Why are all these Africans at the Mexican border?


The fuck is going on here? Can anyone confirm if there's really an army sized mob of all male Africans at the U.S./Mexico border?

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Pic related.

How do you know its at the US border?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Exactly. This is probably another piece of "fake news" they're trying to discredit us with.

I don't. I was hoping maybe someone will come along and either confirm or debunk.


can anyone read this?

Great now I'm the faggot

Thank you. So these are just Haitian migrants in Tijuana?

Still strange they are all male…

The elites only want "diversity" so they can pay immigrants a garbage wage and then pit them against whites in a manufactured race conflict whenever they mismanage the economy.

globalists, son.


So maybe they aren't Haitian migrants after all?

Its the "Unit 'of focus' for Immigrants". I'm pretty sure this location is in tijuana.


When all the world is stupid, poorly paid dumb as shit minimum wage workers who is going to buy the elite's shitty, increasingly expensive products and pay the rising cost of living in general?

If you're in a city on I5 or the southwest in general, keep an eye on the Union Gospel Mission in your town for us. These fucks will wind up there to get free gibs. There is one in every fucking city, and they'r corrupt as fuck.

Nigger this needs confirmation.

To a certain extent the elites drank their own coolaid they think that the muds can maintain modern civilization while being less likley to gas them all than whites.

The funny thing is, the only reason jews were ever persecuted in the first place is because of this kind of 'us vs them' behavior.



Jews cannot help themselves, in 50s America saying bad shit about the jews was verbatum but they couldn't keep society that way, no that would be too easy. So instead the nation is on the brink of a civil war which will seek kikes exterminated for all time. And I say good.

We're a very peaceful beaner community, these niggers are going to ruin fucking everything. We're going to go from peace loving to full on Narco + Tribal warfare. I seriously hope those few chimps I'm seeing are all that's made their way over here. This city is so safe we don't even need to have street lights or invest on them in our neighborhoods.

TFW I'm driving down to Brownsville, McAllen, and Reynosa tomorrow. I'll take pictures if I see anything interesting

They would see a civil war or nuclear conflict with Russia sooner than they would loosen their grip on all of the institutions that rape the average citizen on a daily basis.

Their days are numbered indeed but it's going to be hell for the rest of us until then.




Fucking dumbass, why would you make or save that edit?

The original was fine, it portrayed Trump voters as being masculine conquerors. Yet you sided with the submissive side so fucking much that you had to make fanfic about muslim conquerors taking white women.

Fucking kill yourself. You're worthless trash.


Horsey needs to make porn some time.

They din cross nuffin.

Is this the 2000 that Australia wouldn't take because they were deemed dangerous?

atencion here means 'support' like in customer support… or 'care'
or like immigrant services

You are justifying genocide.


So the jews are shipping them in?


I'm so tired of this argument. There will never be a good reason to import Negroids. They are purely cancer, in all aspects. I'll never see it as anything but an act of war. A biological weapon.

thats the impression i'm lead to believe, but the real question is motive.
Are they being sent for anything more specific than "diversity?" Also it would be interesting to know where they are from, and what political ties they have. That could narrow down the who the suspect is that is sending them.


They are going to work in the factories and nut inside your women while you're off fighting the war against China Project Alamo is shilling for right now.

They are highly mysterious
Living under Arizona, i know a lot of folks who travel road constantly and they don't know how so many got into the border that fast. They are very, very few outside those border cities, who are already pozzed but right now they are mad insane against them due to high public debt but somehow plenty of resources for them
They call themselves haitian but the argument i hear is that they were construction workers in Brazil. With the Olympics going off and their social unrest, they fleed here on foot or whatever their means, thing is nobody saw them here until they were at footsteps from the wall

My guess is that they are the same negroes as the ones calling themselves cubans back in the Costa Rica refugee problems some months ago, many of those disappeared or went to Panama
Think they reached here on cargo boats, but (((who))) gave them those means? Guaymas was half-jew until the civil war happened, i think there's still some wandering around

I live in a pretty good suburb near the border in California, 700k houses. Two house up and down the street have become host to nigger families who don't even speak English.

We live next to a walkway which is attached to a canyon and then which links to a park. I can always hear their basketball bouncing and going to the park. About a week ago, I was watching our two daughters in the backyard relaxing off of work, and go to get something more to drink.

"Dadda blackies", I hear one of my kids yell and then scream. Run outside and two of them are in my fucking backyard, trying to get their fucking basketball which somehow got over my fence. I say, "you leave now" and go for my knife. They just sort of sneer and I run at them, they hop the fence. I really don't know what to think. The wife is all freaked out and for good reason, and I keep thinking they are testing my resolve.

I made a police report but I don't think they did anything about it, not even goto their place. Even though I live in California I think I should get a gun soon, but have been so busy, not to mention the wife, they weren't your typical nigger, barely human. If I was to kill one of the bastards, I'd probably find myself in prison unable to defend the family, I've been building.

What the fuck is with the sepia tone?

Pure coincidence

This shit needs to stop. I used to think lynchings were barbaric and not something to be proud of, but as I get older I realize first hand that the only way to stop them from encroaching upon every faction of our lives is with extreme threats of violence

How could we all be so blind?

Obama wants to dilute white power on the world stage and ethnic homogeneity through race mixing. It's clear as day. He's an enemy, plain and simple.

Make sure to stock up on ammo before the new restrictions come into effect.

Those 4 billion Africans we will have by the end of the century have to go somewhere. Food aid is already necessary to feed the billion who are there. The women stay in those countries and pop out babies, the men leave for other countries as they come of age. Consider that these people have IQs in the range of 60-80 on average. What is going to stop them breeding until they overrun every country? The world will need to make drastic changes quickly, or it will cease to exist as it does today. The choice is to let billions of Africans die or have them overrun other countries.

I want these niggers our of my country and I want kikes to stop using my country as a bridge for scum to hop borders. Many of them stay here and shit up my already shitty country even more. I fucking hate these niggers asking for money on the streets and highways.

the meek shall inherit the earth

Disgusting. These things should be gunned down like the animals that they are inferior to.

Every Halloween in San Francisco the people of the city used to go out in costume and lynch a nigger. Blackies only respect the most violent and will test you.

Yeah going to get the wife a pistol at the very least, I don't want to hear a sob story. Can't own rifles by city ordinance though but my boss who is always on full Holla Forums telling me about the next big happening does have a big rifle collection and might know a way around it.

Step it up, compa

Dude… get the fuck out of California. No excuses. Just pack your bags and do it.

Find a small white town. Niggers seem to always prefer big cities. Probably because there are more things to steal, and rape, and burn.

dont beaners hate niggers?

Running away isn't an option. They have to be kicked out.