Problem: Retards (Down's Syndrome) Being Normalized In US Mainstream Culture

Went to Target to buy several items. Cut through the clothing department and saw this ad in the kids' clothing section. Took photos immediately.

Why are (((they))) pushing retard acceptance in mainstream American culture. I've never seen anything like this in the US. Down's Syndrome is not OK. These are functionally retarded individuals who should've been aborted or left innawoods as babies to die.

In my wife's social group, there is also more of an acceptance around women, who lack dispassionate logic, to actually raise a retard.

Has any user on Holla Forums noticed the slow normalization of retards in mainstream culture? What are some of the reasons (((they))) are pushing this?

Foreign Anons: "Target" is a very popular department store in the United States.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd fuck a retard.
t. Kikess

Just noticed: the retard is the white kid. The other kid is oriental or hapa and obviously the tall black kid stands dominant.

It's obvious.

Retards seriously ruin the lives of their parents. Nobody can handle that stress or economic strain. I'm generally Pro-Life but it should be mandatory to abort retards, they are useless.

All of them look pretty retarded.

Retards should not be born. Maybe genetic engineering can fix that problem

independent wimmin who don't need no man have children later in life if at all, making downies far more common. this is to preempt any pushback by normal people in favor of the nuclear family.

Better yet why does that fag boii in the middle have long hair and look like he's on tranny hormones? I'd bet it's for the same (((reasons))) that an exponentially high number of kids have assburgers compared to 20 years ago.

clearly (((they))) are pushing degeneracy on our kids in various and sundry ways

I watched that BBC Theroux doc on kids with Autism the other day and holy shit is it sad. The parents have no choice but to raise these kids who for the most part will never be able to contribute in any meaningful way to society. Massively emotionally and financially straining.

even keeping them alive is a waste of resources tbh

killing a child that's born different is evil, you are sick and i hope you experience God's wraith for not facing reality and playing DESTROYER of LIFE. #FuckKeyboardAbortionists


color me spooked

I have very mild autism. Should I have been kept alive?
sage for offtopic

Why can't we fight back? Why can't we kill our enemies?

Autism is different, physically you are able. And it can be controlled (depending on the severity) plus some autists are idiot savants and are actually better than normal fags at specific things.


Yeah people with functioning/high functioning autism are quite different than people who are unable to support themselves, feed/bathe/clothe themselves etc. I know people with autism who are hard working and highly intelligent, they just have THE WORST social skills/self awareness.

Only some Autists though, if you are heavily autistic and scream reeeeeeeeeeeee when you dont' get ice cream, you need gassed.

Just 90% of parents who discover their unborn child will have Down Syndrome choose to abort. This is too few.

reminder that if abortion were illegal we'd have around 10 times the downs kids than we do now. we'd also be drowning in niggers. the left may love Margaret Sanger, but she was one of us.

Might interest some of you: the case of Robert Latimer. Basically his daughter was severely retarded and lived in constant pain so he killed her and was charged with her murder. Very important case.

Christcucks are the problem here. A pagan clan has absolutely zero compunction about leaving a defective infant to die on rocks.


God told the Jews to exterminate other tribes who were different.

Why don't we sterilize the parents while we're at it as well?
If the parent's are able to produce a unborn child with down syndrome then they have defective genes.

I really hate threads like this because I've got a profoundly retarded adult sibling. It's living death for everyone involved. They steal your life. It's pure misery I wouldn't wish on anyone. I could write pages on why it's shit. I'll just be brief and say get an abortion if you find out you're pregnant with one.

I don't see this as a problem to be honest. Downsies are a winning ticket in the shit lottery, there's never going to be any more or less of them. They're sterile, so their mockery of humanity ends with their death, and if they're alive it's because somebody couldn't bear to kill them.

Bear that in mind because it's important. If you're too weak to kill it (or, let's be charitable and assume you have an internally consistent moral system which precludes the killing of retards) it's your responsibility. That's what I view downs syndrome kids as. Somebody taking responsibility for their choices.

Not Isarelite children

This is a confusing post.

t. goy


hasn't been misery for me, maybe your parents are just shit at their job
Also plenty of gov benefits here, he gets a lot of money from the gov, including for respit care, tl;dr I got paid to sit around and play video games (was going to do this anyways because implying anyone on this website is social) when he's home for babysitting
Also plenty of people with disabilities work jobs that don't pay what even niggers or mexicans would work for, they are happy to have anything close to a normal life and jump for the chance to sweep popcorn in theaters, clean up spills in the grocery stores, and other sorts of jobs like that.
And they have been in our media forever, the ringer came out in 2005

Can we get something straight here? "Retard acceptance" is fine. Retards exist, and trying to deny them the right to exist is dubious. What's wrong is more like "Retard promotion", where we're supposed to act like they're normal.

Yeah I'm sure their disabilities are the exact same. You're the retard.

Problem is that a young couple will see that advertisement, or hear their preacher/congregation or read some article discussing how it's just a challenge of life that one has to deal with. They don't realize they're going to be raising a 3 year old for 50 years and then pass the kid on to their other children when they die.

agreed, there will always be genetic defects in humanity and were always going to have to deal with it
great if we can prevent it before birth, but to kill after birth is just cruel and inhumane.

well considering were in a thread talking about down syndrome, which is fairly low on the functioning scale, yeah, id assume theyre about the same.

Ehh, 50 years is pushing it. Generally the worse the mental symptoms, the worse the physical ones. The forever toddlers suffocate on their own drool in 30 years, guaranteed.

"Mix & Match it up?"
What a Jewish phrase, if there wasn't one, damn kikes.

OP, it's going to be 1in2 males by 2032 I believe this documentary said. Just fucking epic. It supposedly affects nogs the most but I've never seen it. Or maybe they just all seem retarded to me xD. Either way, it might be intentional for immigrants. I could see that. Every other White is a mongoloid so Pedro and Mohammad and Tryone don't seem so bad.

Anyway what is certain, is that the drain on the economy will be massive. There's just not going to be anything getting done. Tard wrangling will be the top occupation and that's it.

Err forget to mention how someone posted an ad last week with a crippled girl. Like Target or some shit. She had a walker. Maybe 10 years old. I think it was for the dress she was wearing. Probably get this defective cheap and it's all Jews in advertising so maybe it's as simple as saving a few shekels.

To clarify, they're not all forever toddlers. After 20 years of getting their diapers changed the really high functioning ones can sometimes manage to stack shelves well enough to support themselves.

speak for yourself faggot, not all of us are retarded

Kmart in australia is doing this too. Showing "cute" retards running about while in the same ad you see mulattos, gay boys and stronk gurlz who dont need no girl toys

He'll be 50 next year…but it's going downhill slowly. Just a mis-chewed bite of food or a serious fall and it's all ogre.

Tards live much, much longer these days due to advances in medical technology and if they've got a family who gives a fuck and doesn't toss them in a group home staffed by $8 an hour niggers and beaners.

Reminder, none of us would be posting here if it weren't for a genetic dud
and don't give me any "but he can think and program and contribute" bullshit, where he could contribute mentally, kids with downs can contribute to society physically

You have no idea what you're talking about and have never dealt with genuine retards before in your life.

Reminder that genetic dude supports euthanizing genetic dudes.

Working as a tard wrangler right now. Believe it or not, but most tards are functional. Those who need a handler or to be institutionalized are the minority. I agree that those who require round the clock care should be humanely euthanized. I'd be out of a job, but I agree with it.

Not all but most imo. It's pie in the sky bullshit to talk about profoundly retarded people holding jobs outside of the home.

can't complain, as long as you have niggers and muslims in your country, what difference does it make to have or not 1million retards?

yup, and iirc his views are to euthanize before birth, which I agree with

did you miss the post where I said my brother gets money from the government because he's disabled user? do you get the same benefits due to your lack of reading comprehension?

Are you trying to steal my genes?

The funny thing is, if most >140 IQ people were provided with a wrangler, we'd also be much more successful and functional in society. We are essentially double-reverse retards.

Yeah fair enough. Ours didn't and she was about as good as it gets. She might have one day but… well. The drool thing.

There's a difference between a cripple and a retard you know…

What exactly is the goal of this thread? I am being honest here.

Best case: downies never talk to you or affect your life because, in general, the parents and siblings care for the bastard their whole life and refuse to get government assistance for it.

Worst case: downie constantly talks to you and if you didn't know because you're the downie, most of them are the most pleasant people you'll ever meet and the parents never take responsibility for the downie, so they get gibs like all the niggers but of course it's one person and not a whole community.

Genetic engineering of course will one day render this problem moot anyway.

So again I ask: why? Is it just a hate thread because Holla Forums took credit for Trump winning and now feels validated to be huge fucking assholes to whomever they please? Is there a singular logical reason to dislike downies that isn't easily applied to any other class of people, some of whom deserve it?

That's because IQ is an incomplete measure of intelligence. It measures mostly language, logistico-mathematical and a bit of spatial intelligence. It fails at measuring intra-personal, extra-personal, musical, physico-kinestesic and natural intelligence. Hell, a lot of people's IQ seems to get lower when they age, but that's because of the time limit on IQ tests. Remove the time limit and older people tend to score higher.

IQ has its uses, but it's not everything.

mine is definitely well enough to hold a job, groups who help find jobs have just been slacking off as far as I can tell but im not too involved. Also seems to depend on where you live, northern areas seem to have better care/education which keep them smarted, and help them function, the south seems to have nothing, which causes them to be even dumber than usual

Kinda how I feel about most of the responses here. The OP brings up a concern of (((them))) pushing over acceptance of this though, they could be turning them into yet another shield to protect them from criticism, like the gays, like the trans, like the blacks, so on and so forth.

It should be the parents choice, just as it has always been. The ancient Germanics would leave the duds out in the forest but if they choose to raise the dud it would their own prerogative and only they would be allowed to care for it. If you were poor you'd get rid of the duds but if you were rich you might keep a few around, when they come of age the less noble family who is of better genetic stock would easily defeat the retard in combat.

It works for all parties.

Doesn't have anything to do with the recent election. These threads crop up occasionally and a hearty eugenics discussion ensues. Nothing wrong with that.

Gee, how can I tell that you're not from here?

Almost sounds like a journalist trying to figure out what they've stumbled into.

Jews are basically masters of materialism and consumerism who have made a society that reflects this, thus phrases that appear to sell the idea of a trendy product appeal to the lemmings that were hypnotized by the jew and love to partake in his popular illusions (what we unfortunately call reality).

We churn journalists almost as hard as we churn intelligence agents.

If this is an organized thing the goal is pretty obvious. More tolerance for mediocrity, potential to mess up the white gene pool if it gets pushed as something sexually tolerated, ie becomes the new BBC.

Now that we can prevent the birth, i agree with that. This thread just seems oddly "throw all the retards in the oven", not addressing the actual OP issue while they do it.
I draw a pretty hard line at hurting those already born, especially those already living in society today.


One of the biggest lies of all time is that all life has value

People with downs syndrome have no value

i want to see an autism pride parade

Funny enough, I think downies enjoy life more than we do. It's arguable that some downies should exist. But it should be a conceit of rich, successful, white families. Not an obligation foisted upon the poor.

nah, strikes me more as them making up more nonissues. soon you will see "democrats and liberals fight for disabled rights!" which they already have, "those nasty conservatives hate poor widdle timmy with downsyndrome, you are an abliest bigoted nazi if you vote for him, you are literally voting to kill Timmy if you don't vote for us" and roping anyone who even knows someone with disabilities into thinking democrat is their only option for voting if they want their family member to live

I used Holla Forums in the third person because I don't frequent here. Mainly because of faggots like you.

I also like how you immediately latched onto the journalist angle like no one could possibly have problems with the Holla Forums community at large or the way they act on a constant basis. Additionally, I like how instead of engaging my post and "proving me wrong" because "he's such a shill guize xD" you instead latch onto the one fucking time I talk in the third person and mention Trump which by the way, the Trump thing is totally correct, you faggots had so little to do with it it's laughable and somehow use that as a justification to dismiss my whole post.

How far this internet community has fallen.

I mean, just look at this shit. The smug illusion of some superiority over everyone else. I mean, pre-Trump Holla Forums was bad enough, but now a lot of you dumb faggots think you're gods or something. No, not in a joking "haha meme" way, but actually legitimately believe it.

It's because they contribute literally nothing to anyone or anything and do nothing but consume and annoy people to the ends of the earth

They are literally by definition parasites

Euthanizing them shouldn't even be on the table, they should just be aborted while they are still a bundle of cells

ww3 is desperately needed

It doesn't matter how much they enjoy life

Yeah its probably this. They are always in need of something to crusade for, although I think they're quite happy with 'whites are racist and nazis' for the time being, maybe this is just groundwork for when that stops working

Most parents of children with Down Syndrome have perfectly normal genetics, just the mothers are getting old.

