I actually would be. Though I cant guarantee I'd be around to see the results. best of wishes though.
Conditioning done properly lasts quite well actually. Its less effective the older you get and the more ingrained the original conditioning is, but that doesnt mean its impossible (or even close to it) to undo.
The reason it doesnt work on people forced into "gay camps" and the like, is 1) they do it wrong as fuck, they approach it from the entirely wrong method, and 2) the desire has to be not only personal, but very strong, you have to WANT to be reconditioned in order to break/change something as strongly embedded in you as sexual desire
Its really no different, in the end, from someone who conditions themselves to not desire sex at all. Monks and other spiritualists do it fairly often. But they have the desire to exist that way, and focus on conditioning themselves to abolish those desires. Theres simply no reason one cannot adjust their basic idea and use it to change your sexual desires from A to B rather than from on to off.
Oh look, weeb trash, no wonder you think like you do.
Sorry but some chance encounter with ONE guy isnt going to rewire someones brain in terms of sexual desire to suddenly desire the opposite of what they currently desire.
This isnt your trash anime where some perfect guy shows up and all the lesbians suddenly turn straight and worship his dick. This is basic human psychology on top of brain chemistry and neurology. You arent going to "fuck the lesbian out of her" or get her to suddenly gush wet at the thought of dick because of one guy.
The BEST you could hope for out of a situation like that, is that she'd end up wet for that ONE guy, effectively conditioned to make an exception for him sexually. That would be it. When it comes to basically any other guy? She'd have no interest, and even if she found other guys of interest the FEW she could find would all be incredibly similar to the one she used to "break her lesbian desires," because her brain would be wired (if it even worked using just one guy) to find that specific setup to be appealing, and only guys close to it would set off all the proper connections to get her to change to "straight" for that guy.
But even if you use the logic that "well, shes looking for type guys, so its fine if shes ONLY attracted to them," the problem is the rest of the time she would be itnerested in women and the "lesbo-dar" would go off in the rest of the worthwhile men around her telling them to stay away, flagging her as some bisexual over-sexed "typical female cunt," thats best used for pump and dumps or perma-friendzoning her. In the end, leaving her exactly where she is now.
In short, your method wouldnt work