Sa nu uitam un fundal sonor de calitate pentru fir..
Benjamin Lewis
Juan Collins
Asher Turner
Antithesis to what exactly?
Evan Morales
Am uitat sa spun: Sper ca o sa cada pe scari Basescu
Brandon Richardson
Ce ai cu nenea Basescu. Da si el din gura acolo, asta e slujba lui. Si noi trebuie sa avem un (((nationalist))) cu gura mare cumparat.
Ryder Nguyen
say to die your mother
hai sa speram ca ramane un feature recurent aceasta postare
ba baieti e de cacat treaba in tara asta
saptamana viitoare sunt alegeri si se pare ca jegosii aia de la PSD o sa fie ieri pe val
sa-mi bag pula, cand o sa apara si la noi partide serioase de dreapta?
Michael Evans
O sa apara daca climatul politic din jur se schimba radical. Ai vazut ce a disperat (((media))) cand a fost propus Marian Munteanu la primaria capitalei.
…pana la urma era favorit PSDrul si la presedentie, putin zic cu cine voteaza…
Ryder Martinez
Este o lepra cacanara care a bagat tara in criza.
Dylan Edwards
Criza era sa vina oricum. Nu cred ca era posibil sa fi avut 9% crestere economica pe an doar din importuri fara sa sugem cucu eventual.
Este un cacanar dar nu mai mult ca restul cacanarilor tradatori din guvern.
Jacob Smith
S-a facut studiu si sa gasit ca oricum la noi in tara nu venea daca nu lua imprumut de la (((bancile internationale))).
Jonathan Scott
Reminder that faggot monarch killed the captain for like a mile of land
Jacob Gutierrez
There's a cute Romanian girl in my Polish class, how do I get her attention?
I don't want to yell Justice for Codreanu though.
Joshua Torres
Carol II era un poponar dominat S&M de o jidanca. Dar nu cred ca toata monarhia e devina…plm mai bine monarhia decat curvismele astea politice.
PIC un poponar pasiv
Christian James
Tell her: Muie la bozgori!
This will get her wet.
Ian Fisher
Carol II a fost literalmente cel mai prost monarh al tarii asteia
ba prost din calea afara
sper ca-l fut in cur c-un vatrain incins toti legionarii in viata de apoi
Isaiah Ortiz
criza la noi a fost vrajeala
am avut si noi criza ca asa a venit ordin de la Banca Centrala Europeana
tell her you've heard about this food called "sarmale" and if she can make them
Sebastian Taylor
Cum am zis: Un poponar
Fi atent ce videoclip fain am gasit de ieri, acceptabil de exact:
Nolan Garcia
Nu cred, Criza a fost reala…si pentru noi si pentru Lituanieni. Inainte de criza a fost disperarea Vest Europeana de asi creste economia rapid care a esuat.
Indiferent de ce cred batranii, masurilele dure ale lui Basescu au fost bune.
Jose Phillips
Nu au fost bune de nimic Pur si simplu nu au avut nici un rost.
Jason Powell
au fost masuri utile
dar nu necesare
David Mitchell
Daca nu taia salarii si pensii dadeam faliment.
Priveste asa: Dupa ce am luat cele mai drastice masuri in criza (noi si lituanienii) am ajuns sa avem aproape cea mai mare crestere economica an de an.
Alexander Adams
Basescu a fost o curva la FMI, dar daca am fi avut un socialist retardat la putere am fi suferit aceias soarta ca moldovenii.
Cateodata austeriatea este necesara.
Julian Edwards
Masurile nu au fost utile. Banii pe care i-a scos din micsorarea pensiilor nici macar nu au ramas in tara. I-a luat el si cu curva de udrea in conturile lor private. Cresterea oricum nu am avut-o din cauza lui, ci de la Ponta.
Joseph Adams
Am nevoie de surse aici, suna prea abstract pentru mine
Samuel Mitchell
Carson Flores
Hunter Flores
Fuck off with this shit you disgusting shitskin animals
Michael Watson
t. shitskin bozgor gypsy
Carson Cook
Butthurts bozgors.
he comes from Albania by the way
Jaxson Perez
TLC Ce mai face fetele?
