Holy fucking shit, i can't believe i even bothered to use this festering piece of garbage , finally managed to unfuck my hard drive after using this complete abomination for almost 5 months and still have like 100 gigs that magically dissapeared.
Holy fucking shit, i can't believe i even bothered to use this festering piece of garbage...
100 gigs don't magically disappear no matter what distro you use. What file system did you use? Have you checked smartctl to see if your hard drive is dying?.
Sounds like BTRFS and a healthy HDD
Haven't used that tool yet, my previous install was using ext4 for everything.
Does a dead battery affect the lifetime of hardrives?
It does if you're not properly shutting down the laptop.
damn, i haven't managed to find a replacement yet but i always ensured to shut down my computer before unplugging it. going to download that smartctl stuff and then see what's happening.
I guess I should have said it can effect the data on the drive. It's entirely possible that your hard drive is fine, but you should check smart status with smartctl. This is not just Linux but every OS. If you see orphaned inodes attempting to be recovered when you boot, something fucky is going on. If you have a Raspberry Pi or have ever been on the forums, you will see people freaking out because their data on the SD card is garbled. This is what happens when you pull the plug out of the blue. Linux can attempt to recover the data, but there is no guarantee.
Sure it corrupts your files, but look how fast it is!
I'll also add, if you have an external hard drive you can use the test disk suite of tools for recovery. Just make sure the drive you're recovering to has as much free space as the partition you are trying to recover.
Sure I'm a dumb faggot who doesn't know how computers work, but I'm going to shit up Holla Forums anyway.
Whereas Windows just gets slower and laggier every day until eventually you just uninstall it in a fit of rage.
Waahh I want to use proprietary dogshit.
Waahh I was too retarded to save a LUKS keyfile
Waahh Why can't Linus threaten to bankrupt a company if they don't use Linux?
Not even Mac babies are as dumb as you.
Yes, but at least you saged. It's from the Unix Hater Handbook and still applicable today. OP should use ext4 with data=journal.
Implying that linux isn't slow as shit from day one and it just never gets faster.
Smooth scrooling in firefox, what is that ?!?!
Graphical acceleration. OH NO
As if relevant.
Luks keyfile won't do shit for you if you have double layer encryption. You ought to know that.
Good luck rebuilding your keyfiles next time you crash. You will need it.
I am not giving up on Linux just yet but I can understand now why some people dislike it.
I have had my data fucked three times for whatever reason.
Not every one is a no life having autismo that has infinite leisure to peruse .conf files.
Give me Linux.... but give me windows also.
I ran linux in vm for my *nix fetish.
It ran /faster/ than on native hardware and with less issues.
Oh, update fucked up the system, let me just hit the revert to previous version button.
So much easier than dealing with fickle petty nix nonsense.
Then I found out I only have it to run firebug and thunderfart and I really don't need another OS for that.
Linux FS's are completely unstable and unreliable. Dataloss is just a matter of time. I've lost data even on unencrypted install for just whatever reason.
And you can consider yourself one of the luckiest if S3 works on your laptop under linux.
Nvidia optimus, what is that ? Oh you want to run intel gpu for power savings ? Better log off then log in again.
Linux mint has been one of the best experiences. Works, swift, fixed up properly. Just the gui still crashes for no reason.
Ubuntu is a pile of somali dogshit tho. Beyond usable. Searching for an app returns t-shirt results. I could not believe it dropped so low. Reinstalled it from a different iso because i was convinced i must've picked up a funny edition. Nope. it really is there.
Been using GNU/Linux over the past 8 years now. Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch, Elementary and now Debian for the past 2 years.
Never lost any data unless the drive itself failed. Maybe you should stick to ext4 instead of using shitty experimental filesystems. Internet cred won't make your penis grow, you know.
fat32 or ntfs is more reliable than any ext. Shameful really
One time I installed Windows with NTFS and lost all of my files. I tried fat32 which was slightly better, but I had data corruption issues. Windows is not reliable because of my proof.
I've used openSUSE + xfce for years without any trouble. You probably just don't know what you're doing.
