what does Holla Forums thing of h3h3
he's excellent at exposing the jewery of youtube and other youtubers although he is a jew himself
what does Holla Forums thing of h3h3
he's excellent at exposing the jewery of youtube and other youtubers although he is a jew himself
I think he needs to get in the fucking oven.
Shit thread.
H3h3 is a gigantic faggot and if you actually enjoy his "exposed" videos you should probably gas yourself.
All we need to know fam. Glad to have another kike's soul for the crucible.
He makes the occasional hyuk, but he still belongs in the oven.
Saging for irrelevant e-celeb.
* The Ubuntu video makes me laugh everytime *
He's a bit of a kike, but I can't hate him.
Tolerable for a Jew, but still a leftist Jew. He gets gassed along with his hideous sister.
cebook.com/Flowinglineslandscape. they do a fantastic job and did a great review of my buisness. did you see it? its all about how we refused to cut black peoples lawns cause they don't have big yards
jews always play both sides. i'm sure the youtube jews are really hurt by his exposings
forgot to ask, what the fuck are you doing watching youtube eceleb shit?
who the fuck cares?
He had a video ridiculing 9/11 conspiracy theories a while back. Not based. He met his caretaker in a holocaust museum on his birthright trip to Israel
Like all other jew-tubers, he relentlessly features and promotes other jews non stop.
They can't help themselves. They do it here too. The jontron poster was shitting up all the threads until he decided to finally fuck off.
Opportunist kike actively encouraging the "callout culture" witch-hunts that the left loves so much. One of the worst fucking ecelebs out there, second only to Keemstar.
Come back here you pathetic pussy.
He's a jew who supported as communist for president. Do you know where you are?
Proven jew puppet after he made an unironic video about (((fake news)))