, Andrew Previn, adopted her, then they got divorced. That's why Woody Allen was able to marry her later, because he was never legally her father. Still creepy as hell though, he definitely helped Farrow raise her.

Allen was able to partially adopt two of the younger kids, Dylan and Moses, which is why he had a visitation claim for them when he and Farrow broke up later. She said her youngest natural-born kid wasn't Allen's biological kid but who knows, she was such a whore that she was married at least three times and broke up at least two marriages with her harlotry.

It's not concern trolling when AWALT. I'm glad you can do the relationship/marriage thing, and I'm always happy to hear more of us are having kids. But it's the height of blue-pilled to imply that the most common behaviour hardwired into women can't happen to your girl.

When parents have a kid it's a wonderful thing, the mother glowing afterwards, the proud father, the bundle of human potential. At the same time, everyone will tell the dad how much the newborn looks like him. "He's got your nose/ears/whatever!" Which is complete BS, it looks like a giant light-colored raisin or some fat old man with big features and his eyes closed. A Churchill or a Hitchcock. But that's just an unconscious meme passed around. If everyone always pretends dad is the dad, then everything stays copacetic and woman and child aren't cast into the wilderness and certain death outside of the tropics. Why do you think niggers and islanders and amazonians never cared much about paternity?

It can happen to all of us. DNA tests give us the best of both worlds, we can Trust but Verify. In olden times, you had to always be suspicious and would never know short of a nigger in the woodpile. Now, you don't have to spend 10 minutes worrying about it per kid.

Nice, have 5 more after that one. I get the feeling Trump's America is going to cause a baby boom some how. If we could meme him into power I'm sure we can meme a baby boom as well.

Still, exanding the dominion of the Kingdom of the LORD on earth is the most righteous and most challenging task for anyone as ever, user..

And this is why I'll never have a woman, I'm too far gone. Not even depressed about it really, I just have a brain that makes learning those moves pretty much impossible. And to be quite honest with you, I'm not even that interested into women, learning those moves feels like a waste of time to me.

defeatist as fuck

Yes, good goyim. Make more sluts.

No luck with dem wimmenz so far, CTR? Soon you will be unemployed as well.-)


user I'm 25, what do you think is gonna happen? I'm not that interested in sex, I have no money and women mostly bore me. Having no natural skills at dealing with them just amplifies that.

become a monk and pray for our societies, then.

Hah no way, I like the internet too much. The thing is, all my life the vast majority of my problems and stress were caused by other people. I'm just happy to sit in my room. Last night I was out in my city, and I saw all those fucking girls sneezing because they're wearing short skirts when it's -5C out. I took 2 buses, both were full of screeching girls laughing at shit on their phones.

I'm sorry user, women are just so fucking overrated, just not worth the trouble.

I've held off on this for nearly a year.

Ignore that shit. You don't need to learn moves. I sure as hell don't know how to keep a woman because they annoy the shit out of me unless they can keep quiet and not nag, which is not in their nature. But to get one all you have to do is have some self-esteem. Can you do something other people can't? Congrats, you're better then most, and women would be lucky to hold your cock. That attitude, and reading a book on body language will get you a woman. Ignore anything written by women.

You know how animals respond differently to different people? Animals can't smell your fear, but they read body language. Same shit works on women. That's it.

If they were quality, it wouldn't work. If you aren't the type going around fucking lots of virgins, it's really not a drop in the bucket. Don't worry about ruining them, they ruin themselves. The focus should be on keeping YOUR women under control, not the feral ones.


Ignore the fags that constantly tell you to get married, even if you don't know anything about interacting with women. You can fuck yourself up for the rest of your life if you aren't careful.

Marriage isn't for everybody, and most men in history didn't reproduce at all. I'm 22, and in the same boat. Know nothing about interacting with women, mostly because I was always ignored/rejected by them earlier in HS and college. Doesn't help that I'm not physically attractive either.

The goal for men like us is to spend the rest of our lives acting as shepards for this movement.

We, as single men, can quickly amass large of resources very quickly, and since we don't have loved ones to worry about, we can do things like run for office or form the basis of RWDS if that time ever comes. We can take risks that married men with kids can't, as we don't have additional mouths to feed or worry about. We can protest and act openly in advancing our agenda, and have more freedom in performing said acts.

Some men need to put in the street work. Married men with kids to feed shouldn't have to get into fist fights with antifa or feral niggers.

I can relate to that. try to do something productive for others, even if it's a drag for you.

Women being overrated…well, on a certain level I agree; but this is because men have turned themselves into immoral blobs (me included, even if I'm trying to cobble together what good is left in me and give it to the Lord).

I just hope you'll find faith in God and through it see that there's still hope for mankind; do not put your hope in men and women, but have hope for them.

Some of us are just meant to lead a more ascetic life. Modern women (and people in general) certainly bore – or rather disgust – me too. There is nothing enchanting, feminine, or chaste about them, nothing pristine except their show of ugliness I suppose which is certainly pure… pure decay.

Yeah you sound much like me just younger. My only solace is technically solitude and without it I'd definitely go insane.

If you could, you wouldn´t be spamming us with your butthurt, now would you?
Looks like CTR/JIDF/whatever salary isn´t enough for White hookers either.

We both know the real reasons. -)

Go to a gun range.

I may be a bit older then some, but I grew up in a rural place that had a fair number of normal, fit, non-trashy girls. Very few sluts. And yet, I look around now, and I agree with him.

That's how you meet rightwing guys.

I'll keep it in mind user, thanks. I have 2 masters degrees, come from a poor family and am between jobs so I'm broke. The main thing that is affecting my self esteem is that I don't have a car.

