IS group to step up attacks on Europe - Europol

But the report plays down the likelihood of attacks on critical infrastructure, such as nuclear sites.

Are you guys ready for the asspounding Europe is about to take? Trump save us all

Here's the link, I've heard bad things about so i'm not really sure where I should put an archived link


I started to miss these happenings, tbh

It will only drive nationalism even harder.
Ireland (which is one of the more left-wing European countries) just had a nationalist party form, Le Pen in France looks like she's going to win, AfD in Germany may win, etc.
If not for those Paris attacks, Le Pen would be nowhere near the popularity she's at now.


And every self aware person in the west knows that ISIS has been building a private army in Europe and that they have ample small arms to decapitate the existing government.

Europe is living on borrowed time. The shit skins have enough numbers and cohesiveness to start ww3 there.

ww3 will take place in Europe AGAIN

Their handlers in Tel Aviv had them hold off attacks until after the election.

let's hope, but you know that's how it's gonna be, it will be mostly in france and germany, with a splish splash in the uk.

yup. i think the french would be up 4 it, just hope the bosh aren't to cucked.

Will this finally finally finally finally be enough to make the Euros fucking revolt against the shitskin scum already and start slaughtering them in the streets on sight?

No, Europe need to fix it themselves.


depends if we can beat the mainstream media machine. euro news is hardcore liberal propaganda.

not Europe as a whole, no.


A semite's a semite, bruh.


Disinformation. Get ready for new Israeli Secret Inteligence Service operation.

Someone in the Netherlands was kidnapped today. Might have been snackbars.

A muslim is just a subcategory of Jew.

got the plates?
also [team_NL]

I feel it's mainly a ploy to force people accept a european army, if it comes to fruition.

politicians are scared shitless, can't let attacks happen, too many elections coming up

Giddy giddy carousal..

They already massacred more than a 100 people in Paris last year, if that wasn't enough to make people pissed off enough to at least revolt against their government then nothing will.

The EU is living on borrowed time, as are the newly minted “Europeans”. Europe will be fine, the raw fury and hatred that is brewing in the hearts of European men will save Europe.

Historically speaking Europe relies on war like certain environments rely on brush fires. This time I hope it will be Europeans fighting together against the invaders. That would be truly glorious and the best thing to happen to the race for hundreds of years.

fug, can't we have ww3 in africa or the middle east? nothing of value will be lost


Maybe they get shelter in jewish properties here in Europe just like they do in the middle east. A kike president bombs the middle east then brings the "refugees", nobody seems to care.

Those digits
I can't wait, praise kek, shadilay, all the kikes are going to pay.

most normies dont know how many were killed


They're the same fucking thing you idiot.

There will undoubtedly be some race traitors but I think the odds of Europeans fighting together are quite high. It's not just one country that has been targeted by this genocidal campaign, it's almost every single white country in the world. We've all had a taste of what they have to offer and most people do not like it. I think that deep down even the cucks crave for a White society, their insanity is just their way of reacting to the destruction of our society. Race traitors still deserve the rope but i can forgive someone whos only crime is having wacky beliefs.

The political elite seems to have gone crazy over the last few years though. They have fully supported the destruction of White civilization and the White race, they have backed themselves into a corner. They have no choice but to push onwards with their destructive policies. People are already getting sick of it, give it a few more years (maybe even less than that) and things are going to get very interesting.

It's been pretty great over the last few years, the situation has definitely gotten worse in regards to immigration and the constant propaganda but people are finally waking up. I remember a few years back the situation seemed completely hopeless, now we're making major headway in awakening our people.

As soon as a majority of our people truly understand what's happening and are ready to do something about it we win. The hardest part is getting them to that point.

How is weather in Tel Aviv?

Lucky trips of truth confirm.


Today while visiting my mom I had to endure some kike kvetching on a talkshow about the rising anti semitism here in the netherlands. She called the jews the canary in the coal mine and talked about how the jews were talking about moving to israel. I am sure it was pure coincidence though

Pfft ISIS is going to be a faggot and not deliver

That makes me want more Muslims in Europe. Stop it


Does the amount of people killed really matter? The idea of terrorists being inside your own country instead of some desert on the other side of the planet should make a person worry.

Grappig, ik heb zelf nog nooit iemand hier ontmoet die ook maar ene fuck geeft om joden. Woon je in Amsterdam ofzo?

It was on de wereld draait door, I was wondering myself what the fuck they were talking about but apparently its people yelling heil hitler when they see kikes on the street and people wearing hoods showing vids of beheadings from their phone saying ISIS were all jews funded by the US and israel

but the terrorists got locked up, user :^)


Is that IS defence?

Won't happen. If Germany gets a nationalist govt they'll immediately attack Poland for >muh Ostpreussen

There are many places in Western Europe, when they can train their warriors. Molenbeek is one of the hives. Belgium, France and Germany have them. There are Muslim zones in Britain too, but they cannot go to continental Europe with ease. The problem is the Schengen zone, which allows one to travel from Hungary to spain without a single stop at the borders unless you use a truck or a bus.

Mode for what game?

My worry is that Europeans (in general) will be hugely unprepared for violence if the muslim population really does start enforcing their will at gunpoint. The muslims are a smaller part of the population, but are far more militant and tougher than young europeans. They fight more, they have boxing clubs in mosques, they likely have more weaponry thanks to the Balkan gun-smuggling, and they have much more cohesive, ethnicity-based communities they can rely on for support. I've a bad feeling that western europeans and scandinavians would be driven along like cattle.

Nice image. Here's one just for you.

Short and simple, because they think they control us.
Whether that assumption is true, I'll leave to own interpretation

Ever notice this brand of poster who is more concerned with "excluding" Germany from "Europe" than with opposing the rise of Islam?

Yes, that is IS Defense. Made by the same devs who made Hatred.

best post thread in awhile

What do you call Beslan or the Moscow theatre siege? What about the retired Russian National Guard General who was beheaded in his country home in Dagestan? Try harder, user.

Please in Vienna please in Vienna please in Vienna
