Don't Play Identity Politics, White Man!

They just don't get it, do they?

It's amazing. Despite losing, they're using the same tactics that caused them to lose in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:


They did the same during GG when they start to lose they double down and attack everyone.


ls it (((Hadley Freeman)))?

(((Freeman))) needs to realize that identify politics, as a full-fledged political movement, was birthed by Caesar Chavez back in the 1960s, who, incidentally, was a commie.

Every time.

Its like anti racism is anti white right? Theyre primal mission is to exterminate the white race and will do anything and at any cost to achive it.

Too bad we need to burn their third temple before we give them a real holocaust.

It is pretty ridiculous and shows just how little brainpower these imbeciles have. When the nation was all white you had the 'wealthy person party' and the 'poor person party'; you got class divisions. You always had this in the UK and USA.

Go to any African nation and things get tribal. Mokele voted for Bamba because Mokele and Bamba were both of the Dundi tribe, whilst Lekko gets nothing because he was born to the Fufinn tribe.

Go to Germany in the 1930s and all the Protestants voted for Hitler, whilst all the Papists voted for some historically irrelevant chap.

Its all perfectly normal and natural. However rather than it being along the philosophical lines that were once so common in the West; we are now having to go along ethnic lines because of rampant immigrant invasion and the fact that they all voted for their own. All Nogs voted for Obongo, all muds voted for that shitskin terrorist mayor in London, and now all white males voted for Trump, Brexit and as of the 4th; Italy and Austria's nationalism will be voted for by the white males too. This is non-news; this is what has gone on in Democracy forever, and will continue to so long as democracy exists.


Every fucking time.


Pretty much. This is why Trump is going to serve at least 2 terms.

Liberals are so out of touch and hugboxed that they actually buy at face value whatever the liberal media says. You can't defeat an enemy that you refuse to understand.


*sharp inhale*

No. Identity politics came about long before then. National Socialism was about identity politics. I'm not saying identity politics is bad. Quite the opposite.

Why wouldn't they? All they need to do is wait.

Every time.


Which is why they need to be finished off once power against them is attained

I suppose.

In the United States, at any rate, ethnic identity didn't become a driving political force until Chavez.

The obvious objection is, "But what about the blacks?"
What about the blacks! Look at how blacks dressed before the 1960s. In the United States there was common culture, a common polite society, that transcended ethnic identity. Hence blacks and whites aspired to dress in the same way, and blacks didn't want acceptance in "white society" but rather "polite society" as such.

Enter Chavez and all that followed in his wake: latin Americans; african Americans, mudslime Americans, etc.

Plus America's jewish problem didn't become manifest until a generation after the second world war

Buckle up guys. Trump hasn't even begun his presidency yet and he's already starting to win the reelection.

Uh.. good luck with that. You'd need to kill the entire non-White population of the United States.

I've said over and over that this election cycle was GG on a global media scale. Maybe some day, like with GG, people will tire of this bullshit and begin to call them out on it. Just look at pre-GG vidya comments compared to today. Gamers aren't taking bullshit anymore.

Why do you nigger lovers never shut the fuck up about this?


Because that's how it worked, nigger. You can have your opinion about whether it would good or not, but you can't deny that that was the aspiration, you dumb fucking nigger.

If you're blue
And you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where Harlem sits
Puttin' on the Ritz
Spangled Gowns upon the bevy of
High browns from down the levy
All misfits
Puttin' on the Ritz

That's where each and every lulu-belle goes
Every Thursday evening with her swell beaus
Rubbin' elbows

Come with me and we'll attend their jubilee
And see them spend
Their last two bits
Puttin' on the Ritz

No, it isn't how it worked. Niggers have always been a criminal element in this country. Stop trying to push this fucking narrative here, you literal real life nigger. You aren't welcome here.

Bull fucking shit. Blacks scted better because we killed them if they didnt

Oh no, of course not. We're just the majority, whose society rests on the back of. It's not like any majority can be the actual forefront of THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

Has these idiots learned anything yet?

And part of acting better was dressing in an appropriate way and adopting an appropriate kind of behavior.

Eradicate yourself.

Boy, talk about luck of the draw! Of course, it's a complete coincidence.

Take note, Holla Forums. This is what this board is now. Straight up zio-cuck nigger lovers.

Guaranteed it's a mulatto/"my best friend/girl friend is a nigger".

They will never learn. And that is why we win.

which they famously and drastically failed at, to the point that their failure was a constantly-milked lolcow in popular songs like i quoted above, popular literature and theater entertainment. do you have any idea how popular amos and andy were? do you think their act had any content beyond "laughing at how stupid and gullible niggers are" forever?

see 5:30 and following of this vid:

Because they're thinking long-game.

If Trump doesn't do something to seriously change the demographic situation - which, by definition, requires action against the legal non-Whites as well as illegal - then his administration will be meaningless.
The demographics will change, and it will be all Left, all the time.

The left is still thinking that way… Suggests either they're complete retarded (possible), or they don't think Trump is going to do anything about the demographic situation (also possible).
The big difference between us in the election was that they didn't NEED to win, unlike us… And going into the future, assuming Trump doesn't change these policies (and soon), they won't need to worry about winning those either - they're in a holding pattern, waiting for the demographic conditions they've put in place to reach their consequential conclusion.
If they win again, we're done - we've reached the breaking point, there is no longer any wiggle-room for us to work with: We MUST see these policies changed, and before Trump is up for re-election, or he likely will not win re-election. And, just as we could not afford to lose this time, there is nothing to suggest we can afford to lose in 4 years.


True, mostly, but that's not what he's saying. He is pointing out that blacks as an American subculture attempted to be relatively decent to the best of their abilities. Blacks still took some personal responsibility instead of blaming everything on whitey.