I guess marriage isn't for everyone. I've always received a certain amount of attention from women, but to tell you the God honest truth, in HS, playing Rome total war and Morrowind was waaaaay more fun than. I'm in a line of work where I can influence young minds. I guess I can influence them a certain way.

Yeah, finding peace in God is a good thing. My problem is that I'm just not spiritual at all, although I would define myself as a pretty conservative catholic.

You know what bugs me the most, people assume that I'm so butthurt and frustrated by women that I retreat to my room and whine about them on the internet. I've been happy just sitting in my room doing stuff all my life. When I got older, I stared too see the nature of women in general and that was yet another con. Basically, you have to buy everything with them and they like you for the practical use you have for them, not for your virtues, not for your personality. They like material and social manifestations of your character, not you yourself as a person.

The third picture look super comfy. It reminded me of the cosy house surrounded by the winter tree.

I was in your same situation years ago; now I'm getting better. I will keep you in my prayers, you seem like a good person lost and stranded in the sea of today's vanity and shallowness.

Hell is forever, user..

Just castrate the inferior men and send them to remote farms.

Please tell me you guys are doing your part by staying healthy and physically fit.

Remember that the jew is actively trying to ruin your seed through industrial food, smoking industry, alcohol culture, sedentary lifestyles, etc.


I've always wanted to learn how to shoot so that's a great suggestion thank you user

High birthrates mean nothing if the result is quantity over quality. If government really wanted to, it could force people to mass reproduce like in Ceausescu's Romania (we all know how that turned out)

What's important is how well these children will be raised. More than likely, the women spreading these texts all have "bad-boy" husbands who will leave them in a year or are those types of women who let television raise their children. You don't want parents like that, because all they're producing is the next generation of Democrat voters.


Masturbation is natural for a young man.
The porn is absolutely the problem.

Getting fit, going to church, quit porn, eat and drink healthy, I'm even reading more…I just need to quit using my phone and laptop this much.

Men who choose to get off to porn because they can't get a woman are more likely to start fucking each other in the ass than they are to get girlfriends if you take away their porn.

Because it's not the porn that causes them to be rejected by women. It's the rejection by women that makes them resort to porn.

And ejaculation. Don't observe porn (including H), don't ejaculate unless you need to (like starting a family). Learn to practise retaining your semen.

Yes, but only in moderation. Everybody is different, but fapping more than 3-4 times a week (still a little high IMHO) is still bad because of the excess dopamine in the blood, with can wreck havoc on dopamine receptors in the brain.

Modern, (((commercial))) porn is definitely a problem, as it causes severe oversaturation. Personal porn like drawings of your GF/crush or nude photos/pictures of said women aren't anywhere near as bad, as men have had those for millennia.

This society is degenerate and you're expected to get your dick wet. That's low it has sunken, that promiscuity is seen as a great virtue while chastity is something to be ashamed of. I have nothing against sexuality between true lovers but sometimes lovers are worlds apart and we are here technically alone.

Yes and it's called gossip.

It's used to develop social norms. Propaganda and memes can change women's minds, provided it is prevalent enough in their social spheres.

Women have their own competitions and subtexts, in-group biases and stronger groupthink.

The girls with most of this influence get their ideas from social media or the men in their lives. Women don't really have hobbies, they have things they pick up from the men in their lives.

Cultural change must occur on multiple fronts.

Good job, user. As for phone and laptop, i would say it depends on how you use it. The internet is a great place to learn.

Of course. Moderation is key. As long as it doesn't control your life, i'd say your good.

Yeah, but I should be able to control my desire to know: while the search for knowledge is good, every hour I spend here I could invest it into reading a book.

On masturbation: I suppose it's better to quit it completely; especially when you realize you have to act like a man, not like a child.

One requires a deep and intimate connection when engaging in any form of sexuality. Rootless erotica like 99.9% of it will sink you; if it's personal stuff of one whom you love (including imagination) then it's a significantly different experience.

Regardless, don't ejaculate.

If you have a GF/wife, its doable, but if you don't, then you'll be constantly have excess T floating around. While the jury is still out on long-term (>1 yr) no fap, I personally think its fine to keep masturbation to once a week when your young and then gradually increase to once a month when you get older. The tricky part comes in maintaining the discipline necessary to do this. Others will probably disagree, but that's what I've found works for me, keeping a balance of natural machismo tempered with a release once in a while.

Your car isn't your self. Your job isn't your self. It's your capabilities, traits, character, that kind of shit. If you like the way you look or are fit, it's your body. Most people are retards whose one claim is 'member of a group.' You're better then them, and if you act like it, everyone else will know too. If you worry that you're not 'living up to your potential' or what people think of you, you'll act like a beaten or lost dog. And that is more unattractive then having a beergut and looking homeless.

But I'm sure you get the gist. On a side note, maybe your family is poor, I don't have the stats, but you'd be appalled if you saw how many people are broke or in debt. And women don't understand debt, that's why they'll pick the status of a guy with a big truck but bills he can't pay over someone cash and a beater. Just don't spend money on women and it won't matter, they'll think your hiding it whether you're rich or poor.

If I didn't want a horde of sons to teach and raise and carry on my name, I'd be happy just reading, shitposting, and enjoying my hobbies. Not a hobby, but there were no girls there, but I hated college and played RTW until I got kicked out. End of blogpost.

