Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
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This is unconstitutional. There's no weight to this.
I call demoralizing shill.
Uh oh, better not wrongthink anymore burger goyim.
Who? Me for posting it? Does the word shill mean anything anymore?
Here are some other sources. It is not getting a lot of media coverage:
How far does this bill go?
Will I get sued and suspended if I deny the holocaust now?
What punishments does this Act institute for false flag attacks by provocateurs designed to inflame hatred and tension where none actually exists? Because recent events have shown there's a definite need for such a clause.
Why I was not born in timeline where holocaust was real?
Right now, the extent of the bill is limited, and looks more like a trial balloon. It is only focused on schools, and directs the DoE to use the broader definition when investigating them. From the Intercept link:
The fact that it passed so quickly in the Senate is concerning. Also, it was introduced by both a Republican and a Democrat.
A lot of this will depend on what Trump's cabinet looks like, if they will ignore it, or use it as a justification for a crackdown on on-campus criticism of Israel. Israeli politicians are furious about the BDS movement in particular, and this could be used to shut it down completely on college campuses, where it has been most effective.
I just called my congressmen. I'm not sure how much it will help, but you goyim should too. It will take 2 minutes out of your day.
Hopefully it passes. The more stupidity the Jews support and make themselves into "special snowflakes" the more obvious they out themselves and bring about true, righteous anger. If only the West copied the death penalty for antisemitism that the Soviets applied then perhaps we'd be like Eastern Europe.
Okay, not you, but I still think the goal of this bill is demoralization (and more shekels for (((universities)))). It's unconstitutional so nothing significant can/will come of it.
I can also see it as a kew scam in the sense of "now universities that have swastika graffiti get more funding" which means more "whatcha doin professor"
That is literally unconstitutional.
And that means anything?
Has the ACLU responded to this yet?
hate speech is unconstitutional but laws have been passed about it
Being unconstitutional does matter. On some things the normies don't really care– the parts of the constution that deal with the actual running of the government.
But when it comes to the Bill of Rights (freedom of speech etc), unconstitutional shit doesn't fly.
You are partly correct, but there are several areas where free speech protections have been vulnerable, such as national security.
Because this will most likely be used against the BDS movement, it will be painted as a national security concern, as BDS threatens the economic health of our greatest ally, Israel, which is currently on the front line in the War Against Terror.
Or some bullshit argument like that.
The (((ACLU))) would support it
You may be right, especially as BDS will find financial backers and good lawyers pro bono. The publicity might be more damaging to Israel & Jewish groups than even the boycott.
Not saying they're not good goys, but they do fight for free speech, even (((bigoted))) speech.
The bill actually doesn't do anything, all it calls for is for more "awareness" of anti-antisemitism. There is no new information or new mandates, just senators trying to get good-goy points. Read the actual bill here:
None of those laws have any legal force. And?
But they're not good goys, either. They're actual kikes.
Yeah tell that to the NSA
I like most of the aesthetic there, but I'm not sure I like the enormous painting of Washington. That's what commies do. A tasteful marble statue in the proper place, sure, with some good aesthetics, such as pic related, but not a giant idol-tier painting.
Nazi Germany didn't go in for such things, or at least not that I can find.
It means you can challenge it… if you got the money to get a lawsuit through over it.
top lel, shoutout to General George Washington for glassing these kikes preemptively with the 1st Amendment
every other. religion is ok to make a mockery of but not (((there's))) THE WALKING SIN
There'll be an uproar about it. I've even seen lefty Jew rags criticizing it, saying that Holocaust denial, though stupid, should be legal. The ACLJew may be a bunch of kikes, but they have from time to time defended thought criminals.
I forgot pic related.
>“a certain perception of Jews, which MAY be expressed as hatred toward Jews.
In other words, distrust, dislike, unwillingness to be "besties," etc. is still on the table.
The Jews own the US, mind, body and soul.
This will redpill a lot of post-boomer "skeptics".
Hate speech laws still exist. The jews are crafty ones. In their ideal world the 1st Amendment would still exist but the list of what is considered hate speech will be too long to catalog.
They wasted time and energy just so they could investigate. That's it. That's all they can do. As if that investigation will lead to an action.
Hate speech laws don't exist in the USA thanks to the foresight of a group of Nationalist, forward thinking white men who freed us from the Eternal Anglo.
