Canadian identity and the lack thereof

Fuck the liberals, Fuck Canada. Fuck Globalism, Fuck Justin Castro.

I'm sick of this bullshit.*liberals*_recommend_doing_the_complete_opposite_of_everything_they_promised_on_electoral_reform

Rant begins….

Multiculturism is a lie, nothing but an attempt to remove real culture and replace it with a unifying corporate culture.

The only real Canadian culture now is stale doughnuts owned by a foreign conglomerate. Overpriced chinese generic retail goods and funny money. A sport so overpriced that many kids can't afford to play. Obnoxious celebrities who barely even stay in the country. Music force fed to us by law. A national broadcasting moneypit full of nothing but neo-liberal propaganda telling us how virtuous we are for being accepting of our cultural wasteland. And a blank generic syllable of general agreement symbolic of our apathy.


Canada is nothing but a model for the future of globalism, corporate culture writ large. The only common values being that of consumption, apathy and "tolerance".
Sure there's other things, but nothing uniquely Canadian, nothing to call our own.
I feel empty inside but for the hate I feel for the country I grew up in.

It's a bit melodramatic, simply out of necessity to get people to think about what our culture really is.

Honestly, Canada is an amazing country, full of amazing people. incredibly wealthy and peaceful. A refuge for diaspora over and over throughout the past 2 centuries.

But everything I said is true, we have no unique cultural identity. This country is what globalism will look like the world over. We as a people have only corporate culture as a unifiying value.
I honestly feel like I missed out on being a part of a greater whole. I call myself Canadian but what does that mean beyond my tolerance for cultures I don't belong to.
Multiculturalism is an oxymoron, to have many fractured cultures coexisting is to have no culture as a nation at all.
I suppose if i think hard enough about it i can think of a few cultural phenomena that we hold claim to that aren't corporate(maple syrup, cottages, group of 7, vimy ridge, canoes, RCMP) but nothing that makes me as proud as say the moon landing/space race is for americans. Or the industrial revolution for UK. France has it's food. China it's rich history. Japan, it's feudal history and rapid change to a unique first world nation. Germany it's engineering prowess. Russia it's grand experiment in socialism.

But then again we are a young nation, there is much time for us to make our mark on the world.
I just feel like given our current trajectory there is little ambition in this nation, nothing that gives me a sense of wonder or hope for the future.

maybe we can go back to being the worlds good neighbor, stop with regime change bullshit in Syria and use our military for good again. That i suppose would make me proud

Trudeau cancelling electoral reform pisses me off, we could have made a great experiment in the development of democracy instead we'll get the legalisation of weed(I'm all for it, even though i don't care about smoking anymore).

Do we want to be the nation of stoners or do we want to do great things?

…That was my rant. What does everyone love about their nation. I want to know what it feels like to be proud of your nation

Also what do other Cancucks like about this frozen shithole.


Other urls found in this thread:

wrong harper


now put it in polanball comic form

Fuck Canada, come to Trumpreich bro. We will welcome you with open arms as long as you are h'White and uncucked.

It's an Anglo identity.
Despite what Europeans on here say the North Western European immigrants all share a similar culture so they blended well in the New World.
The problem is that as soon as Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia, etc. started forming their own identities they've been flooded with immigrants.
I think (((they))) were worried that the former Euro colonies would have their own seperate ethnogenesis based off an image of Northern Europeans when the immigration started slowing down around WWII, so they fucked it up by keeping a steady stream of immigrants coming in from fuck all shitholes.

The US is turning into some corporate mongrel nation and it's killing patriotism and community.

Checked, but that's what you get for pushing the "we're the nicer Americans" meme.

Can't you just convince the god emperor to annex us.

also fuck yeah. First post and got trips. Kek has blessed my post.

I'll be moving to the opposite side of the planet, spending my remaining days promoting high ideals with my waifu. This is my asymmetrical warfare against these degenerate times. I can't launch the attack from here where even humble artists are harassed and imprisoned, and as of now, this country is not worth living in let alone dying for.

weeew check'd

I agree completely. But this is our oppourtunity, we must use the momentum started by Brexit/Trump victory, as Le Pen is in France, as we are seeing signs of all over the West.

We have a lump of clay, let's mold it into something beautiful.

That CBC video yesterday/today woke a lot of people up, we need a clearly defined enemy and we need a leader to rally behind.


You deserve to be in the gas chamber too.
The second you legalize that shit, what's to stop people from driving or do other various shit while high?

What CBC video? [spoilers] I've been busy with school work, fucking last year of university no fucking joke [/spoilers]

The leaf symbolizes Canada's fall from its tree, its roots. It is certain death for the leaf. They couldn't have picked a better symbol for the Communist sword they would commit sudoku upon.

welp this is just great
just fucked up my spoilers

The only problem is them driving into sober people, otherwise it's natural selection for these abusers.

I'm sorry that you have to see this

It's not too bad for co-ordination, if that's your reason for opposing legalisation then you may as well be anti alcohol as well.

That said, wasting money locking up people who smoke a plant is retarded. If people want to happy being bored all day let them, i'm done with that degenerate shit.

Thanks for shaming me into quitting by the way guys. This place changes lives.


I remember this faggot from my teen years.

Stop blaming the Jews for your own failings.
They don't let this shit happen in Israel.

We could attempt to subvert Trudeau, I mean, he is a weak pseudo-Communist. Fear of Trump could influence him greatly.

There's not much to stop them now, marijuana is "common" in the Urban parts of Canada, which is where most people here live. We really need a war on drugs.

are you fucking retarded sir? Legalising it doesn't mean killing the existing laws about driving whilst high


Do you think that people don't drive high now, because weed is illegal?

dafuq dude

As far as weed/nation of stoners: we already are and there is no indication that the legalization of cannabis would increase rates of smoking. In fact in Europe the opposite effect is seen: high rates in France, very low rates (of youth smoking) in the Netherlands.