Hell doesn't exist, only how we will be remembered. No one remembers people who spout that sanctimonious crap fondly, if at all.

that's seriously gay. The body has a mechanism to ejaculate in your sleep for a reason, it is getting the right mix of sperm, getting rid of damaged due to stimulation, sickness, whatever. Likewise, you have impulses to masturbate. Even without porn. Even when it doesn't feel that good. Why does the sudden desire to ejaculate pop up some times? As long as you're not fucking with your brain and the mechanism through degeneracy, it's like taking a shit.

What voodoo are you talking about? I got horny feeling yesterday, jerked off three times, and had 2 different girls flirt with me at the grocery store afterwards.

Hasn't ejaculation been shown to have health benefits? Lower stress, lower risk of prostate cancer. Just to name a few examples. Of course i don't mean wacking it vigourously 5 times a day like a basement dewelling porn addict, but maybe 1-2 times a week.

I'm not intirely sure that i believe these studies, but i personally don't see any harm in masturbating a couple times a week with no commercial porn.

Some of theories behind nofap/what happens during nofap. Everybody is different, I just explained what works for me. Some of the theories are definitely interesting and worth checking out if you guys are interested.

Let your body do its thing as it does automatically and you do yours actively. Just because you have the function to shit doesn't mean you should stuff your face with McDonald's and burritos. There is no reason to not retain your vitality unless you're a degenerate who is a slave to his base desires. Finally, you can learn to orgasm without ejaculation since they are separate processes and not tied together.

Look at modern society and tell me if the vulgarity is any way beneficial? Then consider that this society is what is telling you what they think is beneficial.

It's not like stuffing your face, it's like eating when you feel hungry. That food won't always be a dry-aged ribeye off of an aurochs you hunted down yourself, it might just be a can of beans, but the urge exists for a reason. Just don't indulge that urge every single time or eat regularly when you aren't hungry, and you'll be fine. Ever go a few days without eating? It's not a big deal. But it will make you obsess about it after a while.

I've done that, it was fine, but I don't get the point outside of novelty. It's like fucking with a condom. It's missing the point.

I'm not saying it's easy, but it's doable. Like you said, it's all about self-control and discipline.

not really…like says: it leads to weakness, to the pursue of pleasures and immediate gratification. DO I struggle? A lot, believe me…being a good Christian is far from easy. Is it worthy? Yes; even if the rewards come after months, just like the seed takes time to grow into a three.

White women will end up leading and saving the white race at this rate. How many male leaders in the western world with the same balls as the women in Le Pen's family? Meanwhile leaders in the west on the "men" side are Trudeau and Obama and other collection of limp wrist faggots. Just let women be the spokesmen. They are obviously statistically the most loyal among the white race, moreso than the men.


Then either stop being a pussy and do something about it or shut your trap and accept that's how things are going to progress from here on forward. Hell I don't have any aspirations of starting a family or making much of my life at this point, almost two dozen years of mistake have left me a physical and psychological wreck by most standards and I'm fine with that shit - long as I can keep working to make sure my parents don't end up dying alone in some derelict shithole.

The "good goyim" meme is overused by people (like you for example) who are not smart enough to articulate their positions rationally.

Here is my claim in

"A 30 year old virgin does not have the social skills or the understanding of human sexuality to attract and retain a high value woman in a world full of Chads who do have those skills."

My claim is, that guy, if he goes from zero to "dating" is going to be constantly out-competed by Chad. My claim is, if he goes from zero to "dating" the best he's going to get is a post-wall single mom who is "tired of bad boys" (read: has a cock-count in the triple digits).

That's my claim. If you want to respond without looking like a retard, then you need to show that some portion of my claim is false.

The advice I give flows from the claim. He needs practice, so he should practice.

Your response insinuates that practicing pickup somehow creates sluts. That's a ridiculous claim. A 30 year old virgin isn't going to have the skills to pull a non-slutty girl. But it hardly matters because if he does (if he's just that lucky) than he could marry her. No problem. But more likely, he'll only be able to pull women who are already sluts. So all he gets from them is practice.

My claims are true. My advice is sound. Your "good goyim" meme makes you look pathetic.

Non slut girls do not require moves though. You just talk to them, ask them out and have sex in the relationship. Moves are needed if you want to bang bar sluts.

What exactly is the problem again?

I have 9.5" cock a six pack and good squat game.

I've been alone for too long and become too isolated. I'm just numb now. Making do with daydreams about a sensual girl who loves being kissed on the neck. What a sad life.

tfw never had gf or wife

It makes being a slut look acceptable.

Remember, all women are attention whores.
You can only make women chaste again by ignoring sluts for marriage material.

It is as wrong as it gets, the chance of your child ending up with some pedorast isn't low these days.

No keep the child in the family

facepalm.jpg you cannot be this naive.

"moves" in this context are deliberate actions that women see as attractive. When Chad puts the moves on a non-slut girl, she will find Chad attractive. That's how human sexuality works. You are competing with Chad.

Compared to you, with your high-minded beliefs that you're above all this, that you wont stoop to learning pickup: CHAD IS MORE ATTRACTIVE. He out-competes you. Unless you make a serious effort to learn to be attractive, you will only ever get his leftovers.

Seriously. Imagine your perfect, sweet, innocent ``non slut`` aryian qt. You (naively) imagine that she's not on the cock carousel. Okay, fine. But she is getting approached by chads …constantly. She's going on dates with them, even if she's not fucking them. They can read her like a book. They figure out that she wants a marriage/family-minded man, so they pretend to be that.

Even if she doesn't fall for them, they are attractive. Now you come along as a 30 year old virgin with no experience at all. You're going to seem boring. She hasn't been saving herself all this time, turning away chads, for a boring awkward aspie guy.