From the 1960s-1970s, it went downhill fast. Compare crime stats from the 1960s through the 1980s. That is not all demographics, it is the rise of gangsta culture, where niggers became much worse.

If you have the time, Hood Life 3. Skip the first 30 seconds.

This is truth.

That nigger you posted? Absolutely nothing to ensure he won't birth and raise a nigger of the most niggerdly manner.
There are no good niggers, because any and every nigger can and generally does produce niggers.

Thank imkampfy.
Have you seen /polmeta/?
Dude has been permabanning people at a rate of like 10+ per day, while the moderators engage in narrative crafting through anonymous posting, bumplocking and banning.

Shit that posted without the end

Take your pick, really. He's floating pics of some nigger zionist retard who pushes the forever war every chance he gets on Fox Jews as his "ideal nigger", so it's either a straight up nigger or some conservative retard who thinks he's on a Republican board. I'm surprised he hasn't worked "mudslime" into a post yet.

Soo…… They are just going to keep going with the same tired shit and not even trying to suck up to the very demographic that they have ignored and vilified and as a response lost to.

They can't even hide their hatred for white men for 10 minutes to try and win votes, not during the election, and not even after losing it.

I think that whole "kikes are smart" meme is being proved complete bullshit.

Every time I try to find it I never can, but there were statistics put together showing that black criminality hasn't changed at all since the postbellum period. There's nothing magical about the 60s-80s and beyond. That's why every country they exist in, from Asia to Europe to New World colonies, their criminality rates are nearly identical.

he is going back last.

Ah, you see, these people are used to getting their way. Come up with some inane bullshit, snap fingers and voila, your nigger president announces your bullshit as an upcoming law on the next day.
However, the spoiled child that are Murrica's cultural marxists, confident that their nation-wrecking will be cemented with Shillary's election, had the candy jar whisked away right from under their noses. They were so close to their reward they could smell it, but it's us who got to eat the candy. So now the child is throwing tantrums and kicking table legs in impotent rage.
My only hope is that some of them die of choking on their own venom.

right and look at the head of the green party fo full JEW because she is lets face it a jew and co opted to continue opposition of the WHITE MAN with her wrinkle neck shekkel grubbing worthless bag of shit called her own self out shamelessly as nothing but CO.

notice how after the fb redit twitter called out as sht bag shills or zionism we get flooded with bungling idiots and even seen life and gab already getting this mass of jew rats blowing up posts with their degenerate barf.

I wanted to bring up "So what, meritocracy doesn't exist?" but this point just defeats itself on it's own without any outside help.

they must realize and understand the power of Identity politics as a means of defeating the great demon beast known as "Civilized people who do good things." but they then turn around and try to deny meritocracy's existance by saying white men have been abusing it for themselves. Except Identity politics only works by absorbing people's sympathy without putting in any effort, and nobody ever has sympathy for men, and nobody shows sympathy for whites because we're seen as on top of the world, because we're the only race and sex that puts in the effort to make it there.

fucking leechers and liars man.

anything cm says is news is complete sht leading you dumb goy like sheep into the opposite direction of you having your racial freedom to be if you are white better than every shit stained jew/nigger/sandy/chink/nip/gook on this planet.


I can hear the cries of my brothers over the horizon.

They are clever. They are manipulative. They are schemers, and they have plans. But as far as actually being smart, I don't believe that they are. If they were, they would be trying to figure out a way to weasel out of this multiculturalism they wanted to begin with. Their pet blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims will look at all the fair-skinned, wealthy Jew candidates that the Democrats want to run, and say, "Fuck off Whitey."

Clever. Not smart.

I don't think I've ever seen someone reveal themselves as a hypocrite in their very own title.

no. they are hypocrites whose rhetoric is fucking see through if you understand their tactics and goals. everything they say pushes the agenda forward. once you know the agenda you are immune to their bullshit.

it's always the white men bringing up the fact that overplaying identity politics led to shillary's defeat,
because white men have the highest IQs and that analysis is the correct one.

We should be happy that they don't learn. Don't let the news jew (pic related) know what we're all about.

you can also be born immune to the scare-tactic of being called a sexist if you're a woman, or immune to the scare-tactic of being called a racist if you're not white.

Not true. Asians and ashkenazi have the highest IQ. Jews and chinese will rule the world and there is nothing Trump supporters can do to avoid this.


Nice meme but I give it a 1/10

Holy shit kill yourself immediately.

I wish I could meme yall fkers got some skills I really don't give a fuck I am natsoc and hate all else little cucks trying to justify or condone the existence of shitskins in your home.Nothing worse than a race traitor brings out the serial killer in my white genes yet just shows women are fking stupid sheep unless train to fight and understand

With that spelling and grammar? Hard to believe.

Heil, the grammar nazi …never implied I could type.

The Jew is a compulsive liar.

but dad, it's still only white men making this correct analysis because jews can't tell the truth and asians can't pronounce 'hillary.'

there are some tests in life where cheating won't help your performance. china's greatest military success of the last half-millennium is general tso conquering some tastebuds

an hero


keep me honest and tbh I want war and tired of semantics.(((YOU))) have nothing but grammar you must be a jew …. can say butfuk a darn jew hard and make that fire cleaotis not your grammar phd or a un educated white so keep on portraying

best part is I don't have to fight you (((rats))) you destroy yourselves as evident throughout history you filthy kike.

Where the fuck did you come from? Hilarious.

These idiots thought the US was their country to run the white man out of. Now THEY're the ones pushed to the margins.

really, if you know any chinese, the part about cheating is way more brutal. it's like anuddah great leap forward

you still don't know why you where ALLOWED israel ..because no on wants you coulda been madagascar shoulda taken the offer now yuour surrounded my mudslimes and your only protection is the white man that you think you can destroy and replace when you will never have absolute power when your trying to x the races around you making them stronger and stronger and more aware of your oppression fools.

