Remember Us

huWhites in South Africa could use your support, Holla Forums.

Our downfall is a prime example of what the Jews want for the Aryan race. And how well they achieved it here:

The White population in South Africa is about half that of Sweden. And we are by no means extinct yet. Although the Jews and their hunting dogs are doing everything in their power to exterminate us.

Ways in which we are genocided:

1. Murder (Google 'south african farm murders' and go to the images page)
2. Contracting birth rate (Due to points 1 & 3, plus promoting miscegenation, feminism, extreme anti-white antipathy etc)
3. Economic exclusion (Affirmative action, compulsory BEE scorecards for all businesses etc)

The Black hordes violently reject and oppose all European heritage and influence, and have recently started a movement to remove our Germanic language, Afrikaans, from public universities:

Our traitorous elite has sold out our Volk. They gave over everything to the blacks. And have left us not even with the right to defend ourselves against them:

We currently have no legitimate representation in political affairs, as well as no competent paramilitary wing to defend us in the inevitable civil war that will ensue.

Afrikaners and English speaking Whites' morale and fighting spirit has been severely broken down since the transition of power in 1994.

We need you. We need your energy. We need your memes.

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author^tfw^tfw^tfw^tfw

Ok, but what's the plan ?
At that point you don't need memes as much as you need a resistance.

you were occupiers of a inferior people outnumbering you
you were fucked the moment your leadership gave up power because muh racism

unless you can military re-subjucate the niggers, there's not much you can do from them niggering you. if the law's not on your side, it's jail or death

No, bantu niggers are migrants in South Africa themselves.

Anglokikery mostly did this, actually.

You still got to kill the niggers, i don't care how to got there just fucking kill them all.
It's the only way.
Once trump is president, who will come to save them? China? We must keep winning, we must eradicte the niggers.

keep petitioning governments like australia and the US to let South African whites flee there.

Nothing else you can do, the ungrateful brownskin hordes will kill you all eventually otherwise.

i'll agree with this.
it's an easy way to spread the memes straight to the top.

keep strong communities.

They are petitioning for the white africans?! What are the links for that? I like to support them to petition.

I have a great deal of sympathy with SA. I used to have this e-mail pen pal there, an old guy who was a really smart fellow, we used to talk about science and history and shit. Not very personal, but stimulating and giving. The last two years I haven't heard from him and I don't have enough information about him to really track him down. I'm worried something might have happened to him.

My advice is as always to leave. Come to Europe and regroup, things seem like a lost cause down there to me. Defeatist, yes, and I understand your patriotism. But things are on the edge even up here, I think having an influx of redpilled boers would do us good, and give you a better chance for survival for you and yours.

Good luck in any case. I tell people about what's happening down there, for what it's worth.

t. Norwegian

I agree with this

europe is busy bending over backwards to get assraped by refugees, white africans will get no support from them, quite the contrary

america is going down that path as well

ironically you can't easily leave for white nations either, because your skin's not brown you don't count as a poor dindu nuffin refugee in most people's eyes

I've heard that from other people there, that they've either don't have the money to leave or that they get rejected from Euro countries.

Here's my idea about this: work the degenerate system against itself. I'd seriously consider a gay paper marriage (no homo) to someone in trouble like that to bring them here. Bring in the blood relatives on family reunification. After they get their papers, they could file for divorce and remarry with their real spouse or something.

Every Holla Forumsack should get a gay colony waifu (no homo.)

Or you marry a woman from SA and let the men stay and fight like they should be doing anyway.

Well, the idea was not to cuck them out of their women. They are a small people and starting to mix it up might not be the best idea for them.

Those who want to will stay and fight anyways. Not much left to fight for there as far as I can see though.

South africa gave no help to Rhodesia, you suffered from the white middle class bourgeoisie mindset.

the niggers came to south africa after whitey had already made it great

I think it's way too late in the game now SA, Trump should just accept all White African refugees.

You guys conceded way too many times because of "muh racism" and now it's all lost.

We need both.

Unfortunately a significant portion of our population has been cucked by (((New Media))) and (((Hollywood))). They care more about the poaching and extinction of rhinoceroses than about themselves and their race.

A reinvigorated spirit will precede a reinvigoration of arms. Even if it is only so that we may die on our feet.

Though I do not think that we have to die or flee. It took a mere handful of whites to colonize the new world, why should it take anymore to save it?

I am disappointed by the tepid response this thread received.