Being a slut is acceptable in the society that you are currently in. This is reality. This is the real world. Ignoring reality because you don't like it is a recipe for failure.

What you're saying here is a dumb as the leader of a country saying, "building an army makes militarism acceptable!" That's not a wise and noble plan on the part of a leader. It's just being stupid.

If you don't want slutting to be acceptable, then don't marry a slut. What I am trying to get you morons to understand is that you wont ever have the opportunity to marry a non-slut unless you develop the skills of game theory.

If you don't have game, then you wont get within a mile of a non-slutty girl. All that you'll get - the only marriage option you'll ever have - is a post-wall single mom looking for a bank account.

thanks Holla Forums for helping me see the value of family and bloodlines.

We MUST make white babies and then bring them up well. THAT is the way to a desired future.

if better not be your last you faggot

You don't know how many he has already.

three more wont hurt




It'd simply be better if the man and wife had more babies.

If every white couple had four children, we'd be on the rebound in no time

what did Kek mean by this?

I can confirm, my mother really fucked me up.

I'm happy that there are some other guys on here that can at least look at reality and understand that you have to live in reality, not an ideal fantasy world. I see the later far to often.

just a heads up, we might be raided sometime in the future.


looking at the bar for Nasa always cracks me up

its my last. i'm older and so is my wife (late thirties), and we already have teenagers. we dodged the potato, but i don't want play that game again. good luck to all you young faggots. make America white again.

Yeah, but they're probably making those predictions based on how slutty a girl is. Maybe they're all fucking black dudes. Doesn't everyone know by now that black dudes never use condoms and insist on inseminating?

It's forever. It's Hell.

Hell is forever!

Probably for the best, honestly. Nothing will bring you more stress and depression than modern women.

You do realize she's a Jew, right?

WTF I hate dwarfes now!
seriously… wtf?

We aren't fucking Muslims, a healthy monogamous marriage has always been the European way. You don't need another wife just produce more children.




Even by Asian standards her eyes look soulless.

You're literally retarded.
No, they are not. That's why they go to clubs because only there they can get male attention easily. Because dumbass chads need to be drunk first to approach a woman. Picking up a woman on a street, in a shop/library is the easiest fucking thing in the world because it never happens to them.

she is quite ugly.

user pls, we live in the most peaceful times ever plus I bet you're an americunt, living on the land that saw no war for the last 150 years, raising future generations is our duty, if we don't do it then there will be more and more whores and numales growing up

How many men masturbated before internet porn? 5%? Maybe less? And now? Over 95%. Yep, it's natural goiym.

That's why you need to find something to let off that excess energy. That's why you feel lazy after fapping because you just wasted energy that could be used to workout for 3 hours.

Single spermatozoon needs 3 months to develop so enjoy your infertility

Citation needed, I mean, I don't know but I suspect it was higher than that. That's absurdly low.

How much of the history and statistics of just the last 100 years are truly lost forever thanks to kikes rewriting them?

Ask your dad and your grandad. My grandad didn't know what faggotry was until he was it on TV when he was 70. And who the fuck had time to masturbate?

maybe his mother would think him to be guilty


tbh I didn't know it until my cousin showed me his VHS porn collection

that's the thing with porn, it's never boring even after masturbating for the 1000th time

Guys, can someone provide a good screenshot taker? All the ones i try are shit and 8ch's one isnt working.

I grew up in the 80's and early 90's and there wasn't internet porn. There was still porn and I used to find it in the woods hidden inside of pipes etc. 5% is absurdly low. Probably more than 5% of teens masturbated before internet porn, I mean, I can't even imagine it being nearly that low.

Frankly I think your suggestion is absurd but I have no official statistics (as if such things would be reliable) to offer.





This. I've been fapping since I was 5 only by seeing no-pornographic depictions of naked women.

This. Also tits or GTFO.

Like one would pronounce Goethe, "Ger-tuh" (with a very soft 'r'), Guh not juh. "Ger-bulls".

Why would anyone want to end up with a slut though?

Compromising faggots are half the cancer.

quad quads of failure?


Is there any negative effects on the children if they are born as dubs or trips? inb4 the memes converge and we start memeing dubs and trips in the wombs of white women

How retarded are you? You could jerk off five times a day and still knock up a chick the next time you fuck her.

What is a issue though is prostate cancer, and there's research that shows that not ejaculating (either from sex or masturbation) increases your risk of prostate cancer significantly. Doctors recommend whacking it 3-5 times a week. (jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/198487)

Enjoy your cancer, faggot.

You can't change the past or the present, you can only change the future. If there are 100 girls, 99 of them are sluts, and you have to have 50 to keep the population stable, you have to make sacrifices. 49 guys are not going to get their optimal girl. That's the situation we're in. You can fight among yourselves for that last girl, but that's just going to lead to 50 dead guys (or more), and still isn't going to solve the problem.

Also, that girl is going to end up being with the best person who can care for her and her children in the end anyway. Even the sluts are going to end up with the guy who is most the most optimal choice they can get. Unless you're making 6 figures, and have less than 2% body fat, that probably isn't going to be you. That's reality.

It might not be what you want for yourself, but in the grand scheme of things, you aren't important. The only thing that matters is keeping the population alive. The great thing is, since we can change the future, we can make it better for our children. We are armed with knowledge - most of our parents were not. We know that premarital sex makes a relationship exponentially more likely to fail. We know that pornography irreversibly damages the brain, and can be an addiction. We know that stable marriages raise the best children, and that liberal ideologies like feminism and diversity destroy the social fabric of the west. And those are ideas that we can pass on to our children. We can teach our daughters to be that 1% and to find men who are men and worthy of them. We can teach our sons to be men. We can set good examples in our home of what a family should be, even if you end up with a girl who's had half a dozen cocks.