If only there was evidence that that wouldn't increase availability of the drug while providing an income source for the Triads.
Pretty fucking common everywhere. Rural central Ontario (Haliburton etc) is full of grows.
Good things: Blue collar working class folk are great, northerners are great. We have fantastically vast untouched wilderness. Going into the wilderness is fantastic.

I don't mean what the Americans do, a full blown war on drugs, with our now unoccupied military fighting the good fight.

Canada had a culture. It was an unholy Frankenstein monster of English common law meets French Civil law. It was largely Scottish at that too, and the French part soon diverged completely off its native French roots. The Prairies became something totally different as it got filled with Irish, Ukrainians and other marginalized white Europeans. You are right through. Canada no longer has an idenity. It's a piece of paper signed by government officials and nothing more. You can still occasionally find Canada outside the major city centres like Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal if you drive for an hour or so, but the country's soul is currently dead.

Yeah it's depressing I can't even blame our multi-cult on ((them)), i even checked. It was all our fault. I suppose (((they))) don't help with pozzing our secondary education, but we did it to ourselves.

Trump leader of Canada when

That's exactly the problem I have with legalization and a risk I think no one should have to take.

I don't know what is more depressing.
The fact the taxes I paid are funding this shit, or the fact that there are probably retards out there celebrating this video.

I just don't think there's any reason to add another potential source of risk on the road.

That said, I agree locking people up for it is retarded. But the smokers should not be eligible for any sort of welfare too, just so taxpayers aren't funding their degenerate hobby.

There are retards out there right now that think just because Trudeau got in, weed is legalized.
Do you really wanna take the chance of these retards thinking driving while high is legal too?

Just tax it enough to fund welfare that they aren't a net drain, just like cigarettes and the health system.

Shame canada never went full nuclear and continued developing cool nuclear tech. Could have been our niche.

Then again theres this:

generalfusion. com/

Fucking kickass design for steam driven fusion power. Hope it works out for them. Very interesting design.


I wish I knew what I'm looking at but I don't.
I'm majoring in Commerce

It's a reactor design that uses giant steam pistons that fire once a second into a whirpool of liquid metal/lithium that produces a shockwave into a plasma vortex in the center of the reactor. Lithium absorbs neutrons and turns into tritum for fuel. Liquid metal is circulated against the walls and out at the top and bottom into a heat exchanger to produce steam to drive the pistons and a turbine to produce electricity.

Fucking steampunk fusion reactor!

I am presently in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia seems to have a relatively strong Anglican culture which is tied to its British roots.

The "we're the nicer Americans" meme actually means that Canadians weren't as Jewish in their international relations you fucking mutt.


Yeah, focusing on Finance too :^)

Shit I accidentally clicked reply before adding "Enjoy having to deal with fucking kikes all day everyday, I couldn't do it without wanting to kill everyone after a year working in that field""

Tell me how big is your nose?

Rather small actually. I'm asian, and if you must know, a Hong Konger

A lot of the anons said the majority of the people working in the field in Canada are whites and asians.

Honestly, I don't even know why I chose Commerce. But hey, at least it beats social sciences or whatever useless degrees out there right now
On the plus side, at least I find the finance stuff interesting. Otherwise I would've dropped out quite a while ago.

Oh, that explains it. At least you're not gonna sell the resources to mainland China. Believe me, kikes are everywhere, even Canada. There is also the problem that 400 years of kike infestation in Anglos is enough to have polluted their brains and thus they tend to act like watered-down versions of them, sadly.

Newfoundland here.

Totally agree about Canadian culture, it's basically non-existent and anything that does exist is just a watered down version of American media culture. At least we have our own subculture of uneducated, pathetic, drunken, irish/british fog dwelling bastard fishermen that we can cling too to convince ourselves we are a unique and relevant demographic of the country.

I feel bad for the rest of you guys because you literally have nothing.


Not enough to separate. Not that you would have survived a week without western Canada energy money fuelling your filthy socialist ways.

Do you even know shit other than what CBC is pumping all over Anglo Canada? Quebec is able to balance its budget. Now you're stuck with commies bleeding you dry and a Federal government letting everything burn while Quebec is stuck with a bunch of neocohens who try to suck up to Ottawa so they just sell all their rssources at a ridiculous price to chinks while refusing to develop more hydro energy because muh crying Injuns and their lands while selling all the excess hydro energy to burgers cheaper than they do for the average citizen. Somehow those fucks also declined exploiting oil in the province and uranium for environmental lies.

Technically a second generation Canadian since my parents immigrated a long time ago.
But trust me, nothing would make me happier than watching China burn, especially with what they're doing to Hong Kong now.

Seen it quite a lot actually.
What worries me more than anything is that the people in my year actually buys in to the propaganda, and the thought of that some day these guys will be employed.
These dumb motherfuckers actually think university should be free and there will be no economic consequences for it.

Hell, the fact that people actually advocate for Communism alone makes my blood boil.
All because these fuckers refuse to read a fucking book on how Communism has always failed and fucked things up for whichever country that adopts it.

I expected you were a descendant, generally the ones fresh off the boat already have their degrees, otherwise they wouldn't pass the borders unless they are melanin enriched

We're all in this. I've seen the student riots first hand, advocating for proto-communism. At the time, it worked in my favor. I was about to fail my courses and their idiocy gave me time to study while they were busy storming colleges, whacking pans and lighting fires. At the time I was dumbfounded because I asked for something majorly disrupting courses to happen, then somehow that shit took place.

Why can't Canadians just die already? Why haven't we annexed you fuckers yet?

