Trump invited Duterte to the white house
How mad are the CIAniggers that they don't get to assassinate this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shills really can't stop getting BTFO this year

What makes you think they won't try?

Things are just capital.

It just keeps getting better and better.

haha, flipler


Meme responsibly, user.

And yet they keep trying. Sad are the insane, but fun as hell to watch.


nice dubs

It'll be an honor to have such a legendary IRL shitposter and real human being set foot on American soil.

I hope Trump learns from Dooter how to fight the drug war.

Duterte is a Chinese pawn, anyone that hasn't realized this yet is a fucking idiot or a gook poster. sage for shit source.

probably why he's meeting with him.

This nigger can't even sage properly

Oh god, the holocaust of my sides…

have you been smoking benis?

Nice argument faggots, but you Duterte is still a Chinese tool to implement their ideology in SE asia.

What evidence can you provide to support this claim?
I for one am willing to hear you out, so let's get to it.

If you haven't done the research then I'm not going to spoon feed you. Just do a simple google search but since you are a lazy faggot I'll provide you with these:

You're the one making the argument, therefore it falls on you to provide the evidence for your argument you double nigger.

You guys aren't even trying

I wasn't making an argument. I was making fun of you, fag.

Holla Forums detected. Fuck right off.

What source will you read? Stormfront?

skinhead detected, have fun banging your cousin you inbred fuck.

Aaaaannnnndddd there it is!
Tada! the shill is revealed! :^)

filter and report the shills you fags, instead of giving their (you)
i miss the old days when this didn't need to be mentioned.

He already has a much better choice in foreign Bros than Obabo anyway.

Damn, an underage Holla Forums at that. Sage negated cocksucker.

good one, call me a shill all you want but you haven't countered my proposition that Duterte is a Chinese puppet.

We're not the one's citing CIAnigger CNN and the official state propaganda agency of Qatar.

You tried, I respect that.
You also fell flat on your face into a pile of shit.
Don't embarrass yourself on top of that.

Like I said, which source will you read if you disregard three verified mainstream media sources?

kys faggot

They're hiring new CTR? Didn't all you faggots get fired?

Does King Nigger have such a thing as "foreign bros"?
I thought he's pretty much being cucked by anyone who he associates with.

Don't forget about the goon infestation.

i'm so happy

i've never felt so happy since 5 seconds ago

All I'm saying is that Duterte is collaborating with the Chinese and I've provided three sources to back up my claim. We should not see this relationship as a positive factor. It's blind underage stormfaggots that think Duterte is some nazi leader, as proven by all the kids here attacking my without any proof to counter my point.

Exactly! It's just like how Drumpf is a jewish pawn! Right my fellow national communists?

Every one of his actions has backed Chinese hegemony in SE Asia.

I don't care what trump does with drug hiippies, jobs, economy, trade, even internet censorship, foreign wars. All these problems will be solved only if he deports the illegals from the country. That is the only way to ensure a future republican in the white house. If trump fucks this up, the popular vote and the margin he won by are a sureshot way to ensuring democommies for the next 16 years, at which point the last bastion of the west will have been destroyed to the point of no return. californians/reddit tier cucks will be the norm. Religion will become cucked. I will commit suicide if Trump doesn't deport at least 10 million by the end of his first term.

And if you think that China is currently a communist country then you are either a boomer or underage.

Yeah im finished pooing so I'm not going to deal with your shilling


These newfags are worse than the CTR shills and/or LARPers


This is bait

Says the fake Holla Forumsack direct linking to (((mainstream media))) sources, telling us to trust them, and being astonished when you get told to eat zyklon.

Slink away to wherever you came from kike, you have no power here.

Fuck off faggot.
Maybe anons have something in mind that you're not seeing.

suck my dick you cuntnigger

They even have a different way of wording their posts that is so obviously not from around here, they stick out like a sore thumb as you burgers say.

I'm sorry you can't see past the end of your nose, I really am.

