Is this a sign that this garbage will eventually get canceled and we'll get a proper Batman show?
Is this a sign that this garbage will eventually get canceled and we'll get a proper Batman show?
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They've been shit since the beginning. They've lost more viewers than the other shows, and also had better starts.
S3 already ordered, and filming should just about be done for S2 across all shows, so they have maybe 4 months to cancel the order.
Don't you mean S3 and S4? Gotham is well into its 3rd season by now.
I know Gotham is garbage, but redpill me on Supergirl.
You also forgot to add NBC just announced they cancelled Powerless KEK
It's just as shit if not worse. Even nigger Jimmy is better than Supergirl in that show.
The peacock strikes again
Thank Christ
Oh, I wasn't looking at the picture and assumed we were talking about Supergirl, and he wanted that replaced with Batman.
But yes, Gotham is also terrible, however they'll milk out one more season before cutting it.
If only they'd burn off the remaining episodes, or just not show them at all.
What is it, /r/The_Donald?
Go watch it or read the shittalk in the threads about it.
Hopefully they learn the lesson and the upcoming Black Lightning is just an old hero getting back in the game after his daughters go crazy with zero social or "identify with" bullshit.
The show is even more worse than Gotham, due to how insufferable its driving themes are. First season was just grill power with Supergirl trying to stand out of Superman's shadow and become her own heroine and acting very condescending towards male characters who expressed concern or questioned anything the women did. But then fucking Season 2 came alone and it just became straight up libcuck propaganda: rapefugee welcome-tier messages, a straight up Hillary Clinton rip off who opens Earth's borders for all aliens to enter, the main villain late in the series claims she will make her planet great again and just in case the parallel with Trump wasn't clear, that was the Queen of Daxam - the super-fucking racist cousins of Kryptonians. Melissa Benoit also was present in the Woman's March and held a sign that her pussy can't be grabbed its made of steel.
I want to ask whoever thought that sort of premise would have been remotely interesting? Its just boring people going on their daily lives and they just happen to live in a city with superheroes and not even well known ones. Same reason I wonder why they want to make a Cloak and Dagger series, because clearly teenage drama with superpower has never been done before. Say what you will about them, but I'd be interested in Krypton and The Inhumans tv show if they just focused on a futuristic sci-fi setting instead of a boring real-life story.
Vid related. The actual trailer was deleted, but from the looks of it, it just looks like a generic teen drama in space with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tier production values.
Speaking of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it's also apparently pretty close to cancellation numbers.
Probably. The writers clearly don't give a fuck at this point, they've been assraping Batman lore left and right, and virtually everywhere you go on the web everybody hates it, excluding tumblrinas.
That's the fucking point, how do you people not get this by now? They're just doing shit that worked at least once before over and over again. Why do you think every Marvel movie has been almost exactly the fucking same?
Okay I am really tired of hearing this meme. Can someone explain how exactly every MCU movie is the same?
Because they're all shit :^)
There, saved you watching the future films and anything you may of not watched yet.
This is a very generic storyline, but Marvel uses it constantly and rarely changes it up. I think the only game changer was GotG, but Vol2 isn't getting as loved by critics, and Marvel usually pays them off well. Even Doctor Strange used that exact sequence of events.
Dr. Strange foreshadowed the power he used to win the final fight. Also he didn't lose a loved one. Everything else happened though.
Don't see it. Actually looks pretty good, tbh.
Anyone know where I can find the full leaked trailer?
There was a link to the trailer on vimeo on a thread here once.
YouTube got taken down, so did Vimeo.
Holla Forums thread is ded and that had a webm in it.
Can't find anything on YouTube. Not even discussion/review videos.
How's your mother?
she already lost her hair, don't take away her smile and optimism too
Didn't Strange's sister die in the comics which drove him to be a surgeon?
I hope it'll get cancelled. The writing has been shit for a long time, the current story arc is awful (they don't know how to write allegories, so "Trump is literally Hydra", Fitz has a fashy haircut).