>>>Holla Forums

There is no winning strategy while western countries remain centers of liberal indoctrination. If you rose to power again, south africa would get military support from other countries to put you down, and you would get no support.

What did you want us to do? Fly over there and fix everything for you?

this right here is your biggest problem IMO
nobody in europe or the US cares about the white genocide in SA, or has even heard of it

if you were to start taking things back, we'd all hear about the rayciss white supremacists killing dindus right quick, and sanctions would be meted out faster than you can say "virtue signalling"

it's not that we don't wish you the best, but you're in a fucked situation with no easy outs

I don't care, America matters.

You don´t need memes, because:
- not already redpilled whites there, exposed to all the genocide, consider them lost
- those already redpilled on niggers and the ANC, and the jew, are already on meme dosage

You need control of territory, because you lost your country and need to build another one. Sadly by war.

Memes are an incredible weapon to put ideas in people's head. Think of it like a propaganda machine.
Hate to say it this way but spreading awareness when the jews try to bury something is incredibly important.

come on over to the US you're sitting in a death trap


the whites of africa need the same things whites everywhere need:

I don't know anything about whites in Africa tbh famalam. I can't meme things I don't understand. But I will look into this subject and do what is necessary at a later date. In fact, I'm sure many others are taking this attitude, so don't fret by a lack of current motivation in your thread. It will be resolved.


What exactly do you want us to do? Aren't you in Africa? What's keeping you from raising some money, gassing up the Jeep, and going to Zimbabwe or Niggerstan or whatever to go buy a shitload of AK's and ammo?

The niggers in that "A MOVEMENT FUELED BY HATE" group all have guns, why the fuck don't you?

Then find some Army guys who are with your cause, have them train you, and then starting doing hits on the HQ's and living spaces of these fucking invaders. The murder rate is so high there now no one will even notice. If I heard about a movement to do this I'd buy a fucking one way ticket SA tonight. So are you guys gonna get tough, get smart and start making waves or are you gonna rely on a mongolian throat singing cassette repair forum to do your dirty work for you?

JIDF please go

For almost any other instance I'd avoid saying this, but honestly I don't see any hope at all for SA and you poor bastards should just gtfo of there. If you can afford it come to Ausfagland m80, we love you guys here. Or better a red state in Trumpland.

They're in South Africa, not the US. The FBI can't fuck with them, and there's no law in SA now anyways. Their only hope is fighting back, because there's no fucking way they can meme a South African Trump into office at this point.

They have 6 months, tops. If they can't turn the tide in that time they need to spend all their money and resources on getting the fuck out.

youre not even trying at this point, but at least you're not saging. thanks.

What would YOU do if you were them?


whites in america went from 90% of the population to under 60% within 50 years. we are them. in fact, i'd say European and American whites have it worse off than them. but you dont see us shooting or hanging jews from trees just yet. thats not how whites operate - we're not niggers.

so go over there and kill some niggers on behalf of whites everywhere? or keep larping.

I'm disgusted by the thought that she probably speaks a sub-human nigger language

me too but id berry my dick so far in her pussy king arthur couldnt pull it out

WEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just misinformed and not a shill.

The murder rate in South Africa is fucking insane, 49 people a day are killed there. 1 in 4 people have AIDS, the ghouls have literally taken over whole cities and armed PMC's fight them to take office blocks back.

White women are routinely slaughtered, like pigs, and then the government pressures the parents not to press charges. The niggers ravage farms and murder the very whites growing their food. On top of that you have the fucking Chinese supplying the nigger rebellion movements.

You don't understand, Americans and Europeans are just in the beginning stages. Phase 1. South Africa is in their endgame. They need a fucking hail-mary and they need it NOW. Imageboards can't save them, they need to collectivize and arm themselves. It's the only way they'll even survive.

meanwhile in Germany:

this isn't about who has it worse.
its about nobody is going to go one-man-deathsquad and start shooting niggers in africa. it won't change anything and would just make it worse. this is about you being retarded.

We have guns in the US though. I'm not sure to what extent SA does.

As for what to do in South Africa, read Novus Europa and go join that white only town to work towards establishing a white ethnostate. Also you are probably going to want to try to establish some sort of paramilitary force. If nobody is capable of training people, look into pooling resources to get a trainer from a different country. Get guns however you can and hide them. You need to become sovereign legitimately or illegitimatey. You should play both sides, look into the tactics of the IRA. If you want legitimacy you will have to convince your king nigger to give it to you. If you want to do that you need strength and leleverag.

