Anarcho Monarchism will win

Anarcho Monarchism will win

I know you're joking, but why rebrand anarcho-capitalism?

only if we dont stop the tankies

Luck-o'-the-Irish-ism will win in the end, it's inevitable.

You know what? Just for shit-posting purposes I'm going to write out an Anarcho-Monarchist manifesto that's as straight faced as I can write it.

I'm thinking it will be called "The Crown Jewels Need No Rules".

Isn't that flag colour taken already?

How would that work? I'm curious. Is it Mad Max: Fury Road rules?

inb4 volutarism just like ancaps

I'm sure it's a joke.

it wouldn't.
Anarchy - from Greek Anarchos, meaning no Archos (ruler),
Monarchy - from Greek monarchos, meaning one archos.

Not if Porkyism wins first.

Im guessing it would be something like a tribal orch society where the only rule is the rule of the warchief who can be challenged at any time by anyone to single combat.

is this basically just feudalism then


Wasn't your nihilist joke ideology stupid enough, n1x?

Anarcho Nazism when

The problem isn't monarchy, its REPRESENTATIVE monarchy. We need direct monarchy instead!

I support this.
If you or somebody else will write lyrics for it, I can compose an Anarcho-Monarchist anthem.

It is by egoism kek


Anarcho Islamism when?

It will literraly win when there will be only one human left on earth, because that guy won't have any boss and can proclaim himself the king of the world!


You are too late.

It's Judeo-Islamic Anarcho-Communism (i should've screencapped that post)..

underrated post

so anarcho-monarchism is actually about killing everyone except for one person? Not a bad idea tbh.

believe it or not """queer anarchy""" and ""anarcho-feminism" exist

Anarchism is a fucking meme tbh

We know they exists. Anything other than anarcho-communism is a joke.

Have you read Kropotkin and Bakunin? They're both pretty shit. Kropotkin relies way too much on moralistic arguments and trying to provide a "scientific" basis for anarcho-communism - though to be fair, Marxists do the same shit and are even worse about it because they think that Marxism is actually a science. Which is laughable, and just ends up unnecessarily making Marxists look like insecure tryhards who need an """objective""" basis for communism. But this is exactly why Nietzsche was critical of classical socialists and anarchists; in many ways, they merely reproduce liberal thinking and take it to its most logical conclusions.

I support communism economically but as far as communist theory goes, Marxism pretty much annihilates anarchism.

Literally read a book memelord.

"""""anarcho"""""-monarchism is even more of a meme than "anarcho"-capitalism and National """""""""anarchism"""""""""". The entirety of """""""""""""""""""""""anarcho""""""""""""""""""""""-monarchist thought exists on a single blog.

The normative and rational are the only two paradigms to any argument on policy, theory and social organization though. Everything is some subtype of one or the other.
The important thing is that you, personally, have found a way to feel superior to every leftist that has ever been though

I'm not saying anarchism isn't shit, am saying out of all anarchisms only that is worth arguing with/taking seriously/kronstading.

Wow fam you sure blew me away with this stupid unfounded construct of a binary.

I don't feel that I am; I know that I am :^🍀🍀🍀)

Nah, classical anarchism is shit though. That I can agree with Marxists on.

It follows from definition bruh
Everything by default is a rational exercise to varying degrees of success/correctness. To the extent it is not, it is justifiably so only through a normative framework.
Are you honestly claiming there exist methods of critique which are neither objective nor subjective?
Even vegans oscillate between muh feels and muh homologous brain structures



Reminds me of the Emperor of the US. Just some random eccentric guy was treated like an emperor after declaiming himself one even though he had no power. People even willingly paid him taxes to keep playing along.