It used to be amazing, a real work of art. Before Ubuntu came on the scene, everything else was boxy crud and ran pretty shit by default. Even redhat. SuSE made a name for themselves, their shit came consumer friendly with YaST, pretty highly refined GUI, everything thought through and well tested and stable. Even came with a manual and customer support too. Then redhat got too far ahead, they were crushed, partnered with microsoft and tossed the OS to the Arch linux types.
Is there any linux distro besides SUSE that gives you filepicker thumbnails?
not until mozilla accepts their kde patch
He said, the previous one, not the one that just died.
If only you could downgrade updates when things go awry with an actual non vm installation, my god then Linux would be so amazing, right?
Alphabet servers run on ext4. You'd think a corporation as big as Alphabet would want to use a good and safe filesystem, but alas, the contrarian user always knows better than professionals in the field.
BRB, reformatting all my drives as FAT16.
I may be ignoring something here, but with something as practical and intuitive as YaST I don't understand why people recommend Ubuntu or Mint as baby's first distro, when they could have a lot of ease and still have a very mature and polished distro simply with Suse. I started with Ubuntu and was confused af mostly because the design of Unity, at the time, and of the system itself are clumsy and obscure. YaST puts everything in your hands with a comfy UI and system depth, I honestly don't get what Baboountu gives that makes easier than that.
Distros don't give you graphical features, you silly little child. Graphical applications do that, which can be installed in any distro.
epic meme dood
i'm back, the smartctl results were fine despite the battery, forgot that root had its own partition and now i'm back at 450gigs.
god i'm retarded.
This is bait or shilling
this, opensuse is severely underrated, it lets even configure the font rendering easy, there is not other distro that lets you do that, hell it even has his cli version if everything goes to hell (which saved me on various times thanks to the shitty nvidia driver)
fucking this
No it isn't, what is anyone learning from their files frying or computer shitting the bed? Archfags were fucking right.
Time to install a real distro, kid
That's mildly interesting, running portage in cloverOS. Cloverpill me on CloverOS.
/g/ was bored and decided to make a gentoo based distro.
It's a default Gentoo image with binhost
Your rice looks like the fucking worse shit I have ever seen. Plz get fluxbox and a flat and thin wm theme
What's wrong with our Lord and savior emacs written by RMS himslef?
literally kys tia
Why are you so incompetent, I have been using Linux of the past 17 years and I have not lost any data.
You must be a grade A retard.
I have been using luks with btrfs+compression for the past 3 years. All my data is still there with no issues from the first creation to the last file copied
Sucks to be you, don't blame us for your incompetence.
holy shit /g/ is leaking
So I will try OpenSUSE in virtual box. But I dont understand well the diference between Tumbleweed and Leap. What should I get, or at least test? If I were to use it, I generally jut use it for personal use, and nothing heavy or complex, perhaps gaming (But obviously when I get it work in WINE, then i dualboot).
Basically tumbleweed gets newer software faster. This means you get new bugs and features, but also bugfixes faster. Rolling release breaks easier. My old arch install broke several times because of nvidia, but it's 5 minutes to fix it by downgrading ( in tty ofc ) if you know which package has broken. I don't recommend rolling release to anons who aren't familiar with using cli to do stuff.
I really hate refugees from 4chan. Not only are they fucking stupid but they bring weak bait like "GANOO LOONIX HAS NO HARDWARE/GRAPHICAL ACCELERATION OR SMOOTH SCROLLING LMAO"
No wonder I left /g/ fucking years ago. What a bunch of fucking retards have suddenly appeared. Definitely worse than it was before.
Back to /g/.
Tumbleweed has been my main OS for months now. It's god-tier. Too bad OP is to busy sucking cocks to take the time to learn how to use opensuse.
Oh i learned it alright, and while learning about it i realised that is irredeemable shit.
would rather reinstall suse despite its failures than go back to windows.
NTFS is not reliable.
You have never used a linux filesystem in your life.
You can shell a non advanced filesystem's guts out like XFS and it can still mount and repair.
