The US is only 61.9%(!!) white

What do you habe to say for yourselves, burgers? Will you apologize for handing over half the worlds nukes to shitskin mexicans?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Pennsylvania

We just elected Trump. What have you accomplished?

trump will deport a few milliom criminal illegals, that really doesnt change much…

It's way less than that. They factor in the boomers and the elderly who're dying.

As step one, starting day one. The rest will have their funds dry up, their remissions seized and their social welfare programs destroyed. They will leave on their own, after a few rounds of civil violence.

Youre talking about illegals but latinos make up 17% of the legal population, do you think they will just decide to go back? Of course not, and Trump loves latinos he will use your tax dollars to "rebuild" the "inner cities" for the benefot of niggers and latinos

I know you're shitposting, but please call 1-800-COME-ON-NOW. Long-distance charges may apply.

Trump will start with the criminals. A few million, a good start.
But then the sanctuary cities have to go.
As the sanctuary cities go, there will be hostility - the spics will expose themselves for what they are, even moreso than they did at the Trump rally protests and what have you.
This will lubricate the process of revoking the 14th.

Once the 14th is removed, particularly if such removal has retroactive effect (ie, those granted citizeship under the 14th Amendment face it being rescinded) everything changes.

You didn't answer the question.

Im part of a paramilitary in my own country

Sure you are, and I bet your dad works at Nintendo.

This thread is shit and OP remains a faggot.
Sage and report.

Yeah place all your trust in Trump and go back to sleep, stay in fucking denial. There is no white country in the world as fucked as america, not even Sweden or France are at this level

Hey you.

This guy is right.

Pay attention to what he said

and what I said.


These studies factor in all populations of whites including those who're unable to reproduce such as the boomers and the the old whites who're in care facilities & are
in the process of dying of age.

Whites are really about 30-45 percent when Latinos make up 25 percent. These numbers don't include the other non-whites such as Blacks.

Whites have a birth rate crisis that unless you give each white woman Slag or not 100,000 dollars per white baby you won't recover from. We should give the slags 100,000 dollars per child as it would only take 15 trillion dollars to add another 150 million whites to the population. Consider how much we
spent on the wars,ando n banker bail outs.

There are about 25-30 million wetbacks on top of the 25%legal latino citizens.. Do you honestly think that trump will or be able to enact extreme draconian measures? Measures such as Stationing roadblocks manned by ICE,stationing ICE in supermarkets to starve them out of basics, or raiding the tens of thousands of buisness small & large every day for 4 years to starve them of income?

On the bright side the Republicans are going to be forced to revere white genocide if they want to stay in power and if they do reverse it they could potentially lock the democrats out of power forever.

Looking at the numbers from the election, if Trump doesn't do all of that in the first four years, he may be one and done.


If you read what Bannon said immediately after the election, there is no appetite or even consideration of ending White genocide. They are 100% focused on building a multi-cult coalition with the R next to it.

If you ask me you're better off rounding that number to ~60% at most excluding Jews, mixed race relations couples, and others that get thrown in there. Hell, it's probably closer to 55% if Holla Forums was in-charge of the census.

It's terminal cancer is what it is. There is absolutely no way to recover from it.

The niggers are living in hell though, we have to rebuild detroit and chicago for their benefit first before we can address white genocide of course

Niggers don't deserve anything other than a boat ticket or rope. They murder our people on an unfathomable scale. Every single one of them is a parasitic infection among our people.

Trump thinks differently, and you don't have a choice

The choice is we start fighting Trump. We fight his supporters. We make every last bit of this country fucking suck. For everyone. Everything can fucking suck for everyone.

Let's see, all this was started long before I was norn, and thus I had no say in this. So why do you ask it? You're a low IQ potato.

Good goy, go post some more pepe's and jerk off to trump, that will surely reverse the demographic decline

100 million is not a few and they are not going anywhere

I do neither of those. :^

Three points to be made.

I've seen this study before and it vastly overestimates the total legal population and underestimates the illegal population, closer to 60 million rather than 11 like they think. Simply by enforcing existing law most of these mestizo trash will be forced to leave because they will be unable to receive welfare or send money home. If you exile 40 million spics that is going to put a real damper on the attempt to disenfranchise the whites

Civil war Are you ready?

You aren't looking at how among the whites are dying out. Liberal whites have a birthrate of 0.9. Conservative whites have a birthrate between 2.7 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you believe. Spics born in the US(ie not border jumpers who claim their mudpuppies were born here) have a birthrate of 1.7. Niggers have a birthrate of 1.6. Kikes have a birthrate of 0.8. Azns have a birthrate of 1.4.

If we close the borders and exile the trash we will win handily. That's the point of jumping on Trump anytime he even considers doing less than deporting every single spic. That is why we are trying to get young guys into the legislature and new judges to cut off birthright citizenship and retroactively revoke it form others. Trump is just the beginning, he is the luke warm start of this.

And if they resist well then we destroy power stations servicing their vibrant urban areas and watch them eat each others. Some individuals can burn section 8 housing to the ground. Some might even burn out every fucking spic who dares settle in their area or murder them covertly.

Whatever it takes.

Fucking retarded romney-tier bullshit, go fuck yourself

If you look at children's demographics, there are practically no White children in the entire state of Texas. Trump only won Texas by like 800k votes. His margin was almost half that of Romney just four years ago.

