Take a look at this shit Holla Forums

Holy fucking shit

This is not a joke this an actual state-propagandavideo by our beloved (((German gouverment))) and it is actually meant to show these people in a good light.

We got the whole fucking package right up in this motherfucker starting with a Tranny and going over to "le patriarchy-fighter" and of course the fat chick.

And don't even get me started on the nigger.

This is an intense experience in terms of rustled jimmies to say the least fam.

Equality is a false God.

Which state do these specimens usually stay in your country.

Why are real trannies so masculine? Where are the traps the Nips promised me??


Its not so much the regions. The more urban a region is the more of this degeneracy can florish.

NRW (Nordthein-westfalen) and Berlin were the one that got hit the hardest. They're practically lost.

that shirt and that face, lol

let's hope the nazis come back from the secret moon base and murder these degenerates

I love me some degeneracy on a friday night!

those subhumans seem in dire need of an
impressive gassing

It's a man? What is it?

an alcoholic woman with GRIDS

I'm getting too loyal for this shit.

I would fug and hug the fatty.
It's the oven for me, isn't it?


If you manage to bang and slam away the feminism and the morbid obesity you'd rather deserve a medal

no. just don't procreate and keep your mouth shut about your disgusting fetishes.
otherwise it's the bog for you

How, about: no.

Wow, no need to be so fartphobic!

I want him back

We all do user

at 6:09, the negress says "NIGGER", hah.

I got two seconds in and already had 400 different images of Hitler pop up in my head. Where did it all go wrong?

The British allied with the Jews.

How do you know?

I remember these faggots. They are state sponsored actually. Fuck this shit.


We fought the wrong enemy.

Vid related.

very very sure it is, the state spends hundred of thousands of euros into this kind of shit because it can't legally destroy society by itself so its just 'outsources' this task to these private organisation or to whoever the fuck wants to be butthurt on the internet.

you forgotten about the latest few of those masterpieces of cineographic art made by them.

They have completly lost their fucking mind.

That fat mess with the purple hair could have looked normal and get a decent husband no problem, it's a personal tragedy she abused herself like this. Unless she said she's a dyke in Kraut.


Be strong user. Be strong for him.

It's sad when the nigger is the most normal looking one.

He will be back,He must come back.

There are no words that I can type to convey the loss I feel that Hitler's dream was crushed by the kikes. It may likely have doomed our race, and likely all of humanity. These are powerful feels.


Heil Hitler

So close to triple 8

I don't think the phrase "SOMEONE'S gotta STOP these KIKES!" has ever been more applicable than when cringing at the display of these freaks, corrupted women, transgenders, niggers, and other assorted filth, and the actual promotion of them to the detriment of a pure and healthy folk. It's too much to take, god dammit, MAKE IT END.

Why did your comment make me well up with tears? TELL ME WHY.

Was this movie supposed to be based or make fun of him? This scene makes it seem pretty good.

It makes fun of him, but there's quite a few redpilled moments throughout.


They still have a massive drug problem im Frankfurt I see…

Looks like a year + freebasing.

You will never watch Hitler walk down those stairs as his cape blows in the wind.>>8422026

That grey haired tranny is so low energy. All he did was put on a Halloween wig and some bad makeup. He didn't even try….

I understand his reasoning behind it, but a secret Hitler bloodline would have been amazing. I hope he has a bloodline somewhere. If dubs he has

And remember, if you're against anything that they say, it's because of Russian propaganda, so you should think twice about having your own opinion!

the comments give some hope at least

Can a Germanfag give a translated synopsis of what each of these cartoon characters is talking about?

"I am Galaxia, that's my German name…"


Please spoiler that shit

Dubs of truth. The Fourth Reich will rise.

These people will be the first to die when shit hits the fan, which is SOON

if it was the fucking right way to have a body she would be born with it not eaten her way into it and gone through a bunch of man made processes

English only burger here but so I don't know what they're saying, but maybe that's a good thing.

all of them will be slain by the upcoming soldiers of caliphate germanistan.

their islam appeasement & tolerance wont help them.

the will get slaughtered like the rest.



this shithole is fuckin lost.


so close yet so fat


he truly was one of us

Pretty good speech.