Lots of downies have jobs, albeit menial labor. And what Downie makes your life a living hell?

Being a god is not so great. It's lonely and sad. I wanted to share something big and strange and beautiful with people, but now I'm all alone and desperately grasping towards the last threads of interaction I can try to reach. You think I assume to something glorious. All I want to do is hug another person and cry


This. State and cults in general get your huge schnozzes out of family life in general. The patriarch should decide, like it was in the old days. If the family wants to use resources on it, fine. Demanding that I pay taxes to keep your retard alive, not fine.

Maybe it's just me thinking about the sexual angle, but I could see them doing it in maybe 10 years if the tolerance catches on.

Reminds me of that show on TV, Speechless, about some crippled kid in a wheelchair that can't talk. Truly did not see any point to it, even for the Jewtube, as a main character that can't really move or talk can't possibly be good entertainment for even the most pozzed. But if it's purely for acceptance that could make sense.

You might be surprised to learn that Holla Forums likes to debate issues sometimes. It helps gain deeper and more accurate understanding of a topic. And yes, how society handles its members who can't provide for themselves is an important topic.

Let me put it this way: As said, "tard wrangler". Yes, it's an offensive way to put it, whatever. This is a fucking image board, we tend to use idiotic language for the lulz. Anyway, some of the tards I've cared for cost upwards of a million dollars a year to society. And they live to about fourty on average. They start costing a lot around adulthood, so let's say they cost 30 million dollars. Calculate it however you want, each retard born and cared for costs society 30 million dollars. Meanwhile, I'm seeing productive members of society being denied medical care which would massively improve their life (and in some cases, make them productive members of society again) because a one time fee of five hundred thousand dollars is too much. Or 100k a year is too much. The retard who sits on his ass drooling and breaking shit denies care for hundreds of people who actually contribute to society.

When society can afford it, who gives a fuck? But that's the point, society can't afford it. And we choose to care for the tards instead of helping dozens, hundreds more people who are functional members of society.

Shit like this is why Holla Forums exists. Despite all the white supremacist bullshit on here, despite retarded conspiracy theories like contrails and the such, it also happens to be the only place where we can discuss these topics. We have to discuss these topics anonymously because it's a thoughtcrime to even question the established procedures and beliefs on those topics. If I wrote an article on this and put my name on it, I would instantly find myself jobless and soon out of a home. I would likely get prosecuted on a "human rights tribunal", one of the kangaroo courts of Canada which punish wrongthink. Thus I come here and discuss it anonymously. Doing so, I can spread my ideas and together with the people here, I can refine them and figure out a way to spread them to the public in a palatable way to eventually bring them to the mainstream, where we can finally have these discussions officially and try to actually fix the issues instead of pretending they don't exist.

Why else would I have published these on Holla Forums?

You are correct user. Treat the ones we've got now humanely but for fuck's sake don't let anymore in.

cite sources or you're full of shit


Why exactly are you trying so hard to convince us that people with downs syndrome are worth anything?

I'd kill any downs syndrome family member or person you know without even hesitating if it was legal

In my experience it's a fine line. The most retarded seem happy enough with simple material pleasures. The higher tier however are trapped in an existence where they understand they don't fit in with the rest, that they are dependent upon others for help and etc. Like a self aware dog. A horrible fate to put on someone.

Smoked your concern trolling ass right out didn't we?

There's a push for white people to engage in dysgenic behavior. Raising tards is a behavioral sink.

your salt is delicious

manual labor jobs mate, jobs that even mexicans wouldn't take

fuck, right in the feels

jesus christ I hope its not the sexual angle, I do not want to think about that

You know they're mad when they start bolding and italicizing words

WW3 were begun

Kill yourself.


Meanwhile Walmart is BASED AS FUCK

this is OC btw

I hope you hug a .22 and squeeze the joy straight out of it's barrel.

No, but seriously why don't you kill yourself?

Your whole post hinges on the cost of the retard. I don't see any facts or figures here, simply speculation. So there's nothing to discuss. I could spin my wheels trying, but it's he said she said and therefore pointless.

As for why Holla Forums exists, that's the reason for an imageboard existing. I have problems with Holla Forums, but as for why it was created I don't disagree with you. Now? Not so much. I don't know how often I come here and get shitpost after shitpost. I am lucky to find one person whose willing to constructively engage me and even then they quickly break down into pissing matches. It's all conjecture, sure, but so are your experiences here.

The whole point of a hypothetical is that you don't have sources to back it up. It's a mind thing you wouldn't understand.

I could say the same of expectant mothers. Would your tone change then?

I'm trying to milk a valid reason for disliking them out of Holla Forums that isn't retarded bullshit like buzzwords and "they totally cost this much I have no sources for this :^)". If that's too much to ask I don't really know what to tell you.

No, you didn't.

Using 'formatting for emphasis is mad? Or do you just not know how to properly use the language and it's formatting style so you get angry when other people do and project that anger back onto them?


The more troubling thing is that they made it illegal for bars to refuse service to pregnant women. Feminist cunts care more about getting liquored up than their future children's health, its fucking disgusting.

The stupidest downies are easily placated, the smarter ones tend to be surly and demanding though.

This plebbit thred offers some insight on raising tards

Oh, look, it's DIDF. ** :^)*

The point where I lost most of my liking for Kasich was when he was backing a bill banning abortion, but only for confirmed retards/genetic defects.

It's actually jewy as fuck: 14 is less than 15, 88 is less than 99, so it looks like a better deal to what people are used to which is usually 14 or 15.99.

Seriously? Why are you bothering here? You have no idea who we are, or why we feel.

But you agree I shouldn't have to pay for your tard, right?

t. pays 50% tax in europoor country while living next to a tard farm where 15 people have full time state employment wrangling 10 tards.

I once knew a Down's syndrome kid who was pretty smart. Was the weirdest fucking thing ever, looked like a retard, walked like a retard, had trouble speaking without stammering but he was in most of my AP courses in high school and did well in all of the exams.

This ad is raycis

Well you could try for a .45 or a .50 but those are expensive and I just assumed you were destitute and poor.

That ultimately depends on how far society is willing to go. Based on my own value system and my own definition of freedom no you should be forced to pay for them or anyone else unless you wanted to.

You opened your first post in this thread with wild unsourced declarations that downies don't affect us in anyways because their families are virtuous lambs who'd never take gibs and now you're demanding meticulous sources? Sounds like someone is desperately trying to justify the genetic riffraff in his family tree.

The point of the thread, tornigger, is to highlight that normalizing Down's Syndrome tards as productive and beneficial to society is obviously wrong and inherently destructive.


You're a run-of-the-mill heretic. We grind you up for breakfast.


Societal costs of the maintenance of retards are staggering. Most people think "IQ of 70 = needs a tard wrangler and 24/7 care", and those people are wrong. But those who do need such care exist in significant numbers, and though it's not all as expensive as a million dollars a year, it's still damned expensive. Staggeringly so. As for official numbers, not only would I not rely on those (pic related), but I don't think they even exist, and for the precise reason this topic can only be discussed on here: It's thoughtcrime to even question the established norms.

As for Holla Forums and image boards in general, you've always had to wade through an ocean of bullshit to get to the good stuff. It's the nature of the beast. A lot of the stuff which shows up on image boards don't show up elsewhere for a specific reason: Because it's stupid bullshit. So legitimate discussions on topics which couldn't happen elsewhere have to live side by side with bullshit.


A bit strange, but ok.

Fine, as long as we're in agreement that any society that forces people who don't want to to spend their resources on tards, then we're cool.

I don't have anything against them as humans and it doesn't pain me that they live or anything. I'd just want it aborted if it was mine and you keeping your tard pet on your own bill.

if you read the thread you would see several people did deliver good arguments to not wanting downs kids, but since you missed that they can be incredibly taxing on families not prepared for them, even in well off families they can be stressful as the other children are often ignored or expected to be a third parent even at very young ages, for many children with downs siblings, their sibling becomes the center of the families world, and they become an afterthought, and its absolutely sad when this happens. I've seen it firsthand and thank my parents every chance I get for not doing that to me.
They really get a lot of taxpayer money by the way, I got a pretty good paycheck for watching my brother all the time

so yeah, plenty of reason

yeah you really aren't from around here

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
t. king jew

Kill yourself.

One thing to keep in mind is it's not the raw government gibs cost we're talking about either. That can be expensive no doubt but there's also the lost productivity of family members who have to deal with this shit for decade after decade.

This is happening in Australia but not all. if your unborn child is disabled in any way then please abort them. You can try again and get the child with no disability. There is 3 or more million people with disabilities in Australia.

Better yet, kill a retard, then kill yourself.

Yep, very perceptive. That's exactly what happens.

It was a hypothetical best case-worst case. That I opened without sourcing myself out the ass is no less than anyone else in the thread. I was asking for validation of your post which hinged on cost of retard vs benefit. While mine was a question. Even if I had an obligation to source, it wasn't then.

You also clearly didn't read my post properly/well enough.

I looked again just to make sure I didn't miss anything. It looks to me like they just put them in an add for diversity's sake. I don't see anywhere where they are trying to normalize them as productive anything, they are simply making you aware of their existence.

Now if retards existing pisses you off and that's why you made the thread, it's a shitty excuse, but at least it's a valid one.

Perhaps, but it has never been this bad. Ever. Certainly not on Holla Forums. I honestly feel the shit to good ratio is so low that good content isn't worth participating in. If you disagree, that's fine. It's not as if I don't come here anymore although I did abstain for about 2 years, I just don't care much for the crowd Holla Forums has attracted I suppose. And the Trump phenomena has only made things worse. The general populous of Holla Forums always being rather self-centered and egotistical it's completely thrown that behavior into overdrive and I dislike it with about as much of my will as I can muster these days.

Well memed my friend.

I don't disagree with the sentiment, believe it or not, but I guess my problem is with the thread as a whole, which seems to completely contradict your thoughts on the matter.

I did read the thread, but for a moment let us assume I didn't. Where before my post is a well organized, critical, informed and possibly factual post about why downs people are literally the next shoah and should not be allowed even the light of day to grace their plebian cheeks?

Actually an asterisk to replace a mistake was pretty common for a number of years on both imageboards and forums. It's only recently with faggots talking in emojis perpetually that that particular mannerism has stopped being used. Mainly because actual words aren't used anymore so correcting spelling is a nonissue.

True, but trying to keep it simple. Furthermore, those stable enough to stay with their parents aren't the most expensive ones, by a long shot.

but then a shitload of fuckers just give them to the state

Excuse me, , you're not the same user as the retard cost argument. The rest of my post I stand by, however.

Keep standing by your posts where you fuck up so bad you need to lodge immediate corrections you crazy diamond.

How do you mean?

Please tell us some yard wrangling stories PLEEEASE

Oh, okay, so you proofread your posts like 500 times and read back for, jeez, I think it was 10 replies to make sure you're talking to the right person?

That's cool but I simply made a mistake I wanted to correct. You're a faggot by the way.

*tard-wrangling stories PLEEEEASE

Well, for example the OP, which shows and ad and says, in part, "I've never seen anything like this in the US. Down's Syndrome is not OK. These are functionally retarded individuals who should've been aborted or left innawoods as babies to die."

Most of the shit I deal with isn't worth a story beyond explaining how god awful tards can be. Like the one we had to restrain on a bed because he kept trying to gouge out his own eyes and would assault you when you tried to stop him. Or the one who would take off running to the bathroom, take off his nightgown, shove it into the toilet and flush, then dance around the toilet and laugh as it got clogged to hell.

Most good tard stories come from their interactions with other peole. The tards I care for are generally too dangerous to be allowed contact with other people.

Yeah ok, I get what you mean. For me it's all about the family because I'm a tribalist at heart. If someone wants to support someone who can't fend for themselves I don't have any problem with that. People aren't machines and spend resources on all sorts of things and the things they get in return might be hard to measure. I'm sure tards can bring something into someones lives too, just like pets or senile people.

As long as no one is forcing me to keep a retarded child or paying for theirs, people can do whatever the fuck they want as far as I'm concerned.

Imageboards and meme magic wouldn't exist without mild autists.

Just don't breed with them and cases like all the above will diminish. That includes nearly all of the posters here.

low functioning autists are also responsible for turning memes into shit. A "mild" autist could mean anything. Are you talking about some "moderate" queer on the autism spectrum or a legitimate autist?

