Netherlands turns out to be totalitarian police state. You cannot wear masks, even balaclavas, or they call police...

Netherlands turns out to be totalitarian police state. You cannot wear masks, even balaclavas, or they call police. And you cannot cover windows so everybody can see into your house. The fuck? If you use any social benefits they will enter your house whenever they want, if you refuse they won't pay you benefits anymore. They also require you to register your every change of address. And they force you to social housing so you always stay at one place & address.

They are sick people. Are other western countries like this?

UK is totalitarian even more. Germany is secret police state. I need a country where I can be hidden and have privacy. Is Switzerland the only option?

Also Netherlands has big fertility rate and "happiest women in the world". That sounds like cuckest man on the planet (or tie with Sweden).

they even track in public transport

cannot use gas stations with helmet on you…

A muslim trying to get us upset about them banning burqas.

That meme comes from the jewish universities. The men in Western and Northern Europe are cucked beyond reason. They are scared livestock.

Europeans just freeze when encountered by nignog violence. Seen it before. It's upsetting.

Iceland looks good.

This is fucking disgusting, America is fucking awesome though.



fuck off with that gay image.

This shit thread is gay and stupid

How the fuck you burgers think we didn't get fucked in all the recent islamic attacks?
Dutch have decades of experience in supressing militant islamic indonesians, we're actually far more prepared for this shit then the rest of Europe OR America is.
Not to mention that we already had a right wing government before this whole crisis and shit started.
And you can selectively quote shit like happiest women in europe, but we also have some of the highest living standards in the world, best education, everyone is happier here because we're rich as fuck.
Shit, if the entire US could work like the Netherlands did, you'd be unstoppable, just look at our GDP compared to our population.


so who isn't cucked then? americans are biggest cucks in world.

Well… if they didn't freeze but punch back they would go to long prison

but it's small, remote, weak


AND government in The Netherlands takes half of what you earn, then they give you some back in way of benefits and shit. If you don't take them, you will have to pay 50% taxes anyway.
And if you won't allow them into your house, they will mark you as suspect, dangerous person.

I think italians belong to "black" category.

dear dutchcuck, why do you ignore everything what OP posted? Why won't you reply to his claims?

And I'll add more:
-bad healthcare. doctor will just send you home instead of sending to specialist. unless you are dying they won't do nothing. yet you pay 1200-1600 Euros yearly for that healthcare.
-no mountains. boring terrain
-dutch people tell you in face if you are fat or ugly.
-they meet their family often and party with them
-big bureaucracy and very bad in Ease of doing business rankings
-they don't respect your privacy, intimacy, autism. They want you to be happy even if you don't want to, and they force you to party
-most of jobs are through stupid job agencies that lie you about the job conditions and terms
-when you listen to music loudly, they knock on your door and tell you to shut up
-they do not have freedom of speech. they just prosecute their most famous politician for saying truth


You people need to stop thinking about switzerland like it was some WN utopia. It is just a little less socialist than all the other western cuntries.

Swiss law requires internet providers to log the sites you visited for 12 months starting January 2017
In addition to that, the intelligence agency will get permissions to spy more on people because muh terrists
The Swiss are planning a law that will make it illegal to be masked in public places (Vermummungsverbot)
Swiss law requires every citizen to report their address to the local county. You cannot move to a new place and not report your adress and what people live with you on this adress.
Every inch of highways and public transportation is monitored by cameras and incresingly cities as well
If your doctor diagnoses you with a disease like aids he has to report you to the health ministry
Swiss law requires everyone to pay television taxes so the communist SRG can finance their propaganda. You have to pay even if you don't even have a tv.

Seriously, America is still the best place in the world
If you really need to be masked, you can try medical masks (the ones the Japanese are using in winter). Just claim you have a shit immune system and you need this to prevent getting sick. Combine it with a hat or sunglasses eyes are sensitive to light and you are pretty anonimos.

