Pre-Indoeuropean Goddesses

So Holla Forums
I'm tired of this myth that before infoeuropeans there was not such a thing as patriarchy, therefore patriarchy is only a evil social construct.
I had some stuff in my HDD, but I had to wipe it out.
I lurked on /pdfs/ and /polarchive/ but I found nothing.
Can some /polack/ help me debunk this myth? I need this to counter the immense propaganda they are doing on educational fields

Other urls found in this thread:ávamál


Why? This is for a pure and simple purpose: have a solid and undebunkable base against subversion of whites and western civilization. We both know how Holla Forums is useful in this

Holla Forums isn't google.
Holla Forums isn't your research center
if you find some link let us know.
otherwise fuck off.

I can help you OP. Follow this link below:

Holla Forums is a beautiful research center.
I'll let y'all know as soon as I get something

I know you google when you are all alone.

Mother-goddess cults generally don't treat women great, tbh. Maybe the Basques had an earth-goddess at the head of their pantheon (would explain the rampant Mary worship in Iberia), but the R1x wheel-inventing, cow-domesticating ubermenschen were definitely worshipping a male sky-god.

The only people who are willing to believe something so ridiculous are people already ideologically committed to feminism. Debunking it is pointless, any reasonable person can see it plainly as bullshit. Your attempts to reason with the unreasonable will be a futile waste of your time.

first post, every time

who cares. if the indo europeans didnt btfo all these matriarchal societies we would be millet eating manlets ruled over by retarded grandmas.

It's hard to find reliable and not biased information in there: half are (((news))) and (((essays))), the other half are hoaxes.
Also, it collects data from you

Yes, europeans in generals (not only indoeuropeans in my opinion) worshipped a male god or at least were patriarchal.

My goal is intercept and argue against (((professors))) and (((educators))) who push this narrative to people who supposedly know nothing about.
I used to believe stuff like that too before Holla Forums, and I convinced many people because I can manage to not be a faggot irl and use some rhetoric. This topic is just one of the many hands we need to push the Overton Window.

I'm aware of le minoan snake lady, the point is:
it's currently being pushed even to children that all Europe was occupied by matriarchal and comunist-like society without private property or wars who worshipped le earth goddess before fucking white males showed up invading from the east.
I had a .png about it months ago, and I lost it. I know it's from Holla Forums, so I'm trying to build something like that again or even re-dig that .png

Some people fall for the Nature Fallacy, were we are wrong because we are against "nature"

This feminist line of thought betrays Aryan racial thinking. I like that. She does not wish to examine the subhuman cultures of that are not Indo-European. Good, good.

I'm no expert on it, but I've read a bit on the topic. The earliest Indo-Europeans had a horse riding culture. This did at least partially help define the gender roles for women in IE cultures (e.g. it made them a bit more of a travel liability). I assume this is the crux of the feminist argument. It would be evidence of something if patriarchal cultures did not exist the whole world over. Egyptian Pharoahs, Native American chiefs, etc. Most religions acknowledge relatively similar gender roles through how their gods behave in the relevant myths. Also, the peoples in Gimbutas' Old Europe also had gods, did human sacrifices, and things like that.

I should reiterate that there is racial thinking going on in this argument. Attack, but attack graciously. Pre-Indo European cultures had their virtues. Look at Stonehenge. That is pretty cool. Say that they were good in their own ways, but that traditional gender roles were a part of why they were good. Hopefully you can redpill them and help them transition to worshiping Aryan gods/goddesses or Kek.

Evola covers this pretty well in Men Among the Ruins

The native tribes that occupied Europe like the Etruscans before the IndoEuropean invasion were very different from their conquerors.

The natives were focused femininity, mother earth, chthonic spirituality, orgies, pleasure, etc.

The Indo-Europeans were marked by discipline, honor, strength, warrior culture, and a transcendent Apollonian spirituality.

>not >>>/bbw/
Step up, senpai


Where I live there was a strong pre-indoeuropean culture, (strong, not great. Goatfuckers, etc). There are strong evidences of mercenaries-like behaviours for other countries and a presence of a male hunter-god. What pisses me off, and that's why I'm researching this topic, is they are pushing the pre-indoeuropean matriarchal society myth where I live. This drive me fucking crazy, expecially knowing I used to almost-believe that crap years ago.
I guess no one other than Gimbutas did research on that?