High functioning autists are the ones who keep memes alive, the rest are just bogging down the movement.

High functioning retards are just normfags. Look at the normfags and tell me it's not true.

Man I hate lolbertarians


Get moral, lad

Face it, only the able bodied and normal ones would get sent to war and killed while the retards are the only ones that got left behind.

By that same logic the post you just made was completely detrimental to the board, therefore you need to leave immediately. A van will be there soon to take you to the firing range.

Down's syndrome kids did nothing wrong. White people don't have to apologize for existing, and neither should retards.

They have caused virtually none of our problems. If parents were taught to be open to life, rearing a Down's syndrome kid would not be a problem since there would likely be 3 or 4 normal kids born to beget grandkids. There is no need to abort any of them, since parents should love the children they bear, not make designer babies because they won't love any others.


Refuse to get resources? Ahahahaha holy fuck you spring chicken.

They get 60-100k a year in assistance. They get more money the more retarded they are. When I worked on a tard farm, the tards' checks were twice as big as mine, and I was the one taking care of them while they did nothing.

Multicultural future. Isn't it perfect in every way?

It's also important to note that the vast majority of retards are massive pedophiles. A good number of them had a long history of abusing nieces, nephews, random children on the street. One retard would go to the library and watch porn in front of children. Of course, because they were mentally incapacitated, they really couldn't be arrested. The police would drop them back off at the tard farm, and we were not allowed to punish them or prevent them from walking around the town spreading terror.

Not to sound like I am defending pedos here but i'd like a citation pl0x

And I hate people like you who wants to push their shit on others beyond reason. How does it affect you if some family keeps a pet tard without you having to have anything to do with it? The answer is of course nothing. You might, like some sort of socialist, argue that their resources that could benefit the state are misspent. But then you would have to argue the same shit for every other costly hobby that doesn't directly benefit the state. Like keeping pets, or building model ships or some such.

That said, I'm not a lolbert by any margin, I believe in duty to society as much as anyone. But I believe it should be where it counts, on things that matter. Encroaching on private life beyond what is necessary and reasonable is a recipe for lowering the legitimacy of the state and is in the realm of religious nuts and communists.

Or in other words, man I hate you commie fucks.

Retards are not morally neutral beings, that's a common misconception. They are extremely base, and malicious. Everything good about a person is gone from them. They do not know gratitude, they do not know kindness, they do not know basic courtesy. They are extremely malicious and will do everything they can to jew you over or hurt you in some way.

Retards are not to be protected! They are evil, do not make the mistake of perceiving them as helpless! And never let them near your family.

I worked on a tard farm and I personally went through an entire filing cabinet of their histories.

But the retards still wouldn't be breeding.

Madison Grant and other eugenicists often say war is dysgenic, but I think the greater risk of death was (traditionally) more than counterbalanced by the opportunity to make babies with the locals in conquered lands tossing wreaths of flowers their way, or by rape when their presence isn't welcomed. Also, the added reputation and fitness a man gains from war service makes him more attractive to females when he gets back. Ever seen one of those "Property of a Marine" t-shirts?

Note: this post is not an endorsement of WW3


Yes, racemixing is eugenic, goy!

What, you want scans of the files? That breaks HIPAA.


anecdotal evidence isn't evidence, lad

Retards don't vary from place to place, the place I worked did not specialize in pedophiles, and I had a very large sample size.

You're seriously defending retards. Retards.

Let the kid have at it.

how did you know they were pedos though? Did you investigate every one of them thoroughly and come to the conclusion that they were pedos? Or did you just assume they were pedos because they acted like children?

Because increasing numbers of White women are gestating Down's babies due to postponing motherhood past 30 in preference of "MUH CUREER".
Abortion conceals most of the total but for many geriatric women their down's baby could be their last chance to have a baby.
Society and the male taxpayer will pick up the tab.
Once a woman's reproductive urge kicks in, she will want to keep the baby, no matter how much it hurts society, no matter how much money the taxpayer has to contribute to support it.

tl;dr it's being normalized because it's going to become fairly common.

I feel your pain - who would have thought I'd find a sympathetic voice on Holla Forums of all places?

Don't get me wrong people, I love my sibling as does the family. But the stress exerted is enormous.

This thread is suspicious as fuck tbh.
Why focus on a handful of Downs when niggers present not only the same low intelligence but a violence add-on?

Down's can do the jobs niggers do, without the risk of violence. If it weren't for niggers then they would serve a useful function in society, doing the fast food jobs no one else wants (without immigrants and minorities there would be more jobs than workers).

Naa, just pointless bloodbath.

fellow tard-wrangler here, i have a couple.

the kid was actually pretty awesome. his biggest issue was mom was single and a total marshmallow and the kid had never met his dad. once he realized i had the power to really lay down the law he was great. we'd take him over to other kids houses and the other kids, normally devleoped kids, no tard issues or anything, would throw fits (because stupid parents) and my kid would just be calm as the mist over a lake in the morning.

my experience working with kids has taught me that 90% of the time, a "problem child" exists because of the actions of the parent.

my other story:

most of the time, on a good day, i was playing super smash bros with a kid who was obsessed with kirby or sonic. but when the days were bad, they were bad.

It affects society as a whole because tards are always on welfare. They're an economic drain on the community, and an emotional drain on those closest to them. Preventing a tard is one of the few situations abortion is warranted.

Why did he tried to gouge his eyes out?

This has not been my experience, or that of anyone I know. Sure, there are some sociopaths I have encountered who were retarded, but they clearly had some separate disorder and should have been institutionalized.

I have read many stories of happy families with a child with Down's syndrome, and while I didn't participate myself, in high school some of my friends volunteered to work with Down's syndrome kids, and always reported having a blast. But what you seem to be talking about isn't really morality. If some retards are unkind or rude because they are retards, it is because they don't know any better; they didn't choose to do something they could recognize as wrong. You might as well say that being a baby isn't morally neutral okay, St. Augustine did famously describe babies as sinful, but he didn't consider that grounds for infanticide because he didn't believe it negated their human worth.

Autism is damage caused by shitty mothering. The mother's emotional coldness (leaving the kid at daycare or in its crib while she whores for a new provider on facebook) causes failure to learn human interaction.
They are clumsy because no male to play with and teach them play.
Yeah right.

Nothing in this world beats the show put on by a out of control 'tard in Wal-mart. But I'd still take a 'tard over a nigger any day.

Hello Uncle Scrooge.

Just watch any BLM march.

It has already been proven that autism is a physiological illness and not environmental. Which century are you living in?

Well Stalin, you should read before you type. That was my whole point there. As long as they're not I don't care. The thing is, with my policy almost no one would keep tards, exactly because they're fucking resource hogs. Those who really want to, I'd put in the same category as someone else who had an resource heavy and time consuming hobby. No problem as long as you function as expected in society.

When you have any sort of policy that society needs to take responsibility for peoples self-inflicted problems, then yes, that's completely degenerate.

They're not pedophiles, they just have no boundaries whatsoever.

Couldn't let him do it if I wanted to keep my job, and he did it because he was mad. Why was he mad? He likely didn't know himself. Couldn't even speak.

Oh what and everything else Holla Forums has done and said doesn't make them 'assholes'? Once we touch or retarded sacred cow you feel as if we've crossed a line? Give me a fucking break bro. And the only reason we are talking about this is because of the fact that it's not good or normal to both accept and even go as far to promote kids with Down syndrome, you know, a people that are missing an entire chromosome? We talk so much shit on every other group like nonwhite people and mentally ill granny's and fags but when we talk about a group that is literally missing an entire chromosome of genetic coding we are somehow being mean or hitting below the belt. Fucking gas yourself. Also I have a reminder for y'all: we burn cripples on Tuesday

probably self stimulation. most self-injurious behavior, if it's not an attention-seeking or malingering sort of thing, it's because the kid gains some sort of internal reward, like a good feeling or endorphin release. head-bangers are some of the worst kids to work with, because you have to find a way to give them some incentive that overcomes the easily-accessed reward they get from the self-injury. and that shit's hard to do without resulting to heavy narcotic-levels of stimulation.

yeah, no, it's not. i've worked with parents who have had autistic kids on the first child, and parents who have had them on the second, third, fourth, or fifth child, with all of the rest of the kids being normally developed. these were good parents, moms and dads that genuinely cared.

no user, there is a biological component to autism, but most importantly, there seems to be a physical environmental component to it as well. something that either triggers or else exacerbates an already existing issue to an extreme.

my personal feeling is that C-section and induced labor births have something to do with it. C-sections circumvent the natural birthing process, which is necessary to ensure proper bonding occurs between mother and child on a hormonal level, while induced labor floods the newborn nervous system with intense bursts of oxytocin substitute, and much of the problems related to autism are centered around activities that typically involve oxytocin neurotransmitter receptors in some way.

I really enjoyed your post. I feel sad for the parent. I wonder if they regetted their decision for not aborted their child?


This, really. I get them when they're over 20 and way too old to fix. Usually, the parents just let them do whatever the fuck they wanted until they got too big to handle, then offloaded them on us. The other cases, the tard has a case of psychosis on top.

That is, without a doubt, one of the most morally reprehensible acts I've ever seen.
I'm not for killing retards, but purposely bringing more into this world is just cruel. Creating defective people is not a fucking human right.

10/10 I'm livid.

if you have a kid with down syndrome arent you memetically obliged to make sure it becomes a potato farmer?

Guys, Holla Forums is obviously dead.

Come to my blog where there are no limits and just real talk. No faggots allowed.

Mason is the mod we need but don't deserve TBH

'tism isn't one of those things that typically shows up on a pre-natal exam like the Downs or cerebral palsy will. lots of times you'll have kids who develop normally for the first year or two and then "something" happens and things go to shit from there. most of the time it's pretty clear from the late infant stage (around 4-6 months) if you know what to look for.

sadly, many first time parents don't know what to look for, and by the time they realize something isn't right there's a lot more work to do in order to help the kid out of any deficits they may have.

that shit is the fucking worst. my sympathies user. i at least get the satisfaction of seeing my charges improve over time as opposed to just helping someone with terrible behavior not get themselves killed.

I only respond to point out:

There are many cases of false positives - where the doctor or a dumbass ultrasound tech diagnoses "your kid might be a retard" and when the parents have the kid anyways, it is a completely normal kid.

Because Jews, we have no idea how many cases are malicious - cause the White parents to have less kids than they otherwise would have because of a scare tactic to cause abortion, and maybe even dissuade them from having any other kids.

I have a mildly retarded, slow, relative - but his parents have oodles of money and they have been able to pay their way out of all their problems..

Problem is, the grandma who raised 9 kids held the retard when he was 6 months old and said "something ain't right with this kid" - but they were in total denial and refused to have him checked out for a very long time, til he was 6 and still wearing diapers or whatever.

Super-sad thing: they let him marry a slightly tarded woman and have a bunch of kids - those kids are also slow but able to earn some money being helpers at a nursing home; doesn't matter because now-gramps put a boatload into a tax free trust for them.

I'm downs with that.

Heh. I'm not welfare adverse; I see welfare as a necessary safety net, and part of maintaining a functional society. But if you offer welfare to niggers, tards, and other groups that are fall below the median - and have no hope of achieving any better - the welfare system cannot function adequately. You introduce welfare dependence into these groups, and all the social ills that stem from it.

So what?
"The same mother must treat all of her children exactly the same" is a pretty simplistic model.
"Something", hahaha. It was well known that mothers are the "something" until, like homosexuality being a disorder, it became taboo to discuss.
C-sections correlate because they're a symptom of the maternal coldness that causes the problem.
The type of woman who doesn't care to go through the process of natural birth, she just wants it over, like it's a process or delivery of a consumer good. She just wants it "out".

Lack of eye contact is the damaging action. Children who are turned over to orphanages and then left in cribs all day with little or no maternal interaction have a massively increased rate of autism.
Anything to defend shitty mothers.
Biological etiology of autism is misdirection to protect women from blame.

This is one of several areas where the progressive left and Christian conservatives converge.

Here is a Steven Crowder video about how wonderful tards are, and how terrible it is that they would be aborted.

Look at the level of upvotes, and the number of conservatives who agree with him.

Just on the topic: I tell all of this to you now: If your child is late by over a week, get a c-section.
You don't want your kids cooking in the oven more than necessary. Oxygen and nutrient deprivation can occur. I know this.


Humanism is 99% Christianity, so that's not so strange. Marxists and your average Christian have more in common than not (excluding our resident Deus Bult friends of course.)