Reported for obvious ban evasion.

forgot this:

Swiss telecom law requires them to protocoll all the calls you made or gotten during the past 12 months. It also requires you to register your SIM card with your national ID card. Any non-registered SIM card won't work and your mobile will be useless.

at least the face covering deal makes a bit of sense due to the shitskin invasion, otherwise it's pretty retarded

shit, did that pass?
only retards hold onto those loans for that long. college system is fucked nearly everywhere you go.
don't act like a nigger near cops, no problem.
t. former teen shithead
sadly true for a lot of us
high speed rail is a nightmare for amount of landmass there is and the already developed cites. amtrak doesn't make any money and the rails it runs on are owned by transport companies.
highways are generally fine till you hit big city limits due to trucks, construction, and traffic. it's easier, quicker, and cheaper to drive in America unless you're needing to go coast to coast because nearly everyone except for citycucks and kids own a car

this would be nice here, but I know poopdicks would just avoid the doctor and niggers don't bother with it

but wait, there is more:

no free speech. Denying the holohoax will get you fined for serious cash. I think the government does not prosecute you but jewish organisations or individuals can sue you for hurting their feelings. Then you get a bill of a few grand and you have to pay it.

healthcare insurrence is mandatory in switzerland. ATM it costs around 400$ a month (basic package only) and the bill gets more expensive by around 7% every year. You cannot cancel your healthcare insurrence before you found a new one (you cannot opt out of the system). This is made intentionally and introduced in the 90s by the commie (((dreyfuss))).

Also generally in switzerland:
if you do not pay your bills, they will confiscate your income and only give you the leftovers.

Switzerland is only good for earning money. Wages are the highest in the world however the costs for food and housing and pretty much everything are very high as well. As soon as you have your cash, go to a country with more freedom.

What's left except for the US?

that's why you lose

it is not only for aids, most other veneral diseases are included into this afair. I believe things like this are a private matter and the state shall not be interested in any of those subjects. Disease spreading is a subhuman problem, not a disease problem. Similar to America that does not have a gun problem but a nigger problem.

Eliminate the subhumans and you will not have the problems that come from them

So what? Jews control you, you got tons of fucking arabs especially in hell-holes like Rotherdam. Your fucking capital is the degeneracy of Europe, with whores on the streets and dudeweed-bros running wild. It's fucking disgusting.

small countries in eastern yurop. They are too poor to afford complicated surveillance systems and if you have much cash you can live comfy in a village region. Visa might be a problem and make sure you don't store your cash in local currency or local banks because slavs tend to steal (be it by stealing or by inflation)

No where and I’m not saying that to D&C, I’m not a burger and I do not deny the many faults that America has BUT… It is the only nation that has managed to retain the principle of freedom. Every other nation either never had it or gave it away.

It isn’t all about the 2nd Amendment (although it is a factor) but rather the 2nd Amendment is a part of freedom itself.

I like in a police state (Bongland) and it is horrid, I love my nation and it’s history but we have the boot on our neck so hard it is hard to draw breath. Every other nation in Europe is the same and moth non-European nations have it far worse (although nations like my own are overtaking most shit-tier oppressive regimes quite fast as implementation of oppression is easier for rich nations to pull off).

America is fucked up in many ways but it is by this planets/ time line the closet thing to the land of the free.

live in a police state**


Yeah, I don't know. I've been to Hungary and Croatia and while these are beautiful places, with more or less Western living standards, as an immigrant you'll have to start from scratch there (unless the company you work for provides you with everything). And despite being cheaper than Western Euro countries, it's not third world tier so that you can live like a king on 50 euroshekel per month. I guess what I'm trying to say, these are still EU countries where you'll have to wagecuck to get by unless you're wealthy enough to retire. I'd rather go to Colorado or something.

Don't move to Colorado, it sucks

Very succinctly put, although I am not 100% convinced that America would rise if it’s rights were threatened. Maybe men would defend their rights with rifles, maybe they wouldn’t. I hope it never comes to that.


Never been, have you?

a lot of us are at the point where so many laws get passes no one can keep up, it'll take something big for it to happen. food, water and, gibs would be the easiest spark.
our collective noose is padded and as soft as silk, not many notice it.

This is a patently foolish and verifiably false world view, based on naivety and being fed a filtered narrative all your life. It is this false premise that is the root of both the cuckservative and the leftist / social justice doctrines.

People are not equal, and neither are their perceptions of right and wrong. This is why we need borders. This is why nations are only sustainable when they are built on a common ethnic foundation. This is why mass immigration always has and always will result in the imminent collapse of so-afflicted nation.

The only real mistake the American founders made was not explicitly enshrining into the Constitution that these laws were for a White nation. Natural law and Jeffersonian liberalism work OUTSTANDINGLY well in an all white society. The fact that we've been able to absorb as much diversity as we have here in the states and still have some shred of it left speaks to the Constitution's efficacy. Simply adding in an amendment that mandates the demographics of the country remain over 90% Native born white would do wonders to end this downward spiral we're on. That and repeal birthright citizenship.

is because burqas. basically because cuck parties don't just want to ban those.

source needed

source and even then, don't live of the state

not great i admit

no they don't.

