Top Cuck: Dicky Spencer tells Haaretz he respects Israel and Jews, insists kikes have a place in Aut-Right America

Top Cuck: Dicky Spencer tells Haaretz he respects Israel and Jews, insists kikes have a place in Aut-Right America

In an interview with the Washington Post before that November 19 speech, he said he would expel Muslims from his ethno-state and that most women would return to their traditional role of bearing children. But in an interview with Haaretz, he insists that Jews and other minorities have a place in his vision. “All citizens should have the same rights and protections. American citizenship is not up for debate, I’m talking about identity,” he says.

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Spencer is noncommittal over the potential role of American Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson in advising Trump, and likewise on the active role of Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in the president-elect’s transition team. “I don’t have a strong position on this, that is his business,” says Spencer. “Trump has been a positive thing. It is what it is. He can pick his own advisers and listen to whoever he chooses, that is his prerogative. Again, if Sheldon Adelson would promote the same immigration policy in the United States that Israel has, I would think that is a good thing.”

Spencer says he still hopes Washington will stop offering financial aid to Israel. “Israel is an incredibly wealthy and successful nation-state, it has booming industries. It’s rather odd for the United States to be giving financial aid to a First World country,” he says.

He also believes the United States should not be getting involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict or “be taking sides,” but adds that “if Washington could broker a peace deal, it would be wonderful, obviously.” Spencer says he “respects Israel” and that, in regard to whether the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, “Wherever Israel wants to declare its capital, I would respect that.”

This isn’t the first time Spencer has tried to wink at Israel, at least in terms of being a U.S. nationalist leader. In online publications for his National Policy Institute, a think tank termed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a white supremacist organization, Spencer avoids making blatantly anti-Semitic remarks – in sharp contrast to his alt-right peers. “I think it’s clear that Jews underwent tremendous suffering during World War II. I don’t deny the Holocaust,” he tells Haaretz.

And in an August 2010 article called “An Alliance with the Jews,” published on his Radix Journal website, Spencer argued that Israel could become an ally of white nationalists in the United States. He wrote that in the face of the threat of nuclear weapons in countries hostile to Israel, there would be “hard-liners” in Israel who would prefer to see the extreme right in the White House.

“Your average eastern seaboard liberal Jew, who takes his marching orders from The New York Times and reads Phillip [sic] Roth in his spare time, will likely never want to have anything to do with the far right – even if his life depended on it. Bibi Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman are a different story,” he wrote.

At the end of the article, Spencer even allowed himself to dream of Jewish financial contributions. “Who knows? Israeli nationalists might want to help finance the far right in Europe and North America,” he concluded.


And with that, the book is closed.

who cares, there will be a new face

Also where is image 3 from. I reverse searched it and couldn't find any other copies. Greg is that you?

And that's why identity politics and ecelebs should go fuck off

There's his MO.

from a dinner before NPI where some protestors stormed the restaurant and sprayed stuff over everyone (that apparently smelled like shit)

That grabbed me too. Why is he such a cuck, why does the msm think he is Sam Hyde, why would your parents name you 'penis' for fucks sake what an utter bell end.

also spencer was shilling a pyramid scheme called phalanx (SO FUCKING GAY LOL) before this so like lol

Ding ding ding. Phalanx Kosher Edition.

We need to draw a line somewhere tbh

Thats where faggots paid to be part of an all mens hunting and blow job club isnt it?

Phalanx? What's that?

This. Fucking eCelebs are a cancer because the media then gets to proclaim these guys are part of the movement and represent everything they do. That's all they needed, they couldn't find one for a while all they had Pepe until these idiots decided they wanted some fame.


And now we're supposedly neo-nazis who love Israel.

No, I think he is controlled tbh.

There's a reason anons rail against it so hard.

Remember when he was defending Roosh the rapist? His reasoning: "Roosh has a larger following and we should try to siphon from him."

Translation: "Try to suck his dick for shekels."


this jew cocksucking faggot disgusts me

Trump really did embolden some on the right. He just emboldened the wrong people. Duke made himself look like a fool trying to debate like Trump; came off as angry and unhinged instead of assertive. Totally misread the situation. Now you have Spencer making some of the most retarded statements and decisions (jews and asian hookers at NPI) seemingly to only draw attention to himself in order to feed his own ego.