I don't think it is breeding, I've been looking up photos. The one of the man and a girl is a man who is sadly suffering from Treacher Collins syndrome visiting a child from halfway around the world with the same rare disorder.

C-section for medical reasons is completely different than elective C-section because of a desire to avoid a natural birth.

Was reading your second greentext, reminded me of one autist I cared for (the gouging-his-own-eyes-out one). We had a technique called "redirection". Basically, when he tried to hit us, we grabbed the arm with our oppposing side arm, spun him around quickly and gave him a good shove away. Worked well with him because he was tiny, and with good reason: I'd say he refused to eat half the time, and would make himself throw up half the time he even ate. Like, shoving his whole fucking hand down his throat.

I work nights. Has advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, they tend to be sleeping at night and you get a nice bonus on your paycheck. On the downside, when they're awake, they're worse than at any other time, and you need to try and contain them so they don't bother other patients, and you need autonomy because there's way fewer personnel on the floor.

C-Sections are sometimes medically necessary to save both the mother and the child. They've also been around for thousands of years. It's not some new "stronk womyn" thing.

There's lots of reason Holla Forums are assholes, but when they have a valid reason it's okay. I doubt anyone minds Cletus running his mouth if he's factually right, but when Cletus starts ranting about killing everyone they don't like Cletus has a problem.

And I'm still not satisfied downies really are that much of a drag on the economy.

I don't know too many women who are willing to take a big ugly scar that runs all the way down to their uterus. One c-section and she can say goodbye to bikinis forever.


You'd be surprised. Elective caesarians are becoming more and more common. A huge amount of young women are terrified of giving birth, and many doctors are way too lax in letting them have one. You just don't hear about it much.

Does Travis Moonstar get to live?

Well, hope they enjoy that big ugly scar while trying to land a rich chad.

Women can solve the problem by wearing a one-piece.

Would you have preferred Sir Joestar?

True. Just given the thread context I thought I needed to share that information. The doctor will not always be on your side.

Funny thing is, there's no lack of evidence, it's just that the mother is completely omitted as an agent, it must be some magical mystery "something" that passes from the abuser to the baby. What could it be! Surely not that abused people often become abusers, no, not at all.

Non-maternal care (daycare, 'MUH CUREER) is also an identified risk factor.
The epidemic is underway because feminist-indoctrinated women are putting careers before being mothers.

"The more time children spent in any of a variety of nonmaternal care arrangements across the first 4.5 years of life, the more externalizing problems and conflict with adults they manifested at 54 months of age and in kindergarten, as reported by mothers, caregivers, and teachers."

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2003). Study of early childcare and youth development: does amount of time spent in child care predict socioemotional adjustment during the transition to kindergarten? Child Development, 74(4): 976-1005.

You know it becomes much less visible right?
Elective c-section is around 13% in the UK.
Total c-section in the USA is around 1 in 3.

Plastic surgery does wonders these days. In my (insane) country women who do elective caesarians actually get state financed plastic surgery to reduce the visibility of it. They do a pretty good job too, I've seen some where you can hardly see it.

its altering womens physiology
daughters born to women who had a c-section their pelvis's are contracting
multiple generations of giving women c-sections is theorised to eventually lead to an adaptation where women will no longer be able to give birth naturally

it's clear you haven't read any research about this user, and there's a lot of good research out there. empirically, ethically, modally sound research.

Well you're right, my sister had a Pakistani doctor and he starved her of oxygen, nearly killed both my mother and my sister.
She never was as intelligent as me and I blame (deliberate?) oxygen deprivation by the fucking Muslim.
He was also rough and uncaring with my mother.
They wouldn't tell her what had happened or let her see the medical records (was in the days before information act etc.)
Muslim doctors are maiming White children in the delivery room.

The modern woman is good for next to nothing. The one god damn responsibility they're entrusted to in life and they can't even do that.

You'd do better to not speak of topics you know nothing about. Your opinion is based on feels and imagination, little more.

Actual autism is caused by brain dysfunction, where different parts of the brain don't communicate properly. The likely culprit is pesticides, though it's only been shown as a correlation and contributing factor rather than a direct causal link. And I assume you know enough about science to know that money dictates what scientists say, so getting funding to prove irresponsible corporations have been poisoning us and causing mentally malformed individuals to be born is next to impossible. In fact, they'll shovel money into the pockets of scientists to say it's not the case.

Poor parenting doesn't cause autism, it causes personality disorders. "Cold mothering", as you put it, would bring about one of the B cluster disorders, especially borderline or narcissistic personality disorders.

There are so many things wrong with it. The bonding aspect mentioned earlier in the thread is one, but another is that a child gets started with it's bacterial culture in large part from being squeezed out from his mother (blood, guts and shit.) Sounds terrible but it's actually a huge issue and one that is starting to be recognized more and more.

Caesarian babies develop slower, are more sick, more often autists and the like. It's like bitch-slapping your newborn child and no one should ever do it if it isn't life and death critical.

Just ignore the citations I left a few posts ago.
You're clinging to a paradigm that was established as a result of pressure from feminists, exactly like the "gay isn't a disorder" was established through pressure from gay activists.
The latest research is showing these correlations with maternal behavior but dressing it in a way so as not to implicate women.
Higher maternal age (because of feminism)
Leaving kids in daycare (because of feminism)
Abusing male children (because of feminism).
It's only a mystery if you don't want to see what's before you.

While malice should never be confused for incompetence, I think we can both agree that either case deserves severe punishment given the damage done. I weep for the sibling that could have been sometimes.


When my wife and I had our first kid, she specifically requested an Asian female doctor because "small hands and they're more gentle". Worked like a charm. Our second child is on the way and we're using the same tiny Japanese doctor.

Hahaha, keep saying it. Are you female?

Yeah but think of the implications of this whole birth canal adaptation
which race do you think has the most c-sections?
and what would happen if say 40-50 years down the line some major catastrophic event happens and surgery isnt an option for women of this race
an entire race rendered infertile through a fucked physical adaptation

im sure asian women doctors are in great demand for obstetrics, gynaecology and prostate examinations

All that women have to do in life, really, is keep themselves in reasonably good shape, be sweet, be feminine, and be good mothers.

That's it! Even girls that aren't pretty can do really well in life finding a good man who will bust his ass to take care of them if they follow the above advice.

Instead, this is what we get.

In general if the mother has had one c-section, all subsequent births are strongly recommended to be delivered c-section as well. If it can be avoided, it should.

Is that freak in the fourth pic a grill or a tranny?

Well, I can only speak for Norway which is where I live. I'd say about >5% of ethnic Norwegian women have elective caesarian. It's pretty uncommon.

Immigrants however really want it. With arabs I'd say it might be as high as 50% I'm not kidding. I don't know exactly why this is but I think it might have something to do with the extreme shame and fear they have culturally around their sexuality and genitals.

These caesarian immigrant mothers also very often have autistic or heavily sick (allergies) children. While I'm sure the inbreeding doesn't help, I've become 100% convinced over the years that the caesarian has something to do with it too. Either causative or as a correlation (says something about the personality of the family.)

I decided to just go for the first google link, but there's plenty more:

The "psychosocial" hypothesis doesn't stand up to reality when the structure and behavior of autistic brains is radically different from that of a normal one. And note that we're talking about actual autism here, not self-diagnosed assburgers or idiotic parents deciding their child has some disorder without consulting first.

they're arabs
im sure the dumb bitches see a knife on the table with their legs open and have a flashback to when they were five and grandma fatimah cut her clit off with a shaving razor and then beat her unconscious with a stick for crying and insulting allah

Isn't there a weird problem today though with definitions, so that people who are pretty functional but very reserved for lack of a better word are called autistic?

Yes, also the Cluster C anxiety disorders

IMHO, these are extremely common among users of image boards. I match up with OCPD, and I see signs of that and APD in many others.

It affects the economy in other ways too.

At my Uni campus, all the grounds-maintenance people are downers, or some other retard. Every one of them. All the libtards think it's wonderful, because 'giving those people a job' gives triggers their warm fuzzy feels. But what is really happening here is the healthy white population is getting screwed out of jobs. These downers don't work directly for the Uni. They work for a company that is contracted by the Uni to do the grounds work. This, in turn, means that there is competition for the contract, and price is necessarily a factor in who gets the work.

The problem here is that the companies that hire the downers get away with paying them lower wages than they would regular people. Why? Because it's considered a charity to give these people work, and nobody cares that you pay them a little less. So a company that hires downers has lower overheads, and is thus able to bid for contracts at a lower price than a company that hires normal workers. The end result is that competitors are caught in a bind: they are forced to hire downers themselves, or be forced out of business. They can't compete with their existing workforce because they have to pay their people normal wages; their overheads are too high. So you end up with a situation where healthy, normal grounds-keeping people are gradually displaced, pushed out of work for the sake of downers.

And now, because of this, every groundskeeper on my campus is a downer. Healthy people that need to support healthy families are being displaced and pushed onto welfare because they can't get jobs, and the downers still get welfare to subsidise their shitty charity wages.

It's lose/lose for society.

Better to just abort the fucking downers.

It depends on the wound, but yes that is the general recommendation. Still, the main problem is that most caesarian scars never grow properly and the mother will struggle with minor infections and ligament problems for decades to come. If it grows properly then normal birth isn't out of the question.

Still, what is important is to not do it in the first place if there isn't very good medical reasons for it. If there are, then things can't be helped.

While an amusing mental image, I've never seen an arab woman with a circumcision. Only african muslim women do that shit as far as I can tell.

Except that this claim is fiction, used to back up the ultra materialist "it's biological" meme.
Same deal with schizophrenia.
I can tell from the memes you're repeating that you believe schizophrenia is caused by physical differences.

Thing is, if YOU had done as much research as you're saying I haven't done, you would be aware that adverse childhood environment can lead to observable changes in the brain.
Abusive childhood environment is a risk factor for schizophrenia and transgenderism.
But yeah, I don't expect you to stray from the PC materialist explanation like a good Goy and it's pointless arguing. It's something you need to discover on your own.

End of conversation from my end and back to the topic of the thread.


They were pedophiles because there were previous cases of child abuse on their records.

Me and my siblings were are caesarian. I'm the only one who became a massive loser, I was also the sickest of the bunch as a baby. Sick to the point that without modern medical care I would have died for sure.

What I hadn't thought of is that instead of me surviving due to modern health care, who knew if my mother had already died during some of her childbirths?

There is. They folded all kinds of disorders into "autism spectrum disorders" and treat them all the same, despite some of them being radically different. I use "autism" and "autist" in the "classical" sense, where the patient has debilitating mental retardation and can't communicate. But some people think that being really into anime and doing cosplay and being socially awkward means you have autism. Kind of like how ADHD is way overdiagnosed.

And cluster C is possible as well, but cluster B is more likely. Cluster C is more typical of people who had overbearing parents.

If females can't tell that he's clinically retarded then it shows how low women can go for as long as she sees a big dick (literally and metaphorically).

Because they are genetic dead-ends and pose absolutely no threat to ((them)).

It's not an automatic sentence of failure being born by caesarian bro. It's just increases the odds. Still, when you know you are weaker then you have the awareness to improve yourself. Someone who is below the average who applies himself to excel will end up way above the general norm.

I knew a woman who had 3 c-sections. All her kids cooked up just fine. Guess it's all a matter of those thousand little things that can add up to the human condition. Humans really just can't be quantified like that.

Yes, if you think schizophrenia has no biological foundation whatsoever, this discussion is over.

Still, I recommend you look up personality disorders. I guarantee you'll be interested.

Honestly, impossible to tell.

Plus there are a lot of physical health issues that go with Downs Syndrome. They are considerably weaker than normal people as well. It seems strange that they could get jobs as ground maintenance, or any type of manual labor, as now and then you have to move or lift heavy items around.

It always makes me think of that scene in Leaving Las Vegas where two guys hire the hooker and when they take her to the hotel room they bring a 'tard out of the bathroom. All he says is "I wanna put it in your butt". Rape ensues.

Despite the fact I can't argue an opinion, I will ask how many of the downers are white and how many non-white and no, being tan doesn't count as non-white, being Mexican or from the middle east does?

I'll also mention that hiring for diversity's sake is fucking retarded :^) and don't support it even a little.

He needs a face transplant.

mild autism is basically high-functioning assburgers. anything beyond mild and you start entering CWC territory.

no arabs do it too they invented the idea
they did it to african slaves so they could sew up their cunts and 'prove' their virginity so they could be sold for more at the bazaar
somewhere along the line it became a way for arab families to prove their daughters were virgins so the suitor would pay a higher bride price
and then arab women turned it into a respect and honour bullshit thing and thats why muslim women cut their daughters clits off

That guy's not retarded. He has Treacher Collins syndrome, which does not affect brain function.