Because 99 out of those 100 women were led astray, just like 99 out of 100 men. We were all lied to, and we can't change what we did in the past. We can only change what is going to happen in the future.

In summary: you don't matter, sluts are dime a dozen, women do all the choosing, be the best you can be and hope to find a girl that fits you.

The world isn't as black and white as anons describe it, there are men who do the choosing and pick up women, there are women who do the choosing and pick up men - in all cases they are attractive (not only looks-wise but also socially/economically).
The only thing that can make up for your lack of attractiveness if you are butt-ugly is wealth and if you are a woman, getting in shape and being the best sweetheart that you can be to a man who decides to be with you.
It's simply a question of putting yourself out there and vetting the bad apples.

Rubbing your genitals on things does not require tech.

sticking your dick in another dudes ass is not intuitive. Boys grab their crotch in the womb. Retarded kids can even figure it out. Well, most of you did.

When I was about 12 I fapped 5 times in an hour. With nothing but regular 4 channels of tv and my imagination. May not have even had the tv on. No mags.

This. Meme better.

You fell for the STEM meme top goy. It would be best if you didn't reproduce.

(Not my blog)

Anyway, if you meant wealth in broad sense, I'd posit that it's the most important. If specifically monetary wealth - meh.

Such amazing feats of human capability. Truly your breed of mankind is a creature above the rest.

I haven't read anything in the link you just posted, if that's what you mean.
And wealth is more than money - if I thought about money I would have wrote "rich" instead.
Wealth is a social dimension as well, where you are well-connected through your economic and public activities (even minor ones in your local community/town hall), have access to things and know people who can get you those and vice-versa, where you are performing a social role for others as well.

Wealth is an ability to leverage your money and keep it together, and women always prefer men who are financially secure and socially well-placed.

wallstreetplayboys also have a post where they recommend taking a year or two to learn social skills if you're an internet autist, but I can't find it at the moment.

My take:
You're 30. That's roughly when I plan to start looking for a wife. Not really particularly late (as a man). Ideal female age is

No. It's a pretty short read which I found to provide an interesting take on recent male focus on looks. It was a reading recommedation.

Yes. wealthy > rich.
However! Women are generally attracted to men. Some men are more manly than others. Manliness can be judged by how well x possesses manly characteristics, including (but not limited to) financial security and social well-placedness.

Yes, however this was in the context where hypothetically, you fall somewhat short on the physical male standards, but because of your social an economic standing you can make up for it. Overall though, it seems we are talking about the same thing, you should strive to perfect your looks and your standing.

confirmed for being afraid of vaginas until he was 25

so what college degrees are superior to engineering according to you [besides gender studies]

rejoin college now for some english degree, fuck and marry the best of coeds

d-did I do good?

Very powerful images.





You need to step up your relationship with both of your families. Sounds like they have ~0% respect/understanding of your life decisions. Otherwise, you did good user, you did good. May your bloodline live on.

Dude. Have you hit puberty yet?

That's a tall order, user. They're the worst bluepilled cucks I've ever seen. Any advice dealing with bluepilled families and getting them to see the light when it comes to their genetic legacy?

God speed may kek be with you

Congrants (hitler would be proud (: )

IDK if your parents are like mine, but clearly insist with them that you need what you need, BUT take what they offer while they don't deliver.
even if you take the gifts and then sell them or use them as toys for the kids.
They only understand the use of what tv pushed them towards.

I recently made the mistake of arguing after getting some state of art new Iphone while I needed some more useful yet cheaper stuff. now I not only have to give the cellphone back [which I could have sold it for the useful cash] as I have offended the gift giver. so consider that.

Great Thread.
All the Aryan Women and Children, the Aryan families, really do a soul good to rinse off the filth of the jew with love for ones people. Aryan aesthetics cannot be beat, White people are the best thing to ever happen to this fucked up world, strong, noble, and beautiful. Fuck you kikes, we will persevere and take our throne once again as lords of all creation.

I would only adopt if you are unable to have biological children. If you choose to adopt, I would advise you to make sure that the biological parents of the child did not have any serious problems that could possibly be inherited by the child.

The best way for a woman to realize her biological calling is to be charged with the care of an infant, or something that acts like one: culturecampaign.blogspot.ca/2016/08 /feminists-anti-babies-backfire-girls.html?m=1
This school in Australia bought these virtual infants to try and discourage teen pregnancies and ended up causing a mini baby boom.

Monogamy has always been a part of Western Civilization. It was practiced by the Romans and German tribes long before the arrival of Christianity.

This would be great news if I had more than 0 experience with this shit. 50% buff to a 0 stat is still zero.


You assume there's something wrong with male virgins. You're the problem. You're the male feminist.

Feminism is Dead, Long Live Femininity

I could post at least half dozen youtube channels that have appeared in the last year featuring young white women who have woken up.

They are…

• rejecting feminism
• embracing femininity
• praising the traditional female role
• confessing their dissatisfaction w/ their attempts to be stronk independent career women
• professing a desire to be wives and mothers
• pleading with white men to step up / lead / protect them from the nonwhite hordes
• showing gratitude to traditional men

Embedding one example. Linking more.



Enjoy your decent in to a muslim-like hell hole

I'd feel guilty if I was to pursue a white girl. I'm 5'8" and a quarter jew non-ashkenazi. I'll sacrifice my life for your families' future rather than dilute the gene pool, brothers.