It is hard for us to meme this for you because very few people know how bad it is there or the culture of the language. Good luck, user.

You make like refugees fleeing a hostile government; come to America

Posting mobile sucks

They'll get sent back

IMO their best bet, besides leaving, is to live in compounds like the Israeli "settlers".

Holla Forums as saviours of the White race by memetic memes.


South Africa is many orders of magnitude worse off than Germany and they need lethal force defend themselves. This isn't about stupid Arabs chasing little girls around, this is about Chinese armed and supplied anti-white death squads that will soon be collecting even more white scalps.

Get real, South Africans are in dire straits and need to start arming themselves and fighting these fucking ghouls when they attack, because they will be fucking genocided within a year. Do you not get that? There's no Trump there, no AfD, no Geert Wilders to save them.

Their fate is in their own hands and if they don't start working together to fight the black horde they're fucked. No one's doing it alone. They need each other more than ever.

You need to become refugees en masse, fleeing a hostile government / come here to America

when you're prepared to go down there yourself and kill a few niggers to set a good example, let me know. otherwise larp more

Kill yourself you anti-white faggot. How about instead of kike'ing up a thread where they're literally begging us for help you start suggesting ways for them to fucking help themselves?

Everyone in this thread has been rused by OP.
Newfag scum.

they HAVE to hunt the yids down and burn them alive. they are the linchpin in the extinction of the whites. when it becomes a question of survival you DAMN the law, you DAMN virtue. they must do the only thing there is to do to survive.

I accept your defeat.

It's clearly a TRS user, but instead of subverting they're openly asking for help for once, so I figure we should encourage non-subversive interboard dialogue.

did you even read the OP? i quote:

Where do you see "help we need weapons! we need to kill niggers! how do we kill niggers!?"

i accept your defeat again

Someone's shilling here Schlomo, but it ain't me.

We need them here, though :(((

so it went from:


And you expect anyone to believe you aren't a Jew?

How many times do I have to accept your defeat in a single thread, user? this makes 3

Do you have an Uncle or cousin in the Army? Someone who can train you and your friends? It would be probably take 1 Army Guy and 5 dedicated guys to be trained by him to start a movement. The 5 guys who get trained by him train the others and act as leaders in your movement.

Then you can get arms and start actually defending your neighborhoods and businesses. When the ghouls inevitably get mad that whitey is standing up for himself they'll attack, and you'll have the moral high ground to begin purging and not just defending. Ignore the retarded shill saying imageboards will save you. We can make memes for you to help spread racial awareness and help your recruitment but the heavy lifting is on the Afrikaners.

Filtered, clearly you give more of a shit about Jewish wordspeak than you do about your South African brothers begging you for help.

Here's what the whites of Africa need:

Here's the objectives:

Education + humor is the proper formula
Education + motivation is the proper formula

The rest is up to the whites in Africa.
Ultimately, they will be the ones who decide which course of action to take, not any of us outsiders. We must give them support.

your ragequit and defeat has, for the fourth time, been accepted :)

What if user tried getting hashtags trending of SAgenocide or something. Is there a possibility that we could get attention brought to this like the Palestinian/Israel conflict? Perhaps, if successful, it could even persuade Trump to put international pressure on south africa to protect their citizens, or get them to be considered refugees by the United States. I don't know beyond that, good luck.

good idea!

Ask Russia for support because obviously you will not get it from Cuckmerica.

Chinese Intelligence is already training the Nigger Revolutionary movements. They're the ones who supplied Mugabe's Nigger-Commie rebels in Rhodesia as well. They want those sweet sweet mineral rights in Africa and destroy all the white countries so they can exploit the niggers easier.

You can't exactly just ask Vlad for AK's either, you gotta give him something in return. You also can't just exactly go to the Russian Embassy and ask for anti-ghoul support. I mean you could, but I doubt it'd work.

South Africa is a prime example of what happens when nogs outnumber you. Honestly its pretty scary since you cannot do jack shit when in that position. Even if you would theoretically take political power then the Anglokikes would sanction your ass like before. I guess the best way is to just become a rich dude and then offer whites a way out.

After all the bullshit propaganda thats been shoved down our throats about muh ebil apartheid I doubt anybody gives a shit about the ebil white oppressors getting genocided. This isn't slavery in the US where whites can say they had nothing to do with it, half the people on this message board were alive and even remember a pre 93' SA.