Michael Green
just like most of your shitskin kind gypsy
soon you will be deported back to india, so called "romania" given back to their rightful owners
Jaxson Rogers
Blake Powell
Why is "romania" such a 3rd world shithole?
Parker Allen
Connor Barnes
We are doing quite well Actually. All our gypsies have left to western degenerate shitholes.
Cooper Hill
Doesn't look like that bozgor gypsy.If romani truly left there would be only transilvanians there and not your brown shitskin kind
Landon Fisher
Gypsies belong in your country because you invite them. Thank you for letting our country be clean and free again.
Gypsies love western Europe becouse its dirty and filthy. They feel at home there.
Gavin Gomez
Gypsy aka romani love european land i know.This is why you shitskins stole our land. But i dont blame your low iq subhuman kind.You seen a developed land and just had to steal it
Dylan Gonzalez
Seriously how can Hungary be so pathetic? You literally lost 70% of your territory and are going down the drain economically.
You are objectively niggers.
Jose Wilson
Transylvania is richer then eastern Hungary. Ironically, the most poor region of Romania is where trash Hungarians leave, in Transylvania.
Why should Transylvania return to your country man?
What can you even offer Hungarians?
Jack Johnson
We have one of the lowest unemployment and wages just upped 33% lightyears ahead of your 3rd world shithole m8 We are not your low iq shitskin state.
Wyatt Baker
Actually we have the highest GDP growth in Europe and have 3 times lower debt/capita then you and natural resources. What do you have?
Seriously man. Why are you so pathetic? And why don't you go find your own thread?
Bentley Cruz
Topkek.Are you gypsy for real?Are you telling me that ANY part of so called "romania" is better off than any part of Hungary?Are you for real? Your shithole is not in OECD and is listed under "developing country" same as india. Meanwhile:
Jayden Allen
How much of that is from EU funds? Is it like Poland where almost all their economic "growth" comes from EU funds?
Christian Thompson
No really man. In 3 years we will be at parity even if you grow like greedy kikes out of debt. And then we will have surpassed you just like Croatia.
You have no future, all you do is asskiss. You are dead man.
No we are a net contributor since 2 years ago.
John Butler
Your wages are still india tier somewhere around 200 euro.Its not hard to produce growt from absolutely nothing, literally shithole.Building ONE factory doubles your gdp lol.
You mean on the stolen lands?
Jason Martinez
EU founds + IMF founds
Jaxson Allen
This is where the Hungarians live in Bucharest.
Actually our net GDP is 20% behind yours and rising faster then yours. Its just a couple of years until we surpass you mate.
Also Hungary is a bigger parasite on the EU then us. Even if they mock Germans and dont respect the members.
John Thompson
Any way. You were extremely rude man, even if we did not start this.
Levi Jones
go back to your steppes bozgor
Daniel Garcia
You are cherrypicking old images gypsy.But whatever makes you feel better about your factory land shithole. Hungary has AI and self driving cars research center and the largest laser research center in Europe while you make plastic spoons in your shithole.Enjoy your eternal slave life gypsy
Jose Phillips
Be quiet there bozgor gypsy nobody is talking to you.
You can raise faster from absolute zero shithole m8.5 million of your gypsy countryman already fled that hellhole and workign abroad.If anything, your so called "country" will collapse in a few decades.You cant grow out of making plastic spoons with 91 IQ
Kayden Hernandez
Romania is the fastest decreasing country in terms of population in the world. Ofcourse your gdp figures start looking good.
Hunter Reed
Says they guy posting gypsies images from 10 years ago and making false posts after posts. Have some self-reflection dick.
True. But i would rather have the gypsies leave here then have they stay and be proud like in hungary and this guy
Blake Russell
The main reason the hungarian economy isn't doing well in comparison to other economies is because the currency of the hungarian eocnomy, the forint, has been artificially depressed by the hungarian central bank. The currency lost about 35% of it's value since 2006. Without that the hungarian economy would be looking pretty compared to others.