The New World was a mistake, North America was a mistake.

the only good thing to come out of Canada is Colin Mochrie


Whenever the equalization meme is brought up I know I'm dealing with a colossal retard.

I'm an American and not to be mean, but Canada is a joke. Canada is like the skinny autistic kid wearing fingerless gloves and a fedora. No one has ever taken Canada seriously. And really I don't know why Canada is this way, is it because the U.S. overshadows Canada? Maybe. The Canuck is inherently boring and doesn't compare to the brashness of the Burger or the ballsyness of the Aussie. The Canuck is empty and void, he has no personality and no one loves him. I don't hate Canadians, I just feel bad for them because they have never really been interesting or special.

oyy veyyyy

Canada is not culturally unique, it only makes sense that you come up with nothing when trying to identify a separate culture. It's North American culture, same as the US.

Politically there was a difference remaining part of the British Empire but that's gone and not coming back. So there's no actual foundation for modern Canada to exist, the only reason it does is because it previously had a reason to and it simply remains a holdover until motivation can be found to make something real.

Currently the government is a threat to the regions and provinces that are still good, so it would be ideal for Canada to break apart as soon as possible.


Yeah. You're entirely right, our country is a joke.

I grew up being patriotic and loving my country only because we weren't America and we have universal health care. It's rampant here, it's our only point of pride.

It's fucking lame, i posted this rant on reddit and got reddit bux because i guess i struck a nerve.

Got a bunch of cucks saying i was racist for wanting a real culture to be proud of.

First chance i get i'm moving back to a smaller town or city and getting involved in the local culture. The cities are pozzed as shit and full of people who behave well but i have no connection with.

That or i'll move to america and help you guys with RWDS.

Can your god emperor just annex us already.

Any uncucked h'whites in BC, or am I the only one?

Anyone unlucky enough to be living in Toronto (or outside it even) I suggest you check out Your Ward News, it's basically Holla Forums for older/less savvy folks and the editor is close to being one of us.

When I first saw it it gave me a little bit of hope for our cucked little nation.

Where do you think you are?

He might as well be. What does Canadian mean anymore? When The Happening happens we should just turn Canada into a white ethnostate and call it something different. We can make our own culture from the ashes.

Canada is all made to be broken apart in smaller nations with many different cultures. That's how it was built. a bunch of white ghettos of different sizes with each its separate culture. That was until the commie father of Castro took power and weaponized third world importation. It made the ghettos smaller and added subhuman cultures in between them.

Better yet, just exile all the kikes to Nunavut.

Cucknadian here, the real people of Canada live in the midwest, not faggot central (Toronto) or France 2 Electric Boogaloo, or even Vancouver. Just annex Canada so our libs will be there on the day of the rope.

If you have a bunch of circles or spheres, they're the most space-ideal shape possible. But there are still cracks between them.

Multiculturalism is what slides between the cracks, a sort of cultural glue

Tell me how's Edmonton for you? It's everywhere the same in Canada: Any city with more than 100 000 people has its problems thanks to kikes shoving whatever they can there.

No, Canada has always tried (and failed) multiculturalism. It has never worked, and they used to teach this in middle school and up as well. Of course they blamed the white man for all their problems.

Saskatchewan actually, so Saskatoon is my main experience with big cities. Not bad but I've also never been mugged and considering the crimerate there, it's a miracle.

Look at every single historic instance of multiculturalism. It always ended in a catastrophe and the complete destruction of the multicultural place. From Ancient Rome to The Austria-Hungary. No wonder kikes push this on whites. They hate us and want nothing more than to see us extinct.

I can tell you your opinion on frogs is skewed thanks to Montreal. It's really one of the worst cities ever and generally what the Rest of Canada thinks when they think of Quebec. My hometown (city of over 100 000), as niggerized as it's getting, I've never heard of family getting mugged or threatened. I've left way north though because I couldn't bear the sight of sand niggers every time I went to the grocery store.

I haven't lived in Stoon for awhile now, mostly small towns and cities, we don't have a lot of niggers here, just tons of flips.

Where the fuck were you living? I live in a town of around 30k people and it's a fucking shithole. Gangs of feral niggers will beat you at night if you don't get mugged by junkies before that.
There is also the bikers owning half the town while the other half owned by some (((people))) giving whole buildings to rapefugees.


that's the thing about Canada. We have the chance to save ourselves provided we can take back the city centres (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, etc.) from the marxists,

True Canadians exist and simply need to be woken from their slumber to combat our foes.

Toronto is like half mudskin right now, I feel like it is lost.

the guy just rips Holla Forums threads and puts them into a newspaper

fair. though they can always be cleansed with enough willpower to follow through

I have only been to Canada once, but the difference after crossing the border is seriously night and day. There are barely any businesses open, the shops have no variety, and everything looks run down. You guys would probably be fine if you could balkanize from the more pozzed areas and get rid of your socialism. Until then you are probably screwed.

And gets it delivered (until recently) to thousands of people around Toronto, what's your point? He's doing more than I am.

Yeah but DotR is a hell of a lot more involved than putting up fliers.

I feel like I should have listened to the stormfags years ago. Toronto today is such an unbearable shithole thanks to the shitskins my relatives had to flee to another country.

At least theres some guys in toronto taking the piss.


Theres a few, but the ones I met tend to be Andrew Anglin's kinda people. They talk about meme magic but don't know about Gondola or what the 8 of Diamonds is for.

This is exactly why i'm a Quebec separatist and French-Canadian nationalist. There is no redeeming value to Canada.

It's kind of like that but I've had some of my best vacations in Canada. Manitoulin Island was amazing for many reasons.

(recommend going to Mum's Restaurant & Bakery in Mindemoya, get some breakfast with sausage for sure, leave with some bread)

Tabarnak what town?