Furthermore nobody in the rest of the world gives a shit about niggers getting genocided in multiple other parts of africa so I think they'll gladly look the other way in SA's case. That being said, it's worth a shot. Memeing a white refugee program might also work but I have a fear that we'll be told we have to take in 4 nigger refugees for every h'white.

Honestly their only shot at this point is to arm up and carve out territory for themselves. Purge all niggers from their new territory, shoot on sight orders at the borders etc. They will be an international pariah once again but at this point would you rather be cut off from trade or dead?

samefag is same:

trying this hard

Nice try Schlomo but anyone with half a brain can see the South Africans need to arm up.

the only people active in this thread is you and i, dumb nigger.

how much are they paying you to lose to me? dont tell us you're doing this for free..

Maybe Trump will fix things

How many paramilitary Boer groups are still out there?

Only America matters, you can come here if you want but else fuck off.

Most South African veterans, especially the good ones, join PMC's instead of paramilitary defense squads these days. There's the Kommadokorps but they don't seem to do more than LARP, since SA businesses and women are still being destroyed and slaughtered.

What is Storm Valke in relation to South Africa? I can't find any good sources with some googling.


We can't run. Africa is our Home and rightfully so. We need to take action and stop pussyfooting around certain key factors about our volk.

Support places like Orania and buy up as much land as possible in the Northern Cape. They don't want the land there because it's not developed and it's close enough, relatively to Namibia for temporary retreat when shit hits the fan.

Support legal means of South Africa white representation, Afriforum and Solidariteit. They do a lot of good work. Don't pull up your nose for them.

Start a small business. There are legal ways around black economic empowerment even if you get larger.

There still are a couple of militias. Join them even if they are not great on your personal standards. They will train you and give you a support network.

Avoid brick and mortar University, go too places like UNISA.

Arm yourself. Arm your loved ones, move too places high in white populace.

We are being pushed out of all areas in South Africa. People are slowly realizing what the future entails for us. The meme about South Africans not being able to stand together must die. The last time we faced dire situations we stood together like a family. I need some money to expand my business ventures, I don't make a lot of money atm but most of my money goes to development and betterment of whites.

There are whites living in extreme circumstances, some of them you uplift eventually bite you in the ass but some become very loyal. We are not the magnanimous volk we used to be, but we can be again. I am working hard on doing it.

South Africans can't stand together


Why don't you tell your brothers that instead of us? It's not like we can do anything for you here except meme.

Why not go down there and try and help them out? Good experience, might toughen you up and you get to shoot niggers (and hopefully some kikes).

Gas yourself my man. They aren't going to solve this problem with hand holding and prayer groups they are going to solve it with lead in the niggers heads. And I'm not that other person retard.

Then go and do something instead of posting here, give a speech or something.

you seem like a total nigger

they conceded because the western world attacked them with sanctions until thier state was about to collapse

I do when ever I think it is appropriate. Sometimes even in bars. People have approached me many times saying I should start a movement. Literally bringing people to talk with me old and young a like My business and the support network I am building is not strong enough yet. I am laying foundations. I am only one man though I can only work so hard. For some weird reason people either hate me outright or get extremely loyal towards me.

We have been colonized but not real nationalists and civic nationalist from reddit as of late m8 im sorry we cant do more for you lads

fuck off retard

you should fuckk off back to r_the donald with the other niggers

I hate you worthless cock suckers

You hate America?

Sounds like you inspire loyalty. Would another person on hand help? I'd love to pitch in if it would help.

email me[email protected]/* */

America is a place. White is your fucking essence as a man. Ignoring another brother's call for help because ZOGmerica has pozzed you up so hard shows a weak constitution on your part. It's cool to love your country but that doesn't mean you hang your brothers out to dry.

Seems from your posts your not in South Africa? Can't really use more people at this moment specially if they are not here but will drop you a mail if the situation ever changes. Starting a new business my time and finances are being stretched too the limited for the coming months if you even keep your temp mail for that long

Yeah I'm from the USA. I'd buy my own ticket there if I came. It's a throwaway gmail so it's won't get deleted, I'll check it once a week or so. If you decide you want a like minded extra hand for the business or movement let me know.

Is it inevitable? Then do the white thing and accept the logical implications:
1) Your people are on track to extinction.
2) This is undesirable, so you must flee or fight.
3) If flee, California could use some new non-faggot voters.
4) If fight, you will:
a) Win your country back
b) Lose everything and reset to 3) above.