His son was already killed, by the police, while committing a violent felony.

Jews are fuking dumb

fucking hell, i did not know that.

so even his undoubtedly excellent fathering skills were not enough to overcome the groid genetics. i wonder if he ever considered adopting a kid of a different race.

Have pride in your race (if you are white) otherwise KYS its the only logical solution.

You'd be fine if your daugther married a "godly nigger", wouldn't you?

Is it weird that that gives me more respect for him? I mean his son deserved to die sure but when its your blood its hard to get past that emotionally yet he did and rightfully calls out BLM for the thugs they are.




and of fucking course a jew wrote it ffs

At this point I don't know what they could actually pivot to that would help their cause. I don't see a way out of it for them.

If they de-radicalize and move toward the center, they look like they've bent the knee. This kills the left.

If they refuse to de-radicalize, they lose the rest of the white vote, and the country moves further right. This also kills the left.

If I'm missing something, a way out of this for them, please let me know. I want to anticipate their next move but for the life of me I can't see a solution for them.

Don't tell them that. Just share it with fencesitting normies. They'll get the message.

they're so drunk on their own koolaid, they can't even imagine the idea of a caucasian who isn't deeply ashamed of racist thoughts and deeply afraid of being detected and denounced as a racist.

the plan was never to "take over"
the plan was simply divide, and make it so there could never be a reconcilation.
you were played, everybody in the US was played, now is too late.
the leftist were, as per usual, just a tool

how about a world where there is now niggers or shitskins or chinks it was all nothing but white ppl OM!G that is the utopia they all wish for and we are the only ones smart enough to do it


you think interbreeding is strength ahaghahhahaha guess you never paid attention so sit down and learn what a white man teaches which is basically all you know but what you don't know is how the kike has infiltrated white men in their fear and subverted whited education so they could survive as a parasite.FUCK THAT FUCK THEM BITCH GET GASSED!!

This user gets it.
We won by the skin of our white teeth.
The demographic slide needs to be reversed.

Primal scream made some good tunes.

Pic related.


It starts with building the wall, deporting the illegals, and closing off white countries to refugees.

If Trump ends up being just another cuckservative, then we'll never see the above implemented, and we'll be fucked no matter what happens.

Or we act like men and go on a slaughter rampage.

FBI please go.

Some kind of tax revolt would be far more effective, I think.

No taxation without representation, right? If whites can never win another election, then whites should organize to stop paying taxes. Let the niggers starve until we're the majority again.

you can say the same about whites birthing defective retards and neets. no blood is exempt from genetic irregularities. why are you acting like youre somehow special compared to every other organism on the planet?

.cry like a (((jew))) ape then constantly twist words over and over until its what you want to hear.Think of all the awesome movies would have been made without you rats. KYS NOW!

Looks like the kikes are fine with white nationalism, we mainstream now.


youre right, we need to be more calculated.

Is it wrong for this business to only cater to whites? Should anyone be subject to do business with anyone for fear of being called rasict?

That would be prosecuted more harshly than aforementioned ramboing.

If there is a way, and there is always a way, we will find it.

If I was them I would keep up the anti-white shit, hope whites never get violent, and in thirty years have complete and utter political dominance just from the demographic sea change.

You sound salty as fuck but I understand. Don't worry it isn't your fault you were born a subhuman.


When are we going to make our own Huffpoo parody rag?

and you don't even know me bitches but as a white I remember where you made your nests went to school with your half retarded kids while I like a strong goy fought niggers you sat back looking weak and retarded then paid me to whip the niggers ass that bullied you because my Aryan genes would not permit me to back down against a nigger or any other shitskins yet I was fool enough to think you were white like me.I should have killed you instead of slaying niggers that played foobawll uh uh huh kentucky fried chicken good.

Because our people are sole ones to have conquered he planet and reached the goddamn heavens.

Yeah, everyone is so dumb and you're so smart.

Better get cracking on it then. Not much time left.


From time in memorial.

I think that's an excellent idea. At the very least whites need to start forming more racial/ethnicity based organizations for lobbying purposes, and for clandestine networking. You know why immigrant communities (especially jewish ones) are so successful? Because they pool money together to give themselves disproportionate spending power. The money never leaves the community, it gets cycled around and around which allows wealth to grow. This was very common in white America until not that long ago, before social welfare programs peoples primary means of support was on churches and fraternity organizations; one family having a tough time, someone sick, lost their job ect. the members cook meals for them, start funds, take kids to school,ect. The jews take it to great extremes. Schlomo only buys his food from Chaim the green grocer, gets his taxes done by Menachem the accountant, and buys his clothes from Simcha the tailor.

can literally punch you to death seen that fat fucking nigger stepping up on a old white women they lucky I didn't go our and murder 100 of them then see how they cry

Are you supposed to be a gook bot or something I am confused.

I have killed more niggers legally and illegally than you have and excuse my typos


Nailed it!

Deep down every shitskin and loud mouth cunt realizes they're just playing pretend, "playing house" as the toddlers do, in a world literally built by the White man. Everyone instinctively understands this whether they admit it or not.

I killed one for arson, does that count?

If it's not White, it ain't right, if it's not male, fucking hell.

no more placating cuck die along with your masters.White man goes totally ape you either going back on your own or we will fucking kill you to purify our living courters.You all follow us around like parasites because we are the best period.Not chinks or negroids or sandniggers WHITES are the best and if you ain't white fuck off and sucks to be you.