I'm aware of Etruscans and their degeneracy, but were all pre-indoeuropeans cultures like that? I highly doubt it, because sexual dismorphism is strong in humans

My suggestion would be to mock and ridicule it. Point out that in the undeveloped savage world, matriarchies are ludicrously rare oddities. In primitive jungle tribes men always have the power. Explain this to them in feminist terms, say that in tribal life women are always oppressed. They'll be hard-pressed to refute that.

Christians are so anti-European

I'm not christian

I doubt it, each part of Europe was probably in different stages of decline before the IE invaders moved in.

Stonehenge for instance could only have been built by a very hierarchical society. The problem is that there is so little to go on regarding pre-IE Europe. We can only guess at bits and fragments.

It's to notice that they try to interpret everything they found as some kind of allegoric shit, like the pre-ie europeans were some kind of both mystical and retarded folks different from us
How it is that Fat Venus statues are religius artifacts and not sexual tools or ironic crafts made by bored folks?

Well they DID worship fertility and other matriarchal goddesses. Women were important, respected, valuable. In essence, most ancient civilizations were feminist as fuck. Simply, feminism back then was about protecting women and making their lives comfortable, while men did most of the hard work, went to war, and did all those things women didn't want to do, still don't want to, but carefully omit to mention when asking for equality.

Women asked for the right to vote, to ignore their offspring and send them to school, destroyed family values, and killed the comfortable lives they once enjoyed for the sake of illusory rights, removed of all responsibility.

Those matriarchal idols are feminist, but then this feminism needs to be well understood, and perfectly compatible with the misogyny they denounce, and traditional values, because the role of the traditional male isn't as comfortable as they make it out to be. The two are simply complementary, and asymmetric, and keeping them in the house is actually about protecting them.

But as long as helping women will be seen as sexist, we won't go anywhere.

Then you're a faggot traitor who lies about his own history. Kill yourself Commie educated piece of shit

Evola is a esoteric faggot. Learn to read beyond your 4chan memes

God damn there are some stupid opinionated 4chan fucktards on this site these days. I know I should give you a real counter argument but God damn you have a Marxist/MGTOW education.
You're right about the voting though.

user that's fucking disgusting

Women like Evola.

A lackluster move.

Maybe you should have read the rest though, like the part where I introduced a different definition of feminism. Feminism is about not treating women like shit, quite simply. They weren't treated like shit back then and in fact, never were so poorly treated as they are today. Keeping them in the kitchen IS treating them properly.

Feminists simply have a shitty misconception of societies of old. They have no fucking idea what they lost, and their vision of feminism is ridiculous.

Why do you say that?



No, you're really wrong. Maybe don't have opinions anymore until you lurk for awhile? Maybe that is better. Because even the stupest fucking Holla Forums posters can disprove everything you have said in this thread. All of it except the voting

Point out that all the old pantheons that actually mattered had several prominent female deities that were revered by the population. Bludgeon them with this fact and watch them squirm for your own amusement, for they will never learn better.

As usual, uncle Ted is at the forefront of BTFOing leftist delusion. The next time someone tries to tell you about how idyllic and egalitarian and peaceful pre-agrarian life was, you'll have plenty of ammo.

Austerity is not the totality of life.

The right-wing women I've met have all told me that they read and liked Evola. The first was the woman who first redpilled me on niggers and jews.

gas yourself nigger. Everything you said is true about christians not, the other way around


I was young. I never gave the issue much thought at all before I met her. She grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, but where I grew up I never saw a nigger until I was 16.

3d man loves and adores 2d girl; in order to make the 3d girl more like the 2d girl, 3d men must be in control of 3d girls. 3d girl will never be as good as 2d girl but 3d men try… When he loses control of her, she makes him lose control of himself, and all matter of misery and suffering ensues as people become more animal, more base, chasing after hedonistic pleasures and turning their backs to the gods.