That seems like a meme, get her nephew to stand by the same pothole, add b&w filter. It's too much the same exact pothole. But I get the joke having lived in S/E Michigan most of my life. I grew up on the road that (as news articles claimed) had no record of significant improvement after its first paving in the 20's or some shit. It was 90% disintegrating pothole patches. They actually started grinding up several of these old paved roads and after grinding they would grade it or whatever smooth, then apply some coating that needs to be re-applied every year. Like a light tar. More manageable than proper paving considering the situation the state and county was in


I have a question for you, how bullshit is the oakisland mystery? I really want to know because that is the only interesting thing about your country.




Sage for disinformation.

who fucking cares.

excessive gene detected, how does it feel to live in a grey colored movie?


Ebin troll.

Does no one on the internet remember what a joke is?

And reported for spam.

Except he believes otherwise.

its like you want cancer.

This is pretty accurate. The closest major city to me is Toronto. I haven't been there in about six years but I remember that it barely felt like Canada when I went; it can only be worse now. But even where I live, a small, almost 100% white town where I actually grew up, it doesn't really feel like there is a community. It's by no means a dangerous place to live or anything and it's not economically dead but even during the summer, it feels dead when you go around. There isn't usually people at the park up town, you don't see a ton of kids walking around together or on bikes… people just seem to stay home on their iPads, kids seem to mostly be indoors, etc. I'm not even that old yet (>25 still) but I remember that when I was about ten you'd see kids out all of the time playing road hockey or biking around, etc. I wasn't one of them since my mother was one of these types who thinks that because the news shows a bunch of people get shot in Milton or some other "diverse" place that it applies to non-shitholes but now it's honestly kind of a rarity to be outside and hear the thunk thunk of someone with a basketball, and I can't remember the last time I saw kids out playing road hockey in the winter. The lack of youth is just really sad to me since I understand what it means. I'm sure that in about 10 years or so there will be lots of youth around since our government will make sure to give us a nice dose of vibrant diversity.

I want you dead.

but that won't happen, i'm not a canadian.

hey canacucks, what did you faglords burry on this island?

This diagram gave me an incredible urge to play Dwarf Fortress again

Our heads.

Nice 88s by the way.

here ya go.

checked, can't you see brother? maybe kek wants us to find something on this island, i've been getting those dank dubs and trips like crazy.


You're a sick fucker

for you

Newfie here

I hate urbanite canadians. Fucking sybaritic limpwrists, basically swede tier mentalities. Probably the rural people are pretty cool.

If the urbanites were crushed canada would be awesome overnight

Underrated accurate description of Canadai

French m8 here.
We have the same problem in france it the only place that hasn't been largely contaminated is maybe Corse.

I went to Paris a few weeks ago and it's the fucking jungle.

I took the metro several times and at the entry their was a nigger who was selling is green bananas and on the other side same thing but with corn that was being grilled on a stolen caddie.

This is not the CENTER of Paris, the center is enriched with peaceful B&W hipsters and our elites.

I've seen a lot of you immigrate where my parents live in the past 3 years. Most of those I've talked to consider "la mère patrie" dead thanks to the "bougnoules" and the socialist/Sarkike disaster.

Part of the thing many of you fight is an agenda to divide. I suspect raging at your blinded countrymen plays right into a divide-and-conquer agenda you would not consciously support.

Painful as it is, it is probably time to go from ridicule and scorn to .. teacher, illuminator, guide. Our collective self preservation, if it is possible at this point, may very well hinge on our ability to lift the veil for more people. For many of you, I think your countrymen need you, whether they know it or not. This is not an easy thing, to have a unspoken yet very real duty to help people who actively, fiercely do not want to be helped.

DUI tickets? works with alcohol

Pretty much.
Except that the countryside is white, redpilled, and armed.
Only Paris is too far gone.

The biggest problem to a establish a strong unique identity for Canada. Is the constant " haha look at the US, atleast we're not them". This Sort of virtue signaling amongst Canadiens has really damaged you. In the end everything is the opposite what US does.
Stop being moral high ground fags.
But this will come. There is hope for the cucky nations in the north I.E Canada and Sweden. These people only need abit longer to wake up

No sympathy here, leaf. You're unbearably smug, especially when traveling Europe, always quick to mention "No, no. We're not Americans" with that goddamn heir of superiority. Well that's right, you're not. So sleep in that bed you made.


You're not a very good shill.

Says the inbred Newfie. Fucking kill yourself. We have our own culture in Ontario and it doesn't stem from Toronto.

I'm only matrilineally Eternal Anglo, like Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Protestantism, from Lutheran to Anglican to Calvinism is the only salient factor holding >muh huritage together.

Canadians are Americans who are not as hard working. They are the same nationality. Canada should not exist as an independent country. Quebec should be sovereign country however.

So are where are muh funz and muh freedumz, Yank?

Why come to America when America can come to you?

Newfoundland goes to the UK, Quebec becomes independent, the rest of Canada is directly annexed by the USA and non-whites deported en-masse.


Quebec have a nice culture and tradition.

That's mainly why traitor Trudeau Sr pushed for multiculturalism so Quebec culture passed from privileged minority to minority among others.

Trudeau Sr is the biggest traitor Canada ever knew.

I grew up farming and now I'm working construction doing 10-15 hour days and you want to talk about not hard working? I swear all this talk coming out of Newfoundland and Quebec just gives me reason to despise so many people living in this country posting on this board. You fucking slimy rats are worse than Jews.

Giving Quebec independence is an important thing.

When their economy collapses they'll be forced to join France as an independent territory and finally all Canadian "culture" will be permanently extinguished.