Not at all. There's a really similar story from a famous black lawman during the Wild West were his son ended up stealing some horses and murdering someone and he tracked his son down and ended up having to shoot him. I honestly feel bad for the few decent niggers that actually exist. I think a lot of them know their race is shit and there's nothing they can ever do make it better.

AK user that you?

When does the ride end?
I want to get off.

Jesus fucking wept. We can only kill them openly after we make it acceptable. Kick out the Muslims and Mexican scums and many will resist.

They will die in resistance, thus shifting public opinion towards being more accepting of our final solution.
One step at a time man.

Hi! I thought about what you guys said and threw away all my herbal jew.

Now all I have left is coffee and my girls cunt.

oh did I jump the gun ? isn't race war now to exterminate those fucking dregs and their anchor babies ….opps my bad NOT!!

The more violent and scary they become the better for us too. We could literally cordon off the "inner cities" and shut-off the H2o.

Nice combo you got there.

Where did you find this site?

I don't care, do it.
If you have such a death wish, get to killing.
Meanwhile, we will be over here trying to execute a strategy that will actually work.

((It's a small world after all.))

But the ride's just now getting good

oh forgot still a fucking ape muslim in control or the white mans nation if you ever let it happen again you deserve to fucking die

Don't forget that in the sanctuary cities vast swaths of the population are on food stamps.
Trump is going to take that away.

They will litterally eat each other.

"I keep calling him a racist, but he doesn't seem to care…maybe if I call him racist even louder!"


well user that is a mix bagged how I found out here I been banned fb red twt for natsoc or they called it anti nigger Never did 4 chan trying to learn the lingo but back when 4 chan was a think I was paying for a fking house didn't have time to play.

All this does is bolster our numbers.

hey mi8lleniz get a man cave it works ;)

By kek you are just cannon fodder.
We hate skinheads you know.

Funny how getting banned by sites like Facebook just pushes people farther into their ideology.

not a skin head so kek that

What did he meme by this???

Every. Fucking. Time.

In that boat too

Nigga I….

The redstate/bluestate election maps really show how bottled up they all are. We need to use that to our advantage. Essentially, we have them surrounded. We have to maintain that advantage, because it doesn't really matter how many of them there are, if you can starve them to death all at once. This election also shows that the demo change isn't quite as bad as maybe some think, because of the electoral college. Which is why (((they))) have called it "racist." (As if they don't call everything racist I know)

it's all they got

I was already btfo about it but they just started banning recently after I wasn't even going there LMAO butt hurt jews

Actually, if anything, this kike gets it. She's making the point that in this election, white identity was a driving factor in getting Trump electied. Cucks that voted for Trump may enjoy safe-harbor, denying that the vote went Trumps way because a vote of 'white consciousness' was never made explicit; but a renewed resurgence in white identity is precisely what Holla Forums has been memeing back into existence. I repeat: this kike gets it. But what is she going to do about it?

that's literally the opposite of what happened
Trump won because Whites are learning identity politics as well


I had not logged or tryed to log to a fb or twitter for about 3 months then see they crying about muh fake news LMAO awesome dumb rats

That which is forced into the unconscious by external pressures will eventually manifest into the conscious mind, stronger and more violently than ever. Don't these kikes ever read Jung? Or is it all fingers up the ass and Freud with them?

Too much alinsky, not enough art of war.


He got 33 dubs, you didd't.

Third temple burns with new Caesars crowning.

Then we finish the jews off. (and their 'god')

I can't wait.

We need to burn Jerusalem down to the mantle with an orbital cannon. Every Semitic religion permanently BTFO.

I will admit I was never a 4 chan when that was a thing browse their and the anti white shills make me want to kill something so yea I ain't a 4chaner I am only 8pol only pp even close to what I want to do,don't post memes although I am good at it running a new system every few days so kind gets redundant to meme stack shit and go full KEK mode

Pie in the sky atm.
I think we will do better if we maintain current course.
Wait for the deportations and the resistance against them to occur first.

Then we push the final solution.

So you are just a retarded newfag.

I can say this in the time I have had you fkers slayed it THANK YOU for getting GOD EMPEROR in YOU FUCKING WIN!!!!!reeeeeeee


You heard the digits, now move!

>After a year in Paris, she worked on the fashion desk of The Guardian for eight years.

Wow, just who I'd go to for hard hitting political analysis.


The current plan should be something like this;

When they resist and they fucking will the deportation forces we spin them as criminals and monsters.
We should be able to "other" them quite easily.
Next we secure the God Emperor's second term, freeing him from PR completely.
Then we start to "other" non-whites and Jews >implying there is a difference
And repeat the process while also pushing hard evidence and memes of the Holohoax being exactly that, and showing how much of history is a lie.

From their, well I think by then fascism will already be in maximum pogrom mode.

Any additional ideas?

She's a mouthpiece. The thinkers that pushed this article are deeply concerned.

Not really… very few blacks were ever lynched.

Couldn't agree more user, at the end of the day they fucking need us to survive. The best way to combat all these accusations of racism and white people in general is to simply point out that we're still in the majority for the time being.

lol their are actually women on pol ahahahaha!!! anyway dude Emperor is in we don't get everything we want yet he gives us more than hillary

Oh god, I want the spics to resist so badly. I want street to street fighting with them, like Aleppo. Sure we'll lose white valuable white men. But for people like me - >30 with no waifu or kidso - dying for our race is about all we have left. It would be worth the cost in capital and white lives to be able to use real weapons against these half-caste invaders; I mean tanks and thermobaric bombs and shit.

then we can kill at will I wish the same for niggers please keep chimping because when it turns Whites will exterminate non whites

no remorse needed and shut up and die

you ever think of how good everything will bve without fucking niggers we don't need them anymore to pick cotton they should all go back !!!!