1. agreed, went backwards quite bad last 15 years
2. wat
3. you're saying they don't care about your feelings but facts? how is that bad
4. so family is important? bad again?
5. agreed
6. depends on where you live, big cities yes
7. false, although getting more common
8. so
9. there's 'freedom of speech' as long as it doesn't involve minorities negatively, aka pretty shit.

This is what people from Colorado say because they don't want migrants to shit their state up.

I'll take the bait.
America has more roads than any other country on Earth, and the second largest highway system. We don't need high speed trains because our roads aren't fucking dilapidated like they are in Europe, there is no market for passenger trains.

what you said is horrible. I thought switzerland isn't prison, since they aren't in 14-eyes etc
Why the people allowed that? I thought you have democracy. Why they don't destroy cameras physically, and destroy their government?

that's bad evil thing. So swiss are rich yet they want poor people to die from poverty.

haha very funny goy

Yes I was planning sunglasses and hats. Medical masks are good idea too. But problem is I will be standing out of the crowd with all that stuff.

I would register it on some alcoholic bum's name. But still sounds bad.

they use muslims as pretext to pass this

like where? in europe you can study even medicine or other high stuff and it's paid in taxes, you don't pay out of pocket.

you meant, act like a scared american? in europe you can slap police officer and he won't shot you

I'm not proposing high speed rail from california to new york. There are crowded states and cities near each other where it would work.

europe has small packed 2000-year old cities yet somehow they have fast trains that stop at city centres

infrastructure is not made to directly make money. and no surprise it doesn't make money if it's so crap

it's better to drive car because there is nothing else. burgers have only cars and planes. no bikes, no public transport.

dutchland has similar, but *small* difference is you pay not 400$ but 100-150$ maybe which cover most stuff you'd need, and if you cannot afford government pays part of insurance.

that's good, everyone needs healthcare, and if everyone has it, it's cheaper.

that's sick

Then it's not for me. I thought it's good country to live in.

That's better than stupid religious brainwashed people like americans, irish, and other shits.

that's the only reason. as soon as they get some money, they will be even worse.

unless you run into problems with some corrupt slav-nigger people, corrupt slav-nigger police and govt.
and what if you don't have cash? not everyone is born Donald Trump to inherit much money from his father.

They will steal your cars, bicycles, everything. And if you have house or flat, they can steal even that, a corrupt person with help of corrupt courts will do that.
Slavs should be holocausted, they are even worse than niggers.

What's the point of my freedom if I'll die like dog from minor sickness or a cop will murder me for fun? There's not much you can do with freedom as a skeleton.
And american freedom is a myth. They are the most invigilated nation. They have freedom to be murdered by cop. Or freedom to go to guantanamo without court order. And they have highest prison population per capita, higher than muslim or nigger countries.

eastern europe is barely cheaper than western, and if you go to work you get 5 times less money.


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Disagree. If he deserves, then it's not wrong
Depends. If women falsely accused you of rape, then real rape would be justified for that
Depends. If someone inherited fortune, like Donald Trump, it's good to steal from him to buy food if you are hungry

bullshit. this is what they want you to believe, so you support this law, goy.

it's written everywhere about dutch, they don't have curtains on windows and everybody looks inside. They have zero privacy

Why not? state gets 50% income taxes, I deserve to be repaid back. And like I said, it's written on internets, that they come to your house for visits, if you refuse, they take benefits from you.

yes they do. it's impossible to rent cheap place in big cities, all people apply for social flats. And when they get them, they stay at them. You cannot rent it to anybody.

yes. no mountains. you only flat. flat terrain.

Just because you see someone's fat doesn't mean you should tell this to that person to hurt it, especially when that person could be fat from medical condition

family is shit. they should make friends with outside people. friends with family extends easily into nepotism

so instead they should stay quiet and do nothing about it, not complain. Or call police instead (which I would ignore)

haha goy. You could same say "there's freedom of speech in Iran as long as (…)"
There are no conditions in free speech

you have crap old roads. And no real highways

dilap-what? lemme grab a dictionary
You don't need speed trains because you are goys who will use their goy-cars and pay for cars, insurance, fuel, driving, everything. And americans are too scared someone will murder them inside trains. Guess this is that "freedom" youre talking about

These people wouldn't revolt even if their government passed a law that forced all the women to only marry sand-niggers. Once a cuck, always a cuck, the only solution is a nuclear crusade by the US and Russia.