So, you have decided to fight for now. Excellent. What must you do?
1) Reactivate the Broderbund, but for all South Africans who are of good race and well intentioned.
2) Openly plan for war. Make sure all who follow your banner understand that the end of the road is full on, total genocide of the scum who want to turn your cities into pasture for their cattle. No excuses or dissembling – those are kike tactics and the time is past for this.
3) Forge international connections. Remember the ANC, and how it would have been exterminated if it hadn't had safe harbor in Mozambique? You must have perfectly secure bolt holes where the kaffir-led army cannot touch you.
4) Arm yourselves.
5) Start killing. Kill the worst of them at first, this gives you plausible cover as vigilantes and helps divide the normies in your country. But keep moving until you provoke a grotesque overreaction that justifies further violence that radicalizes your people and helps them break the liberal curse.
6) To win, your revolt must appear:
a) Fun, so everybody will want in.
b) Destined for victory, so they won't be scared of reprisals if you lose.

To achieve 6a, you must make no apologies and crow about how hilarious it was when that Zulu rapist had his nuts ripped off. Basically declare a consequences-free zone when dealing with the plurals.
To achieve 6b, you must be remorseless and keep up the pressure. Every time a new police commissioner is appointed, burn down his house. Make videos about what the new South Africa will be like. Slip across the border and smash some shit in Zimbabwe (it's not as if they'll catch you). Generally do the job with typical white thoroughness and efficiency.

And most important – as you assume state power, show no mercy. Shaka himself knew better than to leave an aggrieved enemy alive behind him. You must finish the job, then breed like bacteria, lest a generation of pozzed homos squander their birthright a hundred years from now.

as opposed to our people?

samefag is same:

try harder Jew

No shill. "Your people" refers to South African whites. They will find the will to triumph, or they will expire because of their own cowardice. Either way, the gene pool improves. For what it's worth nothing I wish them the very best and will support the cleansing if they've got the guts to do it. At the very least, it would give Americafags something to take heart from.

But they need to get serious. LARPing on the internet or "raising consciousness" among like-minded friends will do nothing. Hoggenheimer the Jew has your country, Broeder, and he will show no mercy. The fact that liberal-faggot education disarms the white world changes nothing. It only gives you more hill to climb before you can go full Richard I.


Story somewhat related, I wish I was a more informed Holla Forumsack back then

Fuck me man. I think she was the only one in that limo. Did I find a daughter of some PMC hot shot? I will never know. I like to dream.


You are obviously the kike here. Whites are silently being mass murdered in South Africa. And that's the scary part. No one really says a thing about it. How is less than 1% of the population going to get someone elected that supports them? Memes are good for spreading information. Your aversion to righteous violence is sickening.

kike pls go

It just means we're on the right track lads.

where? where is anyone considering this aside from a shill on Holla Forums?

Would it be possible to leverage leftist hysterics to push for Afrikaner repatriation to the USA because we are a "nation of immigrants" and SA is the rightful property of Zulu cannibals? Obviously, even a single white person in SA just fills the place with microaggressions. At a minimum it might raise awareness in a few US whites of just how fucking serious multiculti is when they look into SA.

#AfrikanersGoHome #SAforTheZulu #MakeSouthAfricaZuluAgain

Apartheid let Rhodesia die. Why should we give a fuck about you now?

You don't need memes, you need to either take it all back by force or you need to get the fuck outta Dodge, mate. And even if you take it back, it's all been turned to shit by the natives, so you'll have a fuckton of work to do repairing a quarter century of "keepin' it real."

Canada will have boots on the ground in North Africa apparently, so who knows…



We are bilingual to an irritating degree (in this case beneficial). So general Alt-Right memes are easily used here too.

If any memelords are willing to focus specifically on SA that would be fantastic.

Include us in memes/videos depicting white genocide. Focus on the main anti-white force: Julius Malema, the EFF, and farm murders. Student protests makes for good material as well.

The EFF is a recent offshoot from the ANC, and they are not as genteel as the latter ito their hatred for Whites. They are shifting national politics entirely leftward. The ANC now reacts to the actions of the EFF.

The EFF parallels nationalist sentiments that are now occurring in the US and Europe. Thus far the whites here have had no large scale political and spiritual resurgence as our brethren abroad (we seem to be on a different wave length).


Student protests:^tfw^tfw^tfw^tfw

White poverty:

I will post more resources here as things progress.

Real Talk With Anele Episode 53 - Julius Malema:


"The first task was to supply the tires to the protestors"
Black youths instructed to 'play' with tires and take them to pre-designated areas, for use by protestors.