People who are above-average will, on average have children who are less intelligent than they are but on average will be smarter than the average.

The average nigger is unacceptable in modern society, we all agree on that. There are some exceptional niggers like Ben Carson or Sheriff David Clarke, that some Holla Forumsacks think sufficiently above average that they should be admitted into white society. Regression to the mean tells us that the children and particularly grandchildren of these exceptional niggers will be far more average niggers. Their offspring will regress to the mean.

Hmm. I mean, clearly eugenics is possible. Racial differences in cognitive ability and time-preference are proof of that. But look, niggers shouldn't be some kind of white person welfare project. I honestly wouldn't mind it if Africa were simply the nigger continent. I don't mind trading technology for resources and encouraging the best of niggers to be successful in their own homelands. They just need to be, you know, not here. Any nigger that's as smart as Ben Carson should recognize that their racial duty isn't to work for whites as exotic pets, it's to return to their ancestral homelands and elevate their people above the savagery they perpetuate today.

I understand the idea, but I don't buy the argument. For this to be true, neanderthals must have been rank geniuses, no?

fuk their achor babies no nigger is needed in white society send em back to africa and the race traitor whores with sure it will do wonders for their society when then don't kill red heads

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

People who are above average have an above average chance of having a kid who will be more intelligent than them. It's just that the chances of that happening are, while higher than usual, still less than the chance of having a normal child. Having kids that are smarter than you is rare unless you are below average.

Everyone tends to have kids who are more average than they are.

niggers are fucking stupid and white women that fuck them are even more stupid and should be hung or sent back with the apes and their achor babies should be sterile so not to infect white white their nigger genes you dumb fuck progressives can't get a date other than a nigger to fuck your skank ass cuz your low tier


As I said, I understand the argument, logically. I just don't believe that it works out that way in reality.

They've been shitting bricks since the day Trump announced yet they're still pushing the same weak tactics. I do realize it's The Guardian but propping up yet another allegedly urbane and well educated stronk womyn to sneer her way through an editorial about evil White men has zero effect on reality.

Are they truly retarded enough to think it will work this time? I'm honestly at a loss to understand how they believe this can be effective unless the plan is to keep spewing an avalanche of shit until we're worn down and give up.


Having a child who is 140 IQ is very rare, even if you have two 140IQ parents. Having smart parents shifts your potential bell curve higher, but not so high that 140 IQ would be a likely outcome.

How the fuck did the jews got their hands over USA? The more I think about it, it looks like the two world wars were planned only that Israel will be created.

This is why eugenics needs to be a guided, scientific, state-run discipline. It has to be a program that is voluntary but available, pervasive even. The only job 140+ IQ people should have is to breed. Anything else we willingly and joyfully do is just a bonus.



Yes, that wiki cites the 'Regression Towards the Mean' article. I agree this is one model of how intelligence is inherited. I don't agree it is necessarily correct.

Once again, if this were true, then our predecessors must have been incredibly gifted in order to produce offspring as intelligent as ourselves, many generations later. I don't see any evidence that this is the case.

Was meant for .

After several generations of this you would end up with a exponentially burgeoning subsidized NEET under/overclass of turboautists who do nothing but shitpost on the internet, watch anime and fuck their subsidized turboautist 3dpd waifus

I'd watch an anime based on this concept


this article is fucking hilarious

If you need convincing, just look up the children and grandchildren of all the highly proficient black men you can think of. More often then not, they'll be standard nigger fuckups.

blogpost time. I'm seeing my parents for the first time in a year, and I'm carpet-bombing redpills. They think I'm a monster. But you know what, fuck them. They had children. They did their part. They bred and raised a red-haired blue-eyed white motherfucker. And now every time I name the Jew, they shift in their seats, they're obviously uncomfortable. They don't give a fuck about our race. They have zero consciousness of the challenges we face. I don't know if they even care any more if I give birth to white grandchildren, and I'm getting old enough that I need to impregnate a white lady or get off the pot. They have no conception of the challenges we face and because of that we have no support structure. The burden that's been placed on our shoulders is too heavy, too heavy. How can anyone expect us to succeed under these odds at this late in the game? But still I try.

if you are a kike can you please kill yourself mkay thanks .

I'd be more inclined to believe that there is a baseline mean nigger intelligence, determined by genetics, and that the outlier's offspring simply regressed towards the mean.

Religious "Second Great Awakening" + large numbers of Jewish immigrants → Judeophile Christian h'whites + the general Jewish nepotism and shekel-related acumen → Jew powerbase increasing to the point of rivalling the Jewish influence of the United Kingdom

Also the USA was kiked from the start, Washington and the founding fathers were all Freemasons

I must be explaining myself very poorly, because that is correct.

My waifu found me. This degenerate world isn't worthy of her, so we must create a world that is.

"Hispanic" is a meme ethnicity. I'd like to see US population statistics if the "hispanics" were broken down into actual ethnicities: white, mestizo, indio, and black.

nope nigger are proven stupid ,calling for a race war buhahahahaaa every white man dreams of the day they can exterminate you and your half breeds faggot.


The best answer is the Bane answer.

I think I understand where you're coming from now. You're saying that there is a mean intelligence for each population, and each individual's intelligence lies somewhere near the mean. But overall, a population cannot 'escape' its mean intelligence.

What I thought you were saying was that intelligence was trending downwards over time due to regression / the law of averages. If I misinterpreted your argument, I apologise.

Weren't freemasons competing with jews?


then what happened to them today? they seem gone

White Man = Smart ,Nigger = stupid not really a debatable subject it you are a nigger kys you are worthless if you a white you increase humanities over all position APES ARE STUPID can not creat anything like the jews and you hate us (WHITE MEN) Master race for it because your butt hurt spear chuckers given to much white man power to

pretend you could be white you shit stain faggot

any white just has to step up and has a nigger ape beat.