They're not all necessarily Downs Syndrome, but every one of them is retarded in some way or another. It's depressing. There's always one normal guy coordinating/supervising as well, steering them away from the roads so the mowers don't throw stones at cars, etc.

I can see leftist women wanting to "date" him as a form of virtue signalling.

I'm quite familiar with those already.
The biological foundation was pushed because women were complaining about being made to feel guilty. Look into the history and look at some recent research. There is no solid biological etiology for schizophrenia. I also assumed like you do, until I investigated. It's nowhere near as cut and dry as you currently believe.
Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Common Causal Mechanisms?

"Blanda up", like they tell the Swedes!
Funny you should mention "innawoods". Viking tradition was to put them exactly there, it was called "byting".

You might be right. Most arab women here are from Pakistan and they don't seem to do it at least. Can't speak for the rest of the Arab world.

That's actually illegal in the US. Americans with Disabilities Act.

Thanks, this is what I heard. It may sound silly, but I've always avoided calling people "autists" on image boards, as I didn't want to feed into that broad societal labeling bullshit.

It particularly annoys me when you see some brilliant minds called autists. It's like the regular guy who watches Monday night football over hot wings and pitchers of beer are the normal ones, whereas the guys focused on understanding and problem-solving are the weird oddballs.

Yes, we are on the same page. I misread "cold mothering" as malice rather than indifference.

Depends. The things user posted about Arabs are true. But those are mostly African Arabs and niggers.

All of them. I live in a pretty low diversity area. Just goes to show, if they can't kike whites out of jobs with non-whites, they'll kike them out of jobs with downers instead.

The retard is a mongol.

Communism. First they get people to care then they get people to pay.

There's only competition for shit-tier jobs in the first place because of mass-immigration.
Look at the 1950s before it began, you could walk into a job easily.
If it weren't for niggers and immigrants, downies would have a productive place in Western society.
They should be sterilized of course, but racial nationalism doesn't have to be inhumane, we can put our own disabled to work, someone with an IQ of 50 finds mindless manual labour to be interesting and rewarding because, to he or she, it is taxing enough to be engaging.
They can be but are often fertile.

We have very strange definitions of "normal".

How do I avoid to have autistic children?

You don't. If you have kids, sometimes it's just a genetic toss-up. Sort of like wondering why you don't have your mom or dad's ears, but you find an old pic of your great-great-grandfather and have his ears.

Avoid risk factors and the chance will decrease.
Don't put it in day care.
Don't leave it crying when you sit on Facebook.
Play, talk and smile to the child.
Don't be abusive.
If you're a victim of child abuse, reconsider becoming a parent.

Avoid drugs/smoking, marry/fuck early to a healthy virgin below 20. Make sure you aren't masterbaiting frequently to avoid killing strong healthy children. Most importantly, no race mixing. Not saying this as a racist remark but more as a medical one.

That's a hard nut. I've got some general tips that can't hurt at least.

Find a healthy woman below 30. She eats a healthy diet while breastfeeding. Breastfeed for as long as it's natural. Then good, clean food. Clean meat, organic vegetables, varied diet. Bond properly with your child, hold it, hug it, talk to it, laugh with it. Be normal. Don't do the infant vaccination program, you can always choose to give vaccinations later when the child is older and is going to be more out in society.

A certain amount might be genetic, but I agree with the Anons that some (maybe even most) of the cases are environmental. I've followed very interesting unofficial programs where autistic traits are severely lessened by changing diet and teaching people to relate humanely to their children.

This. From the male perspective, you have to choose the best woman.
You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, you can't polish a turd, etc.

user, read this article about how difficult it is to care for them.

Down's disability occurs on a spectrum. Some of them have higher IQ than the average nigger.

That's not an accomplishment.

By "Cold" I really meant "distant" or "absent", but I assume you got that.

Indeed. So in fact, whites haven't lost jobs, just whites you like have lost jobs. As a bonus these people are less dependent on the system so theoretically they could take nothing less in benefits.

I mean, again, I'm against diversity hiring but this is a ridiculous claim you're making right now user.

It's difficult to care for someone with a medical issue, and can be taxing on that family. I never argued against that any more than I'd argue cancer patients cost a lot of resources and can me mentally taxing on their immediate family.

What's your point?


Hey guise I just remembered, on UK television a campaign is currently running, it shows some Down's kids saying "I want to be x,y,z", the girl wants to be a ballet dancer.
The ad is about how unfair it is that we stop them from doing whatever they want.
Going to try to find it but, interesting that this pro-Downs thing could be internationally coordinated.

Keep the mother away from toxic shit while she's pregnant, including things you're told are mild, such as smog or pesticides.

There's no way in hell a person with Down's will have a net positive lifetime tax contribution, considering that even healthy women have a lifetime negative.

Supposedly we’re really close to figuring out how to “turn off” the expression of the extra chromosome in Down individuals. Theoretically, that could mean “fixing” it in the womb and actually improving neurological and physical status in existing individuals.

I long for the good old days, when people with afflictions such as this were left out in the woods for the wolves immediately after birth.

Agreed, it's insane. I remember dating a girl who told me that she was disappointed I wasn't a "regular guy" who liked football and similar bullshit.

I don't know if this is a big part of the problem, but the fear that men are hit with today in being close to or touching toddlers might contribute to this in some small way.

Today, almost all physical affection comes from the mother.

we had a similar thing here in lithuania. it was on a lot of bus stops and just regular ad stands around the city, not sure if it was countrywide though. the poster says "I'm not a down (Down is basically a derogatory term for a person with down's syndrome), im a human/person." Most people ive talked to see this as just stupid and a bad meme though, but id guess there are many people whod agree with this


I frankly don't even understand what you are arguing. I mean, do you think physical illnesses are good as well, since you use that as a counter-argument.

Yeah I don't know if it is either, but in any case it's a fucking mind virus that should be resisted. Nothing wrong with male physical affection in a proper familial way.

Considering I've seen Moonman ban people for pointing out that the tiny UK dependency islands in the Pacific have inbreeding issues, I hardly have opposition to ban evasion.


and do you know that down syndrome comes with a lot of physical ailments, don't you?

some things are just bad.

Someone well off the mean is going to be alienated regardless of how you measure them. Their whole life is nothing but retard wrangling.

Good point.
In fact just this week a new pedophile scandal has broken in the UK.
This time it's football clubs and their youth trainers, so in the UK at least, men will be more reluctant than ever to get involved with children.

perfect timing to take the heat off pizzagate

They effect my bills.

Perhaps if they worked more and therefore required less assistance they would have a net positive tax contribution. Just a thought.

I have never been banned so you know. I can't post a picture or anything because I'm on Tor so you'll have to just take my word for it.

Well since I asked you first, perhaps you clarify your point and that would allow me to clarify mine better.

There are two issues here: firstly, jobs that could be worked by healthy people are being taken by downers; and secondly, just like hiring diversely, wages for that industry are driven down to the lowest-common-denominator charity rate.

One of the preconditions to starting a family is a stable income; it is definitely a factor to be considered when having a second or third child. If healthy whites can't get jobs they can't sustain families. Given this situation, how can you advocate displacing healthy whites with infertile downers, or other undesirables that we wouldn't want breeding?

So women should spend even less time in the home than they currently do.
Are you sure you belong here?

Fetishisation/normalization of disability.
Major propaganda event: Paralympics.
Video example, trigger warning, has burlesque jewish theme.

Birthing a child that's born different is evil, you are sick and i hope you experience God's wraith for not facing reality and playing CREATOR of LIFE. #FuckShillOpinionists

The whole job angle is a bit of a red herring if you ask me. Go back only 50 years and anyone saying that a tard should have a real job would be looked at like he came from the moon. This affirmative action shit is pretty new, would be considered lunacy in 99.9999% of human history, could easily be removed and will be removed in any case as soon as the status quo crashes. Our society isn't stable just because of shit like that.

I agree.

Can confirm, I knew a girl who had a 19 year old tard brother that got caught showing his dick to a five year old and touching her. The police were called and sort of just took him back to his house, told his mom what happened, and left. From the sound of it, it wasn't the first time that this had happened either. It's not the hard evidence you wanted, but I figured I should still throw my own anecdote on the pile.

It's an expression of socialist realism, the belief that feelings and images can shape reality.
If, they believe, we keep showing successful Downs, then Downs will be successful.
They have applied this system to Blacks for decades. The Black doctor, the Black scientist, the Black in the background of every sitcom scene holding a clipboard or giving a White instructions.
But leftist meme magic is weak and requires laws of man to back it up.

What do women have to do with mentally retarded people?

You need it spelled out? Sigh.
If HEALTHY and INTELLIGENT women don't even contribute a net positive tax sum, then how the FUCK are IQ 50 retards going to?
They aren't.
There is no way on earth that a Down's syndrome carrier will ever pay back what he has already cost society by the time he reaches working age.
Making retards economically viable isn't going to happen on any large scale, but they should still get menial jobs before non-Whites (who are also a tax burden.)

Well…. Hotwheels has written a superb piece in the past on why he supports eugenics.

However in some instances the defects could be beneficial or we could learn from it. When our common ancestor split from the common ancestor of other chimps we had one less chromosome. Our common ancestor would likely have been seen as being pretty retarded and far less fertile. However due to a differing number of chromosomes our ancestors were unable early on to interbreed with the ancestors of chimps and gorillas and such and that likely greatly accelerated our own evolution.

Any future human developed will likely have a different chromosome count to prevent being contaminated with native human breeds hopefully. This comment was pretty verbose but I was essentially trying to get across that studying mutations in humans is very good for society, the variation in society can also provide benefits. It is also the sign of a good society as to how well the disabled and retarded are taken care of, whilst they shouldn't breed they should be looked after. I think culling retards can lead to a slippery slope where people try to terminate humans with dodgy genes for teeth, emotion, eyesight etc.and that loss of variation can ultimately be a bad thing.

How did the first of the new species reproduce, given that according to your version of history, it had one less chromosome and was unable to breed with its parents?
Serious question.

It's not even that they really believe it. Deep down as individuals they know it's not true, you'll find that if you prod them a bit one on one. They're just caught in a collective idea that is close to what you describe. It's a cult and that's how cults work.

I like to troll them by making them defend having men and women leagues in chess. Always a bountiful source of salt.

If nothing else, they make excellent grocery baggers.
For some reason a great deal of them seem to be quite astute at sorting physical objects into containers.

This is a kike. He is projecting and avoiding engaging all actual points. Anyone responding is a newfag. No, wanting to try and prove him wrong is not a valid excuse to engage, if you think he won't just commit more shifty, baseless sophistry, you need to lurk moar - the only way to win with a kike is to ignore and continue concrete discussion.

Quick search for you…

This link might explain it.

Basically it was far less fertile but could still breed and it would more likely produce offspring with different chromosomes too.

It would be completely fertile with other individuals with the same number of chromosomes.

If I read the same article you did, the only reason they don't is because they are taken care of buy the government and allowed to be that way because men or whatever.

But perhaps I'm wrong on that and if I am I'd love to see what you have on the issue that I'm missing here.

In their case, you could argue they require these things to stay at home and be mothers, but what does that have to do with the mentally ill whose only critique I've found in this thread is that they aren't productive.

Seems like a catch-22.

At this point I'm arguing as the Devil's Advocate. I already mentioned and will mention again I don't support any diversity hiring scheme and that includes the disabled.

Here's the one

I actually skipped a few. Want to try to be fair to those who are legitimate, and get a jab in at those who aren't sometimes.

Anyway, the specific area that was talked about was a hypothetical scenario intended to be extreme. I couldn't prove either end if I wanted to because I intended the scenarios to fall outside the norm. See: "best" and "worse". In the user whom you're quoting's case, his entire post hinged on that theory. While mine was a question, and questions don't normally need to be backed up even if I could have, his was a statement, and thus needs some factual basis or something other than opinion and conjecture or else I can't argue him, because if I did it would be opinion vs. opinion at that point.

If you're legitimate, you can reply back to me and we can dig into the topic a bit more.

I can attest to this, the downie that sometimes bags my groceries does it really well. niggers are fucking awful at it. no surprise there

I will point out…

It is a huge oddity and definitely not normal but down syndromed individuals also have a bell curve with their intelligence and you can get some downsyndromed individuals (approximately 1%) with their IQ in the 70-80 range.

