Hillary's Loser Tour Across America #SAD

In sports, politics and in any other competitions such as pageants and the arts, we see big winners going on victory tours. Some of those who won on the basis of public support also embark on thank you tours. That's exactly what the tandem of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are undertaking in states that delivered them awesome victories. But where in the world has anyone ever heard of big time losers going on losers tours purportedly to say thank you, too, to their supporters who did not deliver to them the cherished triumphs? Only Hillary Clinton and her allies can muster the audacity-or maybe shameless attitude-to do just that!

Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary's running mate, has just announced that their losing team-up will also go on a thank you tour to coincide with Trump-Pence legit trips of their own. Kaine says that he and Hillary want to show their appreciation to their supporters in their line-up of events and tours.

Kaine even goes on to say a few kind words for Hillary-that she's a resilient person and her steel resolve to accept tough times. Consoling words, really that does little to change things.

The Virginia Democrat also tries hard to defend their party's decision to join the recount efforts initiated by another losing candidate, Green Party's Jill Stein. Kaine says they are obliged to participate to make sure that the recount process " is done right". He says further that the people are entitled to know that the results are fair.

Kaine joins the supporters of Hillary who are still in huge denial of their candidate's crushing loss to Trump by continuing to bring up the unproven Russia hacking speculation. Kaine says it is important that all nagging doubts are put to rest, even as he acknowledged that it is unlikely that the recount would result to a change in the election outcome. Even he admits, Trump's victory while disappointing for him is not really shocking.

Hillary has been under fire for joining Stein's recount efforts when she herself was very adamant during the campaign in demanding that Trump accepts the election result because not doing so will be " horrifying" and would only denigrate democracy. Who is destroying democracy now?

Hillary has been embarrassed enough- with her devastating loss, and with her inconsistencies even after conceding to Trump. Results in the first day of recount in Wisconsin has yielded her… all of one point! All that for the $6 million cost? Up to what extent will Hillary and her allies demean themselves further? How pathetic can Hillary go just to remain relevant, perhaps to extend her political career?

Hillary should realize how to stop the bleeding, if she really wants to heal. And perhaps she should rethink those losing tours if she does not want to receive more blows to her ego. If during the campaign where she was touted as unbeatable, she had to face thin and small crowds, how much more now? And what, pray tell, can a losing candidate do on a losing tour? Engage the audience in a pity party, hold a crying contest, solicit comfort and hugs?

Hillary must show mercy-if not for herself, at least to her supporters by stopping her pathetic acts.


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She should invite Jeb! to join the band. Clinton Kaine Stein and Jeb!, it'd be great concert tour.

Hi don! Please put the cunt in jail, she will work against you otherwise.

Hi Jim

Good. More coughing fits and pants of shit.

Did… did she not get BTFO enough during the election?

It's a woman user.
There is no shame.

So further BTFO'ing is required?

Well she did net one vote in Wisconsin recount


But she barely got people for the rallies in the first place. And now she thinks people are going to her rallies when it's
-Winter, when our meme powers are waxing until the week before spring occurs
-Near Christmas
-Fucking cold as shit
-democrat morale is at an all time low
-Most people that would consider going to the rallies are too busy protesting shit

She should do a loosing tour advising people what NOT to do in an election. She might still pocket some millions. Bill is not getting any more pussy though cause women dont like loosers.

inb4 an 'attempt on her life' of the most fake and gay variety
"Oh no, I'm so vulnerable to those Nazi Trump supporters, I sure hope nothing bad happens!'

Stay vigilant, you're right that nobody wants to come to her rallies, so why do it?

They could have the second best band in America - Garfunkel, Messina, Oates, and Lisa - play Born to Runner-Up to get the crowd pumped.

Bread and games. She'll pay some nigger to spit some rhymes on the stage and the crowds will come in droves.

Well they've probably got plenty of spare time.

It's pretty obvious that she has a trick up her sleeve, and they're going to try something on or before January 20th.

Be vigilant.

Daddy holds her girl tight…

So you won't go to laugh at her

She likely is just wanting to rally people to support her as she hopes to run again in 2020 as well as attempt to take steam away from Trump's victory lap.

The only reason I can think of that she'd believe such a tactic would work is that she's surrounded by yes men who tell her popular she is, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, and thinks her doing some rallies would actually energize people in favor of her.

She's doing it?

Doesn't bother me, on principle, but if she goes and starts being divisive and then there's riots, shit's on her. This gives us a lot of ammo almost no matter what.

This is here starting to run for 2020.

is someone going to go and yell Pepe at her again?

Just show up en masse. Wait until she starts talking and chant Trump. Drown her out and lap up the salt.