(((Hate crimes))) exist but it's usually "Hey Rabbi watcha doin" so they're barely ever used anyways
It's racist to spend money on investigations of only anti-Jewish incidents. No group is immune from hatred. Congress is implying the jewish group is more important than the others. Did Casey and Scott bring up the issue of spending tax payer dollars on only anti-Jewish incidents during the election? Of course not. Because it's bullshit. They should be impeached for this.
Report every jew and sjw that does not want a multiracial and egalitarian Israel. Also those who view israel as a place for jews when it should really be a place for global citizens. It is technically a double standard not to do so.
Jesus Christ.
and they don't see the irony in this?
They see it, they're just hoping the sheep won't.
Okay fine.
The Holocaust was exaggerated.
Notice I didn't say a specific group.
Jews and Israel invented and exaggerated the Holocaust. Come after me, I have nothing to live for.
Still needs to pass the House and be sent to the President. It probably won't be sent in until after Trump's inauguration.
It wont matter because the only action they'll do is investigate and that's it.
I hope they do, because all my shit including tannerite is a legal.
All legal.
Just wait until owning NSDAP flags becomes hate speech.
Ok, national socialist memorabilia.
Goddamn nigger president is just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks at this point, isn't he.
Betsy DeVos, Trump's Education Secretary, seems like someone who would ignore this. Lunatic Debbie Schlussel certainly dislikes her, which is a good sign:
At the same time, not sure if the Secretary of Education would be the last word. I would be more concerned about the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.
How in the fuck are these faggots not hung for treason simply for ATTEMPTING to create a law to the effect of "don't say bad things about another nation."
We're fucking America, the rest of the world is destined to be our bitch, ALL OF THE REST OF THE WORLD.
Every read the dialog between Washington and Franklin after the revolutionary war? They were missing in my American History class.
Ain't that prophetic? I know why Madison Square garden looked like this, we've been warned many times through those who lived.
I know, but I mean, the ONLY thing this will allow them to do is just investigate, not only that but you have to belong to a college campus.
Fascist Italy had some stuff like that, they were going for a imperial Rome theme though. On a unrelated note I'm surprised that the letter M hasn't been declared a symbol of "hate" yet, as the fascists had lots of M's on uniforms and the like. I would be highly amused if they did though. Have eagles been made a "symbol of hate" yet? I am kind of glad that outside of Italy most people do not recognize fascist symbology.
I have a shirt with a fasces and a Quote by Mussolini and I haven't heard any comments on it yet, my "black shirt" shirt with the BUF symbol on it is blatant but besides some angry looks from libcucks the only thing I've had was two numale antifa"punks" taking about "jumping" me because of it, they were talking quietly and of course did nothing because there wasn't 10 of them. I grinned at them after they said it and they scurried away.
Sorry I got really off topic there
I don't know who invented this "hatecrime" buzzword, but they need to be hanged from the highest post in the capital city.
No fucking shit.
It does suck when I'm asked if it's a
Mexican flag though. Fuck normalfags are retarded
No, assuming that it actually passes campuses will be quicker to suspend/expel students over anti-semitism but it wouldn't be an actual criminal offense.
This will piss off the BDS "muh palestine" leftists. Might start red pilling some of the less brainwashed ones.
IF accusing Jews as a race for an incident is bad, then what about all Whites being accused for colonialism or niggers being slaves?
That timeline doesn't exist user. Hitler was too nice in every timeline.
Imagine the best timeline: the Third Reich won WW2 and Donald Trump is made Fuhrer.
Just call it the Jews Are Above Criticism Act.
Please stop buying the kike's claim that Trump is Hitler, he's nowhere near. He only pissed off the MSM, so far he has not proven to aim to do anything against the JQ, in fact he has kikes in his cabinet and his extended family.
Nothing to do with the coon-in-chief. it's the senate that passed this bill, you know the thing that actually legislates shit and is full to the brim with kikes and shabbo's goyim?
Little sensitive about those accusations?
It's just more undeniable proof that Jews control this country.
A much more fitting title.
This x1000, although we can be nice to Brexit'ed Britain and a future revived-Nazi-germany.
Gee, where did I hear that before? Oh yeah the kikes saying the same thing about Themselves. Get gassed.
Wow, did they accidentally fuck themselves?
There are so many things that receive the "It's okay when Israel does it!" double standard.
well looks like they shot themselves in the foot there
Do you have a source for that quotation?
The only sources I could find after a quick search don't seem to have a primary source.
out of so-called fear of fake hitler, these people are becoming fake hitler
It was probably a Jew.
I don't care if this quote isn't real, we can start passing this around.
Washington forgive me if this is a perversion of your words, but I think your views on the Jews likely aligned exactly with this, even if the quote is artificial.