Lol. I'm white, faggot.

you fucking niggers cry about it but would never cry or give a shit about a white man so fuck you you and your virtue signals NIGGER I love that my race had you in chains until WE DECIDED TO FREE YOU UGLY BLACK ASSES.



keep it up with your soros shit you will be in chains again nigger perpetual idiots getting used by jews blm jew soros he don't give a shit his movement will end you back in chains and sent to africa but g head little rats I will be here to pack your black ass on that boat and send you away so a white can be free of your disgusting race


I don't even know who is jewing whom. It's a tangled mess of cords and nobody knows what connects to what anymore.

no more catering to your feelings we start killing you outright you won't be so uppity and your icons in rap will shrink up quick you fucking turds

think you got power try to come here I will blow your brains out nigger.


You're not worth a catcall and the only way you'll get one is by being a complete whore to degenerate men who crave your vagina. That's the fruit of the culture you helped push.

We on the other find ways around them, which has led to an interesting discovery, at least for me.

every time

I am here because I Love White ppl and their culture you rats trying to make that a bad thing and you fucking failed niggers


I'm pretty sure that second picture's numbers are wrong. It was one of those early 14D chess things Trump did. He put that out, and then the media smugly spread the correct numbers which are not quite as bad, but still terrible to their listeners.

You know, I'm starting to think that maybe the Jews don't have our best interests in mind after all.

I don't remember Trump ever saying he was going to do that.

RECENTLY? Seriously? Did you ''just' wake up to this?

Yes, and generally he will work more hours, not get scholarships at the same rate, be denied positions due to diversity quotas, and generally get shit on and told that anything that he DOES achieve, is all due to being a white male.

Me too. However, we have enough problems to worry about with our own race, and we can't afford to take that path very far.

Yeah, they definitely were. I remember some MSM channel reporting on it and saying something along the lines of, "No, only 90% of blacks are killed by blacks." It was great that Trump could trick them into speaking actual truth about racial crime statistics. I'll look around and see if I can find it, but it has been a while.

I think the idea is to stop other users from being infected by wrong think. They really do consider us irredeemable, and we shouldn't forget that when planning for what they might try to do to us one day.

Genuinely curious here: has anyone here ever seen a black person/couple adopt a kid a different race? I've seen loads of whites adopt kids from virtually every racial background, but I can't think think of even one instance of blacks adopting anything other than a black kid. Off the top of my head, I can't even recall seeing an Asian or Hispanic person/couple with a kid(s) who wasn't of the same race. I could easily come up with a few A-list white celebrities without Googling it (Pitt, Jolie, Bullock, Theron, etc.) with their fashionable diversity adoptions but never anyone else.

I want to see every kike riped and raped from power and burned at the stake after they watch their niglets burning in front of them and chant pizza molloch in their faces as they blissfully burn to non existence but I a crazy right?

youre demented. if youve got a bullet, give them a quick bullet. if all you have is gasoline and a lighter, light em up.

This is a bot, right?

So true.

>They think I'm a monster.
Yeah, I know that feeling. My mother is an evangelical who as it happens thinks niggers, jews and spics are all great, and it usually shows in her face that she is disgusted by the things I've come to understand.

I want them to suffer first a quick death is only afforded to a white warrior not a gd pedo pos jew

To be fair, jews are such a small percent of the world's population that we could probably find the time to do this if we really wanted.

torture for jews YAYAAAAA! show em what an oven really looks like

black cops' kids seem to enjoy doing their damnedest to destroy the efforts of the previous generation. It's like the black equivalent of 'the preacher's kids' tending to do the same.

Very smart of her to antagonize the majority demographic and main voting power. Please keep on doing what you're doing so that Trump can be guaranteed a win in 2020.

They never learned at all and I'm glad that they didn't.

He didn't, although removing it from illegals would probably be a smart step. It might tempt them to commit a crime so they can be deported, as well.

Another (((chosen))) who abhors the white working class? Color me surprised!

do brits still train with the bayonet?

sage because off topic.



I tell you, the people I hate most in this world are the fucking ESFJs. But right behind them are those good-for-nothing ISTJs and ESTJs. Hell you can toss the ISFJs in with them and soak the whole lot.

All those worthless pieces of filth do is cause problems. Don't put them on your crew if you want to meet your deadline, I'll tell you that much.

One dirty ISTJ sat down next to me on the bus the other day. I said, "Excuse me, do I look like I want to catch whatever diseases you have? Why don't you go sit in the back of the bus where your kind belong, I'm sure there's plenty for you to inspect back there, and if there's not, then check out your own arse."

Their time is coming. One day soon there will be a reckoning and we'll wipe those lowlifes out of our societies. Fucking Guardians; they're either leeching from you or getting in your way or taking credit for your hard work or nitpicking the small stuff because they're simple minds can't grasp the big picture and they want to pretend like they're doing something useful.


I tell you, the people I hate most in this world are the fucking Capricorns. But right behind them are those good-for-nothing Cancers and Geminis. Hell you can toss the Pisces in with them and soak the whole lot.

All those worthless pieces of filth do is cause problems. Don't put them on your crew if you want to meet your deadline, I'll tell you that much.

One dirty Cancer sat down next to me on the bus the other day. I said, "Excuse me, do I look like I want to catch whatever diseases you have? Why don't you go sit in the back of the bus where your kind belong, I'm sure there's plenty for you to inspect back there, and if there's not, then check out your own arse."

Their time is coming. One day soon there will be a reckoning and we'll wipe those lowlifes out of our societies. Fucking Guardians; they're either leeching from you or getting in your way or taking credit for your hard work or nitpicking the small stuff because they're simple minds can't grasp the big picture and they want to pretend like they're doing something useful.