Yes, maybe from reddit or leftypol. They did discuss infiltrating this board. There are multiple posts from them discussing it. check out this guy
and this
fuck off back to reddit


these are all symptoms of reddit. Please go back. You will never be welcome here.

this post meant for

Oh look, the 'ol "you stick out to draw attention and I'll pretend to be an offended one of them" routine.
Classic, but overplayed a bit fam.

Maybe Trump can make him flip.

Chinks on absolute suicide watch holy shit.

the funny thing is the normie chinese people support Trump. The government and the business elites are buttblasted though.

Duterte is trying to play at grand strategy. As the leader of a small nation, his choice is to prostitute himself and the country to larger nations. Only after having made several opportunistic power grabs may the Philippines become powerful enough to stand on its own merits. In the mean time, playing the US against the Chinese is not a bad idea. He should play back and forth between the two for as long as as either China or the US will be willing to trade palpable assistance for ephemeral words.

This year started bad but it did more than make up for it in the end. And it still isn't over.


I'm literally shaking, guys.


pretty much ye

/pinoy/ here. Could Holla Forums help us in (((coincidence)))) detection for the Omidyar Network and North Base Media?

You see, these two are funding a Philippine shill """"social"""" """""news""""" website headed by a former CNN grunt and owned by unknown people, possibly local political operators. The site has been liberal as fuck, importing shit and cancerous ideas from the ((((foreign press))), training local SJWs on propaganda, and being critical of the Duterte administration.


Here's what we have so far:

Meanwhile, check out the comfy meeting with Putin.

wat is that

Best president, holy shit


It's a hotlink to a server registered to the psyops division of McGraw-Hill. It's used for IP logging and is an insertion vector for a government bioinformatic hack called FoxDIE. It fucks up your genome and kills all liberty sneks.
It's a loading image. Did you not see the sticky from when we found out ARCHIVE.IS IS COMPROMISED?

you're high energy for such an obvious shill. proceed to end yourself

Oh no, javascript, whatever shall we do. As long as they don’t delete archives, I don’t give a shit.

Care to elaborate? No argument intended, I am just genuinely curious. For me the year has been an absolute blast from start to finish, with only a few rough spots. 2015 for me was more like how you describe 2016.

RIP, you had a good run. At least we know the CIA is bothered by this

If you're going to off yourself, at least do it in a productive manner.Nothing is impossible to a man with nothing to lose.


Holy shit that webm, based motherfucker

(((coincidence detected)))
I did a light dig on these companies. They're connected at the money to our lugenpresse. Kikes and their kikery.

Thanks. There is obviously the lugenpresse connection based on their leaders as shown in their websites. Is there any specific dirt on these people? That's what we haven't found.

In other news, can you feel the manly love between these two?

I hope they box like men to settle thier diffrences


Why the fuck haven't those niggers fixed this yet?

Assassinate who? Trump? The CIA loves Trump.

Social Matter had a detailed article on it
A few days later there was a follow up article from an actual pinoy in the philipines, which paints a much more complex picture of the region, leading to a less clear conclusion.
I'd say they're both good reads if you're interested in exploring the subject in greater depth than "ooh look he's killing druggies what a badass"

trump truly is the godemperor

NSFWCorp did the definitive background piece on him, see here:

He's a billionaire with a fetish for third-world exploitation and was one of the co-founders of PayPay along with Elon Musk. He was one of the main forces behind the "micro-lending" craze of the early 2000s, which ended up putting millions of impoverished third worlders into even deeper poverty than they were before. He also founded "The Intercept" along with Glenn Greenwald, and is rumored to control a large portion of the Snowden documents leaked to Greenwald and other journalists for safekeeping. He's bad news for any country full of upwardly mobile poor people.

they're probably in on it

Because the CIAniggers got a gun to their balls, probably.

I wonder why archiving rustles CIA jimmies so much though….

they probably just like to collect IPs on certain things and it's easier for them than getting it from the sources

Trump is gonna bring Philippines back in the fold. Team up with them, Taiwan, Japan, and Russia to encircle and crush the PROC (and give Hong Kong back to Faragist Britain).