Duke isn't as alpha as Trump, true, but I thought he shat all over that moderator who was trying to fuck him.



I think Duke's strength isn't in him getting excited. It's him remaining calm. Some of his best stuff is where he's explaining without getting heated especially since most people think "crazy, angry, kkk duke".

I want ironmarch to leave, go back to your forum with your nonwhite admin.

When these idiots like Spencer there movement can go (((mainstream))) they'll start making all sorts of concessions and changes to become (((successful)))

I would agree with that, but they kept shutting him up in that debate and shitting on him. He had every reason to get a bit heated.

I mean I respect a peoples right to their own homelands and to rule their own affairs, I get that, but not this. Inexcusable.

He did. It just didn't see authentic. I could be wrong and he could have been absolutely pissed, but it wasn't working for him.

Stern needs to be his go to persona.

It's authoritative, and it makes him look confident and sure of what he's saying which makes the media look like the liars they are by trying to paint him as some angry racist.

Spencer could have been successful if he shilled for neocons. Like I think he's probably part gay but I do think he cares about white people and a white nation.

More than could be said for all these alt-light guys throwing him under a bus.

It's hard to be as alpha as Trump. Trump is the exception, not the rule. I thought it was okay and I'm normally fairly critical. He was definitely a few steps above his fellow debaters on the stage.

he is turning into jared taylor

Dude he just openly begged for literal, actual shekels. He's a clown.

Well hope you step up and do your part in pushing the overton window else I can't be fucked caring if some greedy faggot is indeed greedy

Oh he definitely was. Problem was he needed to be leaps and bounds ahead to make up the handicap the media attached to him.

The only people with a place in the americas are whites. trump will realize this soon enough. The only problem is convincing him to be genocidal enough to do anything about it. After these eight years are up, the demographics will never be good enough for a true white supremacist president, and expecting whites to wipe out the subhumans on their own is naieve.

For the future of whites to exist, trump must take severe action

Pick one and then kill yourself.

Man I don't like Spencer at all either but I dunno. I'm getting fucking tired that anyone who speaks up for whites gets fucking shit on constantly here.

You'll have people bring up David Duke's gambling and how he fucked a bunch of women like a degenerate.

You'll have people attack Anglin for being a fed and I guess fucking a ladyboy.

You'll have people attack even Pierce for not saving the nazi party.

It's just fucking tiring. When the fuck is Hitler going to come.



why the fuck you consider yourself alt-right anyway?

sage for e-celeb bullshit

Right. That said, you're right about Duke's calm demeanor being the best. I also get a tingle in my heart whenever Duke says cuck. I was hoping he was going to use it on stage.

He's a philosophical ideologue, this isn't anything knew.

It's the same problem the Alt-Right always had by being "big tent", but his stance is clear and logical, but we don't live in a logical world anymore so it sounds cucky. He's a public face, not a leader. He's more philosophy and policy than a mover or shaker.

wtf i love jews now

His stance is he should get as much press and cash as possible and doesn't care how he has to do it. After these two stunts, only fucking ten or so days apart, it's clear he's not a serious fucking figure. Let him go back to making podcasts about Batman and keep his damn mouth shut.

Okay, when it comes down to it, he's just naive and/or willfully ignorant because he wants to believe in a world where everyone can get along and there are no conflicts.

He doesn't want to believe in a world in which a certain tribe who is in a position to benefit from destroying other races and who has no qualms about doing just that would act on its instincts.

Basically, he's ignorant of nature.

Where could hitler show up? What country has the most white strength? Where in Europe? In Canada? Most countries are so pozzed that a hitler archetype would get shot down immediately. It is a miracle that we got trump. He is much better than we could have hoped for three years ago. He is likely the best thing we will get for a long time. We have to show him the truth. I have faith that he will be or already is red pilled on race. I'm not sure he will have the balls to make a significant enough impact though

Those are mostly shills, but attacks on people who side with the traditional enemy - like Spencer and Taylor - are always warranted.

And after so many people went to bat for him when PJW and Cernobitch tried to dump on him. Dicky just fucked over a lot of people.