The MBIT is just a backdoor IQ test. As we all know IQ tests are racist, so it is illegal to use for hiring. IQ is also the best predictor of life success and job performance so you have to use it.

The middle two letters of the Myers Briggs are what really matter. NTs are way smarter than SFs.

NT = Natural Thinkers
SF = Stupid Fuckers

Not everyone called Freeman is Jewish, user.

Funding valedictory awards and the Freemason Foundation.

All feminists deserved to be Raped

He is going to cut funding to sanctuary cities.
All federal funding.
Including food stamps.

I thought people would change tactics.
But the left is so full of retards that they've continued to use the same tactics that has diminished their support.

The left is dead. Good riddance.

I guess this is why Holla Forums is so influential..

istj here.

stupid thinker?

So by using sensing over intution you're analysis is weaker, but because you think more than you feel than mitigates that risk. According to the third chart you are as likely to be gifted as you are to be normal.

So, is INFJ…good or bad? I know it's super super rare and we're borderline autistic because we're super private people, with alarmingly good bullshit detectors and extremely strong opinions.

Where was this detailed? I've only seen people say, "That's what he should do"

Very likely. I've noticed a trend in nonsensical posts like these in various threads, usually with few replies to them. They get up to about fifteen posts and then change IDs and do it again.

Very curious. The last time I saw something like this it was in the Tavistock conspiracy threads, but this seems to be a bit more context-sensitive. If what I learned about such bots are true, though, this would be the second stage of their forum-destruction methods, where they start trying to radicalize the posters and consensus-crack by posting ballistic shit everywhere to drive the normalfags away.

Were this place not constantly inundated with similar bots, it might just work.

You are three times as likely to be gifted than normal. You feel more than you analyze though so be wary of that.

I think the feel before analyze thing is what gives us such good bullshit detectors. But good point. If you were to ask me why I know something is bullshit, I'd have a hard time articulating it, I just sorta know. And the vast majority of the time, I'm right, but I often have to enlist help in proving that I'm right.

I remember reading something from the turn of the 20th century by W.E.B. Dubois acknowledging high black crime rates, but they still weren't as high as today. I think he acknowledged that they were 3x higher than white crime rates. OTOH, it's possible that white criminality was higher then as well, so maybe you're correct.

Also, see graphic. It really did go up a lot from 1960.

Lots of reasons it went down after the early 90s, such as mass incarceration and security cameras everywhere.

It's in his immigration plan.
First 100 days he cuts funding to all sanctuary cities.

Not to tell you your business, but learn to lie.

I do not care whether you're right or not about someone's bullshit or not. I don't care whether you know how you know someone is bullshitting. Nobody really cares. What they care about is results.

So just point out that someone raises an eyebrow when they lie, and watch as they begin to try to cover the tell. It becomes easier to point out the new tells because now they're too focused on the eyebrow to realize that they're avoiding eye contact with you.

Just remember that it's all fun and games until someone realizes your game.

does schultz not consider a rational argument as opposed to ad hominems?
perhaps people like her are afraid of being wrong as it would damage their fragile egos: thus they can only remain on the offensive.

Where was this detailed? I've only seen people say, "That's what he should do"
Also, mayors of the bigger ones have pledged to protect and uphold their policies. So, does that mean they're doing it and risking losing funding until compliance is met?

Sorry, no clue why it copied my previous block of text again.

Comment about those mayors (forgot to mention police chiefs) still stands, though.

https. ://

That was informative. Thank you.



It's only okay when they do it, faggot. get to know this.


Politics crafted around the identity of the majority, its just democracy.
Identity politics is pandering to minorities.

Freeman - usually a nigger or a kike (Friedman)

Stage 5: Acceptance

Kinda off-topic, but has anyone here ever transitioned from an INTP to an INTJ?

I will always be an INT, that is hard-coded into my personality, but I do think I can possibly go from a P to a J, and I think this may be necessary for future success in my life, pic related.

bitch can't even keep her terminology and spheres of action straight

Yes, they bayonet people all the time.

This is what the problem was. These niggers and cunts took each of their individual problems with other individuals and universalized them into these abstract systematic -isms and popularized agressive debate over them in the culture. Kids pick up on and internalize that shit.

Thus we have children growing up reprobate. Internalized guilt for being white, desire to race mix, and faggotry. All symptoms of kids being engaged in a debate over something they had no part in.
I'm not saying they don't have to go back, but the situation isn't as hopeless as it looks.


This is getting frustrating lads. The article is meant to anger you and OP (probably the journalist) is assisting.

I'm starting a tribe. This thought has been impregnated into the minds of many by Kek. Look for a tribe of white men near you. It is beginning.

Happens all the time.
These things aren't fixed.
In fact if you understand the purpose being Jungian types, you would know that if your type remains fixed, you're probably not progressing psychologically towards self-actualization.

"But goy, you should support foreigners invading your nation legally and illegally!
Whites have nothing to be proud of! Don't you realize they've only genocided people, especially Jews?"

And to answer the question, I used to score INTP, now I score INTJ.
You can flip between them on any given day if you're already close to the border.

Haven't you learned how it works yet?

Yes, they understand.
Yes, a Jew was chosen for a reason.
Yes, you still don't understand the big picture.
Journo please.

I had red hair and blue eyes. I'm 33 and no gf let alone waifu and kids. WE ARE GOING TO GO EXTINCT!! In 300 years, we will be living in a world without my phenotype, in a world without anyone who still exhibits the features of our ancestors. Whites are an endangered species. Our genes are under an existential threat. I cannot even articulate how angry and threatened I feel. My people are dying and 70% of them don't even care - fuck, they think it's a good thing.