Indeed and that is easily done. Just lay the trap of getting them to acknowledge that IQ matters ('low IQ trump voters/science proves right-wingers have lower IQ etc') then spring it "What about Blacks and people with Down's?". Suddenly IQ doesn't matter again, or the test is flawed, or it's biased.
Someone posted a video about that the other day, except the example was Wimbledon tennis.

I support giving jobs like that to the disabled, so long as they are competent. Given that we aren't going to murder people with Down's, something has to be done with them… and the humane/economically responsible compromise seems to be to limit their impact on society while balancing that with a reasonable quality of life.
White Down's should absolutely get hired before Blacks, the IQ difference isn't so great and the propensity for violence is much less.

Thanks, I will check that out after I post. Seems pretty unlikely chain of events though. Now I know, "millions of years, millions of reactions" etc, but the human population of the world was really much lower than most people realize. For full disclosure I don't believe the accepted theory of human evolution, I believe we are Neanderthal hybrids and that Neanderthal was more intelligent than we are today. Negroes are not the same species as us.

No one mentioned the mentally ill. Down's is not a mental illness, it is a genetic defect.
I haven't retrieved stats but, prima facie, the sums just don't work. A Down's costs society dearly from birth, special education, special medical care, the tax of the healthy sibling whose slot in society it is occupying (most parents won't have an extra child to compensate, if they were going to have two, they will keep the Down's and have 1 healthy.)
How can all of this be repaid by a minimum wage job? Plus while it is working, it is still receiving government monies.
Neither do I, but I could have worded it better. Excluding Blacks from the workplace isn't diversity hire. Remove minorities and the jobs for the disabled (for because hardly anyone of normal functioning would choose such a minimum wage job over a job better suited to their abilities) automatically become available.

Yes I know that but the relevance of IQ breaks down a bit when you apply it to a Downer.
An otherwise healthy White man with an IQ of 80 will be much more capable than a Down's syndrome sufferer with an IQ of 80, due Down's being, as the name suggests, a syndrome, that's to say, a multitude of problems.

I prefer the older men to marry. Sorry I don't know why that I don't find the younger men than me appealing. I guess I can't use my egg to procreate. Is the IVF assistance possible or should I just forget it and become a crazy cat woman? What a scary fate for the childless ladies.

I capped your posts. Thank for the information anons.

I honestly think these are the ones worst off. The ones who drool around and are completely content just watching cartoons all day have decent enough lives of a sorts, but the top 1% of tardkin, their very existence is a fucking abuse.

They are self aware to the degree that they understand they will never fit in properly with society, will never have a normal girlfriend, will never have a family, will never have a real job. They know they are someone's pet and while not capable enough to resist, and still often having a good nature, you can sense their resentment at the world deep downs in there.

It's good that you are concerned for the well being of your future offspring. As a quick sidenote I'd advice against IVF, it's too new to know the full ramifications of for future generations. Finding some acceptable stud shouldn't be too hard. That said, you know the drill. What you should, here in this community, is tits or gtfo.

what do Holla Forums?

Since I'm posting again I'm going to waste a little space here to also comment on the fact that responded to a series of posts that have long since been debated and discarded in the conversation just to chastise me for disrupting the flow and constructiveness of the conversation, while doing so themselves.

It causes problems in the brain. It's an illness to the brain, and thus can be referred to as a mental illness in an informal sense. Although I meant mentally disabled.

How could it be repaid by having a minimum wage job? Well, for starters, stop government handouts to them and their caretakers. They'd have to buy one for themselves. If they are really low functioning to almost vegetable levels, I can see where that might be a problem, and in that instance I can see their cost outweighing them benefit, although that's strictly objective. In this case, though, we are talking about an individual well enough to work, so cut the government benefits. They hire a caretaker, so then no one's slot is taken in society and in fact a new job is created. Perhaps even mandate that children of the parent are not allowed to care for the disabled if it means turning down an otherwise productive job, unless that disabled can't work of course.

Quality posts and tor continue to be like oil and water.

Well how one classifies species is always a bit odd. You could make a case for the negro and european races being a different species. Just as polar bears and grizzly bears are separate species and can interbreed. Nothing I have said about the chromosme stuff invalidates the fact that there is about 5% Neanderthal DNA prevalent in human populations out of Africa as Neanderthals had the same chromosome number as us and the common ancestor of Neanderthals.

There is a huge variation in races geographically located though as when we spread across the globe there was essentially less than 1 million humans. Vid related.

(you screwed up your first post link btw)

It should actually be pretty possible to avoid the mental retardation caused by downsyndrome in the years 0-2 and make the sufferer have essentially normal IQ levels. I think it is caused by high hydrogen peroxide levels causing excessive apoptosis of neurons which can be mitigated. I haven't looked into this much but I somehow know that fact.

Down's is not a mental illness. It isn't even in the DSM.
Ok, the situation you describe is one where the parents fund the support of their child (carer). The child isn't really being productive, it's relying on its parents.
Most parents can't afford that. And about minimum wage jobs, the taxpayer funds those to keep the corporations in business anyway. Minimum wage jobs don't pay a living wage, the government has to top it up with taxpayer money. This is basically welfare for corporations. Granted, this applies to anyone in such a job and not specific to the disabled.
You can think of a scenario where they aren't a drain on society but in most cases they are going to be, because average households can't afford to hire a full time carer. Even if the mother goes to work, then what - she is working to pay the carer, clinics etc - to support a societal dead end. It's a lot of wasted labor and money all around.

I don't really disagree with your post, government, or, let's call it what it is, taxpayers, should not be funding other people's freaky child projects, that should be up to the parents - if they can't pay then abort.

Down's syndrome gestations are at an all-time high, the number entering society is being only kept in check by an increase in prenatal screening and euthanasia (abortion.)

By the way, carers are unproductive.
They produce nothing.
That person who is now caring for a Downie because the wages were persuasive, is now lost to the economy.

You've wholesale ignored the points in these posts, kike:

No, responding to a specific and conveniently irrelevant selection of the post (as you did mine and those latter two) does not constitute addressing them. Here's your lawyer's caveat: if you're not a kike, you certainly argue like one, kike.

Blacks don't have 5% Neanderthal, they don't have any, that's the point.
The link works fine. It's supposed to be copied and pasted.

I was talking about marrying under 20 virgin females. For men it's not a huge problem with age only females due to eggs decreasing in quality with age. Think of it this way: men are like wine since with age they gain experience, women are like milk and will gain nothing as they get older.

they aren't even trying to hide it

You know, when you look at the chart of Down's syndrome live births, it becomes apparent that this whole "catering to and adapting society to better serve Downies" is predominately, vastly, overwhelmingly about pandering to the whims of women who waited far too long to have children.
The cost of their bad decision is passed onto the taxpayer.

Nice debate thread;
Pro life vs abortion
Role of society and genetics

It has strayed a bit from OP suspecting that there was an agenda behind down syndrome normalization in advertisements. On that topic though I think they would only be there if it helps the image of the company and sells whatever they are promoting.

I said human populations out of Africa.

I was agreeing with you, Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens have the same common ancestor regardless and that common ancestor had the same number of chromosomes. The ancestors of Neanderthals left Africa first and then evolved independently and then interbred and were outbred by the Homo Sapiens leaving africa later. (Like today?)

I meant you fucked up your post link as it is is going to the wrong post.

Don't you watch the Televitz, user?
White men, all White men, are bumbling retarded buffoons.
So what sort of child do you expect to come from such a man's loins.
Clearly a White woman should find a healthy, virile Black buck if she wants to avoid Down's.

I think 20 is a bit too hard a cut-off point. Not a bad idea considering having many children and the like, but it's not all that bad considering autism and retardation a good while after that.

Oh right, apologies.
Maybe, or maybe convergent evolution leads to humanoid form.

You shouldn't feel bad if you don't marry before like 30 though, that's a normal and respectable age to marry for several social and economic reasons. Still very low risk of an medical issues and it will always be better to raise a child in a stable home.

You're certainly hell-bent on preventing this thread from being derailed by posting such quality. Heck, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were projecting your own lack of quality onto me, and then calling me a name! But, heck, those kinds of tactics are never used for people you don't like. Especially not on imageboards or Holla Forums in general.

If those people would like me to look over their posts again, they're welcome to do so. I will likely have the same answers I had before, but perhaps not with a through once over. But since those topics have long since ended and those posters likely not even in the thread anymore it seems pointless for me to go back and attempt to re-debate every post I responded to, especially if it's only to satisfy a hypocrite such as yourself.

Since you're unwilling to do so, I'll disengage you.

For a man, yes.
Only since the middle of the 20th century. For the rest of human history it would constitute delayed marriage, such a woman would have difficulty finding a husband by then.
By 30 years of age, the typical woman has lost 90% of her ovarian reserve and those eggs which remain are of a lower, degraded quality.
(((social and economic reasons))) don't trump biology. The Jew created these conditions specifically to reduce White fertility rate.


still pretty normal for a man to be a handful of years older than his wife

For most of human history, the age of the husband hasn't been an issue. What made a socially acceptable husband was virility, wealth and social status, the last two tend to INCREASE with age.
Only since the 20th century has this concern about "maximum age gap" arisen.
It's a different story for women, not only because of their biology but because choices reflect personality. A woman who chooses a career over having children and caring for a house and husband has a set of priorities which are not traditionally sought in a wife.

It's idiots like you guys pushing the age limit higher. Lower than 20 or bust.

I don't get that. Is that some sort of "men stick together to shame gurls to marry young" thing or something? If a guy marries a 21 year old woman and proceed to have lots of children with her, has he done something wrong in your world?

Not him but:

Women lose 90% of eggs by age 30.
Peak health has already passed by 20.

I get that. In an optimal world I do agree. I just think that right now it's not a good idea for the white people with some resistance left in their bones to go with something that is pretty unrealistic in the current world we live with.

Make do with what you have and work for a better future or something?

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for autistic children.

Are you of the opinion that Neanderthals did not come out of Africa or that they were more distantly related to humans than other primates?

I mean the effect of the neanderthal DNA on races out of Africa is very substantial but the common ancestor to neanderthals and sapiens was still very humanoid. Neanderthals and Sapiens were not some distant species that evolved from different primates seperately and then interbred, They were essentially cousins. If Neanderthals were around today they would probably be labeled humans in all likelihood to keep the whole "All races are equal mantra going on".

You seem like someone who likes these discussions though, if you ever want to infuriate people and race bait them ask them;

If they answer no ask them about half Gorillas and then a quarter gorillas until they say yes and then get them to admit that Gorillas should be given the same rights.
(remember to remind them that saying no is essentially racist.)

It is a very fun can of worms, like that user said earlier about male vs female chess leagues.

Where a man has a choice, he should choose the best wife.
There are reasons other than purely biological too.
The older the bride, the more likely she is to have had more sexual partners and thus the more likely the marriage is to fail.
If a man has a choice between a 16-year-old virgin and a 20-year-old with sexual experience, the wise man should choose the virgin, assuming he lives somewhere that optimal marriage age has not been outlawed.

Pic related

The Down Syndrome kid is the least alarming thing about that pic user

Of course I agree on this. The thing is that most Anons aren't going to have the choice. Aren't enough young girls that fits the criterias (like proper pair bonding, which most of them will experience and waste on boys in school,) at this moment.

Better that a Holla Forumsack have 1 child with a 25 year old than no children by a 20 year old.

As the faggot activates his high-powered trollshield.

I don't have stats handy, but age is an issue with men as well. Defects go up, especially past 40 or so. plus realistically, think about having a kid when you are 40, and he or she graduates high school when you are 58

I don't have a concrete belief on the matter because new information is constantly coming to light. One thing is for sure however, Blacks and Whites are not the same species.

This is the tactic which leftists use to trap racialists into supporting miscegenation, but they use the example of Black admixture.
"What about 1/4? no? 1/8th? 1/16th? 1/32? yes? 1/32nd is ok? cool" as soon as you give them an anchor point, they work to establish agreement on increasingly high levels of admixture until full race-mixing is condoned.
It's a slippery slope that actually exists.
Then you probably won't be shocked to learn that in the UK there is currently serious discussion happening about the total abolition of custodial sentences for women. One of the factors being used to argue in favour of this is the fact that the majority of female prisoners are Black.
tl;dr this line of reasoning is already being applied by leftists.

This is interesting:

I've noticed that Kmart, Target and Big W have all recently running the same ad formats.

What a (((coincidence)))!

I really dont see why you care about this. Literally no one will buy into this because in reality all downs are drooling, cross-eyed mongoloids with a bad temper.

What has reality got to do with the effectiveness of propaganda?

Only insane or dumb people will buy into this silly meme.