May well also get Burma and Thailand on board too.

It'll be the Boxer Rebellion all over again!


Say it with me, Holla Forums:

even though you are probably a shill, this does make sense.. he is pro-China

duerte is a great leader anyways and its a good thing that he pays his respect to the Don. People will see him in the white house having fun with trump and will remember that Obongo was absolutely humiliated by the same man that will probably have some beers with Trump at Camp David. MAGA, truly


Duterte needs to be appointed US Drug Csar when his twrm is up.

A couple cool musicians died and the general dread of 2015.


this is some Louise Mensch tier sperging

How is the progress on cleansing the Philippines from drug dealers going so far?

Jesus if these two lunatics become twitter friends CNN will be completely out of business. No one will bother watching tv when commercial free entertainment is given to them directly by world leaders.

Duterte is about to federally legalize medical marijuana before the US does, you retard

Liberal Yellowtards and Imperial Manila Elites crying about about "Extrajudicial Killings" and implying that these killings just started when Duterte waged his war after he was seated as President, and we got Commies who are getting pissed, a peace process with MILF and MNLF, and fucking ISIS wannabes doing bombings and kidnappings, and corrupt cops, politicians, Soros funded Human Rights groups, Lugenpresse both local and foreign, and the fucking Oligarchs are making his job hard, and he won't stop, oh and he's willing to step down from power when the Government has transitioned to a Federal system and Nation is secure.

tl;dr, he has his job cut out for him and he doesn't give a shit till he gets what he wants, peace and security.


By this point it has to be confirmed that Trump browses Holla Forums right?

Weed is good, you should try smoking some, duterte is going to legalize medical. Other drugs however, are terrible, especialy cocaine and the CIA favorite, opium, these need to be erradicated from the face of the earth, they not only destroy society and individuals, but also operate as a profit venue for corrupt alphabet officials and people like the clintons.

Did you know the nazis actualy used lots of drugs during the war, and weed was never a problem before the 70"s USA started making propaganda to blame all the wopes of the world on weed?

Are you a christcuck by any chance?

Not an argument

its confirmed that he browses your moms cunt

That's it, the purge is confirmed
Duterte literally purges people, and Trump is inviting him to come talk and eat with him in the fucking white house

The purge is coming
We will destroy the leftists

You know what is an argument? Those guys are LARPier than we are when we pretend to LARP. Nick B. Stoves is a p. smart guy tho.

so im getting a new brother? cool

Yeah I agree, besides Ryan "based af" Landry they're disposable catholic larpers, but they have a decent amount of good social critique and realpolitik, and both articles are well written, well researched, and offer a more detailed and nuanced view of events than most surface-level stuff. Their synthwave mixtape also showed off some good taste, even if the title was pretty cringey.

They're trying to deanonymize us. The only purpose of this hack is to get a list of who clicks the link. That archive link has probably only been posted in this thread, so the CIAniggers now have a list of people in this thread and who read the article. Why do they care what anons interested in Duterte think though? Shouldn't they be spying on threads that might actually be doing something illegal? This is just normal international news… It makes no sense.

Hypothesis 1: They are doing this to a wide variety of threads, at random, to develop a statistical model of Holla Forums users. Get a list of unique IPs and what articles they are drawn to.

Hypothesis 2: They suspect Dutere is a Holla Forums user so they're trying to see if any Filipino IPs are in this thread.

tl;dr: duterte is chinese goy

That's inane. Only a moron would this this is acceptable analysis.

Maybe Trump is behind it… and hes secretly going to come recruit us! sigh… as likely as pic

Did you read the second article?

Why should I read the second if the first is such trash. "Duterte is killing drug users because he's ethnically 1/4th Chinese"? I want to punch the author in the face.

... has been shown to be run by a CIA nigger, and certain articles they wanted shut down have been replaced with a perpetual loading screen. I don't know if it is any better but I always use machine instead of

They do delete archives, certain webpages have been replaced with perpetual loading screens which is as good as deletion.