I really don't give a fuck about Quebec besides them giving us two Trudeau scumbags. They will never be anything more than whiny pricks who have an eternal victimhood. All this hate I see from them towards Anglos lets me know they will always be another enemy to us. The rest of the crap being spewed trying to put down other provinces is disgusting and very kike like. Either see that we need unity or just shut the fuck up, but no they can't shut the fuck up. These faggots always want to sew internal fighting, like that somehow matters at this point when we're facing being run over by the mongrel hordes.

Hate? Hate is a strong word. You're the annoying cousin who comes once in a while and throws a fit when we don't let him play with our Legos because he always loses some.

We really don't give a shit about what you guys do when you're home, you're not our problem, the only anglos we care about are the (((anglos))) we're forced to live with, like the retards in Côte St-Luc or the motherfucking Outremont Hasidim. Incidentally when you think about "anglophones" who cry oppression by the dirty evil frogs they'll nearly always be kikes, sometimes "Greeks" or "Italians". The real Brits who stayed tend to speak French just as we do.

Also Trudeau Sr. actually used to be OK before he went out of Quebec to study and got corrupted in angloland. As for Jr., he's technically an Ontarian but what he really is is his father's new model Canadian with no roots and no loyalties.

There's no denying we'd be better off with an amicable divorce, maybe some sort of confederation, if only to stop the federal government from enriching us with minorities so we will never secede and be governed by the PLQ for life.


Not that french canadians are much better. Video related.

ATTENTION ALL GENUINE CANUCKS (not larping niggerfaggots)

This thread is a demoralization thread. Cuckdeau's libearls know that the reform is coming from the torrie party now that Trump won the american election. STAY STRONG AND STAY VIGILANT!

This has been a public service announcement.

Damn that little province- I mean village which won't submit.

Do you talk to anyone at all? People are doing this on a daily fucking basis already. Legalization isn't going to affect the number of people smoking or how they smoke. everyone who wants to smoke weed already does. Weed is degenerate but we may as well legalize it at this point.

Pretty much. Canadian Threads on Holla Forums are always some faggot complaining about what the city rats are up too.

I'm too lazy to start a whole thread on this but I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread on how Canada is replacing John A. Macdonald, the first prime minister, on the $10 bill with some minor historical figure with melanin and lady parts because "current year".





Almost as good as shoveldog

What exactly do you want? Beaver day? Halifax explosion memorial t-shirts? Don't try to force it.

Also want to add the country is young as fuck.
American culture isn't anything to write home about. It boils down to "we beat the british".

You have a poor understanding of culture

Obviously most of the posters in this thread are quebec cucks shilling for independence neverever or burgers. They've never marched down a street on memorial day to bag pipes and stood in silence for their fallen ancestors. Demoralize elsewhere, for besides trump america is just as bad as not worse and much of the shit in our urban centers is influenced by american "culture".

I'm so upset that the lying cunt weaseled his way out of electoral reform it makes me fucking sick.

Any politician-fags know who I can call/mail my frustrations to?

You know, the sad thing is, I've never marched down the street on memorial day to bag pipes and stood in silence here in Calgary. Do you know why?

How is Alberta?

unemployed I bet


The "corporate culture" OP was ranting about is alive and well here. A while back such arguments would have been rebuked swiftly with things such as "Muh oil money! Muh trucks! Muh atvs!" but all that is gone now and everyone is unemployed.

That's pretty kyoot

It's like watching Initial D in slow motion

They are like the red skins who cry non stop about muh anglo oppression.

This makes me wonder if they even have winter tires at all. Or if it's actually Quebec, since they would be required by law by now to have winter tires.

Cmon now

I know the Montrealfags can't drive but that was black ice.

Black ice means there's ice that's just hard to see because it blends into the road. But I only see snow on that street and no road at all.

But one winter I did not have any winter tires at all on a snow day like this, and my car reacted like the ones in the vid.

I was 90% sure, once I heard her mousy high pitched voice, that it was some liberal propaganda about how guns are bad. I'm sort of disappointed that it wasn't.

I might be the only one but I really like Canadians(anglo ones), my best bud going on 2 decades now is a Canadian that moved in next door when he was 8

I mean, it's true they are unremarkable, but this in itself can be a good thing, shame they tried to fit in too much and now find themselves cucked beyond belief

Why is every Canada thread like this? Full of infighting d/c, not even good banter? Are they shills or do we hate each other so much?


As someone who has been through Canadian public school, we were taught not to have pride or any regard for the accomplishments of our country. Pride and nationalism was suppressed. For one simple reason…
An apathetic population does not march on the capital to hold the government accountable.

Canadian voting system is designed to be difficult to use for the same reason, so people won't care how they're governed. I can't remember there being a single political debate in Canada, or even a single statement from a candidate for PM being televised or printed in media. I entered into the voting booth not knowing the names of all but two candidates.

Compare this to America, where patriotism is nourished, and where weeks even months of television is filled with news about the candidates.

I watched one of the debates last election cycle and it was some of the most boring garbage I've sat through in years. It was all about how what X party would do about so and so issue. All the issues were considered as things that would happen no matter what, the only thing that varied is how it would be treated (IE. Immigration was based on number of people, as if immigration was an obvious thing that must and will always happen, nobody even dared think that we should stop it). It also featured a few jabs at how Harper fucked us over but not for the right reasons, they mostly focused on how he was not progressive enough and didn't approve of faggots. Canadian politics are a fucking joke made to divide and conquer the population so people won't focus on the rampant corruption of every party in parliament and instead focuses on infighting.

I'm not even a true canuck myself. 1st generation Polish-Canadian, I anticipate the day I leave this country.
No surprise that there's infighting between Canadians when true Canadians are becoming harder to find.

Can/pol/ threads have potential, but we need to stop with the Anglo/Franco and interprovincal fighting. Unproductive. Start fresh and dump some CanCon.