It pisses me off that they're playing it safe. It's part of the MCU but visually it looks like a generic tv show. I wonder why they aren't using the same cinematography from the Marvel movies? It could work, even in 16:9.
I don't really mind the occasional anti-MAGA remark, but they've been laying it on super thick, to the extent that one of the bad guys literally quoted Trump's furniture shopping comment word for word.
As far as I can tell, the current story arc exists for two purposes - give Ward a redemption arc and a semi-plausible way to bring back dead characters (likely including Ward), which they already started introducing with the idea that people in the Matrix, sorry, Framework can create bodies for themselves in the real world.
Budget constraints, I'm guessing.
The rest of your post is fine but let's be honest, tons of superheroes has some kind of tragic origin.
But the ones that don't definitely don't need one added.
These pictures say different
I liked the Holla Forums edits that made the guy black and removed his face, so everyone thought it was Mechad Brooks aka Black Jimmy.
get out louis, get out of Holla Forums
Wait they're bringing back Ward again? Glad I stopped watching the show.
She looks way more into it than the guy does.
She's honestly pretty cute, but that guy could probably do better with little challenge.
There were some interesting things they could have done with Agents of Shield, but the only thing interesting that they ever did with it was the plot relevance with the Winter Soldier movie. What they could have done was to start introducing Ultron in AoS or something. Top secret SHIELD program from decades past, they protect it from Hydra, and they say "Oh it's safe now!" And then Tony and Bruce grab it and everything goes to shit in AoU. Or they could have had the show do it's own thing about saving the world from giant threat, but having to keep it on the down-low so normies don't realize how close they constantly get to having their shit ruined by supernatural forces. Instead, the show tries to do both half-heartedly, , can't gain much footing, and fucks itself over.
The second half start of the season was godawful. I felt asleep, no joke. Still, a guilty pleasure.
I'm baffled what they try to slap in just because, but just roll with it and turn my brain off. Like when they added New 52 Joker… uh… New 52 Jerome… eh… I dunno whatever, I didn't expect that and I enjoyed it.
The worst thing of the show isn't the abundance of Batman, but that most characters are annoying and uninteresting.
Fucking Fish Mooney.
Terribly overacting Nigma (it's weird, he isn't bad, it's just bad when he's supposed to act crazy).
Who-the-hell-cares guy from the Court of Owls.
Who-the-hell cares woman from the Court of Owls.
Holy-shit-that-plot-point-is-the-death-of-all-shows clone Bruce.
In b4 the clone actually becomes Bruce and the real Bruce becomes Batman to stop him or whatever.
DC doesn't want Batman appearing on television, only in films, it's in the contract. It's one of the reasons I avoided Gotham like the goddamn plague.
A show with Batman actually in it? Don't be absurd!
The worst thing about Gotham is that a lot of the actors are actually really good and would be a great fit for a proper Batman show.
Harvey Bullock is spot-on.
Lucius Fox is pretty good.
Edward Nygma is actually quite fun most of the time.
Hugo Strange was excellent.
Alfred is so-so, but acceptable.
Mad Hatter was fucking amazing.
Oswald Cobblepot was great in season 1, not so much in 2 and 3. If they stick to his season 1 incarnation, he'd be fantastic.
I'm sure they'll have Batman on the show without being Batman, just like the "Blur" was to Superman on Smallville.
The big problem with the show is its writing. Sometimes it's pretty good, sometimes it's pure cringe. They don't seem to be capable of finding the right balance between drama and comedy.
Also FishMooneyBitch and the lesbian couple need to die and faggot Oswald was a bad idea.
I'd like to see them try. Tom Welling at least was old enough to make the not-Superman vigilante shtick work, but David Masouz is a skinny, dorky-looking Jewish teenager. There's no way in hell anyone is going to take him seriously as a not-Batman vigilante. The scenes where they had him take down a bunch of adult goons were already cringy enough as it is.
Faggot Penguin was really the final nail in Penguin's character assassination. They already went semi-full-retard with his mommy issues in season 2, this gay shit was really just further confirmation they have no clue what to do with him.