I'm convinced this was all damn ploy. Either Spencer was just being a drunk idiot when he heiled Trump or he's working some twisted dialectic on our ass.

It's a tight rope he's walking and most of us I think are beyond the point of trying to walk that. I think he'll figure it out, eventually, that there's only one way to fight a radical enemy. To radical yourself.

If Holla Forums were around then people would criticize Hitler for not having a girlfriend, call him autistic, call him a larper, cult leader, just doing it for the shekels, he has jewish ancestry, etc etc

I am very sick of it too man.

Spencer literally begged for shekels. Actual shekel, in the unit of currency, the shekel.

But Hitler did have a girlfriend.

This is the cuckservative faggot who got BTFO by a literal we wuz. He is a joke and the last person that should be supporting a nationalist movement, he cannot debate for shit and is cringeworthy. I would bet money that he is just controlled op.

A really qt3.14 too

meant to say *representing

Not during his rise to power.

Hitler spent his time in jail writing a book, then became one of the most (if not the most) influential people to ever live.

No one knew about her publicly till I dunno. Maybe it was after the war.

You mean women don't like men unless they have some status attached to them?

I'm shocked.

Somebody from TRS apparently put up $10k for Cernokike to debate him.

I'm not Spencer, faggot. But chimping out and attacking a man like Spencer who has done a lot for us is pathetic


Those are edited to make the guest (if they're hostile) look bad you know. I mean yeah I wish there was someone better but who? Who is out there talking about things that matter like white identity and a white ethnostate?

Over 90% of people disagree with you.

That was just us fucking with the poll….

Holla Forums crashed polls are the best polls.


How about don't interact with the media unless you plan to game them Trump style? You're sounding a bit >muh pr here, fellow Holla Forums user.

Thats why unless you can do it live or have the clout to force them to air unedited you don't talk to the lugenpresse

There is a very clear difference between those that call out the Jews for what they are (Hitler, Duke, WLP, Alex Linder) and those who explicitly state they think we can peacefully co-exist with Jews (Spencer, Jared Taylor). We cannot because it says in Jewish religious texts and in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion that we cannot. And if you are in doubt of the authenticity of those books, just look at what has transpired over the past 150 years since Theodore Herzl became influential. "Coexist" is just a stupid bumper sticker meme.

He's almost 40 years old and he's obviously aware of the Talmud, The Protocols, Revilo P Oliver and all of that. He just doesn't have the vicious mindset that radical Kikes do, and that's why he's not the right man for the job. I understood the Eternal Jew by the time I was 23, and I'm sure there are people on this board who are underage b&s that comprehend the situation we're in thanks to the proliferation of White Nationalist media. Spencer has lived his adult life with access to the Internet and still hasn't figured it out (if he's not willfully cucking); I don't see much hope for him.

You are the one literally crying about public relations.

Anyone has that tweet or text snippet from Spencer where he says he shares the view of some Rabbi about dividing up the US? Something like that.


I'm so fucking sick of this half-stepping faggot. He's such a little bitch made pussy when it comes to kikes.

Can you explain how? My stance of not interacting with the MSM doesn't seem like it.

Glad I'm not this retarded.

Did you think Hillary was going to win too?

w/e maybe you guys are right. Interacting with the lugenpresse is the wrong way to go about it. If whites are worth saving they're going to have to wake up themselves and embrace NatSoc ideas. I guess there isn't much point to worrying about this stuff right. Either it happens or it will not. Thank god I'm wealthy so I can just move away from the diversity forever.

you got memed on lad

Look man, I would prefer to erase all the Jews too, but Israel has nukes now, we probably can't do a genocide without huge damage to us. I prefer living white people to dead kikes.

Thus, we should bow before them and beg for shekels. Doesn't follow. Sorry, not an argument.

Whatever you do you cannot be pragmatic about it. That's for sure.

We all will, user. Girls like it when you exterminate the kikes.

Yes, it is so pragmatic to publically do Roman Salutes and Heil a nationalist leader and then ask for
less than a month later

Antifa threw shit on him and it ruined his shirt and jacket so he put on the vest until he could change.