This is how you start to build and recognize your identity. Canada has a lot to offer; musically speaking, they are internationally recognized for their output in the 60's.
Any true Canadian knows that the real country identity lies outside of the parasitic cities and in the small communities placed all over. There is no excuse to complain that we have no identity, when you are not exploring and sharing it with others in your social circle.



CBC is ramping up the propaganda.

How do other generals get rid of shitters? If there are fags who will take the bait or even just some autist sockpuppeting both hands what can be done? We can have 200 post threads of anglo/french shitstorms once the threat is gone. Eventually it will be french-speaking muslims whining to english-speaking hindus in these threads if we keep it up.

Lumbering jacks and supernatural stories about the devil fucking with lumberjacks is definitely Quebec culture at least.

Care to elaborate?

Underated post
Replaced by a literally who

Viola Desmond sat in a movie theatre that she wasn't supposed to be in once.

This is an accomplishment on par with being the first prime minister somehow.

I mean, I know Prime Ministers John A. Macdonald and Wilfred Laurier are being moved to higher denominations but Prime Ministers William Lyon Mackenzie King and Robert Borden will lose their spots on the $50 and $100 because "too many dead white males" or something.


Not that user but there are old (17th-early19th century) Quebec folklore stories like La Chasse-Galerie which is a tale about people exploring a forest in a canoe who made a deal with the devil then paid the price for it. There are some other old french Canadian folk tales like it which all have to do with people working in the woods, usually lumberjacks, fur traders or explorers, making a pact with the devil then getting fucked by him or simply who are toyed by the devil while there. Thanks to the multi-culti, we have no culture and are simply multicultural, bullshit those tales are getting memory-holed. A few people remain who've heard about them. I was lucky back in highschool to have an old french teacher who cared about those and made the class read such old stories. When I talk about them nowadays most people think I'm just talking about some random book and it has nothing to do culturally.

I would give my left nut for John A MacDonald to be PM again.

In 1885, John A. Macdonald told the House of Commons that, if the Chinese were not excluded from Canada, “the Aryan character of the future of British America should be destroyed …” This was the precise moment in the histories of Canada and the British Dominions when Macdonald personally introduced race as a defining legal principle of the state…

Macdonald’s comments came as he justified an amendment taking the vote away from anyone “of Mongolian or Chinese race.” He warned that, if the Chinese (who had been in British Columbia as long as Europeans) were allowed to vote, “they might control the vote of that whole Province” and their “Chinese representatives” would foist “Asiatic principles,” “immoralities,” and “eccentricities” on the House “which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles.” He further claimed that “the Aryan races will not wholesomely amalgamate with the Africans or the Asiatics” and that “the cross of those races, like the cross of the dog and the fox, is not successful; it cannot be, and never will be.” For Macdonald, Canada was to be the country that restored a pure Aryan race to its past glory, and the Chinese threatened this purity.


“When the Chinaman comes here he intends to return to his own country; he does not bring his family with him; he is a stranger, a sojourner in a strange land, for his own purposes for a while; he has no common interest with us,” Macdonald intoned before his fellow parliamentarians. “A Chinamen gives us his labour and gets his money, but that money does not fructify in Canada; he does not invest it here, but takes it with him and returns to China . . . he has no British instincts or British feelings or aspirations, and therefore ought not to have a vote.”

Macdonald’s comment, and misrepresentation of the intent of many Chinese immigrants to stay and settle in Canada, coincided with national debate on the “Chinese question” and the ongoing Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration (1885).

Would be nice to have a pdf or even a link to a tale you remember fondly.

I'll try to find one but I don't think it was ever translated in English.

I can read a little french myself, having lived in Quebec for sometime, and i'm sure some quebecfags lurking would be interested as well.

Here is a 1900 version of the story I specifically named

Is that the Quebec folktale referenced on the Maudite beer label from Unibroue?

Yes, the people in the canoe on the left of the label of the Maudite is exactly where that came from.

On the right of the label*

People aren't having kids. That's what's different. Childbirth among whites is at a standstill compared to the other races. Nobody in canada talks about it though.

The "shitters" get banned. If you start a general, nobody is going to care except the shills who will spam it. Brit/pol/ is the perfect example of what happens with generals. It's fine to have threads where people of a nationality congregate, naturally, but having a thread for the sake of it is pure avatar-fagging tier cancer.

I came in this thread with the idea of derailing it to the point it's a discussion about quebec. Apparently the QIDF already did it.

It's for me to share supérior quebec music

Just admit that you're a Queens-fag like I was.




Kill yourself, Pajeet. Toronto is not your city either.

My mind is blown. I think I heard this before when I was extremely drunk with a Quebecer but forgot it.

Fuck you guys, you are part of the very problem you're bitching about. "Canada has no culture", is your complaint; a fair observation, perhaps, in a country suffocating under the yoke of a cancerous progressivism that is admittedly much worse than the US, though not quite as bad as Europe. So what do you do? You do not hearken back to the history of your country, your people, and its institutions — no, you pray and await sweet nothingness in the death of your culture; you sing praises of America and dream of annexation, as if by merging with a greater whole and disavowing your homeland you can possibly hope to escape the problem, or reclaim any of the dignity you've lost.

There was a time when Canada represented something of an alternative on the American Continent. An alternative to the liberalism, corporatism, and transnationalism of American empire. Canada, more than America, France, or any other modern state, was founded as a conservative nation — not the cuck libertarianism/classical liberalism which we associate with American conservatism, but rather a real conservatism, a traditionalist/monarchist conservatism; which was the legacy of the British Tories and the French Royalistes.