Well, if there is one good thing about that retarded policy they have, it's that it's allowed Green Arrow to move up in notability now that Batman isn't hogging the spotlight in one medium.
Sure, the CW stuff can all be charitably considered a mixed bag, but I like seeing a B-lister get a bit of a push.
Yeah, by making him into even more of a blatant Batman knock-off than he already was.
Arrow is the single worst thing to ever happen to Oliver Queen. It gave him Batman's characterization, and bastardized all of his villains and supporting cast in favor of other supporting characters and villains, the vast majority of whom are Batman-related.
I'd much rather have a Green Arrow show which treats his lore with respect and care then a Green Arrow show which turned Oliver Queen into Bruce-Wayne-lite because the showrunners wanted to write Batman instead.
Pretty sure you mean "the super-fucking aware of what savages from other places can do if you're stupid enough to let them in cousins.
I think they just tried too hard to make his origin make sense. I do like the change that rather than coming across some drug smuggling operation, he got sucked into becoming a situation that turned him into something even more harcore than a high level CIA operative, but they never brough him back from the islane that muc. The show runners always said that they were going to show how he became "the Green Arrow" that you're supposed to know and love, but they made his "5 years in hell" so dark they couldn't pull away enough from it to give him the transformation into fun-loving Green Arrow.
Also, as much as I hate to say it, Ollie in Arrow isn't nearly enough of a liberal faggot.
The problem was they made the 5 years away from Starling City really shitty, so when he's doing shit in the present day in, say, S2, then you see the wacky shit he's doing on the island during S3-5 flashbacks, you can see there's a drop in his abilities.
Also, the liberal stuff is almost non-existent. Diggle had to go behind his back to pay a man's hospital bills, which the real Oliver would of done at the drop of a hat.
I…like Gotham.
But really, while I can admit that it is hilariously bad in more ways than one, and an actual Batman show would be preferable, if you mostly ignore all the ways in which it assrapes canon, some of the episodes are really good. Hell, it actually managed to make me give a shit about the Mad Hatter, when I couldn't care less about him in anything else.
I do wish that they'd just fucking admit that Bruce Wayne is never going to be fucking Batman. The timeline is all wrong, and his characterization is a far cry from the badass Bruce in every other medium. This faggot is gonna get killed on his first night out, not to mention that all of his major villains have more personal beef with Gordon.
The curious think about Gotham is that some of the plot lines are really good, while others are just fucking awful. It's wildly inconsistent, but each episode shows all plot lines together, so from minute to minute in the show you go from well-written crime drama to shitty doughnut steal OC
Tell me about it. The Hugo Strange plot towards the end of season 2 was pretty great, but then they had to go and use it as an excuse to resurrect Fish Mooney, their pet OC that nobody liked and nobody wanted back.
Thing is, I don't really think he's a faggot but the loss of his mother made him a dependent cuck, not capable of teaming up. He'd probably be obsessed over anyone he's working with.
But that doesn't change how much he sucks now, because that turned him into a pussy.
Considering he shot some old fart right in the face with a shotgun in the first seasons…
Do you really want a Batman show? Anything done on a TV budget is bound to look shit compared to the movies, and it'll never be as competently put together as the better cartoons.
Arrow is on one of the lowest budget American channels that exists while still being noteworthy. And while the writing and plot might be awful, the show does manage to look good a lot of the time.
I think it's easier to get away with it when your show is the most prominent adaptation of a lesser known character. Any Batman adaptation will be judged against every other Batman adaptation, and there are a lot of good ones.
Not necessarily. Batman doesn't need a big, flashy budget, and it's bound to be better than any cartoon simply by virtue of being live-action. There are subtleties that you can get in live-action that you'll never get in a cartoon.
Gotham, for example, is already pretty competently made, it's just that the premise is shit.
Why is Speedwagon 3D?
You're asking for too much. There's enough awful crap on that series to write a long series of books on the subject.