If you breed a german shepard with another breed, it doesn't matter what comes after. You will never get a german shepard again from that lineage.

Thank you for your sacrifice, friend

Fuck a Malaysian woman, have a happy life and quickly cooked dinners? They cook fast, malaysian women, right? Haven't had malaysian food in a while….

ill chalk it up entirely to my own failings and yes i should gas myself, but the modern woman almost swore me off of them, ended up cheating on my longest term gf (4 years at the time) with her gay friend, simply because i didnt have to buy him anything, we just kicked it most of the time, we liked all the same stuff, played fringe vidya went to the range and watched the same shitty movies together. i was in a functional human relationship minus the selection pressures, the backbreaking anchor that is a yuppie UM woman, no need to show off, and zero pressure. the result was cool, but then he became an sjw tranny and i went right back to women, at least they cant shapeshift YET. But i think the divide that feminism has made for normal non nu-males towards the modern female, is so vast, that some people can fall into this trap like i did. Im glad i got out, but tbh a femme guy is an attentive respecting mate compared to what i have to put up with in my normal quarry these days

Well, first off my friend, forget everything. The trick is to retune your awkward behavior to something fuctional. Forget nice restaurants, bring a 5 dollar pizza straight to their place. Second, focus on 18-20 year olds with few friends and have not dyed their hair yet, with no collage. Hell, do what I did and start crashing at her place because "you are tired and her place was a lot closer from work." I 'accidentally' moved in with my wife. Get her cookIngold for you as soon as possible, and talk about anything relationship related. Find her, popen into her life like a storm and treat like you two have been married for years, and you are getting bored and expectant. She'll trip over herself to please you.

Also, treat any guys in her life that are not family like a friend you chill with, but hate enough to glue their dick to their sack for summer camp style laughs. My wife had a guy friend she dated for a week in early high school, and he still beta followed her. I started calling him my dog, and got him to beg for his cigarettes from me, by squating and panting like a dog.

Now mind, if you select the girl wrong, you will get a restraining order real quick. Figure it out, you seem kinda maybe intelligent, get your shit together and make me some white children to maybe be friends with my white children.

i understand that pol hates jews by large and sexual deviants, and im fine with that, i dont wish to spread my mudblooded traits away, what dilute an actual desire phenotype with a few iq points in exchange for a 60% increased mental illness rate? no sir
in a pol society, id only wish to raise the fragments left behind as undesirables, to theach them they have my cause, while we should not reproduce, we must serve a greater calling, to protect our brothers and sisters which have loaned us the advantages and RESPONSIBILITIES of their blood. It is not a calling that calls for a cultivation of your own, it is the offering of self towards what you , yourself cannot have
and this path i had redpilled myself on,
im semi passable as white, and i believe that in a true ethnostate, since purity is a shitslope(randy) im not clever enough to solve, leave loyal undesirables to fight battles and raise the like as the jihadists do, to fight our foes and never reproduce.
id be okay with this, if trump put together an ss and grabbed me in the morning with a barrel in my mouth id smile

Fucked up, do not talk anything relationship related. It is a sign of weakness to not already know the status of the relationship even she is unsure. Become a bad habit, in a month she'll be used to you. Also, marriage in within itself is not neended. Get her to say I love you first, and when she let's you into her bed, go everywhere but do not take her pants off. When she tries get angry and put your clothes back on. Be passed for the next hour or so and then fucking rip her cloths off and show her what you got.

She's fucking a Puerto Rican, and a pathetic beta one at that.

BREAKING: Holla Forums discovers women want to have kids

When women pull that "I-I don't know s-senpai…" shit you smile and say "It wasn't a philosophical question." and then ask when she's free.

As someone who's probably going to be a permanent Holla Forumsirgin all my life, I've toyed with the idea of getting really fit and waiting until the military gets unpozzed. Mad Dog Mattis never married. I'll go become a warrior monk or something, and then I can still feel like I've done something for my people.

I don't get where you guys are meeting all these women that want to settle down. 24, went back to college for an Engineering degree (entering junior year), and just focusing on myself for now. Pretty much every gal I've met so far just wants to focus on the party life. Only really seen two exceptions, one of which is a Mexican and the other is a young earth creatonist.

Kind of feel like I'm going to wind up in permanent hermit mode.

I wish this thread would die. I made an embarrassing post in it while drunk.

hey there rabbi whacha doin?

If people knew, these threads wouldn't exist.

I'm not watching some cunt on youtube, but beta? That's not even a thing. Women have a pecking order, which is not relevant to men.


How exactly is it not a cuckolded action to take? Your resources, your ability to provide are not unlimited. Only time it would be appropriate is if you have already had many kids and are adopting a white kid, maybe then.

You know, this might be a good proposition. I haven't actually met any Malasyan woman, long story short, I always thought Thai/azn/ women were ugly for some reason but yesterday I watched some pr0n on xhamster and was surprised because Thai's are actually hot

Holy shit, that third pic is comfy as fuck.

also, apparently you can order them



I was basically replying to these gu/oys:

But I see you can also get slawaifus

Then you better have a plan to fend of the beta uprising. There will be a lot of blood on your hands.

Not quite. My claim is that in this culture, you compete for the attention of non-slutty girls, against chads who have significant practical experience seducing women.

I'm not saying that there's anything *morally* wrong with male virgins. I'm saying that they lack skill and experience with women, and thus will have a difficult time competing with chad.

I've noticed this trend as well. It's encouraging, but the main problem I see is that our society still has institutions in place that act as threats to men - notably, the institution of divorce and family courts.