"So we said to them, this is what you must look for"
Last minute 'voter-education'. Stickers with the ANC logo was placated on busses transporting voting cattle. This was to instruct them who they should vote for.

"But I can't hear these white people as well when they speak."

"And movies is white people"

"I have never worked with white people"

"He may not know what is the EFF strategy, so he doesn't want us to get into trouble. Only to find that trouble is what we are looking for."

"Zuma makes the point very clear that I have been brought up in the ANC with a culture of defending the leadership, including the president."

"The drinking part was making it easy to … When we were in the club and there is that one that you know you are looking for. Before you go to her you look for alcohol and then you you mix one-two, and then attack."


Unless JTF2 is training ZA militias the Canadians will just take 10,000 Africans into their military because if you shoot niggers they win.

Do you need posters made? Image macros? What would be most useful to spread around? Would gore posters be a good shock tactic?

What information does the ZA populous lack that you want them to know through memes?

Sorry if I don't care.

No retard, we want the Afrikaners and the Boers to stay and carve their own homeland on the continent of Africa so that their culture remains and so that they have a better access to resources nearer particularly in the Congo. Fuck you and our faggoty ass niggertry meme.


Excellent post except for:
We need them in swing states, not blue strongholds.

Honestly memes aren't enough to help you now, outside of the RWDS one. Seriously get some weaponry and make friends with military types. By the color of your skin you have become an enemy of the state, and you need to start acting like it.

Good questions. I have to think about that.

Will get back to you.

Tbf it's only one kike itt who's turbospammed over 20 posts shilling for white genocide. Everyone else recognizes that it's do or die now for SA.

Firstly, let's get one thing out of the way. We're not moving. This is our land. We were here long before the kaffers. So, Americans, hou jou bek! We stay.

When it comes to Suid-Afrika, the future is not bright. The kaffers are increasing in number, and they grow more dangerous every day. We whites must do something, but there is a problem. Poor whites cannot move, so when things really bad we can count on them, but it is the richer whites that we must focus on. They live in gated communities, which makes them oblivious to how bad the situation is. Even if they do know, they willfully ignore it since they think they're fine.

Exactly what action we should take, I don't know. If things get really bad, it will depend on whether enough whites stay behind to fight an armed rebellion (which we will win since the kaffers are shit) - it is the richer whites we must convince to stay and fight.

has good advice. Help whites in every way possible.

For those here who would like to help us with memes, we are bilingual so English should be good. But if you really want to get through to Afrikaners, then learn Afrikaans and learn Afrikaner culture. The language is not hard for an English speaker.

I will also say this. In these current times, we must put aside our differences with the English. There is no time to argue about the past. Die Boere and the English must fight against die Jode and the kaffers.

Ons Vir Jou

I'd say you guys should get armed and defend yourself when attacked

I know that it sounds like defeatist talk, but can't you just leave the place and reach a neighboring dindu country that actually wants Whitey again? Perhaps you could do to them what the dindus did to SA and claim the place as yours in three generations' time.

by the by what's the situation with law enforcement over there? By what I remember it's a desolate wasteland, except if an abbo gets killed by whitey.

Are there any places online that Afrikaners hang out where we could spread some memes?

We already are armed, but restrictions on ammo are an annoyance. We can defend ourselves somewhat, but killing kaffirs is more trouble than it's worth.

Whites have virtually no protection. We have to look after ourselves.

Here and cuckchan are decent places, but the target needs to be normalfag whites who are unaware of how bad the situation is. So FB and Twitter are likely the best places to spread memes.

I'm a child of South Africans who left the year after Mandela was elected, just come home white man. There's nothing left for you there except death, the next battle is in Europe and we need you.

You couldn't be more obviously Jewish if you tried.


I don't see how the situation for whites in SA can get better without any type of international support. And right now all white nations are under ZOG.

Don't you think I know that, Chaim? It's pretty fucking obvious that best case is the Afrikaners retaking sovereignty. How do you see this really playing out, though? Their morale is terrible and foreign powers WILL intervene on the nogs behalf. As long as the UN is functional enough to project force, RWDS are going to get white communities bombed. That's assuming they aren't immediately turned over to police by other whites.

Stop living in a fantasy world and give some real, workable solutions.

Maybe if every white nations become nationalistic then it might be possible for the white africans to carve the Africa?

Reporting from queenslandistan, Australia
Niggers everywhere

I don't see a nigger in my town.

How true is pic related?

things are changing

we see our future in you. not sure what we can do for you yet, please don't give up hope