Sowing fear, panic and demoralization. Who could be behind this post?
This thread has attracted doomsayers like flies to shit.

And the picture is an attempt to induce primal fear.
Leftist or Sinead Mccarthy.

The shilling will never stop until we finally kill every last kike. They're at it 24/7/365. These child raping, murdering and cannibalizing kikes will NOT STOP until they are finally skinned alive and dragged through the streets to their rightful lamp posts.

I want every kike dead, I want ever kike child dead, I want ever kikess dead. I want them chopped into little pieces, thrown into woodchippers, burned alive, I want them

Fuck man, we should be fearing primal fear. How old are you? I'm exiting my best, safest reproduction years as a white man, and I have nothing to my name. I live in a studio apartment (lucky me, at least I don't live with my jew-loving christcuck parents.) I have NOTHING with which to attract a woman; no financial security, no property. How many of us are in my boat? And let this serve as a warning to newfaggots - do it all as early as possible. Waifu the girl, demand children before she has a chance to get bored and wander.

Tut tut user.
Sounds like you fit the stereotype which the left would have us believe is the cause of right-wing beliefs.
You wouldn't be trying to get a chorus of "ME TOO, I AM ONLY ANGRY BECAUSE I CAN'T GET A GURLLL" would you?

No I'm fucking dying user. Maybe it's my fault, I ended up living too long in a pozzed area of California full of fucking spics where all the rent has been bid up by kikes. I should have left a long time ago, before I was bled dry and left alone with the realization that I have NOTHING and have been working since I was 16 for nothing. Fuck! This place is death. Any young Cali-fags, if you insist on going to college (which you shouldn't) go to a small school in rural Tennessee or something. Get out of this place while you can, it will kill you and your entire genetic heritage if you stay. Fuck, don't even listen to me. I'm desperate and ranting.


What are you babbling about?
You know you probably should understand what the terms you're spouting mean, just having them supplied in list form by your boss doesn't really cut it.


been here plenty long, m80

just misread your post because i haven't had my coffee yet


Don't give up user, no surrender!
You still have time, find a better white community, be involved in it, help the elderly there, become respected. The white girls there will find you attractive.

it probably does, the thing is the jews would understand why they did it too, look up george soros interviews, i think its in the 80s. he talks about how he can control whole countries markets and shit and how he wants more regulation, but uses offshore banking to get around them.

the really telling part is when hes asked about how when he was a jew in germany or wherever he was that he had to collect other jews property for the nazis. he was just completly indifferent, he did not care. he said well it would just be somebody else so why not me. but i think he understood big picture, that jews BENEFITED from the holocaust. they got their own country, their own museums, and they are completly immune to any kind of wrong in the eyes of everyone, because as you know, they got mistreated the worst.

oh, and they still control the world. george soros, henry kissinger to name a couple. they came out just fine. just fine…


Drink bleach and an hero ASAP, you stupid piece of shit.

Well duh, he lost the election, didn't he? Had Hitler lost, he would be the "historically irrelevant" one.

>America's jewish problem didn't become noticed until a generation after the second world war
FTFY. Our jewish problem started the moment the first kike set his foot on this continent.


Honestly this is just another facet of leftist projection. We've seen the Alinsky tactic of "accuse your enemies of everything you are doing" playing out before and after the election.

Before the election:
Build up "Never Trump" and claim that the Republicans are hopelessly divided
Ignore every policy that defines Trump
They write an article that Trump used a private server for something and it could have been hacked (I wish I saved it, but I swear it didn't just happen in my mind)
They insist that Trump is a puppet of Russia
Talk about the "grab 'em by the pussy quote" and have several women come out of the woodwork claiming to have been groped

Now after the election
Claim Trump used racists to win, despite getting larger numbers of minorities than Romney, as well as fewer whites. (I believe the lack of white voters will be fixed come 2020)
They write this article about how Trump used identity politics.

There is more, I'm certain, but that is just what I remember off the top of my head. They seem to be stuck with this one tactic, and are praying it bears fruit somewhere.

I varied back and forth, I think it has to do with how literal I answer questions and day to day feels. I think the mbti is bullshit if taken at face value.


I can never get over how lewd that SS QT looks in that pic. How can gassing the Fuhrer's enemies be so…lewd???

What if ancient Indo-Europeans, the folk we call Aryans, actually ree'd as a battle shout?


best drill instructor ever.

11/10 would stab multiple people with

This sounds exactly like the "hate everything you had" spoken by Jesus.


i dont even look anymore.

it literally happens so often im surprised when it isnt a jew

close one. and yeah, I don't even bother any more

Holla Forums's record of being correct is intact.

Jews have some kind of racial disability that makes them unable to learn through trial and error. It's why their entire history is pretty much one shoah after another.

I guess that explains why every policy for the last 50 years has been designed to fucking screw us.

The guardian is a complete pile of shit.
It reflects the liberal/progressive lefty London rich cunts who are used to drinking in posh wine bars and eating in bistros. It is centered around London. Another well balanced article from that shithole:

Please note that the comments section has been removed, even though in the website address it actually states 'comment is free'. It's there in the link I posted.

That hitpiece and the short-lived narrative surrounding it was maybe the most transparently Alinsky-style maneuver I saw through the entire election. It was written around the same time the Podesta Emails were doing maximum damage and shortly after the FBI reopened its investigation of Clinton's private server. The article's intent was obviously to muddy the waters by associating Trump with as many private server/hacked email related buzzwords as possible. None of this hit the mark with normies though, and the whole thing was quickly forgotten.

The original Slate article is here:

Thanks user. I'm glad someone remembers what I was talking about and had a link.

Cry REEEE and let slip the frogs of war

This idea, I like it.

I'm okay with that.