Prove me wrong, eurocucks.

I hope you have fun when the Netherland's secret police are knocking on your door, nigger.

So what euro country least cucked?

snowden said NSA and FBI can't into tor. will you now suggest that snowden is NSA shill?
tor being compromised is spread by shills like you to make others browse clearnet or with shill vpn

and they cannot do shit if I had open wifi and encrypted PC.

Praise Kek, I hate minorities.

Are you implying that he hasn't already been suggested as a shill?

I am asking if you suggesting that Snowden is still working for US and entire documents release was a plan by US govt and snowden plays a role in that

because you need that absurd claim if you tell Tor is compromised, as snowden clearly said they have big problems with Tor

and the recent bill to allow to hack anyone using tor/vpn without court order also shows that they need exploits and hacking to deanonymize Tor users

I live in the Netherlands, the part about not being able to cover windows is fucking bullshit.

actually it isn't. I wish it wars … unless you mean your neighbors calling the police when you vacuum clean on sundays is a police state but other than that the police force has been shrinking every year and now we don't have enough to combat immigrant crime anymore.

D&C shills
Funny that those with guns are the ones least likely to anything while those without are rising up all around europe

ITT: burgers who are assmad about the most germanic people in Europe

Mutts please go

Well faggot, let me explain a little thing about reality to you since your autism makes it too fucking difficult for you to figure the difference out on your own…

It's a tad bit bigger fucking step to point your gun at someone's face, pull the trigger, kill them and be immediately accused of assassination and murder than it is to run around like some a college campus SJW and get sprayed with water cannons while accomplishing absolutely nothing but virtue signalling faggotry.

Instigating a fire fight and/or shooting war and playing OWS faggot are not the same and expecting human beings to engage in both behaviors equally would only be true if we were all niggers.

Unlike glorious murica where every patient suffering from a minor cold gets prescribed seventeen types of pills


That's called being honest and not being a britnigger

How is this a bad thing ?

Our bureaucracy is yuropoor tier.

Ehm… Dutch people aren't very intimate m8. At least not where I come from. That's a thing of the southern european nations

Not an argument

Like in all other states. That's called common decency

We're still one of the least cucked western european countries though. Better than Germany or the britbongs or France




Your family is bullshit.
I didn't said it's illegal to, but it's forbidden by society. And if you cover windows they will report you to officials.

right, I forgot germany is religion-state. You cannot even shop on sundays.

I was more thinking of secret police, surveillance etc than normal street police.

That's not argument. can be butthurt, but correct.

americans are scared even of protesting, as police will simply shoot them like chickens

It's not NL vs USA thread. Compare healthcare to top european countries.


that's called being closed minded stupid rude person. Someone can be fat from diseases, you telling him his fat won't help him but make him sad
and it's not your business if someone is fat. but seems dutch want to control every person and make him "happy" and how they want him to be

meeting family is one step before nepotism
adults should meet other (random) adults, not family

Lie. Look at ease of doing business index. Netherlands is one of worst, the only worse is Belgium, and Switzerland is a tie. All others are way better than NL. New zealand and Denmark are best. But even germany is way better than NL.

Still, they don't respect privacy and autism. They want you to uncover windows and spend weekend at "fun" and drinking.

It is. Other countries have better job markets.

In germany and switzerland they don't do that. They ignore or call police.

Being least cucked of most cucked (europe) is not much to be proud of. And france doesn't have free speech, but when government fucks them in other ways like trying to raise work week hours (35 to 40) they burn cars and destroy cities.

is it really true? They say dutch are tolerant and cosmopolitan

It's not about getting pills, but diagnosis. In normal country they should order some tests on you to check if it's something serious, if not then send you home to wait. But in dutchland they first send you home. They test you when your dying already

You eurobros need to sort your shit out.

t. Texan

you burgers need to sort your shit
people are murdered by police every day in ur country. and they die from minor diseases like in africa

so if netherlands and switzerland are police state, where to go?
How about other european countries?

This is actually an excellent idea! If you mooch off the taxpayers, expect your liberties to be restricted. I understand some people here think socialism has its merits as long as it's grounded in nationalism, but discouraging people from abusing the system this way should be uncontroversial, no?

Not really. Only niggers.

you can sum up 90% of all problems in america with three words
niggers and jews

You seem to forget one small fact that, netherland government takes 50-80% of your money in taxes, then they give you small part back. Most people in netherlands are on at least one kind of benefit, so in reality government can track everybody and enter any house.