Why would they want to make people aware of Anti-Semitism?
That looks equal parts evil and majestic.
Take no note of my earlier image, my investigations have led me to believe the full quote is all Benjamin Franklin's. Here is the source with the letters themselves scanned.
Please use this image instead to spread the quote.
I have however found an even more interesting quote by General Washington on the Jews.
The Yids have done spin on it trying to say he was talking about (((currency manipulators))) during the war, but I think we know who the (((currency manipulators))) really were…
I find some of the wording most interesting
if that is a prohibition against such actions… well… look out AIPAC and all the traitorous politicians with double citizenships
I really want to play x4 is available on ps4 or do you need 1
Right from the kike congressmans website.
I'm still chasing down the origin of the quote in your pic, and so far I haven't seen it on parchment/paper, only text on webpages. This casts doubt onto its authenticity, though anyone remotely jew-wise could recognize the truth of its sentiments.
I would also call to your attention the word "vampires." I know that this is not an argument, but I can't help but feel that the word looks suspiciously anachronistic.
Meant for
I agree. It seems to me that the word "Jew" and "vampire" are used in that context by National Socialist propaganda from the 1960s-1970s. It sounds more like George Lincoln Rockwell than George Washington. That doesn't dilute the quality of the words but I'm very suspicious that he said them.
This Washington quote on the other hand, is certifiable. Whether it was exactly about Jews is debatable but someone looking to attack the source and claim it isn't about Jews will be very hard pressed to do so, as it is about (((currency manipulators)))
Well, that's the UN, EU and US all officially declared anti-semitic. I hope Trump will let this bill be passed and then use it against (((them))).
Yes who could these ((((currency manipulators))) at the (((Bank of England))) possibly be…
Anyone have that Voltaire quote?
Rillay, nigga?
this. Holla Forums should fight
no, Holla Forums should start fighting now
>no laws against white people, 60% sigh of the population
Furthermore, "hate crimes" are just intensifiers on things which are already crimes. For instance it is a crime to punch a man square in the face unprovoked. If you punch a black man square in the face unprovoked and shout "fuck niggers" when you do it, that is a hate crime. But if you just shout "fuck niggers" without a punch, then there is no crime.
You're not wrong to object to this, but to be fair, 4 letters can be a very tempting substitute for 6 NatSoc or 18 National Socialist.
Spain, Germany and Japan all (supposedly) attacked US ships and had their empires destroyed by military retaliation as a result.
Israel attacks a US ship and they continue to receive billions of dollars in American military hardware FOR FREE, and mentioning this fact is considered anti-semitic.
So, who's the one applying "double standards"?
Stunning how the KIKES push all of this unbelievable bullshit, now they know they're losing (because Trump is coming).
They want to destroy as much of the old sane system as possible.
The U.S. is becoming Germany with this shit, where people aren't even allowed to QUESTION the holocaust without being JAILED.
Repeal it as soon as possible.
AIPAC owns congress pretty much 100%, so it will pass. Even if Trump were to veto, they would very likely still have a super majority.
I kek every time I watch that.
What's a good sauce on Third Reich memorabilia?
When are the jewcucks going to get over it? My business doesn't cater to them, neither should any proud white man
I'm pretty sure there was a man in some north western state who actually was charged for holohoax denial because of a state law.
Found it.
While we're at it, why not make it legal to "investigate" the shit out of people who hate cancer too?
To buy it? Gun shows are one option. Occasionally you will find antique stores that carry a decent selection as well.
Haven't spent a lot of time around niggers have you?
He mentions Haman, the great enemy of the jews, so no doubt he means jews.
Protesting war and murder is now illegal, children.
Meanwhile in Canuckistan, they have the same pozzed sentiments
so its according to that anti-semitic to say that Israel, the place, should not be taking in hordes and hordes of islamics and africans?
Have you considered suicide?
Wait, I thought NOT doing that was considered "antisemitic"!?
Also note the subtle implication that double standards are OK towards non-(((democratic))) nations.
When you give them two fingers, they take hand. (((Supreme court)))
It's like a laundry list of Israel's crimes against humanity and Palestine.
1000× this
This is good news.Next time Israel starts massacring Palestinian children, and the Left starts protesting, the government will come down on the Left. Then we can more effectively meme how Jews control our government, which they do.
This is the most absurd. It is basically carte blanch to accuse any opinion you do not like as "double standard" and thus illegal.
How our politicians can be so cucked that they make no attempt to even be reasonable is amazing.
I hate kikes