Canadian conservatism, and by extension, Canadian nationalism, has always been challenged by what we might call a "liberal-annexationist" element. In the past, the Conservatives were the champions of Canadian nationalism, based in Tory traditions and supported by the landed colonial aristocracy, while the Liberals promoted a free-market annexationism, based in Enlightenment liberalism and supported by domestic and foreign business interests. The early Conservatives introduced the National Policy (import tariffs to develop Canadian manufacturing, sry Alberta), limited immigration, and built the railroads that would make a Confederation possible. The early Liberals, meanwhile, played party politics with French/English schools and circulated borderline seditious Manifestos calling for an Annexation of Canada by the United States.

I should point out, also, that inasmuch as Canadian political culture was less influenced by liberalism than the United States', this provided a fertile breeding ground for not only traditionalism (absorbed from British/French emigres), but also socialism. The two are not as diametrically opposed as you might be led to believe; they share a large degree of theory which you find absent from liberalism. Both ideologies picture society as an organic whole composed of communities (rather than liberal individualism), and both advocate a sort of redistribution—the conservative "noblesse oblige"—though these are based in entirely separate principles. Hitler and German Naziism is a good example of the convergence between socialism and traditionalism, and you find similar convergences in Canadian political history.

Did you know that welfare relief after the Great Depression (Canadian New Deal) was instituted by a Conservative government? The Liberals, of course, favoured a free market solution, but they would come to change tack and the Conservatives would bear the brunt of the blame, despite initiating relief efforts. The Social Credit Party (and later and to a lesser extent, the Reform Party) is another great example of this: they supported a socialist basic income—when such a thing was unheard of—while also being conservative as fuck on social issues. They esposed an agrarian, non-revolutionary socialism based in the British Georgian tradition, while also holding on to conservative and nationalist values—and many Western regional interest parties share similar roots. The presence of traditionalism and socialism in Canadian political culture explains why Canada has three parties, compared to the US' two: from liberalism proper you can only go one of two ways—towards traditionalism (Repubs) or towards socialism (Demos). It also explains why Canadian socialism is reformist, realist, and of British origin; compared to the revolutionary, otherwordly, and Continential European nature of American socialism — which never took off as a political force.

So, what went wrong? Well, in the 50s and 60s, and parallel to similar changes happening in the US, Canadian conservatism began to shift its focus from small scale, localist agrarianism, to a sort of continental neoconservatism, which mirrored the platform of the early Liberals. Canadian conservatism lost much of its traditional character, and was basically absorbed into the right-wing of American globalism (think Reagan et al.). The Liberals, then, took over the earlier Conservative positions of protectionism, nationalism (think daddy Trudeau) and a non-American alignment; while the Conservatives started to represent free-trade, large business interests, and a pro-American annexationism. As you can see, leaving any group who calls themselves "Liberals" in charge of protecting your national identity never bodes well; this is how we began the erosion of Canadian values which led us into our present state.

What should we do? I dunno, my fellow leaf-faggots, I don't have all the answers. But I can tell you what we ought to avoid — and that is that hollow, heartless liberal-annexationism that has plagued our great nation since its birth, and which has always stood in opposition to those traditionalist, localist values which we once held dear. We do not save Canadian culture by abandoning it to the behemoth of American globalism. You do not honour your country and ancestors by giving up every value on which your nation was founded. I would rather let the frogs fly flee than merge with the Yanks, for the Quebecois, at least, represent some part of the true Canadian spirit, however corrupt and petty and their leaders. I have great faith in the Canadian people. You need only to leave the cancer of the cities to see that Canadian nationalism, sickly as it may be, has not yet withered away. There is hope yet for Canada—we have not suffered the ghettoization of Europe, and many of our immigrants are more conservative than the natives—but if we do not find a a way to ground Canadian conservatism in its proper traditions, and re-awaken the spirit of the Canadian populace, then we will, as OP suggests, be faced with the continuing erosion of our culture and our absorption into the American empire.

Recommended readings:
George Grant - "Lament for a Nation" [probably the most important work in contemporary Canadian conservatism, details the defeat of modern Canadian nationalism I discussed above]
Gad Horowitz - "Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism in Canada: An Interpretation" (in the Canadian Journal of Political Science, 32, 2 (1966): 143–71). [influential "fragment theory" of the evolution of Canadian political culture]

our total gdp is around 357 billion. The debt only increases when there's liberal(pro-canada) elected in the provincial.

Nah, I'm at Mac. Fucked up big time for playing too much video games in Highschool.
And with my grades, I'm probably gonna end up on the streets after graduation.

Man, it's not grades…. It's who you know, especially in your chosen field.

Merit means nothing anymore.

Yeah I know.
But thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, the US government decided to prevent relatives of a worker from getting into the same investment firm. And the most promising connection I have happens to work in a US Bank.
Worst of all, the entire financial sector is laying off people like there's no tomorrow, so it's an uphill battle when it comes to jobs.

Who knows, maybe things aren't as bad as I think it is. I do have the tendency to be pessimistic.

You're probably right, but as an Albertan, I'm pissed as fuck that my vote means nothing compared to Ontario and Quebec's numbers. They have the population density, and we have a fuckton of farms to keep the people fed instead of enough heads to count. What we need is to go by percentages during the elections. So if BC and Alberta and vote 85% of their populations for party A, it's taken into account when the others vote 66% of their population for party B.

As for the French, I'd like to call them brothers, but it's hard to think of them that way when their shit-disturber politicians manage to arrange free gibs for them while demanding yet another secretly France-driven separation vote. Look up all the free shit Francophones are eligible to get from EVERYONE'S tax money. So I'd like to think of them as fellow countrymen, but the sad fact is that they continually choose people to speak on their behalf who are antagonistic stump-fuckers.
>The faggot in this link is one of my favorite examples of this kind of shit-stirring:

Mounties, hockey, poutine, unique blend of anglo/franc society, caribou, mountains and snow and shit

I don't get this "no culture unless u have kebabs and rice" meme

also, I've never seen any food label with made in canada beside some shit in can. Everything is "produit du québec" or "proudly american made" when it comes to food. I think I've seen made in algeria and made in france(for some cheese) to.

maybe flour is from alberta? dunno.