There was never Matriarchal societies in Europe, ever.
The closest to it, and maybe what you're referring to, were Matrilinear societies, which means that children were tied to the Mother's family and were heirs of the Mothers.
There was no paternity tests at the time, so it was close to impossible to know who the father was.
That in result put women in positions of power in the society, which made them retrofeed this cyclical system to support them: Children were "made" in huge sex festivals, where everybody fucked everybody; they took religious positions to them, commanding the "Goddess" (search for "White Goddess") and shaping moral laws to suit women's need, not the society/civilisation.
And example of that is how they kept agricultural secrets for themselves and killed/mutilated men who tried to learn it - all to keep political/religious power. Amazons would also periodically break the bones of their sons and husbands for them to grow feeble.
Every "Great Year" as well (when the Solar and Lunar calendars synced), they would kill the King, put him in a wheel of fire and throw him from a cliff.

Matrilineal societies were dysfunctional as fuck and only survived before the Indo-Europeans arrival and annihilation of those cultures.

For more references, search for "The Greek Myths" and "The White Goddess", both by Robert Graves.


this cancerous failure of a meme from reddit was a massive cringe, kill yourself to meet your sodomite fag god, nigger.>>8423122

Males exist to do the dirty work so wombs can be preserved. Unfortunate biological reality of most species including humans. What makes us great is not our evolutionary history as much as it is our Will. The fact that we defy nature and rise up, like noble trees stretching towards the Sun. Don't allow women to pull you down to Earth, it's our duty to bring them up to the Heavens as we ascend. There is value in both femininity and masculinity, not every thing historical has to justify your world view for it to be valid. No one would say that because Australopithecus survived solely on plants that we humans must do the same. Shed yourself of your fetish for tradition, but don't fall victim to the allure of ego. Seek wisdom in all things, and discard that which does not aid you in your quest for God.

Amazons weren't real user.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I will say that any proper religion has always had a male god at its head.
There's more, of course, but I won't list them all.

Also, Slavic, Celtic and Indian religions are Indo-European.

Then tell me where I'm wrong.

But if you do so, you'll end up defending modern feminism and SJW bullshit.

what a catch

this is childish shit, and can be solved with just a modicum of researched. Take this garbage to halfchan. ==MODS!!!==

Almost all Hindus worship a Goddess. Does that make them matriarchal or egalitarian? This is just a BS, feminist, conspiracy theory.

Mesopotamia, one of the first civilizations, was patriarchal.

The Indus valley civilization had a Hindu society, not a goddess worshipping culture as previously thought. Pic 1 is a Swastika and a Yoga posture. Pic 2 is a "Shiva" symbol with Pic 3 being the modern counterpart. Patriarchy has nothing to do with Indo-Europeans.

The Chinese have also had a since the beginning of their civilization.

The Africans were always mostly patriarchal.

The Native American civilizations (probably most tribes too, but not 100% sure about this)

Male dominance IS evolution. There'a a reason female dominated species haven't made it in higher animals, especially in mammals. Even if you don't believe in evolution, then almost every culture since the beginning has exposed women's evil nature.

==Arranged marriages go back 50,000 years to over 1 million years.==

The patriarchy is either natural or god-given law, depending on what you believe. It is eternal and those who break it are ==DOOMED==

patriarchal relations are inherently arab/semitic, faggot. stop supporting the kikeiarchy.

ps. that doesn't mean you have to become a wiccafag

Brutal subjugation is, yes definitely. You don't need to "conquer" 3dpd women like some shitskin deviant, you need to lead them like in the dance.

yeah because the chinese, indians, africans, persians, se asians etc were all kikes.

another ignorant, brainwashed feminist.


The Bacchae by Euripides is a story that exposes women as having their true nature as savage animals while men represented civilization and logical reasoning.

Patriarchy exists because men physically dominate women and build civilization. Period. This is the reason in total, reaching as far back into history as you can.


You're looking at it incorrectly. The orientation wasn't male/female. It was an orientation higher between solar/lunar, which correlated to masculine and feminine, higher and lower, respectively. Read Evola.

It's not that men dominate out of savagery…. it's that men MUST dominate women for the sake of all good. Women's liberation is disastrous for men, boys and society. Even women were happier back in the good old days…. when women didn't go to school or have careers

And they're not noble savages… women are immoral af

I wish he would see the factual error in his ways and stop being such a hurdle… such an obstacle to the much needed resurrection of the patriarchy


That statuette was found in an aristocrat's garden and ironically named Venus by that guy.