You want them to keep their shekels and use them to hurt whites even more? Sounds like you're on their side tbqh.

You TRS fags are fucking awful at this.













Um. That's now we use that meme dude. You're trying super hard to fit in here. Where are you from?

shut it down

Phalanx Mod PLS.

Right. He hasn't made even one DANK Holla Forums thread that I know of. Fucking gay niggerkike.


And this faggot thought he could shill us hard enough for us to give him imperium. Anyone who was shilling for this faggot should gas themselves now. Wish I had saved the thread where I was arguing with obvious kike shills about how this faggot should have never received the roman salute because he had no imperium and was an obvious kike shill.

Bump for LMFAO.


Yeah maybe this is how it ends. The people most dedicated to a white ethnostate calling each other jews while niggers and spics shit out kids by the dozen.

Do you have a source for that? Most of the the time alt-right people use "shekels" ironically.


If, in order to understand the JQ, you need mystical documents and super Jews capable of running a one world cabal for 200 years in perfect secrecy but are somehow stupid enough to write it all down in the most comprehensive and unnuanced language and then leak that document to the goyim, you do not get the JQ.

Quick, why don't you put up some infographics a Jew troll at 4/pol/ made as a joke 6 years ago to prove me wrong.

No LARPing here

You gotta do better than that.


Pretty sure that Phalanx Internet Defense Force.

Archive isn't loading for me right now, but what, you mean the “Who knows? Israeli nationalists might want to help finance the far right in Europe and North America.” That's hardly "begging for shekels." If anything it's pointing out the double standard between White and Jewish nationalism.

Yeah, he's right here

Why are the worst posters always TRSodimites?

Nah I'm blackpilled now. Anyone public is a shill kike faggot.

Why settle for the blackpill when you can take the suicidepill?

Then you know what you have to do.

I'm independently wealthy so I'll just move my assets to high barrier hard to enter white areas as things get worse. I'll just wait for Hitler like everyone else here lol.

Yeah, wonder who's behind this shit

I guess basically

The archive link ain't working.

I wonder who's behind this.


Search a quote from it on google then view the cache. Other than, that's the only other way I know of to get past their kike paywall.

woops. Meant to say it's weird I know what some retard white kid who is willing to be public with his face looks like than some internet warrior who wants to RaHoWa right now! I guess the time is not right tho (and hasn't since the days of /n/).

Yeah, the jews said The Protocols was a forgery, so it must be true…

Gas yourself.

Feel free to post you pic.

That's nice dear and please, do give me a link to some of your work. :^)

Why would anyone of us be public or network IRL. After all if we just wait long enough a Hitler will come and save our race from it's demographic death. I mean unlike that faggot TRS kid who met with that faggot Milo. YUCK. Think there was a street shitter in that pic too. Not cool with me.

Just like you man. Lot's of good posts spread throughout the years. We've controlled the narrative and created a new White America solely by memes.

Is your site going through maintenance? Any other way I can check out your brilliance.

No, retard. Common sense and reading comprehension show its a tool to get dumb 1900s nicewhites on board.

Do you honestly think Goebbels and Hitler thought this shit was real? Are you that much of a pleb?

No site yet unfortunately. At this point I mostly just LARP like a nazi in my house and yell out gas the kikes but I'm sure you're pretty familiar with that kind of thing. Well at least we'll get our Hitler soon (be pretty shitty if we don't LOL)

Darn, maybe next time huh

Do you think the Marsden translation is the original text?

No, that was commentary a Russian edition that was mistakenly translated.

No, it says the "king of the jews" will be the "pope of the world".

Goebbels acknowledged that it was accurate but was unsure about its authenticity, Hitler, Rockwell, Pound, Ford, Pelley, and most other noteworthy nationalists all agreed that it was a genuine document.

I-it's true! It's in Savitri Devi's prophecies! All we have to do is yell "gtk;rwn!" enough on Holla Forums and then Kalki the Avenger will come down from Valhalla in a cloud of Zyklon B and kill every single Jew on earth. The LAST thing we'd want to do is fuck it all up by creating alternative media and institutions, socializing and collaborating with other pro-whites in real life, and advocating for nationalism in well-funded political organizations. The fucking NERVE of some of these TRS/Spencer/Phlananx/CounterCurrents/European Nationalist Parties/Trump/Anyone who Actually Exists-fags!