We are the most caring people on earth. We understand the burden of the task ( of removing Jude ) before us, and shoulder all the knowledge past mundane daily drivel required to stomach this insanity we deal with. And we choose to do the duty of saving the world and the white race; we COULD just say fuck that, but we don't, because it must be done. For that same reason many people here you'll find are some of the most supportive and caring you'll ever meet.

I hate getting mushy gushy but in a sense we are a family.


One day I a talk with a old woman. Her daughter had shacked up with a nigger who beat her and by which she had a kid, and her son was an adult retard (which I got to met, as he came out of whatever make-busy activity he was in in the local neighborhood association. She was a cuckstian, you could see the pain in her eyes as she told me about this. Said building is now a mosque, BTW.

HAHAHA even better. After you establish that Gorillas are equal to humans you completely shit on their views. You can break the argument down to any animal really with humans with that argument. The idea is to get them to admit that a line must be drawn somewhere. The whole leftist argument is trying to avoid drawing any line at all. If you can establish that even if gorillas could interbreed with humans they are still inferior you have incepted the idea of rational racism into their mind.

You don't even have to profess it yourself, you can use lines like "A lot of smart people could infer from this reasoning that X is true.

If you haven't I think you should also just read some wikipedia on Homo Sapiens.

You might like this?

Amping up our compassion. Preparing us for when the deported spics abandon their brainless Zika babies here for us to take care of at a cost of $10million each per year. And you thought downies were expensive.

Notice how we don't hear much about them anymore after that few months of Zika panic and the newborn flathead pics came out? Just wait until February rolls around and hospital workers feel comfortable speaking out about the very high amount being born here everyday to illegal aliens.

Will check that out, thanks.

Underrated posts

I'd rather not let mothers abort their potentially retarded children, let eugenics do that job for them

That is incredibly depressing user.

you mean a PA?
nearly all 140+ people manage to hold/employ at least a couple people.

also romance is an easy way to get somebody to do your stuff

you can also hit the altruism angle for many things. keep lots of people available since you cant do it all the time. and obviously the task must be dignified.

and then there is the entirety of companies and businesses

remember 140+ is 0.6%

Whatever people tell you, the reason is much simpler than this.

It's simply a fight between SJWs - who's more inclusive than everyone else. It's just about bragging on dumblr that they are 'better' SJW than the other guy.

Nah, she saw us as fellow travelers at best.

Please do.

You have no idea how isolating it is to only be able to see 0.6% of people as intellectual equals.

I guess you weren't here for our brainless baby threads. I was going to find the pic of the first Zika baby born in the US from A honduran mother who just made it here in time to give birth. Turns out the family went back to Honduras. Ah but there's a catch. They plan to come back. I think they're just trying to look like decent people in the hopes that Trump will shine his light of benevolence on them. Plus their Zika kid is an American citizen, as the article here reminds us several times. Poor older boy, his life will suck.

There's more. This whole situation and this article is a mind fuck of propaganda.
I always thought it was interesting that the grandmother is a microbiologist. Not exactly scraping for food. And a really nice house in the pics.

wtf I like downies now

It fits in with their whole ideology. Feminism makes more women ride the cock carousel for longer when they're younger with no consequences from society and when they finally catch a beta provider male when they're 40, they shit out one kid for him who ends up being mentally deficient and then the mom divorces the husband and raises the kid even worse than it could have been raised. Notice how there is a rising number of autistic kids with feminism and that their mothers are usually abnormally old?
Does anyone remember that anti-Trump commercial with the mom and her autistic child watching the clip of Trump mocking the disabled reporter and getting triggered about it? Well that's a classic example of an old single mother raising one autistic kid. Vid related: here's a link to it since it's unlisted now. One of you guys could reupload it or make a webm of it
the mom kind of looks like a kike btw, so this could all be faked.

Why are normies so unreasonable? We just want to kill all people below 100 IQ… it just so happens that niggers take up a big percentage


connect the dots, user

Well, at least (((their))) tactics are a double edged sword, but I get the feeling that the kid is just some white woman's autistic kid that she used for the video.

Why is there a potato with those kids?

I'm not the only one who, every time, when I see a down syndrome person think "UH MAH NURRRHHH" followed by the Shakaron song every fucking time right?

I can't help it, it's so fucking funny.

I always get reminded of the 'put the chromosome in the bag and nobody gets hurt' image when I see a tard

Why this? everyone is already so sensitive to potatos, they treat them like puppies.

Believe or not, the kid is normal

You know the effects of nuclear atmosfery? after the WW3, these people would be the new standard of beauty.

That kid looks so fucking uncomfortable it isn't funny.


Not to mention is just torture for them. But humanists need to pat themselves on the back like they are doing something just and noble. The parents that give birth to them and raise them even know how they are gonna turn out from prenatal testing are just broken.

my older brother has severe autism. anyone with a retarded child who says they are happy is a liar



Leftypol or CTR trying to D&C Christians and Holla Forumslacks.

Kill it with showel

Fucking christcucks

Christcucks are militantly anti abortion because it increases their numbers so much



how is america not going to have retarded babies when you breed at like 40 years old, and with niggers on top of that


this is the truth

Why are you sageing then :^)

this is pretty weak bait



That post was incredible my man. Very well said, friend.

Don't you have foreskins to offer to YHVH?

kys lad, don't pussify my hurtbox.

You are a jew, its not normalizing retardation, its the retard being white, and the others being disgusting mongrels.


There is a big difference between physical disabilities due to birth defect or an accident and genetic ones. Most of the people on that video suffer the first. Calling them übermensch may be taking it too far, but they are indeed an example of overcoming adversity. Downies are mutants.

its all about shekels. they know white birth rates have fallen and the only ones wanting kids are again, older boomer who can now only have retards, the younger people are too burdened by debt.
I also noticed in the jewsish show Workaholics, there is a retarded character that works with them. More pushing the "all inclusive" mulicult bullshit for normies to eat up.
what a horrible fate. Their parents could have ended it but they chose to keep the baby. Fuck everyone.

Who are you quoting?

More like under 12 if you actually want a virgin

Literally blanda upp

Also, rice-mix offspring have high rate of downs / other problems

underrated post

This one?

literally what

I calculated the total cost of Down Syndrome (in California) per case.

Data (also cited in pic related):
Calculator using CPI:

At a 5% discount rate, Down syndrome costs $2,044,000 per case.

You demoralize shills seem to lower the "virgin age" more and more every time you post.

White supremacy means white rule of white countries. If you don't understand why it is important for a people to be autonomous you should just fucking kill yourself, you useless faggot. And take your retards with you.

Well western women are giving it up at younger and younger ages these days

Having worked IT at an organization that works with these people, I have to disagree, unless you are very liberal with your definition of "functional".

First of all, the institutionalized ones. Just using the term "institutionalized" isn't enough to drive home just what these retards truly mean. These are people who sit in darkened rooms, motionless, shitting themselves, oblivious to the worker feeding them and wiping drool from their mouths as they stare at the fucking weather channel, all day, every day, forever.

Then you get to the violent ones, the literal animals. Picture a 20-something retard wrangler woman. You can tell she was bright and energetic when she took this job a short while ago, but today, she's scowling and looks like death would be sweet relief. The tard she has to wrangle communicates mostly in shrieks and screams. She eats a plate of mashed potatoes, and most of it gets on her face and shirt. In response to this, she screams and repeatedly bangs her palm on the table as hard as she can. Finally the wrangler just yells at the tard to put her plate in the sink. The retard drops it in the sink from a height of three feet. Miraculously it doesn't break, but it makes a loud noise. The tard screams in anger, and bangs her palm on the counter over and over. It's only now that you notice that her palm is BEAT red.

This is the REAL reality of what retards turn into. When you see the little retard at the fundraiser saying "buuuuh I wanna be a doctah", and her delusional/acting social worker beaming "AWWWW SHE HAS GOALS, DONATE PLEASE", this is what they turn into. And wrangling them is paid for, in part, by hard earned taxpayer dollars.

Now, there are slightly higher functioning ones, suited at most to tearing your ticket at the theater. But what do you call higher functioning? The adults I've seen still need wranglers. They still can't hold conversations, they still need their wrangler working supervision at their job. They will still randomly just moan out "daaaad", in a soulless voice, even though the father has been dead for three years. You may call them "high functioning", but all modern science would struggle to deem them self aware.

The worst part? Not only are those jobs ones that students could be taking to scrape up tuition, but the homes these tards are given are always, ALWAYS in great, safe, low cost neighborhoods. Shopping is near, employment is near, even a school is near, nice little yard, absolutely perfect for a young couple to start a family and live in for a decade, easy. But that house is now off the market, essentially for an entire generation, to make room for a retard who has never truly been alive.

They are little more than a complete drain on society, whether institutionalized or "higher functioning", and ALL of them should be euthanized at birth.

It is important to note that life expectancy increased drastically since these costs were calsulated.


ain't it odd that a downie can talk spanish and not have the dumpy lisp like they do when they talk english? I wonder if it means something.

Nice classical form there.
t. Artfag

What a (((coincidence))). Stop noticing stuff from other countries not reported in the news, goyim!

The doctors told my parents my youngest sister would have some type of mental problem and they suggested they abort her. They didn't and we got lucky she came out fine. grace of god tbh

the only merciful path is abortion before they have a chance at consciousness

assuming it's because people are too afraid to correct them when they are speaking their native language, but they actually try to teach them the correct way to say things for the second language.

wait this is in africa, disregard

spotted the digital marxist, GPL shill go and stay go

Usually one will have his best interactions with people within a standard IQ deviation, so within ~15 points. I've determined that around 130 points, people begin to use a different method of thinking than those under that score. I postulate that it has something to do with coding information using visual memory space in the brain. So of course people who can't do that (everyone

What you're describing is the very low end of mental retardation, we're talking IQ 60 or below. Those are not the majority of mentally handicapped or the ones with learning disabilities.

There are many people who are mentally retarded and still live decent lives, I used to work with one that was legally retarded (IQ of 68) and he had a wife and kids. Now granted the dude was total fucking moron, could barely do basic math and had a very hard time reading, but he was a good dad and really tried his hardest to provide. His kids were astoundingly not retarded so I suppose his mental handicap was recessive but i'm no expert on that subject.

My older brother has autism and I basically raised him. I'm the only person he really talks to and i'm pretty much his only friend. He has a lot of trouble doing stuff that should be simple, he doesn't have the ability to drive a car, but he works and is apparently a great employee from what his foreman told me. He can be a huge pain in the ass but I love him.

I don't think you need to euthanize tards at birth, that's ultimately the parents decision and honestly the horror story cases you hear about are very small percentages of the overall spread.


Kill yourself.

So you're one of them?

Every time.

A woman, upon becoming a mother, has more important things to worry about than looking good for the beach. Such as, you know, raising children properly and being faithful to her same-race husband.

Our ancestors knew what to do before (((they))) controlled mainstream social discourse.

Pics related.

that number is grossly inflated. I haven't seen a single figure that puts the cost of raising a tard at 1 million a year.

the highest estimate came from the department of agriculture and they put it at around 240,000 a year.

I took both the WAIS-IV test and Stanford-Binet achieving a mean of 148. Both were administered by psych profs in college. I don't have many friends and do view the world differently, albeit in a non-autistic way.

Yep, it's a horror show. All you can do is let other people know not to ruin their lives by following the same path.

A well written post user. That's the hard, cold reality of it.

I came across multiple downies as a substitute teacher. Sure they had their own tard room and partners and what not, but a lot of them were friendly and/or hilarious. So I can see the drainage argument, but if there's one in family that takes care of him, who cares. They can be enriching in a different way besides economically. Watch 'Up Syndrome'. That dudes awesome.

I guess there's a functioning spectrum. Low would be fucking death. High would be alright in a family.

They can be parents too!

Not to say the mods shouldn’t be killed, just that the point stands.

And reported.

I've never met a kid with Down Syndrome that wasn't a fantastic person. And they make great memes They are just retarded. Many of them can preform basic labour jobs with little supervision and many of them have IQs higher than the avg African and all of them are more intelligent than Abos

show me a downs produced meme as proof of your claim


he's got u there m8

They are genetic dead-ends who pose no threat to the kikes.

They want us to accept and become retards, that is the problem. Always look at the major picture, not at some anecdotal feel-good evidence.

Sorry to upset you

color me impressed lad

Are you saying we can be transformed into Retards by the Jews via Talmudic Magikkk?



The only threat that the severely retarded pose is being a Jewish mouthpiece and taking up too much space and consuming too much food during wartime. In the end they could prove useful in certain situations provided they're functional enough. Just don't let them breed. Dear god, DO NOT LET THEM BREED!


