So, i want to build my own RNG only with ICs, how hard this can be?
Can we trust that there is no backdoor on the integrated circuits?
Is that even possible?
So, i want to build my own RNG only with ICs, how hard this can be?
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Use a libre hardware design and base your work off that.
I'm pretty sure we already had this thread.
just xor a bunch of shit together. even if one of the inputs is backdoored it wont matter
Depends on how random you want it to be. Without using radioactive decay, you can just cobble together a bunch of sensors and have their outputs come together to form one number.
There are other quantum phenomena that can be used. Radioactive decay was just the first used, and they didn't even know how truly random it was at the time.
Also it's algorithmically possible to make certain kinds of unfair sources fair, like say, an unfair coin. Flip the coin and record the result. Then flip it again. If you get the same result, discard your recorded result. If it is different, retain the recorded result. Even if the coin is unevenly weighted, your string of heads and tails will be random and approaching 50/50.
seems to be not applicable
Alternating heads/tails is 50/50 but not random. Are you retarded?
I was more just referring to more complex systems.
Where are you getting alternating heads and tails from? Let me try explaining it so even your feeble mind can understand.
Flip a coin twice. If it's the same result both times, ignore it. If they're different, write down the first result. Do this until you have as many coin flips as you need. This gives you fair random coin flips. They do not alternate. Try it. Put a couple layers if duct tape on one side of a penny to make it unfair. Then use the algorithm I described. It was developed by Von Neumann. Even if the coin in skewed so that the probability of getting heads is .99, using this algorithm makes the final probability of getting heads .5
It seems you are the retarded one.
Holy shit are you retarded? You literally said: "Also it's algorithmically possible to make certain kinds of unfair sources fair"
You propose to do this by discarding values if they are the same as the previous value.
If you have a source of "randomness" that produces alternatingly two values, your algorithm wouldn't discard any values.
Holy shit go back to your containment thread.
Unfair != nonrandom. Get your head out of your ass and go take a statistics class. Unfair means the probabilties of each outcome are not equal. Like for example the unfair coin and Von Neumann's simple algorithm to restore fairness.
Tree Algorithms for Unbiased Coin Tossing with a Biased Coin
But for cryptography you don't need a "fair" RNG. You need a random RNG.
Not true. Also, changing the goalposts.
It is. For cryptography you need a unpredictable source of randomness. Not a fair one.
OP was talking about backdoors. It makes no sense to backdoor an RNG if it is not used for cryptography.
if you have one super leet quantum random decay IC which is just backdoored, you could still have 10 other sources of entropy and xor them all together. the backdoored IC doesn't have a way to read from these other ICs
that is where you are wrong, kiddo.
Holy fuck man. Unfairness literally is a type of predictableness. The fact that it can be statistically predicted is what makes it unfair. It's why using loaded dice will get you arrested for cheating at a casino.
Random numbers have three qualities that make them unpredictable (i.e. truly random.)
High Entropy: There are no patterns.
Fairness: Each outcome has an equal probability.
Non-replayability: You can't use past numbers to determine future numbers.
Retarded nigger. Stfu if you have no clue.
An RNG that ouputs alternetigly 0 and 1 is fair but completely predictable.
Holy shit you are LARPing hard.
random implies fair.
because otherwise you can always test the value which has higher probability and have more than 50% chance of guessing values on average, which makes it partially broken.
The only correct thing you have said so far. I'm glad we agree.
just don't have side channels?
It was my first post in this thread dude
how hard would it be to get whatever RNG you come up with to interface with linux over USB or something? seems like your going to need a SBC for this unless you really know what your doing with EE shit and writing linux drivers and code for the circuit to actually talk to linux
Just use the serial part / use that one ftdi chip which is serial to USB.
Where the fuck are you getting this alternating shit?
An RNG that outputs zero and one alternately is not a RNG. Not even close. It has no entropy and is completely replayable. Like I said, fairness is a type of predictability, it isn't the only one.
That's meaningless as in reality we're not dealing with bias, we're dealing with "random" sources that produce known sequences. The output of an encrypted stream of nothing but 'tails' would look like random, unbiased coin flips and a deterministic algorithm like that applied to it wouldn't change a fucking thing.
The algorithm is for correcting bias when generating random numbers, not for manipulating already encrypted data.
The inputs will end up converging to certain values over time.
just use RDRAND like the linux kernel