In netherlands you don't get money from govt only when you are poor and unemployed, but most people get. And it's not leeching you dumbass

bullshit. european countries have plenty of niggers, sandniggers, slavs, indians, jews
yet they are 3 times better than america, and police doesn't need to murder people on streets

Taking other people's money against their will IS leeching, to put it very mildly you fucking retard.

this all happens in the us retard it is happening to me

only if you are dumb american brainwashed by corporations and millionaires

if someone is not able or want to work, he should be given money. this person didn't choose to be born, or choose to be sick disabled or not liking work
other people, who had lack of being born to rich family or with good genes, have obligation to pay for others, poor, etc




Not sure if this is bait or not, Imma go with not, but I repeat:



west Texas best Texas

t. Alpinian

Yes but US was always totalitarian and police state, fear state. But europe was democratic and with human rights, so it's more of a surprise.

In non-socialist states you cannot even suicide or gas yourself, because you can't afford it. And in civilized countries you can buy (or get free) euthanasia.

It's very funny you say "cuck", because in reality the biggest cucks are americans who believe they have right to eat only if they are corporate slaves who work entire year entire day. Cuck workerks. We in europe DEMAND food and stuff for free, and we are given.

They literally did.

I believe most Western European fag states do that. Also id cards you must have at all times haha. These bitches will HAPPILY go currency free next. This current generation is pure shit, just pozzed slaves who want to be fucked in the ass and pissed on.

well, sweden already is one foot in cashless. many shops and services only accept cards
soon gov will ban cash totally

Never had to make use of healthcare, best Eur 1200,- I ever spent…..
True, the canals are nice or watching the sun rise over a misty Polder has something going for it. On the other side we`re a days drive from Norway or the Alps.
Never heard about that, maybe you are fat and ugly
Jeuh, family
Big government means easy jobs for Anons, do nothing but shitpost and get payed,
That is where you tell people to fuck off.
True, it would be okay if it where only niggers who worked via these agencies.
Put on headphones, don`t be a nuisance to your neighbors.
Well we`ve got to be careful not to hurt the feelings of people, especially of the non-Dutch parasites.

But you will. And you pay 1200 even if you are old sick disabled cancer

but mountain countries are hours of sea, they can access easily

dutch tell what they think without thinking of consequences or hurting someone

meeting family = basically nepotism
I bet they give job to their family members

bureaucracy isn't good ever

but isn't

fuck them. headphones are shit. I want speakers
can't they go to jobs? why do they stay at home

Yes, that's tyranny
I want to tell dutch what I think about them

netherland's done


not beeing 14 eyes only means .gov is not spying for the NSA. It does not exclude .gov spying for their own interests

Leftist parties are a majority in the swiss parliament. Nationalists are only 30% and classic liberals are 15%
Democracy is worthless if the people who vote are retarded

germanics and swiss in particular are very obedient people. You can assrape them with taxes and they will cry and moan but never revolt. I think Lenin was the one who once said: "Revolution in Germany? This would mean that Hans has to move from his couch and do something."

Originally it would mean that Switzerland is just ~10 years behind the USA and EU when it comes to feminism and general socialist policies. In 10 years it will be as bad as today's EU/US. Nobody dies from poverty. If you do not want to work you get unemployment money for 2 years or welfare if you are unemployed for a longer time but the guys who pay you this money (state employees) will treat you like the biologic waste you are.

you can go to thailand, vietnam, cambodia, philippines or any other south american low-cost country instead as well
The key is to have enough cash invested in stocks. This will generate a passive income every year. You can rent a house with garden and plant some of your own food. Use the money to buy anything you cannot grow yourself. I know pensionned people who live in thailand because life in switzerland is fucking expensive and their pension is too small.

Snowden has not been an NSA employee for 3 years now. He has no idea what new developments they made in this field and most of the slides he revealed were old as fuck (year 2008). It is known that Chinese and US agencies are running tor exit nodes.

Switzerland has the best "standard-of-living/cucked" ratio of any mid-european country. You might try Norway and Island next in your research. Anons write those are nice places as well but the weather might be too cold for you. Portugal and Spain are nice for retiring too. Mild weather, prices are pretty low for EU standards and people are chill.

Yeah well that's about any country now. You piss off those in charge they will go out of their way to fuck you over. It's been that way everywhere since… ever.

lol nice b8

You seem angry user, and you're covering it in a layer of smug.

So what do you think is a good country?