Because as I said, it's a second perspective and a constructive counter-point to the first article by a guy who's actually fucking flip. And you haven't actually disproved a single thing in the first article, just attacked it from a purely emotional mindset. I don't think Duerte's a chinese commie either, but I'm willing to play devil's advocate and make the arguments as to why people think he's a chinese communist available because they were requested, so we can debate and deal with such information logically, and come to a cohesive conclusion. Read the other article, and then come bitching to me.

The article is self-evidently laughable.


Neither is the article.



That comic was truly visionary.

Btw why is this not a banner?

can I get context on the first one?

Looking forward to seeing more dead drug dealers piled up in the streets. Keep the faith lad.

Holyshit lads.

It's a film called "Drive".

Cool drug free society Duterte, want to bring it to the white house?

Underrated post.
This needs to be a banner.

Seconding or thirding this.
That would make a good banner.


Please Kek make it so


Could also be written as.

Observing the day to day butthurt of shills is a virtuous pleasure of mine.

it's normal for smaller nations to find " a big brother".

and maybe trump can flip the flip.


probably watch it first

Based flip.

If you look carefully, you can see he put two spaces between his sentences. Thats one of his trademark things that he does.

Yea, sometimes I can't get videos to play so I have to just guess.

Wew lads.

Praise Kek.


Praised he be!

That's not really a trademark for him personally, everyone above a certain age grew up learning that that was "correct" because it was required by typewriters, so the first people to move to word processors kept doing it. Eventually it just stopped on its own, which is why you rarely see it today. It probably stands out for him just because not a lot of 70-year-olds use Twitter a lot.

I still want to believe, though. I'm just sayin'.

Nazi germany invented Meth. It was given out freely to troops, especially pilots, to improve combat performance.

The Nazis did use a lot of fucking pervitin though user.

Yeah I noticed my mother typing like that when I'm proofreading her works and she's in her late 60's.




Ever heard of marching powder,pervitin, meth, etc?

Educate yourself.

You don't deserve that much respect

shitty try because low resolution and editing space tbh


Don't pretend like you've been here very long

too small

Maintainer of the Coincidence Detector here.

Contact me on twitter @perceptionxxxx

…and we'll talk.


And into the trash it goes






This is the best and strangest Current Year ever.



Try to contain your spaghetti, CTR.

It's pretty sad at this point…

meanwhile at the Jew York Slimes

This is the exact necessary banner size m8. Except if you're talking about the image in general, in which case you're right.

Sounds like an editor's note they'll start adding after every Trump-Duterte article like HuffPaint did

Clearly they aren't very "fringe" if they won the referendum you fucking liars.

Spelled Duterte wrong


I say that too user. It's like the kikes are trying gaslight the entirety of the last 8 years.


Nice dubs, but it ain't my OC.

my understanding is it was generally used to stay awake, which is entirely understandable given the situation. When things started going bad pilots didn't exactly have time to rest in between missions before needing to go right out again, no one did.

Is this real life?

hard to argue with the results. thousands of dead dealers, tens of thousands of arrests, and hundreds of thousands of addicts surrendering to go get treatment. you don't get this level of fear when you pussyfoot around with simple laws and regulations

salt is really beautiful piled up like that, it makes a nice shape

/pinoy/ here. This is actually a thing even during the 90s, Satan. The whole "war with insurgents" was party a cover for private training for paramilitary forces as well as other interested parties. Operations were reduced when the Senate voted to remove the U.S. bases, making it difficult to transport clients to the staging areas in Mindanao. This pushed the operators to shift into narcotics business, which has become a big problem


Innocuous and seemingly unrelated, but some old /k/ommandos might recognize Arayat as the locale where one of the former practice firing ranges for military-grade hardware is located, now closed down for over a decade.

Just made this.

Holy shit

90% off Hallloween decor and Costumes? Looks like that guy got a great deal.