Point is, life is getting good here, croatia has fundamental problems they can't seem to solve.
As for romania, your economic future is bleak once people figure out you are on the level of indian streetshitters in terms of mental capacity.
Brayden Green
fals, nu a fost nevoie de nicio masura drastica. existamoneda in piata. tot ce trebuia era sa limiteze externalizarile de fonduri de la banci si sa le mareasca (((isarescu)) capitalizarea. si ne durea la pula de criza.
imprumuturi luate de la (((fmi))) ca sa ne rupa economia in doua sa nu profitam de criza din vest.
Jaxson Rodriguez
allow me to speak in your tongue Монгол руу буцах
Easton Young
Looks like a generic poor balkan shithole.Only reason people might heard about it is because you were trying to steal the name Budapest
Gee, maybe in Gypsymania IQ changing like seasons lol
You know very well who is leaving gypsy.Your population is decreasing by the houndred thousand
Robert Clark
I sincerely doubt it this is the reason. You have 0 natural resource with a huge population debt and your government even went to such extreme depths as to almost put a tax by GB of internet traffic a few years back.
Point is life is also good here , and getting better fast, as for the IQ part: The map is false and we have the highest number of tech workers is Europe and the highest number of programmers/capita in the world.
As for Hungary, your economic future is bleak once people figure out they are Hungarians and live in a resource-less step.
Also: you are not doing any better then us in the demographic department mate.
Alt least thanks for the nicely formulated post.
You are pathetic and lack any arguments.
Jason Wright
Please. We are two orders of magnitude less severe than you in that regard.
And of course it's the forint that's the culprit of economic stagnation by the numbers. Have you seen what currency fluctuation did to russia and then britain recently?
Your tech workers are absolute garbage by the way I had to deal with them on some occasions. Worth as much as chinese engineers.
Isaiah Cooper
Fuck me man. Could you all chill and stop this retarded shit. I hate this decisive shit
Carson Gonzalez
no need to get mad. you know in 3 years you'll be asking yourselves what went wrong that Romanai surpassed Hungayry in GRP/Capita , PPP and HDI
Carson Ward
I've just shown you how this is not true. We are in the same boat regardless of who sinks first…not admiring this out of pride is just sad.
It was not the forint but a lack of direct investments to stain your huge debt/capita, witch by the way you still have not fixed just so you know.
I sincerely doubt your experiences prove anything considering IBM, Microsoft, Adobe, Ubisoft, Dell, and almost any other major tech company has and IS investing here. By the way the second most spoken language at Microsoft is Romanian.
Just to be fair I have Hungarian colleagues and the do a ok job.
fellow romanians… are you left-leaning or right-leaning?
nu de alta dar daca sunteti de stanga, coada pentru luat la muie e 2 ghisee mai incolo.
Josiah Thomas
Cum adica left-leaning? Cum zicea Engel: "Poporul roman este natural reactionar si trebuie exterminat"
Kayden Morgan
e natural reactionar pe pula mea
romania e o tara plina de "socialisti" care vor sa "ne dea statul locuri de munca, salarii mai mari si pensii!"
ne place sa fim lenesi si sa faca altii pentru noi, asta e adevarul
1 milion de corporatisti care platesc salariile a 19 milioane de pensionari si asistati social
asta ne reprezinta, lenea
Bentley Baker
Exagerezi man. Nu sunt doar 5 milioane de angajati dar multi lucreaza la negru pentru ca sistemul permite.
De exemplu: Mie mi sa oferit un salariu de 2 ori mai mare DOAR sa nu declare la stat tot salariul. Cu a zis patronul: Decat sa mearga banii aia la stat si paraziti mai bine la tine in buzunar nu?
Brandon Cox
Who Legionar?
Henry Price
Austin Roberts
TLC my man
Hudson Martinez
On-topic question? Voi cu cine-o sa votati pan la urma?
Help me pick the shiniest turd in the pile.
Jordan Taylor
nu cu PSD, ALDE, UNPR, UDMR, alti cacati d-astia comunisti
cu USR ca e raul cel mai mic, nu ca as si mare fan al politicilor lor