Based Repented Christ Killer

Since Tucker Carlson is allowed to be shilled here nonstop figured why not have a thread on an eceleb who actually spreads truth and names jews. The fact you almost never see him or Golden One mentioned here anymore says a lot about current year Holla Forums.

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We used to talk about him a lot before this board became /trump/.

Because Carlson is secretly a Holla Forumsack and this faggot is just a controlled opposition shill.

inb4 someone calls him controlled opposition
inb4 someone says he's paid to act insane in order to discredit the movement

I guess I was too late.


Says more about you. That vegetarian self obsessed body oiled closet faggot is not worth the time of anyone with more than two brain cells.

would like it if this kike went back to israel tbqh


But not the Tucker threads, right schlomo?

nobody likes faggots like goldenberg

Or the Grindr Greggy thread by that sperg who keeps shilling his jewtube video.

Brother Nathael threads have always been a Holla Forums tradition.

this guy fucking creeps me out, I don't care how much he hates jews

So much. Just the way he moves is creepy.

I don't mind Brother Nathanael but the overly-masculine viking LARPer supports gay pride movements and even strips on their floats during parades. He's just as degenerate as Milo imo.

Never trust a kike. The old Hebrew race has been dead for two thousand years. Pharisee blood is a scourge on this world and it must be expunged.

I guaruntee he wouldn't approve of the killing of saracen children with the intent to exterminate all mudslimes. If he doesn't he isn't Christian and is a traitor. That said kikes aren't' white and cannot be traitors, merely kikes.

oh wow i simply asked about red ice the other day but got banned, but this thread is still here.


Enjoy the colon cancer, meatcuck.

I have bigger arms than he does

See I don't get the pretty boy narcissism. In my mind masculinity is about killing, hunting being the most masculine hobby. Is he a faggot or merely a cuck who supports faggots out of ignorance or groupthink?

why is this considered a bad thing? Wasn't christ's death kind of the whole point of christianity?

not a fedora just legitimately wondering.

i think it's illegal to hate faggots in Sweden

we can't even really know his true opinions because of no freedom of speech

I thought we called them christkillere cause they dont like to publically admit they did it? When its in their fucking book

Yeah, I bet you enjoy hunting those big bucks out in the woods while vegans are fucking your wife.

Fat doesn't count, tubs.

thats the way they should have spun it tbh

Paleo Diet Master Race

vegans fucking the wife while hunting? is this some form of avant garde troll attempt? i don't get it.

Here's your (you)


Vegan doctor on the left, creator of the paleo diet on the on the right.

This. Remember that Hitler was a vegetarian, too.
Golden One is pretty based.

You keep posting pictures of two random guys. What point are you trying to make? Vegans and paleo people both have doctors? You are too strange.

Not at all true, also the site runs like shit. Fuck this.

he doesnt live in sweden he lives in ireland

Nathanael is just so spiteful Jewish outcast getting his revenge on the Chosen but dressing up as an offensive cartoon caricature of Christian Clergy in order to piss off his fellow brothers of Zion. It's really no different than a white woman that makes public show out of fucking numerous black men just to get under other white people's skin

is it possible to get all nutrients you need on vege diet?


Wew lad

Yes, you just need to supplement B12.

Wait, vegetarian or vegan? If vegetarian you don't even need to take b12.

what whatever the fuck diet this vegpill shit is

They both looked pretty scrawny to me. How do you know one was healthy and one not? Do you have magic x-ray eyes or something?

Perfection can be attained if you're an Aryan of Aryan stock and blood. Christianity is for the miscegenites and the non-Aryans.

also fuck him for shilling jack donovan's homoerotic approach to neomasculinity to youngsters

So, no, by definition, you cannot, in fact, get all proper nutrition. Vegans and veggos are kike projects.

Taking the vegpill means going full vegan. Vegetarians are just sucking on the tip of the vegpill.

fuck you user. Brother Nathaniel isn't the usual asshole "e-celeb." He's genuinely nuts, he stands out at intersections in Colorado with signs all day naming the Jew. All day every day the he's not making videos.