Stop being so mean, I bet he sends a portion of his autismbux to TRS every month.

Okay, I rest my case.

Because you're independently wealthy, so you really have nothing to lose. Besides, you can always move somewhere else, remember?


Well, i at least have to thank you for vindicating me

That's a title for the jewish messiah. Are you retarded?

See . That nigger is beyond retarded, i have no doubt if he were older he would have been one of the idiots falling for Nigerian prince scams on the internet.

I would but there is no organization out there that isn't a bunch of feds or a bunch of kikes or a bunch of fags according to Holla Forums. Who should I join up with dude?

I posted on /n/ in 06. Stormfags were derided because they seemingly took things seriously when they posted. If you weren't there you have to understand that most of the fun was had in pretending to be a commie, lib, republican, different country, different religion, w/e. I mean it's not like anyone there wasn't racist but I guess there was a deeper nihilism working there where we were only news junkies to troll. I probably don't have to tell you this but for the vast majority of people in the states they barely pay attention to what's happening.

I was responding to you're talking about it dumbass.

And you believe the Jews behind the decline of the west, most of whom are atheists, whom write that in a serious "Suppa secret plan to take over teh Goyim?" That the Jews are gonna rely on the fucking messiah? And you believe that they wrote that? That influential Jews read this and used this as a plan to for the next 100 years?

Do me a favor. Please do not get involved in any real nationalist activism. People as gullible and stupid as you are a detriment to any organization they join.

Great, so you can do it now too.

Yeah, you're retarded.

Yeah, didn't say that.

No I mean that's how it was man. Read some wikis or something they'll say the same things

Dude, just stop

You included several other groups in case you've already forgotten and lumped them in with Phalanx, if you're going to pretend now that you aren't in support of it than you would be by default shitting on the other groups as well, are you actually this retarded not to see the mistake you just made, jesus kid, this getting sad.

No retard. I said /n/ specifically which was not Holla Forums though of course most of the early posters from Holla Forums came from /n/.


I have a real question for you: if you don't respect us or our viewpoints (to the extent such a thing could be said to exist in Holla Forums), why do you care so much about winning our approval?

I didn't know Phalanx and TRS was all of, as you say here "Anyone who Actually Exists", you couldn't be trying to put words into my mouth because your argument is fucking weak now could you?

Yes, i feel pretty vindicated more and more as you keep at it.

Oh, the irony, it's too much

Not grasping at anything dude. I mean trolling aside you need to go learn the history of this place and how it all started on /n/ when people started to truly recognize the coincidences.

I don't make it a habit to take advice from TRSfags shilling the board, but thanks anyways

What made you think I give a fuck about your opinion? I'm just making fun of a few delusional autists who unfortunately inhabit the board I've frequented for about 6 years. Too much banter for you m8? In fact, I told you to please stay on the internet so that I don't have to have one of these ridiculous non-arguments irl.


When did you start browsing man? Also nice fixing your TRSfags there. Last time you left a space so it looked pretty comical.


You fucked up the meme here
Then I corrected you here
Then you obviously took my advice since you're on point now. Also I'm just trying to have conversation. Apparently you aren't cool with irl meetups so I'm not sure why you're getting so flustered here.
Also another big protip. Quote is not edit.

oh woops that's not you lol the color is just the same hahah
time to escape this thread

We're still waiting on that pic.

That guy just posted , for someone so "old" you're sure as shit not showing it, also i even responded to him

No, you're just fucking dumb bro

Jesus, you're so fucking keen on trying to show your epic "oldfag" status that you fail to see how much of a fucking try-hard you are. Thread has been anchored for a while now and i want to move on but you're too entertaining, it's like watching a car crash.

YOu sound like a faggot who actually likes this fruitcake. Lets go down this road again how does this man have imperium? WHAT HAS HE DONE?

Were you a PROUD CONSERVATIVE back then?

We've done more with a handful of pepes than you have with your entire life. You should be ashamed of yourself. Go LARP elsewhere.