Do you speak Spanish, m8? She might have a lisp which isn't noticeable to non-Spanish speakers.

Or maybe not - I see the point you're making.

Who knows? At least the Downs kids didn't choose to be that way, unlike the homosecks. I'm far more enraged by the implied race-mixing. There isn't a girl alive who can be tricked into letting a downey get her pregnant, but they all seem to fucking fall for the miscegenation bullshit.


I'm a tard wrangler, and I can share some short stories:

Worst case I had: working with an autistic, heavily retarded client. Can't speak. Literally sounds like a zombie off of the early resident evil games. Moans very loud when he was stressed (a spoon wasn't in the right place… or some shit like that). Ate 30+ pills a day, but still managed to attack me on a daily basis. Preferred to pinch and would occasionally bite when he got desperate. One time, he started frantically shaking the door knob to the bathroom while I was taking a shit. I declared "gimme like two minutes", but he didn't get it because he was a brain-dead abomination. I hear awful farting and squirting sounds outside the bathroom door, then hear some thuds. This fucker sharted and launched logs all over the carpet… I come out and the logs were missing. He wrapped his turds up in his dirty laundry and hid them in places around the house because he was ashamed. The rest of the shift, I was scrubbing carpet and doing the vilest of tasks… all for $12 an hour. Things kept getting worse with this client until I eventually just started manhandling him and yelling at him like a dog every time he tried to attack me. He eventually got institutionalized.

Favorite client: Retarded 50 year old man. Has hilarious fits of rage where he cusses people out and occasionally yells "nigger" at the top of his lungs. Paints model cars all day… these cars have like 30 coats of paint on them and they look awful. Worst part about this guy is his bathroom hygiene. He's too lazy to wipe his ass and he has shit caked to his legs and buttcheeks in the morning when a "bath aide" comes in to clean him in the morning. Good sense of humor on this guy & he isn't that awful. (Regardless… all of these people deserve death. Two years at this job has turned me into a eugenics guy. These individuals are social leeches and they aren't "alive" like most people. Their lack of awareness makes them numb to issues. All they will ever know: shallow joys, shallow defeats, shallow victories, shallow sadness. So shallow that it doesn't feel genuine when one of these guys is talking about losing a parent, loved one, etc.)

Schizophrenic client with mild retardation. It really felt awkward to be around this guy. 6'4" & 380 lbs. Yelled at voices in his basement. I recall a couple of one-liners he emitted that would make me chuckle. Stuff like: "I heard that bitch was a fuckin lesbian!!!", "I'll knock your head clean off your shoulders with a 9,000 lb slap!!!", and "Obama!? Don't talk to me like Obama is the 3rd Jesus Christ, you little bitch!".

I have a few more clients that I've worked with, but it's all just more of the same…

Its a reference to the Jewish lady who cheated on her husband with a wheelchair bound black retard with the mental age of a todler. She'd suck his dick after changing his diaper. Was convinced that he could communicate and used "facilitated communication" to prove he was a Harvard-educated black gentleman who happened to have a romantic interest in her.

Crazy bitch.

Lovely bunch them in the first pic.


uhhh wtf call the jurassic park, teredactyls got lose


The average nigger was also counted as being in the mentally retarded range until the bar was pushed down after much whining.


This is nothing new. They've been doing this since at least the 90's.

ALL Downies I knew were violent brutes. Some proto-SJWs had the idea to to put their class along with normal kids in my grade school, making the school life a living hell for both parties.

You're an idiot.

Yea more schiz phrases. Those are great.


You don't often see the more surly Downies because they are by nature anti-social. They tend to be the ones who have more normal intelligence oddly enough, so they're smart enough to be aware of their dysfunction and hate those more crippled than them and be envious of the rest of us.


No, because we are going to end the kikes before that happens.

Was the doctor a Jew?

I wouldn't put it past a kike doctor to suggest aborting an otherwise healthy white child, because it 'might have complications'. It's the ultimate black-pill for a couple. I don't think it would work particularly well on couples trying for their first child, because if they went with the advice and choose to abort, they will most likely try again anyway. But for a couple in your parents' position that already have a child, this is a really, really sinister way to jew them out of having more children. There's a good chance that if your parents had followed the doctor's advice and chosen to abort your sister, they'd have thought 'well, we were lucky to have one healthy baby, let's quit while we're ahead', and not try for another. It's a great way to keep the goyim's birthrate below replacement.

Worse, there's inbuilt plausible deniability protecting the doctor. Detecting these problems before birth is an inexact science at best, and working with probabilities. And a couple that decides to proceed with the pregnancy, despite protestation from the doctor, is so overjoyed that their kid was born healthy, free of defects, that they would be unlikely to accuse the doctor for malpractice. Even if they did, it wouldn't go anywhere. The doctor could simply shrug and say 'we were only X% certain the child would have complications'.

Thinking through this right now is enough to convince me NEVER to trust a Jew doctor. Or any non-white doctor, for that matter. Sometimes we get stuck for choice when it comes to specialists. But if a non-white doctor ever gives 'bad news' about a pregnancy, it would be wise to get a second opinion from a white doctor before taking action.

Is there even a more perfect example of Jewish sophistry than the projection of one's own projection?

You'll notice my initial post was not addressed to you, and if you weren't so new, you'd know none of my subsequent responses ever treated you as their audience. Slink home, kike.

I see no difference between this and including a dog in the photo. Obviously the other two are the white ones pets

Thats a pretty good deal for a backpack imo

This is actually really cruel of Kmart. People could take this ad and remix it to demoralize the kids

9000-LB SLAP

Gas the downies, Aspergerian masterrace

Yep, there you go. 45 years later and their life is in ruins. What a fucking disaster. Putting a Down's Syndrome tard on a flight is a flip of the coin. Maybe he'll be in a good mood and deal with the difficulties even semi-sane persons go through on an airplane or most likely, you'll end up being thrown out. No sympathies for these people. They should have known better.

Fifty years of this. For real. Had the LP's at one point but they were destroyed long ago.

Why leave it to suffer? Why not just bash its head in?


I Never had that experience. The only violent brutes coming from the Special-Ed classes that I saw were the Fetal Alcohol guys which is terrifying because they look normal at a glance

This was supposed to be the third image

I'm warning all you wannabe eugenicist fags now not to fuck with autism genes. Obviously abort Down's, and genetically eliminate other retardations, but we need the autists. Autism has significant genetic component, and there are reasons that it wasn't selected against by evolutionary forces. Small amount of autism in population is advantageous as fuck for hunting, crafting and medicine in hunter gatherer society, and essential for technological progress in civilization. The spergs and high functioning autists are invaluable to us if raised well, and so the low functioning autists are a necessary burden. For a related reason, it might be bad to eliminate schizo and depressive genes.


We need our own homeland tbh.

I swear autism is like a super power. Like those autists if you give a jar of seeds they know the exact amount.

We are the chosen of kek, and he has shared with me a prophecy. MAGA is just the beginning; within two decades, we will have eradicated all corruption and degeneracy in Eumerica. Then we help the Europeans build their good volk. As reward, we are given the moon. There, we live with our machines, and in our ecodomes and lunar caverns, we establish an autistic patriarchal meritocracy. In exchange for our knowledge, guidance and technology, we accept waifus from all good peoples of Earth. Through genetic engineering, only male offspring are allowed and optimal autism is maintained. With our isolation and technological supremacy, we become the ayys. As benevolent guides, we will ensure the future strength and prosperity of humanity. All peoples of Earth will have their volks, and we will prevent interpeople conflict. The races compete annually, to see which among them can produce the greatest men and women in all categories of human endeavour. At last, in the blessed year of 2222, we will leave the father planet and lead the ubervolk in galactic conquest. Screenshot this for posterity. Kek absolutely wills it.

Does management even give a shit about the clients or is being a tard wrangler/hospice just a con to sucker money from well meaning suckers?


make yourself a list of (((their))) companies.

here's the top 3 from mine


That father in the first pic looks so defeated. The woman should be sterilized. Her kids, too.

Your first green text was clearly the case of a kid that lacked parental discipline, more precisely to have a strong dad-like figure that can fucking put him in his place in life.
IMHO the best way to calm a stupid/autistic person down is to put them in their place; i dont mean to kick their ass but to show them that authority is not about domination, its about making people grow by giving them a "hierarchical grid" they can use as a base to reach higher ground, something that is clearly absent in the modern societies.

I wonder sometimes if mild sperginess (the more useful than retarded kind) is simply Teutonic personalities in a society that is not all Teutonic. That's different from full-on needs-a-tard-wrangler Autism. And autism was identified by kikes.

What the fuck happened to being eccentric? Am I just too poor to be eccentric?

lmao that pic

Its a PR front such as with black people, really they want to have eugenics and eliminate them.

Its part of an agenda to push abortion and sterilization like we had back in the 30s with sanger and the useless eaters.


The only good potato is a dead potato.

I mean, spoilers, Oedipus Rex is basically about how bad things can get when you don't put a baby to death yourself.

everyone takes the easy nice way out and then twenty years later you have regicide, incest, and self blinding. all because people wanted the easy way out. Better to smash the baby on the rocks then damn them all to this fate. Or at least that's what I think the author meant.


Spud Lives Matter

I like to hear more stories from tard wranglers please.

No, what that is doing is subliminal messaging that the white is the retard.

We know what you're up to ==kikes==

Wow. Honestly, good one, a propaganda hat trick.

I never heard this before but it makes sense and is worth looking more into. I have high functioning Aspergers and I was a C-section baby while my sister came out normally and is fine. Probably not maternal age related either because my sister is younger.

My mom was in labor for 18 hours and I came out backwards so they had to cut me out

We really need to meme eugenics back into popularity. Keeping alive genetic wastes and not aborting them is one of the issues where Christcucks and libshits agree.

Don't you have Islamic immigrants to flood a white community with, pastor?



fucking saved

you have to go back

You show no signs of intelligence, double-retard.

I'm still here, fuckface. Bet you didn't count on that.

This so much. I've seen so many parents of kids with downs, more severe forms of Autism, and the like with ruined lives, as they struggle to swallow the reality that their kid will never be a successful and productive contribution to society, and instead a 3 year old trapped in a mans body all their life.

It's just as bad as (if not worse than) their kid being confined to a hospital bed or group home all their life or living on a life support machine because of either a serious illness or a life threatening injury (think near drowning or a car/plane crash) that robbed them of any hope they had of living a normal life.

The most they'll ever be able to do in life is stack shelves at Wal-Mart, run a ticket booth at the local theme park, and work in fast food. In those professions, employers can make an easy diversity hire for a consumer facing position while never letting them fuck anything up in a higher level position.

i pray that one day i will care about and gain as much fulfillment from anything as much as that maltese dude does from potato

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot.

I can't even be around a retard and feign concern, it's like a bad joke that I can't help but laugh at.

This is the only problem. Let live the ones who are already around as they will eventually die and they don't propagate, but in the womb, all tards should be aborted. People who willingly birth and then maintain them are signing their own lives away.

Schizophrenia is a catch all term for 5 different clusters of symptoms, each of which is highly correlated with a different cluster of mutations affecting the brain.
I don't doubt there is an environmental component. I would remain unsurprised if most of the explanatory variation was environmental. But claiming no biological foundation is foolish. Virtually everything about people is nature and nurture.
You should tell me more about the environmental causes of schizophrenia please.

Nigger detected
Basically a NEET

My wife works with a retard who has Angelman's Syndrome. That's much worse than Down Syndrome. The woman she takes care of has to be babysat 24/7. Guess who's tax dollars pay for all of that? Not her parents. If she's alone for even 5 fucking minutes the retard tries to walk by herself. She'll make it about 8 steps before she inevitable falls into something.
She is in the hospital constantly, and is on a host of medications. Bitch can't even eat and drink by herself. If I had to guess her in-home care costs at least $250,000 per year, not including medical and other bills.
This is a real retard. This person will never contribute anything to society.

On another note, I haven't seen a white child under the age of 12 with Down Syndrome in years. Unfortunately, what I do see often are Mexican babies with it constantly. They are the only ones that still by that Catholic shit about not having abortions.

That man should be arrested. Seriously, that might be worse than Muslim cousin-fucking.

I never took such a test but I was always top 1% in standardized testing. Accounting for year over year variation in cohorts, I estimate I'm in the top 2-3% of Americans. It is pretty lonely sometimes even in the less-rarified air nearing 140. The vast majority of people can't follow my verbal reasoning. That's why I hang out here.

It's easier