As a quebecfag i've done my share of shitting on the eternal anglo and yes, we're thin-skinned af and easily butthurt. But i'm still astounded at the level of vitriol directed at us by the rest of canada. "WAAH YOU FROGS AND YOUR GIBS BLABLA"
What is there even left to say at this point? So the majority of us are bluepilled and want their cake and eat it too - western society in a nutshell. I'm done being pissed at the rest of Canada, there's no fucking point. Quebecers don't even visit "canada" - we go to the States, or the caribbean and that's it. I like rural Canada just fine but the fact is, we don't ever really think about you fine folks in the other provinces and i don't see that changing anytime soon. We're a very isolated, backwards ass people who are only concerned with our own petty shit. In the end, I think the drastic language laws wil have been a godsend, as immigrants don't really like it outside of Montreal, and actually end up getting tired of our bullshit and many of them move to toronto, where they become your problem.

Five roses mill is in Montreal. Robin hood, maybe. I've seen very few produce "produit du Canada" way more Quebec, Mexico and US here. What is generally produced in the rest of Canada is produced in Quebec anyway. I've seen my shares of farms while driving for fun around the countryside and I don't think there are much things that is produced out west that isn't here. Thing is, most of what is produced here is consumed here, not much is exported outside of dairy. Can't say where the Canadian canning and frozen food industries takes their produce though.

worst thing about Bouchard imo is his complete 180 - he became a staunch federalist but he had his good points, he sort of became an economically-conservative "realist" type guy who suggested demantling our unquestionably bloated State

He is canceling the reform because what he wanted would have benfitted him if he was still liked a little, but now would fuck leftists over more.

And yours is worth more than anyone in the atlantics. But we deserve nothing since we accept the corruption and bullying for the past few decades.

Most of the produce like potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, greenbeans carrots and corn, and meats including cow, pig, chicken and even lamb and fish, in nova scotia at least, is produced in nova scotia, and the stuff made here is either cheaper or godly overpriced compared to the mexican or american shit. The overpriced shit is so because thanks to federal rules, we have to get stuff inspected, and the inspectors son"t want to leave their comfy homes in toronto, so we send it there then get it sent back. Its absolutly retarded. And don't get me started on all the fishing regulations. Nova scotians have less a right to our fishing offshore than european countries. Waters that are far closer to us than them. Then we lose half the fish by sharing it across the country driving up the costs a bit.

One of the most beautiful places on the planet, but fuck me do I hate most of my countrymen. The only person I know who's not completely cucked, is really odd about the whole thing. He hates niggers and asians, but he loves Bill Maher and George Carlin, but he also loves guns and hates globalization, but he's also a pothead. I really don't fucking know. I live in the Okanagan valley, and it's really, really white here, yet everyone's a fucking cuck for the most part.

I just… I don't understand it. I love this country, as far as the actual land itself. I just hate most of my countrymen. On some level, most of them understand that something is wrong, but nobody does anything about it. Maybe it's the fluoride in the water, I don't know.

I think the land is beautiful, but think we need a hard conflict, to be driven into a wall but with a chance to fight back, where the other option is death. No escape, no fleeing, no surrender, just death. Hard times, hard people. And it needs to be our fight. 1812 is the closest we had to that, every other war, canada could have said "not our problem" and have been 100% correct.and while nova scotia did owe boston some gratitude for helping out after the explosion, the fact its not one of the other provinces or cities but a fucking american city that helped out shows how much loyalty canadians have for one another.

"Canada" is a handful of culturally distinct cities separate by geography and language. The only thing these cities have in common is that they're closer to the US than they are to each other.

I live near Ottawa how do I deal with an Spear Chucker and Sand Nigger infestation?

hey, my nation is back to back world war champions.
guess what, so is yours.
be proud of the bravery and courage of your nations soldiers, they thought what they did was right, and they died for their ideals.
truly a far more merciful fate then that which we must suffer.

The only consolation for being Canadian is knowing that the fuckers who did this to us were gassed and gunned down in places like Ypres and Somme.

Good post, I would like to recommend some more readings.

The Idea of Loyalty in Upper Canada, 1784-1850 by David Mills

Fuckin hell, I'm using the map since i already opened in paint, anyone who doesn't like it can fuck off.

I swear we won the popular vote. fucking illegal voting

if you have a specific question i would be glad to answer as best i can

t. left libertarian

I will die between 2070 and 2080, it's likely that technology is advanced enough by then. But I also hope you could just go the cyborg route or normal immortality, i.e. cells regenerating without aging.

CIA directorship is by political appointment same as the FBI. Comey was allowed to stay because Obama was completely prideful and incompetent. Obama currently has been far more present in direct action via the CIA and the IRS not the FBI it was his intention for the FBI to stay neutered and stiffled by his AG appointments at the DOJ. get better educated libcuck.

How do we implicate Alec in the pedo ring?

Alefantis and his friends ate him.

generally, anglos these days are either a poor man's kike or a rich man's nigger

Quebec has the largest fresh-water reserves in the world. Hydrowars when? We need to Saudi

The farnzworth fuzor had particle accelerators that would fire particles into a chamber to bounce around against a charged mesh into other particles causing fusion

damn thing fell apart too fast to be sustainable but it was cool

Quebec folklore is pretty rich and at least half-remembered. There are a lot of folk tales around for those who care enough to look for them.

I like the folktale of Rose Latulippe, which in most versions is basically a warning for women not to be whores.

Yeah you do.