Gods I made it ten seconds. That's an awful lot of poz right there.

I'm not even listening to what that hottie is saying shit

They will lose.

Her hair isn't even covered properly. She seems to think a hijab is a fashion item.

Can someone give me the run down?
Just from what little I've read I don't think I want to watch it

Go the fuck back to cuckchan, you worthless degenerate.

holy shit, she said she's thirty-two years old. Can you imagine even if you went through that phase to still wear that style of clothing?

Just be yourself guys

the same as she doesnt realize that she will get stoned as soon as these monkey are taking over.

these people are brainfucked beyond relief.

How is Bavaria? My brother and I spent 2-3 years in Franconia, specifically Bamsberg and Rattelsdorf and we are madly in love with that area. Would love to return, but not if it's all pozzed to shit.

At least I have something to look forward to

Wrong. Muslim women. I know loads of Turkish women that don't wear hijab.
Intolerence of a women in her natural state is what leads to a requirement to cover up.

This fails on so many levels.



nothing to be proud of, user


These are some really harsh single dubs…

Wew. This is the best gif I have seen in my life.
Here, take my pepe masterpiece. I said take it!

All the really passable traps I've seen were just cross dressers that don't take hormones and still identify as male.
Plus East Asians can pull it off better than most races.

It's even sadder - she's 36 user.


You're attracted to something that is fundamentally unhealthy and will have a lifespan 10 years shorter than your own.
Gas yourself.

She needs to take a break.

Can and should Germany be saved?

He has some distant nephews IIRC.
They apparently decided not having kids "because we dont wanna continue Hitlers bloodline".

We need another Hitler until we can figure out what the hell is going on!


Saving Germany means saving Europe.

Also the opinion in Germany will always be what the rest of the world currently thinks of as 'good' change killing muslims to a good thing in the common narritive and every tree will be litterd with hanging muzzies.

The south has this weird composition of living in extreme wealth with a lot of cucks. I'd say bavaria and Baden-Würtemberg to the west are the most cucked yet unrotten. But as we all know the cucks love to change that!

Yes and yes.

Anglos (including Americans) are the crux, though.
Germany is still occupied country, occupied by former allied nations, who all pay lipservice and fealty to the jew.

This has changed, thankfully, over the last decade, but statements like yours show that many are still ignorant about this and how the allies ruined the west, including themselves back then.

The silver lining, though, is, that now ALL western nations are feeling the poison of the jew, not just the "evil nazis", but also their "saviors" who got nothing but strongarmed into submission ever since they gave Judas his ethnostate and a place to live among them.

This. Godspeed you degenerate bastard

I'm from NRW and I'm not lost.
I'm not the only one awake, either.

It's the most pozzed state, though.

Germany will burn. They have created this future.

No, they have not.

Limited manpower is a thing, and losing a war doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong.

as many people are realizing more and more

Mein kampf…

With all other options exhausted, why not just persuade a virile Aryan ubermensch to rape one of the family members? Think of it, the discomfort to be felt by that one person would be easily compensated by the titanic shift in the memesphere caused by new blood in the Hitler lineage.

Purely Hypothetically and Jokingly™ of course.

If Planned Parenthood is okay then surely your idea is okay as well.

Berlin is worse, far worse than the Ruhrgebiet and NRW as a whole, atleast we have the Münsterland (sans Münster itself), Sauerland, Bergisches Land and Süd and Ostwesfalen and parts of the Niederrhein and other parts (even in the Ruhrgebiet) that are still unpozzed.

-Pendler between Bochum/Bremen/Berlin/München

If I came back from a moon base to see this shit I would just end the whole planet.

Finally free


Think about it really:

The german woman and the german trans man are shown as being unusual while the ghanian immigrant is shown as being attractive.

pure count kalergi.

You guys need to stop waiting for Hitler and remove the leftist cancer from you society yourselves…. unless extinction is your plan.

How do you kill a fetish than.