Feminists kill Barbie


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More like Flabbie.

Sony is determined to run their business into the ground aren't they

Kill yourself. I don't even know who I'm saying that to. Maybe me? Maybe everything?

Isn't Barbie supposed to be thin and attractive?

she's sticking it to the patriarchy, because as we all know, if it weren't for Barbie and Taylor Swift brainwashing everyone, men would be attracted to real women like Amy or Lena!


The Jews are obsessed with creating the bizarro universe apparently.

Barbie is not a healthy woman, not humanistic model of a woman, deal with it. Jewish link confirms:

Satan now belongs to the Aryans! Fuck you Jay Z and Jew World Order! Re-memed!

So girls can't be girls anymore huh? Why do they hate everything that is beautiful?

Why does this whore still have a job? Her movies are neither profitable or effective propaganda.

Nigger, Satan loves Jews. Why do you think so many Satanic cults are Jewish?

Fucks sake jews. Can you create anything?

Dubs and trips will not stop me from being disgusted. I'm surprised that one cuck who does stoner movies is not in it as well.

Kill yourself.

Talmudic Jews recognize Satan as their patron. In Israel they call him Mastema, angel of spite.

(((Seth Rogenstein))) will probably be on it as fat jew Ken.

Honestly she sounds worse than Barbie. At least Barbie used to be a pure girl.

Another piece of jewish propaganda starring an unfunny female comedian and produced by Amy Pascal and Sony. As if Cisbusters wasn't enough of a failure.

I guess they didn't learn their lesson yet.

Just fuck my shit up famalam

Feminism ruins everything. This fat bitch should be no where near having "Barbie" associated with her. They already ruined the brand with a full on SJW barbie.
While not a land-whale doll It's only a matter of time when fat fucks like (((Shumer))) are playing the roleā€¦

No shit? I thought different branches use different funding.

Why aren't you on the PC master race, nigger?

Could've been a blatant caricature of terrible women, this was the 1960s after all.

Coming to think of it, I never saw a funny female comedian so my post is redundant.


It's post-war Germany Bild Lili was probably made by a jew too to push feminism.

Gross. Everyone's sick of her too.

The billions of profit made by the gaming division is propping up the movie division, which is hundreds of millions in the red

I like the Yakuza games

Lying again, anons? Satan hates you Bible scum, Jews, Christians, pedos, Islam = all the same shit.

You will burn!

Sony is really trying to commit suicide, aren't they?

I bet this is the real reason (((Amy))) isn't leaving after Trump's win. Fucking shekle-snatching whore.


It is the most interesting case of suicide I have seen. They keep having movies flop, ever since Ghostbusters, yet they don't seem to react. They deserve losing more money if they cannot see what they are doing is wrong.

Why would Mattel allow this?

From what I understand, Sony got the rights some years ago and were planning a movie. But why not? Mattel has a movie to help get people they hope to buy barbies, and Sony should be paying for everything.

This is going to make the Jem movie's box office take look like Titanic's. I swear, I will physically restrain my wife if she tries to take our daughter to this pap-smear of a movie.

You can't force a meme, kiddo, no matter how many threads in which you post it.

But if Barbieland is sexist bodyshaming oppression land, why would that help Barbie sales?

seems legit

Because they sell more inclusive barbies? Not that it would work, but they have to try something. Their sales are plummeting, but what they see as right and what reality truly is, is rather different.

Maybe the US is about to reinvade Japan and Sony US is just doing their patriotic part to burn all that Japanese money before actual D-Day comes.

Because the movie can point out how lame and fascist old barbieland is, and how hip and accepting the new uglier, shittier skin barbie is.

Do these fucks have no sense of self-awareness at all?

She's so manlike and has such a pig-like face she'll never look pretty no matter how many pounds she loses.

Talmudic Judism is satanism.

Aryans don't want Santan on our side thanks.


We gotta Barbie Holla Forums the same way we got Daddy Elected