Once Texas is flipped – and there is no avoiding that without a brutal war that gets shouted down with all the fervor of a jewish talking head whenever its broached on this board – that will pretty much be it assuming there are no radical changes to the 2016 map.

what the fuck am I reading use some fucking common sense goy

Garnish all remitances 90% this will force both spics and H1B holders to either go back or let their families in shitstainistan starve.

Enforce all immigration laws, all illegal immigrants are felons and as such can be processed for a crime they are irrefutably guilty of simply by their mere presence here. That is why you gut the libshits and catladies in the bureaucracy, they are obstructionists and can be removed easily.

Non-citizens are not entitled to welfare, a simply check for citizenship denies them their food stamps, now they can either turn themselves in or strave to death.

And of course what we can do personally is murder spics in our areas. In my area several of them have died in arsons over the last few years.

Many of them aren't the ones directly receiving the welfare. The assistance is for the anchor baby, who does have US citizenship. Trump dropped retroactive revocation of citizenship like a hot potato and never brought it up ever again. Then he floated touchback amnesty. Then he just started talking about illegals with a felony record.

Dipshit people busted his balls for that and he went back to revoking citizenship for those whose parents were illegal. There is no law which provides for birthright citizenship. We can remove it at any time. Which is the point of continually busting Trumps balls about it and getting who we want into the judiciary and legislature. Hell since it isn't even an official ruling and therefore doesn't even hold real legal precedent any one of those bodies can revoke it.

Do you think that everybody just gave up when Trump won? Also those under the age of 18 can't receive welfare their legal guardians have to. Childern don't receive a stipend in the US, welfare calibrated for income earners(or those who lack income) and their dependents. If you cut of the supply to the parents the children have no legal recourse to anything besides a fucking school lunch.

That 100 million are citizens you dolt. These figures dont include illegals

I've seen these figures before, the numbers are based on a survey, that survey does not ask the citizenship status of the respondents. And like most surveys its sampling methodology favors urban(read libtard and mud filled areas).

This survey is of the general population(including illegals) as it is an anonymous survey.

As for the legal non-whites. We kill them. I have always advocated civil war and will continue to do so. I posted a fucking recipe for a V-series derivative in this very threat. A recipe I first created in 2011 and have posted over and over on 4chan and later this site as well as any other right wing site I can. I have continued to refine this recipe for 5 fucking years and post updated versions of the synthesis.

What are you doing to prepare or precipitate a civil war? You want to spew defeatist shit and not offer any solutions.

Also part of gaining and holding political power is the malicious misapplication of the law. The point is to fuck with the law to the point that non-whites cannot eat, to obstruct any services which support them any way you can legally or illegally.

It seems to me that for someone calling for violent action you aren't willing to do what must be done.
Step one: find a spic's house. Step two: set it on fire, kill the inhabitants, don't get caught. Step three: repeat the previous steps.

Hell go to the ghetto with an suppressor on your pistol and murder a few niggers.

Get into local politics and deny spics and libtards any opportunities in your community.

Anything it takes.

Something like 82% of America's population lives in major metropolitan areas [i.e. the big cities and their outlying suburbs]. Why wouldn't a demographic survey favor them?

What I do is take the number of non hispanic whites which is a bit less than 65%. Then I lower it to 60% to account for Jews and other aliens like North Africans that are counted as white.

Firstly that is not actually true, the Department of Transportation and Department of the Interior use a fucked up definition for "urban areas" the city of Dubois,_Pennsylvania for instance is designated an urban area as is its entire township, a very rural area. They've decided that any major with habitation along it counts as an "urban corridor" and by that logic they designate vast areas of sparse habitation as urban.

Also my point was that even going by the official definitions of urban vs rural surveys and polls consistently over-represent the urban irrespective of the survey or poll. There are many factors which are suspected to contribute to this, whites and conservative whites in particular tend to respond less. And in the case of a poll, which are adjusted according to arbitrary population models, they often have trouble representing or deliberately under-represent right wing positions as a result.

We just saw 10 months of this shit during the presidential campaign, frankly I don't trust any of them anymore, especially PEW given who manipulative their data collection methodologies are.

Yeah, but there were lots of polls that indicated it could absolutely go the way it did. We can just walk outside of our doors and see what the population looks like.

Yeah, but there were lots of polls that indicated it could absolutely go the way it did.

Not really, even the guys speculating correctly had to draw inferences mostly from past elections.

I live in a 99.9% white county, so I cannot. Nor could somebody who live in new york city.

I'm not sure what your going for other than being a defeatist faggot.

I've already advocated civil war and extermination of 100 mud-creatures with nerve gas and provided the instructions on how to make it.

How about you posit a plan or something if you are so perceptive and erudite. Surely you must have the solution that everybody else is overlooking.

You could deport every last illegal tomorrow and you'd still be facing demographic oblivion. You're being distracted.

Take a look at what the US is bringing in "legally" sometime.

The statistics on Canada, Europe, and AUS/NZ are misleading, as well. Most of the time it's just kikes, niggers, ragheads, curry niggers, and chinks who have citizenship in those countries.

12 mil spics out of 350 mil population. That's nothing compared to the 30 mil+ illegals.

17% of 350 million is 60 million

That means 60 million legal spics and what, 11 million illegals according to the msm (but really more like 30 million)

Trump deported a couple million "criminal" illegal spics is a drop in the bucket and wont do anything to stop the demographic collapse