Not like he takes any shekels he makes and then goes and lives a "normal" life. whatever he is, he genuinely believes in his cause. Jewtube is just a vehicle for him. He's also funny as shit in some videos and seems like a manic depressive.

Don't shit on Brother Nathaniel. Closest living thing we have to Bobby Fischer and he believes what he preaches. Ask someone out in that part of Colorado, he's out with his signs just about everyday.

No one does what he's done for years (including getting in trouble with the ZOG law enforcement itself).
What have any of us done, by comparison?
I'm honestly sick of seeing so much counter-signal D&C Shilling.
I would have thought that the Shekels might have ran out after Trump won, but I guess I thought wrong.

Never skip leg day.

I'm 6'2'' 215lbs and have lifted for 17 years, it doesn't take much to get your bench up to 340 if you do it for a decade and half. Though I'll say he is more defined elsewhere.


I enjoy slaughtering any animal I can

This thread is a fuck, no point in even trying to save it.

Anyone have any healthy and cheap diets? I'll eat anything as long as it doesn't taste like shit or involve leafy greens. What I'm currently doing is just barely eating.

Are you a homosexual?

Now "Golden One" is self-promotional, egotistical fucking asshole who shouldn't get free mentions here. He is actually trying to make a "Career" of his YT bullshit. Brother Nathaniel? If they shut Jewtube down tomm., he'd still be out his signs naming the Jew.

Nah, fam. Just showing folks that the male body can thrive on a plant based diet.


The religious D&C is a lot more entertaining than what ever this fucking vegetable is going on about.

I once met a guy who lived entirely on bread with nutella. He'd been doing that for like 15 years. The human body is a peculiar machine that can survive on lots of strange shit. So what?

Filthy kikes, trying to weaken and pussify everyone

They're entirely right.

After namedropping TGSNT and bringing up the JQ in recent videos, he's lost a ton of sponsors, yet still does it. That's worth something.

Did you ever fucking read On the Jews and their lies you dumb fuck? Doesn't help the vegan faggot, who is likely the rach poster, who is also imkampfy is in the thread.

whats wrong with eating eggs?

Isreali kikes are some of the most degenerate 85 IQ subhumans around. Everyone can also see you already took the vegpill because you're brain dead.

Jew broads are pretty gross tbh

You're going in the oven.

eating cholesterol is no problem you China study believing faggot

How is it more ethical? I've never understood that argument. Plants are complex living creatures too. We are creatures that kill to live, is that unethical? Frankly I've always found the argument a bit disrespectful towards plant life.

And for veganism being healthy, that's sort of hard to say. I'm sure it's not any worse than many other strange diets now a days. Still, it's pretty new. Never heard any mention of it before the 60s-70s marxist/hippie university culture so we're only a couple generations in there. Never been any people on this planet, anywhere anytime before that who tried it out. So I guess we'll see in some generations how stable it actually is.

While I'm sure it can work I must say most vegans I meet don't look like your muscle-guy pin-ups at all. They look scrawny, pasty and unhealthy as fuck. That's just my experience though.

But even so, who cares? Just eat what you want. And what does all this have to do with kook e-celeb Brother Nathaniel?

Good. Confirms that the "mods are ebil :^(" shit is just D&C.

Uh, ok?

Where do fish fit in then? Fish are often content with eating shitty algae and do not feel pain.

I'm going to have my steak blue tomorrow. I was thinking of going medium rare but just for you I'm going to gently sear it instead.

I'll be having eggs with it by the way. This is breakfast we're talking about after all.

Lunch time I'll just have some chicken breast.

Maybe some lamb for dinner.

No. You need animal fats. Also you would have to eat like 5kg of salad daily to sustain the body mass he has. There is 400 calories in 1kg of carrots, do the math. Of course they eat protein powder aka powdered milk in the amounts that if you had to drink it raw it would amount to 5 gallons.


What does Holla Forums know about Pope Pius XII?

just made seared lamb shoulder it was great
here's a thread theme

This guy is amazing.

He moves like someone with huntington's. Fucking batty.

How the hell can a person hang lard on her forehead?