There definitely seems to be something to the notion that pre indo-european Europeans were more egalitarian, if not outright matriarchal.
It would explain why the pagan Magyars chose Mary as the patron saint of their country upon conversion, for they associated her with this female goddess that they had.

Also, the story of Troy seems to be an allegory alluding to this cultural shift that took place in ancient times. Remember, Troy was that non greek city state that protected Helen, who represented the fertility goddess, from the indo-european greeks who wanted to rape her, with Agamemnon even sacrificing his own daughter to attain that goal.


Why ?

Nobody knows what fat figurines ever meant. They were just found near campsites and houses.
Da Ibul IE piplz meme comes from Maria Gimbutas and her Kurgan hypothesis. While her theory on Kurgan people=Proto-Indo-Europeans is considered mostly correct, her ideas of pre-IE Europe being some pacifist matriarchal paradise are wrong.

Pre-IE people did wage wars, they were just ineffective against IE combo of horse riders+bronze, and were totally rekt by chariots.
It's like saying Japs were pacifists because they couldn't fire nukes. Ineffective against foreign invaders - yes, but nothing else.

It is highly possible that IE nomadic invaders recruited male misfits and outcasts from Euro Abos agriculturalists into their tribes, like Brahui nomads do with Afghan agriculturalists misfits and outcasts now.

But they didn't invent war or "violence=power=males have power", these concepts are already well known to Chimps and Baboons who regularly participate in what can only be described as inter-tribal skirmishes.

This is true though. Patriarchy is literally civilization itself.

That statue is smaller than 1 inch so its more like jewelry.

Is there ANY evidence of a matriarchal society that isn't wild speculation revolving around proto-pornography?

Pretty much this.

Magyars are not pre-IE. They are post-Attila mongoloids.

It's not really pornography. It isn't strange that animists would venerate fertility and fear disease and stillbirth. Artifacts that depict fertility exist, that does not indicate a matriarchal cult though. It just means that the tribal group probably wanted to make sure the gods did not kill off the next generation though disease, miscarriage and famine.

The fertility god probably had a lot of significance to early farmers, as well as pregnant women. After all, Indo-Pajeet and his family would starve if his goats did not breed.

I think there are some matriarchal African tribes, and that is as far as evidence for matriarchal societies goes. I don't need to mention how irrelevant Africans are when it comes to creating civilization.

Well… that gives the words "Bull God" a whole new meaning…



This is a low-energy D&C shill thread. I thought (((you))) were a cratfy bunch, you can come up with better than that, jesus, this is pathetic.

It's good to be the king. And he probably had the best genes. Also, check out temple prostitution.

I think he is just a newfag looking for a red pill on this narrative

prima nocte

The statue is not of any goddess you retard, but of the fat whore wife of a noble.
People have never in history worshipped unhealthy bodies.

I know this statue from…the young pope.

Well, there was Hephaestus, ugly and mangled, but I know that's not what you mean.

img to the right, discarded, utter bullshit

only nordic languages.
That is some sort of annoying new age hippie crap you got there

Those 3 swords means something, and it's not we wuz wikangz
It means… Never again

But some idiot hippie like that styx or what the fug he calls him self, sees it an oh yeah!

There fixed it for you

Matriarchy is only feasible through indoctrination and propaganda.
Even then it still destroys the country.

It's given that these figures are pregnancy visual aids to know when one is near to being due (first person perspective top down.) Back-engineering a cult from a utilitarian object can only be conjecture.

That statue is much older than Greek mythology, it's Etruscan if I remember correctly. It was being shilled by the school systems all over western civilization as a statue of a goddess of fertility. Of course when we look at reality, fat slobs are the least fertile women of them all and generally fail to have children more than any other women. It was just pro fat acceptance propaganda being injected into history lessons, when in reality evidence suggested that it was very likely a statue of a leaders ugly wife.

How exactly is this a D&C thread, nigger? Who exactly I am dividing?
Or should I say, how exactly is this a D&C thread, you soulless kike?

One more for the road.
Sage just because.