The advanced filesystems just wipe away corruption as if it never happened.
NTFS needs, god help you, CHKDSK.
If that doesn't solve them problem you need a HEX editor on the raw disk to save data and a reformat later to clear up odd issues.
Pick one.
Lots of distros come with LibreOffice (which is far better), but you went out of your way to install OpenOffice instead? Wow you are one dumb nigger.
I hope you at least got a decent payout for having to shill NTFS.
fat32 is a 32-bit filesystem and you're capped at 4gb for a single file and NTFS is okay but the usb I was using became unreadable and I had to reformat it, it didn't have any critical files which I am thankful for.
By design NTFS will trump against EXT-linux.
NTFS just werks. Ext is a big mess and patches upon patches of mess
ext2 back when ext3 isn't a thing had severe corruption issues before
and then ext3 did too and you'll hear another "teehee" from Linus for forgetting something causing the upstream to get fuck'd with undebuggable shit.
Systemd also fucks ext now and thanks to it systemd+linux filesystem I lost thousands of mpv screenshots few months ago and suffer i/o fuckery during coredumps and journal errors that I had to set coredump.conf to none although it still lags a lot because red hat.
I wouldn't use ext or any linux file system for reliable storage. I'd use XFS though
Install arch and you'll be fine forever.
there's wiki and "#cat install.txt" in the netinstall.
If you can't install arch on your first try then don't bother.
XFS is rock solid I agree. On my current machine I'm using f2fs for my SSD as a practical test and XFS for my storage HDD which has held its data thru better or worse for 2years thru multiple different installs (5-6 linuxes). F2fs gives me a bit of a fuckabout during init but it seems to work great. I also keep my backups on 50% redundant zfs freebsd server.
tl;dr research your filesystems and make backups and take care of those backups.
Sorry to break it to you user, but whoever told you hard disks last forever was mistaken. Back it up or kiss it goodbye.
is that oc?
Fuck off back to /g/
maybe later then, sabayon seems to be working good enough.
I used Suse in the early 2000s for a while, I appreciated YaST but there were a couple issues which I forget now which drove me to use Debian. Now I've switched to Devuan, and various BSDs but I am trying to buckle down and do some insfrastructure with Plan 9.
I also have a Mac but no Windows, nature abhors a monoculture.
Hello /g/!
Yast2 is now in ruby and for package management it's a pain in the ass. A decade ago i used yast for printer setup and package management. Now it's practically just a bloat as zypper and genkernel do their job well.
Pathetic. Probably buy a banner.
always use ext4, you dont need xfs server crap or btrfs which is not stable and still under development.. and i dont know if lvm is better than standard partitioning stuff, gone to lvm already myself and works fine
ext4 is a perfectly good solution, but i found out the other alternatives interesting as well, but there are some downsides. xfs doesn't allow you to downsize filesystem and btrfs is weak at storing virtual machine images, for which i think xfs works best. on the other hand, btrfs is perfect for data recovery. it has some unique characteristics like good tools, metadata backup, scrubbing (try every file in the filesystem for a checksum and note the non-matching files). i used btrfs for a long time and the utils helped me recover even from the hardware-caused problems.
as for lvm, it's great for mangling partitions. being able to resize any partition regardless of its location is a great feature.
Good luck downgrading when grub gets fucking wiped out.
No they don't. They have their own FS.
Think again before you advocate for festering pile of shit as linux.
You do learn. Just not what you thought. You learn that certain OS's are complete garbage and that certain office packages are completely retarded to use.
It's a no brainer to reinstall it within a chroot.
The same year, they announced to upgrade to ext4.
>i even bothered to use this festering piece of garbage
but why?
so, sabayon with added cringe?
Fuck openSUSE everyone but OP knew it was straight aids
Hello plebbit. It's a shame I am even falling for the bait but it slightly rustled my jimmies 2.5/10 made me respond.
I'm on Loonix full time for about a year or so and had no fucking problems whatsoever. Oh and I'm not computer illiterate like you faggot.