Austria's presidential election campaign showcases the country's unwillingness to own up to its Nazi past
Germany + Nazi Denial = Austria / Europe’s German-speaking countries have everything in common — except honesty about the Third Reich.
Austria's presidential election campaign showcases the country's unwillingness to own up to its Nazi past
Germany + Nazi Denial = Austria / Europe’s German-speaking countries have everything in common — except honesty about the Third Reich.
Haven't these faggots learned anything from Brexit and Trump?
He's going to win, for real this time, isn't he?
Gee, I wonder why so many Germans hate themselves when this is the garbage propaganda that was on every single channel.
I consider Austria somewhat of a non-country just as West Germany and East Germany weren't real countries, and hope to see all the German people united within my lifetime. Nonetheless, we have to take small steps and installing a right-wing nationalist government in the smaller German state will be a major stride in legitimizing the rising nationalist sentiment so that one day a similar leader can arise in Germany. Heil Hofer!
How long do they have left? Seriously, if they keep this up and react like whiny brats when they don't get their way, how can they possibly last?
Seems like they will never learn why they're losing.
We haven't given them a reason to act differently though. Their methods have worked for half a century and the western Europeans are still the most cucked people on the planet.
While we have tremendous ground to cover before we reclaim our countries, the fact that candidates like Trump and Hofer (along with Brexit) are gaining mainstream approval and achieving shocking victories is proof that the winds of change are blowing. Merely four years ago a Trump-like candidate wouldn't have been popular anywhere in the West, yet now he was just elected the US President.
Austrians and Prussians are the only good Germans.
You're right, they've just been stuck in an unintelligent, uncritical mindset their whole lives and they can't figure out other ways to discredit nationalist movements now that the tides are turning.
Austrians are based. Hitler was Austrian
I dont know anything else about the guy but that sounds maybe like one of the unicorn decent jews.
That, and the fact that truth is on our side.
Shaming tactics and slander are the modus operandi of the Left, which is why they hate elections and want to replace us with shitskins who will vote for the "proper" candidates. Usually they will harass anyone who speaks up against their marxist anti-white fantasies, and get them fired from their jobs for being "racist" or "fascist", but unfortunately for them they don't know quite how to deal with elections (besides vote rigging) since you can't shame someone who's voting anonymously. Thus their usual tactics which are so effective in the real world are rendered toothless when someone is voting behind the curtain, and arrogant shitlibs still don't know how to adjust.
This fucking guy is going to win. Britain, US, and now Austria will have chosen nationalism over cuckdom.
It's not that I'm not happy, but something like this surly is a sign of the end times
Good kike or bad, I think we all agree there is no place for jews in the future Europe once the EU has crumbled and right-wing nationalism reigns once more.
Nonetheless, his Wikipedia article paints him as a pretty decent guy. Wiki is far from the most reliable source but if the Wiki jews are slandering him he must have been alright.
More Wikipedia –
They probably do exist. I personally know of one partial jewess that believes that kike history is reprehensible. She identifies as white, pushes white genocide memes on Faceberg, etc. I'm happy for her to spread pro-white content, of course; but the nationalist community keeps her at arms length nonetheless.
Only bad thing is that their president doesn't have much power from what I've heard. Seems like its their chancellor that has most of it.
Still means shitskins are set to explode all of europe >.
I believe he has the power to disband the parliament and appoint judges.
Or government, I should say.
They say that as if Austria had any choice in the matter in the first place. Germany swallowed them up regardless of previous agreements the two had made with respect to their relationship.
They haven't learnt anything from WWII itself and they've had 80~ years to do so. I don't think they will ever learn because they are too attached to their own ideological beliefs.
that's one based kike.
I don't think they realize that kollektivschuld doesn't work anymore
hofer will win
screencap this
Well this is the point when that ends. From now on, we need to shift our dialectic.
Usual/classic liberal approach
New approach
The point of it is:
A: Calling someone a nazi or comparing someone to nazis is no longer an argument.
B: Libshits are not prepared for having to rationalize how different aspects of nazism are bad and most Holla Forumsacks and similar folks have redpills to counter each angle they take
How is the chancellor chosen? The President must have some way of controlling the chancellor right?
Since this is Austria, will these literally Hitler claims be more seriously literally Hitler than literally Hitler claims about Trump?
jewroskeptic civicc cuckolds that will do some retarded lawmaking like 'ban da burka', placate a rising racial/ethnic nationalism through just the win alone, wont do anything, then get voted out, we did it guys, we saved the white race
The goyim are at it again!
Austria annexes Germany and renames itself Germany.
Well they're 1 in 6 million though
I mean there is the small amount of Jews who feign to be on our side by eventually expire
There probably at most 5 really on our side
Most people don't have a problem with that
If Trump lost or never happened then yes
But as he won then no
>Tellingly, Austria’s romance with its whitewashed past continued during the 1970s under Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, who happened to be Jewish. Kreisky garnished his first cabinet with four former Nazis, a move that earned him condemnation from the Viennese-born Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who in frustration moved his documentation center to Los Angeles in 1977. Kreisky responded to the criticism by calling Wiesenthal a “Jewish fascist” and likening his organization to the mafia.
Nice. I had never heard of that guy before.
The collective left spectrum really want to believe that they didn't squander away their Hitler-card on bloody feminism and transgender rights. But they did :^^^).
The Economist had a piece about "New Nationalism". Could be an early warning that they are evolving to a realisation that their sole tactic has crumbled.
They think this is a repeat of the Irish referendum; after Ireland voted no, they did studies which eventually concluded that the Irish were unhappy because they didn't understand what they voting on. After being educated, of course, they all decided it was a fantastic idea and voted yes when the referendum was held again.
Austrians are just SLIGHTLY less insane than Germans
(checked and praised)
Yes, but it can be harnessed in good ways.
Now that's real modern art.
Uplift the working man. Protect his culture and way of life. Kick out invaders.
The left will never learn. Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.
Autism is impressive.
"Insanity" is good. Normal people are never interesting and don't achieve anything of great importance. It's the normal people that tend to be the most apathetic and degenerate, too.
Banning the burka is not a good thing. It's actually counterproductive, significantly so.
pick one
You don't want Muslims to "integrate". You want them to leave.
To top things off, the genuine fanatic types will just flaunt the law, and the increase in mud violence will be burdened by the least protected whites, as it already is.
Fuck I can already see the flying robotic ovens. It's going to be amazing.
Muslim men being far away from white children sounds like a plus to me. They'll give us enough reason to cleanse them on their own.
He's to be president of Austria, not Germany. But then again, Austria is where it started last time.
Living among blue-billed Europeans feels good as an American.
I'm a burger, you think I know the difference between Australia and Germany? I guess Australia has all the kangaroos and spiders and yodeling, right?
They both speak mutually little intelligible dialects of the same language. Otherwise they feel little connection. See how brotherly you/we feel for the English.
Until I start seeing politicians advocate for mass deportations of non europeans I'm not going to be impressed by this kosher ban the burka shit.
what happened? did it already happen? did antifa rig it again?