Thank you man, I was looking back exactly for that pic

Actually not, don't anchor this thread just yet. There is a missing image explaining how a particular artist who painted fat women was in fact a very healthy person with a very healthy, slim wife.
Also, I would like to have a focus on the "matriarchy" part of this story

Christian promoted & permitted the very situation in which we find ourselves enmired.

Nice dc

main origin: bachofen -> engels

don't ask my why, nigga


Matrilineal systems don't require promiscuity or a lack of understanding of sex. They'll also develop when men have a high rate of death, from working in dangerous environments or frequently going to war. In such circumstances, resources and social connections will accumulate in the hands of women instead of men and many children will be raised by their mothers' families.

I'd also point out that the only societies with matrilineal property ownerhip are the ones which were composed of populations with low mean IQs and no metallurgy or architecture. The property was all things that could be made with little to no artifice, off readily available material, or could be acquired directly through gathering, hunting, or raiding. The only "civil" activity as we'd understand it was cultivation or in the case of the injuns actual farming, something women did engage in elsewhere.

Basically only in a society of dullards who don't produce works which would require male input is property handed down through the female line of descent. The males spend most of their time raiding other settlements for slaves or goods rather than building or crafting anything of merit.

The Injun and the nigger tribes which had matralineal property were run by males in the form of a war chief or council. Males still dominated but much like modern KANGZ labor was seen as a female vocation and stereotypical male labor was nonexistent.

In these societies males are raised by the females then get sent to the "male hut" to live once they become adolescents where they learn their warrior vocation but do not engage in regular labor except perhaps heavy lifting when they erect new homes.

Good description of it all. I was thinking of Aleutians, who despite being slopes were never able to develop beyond small villages reliant on subsistence hunting and raiding each other due to their social structure.

is it so hard to believe that in a time of low population density and high-resources, with many megafauna and extremely harsh conditions, that they used to worship childbirth and the springtime, and that war, domination and "order" were much less important?

what's wrong with that? what's so unbelievable? Joseph Campbell was a jew-hating crypto-fascist and he says its true - so what?

yeah, except that dichotomy didn't exist until, and is a product of, indoeuropean warrior culture faggot

Because there is zero actual evidence of it. Having a fertility charm(most of them are fake but a few are real) does not equate to the worship of some "mother" deity. It's like finding a skinny Mycenaean stick man statue and thinking they worshiped Gumbee.

feminist bullshit

Yes, bevause history proofs that were exactly those conditions that created war, domination and order, dumb fuck

Those tribes aren't strictly matriarchal. The men just take little to no interest in the children or the formation of a stable family unit, leaving their offspring to be raised wholly by the mothers.
Basically, it's niggers being niggers.

The nice thing is is that the proto whateverthehecks didn't leave any writings so we have no way of knowing.
Therefore it's all conjecture/guessing. I don't care how much archaeologists/anthropologists (think they) know, you can't tell anyone what a society from ~30k years ago was like based on some figurines and cave paintings.

Like race is, uh?

Is this supposed to be a joke?

That central image is mine own OC, and I have a matter to ask of any drawfags that might see these words: Make those "Romans" into an ISIS Muslim and a LaRaza Spic.
Dependent upon quality of craftsmanship, it will drastically improve the memetic power of that image in terms of our application. Please, do it.

Please elaborate?

Are those some kind of juicing tool

Female decscribtion of fertility varies on social factors. So in resource shortage men find chubby women more attractive. The skinny bones n hair models are a fantasy of gays for the most part or eccentric fashion artists so their shit shines more bright.

Something like this would be the prefect model for current year.


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
A "rectangle" is bidimensional, actually.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
where to cop sickboy shades?

Holy fuck! The door pooped wide open!?
That's some horrifying shit.

Too bad I'm black

Is that your link? Can you fix it?

I'll vector it for you for $50.00 USD up front.

Scrap your logo and then go beg for an apology from that designer.


Into academia (I teach), weird movies. I just got out of a relationship with my very young gf. Looking for young intelligent girls who know how to converse. I'm not one for just small talk.

As far as kinks, there isn't anything I'm not into.

Kik: seeingthrough

Ilima is a fucking faggot

fucking john blanche lookin shit


Was Quinn effay?

Swole Mosquito mode


who and where?

Like the Finns.

you misread.