My plan, if I ever met one of these women who embrace femininity, would be to tell her straight up that she's my wife, but that we wont be involving the state in our relationship. That wouldn't protect me in family court, but it could at least protect me from divorce-rape.

And of course, that's a sub optimal solution. It'd be better to fix the institutions so that the state once again encouraged marriage. Oh well, maybe next generation.


23 yo Exneet [for 5 years] here
bench at 70 kg
squats at 80 kg
curl at 20 kg
pull at 90kg

conna clear the field today while listening to Calculus podcast to plant some food on my land

Keeping track of feeding times at every 3 hours, and making social gains, maybe I try to make a political discussion group on my uni.

all for fuhrer.

Been a few days since I saw this. Shit got awkward on her part, and now I'm having to find the right moment to ask her again. Kinda pissed I didn't handle it better when it happened.

Praise Kek for creating the desire for increasing white birthrates!

Now how do I find a woman about my age (early twenties) or a few years difference who wants to have kids with me?

Who's the guy in the pic?

I need some Holla Forums tier advice for my sister.

She married a few years ago while blue pilled and she and her husband had agreed on no kids. After getting red pilled, she changed her mind on kids and now wants 4. Her husband hasn't changed his mind at all despite her trying to convince him for over a year now. She says he is stuck in the nihilistic attitude of "Why does anything matter?".

What should she do?

Divorce the faggot and then get help from you to find a suitable partner.

If you got that result from one of the mainstream genetic testing companies, I'd be sceptical.

Divorce. Marriage without kids makes even less sense than pic related.

nun-chuck nagants (are those mosins?)


Don't be.
Don't overthink it.
You'll do fine. Just be calm and don't listen to 20 anons here saying how to do it because it will fuck with your head.

Obrez nunchaku. If you're crazy as fuck that's actually workable. Not just a melee weapon but also two loaded pistols ready.

what a fag. I though most nihilists were MGTOWs…

anyway, If he has enough money to afford raising tell her to go to a sperm bank and get some blue eyes cum.
NOTHING BEHIND THE HUBBY'S BACK. or he will think she cheated. if he really is a nihilist he won't complain.
If he really is a self centered piece of shit [could be trouble], or if he has no money, well time to kick him out.

As long as you have two esquires ready to help you with the reloading mechanism, I quess your right.

It's a shame the barrels are cut too short to fix bayonets.

Yeah I know. My only problem is finding a moment where she and I both aren't busy. Trust me though, I'm not giving up until she either says yes or flat out says no I'm not interested. Rest assured though, I will not give up.

I don't really see the logic here. If she is going the route of a sperm donor, then why not just be a typical woman and poke a hole in a condom. At least then he would get stuck raising his own DNA. Either way, she is going against his will.

"Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of their sex and turned them into inferior men."

- Yockey, 1948

Stop using birth control.

Nah, forget that. She should ask her father what to do.

The advice anyone else in the family is giving is "Do what will make you happy." Everyone else just wants to stay out of it.

Also, I don't think she takes birth control, but I'm not sure. That isn't exactly a normal subject for a brother to bring up.

Alright Holla Forums this is an actual happening. Highly (((educated))) STEM femmes that I work with were talking about babies today. And I've started dating cute 18 year old Lithuanian student.
I know she's attracted to me and values my knowledge, leadership and drive for self-improvement. I don't understand this, and it has never happened to me before, but unlike previous relatonships, I instinctively know with absolute certainty that I could have her just by continuing on my path and asserting myself. I'm about to graduate with excellent STEM education, and high propspective economic value. This could actually be the jackpot if she turns out to be all that she seems.

Godspeed user. Do it for the sake of your children.

Overweight is not a problem.
Try meeting women some place where decent people congregate.
You aren't going to meet a decent person at a gym or a bar.

Denial of children is the one thing it's worth getting divorced over. A childless marriage is a worthless marriage.

Get the fuck out degenerate.

Depends on how overweight they are. Fat can be lost, but there's a point at which it's a lost cause. And if they do lose weight, you have to worry about their confidence increasing and causing them to think they can do better. It may be beneficial to keep them slightly overweight. Just enough to crush any brewing arrogance.

You're trying too hard.





why is that lady in the oven? she doesn't look like a kike

Your reading comprehension is piss poor, user.

Send her to me. If her husband is truly a nihilist, then he won't mind getting cucked by a strapping bull like myself.

Divorce is the only way. If he's a nihilist then clearly he doesn't care for his genes and she's wasting her youth on him.

You know what to do user.

Just post the pic user; you can't meme it if peeps can't see it.

More memes of happy white mothers with their happy white children. Show this to your normie women acquaintances and their primal instinct to produce white children will be triggered.

And of course the cucks will get triggered at the thought of white women having white babies.

Make Women Great Again.






What a great thread.
I can taste the anguish from the kikes and cucks gnashing their teeth that we aren't buying into artificial wombs and all that bullshit.

Follow the genetics rules set by NatSoc Germany.

Your cause is not lost.

I believe Trump addressed some of these issues. If you live in burgerland.

One I do remember is him providing incentives/tax-cuts for working–that's an important word–families of 2 or more.

Be confident about yourself when you approach women (if you aren't confident about yourself at any given time then you know you need to fix a problem you have with yourself), get a chuckle out of them (easy when they're already physically attracted to you), treat them like they need to win you but not snotty, ask them questions (some interesting/silly some more normal/boring), nonchalantly ask them to go for a coffee or out "we should get a ___ sometime" and of course never be afraid of losing them, because when you're afraid of losing them you will end up losing them because they sense that neediness and fear.