They couldn't get anyone to show up for her campaign, why would anyone show up for her "Cry Around America" tour?

She'll be a fucking corpse in six months, breh.

If there is any shit breaking out you can bet your last nickel they not only are behind it they probably paid for it as well. All in the hopes that they can spin it to their own advantage in some convoluted way.

Fake news story. Not even Breitbart is reporting on this.

how is she going to run when she is in jail?

She couldn't get any crowds under the election
she will get 0 now

Both Trump and Clinton "Thank You" tours are no more than thinly veiled campaign rallies. Combine that with the recount, fake media, alt-right, protests, mandate, popular vote and continued media shilling.

It's all psy-ops, they both must know something is coming down the line if they are prepared to get back out on the road in order to keep their bases energized.

47 days to go, be vigilant boys.

Pure Karma. Thanks to her corruption Hillary is forced into choosing this creepy looking fuck.

I have an idea.

Build a fake Holla Forums crowd or even /The_Donald and massively boo her in public, or yell a gigantic chore PEPE to her again, or something like that.

Might work, will further advance the meme war, and President Trump won't give a shit about it.

I wonder how small the crowd will be for something like this

I think we should pack the house and boo her? Pepe chant? Something needs to be done about this….

Will anyone even still be supporting her after Trump is inaugurated? The overwhelming majority of her support came from miserable bernouts after the primary. The only reason people voted for her in the general is because they didn't want Trump to win. But now that he has won there's no real reason for someone to go out and waste their time listening to her speak. There will probably be less people attending these rallies than the rallies she held during the primary.

I like where this is going.

If nobody came to her rallies during the campaign what in the fuck makes her think people are going to come watch her complain about losing

I love it

Boinee can be the on and off occasionaly drop in, suprise 5th member. He can have BLM BBWs be his backup chorus.

Because it's worth any amount of money to spit on you and remind you why you're worthless, you filthy yellow feminist cunt.


This is a sign that evil is winning.

Well, more a sign that evil is fighting.

2024, m8

So let it fight.

Holy shit Hillary. You have lost three times. THREE TIMES. What, are you trying to break a fucking record or something?

This is just getting sad. Give it up.

He probably wants her around to run against him in 2020 knowing she will ruin other libshits but he can dump 4 years of intel to win the reelection and have her executed for treason at the same time.

Assuming she's even around by that time and not in a coma.

She lost. Lets just sit back and watch her burn out. There's nothing left for her to do. Drink her tears up. In 8 years nobody will want to vote for an 80 year old blonde woman.

I have to see his reaction afterwards

She hasn't Tweeted since the election. That's already #SAD.

He went silent on politics right after the big loss. I've hated that fucker (Patrick Klepek) for years ruining the Giant Bomb shows. He's the epitome of cucked SJW libtard. I'm glad he got fired and is now struggling to find a job in the sorrowful midwest. So smug on the morning of election day. Who's laughing now, Patrick? Who's laughing now?!


After the election, any time I feel like smiling all I have to do is say these words: President Trump

Every time an involuntary smile comes over my face. Works every. Single. Fucking. Time.

Tears of libtards are so damn sweeeeet!

She's only doing what she's told as usual. The kikes know that Trump truly is immensely popular as these protesters start to show their true colors and moderate liberals distance themselves from the literal commies. They want to keep the country divided with class so they're pimping her out for the world to see for a sympathy tour of sorts.

"Look user, she was the first female to be nominated for President on a major party ballot, how brave!"

They want to give the impression that even though she lost she is still a "strong, independent woman" and try to make her out to be human since she won't have any responsibility actually governing.

It's kinda like the kid who came second in a track event who pouted and whined directly after the fact going to school the next day bragging about how good of a sport he is.

The left isn't going to accept defeat, they're gonna be a thorn in our side for the next four years.

I'm starting to worry about this too user. Holding a victory tour after the fact means that Trump knows something that we don't and he's keeping us on our toes in case shit hits the fan.

Until he is officially inaugurated I'm not so convinced that he's really won.

She's trying to hold the cult together before they sway in their devotion and consider logical thinking.

you really think people will pay to hear her speeches now, when no one wanted to during the election?

this is just another scam.

she pays poor people 10 bucks to stand around like idiots, fudge the numbers and use this as a means to launder some money with a stink attached to it.

rinse and repeat.


yoga pig plz go, no one cares about your other failed projects. just admit it, your biggest success in life was selling porn to the japs 20 years ago, and the only thing of note you've done since is steal Holla Forums from hotwheels and sell our data to god knows who

looks fuckable

One of the rules when accepting the Orthodox faith is to change your name. For example Catherine II was Sophie in Prussia, when she married Peter III they "forced" her to change the name into something more fitting for Russia.