Just chill and do things for you own amusement basically.

I'm very inspired by this thread. Romance is a manly thing. Remember that.

I hope it's a twin. :-D

user with the aryan co-worker reporting in. Several attempts have been made, all unsuccessful. I played it cool, she's not freaked out or anything. I think life is simply too busy for her right now to think about dating. She sounded disappointed when I asked her if she was free Saturday and she said she had to work with the kids that night.


I'm so awesome and you're so jealous, I'm oh so very fabulous, I know you hate my guts, And that's why I smile so much, Your life isn't going anywhere, And yeah I know it isn't fair, Believe me I won't even care when you die.

You're really making your point, chaim.

user you etter be using your money and skills it make anime and monster girls real i sware to kek and ammit if your not

Threads like this get me more excited then Richard Spencer reking college kids, A+.

user please homeschool! Nothing worse then sending white babies to public school for Jewish Marxist indoctrination with feminism, self hatred, and nigger worship.

No matter how much time passes, money still can't buy class.



Check ,em and Kek 'em.


Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post…


inb4: it's really just
Guess why it's yes.

Where is Premier?


we told you bro. godspeed. enjoy the fruits of your labor.
(polite sage.)

What is the cheapest place to live in?

Your mom's basement, user. Stay there.

This is just yay.

Try never having a dad at any point in your life you shitposting waste.

What does your comment mean?

It's not a suitable for the children to raise in so I hope you don't become a father.

Good, lad.

Already am, user. Now stay in your mom's basement. It's supremely cheap to live there. Good luck, champ!

Duh no. The children deserve a nice home to raise in. I am thinking about the rural area.


this user gets it.

this thread triggers me
into wanting to make babies.




It's starting to sound like you misread the situation. Props to you for trying, but you must realize, if she was really excited about the prospect of being with you, she wouldn't have let the opportunity pass - if she was busy one day, she'd offer to meet another day.

I know that you believe she's a perfect, virtuous, pure, non-slutty girl, and I don't want to completely crush your hopes, but I also don't want you to be naive either. So consider the very real possibility that she is not, in fact, a 0.1% outlier. That in actuality, she is just like most other girls her age. That means she has a top-tier chad as a FWB. When she gets horny, she calls him up, and she gets fucked.

This is the situation that most women have set up, and it's why they don't feel the same urgency that we males feel. From her perspective, she's doing okay. "Maybe fuckbuddy chad will marry me!" she thinks. "Or maybe I'll meet someone!" (but there's no reason to settle)

I don't know that this is the case with your girl, but I've seen it a lot in my life. They flirt with you, and you think for sure they're interested, but when you chase, they run. Sometimes, you find out later about the guy they had all along.

Crazy cat lady meme is turning them over. If you pay attention that meme is used in everyday discussion a lot.

Grand aunt was a rich and extremely rightwing lady but she was infertile so she adopted a White kid. He gave him the heaven and the stars he still turned into an ungrateful opportunist kike that did not even have rudimentary interest in bringing up his own child and practically sold out all the wealth her ancestors and she accumulated for materialistic fixation. There's a fucking reason abandoned children are abandoned and that's most likely genetic.

Be passed for the next hour or so and then fucking rip her cloths off and show her what you got.
I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your news letter.

come deep inside her ASAP then keep doing that

And when she hits the wall at 35 and Chad is long gone, she'll come looking for user (possibly with Chad's child) to be her beta provider.

Don't fall for the above.

yes you chose the right website to SAVE YOUR SOUL, don't make any effort, YOU MADE IT KID, YOU MADE IT, you're fulfilling your potential with every post, what more could the cause ask of you?

I'm incredulous to the idea that the meme is leading to a change in young women's behavior. It's been around for many decades. Why would it all of a sudden start working? Check out pic-related. It's basically the same meme and it's more than 100 years old.

Worse, even if it does change women's behavior a little - "a little" probably isn't enough. As a regular, average guy, you're out of luck in today's world because women are on the cock carousel until well past the wall - we agree on that. So what you're saying is that the cat lady meme will change their behavior. Okay, say it makes them all want to get married by 25. That's still a bad deal for an average guy, in my opinion.

Because between 18 and 25, she was hitting the carousel hard. She might not be AS USED UP as the +30 cat ladies of today, but she's still ruined, as far as being a good wife and a mother to your children is concerned.

your abbos are weird m8, everyone knows petrol goes up your nose.


Daily reminder that the daddy issues meme is real

>Dr Linda Nielsen – psychology professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, and author of Between Fathers and Daughters – agrees that the dynamic of this fundamental relationship reverberates throughout women’s lives. “Women who grow up with meaningful, comfortable, conversational relationships with their dads make better choices in who they date, sleep with, and marry,” she says. “If you have a good relationship with your dad, then you’re not desperate for male approval: you’ve already got it. If you’re used to being well-treated by your father, and you don’t have to be perfect for him to love you, that’s what you’ll expect from other men.”

Resuming everything to social status and income is very single-mom like.

Shameekwa jus gotta popout mo den. aint no thang.

you gonna gave like two kids. my kids gonna kill yo kids.

Kek wills it to be triplettes, faggot.

This must be where we expand our memetic influence next. Imagine having serveral instagram accounts with a lot of female followers. You could drop nationalist propaganda pics every now and then amongst the other pics of beautiful aryan people.

It's too late: it laid eggs. All that's left to do is to nuke it out of orbit.

Just ask her how you can help her not hate the carrying and delivery. She already didn't stop at the first one, so make it nice for her.
